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02x01 - Like Magic

Posted: 12/30/23 20:19
by bunniefuu

Crowds have gathered

today to hear the verdict

of the Swedish police investigation

into celebrity surgeon

Paolo Macchiarini,

who has been accused

of medical misconduct.

Officials are hoping for an indictment

to be issued today in the case

that has taken the global

medical community by storm.






Do you trust me?



- Oh!

- Oh, my goodness!


Hello, Keziah.

The recellularization

is complete, Doctor.


Now I need you to count back from 100.



She was the one, she was the one ♪

She was the one. she was the one ♪



She was the one, she was the one ♪

I'm not here to talk about politics.

- Benita?

- Yeah?

Have you seen our girl?

sh**t! Mm.

- Happy birthday!

- Happy birthday!



- Oh. You're ringing.




Always making such a racket, B.

Says the guy dragging me

to the hospital at 1:00 a.m.

What happened?

Ask him.


- Is he okay?

- Yes.

- Uh, is this your wife?

- BOTH: Ex.

Okay, well, John was admitted

after he was found

unconscious in his apartment.

I've left word for your oncologist,

but this is likely

caused by the brain tumor.

So does that mean the

treatment is not working?

It doesn't mean anything for sure.

But your doctor has

discussed your prognosis?

Yeah, we know. My chances are slim.

6%. 6%.

That's the number they love

to throw around all the time,

but someone's got to be the 6%, right?

Right. [SIGHS]

Well, I'll go check your bloodwork.

- Just, uh, sit tight.

- Yeah, I'll be right here.

You look good, B.

It was Kimmy's birthday tonight.

Well, I saved you

from a wicked hangover.

- [CHUCKLES] Yeah.

- You're welcome.

So what do we tell Lizzi?

We wait.

You just started this

round of treatment.

We don't have any of the answers yet,

- so I think we wait.

- Okay.

Okay. Yeah.

But, Benita

I'm sick.

Someone's got to be the 6%, John.



- Morning, Benita.

- Morning, Larry.

- This is for me, right?

- Yep.

Thank you.

- Morning, Benita.

- Good morning.

- Oh, I have pitches for you.

- Great.

- Lunch?

- Sure.

- Meet you in the commissary?

- Yuck. See you then.

- Oh, you have my fugitive story?

- Uh

Tomorrow. I mean it.

- Ah, good morning to you.

- I did sh*ts.

- Yeah, you did.


- Sorry I had to take off.

- Oh, God, please.

You don't need

I'm sorry.

- How is he?

- The same.


- We can skip the condolences.

Sure, whatever you need.

Aw, that's pretty.

Those are John's.

He asked me to look after

them while he's, you know

Those are his favorite.

[SIGHS] Work is good.

Work is good. Work is good.

Copy that. Work is good.

I've been trying to get an angle

on this medical piece for

a TV special I'm producing.

Generational medicine?

- Regenerative medicine.

- Sure.

I read this piece in "The Times"

about this little girl

who needs a new windpipe,

and her family's working

with this doctor in Europe

who's developing artificial organs.

Medical miracles?

Ooh, I hate that word "miracle."

- I don't hate this guy.

- That's the doctor.

He's actually got a

pretty impressive CV.

He's worked all around the world,

published in "The Lancet,"

research grants out of Karolinska.

It's where they give

out the Nobel Prize.

- Hmm.

- And he's Italian.

Mm. Roma or Olive Garden?

I don't know.


who are we today?

Oh. [CHUCKLES] Bina.

- That's cute.

- So this little girl

she lives in this tiny town, Yongsan-gu.

- Korea?

- Yeah.

But she's coming to the States

for her surgery that's her.

That's Hannah Warren.

This is a really good story, B.

- It is, right?

- Mm-hmm.

I like it. It's

it's really hopeful.


Yeah, this is worth missing lunch for.

f*ck off. This guy's brilliant.

- Did you read the material?

- I'm getting there.

It's really interesting.

- You having trouble there?

- [CHUCKLES] A little bit.

- I think it's this one here.

