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1193 - January 20, 1971

Posted: 12/29/23 20:53
by bunniefuu
[eerie music]

Narrator:The great house at Collinwood in the year .

On this dark and fateful night,

Quentin Collins remains a fugitive from justice.

Fearing he will never be able to clear his good name,

he has made plans to leave Collinsport forever.

Meanwhile, on a cold and barren cliff known as Widow's Hill,

a strange confrontation is about to occur,

one which will alter the future of Quentin Collins

and his beloved Daphne.

[wind howling]


Gerard, where are you?

He won't be coming to meet you, Mrs. Collins.


JOANNA: Yes, you're not the only one capable

of forging someone else's handwriting.

You tricked me.

You wrote that letter.

You brought everything out in the open

earlier this evening, Mrs. Collins.

You admitted the truth.

Now, I shall admit it.

You did not fail that night on the hill,

just as I shall not fail tonight on this hill.

How could you look the way you look if you're dead?

JOANNA: You see the Joanna I want you to see.

Now, you're going to see me as my spirit really looks.

See the Joanna you pushed from the hill seven months ago,

whose body washed ashore.

No, no please!

JOANNA: Look and see what you've done.

See what you will become.

[dramatic music]


No! No!


[dramatic music]

[waves crashing]

[eerie music]

[dramatic music]

[thunder crashing]

[suspenseful music]

Widow's Hill.

I didn't realize you had left the house, Miss Mills.

I went out for a breath of air.

I see.

By any chance, have you seen Samantha around?

I haven't seen Samantha since our terrible experience

earlier this evening.

I hope she's behaving more rationally.

Is something wrong, Mr. Stiles?

Yes, there is, but I'm not sure what.

I'm afraid I don't understand.

GERARD: I found this note.

It's from you.

No, it isn't, Miss Mills.

Oh, it was written by someone else who signed my signature.

JOANNA: How curious.

Yes, isn't it?

Are you sure that you haven't seen Samantha?

JOANNA: I'm positive, Mr. Stiles.

Excuse me.

[thunder rumbling]

[suspenseful music]

[dramatic music]

It's going to be dark soon.

You'd better get back to Collinwood.

As soon as I finish with Desmond.

Well, you'd better go on back now.

We don't want Gerard asking questions.

I can answer any of Gerard's questions.

Here, help him with the shirt.

How do you feel?

I'm going to be all right.

Do you think you'll be able to travel soon?

He should rest for at least hours.

I think he'll be able to travel tomorrow at dawn.

Look, if he needs more time, we'll wait.

You can't afford to wait.

You have to go without me.


We've been all through that.

When we go, you and Leticia are going, too.

I don't mind staying.

Then, I might have my chance to get my revenge on Gerard.

Someday, maybe.

All right.

We'll plan on leaving dawn tomorrow.

Let's get him in the other room.

[suspenseful music]

Joanna, good morning.

What are you doing here so early?

Actually, I never left.

I went for a long walk and then,

when I found out what time it was,

I decided to come back here and wait for you.

You must be exhausted.

Oh, no, I'm fine.

You needed sleep yourself, didn't you?

Yes, and I had a good night's sleep, I'm glad to say.

[door slamming]

Gerard, what's happened?

I found her like this, below the cliffs at Widow's Hill.

She's dead.

[dramatic music]

First Edith, then Gabriel and now Samantha.

Three deaths within the past hours.

There just seems to be no end to the tragedy in this house.

I asked the servants to contact the police.

Gerard, how did you happen to find her?

I went up on Widow's Hill looking for her.

But why?

I found a note that was addressed to her,

supposedly addressed to her.

It was supposed to be from me but it wasn't.

It asked me to meet her on Widow's Hill.

But I didn't write the note.

Obviously, someone wanted to lure her there.

DAPHNE: Do you mean,

you think someone pushed her over the edge?

Believe me, I don't think that she would jump.


Who would do such a thing?

I don't know.

All I do know is this is going to raise more

suspicion against Quentin.


It's impossible.

Yes, that might be, my dear,

but the police know that Quentin hates Samantha

because she testified against him at his trial.

