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01x05 - The $?!& in the Bed

Posted: 12/30/23 20:11
by bunniefuu

We here at Baylor Plano believe

choosin' your own doctor

is man's sacred, God-given right.


- Advocacy, innovation, collaboration.

Excellence in these arenas compelled

"U.S. News & World Report"

to rank Baylor Plano high

on its list of the nation's

finest hospitals.


But it's our down-home Texas values

that won us the trust of our community.

And we owe it to that community

to spare no expense

when it comes to their health care.

That begins by recruiting only the best.

Countries from around the globe,

37 to date, have sent their

citizens to be treated

by renowned surgeons,

Doctors O'Connor and Crosby.

They've made the Baylor Scoliosis Center

the very first institute

of its kind devoted

to the treatment of this

devastating spinal curvature.

Recently, Dr. Shapiro was

awarded a preceptorship

under Professor Juha

Mikkelsgaard of Helsinki.


representing the exciting

future of neurosurgery,

we have just recruited a rising star

of minimally invasive technique,

hailing from the University of

Tennessee and Semmes-Murphey,

the very institute that blazed

the trail in that approach.


- Dr. Duntsch, good morning.

- Good morning, Dr. Morgan.

I'd like to go over the

equipment you ordered

for the procedure.

Yasargil micro bayonet,

French Fukushima teardrop

tapered suction tube,

micro dissector set in

titanium with case

oh, wait, we have the

Yasargil bayonet forceps.

You need the micro bayonet as well?

If I asked for it, I need it.


Uh, we have Kerrisons, retractors,

microdiscectomy systems.


- Cupboards bare?

That's, uh, quite the

grocery list you got there.

I'll see you in the OR, Doctor.

[SIGHS] How many surgeries

you doing here today?

Just one. First at this institution.

Oh, congratulations.

Insurance is never gonna

cover any of that shit.

That is not my problem.

Fixing people is.

Unlike the rest of this town.

Is that right?

Yeah. What passes for neurosurgery

down here is a sham.

I'm here to nuke this

place into the future.

[CHUCKLES] Wow. Well, you impress me.

Usually, it takes surgeons

at least a good decade

to refine their God complex.

[LAUGHS] Christopher D. Duntsch. MD-PhD.


So do they have to enlarge the door

to get your Northern

head into the building?

- I'm from Tennessee.

- North of Texas is north.

You know what, I think I'm

gonna make you my access guy.

- Do I get a say in the matter?

- Nope, that's it. From now on,

you're doing all of my access.

You are my f*ckin' guy.

- Oh, goodie.

- You're my guy, Randy.


Craig James. Congratulations.

You're about to enter the history books.

First surgery at Baylor Plano?

Staff treating you okay?

Everything's been just fine.

Have any questions before we begin?

- Gonna fix my leg?


You'll be playing so much tennis,

the next time you're in my office,

you're gonna be griping

about that elbow.

See you soon.







Morning, Ma.

Yeah. Thanks for the alarm.

You, too. Yeah.

Love you back. Bye.

Double shot espresso bad

or double shot mezcal bad?

Quarterlies came in.

- Violent crime's up 2%.

- Oh, that's on DPD.

With a 5% drop in convictions.

Stats don't tell the whole story.

But they don't fib, either.

We've got a 99% conviction rate.

Ed won't lose his head over

some horsepucky calculus.

Not when he can have George's.

- George?

- Decade at Public Integrity.

That's some horsepucky

for you right there.

Election season can get

real ugly real quick.


What happens to George's caseload?

It's an unprincipled waste of

time and taxpayer treasure.

What do you think?

Perhaps "unparalleled" is

a better way to put it.

There's something here, Ed.

George didn't do anything

with it for months.

I want it.

Your wants and needs mean nada to me.


Because I'm young and

naive and idealistic.


And there's something

about those two doctors.

- Their passion?

- Exactly.

Their passion means shit.

Someday, you'll get old and cranky

and look back on this moment

from your deathbed

with deep abiding regret.

