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1236 - March 22, 1971

Posted: 12/29/23 22:21
by bunniefuu
[eerie classical music]

NARRATOR: Collinwood stands shrouded in horror tonight.

In the old house Daphne Collins has fallen

into a heavy coma and been given almost no chance

of coming out of it

and in Brutus Collins' bedroom,

the frightening locked room.

Two people are about to encounter death

and find grime evidence of a hatred

that will not rest until every Collins

is mercilessly destroyed.

[dramatic classical music]

What's the matter, why don't you open it?

Julia, what's inside is not very pleasant.

Are you sure you want to go in there?

But we've come this far, Morgan,

we should go on.

Very well.

[tense dramatic classical music]

Oh no, no.

[spooky ethereal music]

It's horrible for them to lie this way,

never changing, never finding the comfort of the grave.

Don't go over there, Julia.

I remember going in there and touching him,

then I remember nothing else.

Then that moment of contact was when

his spirit possessed you.


That's when it happened.

We can't let that happen again.

Well we can't let them lie here any longer.

It's time for them to be taken away

and given a Christian burial.

No, we can't take them anywhere.

That's not in Brutus' plans for them.

He can't, he can't punish them forever.

He must...

Morgan, Morgan we've got to go, right now.

[thud] [she shouts]

Morgan help me.

It's locked!

It can't be, no ones out there.


It's alright, Julia.

Somebody will come, don't be afraid.


What's the matter?

What, what are...


[dramatic classical music]


Kath, Katherine, Katherine.

Oh I had a dream.

Katherine, don't t*rture yourself.

Forget about your dream, it's all over.

Well I can never forget what I've done to Daphne.

You have done nothing to Daphne.

I'm responsible for her being in a coma.

Katherine, you're exaggerating.

She's calling out to me.

She's calling to out to me again and again

but I wouldn't listen to her.

That's what she was doing in the dream

and when I tried to help her I couldn't.

I couldn't help, they wouldn't listen to me

anymore than I listened to her.

I begged them to stop but they wouldn't.

They wouldn't.

The just went on, closing her grave.

Katherine, now listen to me.

You had every right in life to choose what you want

and to, to marry whomever you chose.

Daphne had the same right.

But I didn't have the right to make her life miserable.

Even if what you say is true, you weren't

the only person who didn't realize help was needed.

All of use had failed someone.

But that's not the worst of it.

If it was, perhaps I could live with it.

But then what is it, what else have you done to Daphne?

Bramwell, Bramwell.

I could of sworn one of them moved.

In the darkness it must of looked that way

but they are way beyond moving again.

They're just as Brutus wants them to be

and what plans does he have for us?

MORGAN: What do you mean?

He sent us into this room.

This room that nobody knows about.

He's locked the door and nobody

will ever find us.



Help, somebody, somebody must hear us, help!


[spooky ethereal music]

[evil laughter]

It's best not to think too much.

Not at a time like this.

You don't want to see things as they really are,

you only want to punish yourself

and that won't help Daphne get well,

you must accept that, Catherine.

Oh I know you're right and yet...

MELANIE: And yet it takes so much time to accept.

I do feel better though.

Perhaps I could sleep now without dreaming.

I'll uh, I'll leave you alone for a few minutes

if that would be alright.

Yes, thank you, Melanie.

But perhaps when I come back

I could maybe read to you or...

[tense dramatic music]

[tense eerie music]

Is that you, Melanie?


GABRIEL: I haven't much time.

Gabriel, what are you doing here?

What is Gabriel doing?

Gabriel is leaving.

Nothing became anything his life

more than the leaving it.

I read that in a play somewhere.

Oh you didn't know that Gabriel could

be clever and witty, did you?

My did you.

Gabriel, Gabriel let me call someone to


No you'll call no one.

Do you hear?

You call no one

and no one must know anything about this.

Now we wouldn't want anyone else to know

what we're up to?

Would we?