He had the oldest motivation of all revenge.

DAPHNE: I won't listen to that.

Quentin did not k*ll Samantha.

Then, I hope for your sake, you're right.

However, I'm sure this tragedy will intensify

the search for Quentin.

However, if you'll excuse me,

I must go to Trask's Memorial Chapel.

I must prepare for the funeral

of both Samantha and Edith.

Yes, she was found upstairs last night by

one of the servants in the east wing.

DAPHNE: Poor Edith! And Samantha!

Daphne, I know it's difficult not to dwell

on these things but you must think about

other things right now.

Oh, what do you mean, Joanna?

Samantha, she did stand in the way of your happiness

and now that she's gone, you and Quentin can be married.

I can't even think about that right now.

You've got to, Daphne.

Your future depends on it.

So does Quentin's.

If you don't think about it, what will you do?

I can't help think about the affect this is

going to have on Tad.

First, his father's conviction and now this.

It might be a shock he may never recover from.

I'm going to go to Quentin and see him.

I'll be back later this afternoon.

Daphne, everything's going to work out.

You'll see.

[suspenseful music]

Samantha? Dead?

I don't believe it, I just don't believe it.

Yes, Gerard thinks you'll be the first suspect.

Oh, yes, he does.


I'm sure he'll do everything in his power to see that I am.

You won't allow this to change your plans,

will you, Quentin?

It's already changed my plans, my dear.

But you have to leave here soon.

That's not what I meant.

It's just become obvious that we've got to

get away from here as quickly as possible.

How is Desmond?

He's still weak but Julia says

he can travel in the morning.

Now, look, we're going to need your help.

I'll do anything you ask.

Okay, we'll need a carriage.

I'll arrange in the village for one.


We plan on leaving at dawn tomorrow.

We'll go directly to Boston.


Tad's still in Boston, yes.

He's living with relatives there.

Now that Samantha's gone,

there's nobody around to prevent me from taking him with me.

But Gerard may try.

Of course, he'll try but he won't succeed.

The next time he sees him,

Tad will be years of age and

he'll be the master of Collinwood.

Now, look, there's not much time so

you'd better get back to Collinwood.

Arrange for the carriage, tell Daphne everything and

make arrangements for her to be here

at three o'clock in the morning, all right?

All right.

And be careful.

[suspenseful music]

Been treating another patient?


Yes, I have.

His name wouldn't be Desmond Collins, would it?

[dramatic music]

No, Gerard, I have not been treating Desmond Collins.

Well, could you tell me who you have been treating?

Just a patient.

No one you know.

GERARD: I see.

He must be very ill.

You've been out all night.

Yes, yes I have.

Do you know what the penalty is for aiding

and abetting an escaped prisoner?

You don't believe me, is that it?

I believe one thing

that Desmond Collins was wounded while trying

to help Quentin Collins escape and Quentin would never

leave Collinsport without medication.

So, I'm sure that he wouldn't go risking looking

for other doctors so you must be the logical choice.

There's only one flaw in your logic.

It makes too much sense.

GERARD: I'm afraid I don't understand.

Quentin would know that's what you'd think and

so he wouldn't have called me for help.

He would if he had no other choice.

Apparently, he did have another choice.

Frankly, I think they're miles away from here by now.

Excuse me.

[suspenseful music]


[suspenseful music]

[tense music]

You took a terrible chance sending me a note here.

I had no choice.

I must get answers to my questions.

There's nothing I can tell you that

you don't already know yourself.

You were the closest friend my sister had in that house.

You must know something.

SAMANTHA: All I know is that she left very suddenly.

Without giving the family notice?

Yes, apparently so.

If you know my sister,

you know that isn't like her at all.

Maybe it isn't, but that's what happened.

Do you know why she left?


Was she unhappy?

Did she have a disagreement with someone?

There must be some reason.

I told you, I don't know.

I was shocked that she didn't even say goodbye to me.

Julia Collins said she left no forwarding address.

Is that true?

If that's what Mrs. Collins said,

then it must be true.