- Ah, this one, yeah.

- Okay.

- There you go.

- All good?

- Yeah, all good, yeah.

- It works.

- Awesome. Thank you.

Okay, great.


colleagues, good afternoon.

It's great to see

such a wide spectrum of

fields represented here today.

I only wish some of my own lectures

- could get crowds like this.


Now, I'm sure you're all eager to hear

from Karolinska's newest addition.

He is a professor, researcher,

and thoracic surgeon

Dr. Paolo Macchiarini.


Thank you, Provost Hedley.

I'm simply happy that

you will have me here

working in this incredible institution.

"God breathed into

Adam the breath of life,

and he became man"

Genesis 2:7.

Breath is the essence of life,

the one thing that comes naturally

to all of us from birth to breathe.

When a patient has a damaged trachea,

our options, unfortunately,

have been very limited.

Tracheostomies allow

patients to live, yes,

but with what quality of life?

The focus of my research

is tracheal transplants

with the help of stem cells

"the God cells" as they

have been called recently.

We harvest the donor

trachea from a cadaver

and strip it of the donor cells.

Then we reseed the organ

with the patient's stem cells,

preparing it for implantation.

I have successfully

applied this technique

to multiple patients around the world

most recently to a 19-year-old patient

named Keziah Shorten in London.

She was diagnosed with

adenoid cystic carcinoma

and only had months to live.

Now, two months after the operation,

she's healthy and happy

with her donor trachea.

This is an exciting step,

but it is still a very flawed process.

Why? Because of the donors.

We always have to wait for

the perfect-size trachea.

So I thought, what if we skip that step?

And so we did.

We were able to eliminate

the donors altogether

by developing biosynthetic tracheas

custom-designed to fit

the individual patient.

Using the same process,

we seed the trachea

with the patient's stem cells,

transforming it into a living organ.

We have conducted swine trials

with just incredible results.

- Look at those happy pigs.


And that brings us here today,

where I'm happy to announce

the final phase of our work

the very first human

biosynthetic transplant

to take place right here at Karolinska.

Once we conquer the trachea,

we'll be able to expand

our work to heart valves,

blood vessels, even entire organs.

The potential for this

technology is endless.

Imagine for a moment

buying a 3D-printed organ

off the shelf,

like groceries from a supermarket.

Imagine a world where no

human being will ever die

while waiting for an organ donor.

Imagine this

the future of medicine

the future that we will build together.

Thank you.



Ah, Dr. Lasbrey, let me introduce you.

- Dr. Macchiarini.

- Oh, please call me Paolo.

- Paolo, wonderful to meet you.

- Thank you.

I've been following

your research closely,

since your first bronchus

transplants in Barcelona.

Oh, thank you. That's very flattering.

Uh, Dr. Lasbrey's a

cardiothoracic surgeon.

Uh, she's been working

on some stem-cell-regeneration

research of her own.

- Oh.

- My focus is vascular repair

blood vessel regeneration.

I've had some progress,

but I never thought

to recellularize a bioartificial graft.

Do you build the scaffolds

to replicate the porousness

- of real tracheal cartilage?

- Exactly.

So you're basically tricking the body

into thinking the implant's

already a part of you.


haven't really thought

about it that way, but,

yes, that's exactly it, yeah.

- It's brilliant.

- Oh.

The broad applications

for technology like this

How? H-h-how do you trick them?

More specifically,

h-how does a synthetic

cell create blood vessels,

uh, basal layers, and fend off bacteria?

And this is Dr. Gamelli,

also one of our cardiothoracic surgeons.

He'll be in charge

of post-operative care

for any patients you

bring to Karolinska.

- What's up?

- Very nice to meet you.

Dr. Gamelli, I could walk you through

the research again, if you like.

That's very thoughtful of you.

Yes, well, we are hopeful

that Dr. Macchiarini's research

will establish Karolinska

as the world leader in

regenerative medicine.

Perhaps he'll even bring the Nobel home.

Oh, well, we're just at

the beginning of our work.

But the implications

for future transplants

are historic.

