Say Hey, Willie Mays! (2022)

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Say Hey, Willie Mays! (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

High fly to the back left field.

This is gonna go.

A way back and gone

over the left field wall.

A line drive to center.

That was well hit

but Willie Mays picks up 2 home runs

here in the sixth inning.

Willie Mays is arguably

on of the greatest

if not the greatest player in

the history of Major League Baseball.

Mays changed

the way the game was played.

When Willie stepped on the field

it was like going to see

Michael Jordan... Muhammad.

He's an American icon,

a beloved figure.

He was a gigantic star.

It's just hard to quantify.

But I think

it's critical to understand

who and what Willie Mays is.

Willie Mays came out of

segregated baseball in America.

The expectation that he would shut up

don't raise any issues, especially

if they have to do with race

just go out and play ball.

Willie fulfilled that phenomenally

to such an extent that

he actually drew criticism.

You gotta stand up and do more.

You gotta stand up and speak out.

Willie didn't want any part of that.

The words were hurtful to Willie.

He's a really complicated figure,

kind of a fascinating figure.

It doesn't diminish his status

as the greatest baseball player ever.

For a black man to have done what

he did at the time that he did it

maybe that's enough.

Are you Willie Mays, the greatest

baseball player of all time?

Willie's always gonna be

the Godfather.

You know, my dad passed away

2003, I had Willie.

I'd never played a game

without either one of them

in my entire lifetime.

We were in spring training

and I was hitting towering home runs

like towering balls

that were going like this.

And Willie said,

"You're gonna be in a slump, boy."

And I said, "Why?"

He said, "The ball

should never do this.

That ball needs to go boom!

You need, that ball needs

to come off your bat fast."

M-a-y-s spells bye bye baby.

The slugger opened the '61 season

belting four homers in one game.

Only nine ballplayers have

ever accomplished the feat.

From there, Mays becomes the

highest paid ballplayer in history.

35-year-old Mays hit 52 homers

and earned

the Most Valuable Player Award.

His 535th career home run

tops Jimmy Fox

and gives Mays sole possession

of 2nd place in total home runs hit.

Only Babe Ruth has blasted

more four-baggers than Willie.

Drive to deep left centerfield.

It's gone, it's a home run!

Number 599 of Mays' career.

Fades to left.

That one is way back! Way back.

Willie Mays joined

the great Babe Ruth

as the only players

to hit 600 home runs.

0 and 2, Wegener delivers.

Mays hits it into left...

Willie Mays has done it again.

He has brought the baseball world

to a standstill.

He is the most spectacular

baseball player that ever played.

Willie excelled.

He ran bases.

People talk about how fast

he could get from first to third

stealing home.

Catching the ball like

you know, we're gonna put a little

something on it, like right here.

But when you think about all that

he dominated

the entirety of the game.

Many of Mays' former teammates

were there

as they honored Willie Mays

as the greatest Giant ever.

I mean, he threw out over

7,000 runners playing centerfield.

That's the deepest part

of the stadium.

660 home runs, 12 Golden Gloves

22 seasons, 24 All Star Games

but unless you know

and follow the game

you don't really get

a full appreciation

of how great he was.

Why do you love baseball?

First of all

baseball was a game

that you could play

and you could play it

for a long time.

I picked baseball because

I could play it every day.

It... it was fun.

Oh, I loved baseball

when I was about four or five.

When I was a young man coming up

my father and I used to talk

about baseball all the time.

They called him Cat

because he could run

he could throw and he could field.

And he could hit, man.

He was a lead-off hitter.

He and I would go

to the baseball field

and just the two of us

and he would show me

how to do every position

catching, second base, shortstop

because they look for you

to be the leader.

And we lived in a town

called Fairfield, Alabama.

The thing about the state of Alabama

in the 1940s

it is Jim Crow America.

I mean it's almost un-describable.

The things that

we think of now as r*cist

were routine examples

of everyday life.

White person walking down the street

you step off to the side

and let them pass.

Don't look them directly in the eye.

Yes ma'am, no sir, the whole bit.

Hold your head down.

Think of every possible injustice

you've ever heard about

related to segregation and racism

it was there and there in abundance.

My mother and dad

wasn't never together now.

They did their own thing.

My mother got married

to a guy named Frank.

So I didn't stay

with my mother that long.

I stayed with my two aunts

Ernestine and Sarah.

They took care of me.

Then my dad

he used to work in the steel mill.

And he would always come home early,

like two o'clock in the afternoon

and he would show me

how to do a lot of things

'cuz he was a good baseball player.

Made sure that

I didn't get in no trouble.

I haven't been in no trouble

since I was, I guess,

two or three years old.

Babe Ruth used to say,

"Start a boy young.

Teach him to play ball

when he's four years old."

In the spring of any year

a boy with a bat and ball is secretly

to his father a Major Leaguer

so it was with Willie and his Dad.

Well, when actually when I start...

first started playing ball

with my father

at about five or six years old

he was playing semi-pro ball

around Birmingham. And

he was working what you call

a steel mill team around Birmingham

and I used to play with the big

fellas, like 19 and 20 years old

when I was about 12.

It's a sport that appeals to all ages

the sound of a ball meeting a bat

is a familiar ring to

millions of people around the world.

The n*gro League was

a black baseball league.

If a black man wanted

to play baseball

he played in the n*gro Leagues

or he didn't play.

Baseball did not want black players

to participate in the league

and so concurrently

there was a league

of black teams

from around the country

with the best black players,

black owners.

Everything about it was black.

It was reality in segregated America.

The game where the n*gro athlete

of today and yesteryear

has left a bright mark.

When I got to be in high school

I was already playing

professional ball

but I couldn't say that.

They had given me money

under the table

and I went home

and I gave it to my aunts.

Sometime I make a thousand,

sometime I make two thousand

but I had to come home and they...

and my aunts would give me

a couple dollars back

to put in my pocket,

so I could go to the movie

take the glove out

of wherever it may be.

I remember him as Buck Dust.

That was his nickname.

My dad, he was

with the Birmingham Black Barons

in the old n*gro League.

He was first baseman.

He was the second baseman

and he was the manager.

When Dad went to talk to Mays' father

about Mays playing

Mays' father knew that my dad

would take good care of Buck Dust

in his professional life.

You know, try to keep him

straight and everything.

Oh, Dad was a straight sh**t.

Piper Davis is like the Godfather

of black baseball in Birmingham.

He helped usher Willie Mays

onto the team

was a mentor for Willie

and a mentor for

a lot of the black Birmingham kids

that wanted to play baseball.

And they played here

at this baseball park.

Rickwood Field,

America's oldest baseball park.

And the last park to play home

to a n*gro League team.

Here's your starting lineup.

Leading off and playing centerfield,

Cool Papa Bell.

The greatest baseball players

of that time

played in the n*gro League.

And many of those players

would have been great

in Major League Baseball

had they been given the opportunity

but of course, not until

Jackie Robinson does that happen.

If you didn't leave church early

you didn't get a seat at Rickwood

when the Black Barons played.

When I played with

the Birmingham Barons

the guy that really helped me,

actually, it was three guys:

Piper Davis was the manager

Artie Wilson was the shortstop

and Bill Greason was the pitcher.

I had pretty good stuff.

Well, I had my curve ball.

I did about 92 on the fastball.

If I got two strikes on you

I said bye

'cuz my downer was like this.

We were young on the club.

We were rookies

and I being

a little older than Willie

I tried to help him all I could

because I was a little more

knowledgeable of things than he was.

We were friends and

we played together in several places.

Willie was 17 years old.

He was literally a boy among men

in many ways

except when it came

to the ball field.

The other guys are husbands, fathers,

steelworkers, more mature men.

And yet Willie is a kid.

And he had a youthful exuberance.

They say he brought

a lot of excitement to the team.

And probably is the reason

they won their championship in 1948.

At the end of the day,

Piper came to me

and he says,

"What did you learn today?"

And I had to tell him

what I learned, how I learned.

And, "Can you do it tomorrow?"

"Yeah, man, I can do it tomorrow."

When he played,

he was a centerfielder

so he would tell our left fielder

and right fielder

don't come nowhere in here.

You go for where you are to the line

and everything else

I'll take care of. He was tremendous.

He was a great young ball player.

So while Willie Mays as a 17-year-old

hit one home run

for the Birmingham Black Barons

he was by the end of the season

the starting centerfielder

for this Black Barons team

that went all the way

to the n*gro League World Series

and actually got a game winning hit

in one of those games.

Do you remember when Jackie Robinson

entered the major leagues?

When I saw Jackie

he could do everything.

I was very impressed

by what he could do.

He did everything

and he could hit, man.

So the first time

Willie came across Jackie

was at Rickwood Field

when Willie was a kid

and Jackie brought a group of

barnstormers through Birmingham.

And that's when

Jackie saw Willie for the first time.

