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01x07 - Feet of Clay

Posted: 12/30/23 20:16
by bunniefuu


♪ And you measure for wealth ♪

♪ By the things you can hold ♪

♪ And you measure for love ♪

♪ By the sweet things you're told ♪

♪ And you live in the past ♪

♪ Or a dream that you're in ♪

♪ And your selfishness ♪

♪ Is your cardinal sin ♪

♪ And you want to be held ♪

♪ With highest regard ♪

♪ It delights you so much ♪

♪ If he's trying so hard ♪

♪ And you try to conceal ♪

♪ Your ordinary way ♪

♪ With a smile or a shrug ♪

♪ Or some stolen cliché ♪

♪ But don't you understand ♪

♪ And don't you look about ♪

♪ I'm trying to take nothing from you ♪

♪ So why should you act so put out ♪

♪ For me? ♪

♪ 'Cause emotionally ♪

♪ You're the same basic trip ♪

♪ And you know that I know ♪

♪ Of the times that you slip ♪

♪ So don't try to impress me ♪

♪ You're just pins and paint ♪

♪ And don't try to charm me ♪

♪ With things that you ain't ♪

♪ And don't try to enchant me ♪

♪ With your manner of dress ♪

♪ 'Cause a monkey in silk ♪

ADA Shughart.

♪ So measure for measure ♪

Thank you.

♪ And when I won't see you ♪

♪ Then measure it dead ♪

♪ 'Cause don't you understand ♪

♪ And don't you look about ♪

♪ I'm trying to take ♪

♪ Nothing from you ♪

♪ So why should you act so put out ♪

♪ And sit there in wonder and doubt ♪

♪ For me? ♪


Are you under the influence of

any dr*gs or alcohol today?

No, sir. [LAUGHS]

I just woke up from a

nap when y'all came by.

That's why I'm still in my pajamas.

I see.

Well, we would like to

hear your side of things.

But first thing is you've been charged

with five counts of aggravated as*ault

and one count of harm

to an elderly person.

So you have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and

will be used against you

in a court of law.

You have the right to an attorney.

If you cannot afford an attorney,

one will be appointed to you.

Do you understand these rights?


And you waive your right to a lawyer?


Okay, then.

Can we walk you through these charges?

I've got every case memorized.

I can tell you everything you

need to know about my patients.

But start here.

Every single surgery I

performed was textbook.

Okay, then.

Stan Novak.

Mr. Novak.

Presented with severe neck pain.

He had difficult insurance.

I was helping him out.

There was significant bleeding,

but luckily, I was able to see

that there was some tissue

growing on the bone.

Appeared to be cancerous,

so I aborted surgery,

sent it off to biopsy,

got him closed up and off the table.

And was it?

Was it



No. Neck muscle.

But abnormal.

It appeared to be cancerous.

Anything else?

Well, my staff is responsible

for counting the number of sponges

that are used in surgery,

and they were all accounted for.

But in post-op, I discovered

that a member of my staff

had left a sponge in his neck.

They should be held responsible.

Cindy Tremblay was a

very heavyset woman.

I can prove that.

Surgery was textbook. Lower back pain.

I'd have preferred to

do minimally invasive,

but she was such a heavyset woman

that the hole was large. [LAUGHS]

That caused some bleeding.

I inserted the pedicle screw,

but it drifted a little bit off midline.

But that happens in

about 6% of surgeries.

- Sixty?

- Six.

I make sure everything

is done exactly right.

She was only in a hospital

for a couple days.

Never complained. Textbook surgery.

Shelley Brennan.

The anesthesiologist gave her fentanyl,

so there were complications

associated with that.

Shelley Brennan died from blood loss.

But the anesthesiol

that that wasn't a

a surgery problem.

What about Dorothy Burke?

You know, Madeline Beyer

and Dorothy Burke

is a large part of the reason

I came down today.

You came down today?

I just thought it was medically ethical

for me to report those

cases to the board

to the to the to the police.

Because somebody has

to be held accountable.

That's criminal.

On the hospital.

