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02x03 - The Horizon

Posted: 12/30/23 20:20
by bunniefuu
I can handle myself around

sexy, charming doctor.

I know, I know. I'm just kidding.

BOTH: You don't f*ck your sources.

Hannah's gone. She

just kept getting worse.

Hey, how's that piece coming along?

It's not. It's supposed to be hopeful.

What about him?

Shift the focus to him, you know?

It could cost me my job, my reputation,

but I think it's worth the risk.

May I ask, is there

anything in particular

- that is concerning you?

- Oh, no, not at all.

I have complete faith

in your research, Doctor,

as well as my own.

Maybe we can build something together

that will make it all worthwhile.

I think we can.

But we need more patients.

Then let's find more patients.




I was raised to believe

that if you have a chance,

even one, you should take it.

These are the brave

patients who are stepping up

in the name of science,

and he is the daring doctor

who is determined to

give them that chance.

I think Hannah



All I need is to to help my patients.

And even in the face of failure,

we should keep hope alive.


- Thank you.


Thank you all so much

for coming tonight.

It really means a lot.


[SIGHS] I think a speech is in order.

And since our protagonist

is in the house,

Dr. Macchiarini, do you

want to come say a few words?

Come on!

Come on.


You must be tired of

listening to me already.

Um, "A Leap of Faith" is about

the patients other doctors

have given up on,

patients like Hannah Warren.

Her memory is the reason

why I will never, ever,

ever give up this work.

She is with me.

She's always with me. She's with us.

She is this beautiful

angel on my shoulder.

So many people think that

when you're exposed to death

and suffering every day,

you become immune.

But it's quite the opposite.

Every time I lose a patient,

my heart breaks into pieces.

But luckily,

I met someone who was

able to take those pieces

and put them back together.

And on Christmas night,

when I bent my knee, she said yes.

- ALL: Aw.

- [light laughter]

And, Benita, I have to tell you,

the title of this special is so fitting,

especially because it

brought us together

you and me.

You made me whole again, Benita.

You have given me the strength

to continue to give hope

to those who need hope

and to continue to try to

save those who can be saved.

And I thank you for that.

And I love you.

To "A Leap of Faith,"

and to you, my love.


- Welcome to the family.

- Thank you. Thank you.


Kim, can I talk to you?


- Thank you so much.

Thank you. Ah.

Kim! Come on.

Wait a second. That is not

how I wanted you to find out.

How exactly did you want me to find out?

I don't know. I don't

know, but not like that.

Yeah, seems like you've really

thought this all through.

And I knew it! I knew

there was something.

You've been MIA. You've been evasive.

I haven't seen Lizzi in forever.

I should have just

- I feel so f*cking stupid.

- Okay.

- I don't want you to think that

- I already think it.

You are a mentor to half

those kids at 30 Rock.

They look up to you.

God damn it, Benita.

What the hell were you thinking?

I never would have

thought it, not you, ever.

Okay, I get it. I get

that you're pissed.

Believe me, I've kicked the shit

out of myself about it, too.

I tried to deny it.

I tried so hard to stay away,

but then I just thought, why?

Why should I?

Because you don't cross those lines!

You don't make those mistakes!

It wasn't a mistake,

Kim. I'm telling you.

It's not like I was

just f*cking some source.

He's [SIGHS]

Oh, God.

Kim, when whenever I get

assigned some high-profile story

or I win some very fancy award,

everyone always tells

me, you really deserve it.

Well, then this good

thing comes into my world,

the real thing,

like, a real shot at

actually being f*cking happy.

Don't I deserve that, too?

Then why are you keeping it a secret?

Why are you hiding it from everybody?

From me?

Wouldn't you have been more pissed

if I dragged you into all of this?

No, Benita.

There's not a single scenario here

where I'm not pissed

and disappointed.

I got to go.


Okay, these are clean, and

I'm just setting them up here

'cause it's easier to reach.

They were fine where they were.

Okay, you just let me know

where things should go,

and I'll move heaven and Earth

Move heaven and Earth.