And Jackie actually recommended

Willie Mays to the Brooklyn Dodgers.

The Brooklyn Dodgers sent out

a scout named Wid Matthews

and Wid Matthews saw

Willie Mays play.

He returned to Brooklyn and said

the kid can't hit a curve ball.

So otherwise imagine that,

Willie Mays, a Dodger.

April 15, 1947

Jackie Robinson breaks

into the big leagues.

Branch Rickey, the owner of

the Brooklyn Dodgers, signed him.

But all credit is

really due Robinson for

whatever gamble there was in it to

whatever sort of experiment it was.

He handled it beautifully

with a fine intelligence

to enable him to understand

that he was carrying this load

for 17 million people.

They choreographed Jackie's career

so that he looked like

the all American boy

he just happened to be a n*gro.

And what that meant was that

you don't say anything,

you don't do anything

you don't respond,

you don't fight back.

You simply go and play baseball.

I wanna know why they was looking for

somebody who's afraid to fight back

and his answer was stern

"I'm looking for somebody

with guts enough not to fight back."

That's what Willie Mays

patterned himself after.

And so what Branch Rickey

and the white owners did

was to cherrypick the n*gro Leagues

often times not even compensating the

teams that he took the players from.

They never compensated the Monarchs

for Jackie Robinson.

Imagine if Major League Baseball

had taken several n*gro League Teams

and brought them into

Major League Baseball.

You would have had black ownership.

It would have been true integration.

What it was ultimately was

a poaching of the best players

from the n*gro League

that ultimately destroys the league

because it made

the n*gro League teams obsolete.

Jackie Robinson

walked through the door

but there had to be

more than just one

to actually stamp it

that we're all here.

Black African Americans are here,

we're all in the league

and Willie's part of that history.

Willie was in five World Series,

including the 1948

last n*gro League World Series ever.

And we defeated Kansas City

to get in the n*gro World Series

last n*gro League World Series.

I did win the only game

we won in relief

against the Homestead Grays.

They defeated us four games to one.

And that was the end of the league.

The Birmingham Black Barons,

they were a terrific bunch of guys.

If I was about 15 and 16, I guess

they had scouts watching me, and

they signed me with the Giants and

as you know, they signed me

right out of high school.

Eddy Montague signed me

to the Giants at that time

and I said there,

well, I'm going where the money is.

The Giants run a historic franchise

a National League team

dating back to 1883.

For many of those years

the Giants had been New York's team

not the Yankees

but after the Dodgers, you know,

they signed Jackie Robinson

and that worked out beautifully.

Then they signed Roy Campanella,

and they signed Don Newcombe.

And immediately they had 3 players

from the old n*gro Leagues

who were three of the best and

biggest stars in the National League.

So I think Horace Stoneham

the owner of the Giants

whose father had owned the Giants

Horace Stoneham finally realized

we're being left in the dust;

we need to get some players here.

So they did get Monte Irvin

and Hank Thompson

but they also got Willie Mays.

They sent him to the minor leagues

for some seasoning.

So imagine a high school kid

who just graduated

assigned to the Trenton Giants

in New Jersey.

And you go from an all black league

to an all whiten league.

And I'm a teenager, playing in this

and I'm playing

some of these cities in the south.

And I'm not hearing the things

I heard in the n*gro Leagues.

Trenton, New Jersey,

that was the interstate league.

I was the first black

in that particular league.

And we played in a town

called Hagerstown, Maryland.

Oh, I never forget

this day, on a Friday

and they call you

all kinds of names there

n*gg*r this, n*gg*r that, and they...

and I said to myself

and which I thin...

this is why Piper Davis

came in in my mind

"Hey, whatever they call you,

they can't touch you.

Don't... don't talk back."

And that was his thing, if he had

anger about it

he left it on the field.

That's how he responded to

racism that came toward him.

It was like then I'll just

destroy you on the field.

So he went to AAA.

Their AAA team was in Minneapolis

a team called

the Minneapolis Millers.

He was just destroying

the pitching in AAA.

Stealing bases,

making great plays in the outfield.

Willie could do it all.

Name a skill in baseball

and Willie excelled at it.

And the Giants

were not doing that well.

They were kind of

stumbling around a little bit.

So in late May

after his 20th birthday

- Hey, Leo!

- Leo Durocher, the Giants manager

- brought him up from Minneapolis.

- Hey, Leo!

Well, of course, Charlie

I'm very prejudiced when it comes

to Willie Mays. I think

he's the greatest ballplayer

we have today.

Leo, oh my God, I...

Leo, he took care of me, man.

Leo Durocher was

a Runyonesque character.

He was a baseball guy, obviously

but he also hung around

with Hollywood types.

He was married

to the actress Laraine Day.

He was suspended from baseball

for a year in the 1940s

for his association with

supposedly unsavory characters.

He had been on the Yankees

with Babe Ruth.

Here was a guy who spanned

a lot of baseball history.

He managed both the Dodgers

and the Giants.

And Leo loved Willie Mays.

But when I met Leo

it was in spring training.

They had me playing left field.

And left field was too short.

There wasn't enough room out there

for me to move around in.

And I caught about four or five balls

in centerfield very easy, no problem.

Leo said, "That's your position

when we bring you up

you're gonna play centerfield."

Did you have a hard time adjusting?

No, I didn't have

a hard time adjusting.

I had a hard time

just trying to hit the ball.

When he first joined us,

I know he went over 24 or 25

whatever it was.

And I was a little disturbed, and

one of my coaches came into me

Herman Franks, and said that

"You better go talk to your boy

he's sitting in front of his locker


So I went down

and put my arm around Willie.

He was sitting there sobbing.

He said, "Listen, Leo."

He talked in a high-toned voice.

"Charlie," he said, "Mr. Leo,"

he said, "I can't play up there."

He said, "It's too tough for me

I can't hit and I know you're gonna

send me back to Minneapolis."

And I put my arm around him, I said

"Son, as long as I'm the manager

of the New York Giants

you're gonna be the centerfielder.

We brought you here

to play centerfield

and you're gonna play centerfield

today, tomorrow, next week,

next month and as long as I'm here.

Go home, get a good night's rest.

Tomorrow is another day."

The following day

against Warren Spahn

the first ball pitched,

over the roof.

And believe me, Charlie

he literally carried us on his back

for the next six weeks.

Willie looked up to Leo

like a second father.

And Leo looked at Willie as the guy

who is gonna turn this team around.

Because of that,

Willie just went off in New York.

I think Leo might have been the guy

who first coined

the idea of a five tool player.

There is no question in my mind

but what he can do

the five essential things

better than any other player today.

And that's hit, hit with power,

run, field and throw.

Willie is a 10 on a 10 scale

in all five of those:

hit for average

hit for power

run, field, throw.

So come to 1951

this team could win

because this guy's gonna lead us

to the World Series, I'm telling ya'.

He helped the Giants turn

that season around in a big way.

The Giants in one of the greatest

pennant races in history

the greatest comeback of all time.

He was on deck when Bobby Thomson

hit the shot heard around the world.

There's a long drive. It's gonna be.

I believe The Giants

have the pennant!

The Giants have the pennant!

The Giants...

Bottom of the 9th, they're down 4-1

Bobby Thomson hits the 3-run homer,

Giants win it 5-4.

Everybody was running to home plate.

I was the last guy to get to

home plate because I didn't realize

that the game was over.

We won the pennant

and we were just having,

you know, a good time after that.

And then when it went

into the clubhouse

everybody was drinking

champagne and stuff like that.

They gave me

a little bit of champagne

and they tell me that I fell out.

And when I woke up,

I was home in the bed.

Because it was the World Series

everybody watched the World Series.

It really put Willie

in that spotlight nationally.

New York really was the capital

of baseball at that point.

Not only were there great teams

but some of the most significant

and historic players

in the game's history

were there at the same time.

Bobby Brown uncorks a mighty blast.

It sends Mays ranging

far back to haul it in.

He slips and falls hard

when he tries to put on the brakes.

And Woodling jogs easily

to third after the fact.

DiMaggio comes into the batter's box.

Joe connects with a solid blow

and spouts a mighty 2-run homer.

The Yankees ended up

winning it in six games.

The Yankees take

the series four games to two.

And thus

the record book closes on 1951

one of the most brilliant

and thrilling years

in all the exciting

history of baseball.

I had a good year in '51.

I think I had 274,

but it was, it was good.

So here's

a 20-year-old Willie Mays in '51.

He introduces himself

and he's in the World Series.

He's a year out of high school.

He's a starting centerfielder

in the Polo Grounds

and the following May

he's drafted into the army.

I, Willie Howard Mays,

do solemnly swear, do solemnly swear

that I will bear

true faith and allegiance

that I will bear

true faith and allegiance

in the United States of America,

in the United States of America.

I tried to get a whole year in

with the Giants

but they called me.