Mrs. Beyer I mean, Mrs. Brennan

my my my surgery

from the previous day

was still in recovery.

And they just kept on coming in.

And coming it's very distracting.

If I had just been allowed to

follow my surgical training,

you know, and then

my my medical staff

was also, um, working against my wishes,

which is very distracting.

And I was trying to help her.

And I do have to say,

these allegitations of of drug use?

I voluntary


I voluntary, um, voluntary drug tests,

hair and urine,

through this entire time.

Never failed a drug test.


In the first 22 years of my career,

I never had any any suggestions

or allegations of drug tests.

But now all of a sudden,

there's this this comment.

[LAUGHS] This mention.

And that's coming from them, obviously.

They are conspiring against me.

Who's conspiring against you?

Dr. Randall Kirby

and Dr. Robert Henderson.



Look, I just came down

here to visit my boy.

I'm going back to Denver tonight.

Dr. Duntsch, you're under arrest.

We have to book you.

And you'll be seen by a judge

and taken to holding to

await your bond hearing.

So I can't go home?


Hello. This is a free call

from Dallas County

Correctional Facility.

- Hello?

- Dad.


The police came by, picked me up.

[SIGHS] What is it this time?

They're confused, Dad, okay?

It's those accusations, my patients.

It's all ridiculous. I need

you to come down here.

Down to Dallas.

The bond hearing's on Tuesday.

What exactly did they charge you with?

Elder abuse.

Elder abuse? How?

I told you. It's ridiculous.

But I just need you to come down.


And it's probably gonna be expensive.

Yeah. Don't worry about that.

I need to get out of here.

I should be working.

I just need to get my medical

license approved in Colorado.

Your medical license?

Yeah, yeah, make some money,

hire an elite legal team

to expose this conspiracy

bullshit for what it is:

professional jealousy

and desperate slander.

We'll figure something out.

- Tuesday.

- I'm on my way.


- Dad?

- Yeah?

I love you.





Hi, Mrs. Brennen.

You'll be okay.

Tubular retractor.


Dr. Morgan, tubular retractor.


Tubular retractor.









I need to see Duntsch.

Shelley Brennan's blood

pressure plummeted.


It happens.

You stabilize the patient

and keep on moving.

Is that what you did?

Stabilize Miss Brennan?


Are you trying to blame me?

I'm trying to understand how

a simple one-level laminectomy

ends up with a dead patient.

That surgery was perfect.

We were in and out in 50 minutes.

She was in DIC within three hours.

Her body covered in hives.

That sounds like an

allergic reaction to me.

That's an anesthesiology complication.

You've had quite a few

anesthesiology problems.

What exactly are you implying?

You're not gonna deflect this one.

I don't think I like

your tone, Miss Piel.

I came here to tell you face-to-face

that you are done at Baylor.

Effective immediately.


I'm not leaving.

Do you think I'm asking your permission?

The burden of proof is bouncing

all over your court right now.

I haven't done anything

that warrants a termination.

James, Sweeney, Padua, Summers.

I was investigated and cleared.

If you fire me now, that's

a breach of our contract.

Don't make this ugly.

Bow out gracefully.


- Who are you calling?

- My lawyer. Lawyers, in fact.

You think you can win a

fight against Big Baylor?

I'm not fighting Big Baylor.

I'm fighting you.

I have a right to defend myself.

I'm not intimidated by you.


Let me have one more case.

There's no scenario that I

let you back into my hospital.

Give me one more case,

- and I'll let you observe.

- Not a single doctor or nurse

is willing to work with you.

You're radioactive.

You recruited me from MISI.

I wasn't even thinking

about coming to Baylor.

I accelerated operations

to fill the day.

- Bring in money.

- What do you want?

- You know exactly what I want.

- You won't get it. I want you gone.

- You have to be gone.

- Okay. Fine.

Then we're negotiating.

I'll resign.

You'll write me a recommendation.

That's not up to me. It's up to legal.

Whatever it is, we'll

protect Baylor Plano.

Because we did nothing wrong.