I don't believe her story about my sister.

I have the feeling that she was hiding something all along.

That's why I'm asking you.

There's nothing that I can tell you.

I honestly don't know where your sister is.

What are you afraid of?


That's not true.

Everyone in that house is afraid of something and

I'd like to find out what and if it has

any connection with my sister's disappearance.

Listen to me.

Take my advice.

Go away from here and don't ask any more questions.

What am I supposed to do?

Just go away and forget about Stella?

You'll be hearing from her, I'm certain of that,

and she'll tell you what happened.

Well, I wish I could be as optimistic as you are.

Listen, I think you'd better go.

If you're found, you could get into serious trouble.

I'll leave the grounds but I have

no intention of leaving the village,

not until I find out what's happened to my sister.

I'll go to the police if necessary.

You can tell that to the family for me.

[dramatic music]

[suspenseful music]

What did you tell him?

Tell who?

What are you talking about?

I saw you talking to that man on the terrace.

Now, there's no need for you to lie to me.

He sent me a note requesting that I meet him out there.

JULIA: You needn't have acknowledged it.

Mrs. Collins, he was already angry and suspicious.

If I had ignored his note, it would have made matters worse.

What did you tell him?

SAMANTHA: Just what you told him,

that she left very suddenly.

My words didn't make any sense to him?

Well, he felt--

JULIA: He felt what?

He felt you were hiding something from him.

He's an arrogant fool.

Mrs. Collins, what did happen to Stella?

Nothing happened to her.

You know that.

She just left.


There must have been some reason.

She wasn't happy here.

My sister and I tried to find out but she wouldn't tell us.

It just doesn't make any sense.

JULIA: Whether it makes sense or not needn't concern you.

Now, I want you to tell me everything

that man said to you, all the details,

and then we'll never talk about Stella again.

Is that clear?

Yes, Mrs. Collins.

[dramatic music]

Daphne, I've been looking for you everywhere.

You looked into that other room again.

Yes, I did.

Do you understand what's happening there?

How can that be possible?

Julia tried to explain it to me

but it just doesn't make sense to me.

The idea of being able to see another

occurrence in another time.

What did she call it?

Parallel Time?

Yes, Parallel Time.

JOANNA: What did you see in there?

I saw people who are just as troubled as we are,

perhaps even more so.

I guess it really doesn't make any difference

what band of time you live in.

People are different, but their problems and

their fears are just the same as ours.

Daphne, your and Quentin's troubles are

going to be over after tonight.

What do you mean, Joanna?

All the arrangements have been made.

At three o'clock tomorrow morning,

you and Daphne are going to leave Collinsport forever.

[eerie music]

[clock chiming]

[dramatic music]

[suspenseful music]

Any problems with Desmond?

No, no.

He's been asleep since you left.


Then, I'll wait a few moments and then I'll wake him

and examine his wound for the last time.

You're not leaving any too soon.

What do you mean?

Gerard started asking questions.

I didn't tell him that I knew where you were.

You weren't followed, were you?

No, I took a very roundabout way of getting here.


Who is it?

DAPHNE: It's Daphne, Julia.

What are you doing here?

It's only nine o'clock.

You were supposed to stay there until

everybody went to bed.

I couldn't stay at the house one minute longer.

I'll attend to Desmond.

Is something wrong, then?


Look, if Gerard finds out you're here--

I don't care if Gerard finds out, Quentin.

I just wanted to be with you until it's time to go.

It's all right, it's all right.

You can stay here.

I was sitting in my room when all of a sudden

I realized that Gerard and I were the only two people

in that whole house and I couldn't stay there.

I was frightened.

Now, now.

I promise you, you'll never have anything to be afraid of

as long as you're here with me.

All right?

Quentin, you know about Samantha?


I'm so sorry it happened that way.

It's all right.

There's nothing we can do about it now.

Look at me.

I love you, you know that.

DAPHNE: And I love you.

When we get to Boston, will you marry me?

DAPHNE: You know I will.

[suspenseful music]

[dramatic music]

[eerie music]