Willie's drafted into the army

not to fight but to play ball,

to entertain the troops.

I traveled all over,

'cuz I played the army, navy, marines

all those guys. We k*lled 'em.

And during the Korean w*r

he introduced the basket catch

to the world.

The guys gave me

the name the basket catch.

Every time I would catch it, "Oh,

he's making the basket catch today."

And the basket catch is, you know,

we're all taught as little leaguers

two hands, see the ball

into the glove.

Well, Willie, no, I'm gonna

catch it down here at belt level.

And then when I got out of the army

to come back to the Giants

they just threw that in,

the writers, I'm talking about.

And then it just got took

and shoo, they just ran with it.

He played in the army for two years.

When he came out of the army in '54

Mays came back to his home in Harlem

and came back to the Giants.

But Willie's time

in Harlem in the '50s

was crucial to his development

as a man as well as a ballplayer.

He was just a teenager in Alabama

but now here he was living in one

of the biggest cities in the world

in the most famous

black community in America.

Willie lived on St. Nicholas Place

just a block and a half

from the Polo Grounds

but his main hangout was

the Red Rooster on 7th Ave.

In the 130s

which was part of a vibrant strip

of bars and nightclubs.

The Red Rooster was a short drive

or walk from the Polo Grounds.

Willie would go there,

he liked to play pool.

They'd give him a table in the back

where he could eat

after the game and socialize.

He didn't drink or smoke

but he liked to hang out there

and enjoy his celebrity.

Supposedly the uptown gamblers

they wouldn't let him

hang out too late

they made sure he went home

and got his sleep

when they bet on the Giants.

Red Rooster, that's a...

that was a... the restaurant.

That was George Woods

and George, I don't know

if somebody must have called him

because every night about nine

here he come...

"You gotta go home."

And I said,

"What do you mean I got to go?

It's just only nine o'clock."

"No, no, no, you gotta go home."

Because I had a big table for about

ten in the back of the restaurant.

So they parked my car right

by the backdoor of the Red Rooster

and they made sure

that I didn't get in no trouble.

And imagine, you know,

your table at the Red Rooster

you're not in no hurry

to go back to Alabama.

Not only is Willie Mays

in Harlem, he's the man.

Everybody took care of me,

made sure I got back home.

Made sure that I got to the ballpark

made sure that no one bothered me

because everybody on 7th Avenue

knew who I was.

They... they didn't... nobody said

nothing out of the way to me.

The kids find out that

I can play stickball

and they knocked

on my window every day.

In the South,

we didn't call it stickball

we called it like broom ball.

And that's how I learned

how to hit the ball.

We'd take the mop, cut the head off,

and now we've got a long stick.

When it bounces and come up to me,

I could hit it a long ways.

So a lot of the mornings

he would play stickball

with the kids

in the streets of Harlem

and then afterward treat 'em

to cake and ice cream.

All the kids, they come by like

eight, nine o'clock in the morning.

I had to play for about an hour.

When I played a night game, I'd go

out to play stickball with the guys

about three or four o'clock.

And then I'd go to the ballpark

all the time.

And the kids enjoyed that very much.

It was just a fun time.

Can you imagine the great Willie Mays

plays stickball just like rest of us.

So there were a lot of things

that we identified with Willie.

Willie's first year with the Giants

was my second year broadcasting

so really we were both kids.

And I gravitated to him

because I loved the way he played.

I think most of us were absolutely

blown away by his overall ability.

And it was his attitude.

To me, in watching him

he wasn't a big leaguer

he was a kid playing the outfield

and loving every minute of it.

Mays catching this one like a seagull

dipping for a fish. There he goes!

This is the new Willie Mays

and the country is on fire

because of this man.

He just lights up every ballpark.

My dad took me

to one game at the Polo Grounds.

We're seated

down the right field line

and I'm on my father's shoulders

when he says to me, "Bobby,

look, see that player right there?

That's Willie Mays."

As if he was saying to his son

the equivalent of son

that's the Washington Monument,

that's the Grand Canyon

you'll never forget having been here.

That's Willie Mays.

The epitome of Willie Mays

at the Polo Ground

was the famous catch in 1954

Game 1 of the World Series

New York Giants against

the heavily favored Cleveland Indians

of the American League.

And the Indians that year

had a great pitching staff

a deep lineup of good defense.

They were stacked, 111 wins.

They were expected

to sweep that Series.

The catch in '54

the most famous catch in World Series

history that live son to this day

turned that World Series around.

Vic Wertz hit a ball over his head.

With a runner

at first and second base

Vic Wertz hit a shot! It's a home run

in any other ballpark.

Vic hit the ball so hard and so high.

But what made it amazing

was Willie played shallow

and Willie ran.

But there goes Willie!

Willie sprinted back on the ball.

He didn't worry about any wall

because it was so deep.

With his back to the infield,

running on the dead run, looked up.

The ball dropped over his shoulder.

He reached out and made the catch.

Part of it was

catching it over your head.

That's what made it amazing.

And then he just turned around

and winged it.

I caught it very quickly and

got rid of it back into the infield.

And he a miraculous catch as

he stops us just short of the wall.

He sends that ball back

to the infield in a split second.

They had Larry Doby.

Larry's on second.

And Willie knew that

the ball was so deep

that there was a good chance that

that runner would score.

He had to come back, touch third,

go back to second, touch second

and he didn't even score.

When Willie Mays went back

for that catch

and them 30 yards went to 40 yards

and a little further

that's to us as athletes,

makes it phenomenal.

Those 6.5 seconds

from the time Wertz hits the ball

'til the time Mays let go of the ball

are 6.5 seconds in American history

that everybody should know about.

What you have just seen

is a glimpse of athletic genius.

That catch is

one of the greatest

athletic performances

in sports history.

And with the momentum

created by Willie's catch

the Giants won the World Series.

In the clubhouse, bedlam breaks loose

as television crews, photographers

and newspapermen endeavor

to record the scene.

That World Series was one of

the biggest upsets of all time.

And television was just

becoming a big thing.

Before that, everybody listened

to the World Series.

Everybody was tuned in one way

or the other to the World Series.

Baseball, America's #1 sport

and one which has a season

running for half the year

is #1 on television, too.

The athletes' audience

is vastly increased.

Television holds them

by the millions.

I think it's important

that Willie spent the first portion

of his career in New York

because when television was

in its infancy

and there weren't

that many games on TV

the nation by in large saw the

All Star Game and the World Series

and they watched television shows

that emanated from New York.

Another great star from Alabama

Willie Mays

led the National League with 342.

And at that time, to see

any black person on television

was rare.

Well, Ed, I've had

a few base hits in my career

but I think the biggest thrill I got

up until the ball was caught, that is

was the ball that Willie caught

in the World Series of last year.

I think I also got more publicity

out of that ball, too.

Well, Willie, when did you change

your method of catching a ball?

And what... How long ago was it?

Well, I spent two years

in the army and

I said to myself now

when I come out of the army

I have to, you know,

have something new.

I said well I better

practice on this now.

Well, I, you know, perfected it

pretty good, I use it.

What is the difference

and how do you?

Well, it relaxes me, I can take it

easy that way. I don't know...

You didn't relax Vic Wertz.

That's all I gotta say to you.

So the whole country had

a better sense of them

than they did of the stars on

other teams outside their own cities.

So here's Willie Mays

the first great African American

superstar after the w*r.

Willie Mays busted through to show

the world that baseball is changing.

I came to New York when I was 19.

I was very shy.

I didn't know anybody.

I started saying,

"Come here, say hey."

We had a lot of

great New York writers would say

"Oh, that go to Say Hey Kid"

and it stuck with me.

Say Hey.

1958 will always be remembered

as the year Major League Baseball

came to the west coast

and baseball takes top billing

as the spotlight shines

on the San Francisco Giants.

And in 1958 Horace Stoneham

moves to San Francisco

because the O'Malleys

are moving to Los Angeles.

Walter O'Malley broke the hearts

of Brooklyn fans

moving the Dodgers to LA

but the same thing happened

to Giants fans.

Giants fans told me this story

Horace Stoneham broke my heart

when he moved the Giants

and I've never forgiven him

but Willie Mays

as long as they had Willie Mays,

I still cared about the Giants.

In San Francisco, the big city

is big league for the first time

and again, a parade down

Market Street bids the Giants welcome

as they open the season

in their new home.

By that time I think

Willie was the Giants.

He was the face of the franchise.

I think that without Willie Mays

you don't have the Giants

that we've all come to know

and love in the Bay area.

It's hard for me to imagine

San Francisco being interested

in the Giants moving

from New York without Willie Mays.

He was a lynchpin factor

in that deal being made.

A an extra burst of cheers

greets Willie Mays.

The Say Hey Kid is at home already.

A parade that marks

the making of baseball history

San Francisco Giants

meet Los Angeles Dodgers.