There's a reason no quack has

ever been criminally charged.

What if we don't have to?

Build a case, but go for the squeeze.

License forfeited in the plea,

a public health hazard

is off the streets,

and you get the W.

- That makes a lot of sense.

- Thank you.

Which is why I don't trust it.

Car's almost here.

- What car?

- For your speech.

At the YMCA?

It's on the schedule.

Oh, shit. Shit!

Now I gotta write something.

I wanted to work in this office

because I was inspired

by your leadership

and your eagerness to do the

right thing no matter the cost.

Well, that's good. I like that.

I'm here to make a difference,

to fight the tough fights,

to stand up for the folks

who have no one left to fight for them.

Little diabetic, but

it's all in the delivery.

- I haven't let you down.

- First time for everything.

And I'm not gonna stop asking.

Really politely.

You are the youngest ADA

in this office's history.

Which means I could be

the youngest former ADA

in this office's history.

Kirby's been burning out

my ringer for months now.

Holidays included.

Thank you.

Don't get me over your skis on this.

You don't know how to ski, Ed.

Feels good to be rid of him.

Doubt there's a man alive in Texas

more sick of that guy than me.


Merino wool. That's the secret.

Doesn't trap the heat or the dampness.

Believe me, my feet go clammy quick.

You know, they say if

it's not the frostbite

or the gangrene that gets

you, it's the Death Zone,

that last 848 meters of Everest.

There's so little oxygen

that your body starts to die

minute by minute, cell by cell.

But this is my office,

where I spend a lot of

time breathing in the air.

Don't worry about it. These

things are anti-microbial fibers.

I've been wearing these

things for three days.

My feet are as dry as

I don't know, you fill

in whatever metaphor

is least offensive to your

delicate sensibilities.


Dr. Henderson, Dr. Kirby.

So sorry I'm late.

Good to see you again. We met briefly.

Well, we didn't meet,

but I was in the room

when you came to our

office a little while back.

Michelle Shughart.

Little while back? That was months.

So is Yarborough parking the car?

Just me today.

I get it. You're disappointed.

Oh, absolutely not.

When you say just you today,

do you mean just "today" today?

Every day hereafter.

You're our lead? [SCOFFS]

Like I said, I get it,

you're disappointed.

I'm probably a little too young,

maybe a little too

woman for your liking,

- but

- Neither is true, Miss Shughart, please.

Thank you.

But what I can tell you

is that I am passionate about this case.

Well, really every case,

but especially this one.

And people tell me that

I'm good at my job

even though it makes me exceedingly

uncomfortable to say so.

If that son of a bitch thinks

I'm donating one blessed

cent to his election,

he's got an edema on

that medulla of his.

- I apologize.

- He gave us his word, Bob.

We served up a psychopath

on a silver f*cking plater,

piping hot, and he goes

and shits the bed.

Oh, I promise I'm not the

uh, you know, in the bed.

And I assure you there's a strategy.

Yeah, it's called "lock

the bastard up," all right?

He's down the road at

University General.

We're gonna take care of it.

We're building a swift, focused

case to compel maximum leverage.

So you're cutting a deal with him?

Plea of guilty

in exchange for forfeiture

of his medical license.

- Your boss is an idiot.

- It was my idea.

I don't take it back.

I wouldn't expect you to, Dr. Kirby.

I don't know medicine.

That's why I so desperately

need your expertise.

But all due respect, you

don't understand the law.

You don't understand who we're after.

Dr. Kirby is correct.

And believe me, there is

no string of four words

I find more disagreeable.

But stripping Duntsch of his

Texas license is not enough.

What he said. Especially the part

about you-know-who being you-know-right.

He'll find another job.

He has to go to prison

until either he's too old

- to practice medicine or

- He's in a crematorium.


I understand.

But the burden of proof

for that is insurmountable.

Miss Shughart, Dr. Duntsch's

victims are the proof.

Duntsch is never gonna stop.

He's never gonna stop on his own.


Keep it up, and I will cancel

your birth certificate!

- Hands off!