Just don't touch the

shit in my kitchen, okay?


- You need help with that bottle?

- No, I'm fine.

- I think that you do.

- I got it!

Let me help you with the bottle.

Let me please. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Do you have any idea

what you just started?

The special aired, okay?

And we had already agreed that after

No, no. We did not agree to that.

That in there was all you.

You shouldn't have done it like that.

It just

My crew, my friends,

everybody that I work with,

all in that room

Your friends should be happy for you.

Not when they find out like that, no.

You have to understand, we were keeping

this quiet for a

reason you know that.

- Keeping this quiet?

- Yes.

Why don't you call

it what it is? Hiding.


Keeping it quiet, hiding things

that's what we've been doing for months.

Is that what this

relationship is to you?

- Something to hide?

- No.

Just let me know so that I'm clear.

That's not fair. That's

not what this is about.

- It's just complicated.

- Complicated.

Being honest is not complicated, Benita.

You could have told Kim and

your friends on Christmas Day,

but you chose not to.

You chose to put the

ring back into the box.

You have any idea how

humiliating that is?

We've been living in

this fog for months,

and it's suffocating.

And, yeah, I know I shouldn't

have done it this way.

But it's out. It's done.

At least we can breathe.

[SIGHS] You're right.

You're right. I'm sorry.

I'm I'm really sorry.

This is not about you.

This is this is about

my job, my reputation,

everything I've been

working for my entire life,

- my ethical code.

- Oh, my God, no.

I know, I know, I know.

You're right. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I should have not done it this way.


But a wedding should be a happy thing.

It should be something to celebrate.

It will be. It will be.

You know what? Let's take a trip.

No. What?

Yeah, Lizzi's on school break, and

I think it's time for

you to meet my mother.

- Your mother?

- Mm-hmm.

- You want us to go to Italy?

- Mm-hmm.

I think that a vacation

would do us good.

It could

I don't know it

could slow things down,

put your mind at ease,

your heart at ease.

- This city makes people crazy.

- Mm-hmm.

Let's go.

What do you say?

I'll think about it.


I'll think about it.





Sorry. This is taken.



Oh, hi. Uh, I'll have, uh, one

[CLEARS THROAT] Uh, Polar Bear, please.


I'm sorry. That's taken.


Oh. Thank you.

You'd think the umbrella would be white,

you know, because Polar Bear.

You don't sense a theme?

Right, right.

Uh, anything to drink

for your invisible friend?

Real estate's in high demand today.

- I'm waiting on my wingman.

- Oh.

He wouldn't miss this game.

I always thought you were the wingman.


- Are you saying

I'm not the handsome one?

I didn't say that.

I'm Nate, by the way, Nate Gamelli.

I know.

Tab open, closed?



So what was the plan?

Sit here alone staring

at your empty stool

until I feel sorry

enough to take you to bed?

[STAMMERING] No. No, there's no plan.

American men are so much

braver in the movies.






Ana. [STAMMERS] You can't be here.

Uh, come, come into my office.

Dr. Macchiarini is asking

what happened with your trials.

We're still working on it.

You'll get a detailed

report, but I need time.

Anders, I've reviewed all

of his previous publications.

He's never experienced

results like this,

not with his patients or the

swine trials or in England.

So my trial is botched?

That's what you're implying?

All I'm saying is that any mistakes

could slow down our progress.

So can you please make

sure that doesn't happen?


This trial was nominal.

And in my opinion,

pretty damn unnecessary,

given the success with

the larger-animal trials.

And now it's a bloody bugger.

- A bugger?

- A problem.


We both have a lot at stake here.

If you find that, for whatever reason,

the study is invalid,

that's better than setting

us all back unnecessarily.

How's your son?

He's good. We've seen progress lately.

I'm glad to hear it.

I thought Sweden was playing today?

They are, but I'm too busy

for such an indulgence at the moment.

I read Mag Hellstrom isn't playing.

Not for the national team, no.