The west coast's first

big league baseball game ever

but incidentally, a continuation

of an old, old diamond rivalry.

Seals Stadium,

the new home of the Giants

is a beehive of activity

as ushers and ticket takers

prepare for the big rush

in the new era of baseball.

The Say Hey Kid, Willie Mays gets

his first safety in San Francisco

to put Mantel on first and second.

Willie Kirkland touches Ron Negray

for a single

that produces a final run.

And the San Francisco Giants make

a successful debut in their new home

by thrashing Los Angeles

8 to nothing.

23,000 fans leave Seals Stadium

confident that Major League Baseball

is on the west coast to stay.

When the Giants and the Dodgers

moved to the west coast

it made it truly a national game.

But in San Francisco

they did not warm to Willie

when he first got here.

Why didn't they embrace

Willie Mays in San Francisco?

Well, for one thing, Joe DiMaggio.

DiMaggio was born and raised

in San Francisco

and had played for

the San Francisco Seals

in the Pacific Coast League

before going to the Yankees

so he's already a legend.

He's their centerfielder.

He was a man about town.

He had his own restaurant. It was

the Toot Shor's of San Francisco.

So Willie shows up, but

this is Joe DiMaggio's town.

That's Joe DiMaggio's stadium.

That's Joe DiMaggio's position.

Who is Willie Mays?

Willie Mays was a New York Giant.

These are San Francisco Giants.

They played at Seals Stadium

the first two years.

Seals Stadium was big, 420 to center.

Without doubt, Mays finds himself

playing in the shadow of

San Francisco's own Joe DiMaggio.

San Francisco wants a winner.

But the fans don't get it

those first years at Seals Stadium

even with Mays hitting

a career high of 347 in 1958.

Willie's gone through

a lot of racial discrimination

even here in San Francisco

where San Francisco is probably

the most un-r*cist part of

this state, as you can imagine.

I mean they'll shut down anything

for equality here

which I really respect and love

but you know, at one point

Willie did go through that.

I think they accepted him

as a athletic star

but not as a person

they wanted to live next door to

not as a person that they want

to have their kids hang out with.

In the late '50s,

San Francisco was different.

For openers, you couldn't be

a policeman if you were black.

You couldn't be a deputy sheriff.

You couldn't be a fireman.

You couldn't live in certain parts

of the city if you were black.

White people were more honest

in those days.

They told you upfront that you were

not welcome in the neighborhood.

And it was the same

all over the city.

Willie wanted to live

on Miraloma Drive in San Francisco

and Willie and his then wife

Margherite, tried to buy a house

on Miraloma Drive.

They picked out a home

a beautiful home overlooking

the water.

And Willie was denied. Why?

Because of the color of his skin.

Willie Mays was

a celebrity of great stature.

He could afford

the 35 or 40,000 dollars

for homes in that neighborhood.

He could not buy there.

That neighborhood went crazy.

They didn't want Willie Mays

or anybody else black

in their neighborhood.

Some white guy sold him the house.

And then the guy had to pull back.

The mayor said, "Hey,

you could live over here with me

live in my house

until you find another place."

He said, "No, I want this place."

The realtor said,

"Hey, I can find you

another place

in another neighborhood."

Willie said, "No, I want this place."

An organization called

the Council for Civic Unity

jumped in on Willie Mays' behalf.

Did you make a deposit on the house?

Yes, we did, yes. I see.

And there's been some discussion

about you not being able

to buy it, is that correct?

Well, not now. The guy, the owner

just called me today and said

he was very happy to sell me the

house in the... in the neighborhood.

- I see.

- I don't know what was disturbing...

They finally did get the house

but it was over

the objections of the neighbors.

In years to come, Mays would receive

everything from daily advice

in the newspapers

to a bottle thrown by a fanatic

through his front room window.

That bottle came

and it caused the then Mrs. Mays

to want to get back to New York

as fast as she could.

And that may have contributed

to their divorce.

You indicated that you and Willie

might move back to New York

after this season.

Does this mean you like New York

or dislike San Francisco?

What's the real reason?

Well, we like San Francisco

and we like New York

and we still have a home in the east.

Willie Mays' efforts

to get a house in this city

was as important as

his 660th home run for San Francisco

because it launched

the real dedicated effort

to integrate this city.

Willie got the house, and he'll

tell you that it's not just for me

it's for the next guy

to move into the neighborhood.

It's for the next minority

who wants to buy a home there

because that next minority's

not gonna be Willie Mays.

Willie Mays had the power

to open the door for others

and in that particular case he did.

In the end, the evidence

not only of his greatness

but of the joy that he brought

to the field transmitted to the fans.

Willie was about joy

as much as he was about greatness.

He won them over.

Sophisticated San Francisco

lets its hair down

and embraces baseball to its bosom.

Willie Mays and his flashy plays

make an immediate hit.

Willie Mays,

San Francisco's Say Hey hero

twice the humpback ball to right.

Pafko just misses a shoe swing catch

as Mays blazons the bases

for a double.

Giant jubilation

literally rocks the joint.

They played at Seals Stadium

the first two years, '58 and '59

while Candlestick was being built.

$15 million Candlestick Park is

opened by the San Francisco Giants

for the inaugural of

the 1960 National League Season.

Giants owner Horace Stoneham

welcomes Vice President Nixon.

And with a Giant on base

Willie Mays draws a walk.

I think it was the writer

Jack London who said

the coldest winter I ever spent

was July in San Francisco.

At Candlestick Park with the winds

swirling literally in June and July

those winds did not help

Willie Mays' home run total.

Candlestick Park

the worst place in the bay area

to put a stadium

right next to the bay, windy, cold.

The designers brought the city

officials out at 11:00 in the morning

and said,

"God, what a beautiful place."

Well, they didn't go at night

'cuz if they showed up at night,

it's the windiest place on earth.

But that's where

Candlestick Park was built.

And for Mays and the Giants

playing at night at Candlestick Park

can sometimes be quite an experience.

Candlestick Park was open air.

The winds would pour in

from left field generally.

The wind would blow it

to the right center.

I had to wait until that wind hit it

and then it come, come straight down.

Willie was having home runs

knocked down to left field.

I couldn't hit the ball

out of the ballpark.

The wind would blow it back.

And I hit it hard.

So Willie didn't complain

he adjusted and learned how to adapt

his swing to Candlestick Park.

There was a jet stream out

in right center

so he got the ball up and out.

I would... I would've hit

another 10, maybe 10 or 15.

Right hand hurler Larry Jackson

gives Orlando Cepeda one he likes.

400 feet into deep center

for a triple!

You have to go

to a night game in Candlestick

so you can experience

the coldest night ever.

It was so cold that

you're afraid to swing

because you hit the ball hard

some plays

but you'll be like this

for three innings.

The reason I came to play ball

was because of Willie

when Willie Mays came

to Puerto Rico in 1954.

Players often would play winter ball.

They would go

not only to hone their skills

but to make extra money

in Puerto Rico

or sometimes even Cuba back then.

It was huge because the islands

would incorporate their own players

with the great American ballplayers.

I was a bat boy

for the team

that would play in Puerto Rico.

After watching Willie play

I want to be a ballplayer.

The Giants signed

quite a few of the Latin players

especially Dominican players.

The Giants got ahead

of the other major league teams.

When I walked through that gate

to the San Francisco Giants

to go to the clubhouse

Felipe Alou and Orlando Cepeda

was waiting for me.

And they gave me a big welcome.

They introduced me to each player

in San Francisco Giants.

I'm gonna be playing

on the same field with Willie Mays.

And I said, "Why!" He said

"Cup check", I didn't know that

but I had the cup, of course!

He's laughing.

This fellow is the greatest

baseball player of our time.

Mays is in a class by himself.

Then you start rating

the other ballplayers.

You start rating the Mickey Mantels

the Ted Williams, the Stan Musials

but none of them could do

the things that Willie Mays could do

because Willie could

do so many things.

He was the shortstop

when I was in New York.

He came to California

and he was my manager.

He made me the captain

of the whole team on the field.

Whatever I said,

that's what they did.

If they didn't do it,

they didn't play.

You had the power to bench

a guy the next day regardless of

what Alvin Dark or Herman Franks

or whoever was the manager said?

I ran the field, you know,

and I said to Herman

"You run the bench,

I'll run the field."

I didn't have a coach when I played.

I didn't have one.

Everything I did was on my own.

And I told him, I said, "Man,

I don't know if I can do that."

"Yes, you can.

You do whatever

you want to do on the field

and I'll take care

of the rest of it."

You just had a sense of the game.

The rule that we had when I played,

this one hand, it go left or right.

Anytime that hand move,

you gotta move.

That's the only rule

we ever had in the outfield.

Now, if you didn't see that

you didn't play the next day.

Very simple.

Willie was the leader of our team,

yeah, there was no question about it.

We didn't have nobody

on the team that... that

could lead us

the way that Willie did.