- Mr. Novak.

Jesus, Moses, and Joseph. He lives.

So to review,

I'm going to be performing a

cervical fusion on two levels,

C3-4 and C4-5.

I'll also be making a

minor incision in

Three hours.

That's how long they got me

lyin' here in this dress,

ass flappin' in the wind.

Won't let me eat, won't let me drink.

- I had a flat tire. It held me up.

- Flat tire.

You know what I had this morning?

Not one, not two,

but three black cats

scattering across my road.

If that ain't the devil

hollering, nothing is.

I am out.

The longer you wait,

the faster your condition

is gonna deteriorate.


Slicker than owl shit.

You said you worked at Baylor.

I have privileges at

every hospital in Dallas.

And you brought me here.

Your insurance dictated.

I'm not a rich man, Dr. Duntsch,

but I'm no church mouse neither.

I got Blue Cross Blue Shield.

And you gave me hammer and sickle!

[SIGHS] Mr. Novak

what this hospital lacks in ambience,

it more than makes up for in heart.

I have never worked with a finer,

more dedicated crew of nurses

than the ones here at UGH.


I don't have any other

procedures scheduled

for the rest of the day.

The OR is prepped and ready.

And the staff, they

came in just for you.

You will not find this level of

five-star care anywhere else.

What else can I say to change your mind?

To make this happen? Today?



- Dr. Duntsch.

I shouldn't have to ask for

suction every f*ckin' time.

- Dr. Duntsch, BP is falling.

- Sponge.







It's a tumor.

He has cancer. There's

nothing we can do here.

Sew him up.

First month at Baylor in the books.

Looks like you're finding

your way around.

Back of my hand.

That marketing man of yours

has logged some miles.

[CHUCKLES] Jerry's the best.

And your OR schedule

is filling out nicely.

Teamwork makes the dream work.

Baylor is a hell of a calling card;

you guys make it easy.

Quick thing: Craig James,

your first operation here

- Yeah?

- Dr. Shapiro left word at my office.

Said Mr. James reached out,

scheduled a follow-up appointment.

Why would that make it to your office?

Honestly, I don't know.

[CHUCKLING] Which is

why I'm telling you.

- Okay.

- You should check in.

Make sure everything's all right.

- Of course. Will do.

- Great.

Any plans tonight?

Uh, nothing special.

Website's live.

We're getting hits,

but we can do better.

- Pliers.

- For a screw?

You can tighten a screw

with pliers, Wendy.

- It's called leverage pliers.

- Okay.

My boy knows this dude

in Silicon Valley.

Claims there's this Russian

who can rig searches

so when you type "doctor in Dallas,"

boom, Dr. D.

No more Russians. Nail.

It didn't come with nails, Chris.

Of course it did.

You know what? Never mind.

- Just give me another screw.

- We need buzz.

Something flashy, sexy, lure people in.

- It's the wrong screw.

- There are no other screws.

There's this company called

The Best Docs Network.

They'll send a whole

film crew to the office

and film testimonials

about your prowess.


Duntsch. Uh-huh.

Okay. I'll be right there.

An emergency at the clinic.

It's the third emergency

this week, Chris.


This crib's for your son.

I'll finish it as soon as I get back.



- Been busy at the clinic.

- Just shut up, Jerry! Just



Will you give me a ride to Babies R Us?

Gotta grab my keys.

[SOFTLY] Thank you.


Stop, stop. Hold that tongue.

- Hurry up, woman!





I figured he learned to fight

like that in the frat house.


- Nope.

You know what Brent said?

- He said it was

- Baltimore.


Good morning, everyone!

Helluva dude, that Dr. Morgan.


I owe my life to that rat bastard.

Dr. Morgan? Who? You?

Dr. Brent Morgan, you know?

Your ex?


Can we turn that crap off?


I've got it from here.




That segmental artery is not

tied off. You you're gonna




That needs to be tied, Doctor.

It'll keep pooling in the disc space.

- You can't see the

- I work by feel, not by sight.

