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1191 - January 18, 1971

Posted: 12/29/23 20:48
by bunniefuu
[eerie organ music]

JULIA:A stormy night on the great estate

of Collinwood in ,

for Daphne has managed to escape from the prison

Gabriel has made for her in the east wing,

but her escape is in a series of secret corridors

to which she can find no end,

and she knows that Gabriel is after her.

DAPHNE VOICEOVER:I have no idea where I am

or how to get out of here.

For all I know, I've just been going around in circles.

Lightning, where's it coming from?

[dramatic orchestral music]

[wind howling]

[Daphne screams]

[Gabriel laughing evilly]

["Dark Shadows Theme"]

[Daphne screaming]

Are you talking to the wind?

Thunder, no one's going to hear you.

There's nobody out there.

Why didn't you stay in that room?

We could have done so much together.

Now, I want to do this.

Do you think I wanted to do this?

You were beginning to mean so much to me.

Why didn't you listen to me, I began to love you.

I began to love you [sobbing].

No, Gabriel, no.

You've never loved anyone, Gabriel, anyone.

I know.

GABRIEL: What happened?

I told you I would come back.

I've come back for you.

You will k*ll no more.

GABRIEL: Father.

When you k*lled me, was it not enough?

Now your time has come, as I told you it would.

[Gabriel shouts]

You will not escape me.

[eerie violin music]

You cannot run fast enough, Gabriel.

You're willing for all to see you run now.

Daphne's right, it does not matter

for you will die this night.

You will die, Gabriel, die,

as I told you you would.




You can't run away from me.

Die, Gabriel, die.

That is your mission, your punishment.

[suspenseful drum beats]

[wind howling] [thunder crashes]

The room, the other time.

Change, change, please change.

Please change, I might be different.

I swear I will.

Will you change before my father comes?

Please change now.

Wherever you go, I will follow you.

[Daphne gasping]

JOANNA: Daphne!

DAPHNE: Joanna!

I thought it was Gabriel.

Joanna, he'll k*ll us all.

He k*lled Edith.

He k*lled his father.

He k*lled Randall Drew.

Joanna, Gabriel can walk.

He'll k*ll us all, Joanna.

Gabriel will k*ll us all.

[suspenseful drum beats]

DANIEL: No, Gabriel, no.

Your murders must stop.

GABRIEL: They've stopped, they've stopped.

DANIEL: Another lie.

That's not another lie, father.

Look, I promise you, father, I'm finished.

Oh, father, I know you never loved me.

For God's sake, I know that Edith didn't,

that Quentin didn't.


You will, you turned this hand cold,

as my heart has turned cold toward you.

Now you must die, Gabriel.

You must die.

GABRIEL: No, no.

[Gabriel yelling]

[dramatic orchestral chords]

We're not safe in this house.

We're not safe here, Joanna.

Nothing's going to happen.

No, you don't know Gabriel, he's mad.

I must go to Quentin.

No, you're too weak, dear.

No, I, I...

Quentin escaped, he's with Desmond.

Where are they?

JOANNA: They're at Indian Cove in a fishing shack there.

At Indian Cove, why didn't they leave?

Because Quentin knew you were missing.

He was afraid Gerard might harm you.

Gerard, I thought it was Gerard at first

because I found that cufflink.

I thought he'd m*rder*d Edith.

And now if Quentin's caught, it will be my fault.

It's all my fault.

[wind howling]

Joanna, I'm afraid.

I'm so frightened.

I've been bad for Quentin.

Ever since I came to this house I've been bad for him.

No, darling.

Yes, Joanna, I came here to cause trouble

and I've caused it.

I came here to k*ll Quentin.

Oh, God, I was as mad as Gabriel.

We all came here for the wrong reasons.

I don't know what to do.

Joanna, I'm so frightened, help me, please.

Don't be frightened.

Oh, Daphne you're safe.

Julia, you don't know about Gabriel.

JULIA: Gabriel is dead.

- What? - Dead?

Yes, yes, he was lying on the ground.

It looked as if his neck had been broken.

He must have fallen from the parapet,

but how could he have gotten there?

No, he could walk, Julia, Gabriel could walk.

Gabriel held Daphne prisoner.

Gabriel's a m*rder*r.

He's a m*rder*r [sobbing].

Now listen, I'll give you something.

I'll give you something that will calm you

and then you'll be able to explain everything.

But somebody's got to let Quentin know that you're safe.

Desmond, there are two men coming down the beach.


QUENTIN: I don't know, I can't tell.

Are they coming this way?

Quentin, what will we do if they are?

QUENTIN: We'll have to fight them.

I won't be of much help.


QUENTIN: Are you all right?

I'm in fine shape to

take on a couple of bloodthirsty deputies.

You're right.

Ah, they've gone.

Ah, must have been a couple of fishermen.


Quentin, sometimes I think we made this all up.

Dreamed it.

You and I warlocks.

I wish we were, we could use some magic.