Gabriel what do you want from me?

I want money, money.

That's the only way I can get out of here.

That's the only way that I can let them

open the gates of hell and let me out.

Gabriel I don't have any money.

I don't have enough for you to get away

from Collinwood.

No you must.

You must because you're my only help.

Because if I stay here I'll die.

That's what staying here means.

It means dying.

Not that's not true, it's not.

You know it is.

You and I are the only ones that are sane here.

Well we knew the lottery was wrong, huh?

All the others they didn't believe us,

they didn't believe us.

They're all mad and we, and they,

they couldn't k*ll me before but they'll keep at

it until they do.

No Gabriel, they want to take care of you,

that's all.

They want to take care of me?

Oh they'll take care of me

by locking me in a room and throwing the keys away.

So that no one will know what they're doing to me.

I remember in the tower, do you know what my mother

gave me, she gave me a book.

My fathers favorite book of mediation.

"Ease your mind with this," she said.

Well he's gone now.

He's gone and now they want me to take his place

and they always want a victim.

That's the way they play their little game

well I'm not gonna be their victim

and that's why I've come to you.

Gabriel, I want to help you.

Listen to me, I want to help you, I really do

but I don't have any money.

You're lying.

No I'm not.

I only have a few dollars.

That won't get you away from here.

Kathrine, so they've taught you to lie.

Well now I'm going to have to teach you something.


KATHRINE: Gabriel no!

No it's not difficult to die.

Didn't you know that?

It's very easy to k*ll.

Gabriel please listen to me.

You said I was your friend.

k*lling your, k*lling me won't get you away from here.

Well you're not my friend.

You're no better than all the rest.

KATHRINE: Gabriel please listen to me,

I do want to help you.

GABRIEL: You're lying, you're lying,

I can tell!

No I do want to help you.

I don't have any money, that's true

but I do have something else.

I do.

I have something else I can give you.

I can give you this.

Give it to me. First give me the Kn*fe.

I said give it to me.


Go ahead and k*ll me if you want to

but I'll scream first and someone will hear me

and then they'll come in here

and perhaps you won't get away after all.


Come on Gabriel, just give me the Kn*fe

and then go your way.

[tense dramatic music]

[dramatic classical music]

There, I've finally got them lit.

Now, now we can see death when he finally

comes for us.

Oh Julia stop talking like that.

It's the truth, Morgan.

We're going to die.

He's coming, we're dead.

We're dead just like James and Amanda, we're dead.

Oh no dead.

Julia, stop it!


[dramatic classical music]

[pounding at door]


Help, help!

Please somebody help!


Morgan is that you?

MORGAN: Melanie, yes, yes it's me.

Where are you?

Down here behind the iron door.

Please Melanie, it can only be opened

from the outside.

Open it, please open it.

MELANIE: Are you sure you're really Morgan?

Yes Melanie, of course.

Please, Melanie.


Julia was a little frightened.

Whats in here?

Never mind.

Let's get out of here.

[spooky instrumental music]


Who is it?

Who are you?


It is not yet time to go.

Who's calling me?

EERIE VOICE: Gabriel, come to me.

Do you hear me?

Come to me.

Well whatever you are, what do you want from me?

EERIE VOICE: Come to me.

You will find out.

Come to me.

Come to me.

Come to me.

[tense instrumental music]

We have got to do something about Brutus' room.

Only two of them in there in the other room.

After tonight, it's impossible just to leave it.

Morgan, if we do something, it might

make him even angrier, even more dangerous

and what would happen to us then?

Morgan what would happen then?

EERIE VOICE: Come to me.

No, no I won't go in!

EERIE VOICE: I demand it, Gabriel.

No, no not again.

EERIE VOICE: I demand it!

You hear me?

Come inside, for I am here.

Alright, alright I'm here where are you?

Pick it up!

Brutus Collins?

Yes, Brutus Collins the master of Collinwood.


Then, now, and always.