And turn that f*cking music off!

- Bone drill.


You cannot drill while

he's hemorrhaging.




- Jesus Christ.

Careful where you wag that thing.

That wasn't medicine in there;

that was a disgrace.

You're not a doctor. You're a butcher.


- Robert Henderson.

- Dr. Henderson,

this is Dr. Jacob French

from UT Memphis.

Thanks for getting

back to me so quickly.

Sure. Your message said

you were calling from DMC.

- What's that?

- Dallas Medical Center.

Ah, okay.

DMC. What's happening?

You're the chairman of

the department there?

That's right.

Do you recall a student there

named Christopher Duntsch?


We have a a bit of an issue here.

Do you mind if I fill you in?

An anonymous call tipped

off his residency.

Purportedly, Duntsch would

round under the influence.

So he was sent to a impaired

physicians program,

was eventually cleared,

and, uh, allowed to

continue his studies.

Look at you, Nancy Drew.

They have no idea who called it in?


So we can't interview anybody?

Every one of his references

failed to mention this program.

Because of confidentiality?

Well, maybe they didn't even know.

Isn't that an issue?

Shouldn't that be something

hospitals hiring doctors

take into consideration?

This is one of the many ways

a Tennessee problem

becomes a Texas problem.

How'd he get away with it?

Even after his first patient.

Uh, what was his name?

Craig James.

Duntsch operated on the wrong vertebra.

Baylor found out and

still let him continue.

I mean, nobody said anything?

You hear stories, grist

for the rumor mill,

but nurses are gossips,

and surgeons, they're a finicky lot.

They tend to turn their

noses up at anybody

with an extra dollop of personality.

What changed your mind?

- What do you mean?

- Joe Padua.

You operated with Duntsch,

and it looks to me

like he almost k*lled him.


So if you were there.

If you saw what you saw,

why didn't you stop him?



You don't have clue one

what you're talking about.

That's why we're here. Clue me in.


He really doesn't like me, does he?

He can be challenging,

but he has a good heart.

You understand why I'm asking, right?

I have to stand in front of

a judge and jury and say

that, over the course of two years,

this man butchered all these patients.

It was so bad, it was

so out of the ordinary,

but nobody, not a nurse,

an administrator,

or sh**t, even Dr. Randall Kirby himself

was able to stop him.

Some didn't even try.

I have an issue. I have to go.


The politics inside of

an operating room

are complicated.


- Whatever you need, tell me.

- I'm taking your patient.





- Ugh.

- Quiet, please.

- DeBakey.


There's something in there.


[GROANS SOFTLY] It's a sponge.

This is the cause of the infection.


With work, sometimes I forget to eat,

- if you can believe it.


You are the salt and light

this city needs, Christopher.

We're proud of you, son.

And I hope you're proud of yourself.


Thanks, Dad.

And we like her.

- Huh? Very much.

- Mm-hmm.


A woman like that by your side,

a man could move mountains.

So sorry.

There was a five-car pile

up at the ladies room,

right? [CHUCKLES]

Wasn't this puny when I

left. Who stole a bite?

Don, I'm lookin' right at you.

Oh. Cod at a steakhouse?

We would Code Red you

for that in the Marines.

Oh, Semper Fish. [LAUGHTER]

I don't eat any animal that

can't be felled by a b*llet.

Unless it's his b*llet,

in which case, we'd all starve to death.

Keep talking, Mr. Big Shot.

Our place in Colorado borders

the state game lands.

Don can hunt in his own backyard.

I can picture you out

there with your .30/30,

flinging peas at some mountain goat.

My .300 Savage begs to differ.

Hmm. Winchester girl over here.


I don't know what we would

have done without Kim.

Couldn't have got the

business up and running,

I can tell you that much.

Take care of my boy, Kim.

He's gonna need all the help he can get,

especially once the baby gets here.



Tell me, Susan, whatever

whatever I can do to help.


I know Wendy's got tons

of family in the area,

but I want my Chris to

help shoulder the burden.