Dr. Lasbrey, would you

would you be interested

in assisting on the

first transplant patient?

"Interested" isn't

exactly how I'd put it.

Then it's done.

Oh, thank you, really. I-I'm honored.

Welcome to the team. [CHUCKLES]

I do wonder, as it

relates to my research,

how are the grafts

transformed into living cells?

How do they come alive?

[SIGHS] It's, uh

it's like magic.






You were supposed to be here

at 3:00, Dr. Macchiarini.

I'm so sorry. I was riding,

and I went over a bridge

that was supposed to

take me to Brooklyn,

when, in fact, I was

already in Brooklyn.

So that bridge took me to Staten Island,

which was very interesting

but very far away.

So I'm deeply, deeply

sorry to keep you waiting.

I guess picturing you on that bike

crossing the Verrazzano Bridge

might be punishment enough.

[CHUCKLES] Verrazzano

Bridge is the name?

- Can I get you something, sir?

- Um, an espresso with sugar.

Regular sugar or, um



- Ah, oui.

- Okay.



I mean, sugar is sugar, as

long as it's sweet, okay?

Merci beaucoup.

How many languages do you

speak, Dr. Macchiarini?

Um, one I speak okay, six very poorly.

- Which one is okay?

- No one will tell me.


Do you bring that everywhere you go?

That is rented guilty pleasure.

Why guilty?

Do you ride?

Uh, I did, a long time ago.

Well, maybe you will ride again.

As I said on the phone,

I'm producing a special

on regenerative medicine,

and I'm very interested

in your upcoming

operation on Hannah Warren.

- Is this okay?

- Yeah.

Tell me about it.

She was born with a congenital anomaly

called tracheal agenesis.

- Very rare.

- Mm.

Her windpipe never fully developed,

so she's never been able

to breathe on her own.

She's never been able to

even leave the hospital.

It's a tragedy.

She's stuck in a bed,

not being able to

to go outside, to play,

to to run, to eat lollipops

to be a kid.

Do you have children?

I have a 9-year-old daughter.

Can you imagine

if your daughter never

tasted a lollipop?

- No. No, I can't.

- Yeah, that's that's Hannah.

Do you mind if we

Should we take a walk outside?

- Sure.

- Yeah.

- I think it's better, yeah.

- Okay.

So this is the first artificial

trachea transplant in the U.S.,

and you chose Chicago because

of Hannah's pediatrician?

Yes. He works at a Catholic hospital,

and they're funding the operation.

The Catholic Church doesn't mind

supporting stem cell research?

Well, actually there is, uh

there is a high commission

at the Vatican involved

in stem cell research.

- Really?

- Yeah.

It's not only that.

They really want to help Hannah.

They they believe she's

been sent to us by God.

Sent to you for a miracle?

Is that what you want to be

known for performing miracles?


That sounds a little a little too

What's the word you

use here? Um, h-hokey?

- Hokey, yeah.

- Hokey, yeah, sounds

Just a little hokey, Dr. Macchiarini.

- Too much.

- So, even though

you've performed this operation before,

Hannah will be the

youngest patient of yours

to ever receive a

biosynthetic transplant.

That's correct.

Does that give you pause?

I've been thinking lately

that my entire career,

maybe even my entire life

has led me here

to this little girl,

who definitely needs

this more than anyone.

It's still an extremely

experimental procedure.

Yeah, it is. It's new. It's complicated.

It's a little controversial.

We have to fight really

hard to get permission

to operate here in the U.S.

But without it, Hannah

will certainly die.

So, if there's one

chance to save one person,

I think it's worth the risk.

So I'm doing a story,

and I want Hannah's journey

to be the focus of the piece.

Actually, I was hoping that

you might be able to put me

in touch with the Warrens directly.

- Okay, I'll see what I can do.

- Great.

All right, Doctor, it's

officially after work hours.

I have to go pick up my daughter.

- What's her name?

- Her name is Lizzi.

- Lizzi.

- Mm.

Well, I hope I get to hear

more about her next time we meet.

I hope you're on time next time we meet.






