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1213 - February 17, 1971

Posted: 12/29/23 21:16
by bunniefuu
[suspenseful orchestral music]

NARRATOR:At Collinwood, in Parallel Time,

the dreaded lottery has at last been held.

According to the grim tradition,

one member from each generation of the Collins family

must spend a night in a mysterious room

from which no Collins has ever returned alive and sane.

Gabriel has drawn the marked lottery slip,

and on this night he is to be put to the test.

Now Julia and Morgan go to see him in the tower room,

where he has been locked to wait,

until the time when he must enter the room

and discover its terrible secret.

[suspenseful orchestral music]


He's gone!

[eerie tannerin music]

But how did he get out?

This way.

What a pity it didn't break.

I'm going after him, Julia.

No, Morgan, wait.

You don't know where he is,

you don't know how far he's gone.

Now, we've got to have the lottery again, now.

Someone, one of us, must stay in that room tonight.

It's going to be Gabriel.

He was elected and he's going into that room tonight.

But we don't know how long ago he left.

He may be in another town by now.

No, Melanie is dying and Quentin may die.

He couldn't have gone very far.

He didn't have any money on him.

I don't understand.

Maybe I can get out fast.

I'll go look and for him.


No, maybe...

Maybe he hasn't gone very far.

You may be right.

Wait a minute.


He went to Bramwell Collins.

JULIA: Bramwell wouldn't loan him any money.

Oh, indeed he would.

He'd do anything to spite me.

Especially our family.

What irony.

Bramwell Collins,

the only man who wouldn't participate in the lottery,

giving money to the loser.

While a plague settles over our house.

I don't think Bramwell gave him any money,

but we can find out soon enough.

Now, you go to the stables

and see if a horse and a carriage are missing.

I'll go to the old house and talk to Bramwell.

He'll tell me if he's seen Gabriel.

Well, I doubt it, but it's,

It's worth a try.

[suspenseful orchestral music]

DAPHNE: I wonder who that could be.

Any number of people, I imagine.

Whoever it is seems to be in a great hurry.

Bramwell, it's Gabriel.

Now you know.

Now come away from the window.

But he looks so frightened.

He looked as if he were being chased.

BRAMWELL: Gabriel was born looking like that.

Now, come away from the window.

There's such sadness in that house, in Collinwood.

Don't mention Collinwood or anybody there again.

If you hate them so, what must you feel for Catherine?

You know what I feel about Catherine.

She was trapped by them.

She was lured into that house.

She was lured by its high style and grand fashion,

by the inhabitants who buy everything they want.

Except happiness.

They haven't been able to buy that.

Well, Morgan certainly didn't buy happiness

when he bought Catherine.

Bramwell, you're being so unfair to her.

I know Catherine, and she never would have married Morgan

unless she had great feeling for him.

Are you saying that she loves him?


No, I'm not sure she does.

But I know she must care for him a great deal

or she never would have...

She never would have gone there.


Say it, Daphne.

You said it before, you might as well say it again.

DAPHNE: Bramwell.

She never would have married him.

Say it!

Alright, she never would have married him.

I'm sorry if I upset you.

No, it wasn't you.

You're a sweet, tender child.

You would upset anyone deliberately.

I'm not a child, Bramwell, I'm a woman.

Well, I'm a rather young woman,

but I'm still a woman.

Yes, you are.

Aren't you?

I guess I made the mistake in thinking you

as the young girl I knew when I went away.

Well, a great deal must have happened to you.

You must tell me about yourself.

I don't think I even know you.

Bramwell, do you really want to know?

BRAMWELL: Yes, very much.

Well, I don't think anything

terribly interesting has happened.

I just grew up, that's all.

You know, it's really funny,

I always thought it would be different, but it's not,

it's not different at all.

You mean, being an adult.


Well, why should it be different?

I don't know.

I suppose I thought it would bring some freedoms

that I didn't have as a child, but...

I guess if I were a man, it would have.

I don't know.

But as a woman,

well, I'm still here, living in Collinsport

and I'm just as restrained as always and,

and yet, wanting so much to go beyond it.

It's no better out there.

I've been there.

But if you're so sure of it, go.

You must have a sweetheart.

Marry him and go together.

You make it sound simple, but...

See, I don't have a sweetheart, so that's--

Oh, I find that difficult to believe.

Shouldn't be.