Why did you not pick up the Kn*fe

as I commanded you?

I don't understand.

BRUTUS: A servant need not understand,

a servant need only obey.

A servant?

Make no mistake, Gabriel.

You are my servant and will do my bidding.

It pleases me to see them all die

and you will k*ll them one by one

with that Kn*fe and anyone who cross me will die.

[tense dramatic music]

I have given my orders.

You will carry them out.

Do you not appreciate the honor I'm bestowing on you?

Allowing to k*ll my enemies.

You must prove yourself worthy of such a mission.

I will be worthy.

[evil laughter]

CATHERINE: And then so I gave him the necklace

and he just went away.

My poor Catherine.

No, I'm alright Morgan, he didn't hurt me.

Well I'll go get Quentin and we'll go look

for him together.

No, let him go

If he can find some kind of peace

away from Collinwood then let him find it.

What do you want me to do then?

I want you to take me away from here.

Morgan, I want you take me away.

Yes, of course.

You have been through a lot.

You need a rest, perhaps a trip to New York.

No I don't want a trip.

I want to go away from here forever.

I want to go away and never come back.

I want to never come back.

But that's not possible.

Anything is possible if we just will it so.

I'm not so sure.

Why what do you mean?

Well what I have to say to you

may sound very cruel.

Cruelty is nothing new at Collinwood.

Between us it is, Catherine.

Catherine, I love you very very much

but I don't think you love me.

Oh Morgan of course I love you.

You say anything is possible if we will it

but can you will love to come and go?

I don't think so.

Morgan, you're talking nonsense.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I think you do but I will speak more plainly.

If anything happens to Daphne,

Bramwell will be free again and I think

that's what you're afraid of.

Morgan, I am afraid, you're right

but it's got nothing to do with Bramwell and Daphne,

it's got to do with us and this house.

So many terrible things have happened to you

and have happened to me and more will happen to us.

Morgan I'm so afraid of losing you.

We could have such a wonderful life together

somewhere else.

Anywhere else is not my home.

Morgan, this house is cursed.

Catherine, we are all cursed

and where we go we take it with us.

So you see it does no one any good to run away,

not you, not me, not Gabriel.

Catherine, do you love me?

Yes, yes of course I love you.

Well then stay here with me.

We will overcome everything.

I will deal with my ghosts and you will deal

with your ghosts.

I have no ghosts.

MORGAN: What about the feelings you once

had for Bramwell?

They are dead, they will not rise.

Then there is no reason for us to leave Collinwood, ever!

I should think after what's happened to you in this house, Julia,

you should be glad to see me leave.

This is not an ordinary house, Melanie

and you're not an ordinary girl.

No but perhaps I will be after I marry Kendrick.

It's not as simple as that.

I know it isn't as simple as that

but he loves me, he knows what I am

and wants to take care of me.

He can make me well.

Melanie, everybody wants to help you.

Yes I know but your idea of helping me

is to keep me confined in this house,

cutting me off from life and from love

but you can't do that, not anymore, not now.

I have Kendrick and I am going to marry him.

Alright then, you will marry Kendrick

and you will have a husband but what will Kendrick have?

Not a wife, a patient perhaps but not a wife.

Julia stop it.

Now listen to me

No I won't, don't waste your breath.

None of your arguments matter anymore.

I have my own life, my own dreams and hopes

and Kendrick and I will make them come true.

Melanie, I wish you would just wait awhile.

No, no more waiting.

Whatever happiness is coming to me I'm going to take,

right now.

Alright Melanie, I suppose all I can do now

is wish you all the best wishes.

Julia, it will be alright with Kendrick

and I'm gonna live, really live for the first

time in my life.


Gabriel, where did you come from?

Through the secret path.

Didn't you know there were many secrets

and panels all over this house?

MELANIE: What are you doing here?

Oh I've come for a specific reason.


k*ll me?




You must die!

[dramatic classical music]

[soft eerie instrumental music]