[KNOCKS ON DOOR] Knock, knock.

What is the status of our

application for privileges

over at Dallas Medical Center?

Why? What happened?

Oh, nothing. It's just exhausting

working for people

with limited mental capacity.


Baylor's out.

Will you follow up with DMC?



The defense is requesting

bond, is that correct?

That's correct, Your Honor.

However, the state's motion for $600,000

is not just generally egregious,

but particularly inappropriate

in this matter.

Dr. Duntsch is currently unemployed.

And as you can see from

his bank accounts,

submitted as exhibit four,

that his personal assets

do not allow for such a bond

to be met at this time.

- State's response?

- The state agrees.

$600,000 is not appropriate.

We're filing to deny bond altogether.

The state's request is beyond the pale.

Denying bail for a doctor?

A doctor charged with serious and

flagrant damage to his patients.

Christopher Duntsch is a flight

risk and a danger to society.

As it relates to Dr. Duntsch

being a flight risk,

he has ties to the community,

a home, and a child.

And as far as his privileges

are concerned,

Dr. Duntsch has refrained

from practicing medicine

from the moment his

reputation and credentials

were so baselessly questioned.

Well, I guess, then, at this time,

the state would like to call

Donald Duntsch to testify.

Objection. Your Honor. [LAUGHS]

Don Duntsch is present in court

today in support of his son.

He's not prepared to be called.

Miss McClung, Donald Duntsch

is on the state's witness list.

It's the state's prerogative

to call him when they wish.

It's your responsibility to prep

your witnesses beforehand.



We appreciate you being

here today, Mr. Duntsch.

Where did you travel in from again?

We live outside Denver, Colorado.

Well, that must be hard to

have Christopher so far away.

Well, Chris has chosen

to stay near his family.

His son.

And I'm proud of him for that.

You seem to place a great deal of import

on integrity in your life.

I like to think so, yes.

Mr. Duntsch, is Christopher trying

to get his medical license back?


Well, I think, at one point,

he would have liked that to happen.

But you know, now, with

all that's going on

So you don't know if his medical license

was about to be reinstated?

To be specific,

a Colorado medical license?


I can't say, um, decisively.

I, uh that's not something

he and I talk about a lot.

That's a hard one for me to answer.

I I don't know.

Mr. Duntsch, did Christopher tell you

he wants to make bond

so that he can go back to work

and raise money for a defense?

Yes. I suppose that's true.

Doesn't this all point to

the fact that Christopher,

despite his bad outcomes,

will continue practicing

medicine, no matter what?


- Get the f*ck away from my house!

- [g*n CLICKS]

So I walk out of my office,

- and I'm like, "Where's Kim?"

- Enough.

And all I get are blank

stares. Confusion.

- She just walked out.

- Are you high?

I gave you the chance

to get in, ground up.

And you just walked out.

You walked out on me,

walked out on the empire.

You're g*dd*mn right I did.

And seriously?

You're slithering around my house?

How sad.

You're making this pretty

f*cking easy, Chris.

I'm filing a restraining

order against you.

Stay away.

You never had an empire.


You never will.





Keepin' busy in the place ♪

Fort Greene Mission Posse ♪

2Love's in the house ♪

South Bronx ♪

To the girl Chris ♪







[GRUNTS] Shit.

We should be celebrating.

Defense will argue this

isn't a criminal case.

They'll say it should be settled

in malpractice court.

- How do we counter that?

- I've talked to his patients.

Their stories, anyone with half

a heart will feel for them.

And what's the "but"?

This isn't just about

his medical skills.

Defense will say, and

it's hard to disprove,

that these were accidents

or the fault of others.

So we gotta make it about the man.

About what made him, about

his choices, his character.

We need to show that this all

started way before Dallas.

I'm gonna talk to the

people closest to him.

- His friends, girlfriends, teachers.


- What?

- Skadden?

We already tried that.

And what got back to us was,

"He came out of there trained."

I contacted U.T.

and Semmes-Murphey,

asked for his training hours.

This is what they gave me.

683 cases.