Okay, driving car, honking, beep, beep.

Cars, uh, traffic? Traffic! Traffic.

- Okay, traffic.

- Okay, okay.

Wait, where'd we go?

Butter bread? Toast?

Peanut butter?

Traffic traffic peanut butter!

Okay, time's up.

- Traffic jam!

- ALL: Oh!

Traffic jam!

I love traffic peanut butter, though.

- But she was like, yes.


All right, it's bedtime for one of us.


No, I gave you an

extra half hour, kiddo.

Come here.


- Mom, I can't breathe.

I know, but I'm gonna be at the airport

when you wake up in the morning,

and Laura's gonna take you to school.

Why can't Daddy just take me?

'Cause he's still not feeling well.

But we're gonna go visit

him as soon as I get back.

I promise you, okay?

All right, brush,

jammies, wash, bed, please.

I'll be right in.


- [SIGHS] I'm a monster.

- Stop it.

How long are you gonna be in Chicago?

Too long.

You would think that

leaving would get easier,

but it does not.

Well, maybe you can distract

yourself by playing doctor.

- Oh, stop it.


- Is he single?

- Divorced.

Ah, see? Look at you checking his stats.

Don't be ridiculous. He's a source.

Not even a sexy, charming doctor source

is worth getting fired over.

Uh, if I can handle myself

around sexy, charming Obama,

I can handle myself around

sexy, charming doctor.

I know, I know. I'm just kidding.

BOTH: You don't f*ck your sources.

- Thank you.

- Well, he's not my source.

So, if you need an Italian translator,

just put in a good word for me.

- Oh.

- If it comes up naturally.

- If it comes up naturally.

- I'm just saying.

- Yeah.



Hey, that doesn't sound

like brushing to me.

Okay, okay.


How's John?

You know.

Getting worse?

I don't know what I'm gonna do, Kim.

You're a great mother, B. Just

follow your instincts.

I don't think I have instincts

when it comes to something like this.





Svensson scientist.

Macchiarini genius.


Well, that is an

interesting way to say hello.

Hi, I'm Paolo.

Not so much a genius.

Anders Svensson, not so much scientist.

- He's a little shit.


Oh, I'm delighted to

meet you, Dr. Macchiarini.

Thank you.

The whole building is zzz

buzzing about your arrival.

I'm sorry to have missed your lecture.

I've been busy with my

friends here, I'm afraid

- a heart study.

- Yeah, yeah, not at all.

I'm actually very glad to meet you.

I read your research on

progenitor cell functions

in skin regeneration

- very interesting.

- Thank you.

- So these are your friends.

- Yes.

Eric, Gunnar.

- So you give them names.

- Ah, busted!


- Well, I

I know maybe I shouldn't,

but sitting in these labs all day,

it all quickly become numbers,

gene strains in your head.

It's easy to forget we deal

with real life and death.

So I name the rats.

So here's Mikael 7.

He's a bit of a rascal.


- Lost his appetite.

So, Doctor, um, I'm very sorry

to come to you right away

with a favor, but here I am.

No, uh, please.

I was wondering if

you would be interested

in collaborating on rat

trials to test our tracheas.


Ooh, I'd be honored. I

But if I've heard correctly,

you've already completed swine trials.

Yeah, and they went very well,

but, you know, the

more trials, the better.

I couldn't agree more.

Ah, methodology is a lost art.

So you will be interested

in conducting the trials?

- Ooh-cha-cha!


Absolutely. I'd be honored.

Yeah, fantastic. Welcome to the team.







- My key card's not working.

- Mine neither.

Well, the woman said

she'd be right back.

I don't know I thought I'd try

to get a little work

done in the meantime.

- Gambling?

- What?

- Are you a gambler?

- Oh, no. [CHUCKLES] No.

These are these

are conversation cards.

What is that?

They're kind of like

conversation starters.

- May I?

- Yeah, yeah.

I I found them when I was young.

They were my grandmother's, I think.

My family's a little

But, uh, they're kind of my

secret w*apon for interviews.