The young men want to leave Collinsport too, and so they do,

they go off and find jobs, or they go to school.

Some of them come back,

but with wives.

I did go out for a while with Gerard Stiles.


DAPHNE: Gerard Stiles.

Don't you remember him?

I guess not.

He's the man with the psychic powers.

He taught me how to read palms.

Would you like me to read yours?

Well, if you want to.

Do you think you can?

I know I can.

No one else believes me.

You don't really want me to.

Of course I do.

Now, what do you see?

Well, it's really very nice.

I don't think you'll believe it.


Because of the way you're feeling now,

but you see, all that would change.

BRAMWELL: Now tell me what you see.

I see happiness.

I see great happiness.



DAPHNE: Very soon.

You know I don't believe you.

DAPHNE: You'll find out.


Come in.



I'm sorry to interrupt you, but it's urgent.

Has Gabriel been here?

Well, I saw him ride by.

And he didn't stop.

Why should he?

There's no reason for any of you people to stop here.

I know you're bitter, Bramwell, and I'm sorry,

but I do need your help.

We held the lottery last night.

Gabriel was chosen.


JULIA: He ran away.

Well, naturally.

No, Gabriel wouldn't do that.

You don't know Gabriel.

What are you doing here?

What has any of that got to do with us?

You think that

I was helping him.

Of course you did.

And Morgan thought of it.

I'd wager he did.

Well, I would have helped Gabriel,

you can tell Morgan that,

and let Morgan and Quentin draw again.

Well, more is involved than

just Morgan and Quentin drawing.

What do you mean?

We all draw.

The women?

DAPHNE: Catherine?


DAPHNE: But why?

JULIA: Because she's a Collins now,

as is Bramwell.

A fact that I'm trying to forget.

I'm sorry, I don't mean to continue

any old quarrels, Bramwell,

but if Gabriel comes here,

would you keep him here

for a while and let us know?

For Catherine's sake, if for no other reason.

Because we've got to find him.

If we don't, we'll have to have another lottery,

and next time, Catherine could be chosen.

Or Morgan.

Good day, Julia.

Bramwell, what's happening?

Why should Catherine have to draw?

If she's so determined to be a Collins,

let her do as the rest of them do.

Let her draw.

[door slamming]

MORGAN: Catherine?

I'm in here, darling.

I just came from the stables, a horse is missing.

Oh, no.

I think Gabriel's gone into town.

I'm going to have to go after him.

Darling, please be careful.

In the condition he's in,

there's no telling what he might do to you.

I can handle him.

Oh, that poor, poor man.


I was thinking of Gabriel.

I just feel so sorry for him.

You better start feeling sorry for you or me,

if I can't bring him back

and you have to go into that room.

I'm going to leave.

Darling, please.

Please be careful.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be abrupt with you.

Oh, it's alright.

You have every right to act this way.

And you will find Gabriel.

I know you will.

I must, I must find him

and he must go into that room tonight.

[dramatic orchestral music]

Oh, Morgan.

Morgan, Gabriel had not been to the old house.

Daphne said though that she saw him riding by on a horse.


What is she doing with Bramwell Collins?

JULIA: I suppose since she's had experience as a nurse,

she's probably helping him treat his wounds

that he got from you in the duel.


you've got to ask Daphne to come back here.

Have her come to the house.

Bramwell is my enemy.

Morgan, be sensible,

Daphne can't come here.

This place is infected with plague.

You don't wanna expose her to it.

You were just with her, right?


Well, then she's been exposed.

Stop it, both of you.

And Julia's right, Morgan.

I've been so involved with what's happening here,

I didn't even think of that.

You can't go into the village.

If Daphne's been exposed, it's too late for her.

But the good people in the village must be protected,

they must.

The one thing that we must do is

I must bring Gabriel back to this house.

He must go into that room tonight.

If it's the last thing I do.

[Gabriel laughing]

Morgan, hey.

Morgan, sit down.

Please, sit down.

Come on, you're going home with me now.

Oh, please, please, just for a few minutes.

I said, come on.


Now, sit down, Morgan.

Sit down,

please sit down.

Alright, what do you want?

Morgan, I wanna,

I wanna tell you something.

Alright, tell me.

I think [chuckles]

I think this is gonna surprise you, Morgan.

Gabriel, nothing you ever does surprises me.

Revolts me, yes.

Surprises me, never.