So we start gelling very quickly,

all the guys began to play together

not no one man playing this,

one man playing that.

I wanted nine guys on that field

to play together.

That's all I wanted.

And once we play together,

we can win.

Orlando Cepeda hammers

the ball into deep right center.

Mays trots home from third

and Cepeda pulls up

at second base for the double.

Marichal, a perennial All-Star

is ready to take on the American

League's best once again.

After he retires the first two,

Lee Walls flies to Willie Mays

charging in. Alou dives

and comes up with the ball.

Marichal was one of

several Latin players

to pay handsome dividends

to the Giants.

In '62, Willie had

an MVP caliber year.

He hit 49 home runs.

Led San Francisco

to their first post season.

They had this incredible final week.

So now it's a best of three playoff,

Giants and Dodgers, just like '51.

Game 3 is at Dodgers Stadium.

This is the year

Dodgers Stadium opened.

And they did big time

box office business.

But the Dodgers go to

the ninth inning ahead, 4-2.

The Giants start rallying.

The Giants get four runs

to go ahead 6-4.

And Willie Mays had

one of the big hits in the rally.

The Dodgers just fell apart.

And finally, there's a fly ball

to Willie Mays in centerfield.

Lee Walls flies to Willie Mays

for the final out.

And he takes the ball

out of his glove

and he flings it up into the stands.

Giants have won the pennant.

And now it's on to San Francisco

and the World Series

with the New York Yankees.

We played good to beat the Dodgers.

And we played good in

the World Series against the Yankees.

The next day they're facing

Whitey Ford at Candlestick Park.

The World Series for the first time

has come to San Francisco.

With the players lined up

on the infield

the crowd comes to attention

for the national anthem.

I remember

we started in San Francisco.

They win one, we win one,

and we went to Yankee Stadium.

Willie Mays takes batting practice.

The tying run is now at the plate

but Davenport flies to Tresh

for the final out

and the Yankees again lead

in the series, two games to one.

And I started the fourth game

I was pitching the best game

of my life.

I strike out Mickey Mantel twice.

I end up winning that game.

And the game five, we lost.

We came back to San Francisco.

They were coming back

from New York for Games 6 and 7

and there were several days of rain.

The worst storm in a century

hit the bay area.

The field at Candlestick had

absorbed rain for four days in a row.

It was wet. They had

brought in helicopters.

There's these incredible pictures of

the helicopters hovering low

over the field at Candlestick

and they're trying

to dry off the field.

The fans are on edge because

the Giants are fighting for survival.

Willie Mays never seems

to lose his zest or his brilliance.

So finally the bottom

of the 9th inning of Game 7...

Willie's at the plate

the 9th inning of the 7th Game

of the 1962 World Series.

Before I got to bat,

Matty Alou bunted.

Matty Alou is on first base

with two out.

Yankees lead 1-nothing.

Willie's the hitter.

He doubles down the right field line.

When I hit the ball

it didn't go to the fence

like it usually go.

He caught it

before it went to the fence.

But it was wet.

Roger Maris makes

a really good play to cut it off

before it gets to the fence.

He fielded a wet ba...

it had to be soaking wet baseball

and he fired a perfect relay throw

to Bobby Richardson, the second

baseman, who was a gold glover.

And then Richardson threw

to the plate on one hop

right to Elston Howard, the catcher.

The third base coach

held up Matty Alou.

And the story was always felt that

Matty would have been dead

if he'd tried to score.

But Willie...

I asked Willie about that.

Willie said to me

"If I had been the runner

instead of the batter

I would have run right through

that stop sign.

I would have made them

make a perfect play to get me."

And we had Matty at third

and me at second.

The next batter, McCovey,

he hit a line drive.

Willie McCoy hit

right to Bobby Richardson.

And he caught the ball

in short right, right field.

A couple of inches either way

and the Giants score two runs

and win the game 2-1.

The 20th World Championship

won by the New York Yankees

who's carried off the field

on the shoulders...

The Giants won

only one pennant in the '60s

but they had

the best record in the '60s.

They finished second

five straight years.

They were a great team.

We have seven Latin players

so we talked Spanish.

I remember in the dugout

one time, you know

I don't wanna say the name who did it

but he come up to me and said

"Juan, Speak english,

you're in America."

Alvin Dark turned off

a lot of minorities.

He said some things

some very regrettable things.

I remember what happened to Orlando.

With my case, because I like,

I love music so much

I got a record player with me

on the big LP

but Alvin Dark, because he don't

like music, he tried to stop me.

And he gave order

to the clubhouse man

for me not to bring my music

with me on the road.

If I can't bring my music with me,

I'm not going nowhere.

He would not allow Spanish

to be spoken in the clubhouse.

Cepeda and some of the other

minorities were ready to walk out.

It was gonna be a mutiny.

Willie had to talk to Alvin

about the situation.

He said you go and you do

what you have to do

and I will back you up

to the fullest.

And he did, Alvin Dark,

that's why I say

a lot of people say

well he's a r*cist.

I don't think so.

Willie got in between

and Willie tried to tell me

you're a baseball player

put aside the manager,

whatever he say.

If you do well,

everybody gonna like you.

So that really helped me.

Willie was always

like that. He was...

he just saw things differently.

You know, Willie just said

just let's play the game.

You know, let's just...

We got to stick together.

Let's just play the game. He had just

a different perspective on things

and a more of

an outgoing personality toward that.

Alvin kept doing it.

There was gonna be a mutiny.

Alvin was fired after the season.

So Willie's a great uniter.

He's a great peacemaker, the captain.

The Giants had the best road

attendance in the National League

throughout the '60s.

They had the Alou brothers.

They had Cepeda.

They had McCovey, Marichal, Perry

but it was Mays

who brought the fans in.

It was Mays who united that team

who made that team good enough

for everybody to want

to go see the Giants.

I got this Willie Mays bat last week.

I told the youngsters...

that I'd ask you to give them

a couple of tips on hitting.

I could've used this bat today, Ed.

Why you give it to me now?

Willie was so naturally effervescent

and such a gifted storyteller

and so comfortable

in front of the cameras that

much of white America

felt comfortable with him.

He wasn't outwardly political

so that might... may

have put people at ease.

Hey, Sam!

Say hey, Willie.

I did three or four different things

that came out of Hollywood.


- Willie, what a nice surprise.

- How are you?

Will you join us?

Oh, no, thank you, Donna.

I just stopped by to see

a friend of mine, he owns this place.

It used to be an empire, you know.

I remember asking Willie about this

there are no black people

on any of these sitcoms

but Willie Mays would just show up

as if that was

a natural course of things.

So here's Donna Reed,

having lunch with a white lady

and all of the sudden

Willie Mays shows up.

Wait 'til I tell the doctor

that I met little ol' Say Hey.

The incongruity of the scene was

apparently lost on most viewers

and then he walked away with a check.

I did The Tonight Show,

What's My Line

Ed Sullivan.

What's the greatest streak you've

ever had in baseball, would you say?

Well, my, I had two. I...

My greatest in baseball was last week

when I hit my 512th home runs

to break Mel Otts.

Just a couple of days

before his birthday in 1966

Willie Mays hit #512. He broke

Mel Otts' National League record

and became

the number one home run slugger

in National League history.

Giants were in New York.

The Ed Sullivan Show was the big

national show on Sunday nights.

It was live. His fame has gone

coast to coast by that time.

Willie Mays lives alone

behind miles of drawn curtains

searching for whatever privacy

there is off the field

that quiet time alone.

The life of a celebrity

is not always ideal.

You have to pay a price

that quite often is greater than

or as great as the cheers,

and plaudits and the wealth.

So San Francisco was not like

center of black folk

because it was not as social.

There was not such thing

as a black Harlem.

In the bay area

and in the city at some point

Margherite and Willie Mays,

they got divorced.

Willie Mays is not

a social butterfly.

Even today,

that's who Willie Mays is.

He was never a player

a street player.

He was a baseball player

but being Willie Mays,

you know, Willie Mays is...

he's always with it.

Willie's home, decorated

all in gold and white

is high on a hill, overlooking

the famous Golden Gate Bridge.

He leads the gracious life

of a superstar

in these luxury surroundings.

Yeah, that was

the best house to be a kid in.

He cut a hole

in the living room floor

and put like a spiral staircase

down to the garage

so it was like the bat cave.

The gold clock says 10:15

the time to be going to the park

to play Los Angeles again.

Willie after a night game and

a late meal gets home past midnight

so there's very little time to relax.

The games just keep coming,

night and day.

The fans have been very good to me.

They've been great,

and they've always been coming here

but I don't worry about

the grown people too much.

I worry more about the kids.

I'm Mike Murphy. I've been

with the Giants for 63 years.

I started as the bat boy.

If you needed something,

you'd go see Willie.

He took care of me when I was a kid.

He'd give us money to go eat lunch or

"Hey kids, here's 20 bucks,

go eat lunch."