Have you made arrangements

for your boy's baptism yet, Chris?

Not really.

I don't have an opinion

one way or the other.

Well, you better have an opinion.

Your son's salvation is on the line.

Listen to your mother, Chris.

You need to book a church well ahead.




Just a secretary moving

with her husband.

She'll be gone once she gives birth.

She will.

Look, Wendy is just a wrecked

stripper from Memphis.

She's got nothing going for her.

She doesn't even have a dream.

- She is not like you.


She's got your baby.

- It's your child, you sick f*ck!

- Okay,

so we give her a couple of weeks

to get her shit together

after the baby comes,

and then she's out and I can

focus all my attention on you.

I found them.

The dr*gs. In the bathroom.

I know.

[CHUCKLING] What are you talking about?

There are no dr*gs in the bathroom.

Because I flushed them.


Oh, f*ck Jerry.

I'll talk to him, okay?

- Kim.

- I'm not stupid.

Okay, okay. Kim. Come on, come on, babe.

All right, look.

They're my neurostimulants.

But I only take them when I need

to focus on writing a paper.

They're no worse than the

shit a third grader takes.

[CHUCKLING] Come on.

Don't Chris. Don't touch me.

- Get out of my f*cking way!

- Oh, my God!

Not until you stop acting absurd!

- You're being crazy right now!

- Oh, yes, I am crazy!

I am crazy for being the

only person left in town

who wants to work with you!

You're not even making

any sense right now.

Remember Dr. Darnton? Remember that?

And your little pecker-pulling match?

All the access surgeons

found out about it

and don't want to perform with you.


I have an L5-S1 fusion

scheduled for tomorrow.

Not anymore!




What happened with Mr. Padua?

Well, the surgery was normal.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

With the exception of a scrub tech

with the pace of molasses,

and a resident who

Says here the procedure was delayed

for a week.

Yes, there were some challenges

with the scheduling.

But we accommodated.


The access surgeons.

They were all booked up.

I was a nurse for many years

before entering management.

I'm so fluent in doctor bullshit,

I can whiff it all the

way from Fort Worth.


Look, I'm not trying

to cause trouble here,

but I think

there are some fragile

male egos in this town

that don't like my style.

[CHUCKLES SOFTLY] You're new here.

It's on you to figure out how

to play nice in the sandbox.

We're invested in this partnership,

and we need to know

that we can rely on you.


- Get 'em, girl, get 'em, girl ♪

Get 'em, girl, get 'em, girl ♪

Get 'em, girl, get 'em, girl ♪

Tell 'em show me the money ♪

Get 'em, Daddy, get 'em, Daddy ♪

Get 'em, Daddy, get 'em, Daddy ♪

You know I'm gettin' money ♪

Get 'em, girl, get 'em, girl ♪

Get 'em, girl, get 'em, girl ♪

Get 'em, girl, tell 'em

show me the money ♪

Get 'em, Daddy, get 'em, Daddy ♪

Get 'em, Daddy, get 'em, Daddy ♪

Thanks for the mammaries!



I miss those Tennessee girls, bro.

They strip for the love of it.

We need aggressive expansion.

Name recognition.

Go to the people directly,

then bring them in.

Come on, man, I brought

you here to cheer you up.

- Take your mind off of

- You f*cked up, Jerry.

I relied on you to

bring me new patients.

- And I did!

- Not enough.

Motherfuck you've been mesmerized.

Get her out of your head, bro.

Dump Face I know wouldn't

wig out like this.

They're just jealous, all those doctors.

That's why they came after you.

You're changing the game,

and they fear your ascendence.

Wait till they find out

you're winning an award.


I told you.

You are the best doc in Dallas.

Might as well make it official.

You know I'm getting money ♪

Get 'em, girl, get 'em, girl ♪

Get 'em, girl, get 'em, girl ♪

- When are we doing this?

- Yes! That is what I'm saying.

It is in your calendar.

Tomorrow, 9:00 a.m.

Oh, and another thing,

you said a while ago

to tell you when I'm ready

for you to fix my neck.