Now, this, this I think, is going to surprise you.

I mean, you,

I didn't have to stop here, you know?

I mean, I could have kept right on going,

but I didn't.

I didn't.

I wanted you to find me here.

I wanted somebody to find me.

If that's all you have to say, you've said it,

now we can leave.

No, no, wait.

No, no, there's something more.

You see, I...

I knew I couldn't get away, really.

I mean, I knew I'd have to go in there.

And I know that when I do, I'll die.

And you know that may be the luckiest thing

that ever happens to me.

I mean, I'll die in there.

You know, I could go insane.


I know all about that, Gabriel.

What are you trying to say to me?

I'm trying to tell you that

I'm willing to do it now.

I mean, I wasn't willing to do it then, last night,

whenever it was,

but I am now.

I mean, all I needed was one more day.

I guess they call it a day of grace.

Yes, that's it.

I just needed my day of grace, Morgan.

And I just live one day at a time, anyway.

Yes, that's all any of us can do now.


now this is gonna be my last day.

And it is my last day, Morgan.

You know that.

I had one free day,

just to be my own man.

You know? A free man?

And I did, and I'm ready to go home.

Oh, I wish I could trust you, Gabriel.

You won't have to trust me, Morgan.

I'm going home to die.

No more tricks?


No, no more tricks.

How could I trick my way out of that?

And wherever I go, it would follow me.

I can't go through my life running away from it.

It'd find me, whatever it is.

Oh, I...

I'm ready now.

I'm gonna go home, Morgan.

And who knows, maybe I won't die.

Maybe I'll be the first one to end the Collins curse.

Come on, take me home, Morgan.

[eerie orchestral music]

I can't believe that you want me

to stay away from Bramwell when you know he needs someone

to watch over him until he recovers

and you know I'm trained to do it.

He can hire someone, Daphne.

It's not good for you to be in that house.

Besides, you know it doesn't look proper.

Catherine, Morgan asked you to say these things,

didn't he?

Alright, yes he did,

but I happen to agree with him.

Look, Bramwell's caused nothing but trouble

since he came here.

And it's not going to help matters at all

for you to be in that house.

You mean, it's not going to help matters for Morgan?

Catherine, I know Morgan is your husband,

but I would appreciate it

if you would kindly stay out of my life.

Bramwell's a strange man, he's a bitter man,

and frankly, I think he's got good reason to be.

He's been working on you already, hasn't he?

He hasn't been working on me at all.

I just think that behind that facade he shows to the world,

there's a kind and gentle man, and he needs a friend.

I'd like to be his friend.

It frightens me, to hear you talk like that.

Daphne, I know him so well.

Don't let him use his charm on you.

It can be devastating.

You'll be trapped,

I know you will.

DAPHNE: Catherine, you sound almost as if

you miss that charm.

Ah, it's my dear sister-in-law, Catherine.

And my dear brother-in-law's

brother's sister-in-law, Daphne.

Welcome to our happy home, ladies.

Alright, come on, let's go.

No, no, wait, just a moment, Morgan.


sweet Daphne.

You know, I've heard that

that the kiss of a good woman, on a condemned man's lips,

assures his soul of eternal peace.

And do you know that I'm shortly going to become a martyr

to our blessed family name?

So I think,

I think that calls for a kiss.

Oh, come on, you're acting like a fool.

A martyr to our blessed family name. [laughs]

Where have you been?

GABRIEL: Well, isn't that obvious?

Are you aware of what's been happening in this house?

Well, that surely is a rhetorical question, Julia.

JULIA: Is it?

Do you know that Melanie is dying

because you are such a coward?

You shut up.

JULIA: And do you know that Quentin may very well die

and that will be because of you too?

You shut up.

And if they both die then you will be a m*rder*r.

Oh, you shut up!

I said shut up!

Alright, that's enough.

If she's gonna call me a m*rder*r, let me at her.

Alright, sit down and you shut up.

Why is she saying that?

I'm going to the room.

Well, she knows I'm going to the room.

Yes, you certainly are as soon as it gets dark.

I will take you there myself and see that you go in.

[suspenseful orchestral music]

[clock chiming]

It's time to go.

[suspenseful orchestral music]

Well, goodbye, Morgan.


Just remember that I said my last goodbyes

with a sober, even voice.

[lock clicking]

[door slams]

[suspenseful orchestral music]

[eerie tannerin music]