Of which only 230 were spinal.

How many should there be?

Well, there's no required minimum,

but a good number would be around 400.

That's his residency.

Where's Semmes-Murphy?

Told me they don't keep records.

- Oh?

- Not required to by law.

But according to them, he had enough.

I'll hear it from the

horse's mouth himself.

I'm not sure that's the end of

the horse he best represents.

We should help her.

- I'm not going to Memphis.

- No. God, no.

- Never again.


You want to come to my house?

Your parents home?


Here's Duntsch's Facebook page.

You're gonna love this.

Listen to this horseshit.

"The sound of the sea grows near.

"I feel waves upon my heart.

"All I want, all I need,

the answer awaits at the start."

Well, he's a better surgeon

than he is a poet.

Duntsch holds three patents.

Two with Ilya Burkov and Katya Melnikov.

Registered to a company

called Discgenics.

Discgenics, okay.



- Discgenics.

Hello, doctors.

Hey! Do svidaniya!

Hello, doctors.

I appreciate your willingness

to speak with us.

I know this puts you in an

uncomfortable position,

but we wanted to ask you

about Dr. Duntsch's time at Discgenics.

And now, it goes without saying

that we will protect your identity.

We don't want to get you in any trouble.

Trouble? What trouble?

Well, it seems everyone is afraid

to talk about Christopher Duntsch.

We're not scared. We're Russian.


- What do you want to know?

Anything and everything you can tell us.


Hello? Hello?

What, you got hamsters

powering your Wi-Fi here?

I don't think that's how

Wi-Fi works, actually.

Yeah. I don't know why I did that.

[CHOPPY AUDIO] And they decided it

that it was for him to be away.

Yes, but he still had to

complete stage four.

Could you repeat what

you just said, please?

Which part did you miss?

The drug part or the investor part?

- All of it.

- All of it. We missed all of it.

I was saying that Duntsch

met with investors.

Skadden among them.

Everything was fine until

We don't know it was dr*gs,

but it was definitely something.

His behavior, his performance devolved.

Geoffrey Skadden was an

investor in Discgenics?

Research, Dr. Henderson. Research.

You've clearly done none.

He was one of the first

investors in Discgenics.



- Hi. Wendy Young?

- I have nothing to say to you media folk.

I'm not media. Name's Michelle Shughart.

I'm the assistant district attorney

overseeing the Christopher Duntsch case.

I was hoping to ask you a few questions.

Well, you got some kind of

subpoena or something?

I don't. But I can get one.

Question you in a more formal setting,

if that's what you're

most comfortable with.

It's up to you.

Come on.


You were with him in Memphis?

Yeah. Just for a bit.

A couple of months before

we moved to Dallas.

But you know what he was like at home,

in social settings?

What do you want me to say?

That he was a druggie?

An alkie? A fraud?

If that's what you have to tell me.

You're not that much older than me.

Probably not.

And already a DA.

- Assistant.

- Assistant.

You like your parents?


Treat you good?


- Support you?

- Always.

Must be nice. Such a perfect life.



I'm not gonna help you.

He deserves it.

- His patients, they

- No, no, no. Stop.

The world's a shitty place.

He dealt them a shitty hand.

Look, I've got a boy who needs to eat.

Needs a roof, needs clothes,

a piece of crap toy

from the supermarket now and again.

And I applied for the good jobs.

Nothing doing there.

And I'm no welfare queen.

'Cause the moment I start taking money

from the government's when

they start poking around

wondering about Mason's well-being.

So all I've got right

now is Chris's parents

and their checks.

So yeah,

in case you're wondering,

I'm gonna do what I have to do.

Thank you, Christopher Duntsch.

Thank you for your time.

Of course.

Teresa, Melanie, this

is Mr. And Mrs. Keller.

- Howdy.

- Pleasure.

Where's Dr. Morgan?

Newer pastures.

The commute was getting to her.

- She's from McKinney, right?

- She is.

It's not 20 minutes from here.

Are you saying she

didn't like me anymore?

[LAUGHING] Hardly possible.