20 bucks in the '50s

was a lot of money.

He'd never refuse anybody.

You know, kids go up to him and

you know, ask him

for autographs and everything.

When he arrives at Candlestick,

the kids are there to greet him

and beyond the gate

his quiet private hours are over.

I bet you every one of those kids

got an autographed baseball

a photograph from him

because that's who

Willie Mays really was.

And that made him

an even bigger star.

He surpassed the white superstars.

He comes from a family

and a place where

everybody helps everybody.

I guess he's paying it forward

he's seeing people helping me,

I need to help people.

Willie's in the prime of his career

with the San Francisco Giants.

So many people, not just

ballplayers or even athletes

people who grew up in that area

in various walks of life

speak with such reverence

about Willie Mays

and what he meant to their childhood

or their adolescence.

He was a gigantic star.

Willie Mays played so frequently

and he was so durable

that from 1951 through 1962,

he missed 21 games.

Giants lost 14 of them

so no wonder managers wanted him

to play every single day.

He played to an extent that he was

literally exhausted and passed out.

This happened

three or four times in his career.

And was rushed to the hospital

and would often spend

a couple of nights at the hospital

where he'd be rejuvenated and

return to the field and keep playing.

But in the '50s and '60s,

that was Willie Mays

he did not wanna stop

until he literally passed out.

I think the era of baseball

at that time

was you don't get sick, you don't

get hurt, you don't get tired.

Black players don't get that

and we play every day.

I learned that from those guys.

That was the Mays era

and started my era.

The easy jobs in the front office

that paid six figures

black players don't get

those kind of jobs.

Those are for the white players.

We knew what the situation was

because by 1968

the masses of blacks had grown tired

and impatient with litigation

and legislation, and gradualism.

They began to struggle

for dignity and respect.

We're gonna do what we're going to do

regardless whether white folks

believe us or not.

See what I'm saying?

And that's boycott.

I'm saying that we're going to do

what's in the interest

of black people

whatever it is.

And that's when the athletes

in the mid 1960s decided

we've got to make a clean,

hard break with our fathers

not just Willie Mays,

but that whole era of athletes

who found it necessary and imperative

to simply shut up and play.

And you had Jim Brown,

Muhammad Ali, and Bill Russell.

You had Arthur Ashe. You had

Tommie Smith and John Carlos

who took it international.

These athletes were saying

we're not just commodities

for your entertainment and pleasure

we are full, complete

and total human beings.

And we demand to be treated as such.

Said that on the international stage

12 years after

Jackie Robinson had retired.

He made the statement,

"I never had it made

because I realize I'm a black man

in a r*cist white society."

Willie didn't want any part of that.

And this is where he actually drew

criticism from Jackie Robinson.

Willie's personable and he has

great talent, but he's never matured.

He continues to ignore

the most important issue of our time.

He's never had any decent guidance

in these matters

and probably keeps looking

only to his security as a great star.

It's a damn shame

he's never taken part.

He doesn't realize

he wouldn't be where he is today

without the battles

that others have fought.

He thinks it's not his concern,

but it is. Jackie Robinson.

Jackie ripped him.

He said wouldn't it be wonderful

if this young superstar could tell us

about leaving Birmingham and being

denied at the house in San Francisco

and overcoming it all.

I think that's totally unfair 'cause

Willie's always been outspoken.

It's just that Willie saw things

a little bit more calmer,

I guess you can say.

Willie's father always told him

"Don't create chaos,

don't pop off, don't say too much.

Just put your head down, run

the bases and play the game right."

And Willie took that to heart.

Some marched and protested

some won gold medals

in the World Series.

It's about humanizing us.

That's what happened in the '60s.

It's these people made it impossible

for us to be dismissed, ignored.

They brought the light.

Different people do things

in different ways.

I can't, for instance,

go out and picket.

I can't stand on a soap box

and preach.

That simply isn't my nature.

People like Mr. King and Mr. Wilkins

are better equipped than I am

but it's not true what Robinson said

about my not doing anything

for race relationships.

I work for the Job Corps

and I don't know

how many kids groups I've addressed

and will continue to address.

In my own way I believe I'm helping.

You see, I've been doing things

a long time along this line

but I want no credit.

Everyone must do his own job

in his own way, and in my heart

my way is just as important

as Jackie Robinson's way.

I believe understanding

is the important thing.

In my talks to kids I've tried

my best to get that message across.

It makes no difference

whether you are black or white

because we are all God's children

fighting for the same cause.

Let's talk about progress

for a while.

Just look around out there

in the clubhouse.

There are an awful lot of

southern boys on this team

yet we live and play

together in harmony.

It was not possible 15, 16 years ago.

Today's kids don't have

the hardships Jackie and I had

and they realize and appreciate it.

Today, for instance, we play

as many as five or six negroes

at the same time on our ball club.

And once in Atlanta we had eight

or nine in there at the same time

and Atlanta is a southern town.

Willie Mays

Harry Edwards' famous book,

The Revolt Of The Black Athlete

that's something particular

to the '60s.

Willie came along before

anybody knew who Cassius Clay was

so I want to judge Willie Mays

as Willie Mays.

Willie's always been outspoken,

it's just that

those were the gentlemen

that were picked at that time

as well as Martin Luther King was

our representation of freedom

for... for blacks at the time.

Willie just wasn't on that panel.

It doesn't necessarily mean

Willie wasn't outspoken

for what he believed in.

He believed in what they were saying

and maybe Willie at that time felt

they were

the right candidate for that.

Well, it's almost unfair to suggest

that Willie Mays should

do anything other than

be the proficient professional

he needed to be as a baseball player.

Black people have imposed upon them

the dual responsibility to

not only represent all black people

but to make it comfortable

for even some races

to interact without ever accepting

the r*cist response

"You're okay,

but the rest of you are not,"

and that's kind of the way

Willie Mays was treated.

He became okay,

but the rest of them were not.

And to the extent he could

be helpful with the NAACP

with the Council for Civic Unity,

with all the other organizations

and with individuals

like Willie Brown

the upcoming lawyer politician,

Willie Mays was helpful.

And we all are not

gonna be Muhammad Ali.

Willie did things for people

behind the scenes

in the dugout,

in the clubhouse, at his home.

So I spoke with Joe Morgan

Hank Aaron,

Frank Robinson, Maury Wills

all of them to a man said

it's wrong to say

that Willie didn't do enough

because he was there for me

he was there for us.

He opened the door for us.

And he did so much more

than people give him credit for.

I met Willie Mays

in spring training in 1968

and he came out of

the Giants dugout. And

"Where's this Reggie Jackson at?

And this Reggie Jackson kid,

I... I want to see this kid.

Reggie Jackson, they tell me

he's... he's a great player, he's...

he's got a lot of power.

Where's this kid, Reggie Jackson?"

You know, I was

the Arizona State kid.

He wanted to introduce himself to me,

and I was absolutely thrilled.

I learned so much from Willie.

As Willie started

getting up there in years

every time there would be

a young outfielder who had promise

there was always talk

of him being the next Willie Mays.

Bobby Bonds

that was the guy they really thought

could really be the next Willie Mays.

Bobby Bonds is off and running.

He had tremendous speed,

tremendous power

great base stealer,

he could to it all.

Bonds gives the Giants

one of the best defensive outfields

ever assembled.

And he can do the impossible.

Willie had a locker

and nobody's next to Willie, but

only special people that he wanted

so we put Bobby next to Willie

and that's how

they became best of friends.

Willie took him under his wing.

I grew up with Bobby.

And the Bondses were...

were the heroes in our town.

I was always with him and my dad

'cuz my dad was always Bobby's coach.

Bobby was the man.

He introduced me to Willie Mays.

I told him I liked his glove that

he had on. It was a kangaroo glove.

And Willie took it off his hand

and gave it to me.

And so I felt a closeness

to, you know, to Willie

and definitely always a close...

a closeness, you know, to Bobby.

And you know, Willie helped Bobby.

You know, he loved Bobby.

My dad loved Willie

more than anything.

Everything was

Willie this in our house

Willie that,

Willie this, Willie this.

You wanna hit, you gotta

hit like Willie, you know.

Throw your hands like this

and everything like that.

And because my dad

idolized Willie Mays

because Willie took

all the black athletes at that time

and he held them on his shoulder.

And we as kids remember this forever.

I was one of those kids that

I mean I was obsessed with Willie.

I would put Willie... I'm left-handed

and I would put Willie's glove

on backwards

just so I could wear his glove.

But it was my parents, you know, that

sat there and told Willie, you know

"You're gonna take this kid."

Cuz I wouldn't want

to leave the locker room.

I didn't want... I followed him

like a little puppy dog. And...

And I guess my dad kind of got fed up

because I remember being on the field

when I was five and six years old and

I guess my dad kind of got fed up

with me just screaming,

"I want to be with Willie,"

crying, "I wanna be with Willie."