Yeah, they transferred

him to that tiny shit town

above the polar circle.

Now he's sitting on the reserve bench.

Ana, you're not going to

end up in the polar circle.

I better not.

All right, I'll leave you to it.

Keep me updated.





- Ciao.

- Mama!

- Oh!



- Benita.

- Oh, Benita.



- Lovely to meet you.

- Thank you. Thank you.



- Oh, yes.

- I love it.

- Oh, grazie, grazie.


Oh, prego, prego.


Oh, wow.


- Hey.

- This guy's got style.

Lizzi, that's, um that's the Pope.

That's Pope Francis.

- With Paolo? What?

- [LAUGHS] Si, si.


Uh, I'm sorry. You know the Pope?


San Luca


Uh, sur surgeon?

Yeah, the patron saint of surgeons.

- Si.

- Yeah.

Paolo, he be like, uh, San Luca.

Mm-hmm. Si.


- Mmm.

- Mm-hmm.

This is so much better than yours.

Ah, mothers always know.

How do you know I do not make the food?

Ah, no, no, no. I cooking food.

Marco only vino.

- No, he has his own vineyard.

- Oh.

- Molto bene.

- Hey, Mom.

- Grazie.

- Yeah?

Can I try some?

Just a little, tiny sip.

The lips. Just the lips.

- Molto bene.



- Oh, si.

- Very, very happy.

Last time this happy,

when Paolo come back

after his stupido arresto.

- Oh, basta.

- Arresto?

- You got arrested?

- Si.

Oh, I didn't see that

on your background check.

- No?

- Oh, si, si.



Speed limits are just suggestions to me.

- Let's leave it at that.

- Oh, okay.

So you were trying to impress

girls on your motorcycle.

Girls? What girls?

There's only one girl.



- Saluti!



- Cheers.

- You like that, right?



It's like a cocoon of color.

A cocoon of color I love that.


It's the perfect place to get married.

- Can you imagine?

- I can.

- Your mother would love that.

- Mm-hmm.

Would you?

Would you love it?

Are you serious?

Why do you think I brought you here?

This is a Catholic church, Paolo.

I know.

We're both divorced.

I'm not even Catholic.

This is going to be the last wedding

for both of us.


It should be like magic.

Who would even marry us?



No way.

If you want it

then, yes.

What's so funny about me

educating you on Pixar?

- Stop geeking, okay?


You are messing with her.

"Finding Chemo" is not

Pixar. It's gallows humor.

Dr. Macchiarini, please

tell my son to stop it.

No, I'm not going to interfere there.

See? See? Doc's on my side. Thank you.

Oh, Lord save me. I'm

going to have to smack you.

- Come on.

- I don't mean to interrupt.

Hi, I'm Dr. Gamelli.

I will be your post-op care physician.


- Nice to meet you.

- Yes.

Ladies, I'm heading to the cafeteria.

Would you like to join me for lunch?

- Yes.

- Oh, we'd love to.

Thank you, Dr. Macchiarini.

You, behave.

Oh, I see you're a fellow American.



Ah, the irony I'm

an American engineer.

Came all the way here to get

American-made tech in my chest.

Well, U.S. health care sucks.

And my mom had to dig into

her rainy-day piggy bank

just to pay for this thing.

She keeps saying, they call

it life savings for a reason.

- Mm.

- For what?

It says here, all you got's

terminal throat cancer.

[LAUGHS] My dad just say, shake it off.

Shake it off.

Well, at least you

got the Italian doctor

to make this trip worth your while.

What, you don't like my miracle man?

Oh, no, no.

- You're in good hands.


As long as you stay away

from the Swedish food.

Ah, damn. That fermented

herring, though.


I figured what doesn't

k*ll you makes you stronger.

- That will k*ll you.

- [LAUGHS] Got ya, Doc.

No Swedish fish.

But, uh

Swedish women, though?

Any advice?

You're talking to the wrong guy.

- What, nobody?

- Well, there's one girl.