Oh, that's too bad. She was lovely.

Still is, I imagine. Come on back.

You're operating at the

Dallas Medical Center now?

That's right. You're my first case.


- Oh!

- No, I'm sorry.

- Oh, please. Not at all.

- It dills my pickle

that anybody'd fill in half a crossword.

- Mm. Incorrectly, at that.

- Hmm?

I did the same thing not ten

minutes before you walked in.


So what's keeping you

from doing the Frug?

- Neck or back?

- Well, it's my back.

Just one thing after another.

You know. How about you?


Doctor says I need a "disctectomy"?

Is that how you say it?

All Greek, far as I hear.


My son's getting married next year.


- Thank you.

- Where?

Nothing's sorted; he keeps telling me

we got plenty of time

to figure it all out.

You're gonna be planning it.

That's the truth.

- That's the truth.


- [SIGHS] Kids?

- Oh, yes. Yes, but, you know,

weddings now are all

done and gone for me, though.

Time for rest, I suppose.

- Doctor's ready for you, hon.

- Oh. Well, good luck to ya.

- You too, dear.

- Your turn, Dorothy.

Thought you fell in, Earl.

Yeah, I'm up. Let's go.

- I'll see you.

- Bye.



Ms. Shughart, Dr. Skadden

will see you now.

Ms. Shughart. Please come in.

Nice to meet you. Won't you have a seat?

Thank you.



Hi, Jerry. Nice to meet you.

Like basketball?

I like basketball.

Helps take my mind off things,

blow off steam.

I'll jump in.

I'm trying to establish a pattern

to prove Dr. Duntsch's recklessness.

From what I can ascertain,

it goes as far back as medical school.

Is that a fair assessment?


Was he properly trained?

What do you think?

Did you ever witness him take dr*gs?

Mr. Summers?

Take dr*gs?


What's gonna happen to him?

How do you mean?

If I tell you all this stuff,

what is gonna happen?

We'd schedule a deposition

that'll go on the record,

after which you'll testify in court

and hopefully get a conviction

and justice for you

and the others he hurt.

- So he'll go to prison?

- I hope so.

I didn't do right by him.

He worked so hard,

harder than everybody.

He never stopped.

And then he takes a job at a hospital,

someone else makes a mistake,

and they blame him for it,

saying he's a bad doctor.

You have any idea what

that does to a person?

He was depressed.

I just wanted to be there for him.

He needed a win.


That's why you let him operate on you?

For a win?

I had my neck looked at

right out of high school.

The doctor said I needed surgery,

but life got in the way.

And then Dr. Skadden took a look at me.

Skadden? From Semmes-Murphy?

Favor for Chris.

And he didn't want to operate.

Said I had a narrow canal or something.

No insurance.

But Chris is the smartest guy I know.

If anyone could do it, it was him.

So the operation was your idea?



If I was in your position,

I'd be upset, angry.

How are you not angry at

him for doing this to you?

I could have stopped him.

I saw it.

I was strong, and I

could have stopped him.

Kayla tried to stop him.

- Who's Kayla?

- Kayla Gibson.

With him at U.T.

She tried to stop him.


But we were just having fun, you know?

Do you think he did it on purpose?


Do you think he deserves to be punished?

He has a family.

When was the last time you saw him?

Has he come to see you

since the operation?

- Has he come to check in on his friends?

- Stop. Stop, stop.

- Has he said, "I'm sorry"?

- Get out, get out.

- He's not your friend, Jerry.

- Get her out.

- He did this to you.

- Get her out.

- Let's go.

- He k*lled other people.

- Come on.

- Just help me

- f*ck you! He's my friend, okay?

- We need you need to testify.

He's my f*cking friend!

He's my friend! He's my f*cking friend!

Okay? He's my f*cking friend!

He's my f*cking friend!

f*ck you. He's my f*cking friend.

I bring you more glad tidings of joy.

- Thank you.


I gotta start inventing some shit.

- What?

- From 2001 to 2006,

Skadden made $27 million in

royalties from Medtronic.