- Mm, they are?

- BOTH: Mm-hmm.

Yeah, people get nervous when

they have to answer questions.

Ah, of course.

And this kind of makes

it like a little game.

- I just say, pick a card.


I don't know. I think it works.

Ah, I'm sure they do.

Your subjects are so relaxed,

it's like they're not even on camera.

- Thank you.

- Yeah.

You are very good on camera, you know.

No, no, not at first.

I could use your cards.

Actually, I-I did.

I did use one of them on you already.

- You did?

- Mm-hmm.

Mm, yeah.


"If you could be famous for

one thing, what would it be"?

And you never answered the question.

- And I'm never going to.

- [CHUCKLES] Okay.

Well, then go ahead

and pick another card.

Go for it.

"Tell me a story about

your childhood fear."


Well, life was difficult

when I was a boy.

My mom is Italian,

but I never really felt Italian myself.

It was just the two of us.

We moved very often.

Spain, of course, but before

that, it was Switzerland.

And that was lonely.

That feeling, that was my fear

being an immigrant,

underestimated, isolated.

I held on to that feeling

for a very long time,

and and I never wanted

to feel that way ever again.

Miss, I'm so sorry for the delay.

- Oh, thank you.

- You're welcome.

Uh, miss, sorry, could

you help me, too, please?

- Oh, yes, of course.

- Thank you.

I thought you were gonna

say spiders or something.


Yeah, here's the pink one.

Or should we do that?

She was, um she was

blue when she came out.

And, uh, we, uh we

just we begged her.

We said, cry, baby girl, cry.

And, um, they were able to

find a, uh a tiny hole

leading to her lungs there,

but they said she would never

leave the hospital, you know,

that she wouldn't survive.

So I, um I did a, uh, uh

I did I did a Google search

on on trachea surgeries,

and I just started seeing more and more

about Dr. Macchiarini's

groundbreaking transplants

you know, the Miracle Man.


So she just needs one thing, right?


And that's a windpipe right there.

And then everything's

going to be fine, okay?

We will monitor her for a few more days

while we prepare the trachea.

We have discussed the details

at length, the risks.

It is a very difficult surgery.

We have tried everything.

You were the only one willing.

You were the only one who gave us hope.

You are the one who will

give her a chance to live.


- I will try my best.


- Believe me.

- Okay.


- Yeah, thanks.


Hello, Hannah.

Right? Hmm, Hannah?




I have sort of a

tradition when I travel.

I like to eat paella.

It's kind of like a good-luck thing.

It reminds me of home.

Anyway, there's a restaurant,

a good one, close by.

Maybe you want to join me?


- Yeah?

- That that sounds great.

- Hey, guys?

- Hmm?

You want to join the

doc for dinner tonight?

- Sure, sounds good.

- Let's do it.

Okay, yeah, just text me the address.

- Okay.

- Yeah.


- All right, let's go.






You didn't eat tonight.

You were watching me eat?

No, I was watching you not eat.


Is there anything I can do

about what is making you so sad?

How do you know I'm so sad?

Anyone who's really looking could see.

It's my ex-husband, John.

It started with the headaches

and then the fainting

and forgetting, and

and then they started throwing

around the word "terminal."

- Glioblastoma?

- Yeah.

Is it operable?

No, the the tumor is too

deeply embedded in the

No, it's not.

I'm sorry.

And, you know, with our daughter

- Lizzi.

- Lizzi, yeah.

You know, even though

we're not together,

it's always been the three of us.

Mm, I understand.

I have two children.

They're grown now, but when

their mother and I divorced,

it was difficult.

But, you know, children are

much stronger than we think.

Look at Hannah.

I just keep second-guessing myself

what to tell her, if I should tell her.

And then I get pissed

because I don't want to have

to tell her anything, you know?

And then I think, maybe I shouldn't,

because I've been doing

all of this research.

And, you know, 6%

that's what they keep telling us, 6%.

Someone's got to be the 6%, right?


I have seen far too much death

sudden, expected, certain.

You know your daughter,

so you know what's best.