Well, you need patients

and my neck f*ckin' sucks,

so I'm ready.

- You're my friend.

- f*ckin' right I am.

Some people frown on that sort of thing,

operating on your friend.

Well, I ain't breaking up with you.

If anyone asks, I'll say this

is the U.S. of f*ckin' A

and if I got to be cut

open, I want the best.

And I'm the best.

Get in there, man. Work your magic.

Teamwork makes the dream work.

- You and I are a team, bro.

- g*dd*mn right we are.


- Brick.


What are you doing here?

Your neighbor got tired of me

banging on your front door,

told me where I could find you.

Do I want to know how

you found my address?


I don't know, do you?


- One on one?


Definitely not.

So this is awkward, but, uh

You asked about Joe Padua.


[CHUCKLES] He's my pool guy.

- You know him?

- Yeah, he installed my pool.

I see him every spring and fall.

He's expensive as shit, but worth it.

- Mm.

- Scalpel.

It's good to have you here.

I've got an ALIF in a

hour with O'Connor,

but I should be over and out by then.

Who's the performing?

Kirby! My man!




You have to isolate the

uh, doctor, that's a

nerve, a nerve root.



Double action.

Dr. Kirby, it's Dr. O'Connor.

Okay, yeah, five five minutes,

five more minutes.

I see you've invented a new use

for the double action rongeur.

Dr. Kirby, I have done

thousands of these.

You can take off.





Dr. Morgan, cage.

He says he's going to call Amy Piel

- if you don't get up there right now.

- Right, right. Yes, yes.

Just tell him a few seconds,

- all right?

- Mallet.

Need the persuaders now.

You've got it off midline.

It needs to go to the left.

- Mallet.

- To the left.

The other left.


These plugs are shit.

I can't get any purchase.

- Dr. Kirby.


Dr. Kirby, thank you for your time.

Dr. O'Connor is pitching

a hissy fit, so


- you can run along.




I just came from removing a sponge

from deep inside the neck of

one of Duntsch's other patients.

Been sewn up in there for days.

By accident?

Oh, any other doctor, sure.

But not this one.

And the infection inside this man was

he was minutes away from k*lling him.

You mean it?

You mean the infection was

minutes away from k*lling him?


Duntsch claimed that

he had found a tumor

inside this man's neck.

He slices into it.

It's his esophagus.

This tonight was attempted m*rder.

Nothing less.

Shelley Brennan was m*rder.

Dorothy Burke was m*rder.

I played by the rules, and people died.

If we're gonna do this, Shughart

we gotta be all in.

I'm all in.

I'm not hearing this, Shughart, not now.

I'm late for a thing.

Gotta grip and grin it

and sing for my supper.

I've seen enough to be convinced.

You came to me, you asked, I gave.

Henderson and Kirby are right.

A plea is not justice served,

it's justice denied.

He needs to be stopped.

There's a reason it's never been done.

Because there's never been a

doctor like Duntsch, never.

- It's a civil case.

- It's not about money.

It's always about money.

- Where are the damn tickets?

- Here.

These people were just trying

to fix their backs, Ed.

Do me a favor, sit down.

I want to be clear.

You want this, I'll give you rope.

But I'm not gonna cut you

down, you hear me?

Going after Duntsch publicly

means exposure for Baylor.

- And?

- Baylor is connected.

Members of Baylor's

board make donations.

You mean for events

like the one you're

attending this evening?

They don't donate to me, unfortunately,

but to others we know.

- And as your mentor

- You're my mentor?


I'd advise you to focus

on something else.

He's still operating, Ed.




- Morning.





Hey. Tomorrow's the big day.

Suppose I should turn in early.

Get a good night's rest.

As your doctor, I think that

would be the wise thing to do.


I can keep driving.

Say the word.

You don't have to do this.

He is the best doc in Dallas.




Jerry Summers.

Calibrating a few more things,

then we're off to the races.

Hey, Chris.

I'm the luckiest bastard alive.

I'm gonna fix you.