The largest medical device

company in the world.

That's nothing to them.

From 2006, "Medical device

maker Medtronic Inc.

"agreed to pay 40 million

"to settle government civil charges

"that its Sofamor Danek spinal

surgery division paid kickbacks,

"including sham royalty

agreements and lavish trips

"to surgeons to induce them

to use the company's products."

Medtronic is not admitting

illegality, of course.

Was that because of Skadden?

"Spine surgery patents are valuable,

"and litigation in this

area is tricky terrain.

"Two of the Medtronic consultants

"mentioned in the whistleblower

case received

"hundreds of thousands of

dollars from the company.

"Geoffrey Skadden of the

Semmes-Murphy clinic

in Memphis and "

some other dude whose

name I can't pronounce,

"are highly regarded surgeon-inventors

"who have played a role in developing

important surgery products

"with Medtronic.

"Dr. Skadden said that he has

more than 50 issued patents

"and that he has received

reasonable royalties for inventions

that have nothing to

do with his practice."

Well, he deserves to get

paid for his inventions.

[SIGHS] I guess so.

This is the SEC filing for Discgenics.

You can see that Skadden's listed

as the Executive Officer and a Director.

That's in 2007, three years

into Duntsch's residency.

Two years after that, he was

admitted into the fellowship.

Well, how do you like that?

What a coincidence.

Why do you think Skadden

wouldn't mention

that he was an investor in Discgenics?

Would you?

- I'd like to think I would.

- But?

Probably not, because

I'd want to hide it.

Because it's wrong.

How can I be an investor in his company

and the head of his fellowship

at the same time?

I mean, that's what we

would call anybody?

That's the definition of a

conflict of interest, Robert.

- Uh-huh.

- I'm in love with your wife.

I am in love with you.

- I know.


The two of you are making

a moral argument,

not a legal one.

And nothing he did crosses that line.

I think we can all agree that

he definitely pissed on it.

That's the American way, Randy.

I think we ought to do

something about that.

Yes. We should.


Breakfast for dinner?


Thank you for coming.

I turned around twice.

Wanna sit down?

I'm sorry for springing that

article on you like that.

Oof, you knew exactly

what you were doing.

I haven't seen him in years.

Not since med school.

- Okay.

- Not sure what I can offer.

Please, sit.

Did that article make sense?


But you're here.

You talked to Jerry?

I did.


He's in a tough place right now.

And he's protecting Chris.

What do you wanna know?

I'm trying to get a picture

of who he is, why he is.

You're trying to put him in prison.

I'm having a hard time

reconciling the person I knew

with the person in that article.

It's all true.

In fact, that article sorta

just scratched the surface.

He was charming.

Intelligent, focused, handsome.

Very handsome.

Y'all partied a lot?

We did what most med students do.

Work hard, party harder.

He had a wild side, but didn't everyone?

Did you witness him using dr*gs?

The thing about med school

is no one cares how hard you party

as long as you can handle it.

Chris handled it just

fine until he didn't.

It started off with him handing

out tabs to his friends.

Then he started writing

prescriptions at parties.

I tried to stop him, but he didn't care.

People knew to go to his place

to get whatever they wanted.

You're the one who made the

anonymous call to the program?

I had to do something.

What about his training?

I can't overstate to you

how brilliant Chris was.

I'd say he was the smartest

person in school.

But he's a researcher. That's his gift.

He had no business

going the surgery route.

If he'd stayed in the research field,

I think he'd have one

of the biggest mansions

in Germantown right now.

- Germantown?

- They have museums for homes.

Chris and I used to take

drives there on Sundays,

picking out the houses we'd buy one day.

He'd say things like, "Me and you,

Kayla, we're gonna run this town

and sleep on mattresses full of cash."

- A power couple.


Yeah, it's funny.

It's funny you should say that,

'cause he used to call me and him

a Black and white power cookie.


That was Chris.

He'd say silly things like that.

School was stressful,

and he made it fun.

Whenever I was with him, it felt like

things were gonna be okay.


Maybe I should have had an intervention.