Of course there's one girl. Come on.

I got shot down.

She told me that American men

are so much braver in movies.

That just means she wants

you to yippee-ki-yay that ass.

Sweep her up off her feet.

You know, tomorrow I'm

going into a 14-hour surgery.

They're going to

replace half of my chest.

What are you doing?


- Jack on queen.

- Yeah, I see it.

I see it.

I'll see you on the other side.

Hey, Doc, I mean it.

Go see about that girl, hmm?

[CHUCKLES] Jack on the queen.

I know what's going on over here.



Polar Bear?

Would you like to have dinner with me?

Are you asking me on a date?




Uh, in that case, just give me a bottle

of whatever's most likely

to cause a blackout.

[CHUCKLES] Dates are so American.

In Sweden, we like to

skip unnecessary steps.

My place

mm, 10:30.



- That works.

- Okay.


Oh! And you go like this.

And then like that.



Okay, call me anytime.

[GIGGLES] And ta-da.

- Hey, Paolo?

- [SIGHS] Yes?

What do I call you after the wedding?

Mm, what's wrong with Paolo?

Too formal.

Mm, what about Papa?

Papa. Okay.

[LAUGHS] Oh, bread.




Look at her.

I don't remember the last

time I saw her this happy.

There's so much pain behind her.


Maybe it's time to

leave that pain behind.



What if we could continue like this

at home in Barcelona


You want us to move to Barcelona?

It's warm and safe.

We don't have to lock our doors.

It's an incredible

place to raise a child.


I know you have your work in New York,

and I would never ask

you to leave it, but

but if you wanted, maybe

we could be a family there.


We've never even been

to your house before.

Well, then we'll go.

We'll go, you see if you like

it, and then you move in

with her.

I mean, it's free to dream, right?


You sound better than I expected.

There's a little fluid,

but we can clear that up.

Maybe your man performs

miracles after all.

What, you don't call this a miracle?

Polyethylene terephthalate

pipe in my chest,

fresh from the oven.

[CHUCKLES] I'm a biosynthetic dude now.

Those ladies better watch out.


- [LAUGHS] Oh, damn.

Hey, Doc, uh [CLEARS THROAT]

You do what I tell you?

[LAUGHS] Oh, shit.

I seen that smile. No, I seen it.

Don't try to hide it now.

You did. You got the girl.

This is your fault, Chris.

You implanted me with gallantry,

and now I have to suffer

from serious consequences.

You got me feeling like

a g*dd*mn teenager again.

[LAUGHS] Love, Doc.


Life is good when you believe

good things can happen.

You know, when I get out of here,

I want to start promoting

stem-cell research.

It saved my life. It's

going to help save others.

You know, before the op, it

was one day at a time, you know.

But now

it's the horizon, man, the horizon.

It's been a while since I

thought about the horizon.

Well, how can you in this place?

You get, like, three

hours of sunlight a day.

- Yeah.


Makes me wonder how Doc

Nate Gamelli from Jersey

- ended up here.

- Work.

Oh, right, because people

don't get sick in America.

They do.

They do.

My little sister, she was, uh

well, the only way to put

it is she was a victim.


U.S. health care.

She had lupus.

Her symptoms dragged on for

years before diagnosis, and

She was just a kid. She was 17.

And then insurance refused to pay, so

Yeah, yeah, people get sick.

Sorry, man.

Mm, I had my refuge.

I spent hours in the garage,

tinkering with the engine of my

old, rusty Plymouth Barracuda.

[LAUGHS] Just when I

was starting to like you.

- That was a great car.


I spent so much time

under that hood, I

I always thought that I would

become a mechanic, but

lo and behold, I swapped the screwdriver

for the scalpel.

And now look at you,

tinkering with the most

intricate engine in all of us.


You know

it seems like you spent so

much of your time working

on other people's hearts,

you neglected your own.



All right, got to go.

- Good game, Doc.

- I'll check in with you later.

All right. See you around.






I just can't believe your mom trusted us

- with the shopping list.