And Willie just finally just said,

"Give me that boy,"

you know, like you know,

and he took me out on the field.

Barry Bonds grew up

not only in a baseball household

but as part of baseball royalty.

His mom and dad, Pat and Bobby Bonds

asked Willie Mays to be

the godfather for Barry.

Barry would climb all over

his locker, get in his locker.

He used to say,

"What are you doing in there?

What are you doing in there?"

So they used to grab his gloves and

he'd get mad

if you grabbed his gloves.

As a kid at five years old

I remember saying to him,

"Boy, get out of my locker."

I'll tell you one thing about Say Hey

because you did...

you brought up one catch

and then there's another catch

with him and my father

in San Francisco, okay.

I was mad at my dad 'cuz he hurt

my godfather, like really mad.

Game of the Week

Bobby Tolan, Cincinnati Reds

hits a monster fly ball

to right center, so the ball goes up.

Bobby jumps up, but Willie comes

out of nowhere and jumps over him.

Makes the catch, climbs the

cyclone fence, comes down with it.

They collide.

And Bobby is actually

looking at the ball

and holds the ball up

for the umpire to see.

Willie came out of nowhere, okay

'cuz the ball was hit in right center

and I was a kid

and I was at that game.

My dad's knee hit Willie

in his chest a little bit

and I was so mad at my dad because

Willie was on that ground forever.

I didn't want to talk

to my dad forever.

I was "I don't like you;

you hurt my... you hurt my Willie."

And Willie's on the ground

and the ball's sitting in his glove.

Without the glove falling off

or the ball falling out of your glove

and him hanging onto the ball,

to have now retained the ball

and be knocked out

that to me was the best catch

I've ever seen.

Two things happened at that time.

I got married

and I got traded to the Mets.

The Giants meanwhile

were having a tough time

and business was not going well.

I mean the Stoneham family

was literally going bankrupt.

The Giants used to be

the second highest drawing team

in the National League

behind the Dodgers

and most of those years

second best drawing team

in all of Major League Baseball.

And they would get a million six.

One year they got

a million seven, a million five.

And '68 the A's came out

from Kansas City

and both teams draw 800,000.

And really, where do they expect all

these extra fans were gonna come from

because the Giants had been

the only team?

We used to go from

the east bay over to Candlestick.

Well, now we didn't

have to do that anymore.

We could just go to the Coliseum

we didn't have to go

across the bridge anymore.

It was 1972

and they started trading

some of their higher priced players.

Willie Mays would regularly have

the highest salary in the game.

That's when he got traded.

I think it k*lled

Horace Stoneham to do it

but they just couldn't afford it.

Mr. Stoneham told me, says "Willie, I

don't have enough money to pay you."

I said, "What do you mean, sir?"

He says, "I gotta

get you back to New York

where you can still make,

you know, quite a bit of money."

So I says

"I don't think I wanna go;

I think I better go home."

He said. "No, no, no

Mrs. Joan Payson

the owner of the Mets

she already called

and she says we got you."

And I said, "I gotta go home."

"No, no, no,

your wife is already here."

She'd been here for two days.

She said, "Write your own contract."

And I said, "Well, I got her now."

So I said, "I, Willie Mays,

would like to

do what I wanna do,

when I wanna do it, at anytime."

And she said,

"Is that what you want?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"You got it." And I said, "Oh, my god

she give me everything that I

asked for; I can't go nowhere else."

When I got back to New York,

it was just like I never left.

What a moment!

This is a sensation in New York.

The feeling that I had

when I came back was...

it just was no expressing it.

It was just a feeling that

a town wanted, I felt coming back.

And I think

they showed that by the way they

treated me when I first came back.

And it's just terrific to be back.

The Giants went to New York

just a few days later

and they played the Mets.

And Willie hits a home run

against the Giants.

And he beats the Giants.

And it's way back in left field.

It could be, it's going going

and it's a home run!

Number 647 in his career.

The way I felt, that the players

on the Giants felt that

if they had to get beaten,

they wanted for me to beat them.

And this is the way I feel

I, you know, running

around the bases, you know.

- It's beautiful.

- Unreal.

I think it's wonderful.

- It's great.

- It's fantastic.

I was always a Willie Mays fan.


The best thing

that ever happened to me.

So May of '72

Joan Payson has the Mets,

brings him home.

He was a key player

on that team in '72

and he was thinking

well, that's it for me

I'm okay if this is my last year.

But Joan Payson wouldn't allow it.

She says one more year,

Willie, one more year.

So Willie agreed

to play one more year.

Those Mets came out of nowhere

to win their division in '73.

It's over! The NY Mets

have won the pennant!

The NY Mets have won the pennant!

The NY Mets have won the pennant

and this is a wild scene!

They find themselves in the World

Series against the Oakland A's.

Game 1 of the '73 World Series

is in Oakland.

Batting third and playing

centerfield, #24, Willie Mays!

Willie Mays never played

at the Oakland Coliseum

and he gets a standing ovation

that might have been

the longest of his career.

But it's Game 2 that

everybody looks at.

Game 2 was at the Oakland Coliseum.

It started in the late afternoon.

I played centerfield the same day.

I almost missed a ball

in the sun off Jerry Grote.

The sun was horrible there that day

and it's always bad

in Oakland in October.

I don't know how they built

the field that way

but someone didn't

have the foresight.

The thing goes 13 innings.

It's the longest World Series

on record through that season.

And Deron Johnson gets up for the A's

and hits a little blooper

into centerfield

and the ball gets by him

and goes into the wall.

And it gets by him.

He lost his footing again,

Deron Johnson's into second.

Willie Mays stumbling again

as he did on the bases.

So later in the game

Reggie hits a triple that

Willie lost in the sun as well.

This Willie Mays stumbled around

in centerfield

because he was old and couldn't play.

No. If he couldn't get

to the ball, I'm okay

but he didn't get to the ball

and drop it

he never did that.


That game is not

an image of Willie Mays.

You could say Willie Mays was old

when he played his last game.

He got a base hit

and he had trouble with the sun

in centerfield in the World Series.

I got that

but Willie Mays was flawless

as a baseball player.

So if somebody wants

to talk about his sun game

you forget about the fact that

he got the go ahead base hit

to put them ahead with

a ground ball single up the middle.

You'll see a picture

that everybody points to.

Bud Harrelson was called out

at the plate by the umpire.

Willie, the on deck hitter

was out there

screaming and yelling at the umpire,

saying you got this wrong, man.

Because that's such a powerful photo

you misread it

if you don't have the context

to understand that he wasn't

as good at 40 as he was at 20

but it's like no,

not only is this dude good

this dude might be

the best there ever was.

There was one very poignant pause

down the home stretch

when Willie Mays announced that

1973 would be his final season

as an active player.

I remember watching Game 7

and the Mets are down three runs

as they come up in the ninth.

And they get two men on base

and I realize he's 42 years old

and at the end of his career

and all the rest.

But I'm thinking

Yogi, send Willie up!

This is Willie Mays' last at bat.

He's already announced

his retirement.

Two out, tying run at the plate.

Send Willie Mays up!

He didn't. Knowles got

Garland out, lost the game.

I asked Willie about

that decades later.

He goes, "I was reaching for a bat.

It was a perfect moment, even if

I struck out. I wanted a chance."

We should've won the World Series

at that time because we...

we did a good job, I thought.

I think I played 'til 42,

a long time.

Ladies and gentlemen, Willie Mays!

I hope that

with my farewell tonight

you will understand

what I'm going through right now

something that I never felt

that I would ever quit baseball.

But as you know, it always come

a time for someone to get out.

And I look at the kids over here

the way they are playing, and the way

they are fighting for themselves

tells me one thing

Willie, say goodbye to America.

Thank you very much.

Everybody have seen me play

know that I love what I'm doing.

This doesn't mean that I'm getting

out of baseball because I'm hurt

but I'm getting out of baseball

because I don't feel that

seeing the way that

I was playing the last...

well, I say the last couple of years

I didn't feel that

the people of America should

look at a guy like myself

that love the game of baseball

and being on the field,

and not being able to produce.

It's difficult right now to even

try to explain to you

how much I love baseball,

and how much baseball mean to me.

I think we had

what you call a love affair.

I think the two together

for 22 years have been terrific.

Fast forward 20 years or so

Willie was not working

for the Giants.

Willie was out of baseball.

This is in late '92

when our group came together

to buy the team.

And Peter Magowan

and I went to Willie

at the very first spring training

that we had in early '93.

And we said,"Willie, you have

to be part of this franchise.

And we want you to have

a lifetime contract."

So it's 1992

and the best free agent on the market

is available for our first year

owning the franchise, 1993.

And how do we get to Barry Bonds?

Well, I don't know him

but there's one person

that can make the pitch, Willie.