But I was in a top program,

and I didn't want to

deal with any drama,

so I left him.

Who does that?

My parents always taught me to

care for the ones around us.

I didn't do that.

That article,

that is not the man I fell in love with.


I don't even know why I came.

I don't want to get

involved in any of this.

If you use me as a reference for

anything I said, I'll deny it.

I understand, and I won't.

But I appreciate you talking to me.

I, um

I wish you knew him back then.

Maybe we can try to cut

some sort of plea deal?

The ADA isn't offering a deal.

Well, can you try to secure one?

They won't go for it, Mr. Duntsch.

18 months until the trial starts.

18 months in here.

- Chris

- No.


This cannot be.

I am not guilty.

They can't do this to me.

Look, we can go

18 months until the

f*cking trial starts!

That's the best that you can do?

- The system isn't as fast as you'd

- Just go. Go, go.

I need to talk to my father alone.


This lawyer, she isn't working.

She's a good lawyer, Chris.

What about Mr. Damelio?

Could he work the case?

Damelio's a tax attorney.

I'm not going to make it, Dad.

- I can't do this.

- No, don't Chris.

- Don't say that.

- I'm alone.

My friends, my colleagues,

they've abandoned me.

Family is the only thing I have left.

And Wendy hasn't visited in months.

She won't bring Mason.

And I need to see my son.

Maybe you could talk to her.

Remind her how important it

is that families stick together.

They never know when they might

need something from us someday.



Can you hear how loud it is in here?

- Do you hear how loud it is?

- Yeah.

- Yeah, it's loud.

- It's like that all the time.

Everything you say echoes off the floor,

off the ceiling.

You can't hear yourself speak.

You can't hear the TV.

You can't hear anything.

So people just keep on talking

louder and louder,

and they turn the TV louder and louder.

And it is like this all the time.

- I'm so sorry, Chris.

- [SCOFFS] Sorry?

That's funny.

Because the bond hearing

was your fuckup.

I could be out there

with my son right now

and not begging for visits from a cage.

You are the g*dd*mn reason

I am in this hellhole.

I'm done.

"I have burned my tomorrow

"and I stand inside today.

"At the edge of the future

where my dreams all fade away."

"I face all my sorrows.

"Shadows stand in my way.

"At the edge of the future,

"what will happen, none can say.

"You see only darkness

"as you ran away.

"You know now you were sleeping.

And your dreams will turn today."

It's going everywhere.


Hey, buddy.


Is that for me?

- Oh.

- Guess the toy.

- I gotta guess the toy?

- Yeah.

Okay, what do you think

is in here? I think

it's a PlayStation.

- Look.

- Look?

A truck! Oh, my God.

A PlayStation can't fit

in that big of a box.

I should have known. You're right.

A PlayStation can't fit

in that big of a box.

And it can't fit in that bag either.

- And I got it all wrong.

- [LAUGHS] Yeah.

You got the whole thing wrong.



8,000 people carried at 8,000 miles.

That's pretty encouraging, isn't it?

Yeah, now a whole bunch

of them are profiteering.

They're selling their torches online

for, like, thousands of dollars.

People, man. [SIGHS]

I leave myself in God's

and Dr. Duntsch's hands.

- Stiff competition.

- Dr. Duntsch.

Josh Baker. I'll be your

circulating nurse, sir.

You come from Baylor?

That's right.

♪ And my dreams all fade away ♪

[WHISPERS] You got a

hole in your scrubs, sir.

♪ I have burned my tomorrows ♪

You said you're the

circulating nurse, right?

Yes, sir.

Shouldn't you be prepping my OR?

Absolutely, sir.

Mrs. Keller. I'll see

you on the other side.


let's get you up and doing cartwheels.

♪ And burn my shadow away ♪

♪ And burn my shadow away ♪

♪ I faced my destroyer ♪

♪ I was ambushed by a lie ♪

♪ And you judge me once for falling ♪

♪ This wounded heart will rise ♪

♪ And burn my shadow away ♪

♪ And burn my shadow away ♪