- Well, she trusted you.

- She's smitten with you.

- Ah.

No, she is.





I think we should go.



What was that about?

This is why I don't like

to come back to Italy.

You know, the medical

system is so corrupt here.

Everything is so corrupt.

You try to help people, and

they think you're their enemy.

Is he Mafia?

- The village doctor.

- Oh.

You know, it's like Luke 4:30.

When Jesus returned to His hometown,

an angry mob tried to

throw Him off the cliff,

but He walked right through

the crowd and went on His way.

So in this scenario, you're Jesus?

- I walked right into that one.




- Show me this market.

- Uh-huh. It's right here.



- Benita.

- Rosa.



Take good care of Paolo, si?

I promise.

- Ciao.

- Ciao.

Come on, sweetheart.


- Prego, prego.


- Ti amo.

- Thank you.



- Si.

- Ready?

- Ready.





Sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you.

You didn't frighten me.

You look like a painting

like Edgar Degas' "Woman in Her Bath."

Did Degas' woman have

a knot in her neck?

What's making you so tense?

- Nine hours on a plane.


And I decided on something.

Decided what?


I want to

go with you.

I want to move there and

start a life together.

- Do you?

- Yeah.


What about your work?

I can find other work.

But us being together,

a family, happy

That's all that matters.

I'm so happy to hear you say that.

So happy.

But, Paolo, this would be me

taking a really big chance.

- You know that, right?

- I know. I know. I know.

Giving up my whole life, my career,

taking Lizzi away from

everything she's ever known


It really terrifies me.

You terrify me.



I need to feel like this is what

I really think it is

you know?

There's so much about

you I don't know

about your work and

- your life.

- Mm-hmm.

And there's plenty you

don't know about me, too.

You feel this way because

we have been hiding

- from the world for so long.

- Mm-hmm.

Always apart.

But when you share a roof with a person,

you share everything.

Then let's share everything.

I mean it.

I want to know you better than anyone.

I want to know about the Pope, and


- The work stuff.

- The stupido arresto.


The good, the bad, the ugly, all of it.

That's all I ever wanted.




- Bye.

- Bye.

Bye, you guys. Bye.

Ah, I don't have to work tomorrow.

[LAUGHS] Cheers to 30 years

of you bitching about 30 Rock.


- 30 years?

f*ck you. [LAUGHTER]

- God.

- Cheers.

ALL: Cheers.


You came.

You said it was important.

I'm sorry I wasn't there this afternoon.

You're here now.

Okay, okay.

Hagan las paces.

You two are such drama queens.

I want to hear the big hush-hush news.

Okay, okay, okay.

This is very hush-hush.

We're not supposed to tell anybody,

but I never want to keep

anything from you ever again.

We found a priest for the wedding.

Mm-hmm. We did.

His name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio.

- Jorge Mario Ber

- The Pope?

Wait, the Jorge Mario Bergoglio?

- Yeah.

- As in Pope Francis?

- Paolo still calls him Jorge.


Wait, what?

You mean the P the

Pope is going to marry you?

The Pope.

Yeah, we've been

friends for a long time,

long before he was ever a pope.

I mean, there are pictures

of Paolo and the Pope

in his mother's f*cking living room.

- My God.

- Wait, how does that work?

You walk into the Sistine Chapel

with a six-pack

Jorge, I need a favor?


Well, basically, we were

looking for a priest, right?

A priest that would marry us regardless

of all the complications.

And he offered to do us the honors.

And he has married people before.

- I'm Googling this shit.

- I want to see this.

She didn't even believe

me at the beginning.

- I didn't.

- Oh, my God.

She's not lying.

T-the Pope did a group wedding ceremony.

But this Oh, my God.

This means the dress

Has to be fit for a Pope.

- Holy shit!

- Holy shit.

[LAUGHING] Oh, my God, Paolo.

You're like the the guy

the guy in the beer commercial.

BOTH: The most interesting

man in the world.


We're just so glad that

you that you're here,

that you're sharing this with us.