But to be able to say goodbye

that is a gift.



- Hi.

- Hey, welcome back.

She's in her room.

[GASPS] Mom, you're home early!

- Yeah. Just for the day.

I have to go back tomorrow.

Oh, my God, so I have to tell you this,

'cause I was going to

tell you this last night

whenever we talked.

But I wanted to see what happened today

so I can tell you the whole story.

[GASPS] I can't wait

to hear all about it.

But first, I wanted to

talk to you about your dad.



It's that first door up here.

Knock, knock.


Hi, sweetheart.

Vasilyev to Orlov, to Orlov again.



- You losing?

- Hey, there you are.

No, no, no, we're ahead.

Those Russian bastards,

they can't stop Zlatan.

- Skol.

- Cheers.

- Happy Hump Day happy hour!

- You're embarrassing.







You want me to ask her out for you?

- No, don't

- Hey, hey, hey.

It would be nice

for Wilma and I to

have couples for dinner.

Well, I'm washing my

hair that night, so




I heard you joined

Macchiarini's research team.

Yes, new rat trials.

- Uh, he, uh uh

- What?

Well, I thought the point of our

[SHOUTING] Hump Day happy hour

[NORMAL VOICE] Is that you

don't have to talk about work.

I'm a complicated man, Anders.


Sorry. Apologize for that, my language.


Yeah, his work is exciting, no?



Your lack of interest is

decidedly uninteresting.

You think everyone is "meh."

The science doesn't seem sound.

Well, you know, it's not exactly

your kind of science no offense.


I said, no offense.

I will admit I don't get it.

I don't understand

how a-a plastic trachea

can produce its own blood supply.

- Well, stem cells.

- That's just it.

Stem cell research,

regenerative medicine

it's it's like an arms race.

Everybody's scrambling

for the most patents,

the most grants, who

can make the most money.

That's not how medicine works.

It's not how it should work.

If I wanted that world, I

could have stayed in New Jersey.


That's a penalty every day in the week.

Oh, sorry, you were

you you were talking to me?


Hey, I agree with you on the science.

But this is the way it works.

Competition fuels progress.

Now a lovely play, through across



I-I Hey, oh, oh, hey!



All right.



I'm going I'm going to

make it warm because it's cold.

See, it's cold. [CHUCKLES]

Okay, Hannah, breathe.

Breathe in with me. [INHALES DEEPLY]


You want me to check her, too?




me to take that out?

Hmm? Yeah?



- We will tomorrow, yeah?



Uh, could I get a glass of Malbec

to take up to my room, please?

- Thanks.

- Sure.

- Hi.

- Hi.

Is that Hannah's file?


Just going through the details again.

You seem to have a lot of rituals.

I didn't realize surgeons

were so superstitious.

It's more like a prayer.

It doesn't matter how many times

I perform these operations,

I always get nervous.

You think you're prepared,

but there can always be

something that you miss

that can cost a life.


cannot imagine the stress.

Someone's life in your hands

But I have watched you for a while now,

and the people around

you, your patients

you really give them hope.

They trust you.

Maybe you should trust you.


Good night, Doc.









She's okay?

The surgery went well.



There were no complications,

but she'll be asleep for a while longer.

What do we do now?

Now we wait.

Okay, Hannah, you're going

to give us a deep breath.


[WHISPERING] Another one.



[NORMAL VOICE] So how are

you feeling, then, huh?

- Good!


She's feeling good.

We have a little present for you.

Look, look.


Ah, what's that?

Oh, wow.

Go ahead, honey. Yeah.


- It tastes good, yeah?

- Oh.

She loves it.

It tastes good.


- Hi.


- Got some ice, huh?

- Uh-huh, yeah.

Today was

[SIGHS] Unlike anything I've ever seen.


So you're happy with

the ending of your story?

It's hopeful, which is

what I was hoping for, yeah.

What you did

It was a miracle.

I wanted to say thank you

For what you said to me the

night before the operation.

Those words

they were more important

than you could possibly know.


[SOFTLY] Paolo, I shouldn't.