There was a call that was made

by Willie to Barry

and when the decision came for Barry

to determine

where he was gonna play in 1993

and where he would play

for the next 15 years

he was very emotional.

And he called up

and I remember being on the other

end of the call and saying, "Look

how can I not come to the home of

my father and my godfather, Willie."

I wanted to go home.

This is what I've always wanted

my whole entire life

and that was really important to me

the most important thing

in the world.

The biggest deal in baseball history

finally went through today

as the San Francisco Giants signed

free agent outfielder Barry Bonds

to a six-year $43.75 million deal.

And I wanna thank the San

Francisco Giants organization for...

for talking to Willie for me

and giving me this opportunity.

And especially Willie

for allowing this to happen.

And Willie called me up,

and he sat there and he said

"I would like for you

to wear my number."

So I was so touched.

I was crying. I was like

this is great, this is great.

Peter was fine with it,

the Giants were fine with it

but Major League Baseball

shut it down.

They said that you can't do that

because if we start taking

uniforms out of retirement

then why are we retiring uniforms

which made perfect sense

to me. I was fine.

And then Willie said,

"Why don't you honor your daddy

and wear #25."

So I have the honor of presenting

my old number, #25, to my son

and a new San Francisco Giant,

Barry Bonds.

And tears flowed.

It's like a boy's dream

that comes true for me.

And I never forget because we were

on stage and Pete Magowan and...

and all the others standing;

Willie's there. And he goes

"You ready."

That's when I knew I was

a complete baseball player

is when I got that stamp

from my godfather.

He had an IQ so high, he can see it.

My godfather played centerfield.

My father played right field

and I wanted to be third generation

and play left field.

Willie was the only one...

and his momma, Pat...

that could put the brakes

and control Barry.

You know, he'd listen

to Bobby most the time

but he listened to Willie

all the time.

Barry and Bobby struggled

you know, like

many fathers and sons do.

Dad, of course, jumped in,

you know, help 'em both out.

They were always there for me.

My dad was there for me,

I was doing off season training.

My dad was in the batting cage with

me every single day I was training.

Willie was there

all the time when I was training.

Willie was there for me

on the baseball field.

And I wanted Willie

to be proud of me so bad that

I ate, drank and lived baseball

24 hours a day.

Bonds with a drive!

Looks like #70 for Barry Bonds!

And it is!

If you look back

at all of Barry Bonds' record

what does he say is most meaningful?

A knuckle ball is hit in the air

to deep right field.

Passing Babe, passing Hank, no

matching Willie Mays, 660.

He hits it home!

When I was going for

the home run record

I didn't want to pass Willie Mays.

That was my godfather.

That was the only thing

I never wanted to do

it was to pass Willie Mays.

And that was very hard for me.

And so Willie sat me aside

and I was like, "Willie, I can't

do it because it's too emotional

you're gonna come out on the field,

I'm gonna start crying."

And he said, "You better pass me

and then you better keep going."

I did it because of Willie.

delivers, and Bonds hits it

deep to right field

and in to McCovey Cove!

And he said, "You pass me,

and you keep passing next

and you keep going until

they rip that uniform off you."

Bonds passes Babe Ruth.

He is second

on the all-time home run list.

I've got to thank all of you.

My family, my dad.

I was very, very lucky

to have two of the greatest teachers

in the world to me.

Thank you!

My father and Willie.

Midway into Barry's career

as a Giant, his father Bobby died.

Now, on his death bed

Willie Mays visits him

and Bobby says,

"Take care of Barry for me

because you're the only guy

he listens to other than me."

And Willie said, "Okay."

And that was important

for all the turmoil and all the stuff

that Barry went through

it was Willie Mays

who he could always call

Willie Mays who was

always there for him.

There was a poignant moment

when they saluted Barry Bonds

and retired his number, formerly

at Oracle Park.

Willie was there and he got up

and said he needed to speak.

When Mr. Mays wants to speak,

he gets to speak.

So we're gonna get

Mr. Mays a microphone.

I have to go to the podium

because when I say something

I want everybody to hear it.

And this was not part of the script.

And Willie, take it away.

I don't like to do things like this

but the boy that is here today

he was like my little son.

I taught him to be a proud man

give somebody honor that deserve

to be in the Hall of Fame.

- Yes, sir!

- Yeah.

So Willie starts talking

about the Hall of Fame

and what a great thrill

it was for him

when he got that call that

he was going into the Hall of Fame.

You know, Dad sees Barry

as a kid that he helped groom

and I think

Barry sees Dad as his family.

His dad's gone, so you know,

closest thing he's got.

Let him have the honor

because I may not be here forever.

I might be gone.

I want him to have kids

and his kids that,

"That's my daddy over there."

And I want him to have that honor

be something happen to him.

What do you remember

about that speech?

Trying not to cry

'cuz it was like your father

and that's tough

'cuz he's the world to me.

And for him to stand up

for his godson like his son

that's what I was holding back.

And that's the only answer

I got for you.

'Cuz that's the same feeling

I had, the same...

and anyone who ever brings it up,

it's the same feeling.

My dad is dead

and Willie was...

is all I have, right.

So that

don't do it

that's how I felt.

On behalf of all the people

in San Francisco

and all over the country

vote this guy in.

He is very, very important to me!

Thank you very much.


And I think that was

the generosity of spirit.

That was Willie Mays.

And who could offer counsel

to Barry Bonds but Willie Mays.

Whatever the Lord did for Willie Mays

he equipped Willie Mays

to play the art of baseball.

And some people

that could hit as good as he did

and some people that could

throw as well as he threw.

On every pitch

Willie Mays was as decisive

intellectually on baseball

as any one of the coaches,

as any one of the managers.

None of them could do

what Willie Mays could do.

You had to experience it

to understand what he meant.

He was baseball

to a lot of people in an era

that was brimming

with great, great players.

I didn't think of him

as a mere ballplayer

or even as a human being

as I look back on it

but rather a superhero.

Willie Mays walks down the street

and fathers say to their sons

"There goes Willie Mays, the greatest

player to ever play this game."

We don't have time to list

all of Willie Mays' statistics

and his quiet example while excelling

on one of America's biggest stages

helped carry forward

the banner of civil rights

A few years ago, Willie rode

with me on Air Force One.

I told him then

what I'll tell all of you now

it's because of giants like Willie

that someone like me could

even think about

running for president.

Are you, Willie Mays, the

greatest baseball player of all time?

I don't do that.

- You don't do that.

- No.

Who is he? Who would be?

I don't know. That's not my job.

- Right.

- You...

If you talk about

the greatest ballplayer

I didn't do all that

to play baseball.

My dad could play baseball. I've got

a lot of guys could play baseball.

I didn't do that to...

to say I'm the best.

When I look at myself,

I think about sports, first.

So many things happened

with me on the baseball field

that I could just look back

and just replay every moment.

I never had a day where

somebody would not come up and say

"I saw you make a play, I love you

because of what you did for me,"

and it made me feel

very, very proud because

not only did I play baseball for

the people, they enjoyed what I did.

Ladies and gentlemen,

#24 Willie Mays.

Who's the catcher from the Braves

whose leg you broke?

Del Rice, good guy.

Why'd you break his leg?

He got, he got in the damn way!

What you mean why I broke his leg?

I broke it sliding home.

I told him, I said, "You better

get the hell out of the way, man."

You broke the same leg twice.


He got in the way twice.

Put the leg out there in front of me.

And I said you better

get that son of a bitch back that way

and hold it for a minute.

Yeah, he's... he was a good guy.

I didn't hit him too hard,

just a little bit.

Just hard enough

to break his leg, right?

Yeah, that was enough.

Who do you like on the team?

I... On the Giants?

- I'm a Yankee fan.

- Yeah.

I'm a Yankee fan.

- So.

- I like Mickey Mantel.

What happened to me?

Oh, you left me already?

I think you left me, brother...

Who else was out there

that could play?

Babe Ruth.

Yeah, well, f*ck,

I ain't see Babe Ruth play.

What's the guy you're talking about?

I know Babe. I met Babe

over on Long Island

a couple of times, but I don't...

- You met Babe Ruth.

- Yeah.

You like Babe Ruth?

Did you like him as a person?

See, that's why I don't say nothing.

- See, you trying.

- I'm trying...

That hurt. It hurts.

Oh, my God.

Yo, that hurts.

I don't want to break his arm

'cuz he'll say I'm cheating.

You kicked my ass today, but...

Interview with the handshake

part bone, definitely bone.

- Bone.

- I told you to be nice to him

Willie, what are you doing?

I'll break that son of a bitch off.

New York Mets are proud to announce

that in accordance

with Mrs. Payson's wishes

and at the urging

of his former Mets teammates

in recognition of

his contributions to the Mets

as well as baseball

in New York and the country at large

Willie Mays, 24, will take its place

in the left field corner

here at Citi Field

with the other greats

in Mets history.
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