You mean the world

to Benita, all of you.

And now you mean the world to me.

And that is why there

is a last surprise.

- One more.

- What?

Because you just said

no more secrets, right?

So I want to be the

man deserving of you.

And although there are certain things

that not even a miracle man can do,

I can still learn, okay?

Don't judge me. Okay.



- No!

- It's taken a few lessons.

Far from perfect, but

let's see how it goes, okay?

Maybe you can give me some tips.

- Oh, my goodness.

- Let me try to guide you.


- What?

- This guy. This f*cking guy.

I'm telling you the most

interesting man in the world.

[FOREIGN ACCENT] I don't always dance.

But when I do, I dance salsa.


I have to admit, I am impressed.

- You asked for it.

- Yes.

- Okay.

- Be gentle.

- You don't want to be judged.

- You're the salsa pro.

- No, I'm sure I cannot, but

- You cannot, I'm telling you.

You can give me all the tips, so

- You're very smooth.

- Am I?


I only know this step. This one.

- I don't know the

- Back and forth.

- Yeah, not so much.

- Right?

- You got it, Paolo!

- Make a spin as a couple.

- You go to the side.

- Yeah, let's turn around.









Where's Chris Lyles?

He passed away last night.


I'm sorry.

He was doing fine.

- Post-op, he was fine.

- He was terminal.

He had six months, at least.

- Where's Macchiarini?

- He's out of the country.

What the hell happened?

Were there complications

with the transplant?

No. The transplant was successful.

He was just sicker

than any of us expected.

But he he wasn't.

It must be something

to do with the trachea.

He was terminal!

Nate, maybe you should take it easy.

You get too attached to your patients.

That won't lead anywhere good.


Maybe you're too detached.

God knows where the

hell that will lead you.


- Hi.

- Hi.

I'm so sorry. I know it's late.

- No, no, come on in.

- Okay.


- Ooh, wow.


- Is everything all right?

- Well, I-I don't know.

You tell me.

Was there

Did you change your

plans for the wedding?

No. Why?

I, um I found something today.

"Pope Francis will be traveling

to South America this summer,"

- all summer.

- And?

And? Benita, on your wedding day,

he's going to be in Asunción, Paraguay,

not Italy, not your wedding.

What? No.

The schedule has been out for months.


- You didn't know?

No, but

I mean, there has to be some

sort of explanation for this.

Let me [SIGHS] Where's my phone?



Hello. Hi, my love.

- I was missing you.

- Hi.

Yeah, me too. Hey, Paolo?

Um, Kim is here,

and it looks like the Pope

is supposed to be traveling

through South America

during our wedding.


Did you know about this?

I'm so sorry you had

to find out this way.

Found out what?

I didn't want to tell you

until I was back in New York.

There were some complications

with the Vatican,

some last-minute scheduling conflicts.

Uh-huh. Well, what does that mean?

I don't want to tell you

this on the phone, okay?

I'm flying back to New York tomorrow.

I'll explain everything in person, okay?

Everything will be fine.

- Trust me.

- Mm-hmm.

Okay. I'll see you soon.

- Okay.

- I love you.

Yep. All right.


Yeah, I guess there is some

issue with the schedule,


he doesn't really sound worried, so

- You just you just found this?

- Yeah.

Doing what, a-a casual confirmation

- of the Pope's schedule?

- Look, Benita

No, no, what I don't understand

is why my best friend

can't be happy for me.

I wasn't trying to find anything, okay?

I was doing my due diligence

Okay, you know what, Kim? I'm done.

I don't I'm tired.

I don't want to have

this conversation tonight.

- Okay.

- Okay.

- Okay.

- Yeah.

You know, we've been

through the shit together, B.

You've always had great instincts.

I'm just saying

maybe you should trust them.







Hey, it's Benita Alexander.

So I need you to look

into someone for me

beyond our normal checks, a deep dive


I don't think you're going

to find anything, but, um

The name is Paolo Macchiarini.