[wind howling]

[door bangs]

DESMOND: What is it?

QUENTIN: It's all right, it's just the wind.

Joanna's safe.

Guess what, Daphne's safe, she's safe at Collinwood.

No, you must wait.

[dramatic orchestral music]

I can't believe it.

When did Gabriel find out he could walk?

Evidently when he was a child,

at least that's what he told Daphne.

[Quentin laughs]

And all this time, I've been taking the responsibility

of his being in that wheelchair.

DESMOND: Quentin.

I thought it was my fault.

I thought I ruined his life.

DESMOND: Quentin, that's what he wanted you to think.

You know, he must have really hated me.

He hated everyone, Quentin.

Why did he do that to Daphne?

He'd planned on using her for ransom.

He thought after you were dead

Gerard would give you money to exchange for Daphne.

That he would have enough to get away.

QUENTIN: I've got to get to Collinwood.

No, no, the police are watching Collinwood.

No, I know what I can do.

I can reach the estate through the back .

The woods are very thick there.

Quentin, Gerard is at the house.

And Samantha would turn you in, Quentin,

if she saw you there.

I've got to take that chance.

I'll make the arrangements.

He's got to be out of there before dawn.

All right, listen to me.

You go back to Collinwood and you tell Daphne

to meet me at the parapet, at the door.

I'll be there in a minute.

Now, hurry.

Shocking as it may be, Gabriel is not the one

that's going to send you to prison.

QUENTIN: He is, if he m*rder*d Randall.

That's what the charge was.

Quentin, the charge was changed to witchcraft.

Gerard, he is the one.

Be careful at Collinwood.

I will.

And you know what's funny, it's much safer here.

Every man, every man's castle is his own except mine.

And he'll be here in an hour?

You should be happy.

I'm very happy, Joanna.

I would be happier if it weren't--

If it weren't for me?

I know you still love him.

But he doesn't love me.

Oh, Joanna.

I know that now.

I thought that his love gave me the will to live.

While you were in that asylum?


But I'm going to have to find another reason now.

We'll help you, Joanna.

I swear we will.

You don't have to worry about me.

You don't have to be afraid

that I'll go back to the way I was in the sanitarium.

I know now that the past is dead,

and that I can't relive it.

Quentin loves you more than he ever loved me.

Be happy with it.

Daphne, are you feeling better?


I think you should rest until Quentin comes back.

No, Julia, I don't think--

I insist on it.

Will you come to my room when it's time?


What a strange house this is.


Do you know of a deserted wing of the house?

I had a very strange, incredible feeling

that I was passing a closed door,

and I heard voices.

The upstairs parlor.

You know about that?

I couldn't enter it.

I saw there people living lives, completely ignoring me.

They couldn't see or hear me.

JULIA: There is another band of time

that runs parallel to this

and we exist in that time as well as our own.

That room, curiously enough,

exists in that time too.

In our time it's empty, deserted as you saw it,

and you saw the way it was in parallel time.

Tell me what you saw.

Perhaps, it will make me understand what I saw.

I don't understand it.

Gabriel Collins was there and a woman named Melanie.

She looked so much like Leticia Faye.

An employee, Stella, had disappeared,

completely vanished.

Melanie tried to find out where she was,

but Gabriel told her not to ask any questions.

Do you think there could be a connection

between our time and theirs?

It was all so frightening.

[suspenseful orchestral music]

MRS. COLLINS: Who are you?

KENDRICK: My name is Kendrick Young.

Mrs. COLLINS: What do you want?

KENDRICK: I have come to see my sister, Stella.

[dramatic orchestral chords]

You see that the servants downstairs

didn't seem to know where Stella is.

They said I'd find a member of the family in this room.

Are you a Collins?


KENDRICK: Well, could you tell me where Stella is?

I am concerned.


Well, she knew I was coming to Collinsport.

I received a letter from her the day before I left Albany.

She was very excited about my visit here,

in fact, she made a reservation for me at the inn.

I was there all day, but she didn't come.

Now, could you please tell me where she is?

I haven't the faintest idea.

KENDRICK: Mrs. Collins--

Your sister is a flighty, irresponsible girl

who could not follow orders.

Well, you happen to be wrong,

but I don't see what that has to do with where she is.

Now, you just simply tell me where she is

and I will leave this house.

She didn't tell me before she left.

You mean she just walked out of the house?


She said that she didn't like it here.

She wanted a house with more gaiety.

She refused to wait until we had found

a replacement for her.

KENDRICK: I find this very difficult to believe.

Mrs. COLLINS: Why are you doubting my word?

KENDRICK: I know my sister.

MRS. COLLINS: Perhaps she's fooled you as she fooled me,

and she fooled Flora Collins when she hired her.

No, she would not have left town, not without seeing me.

I can't tell you what was on her mind,

but believe me, Mr. Young, we are well rid of her.

Now, if you will excuse me.

Mrs. Collins.

I have nothing more to say about Stella Young,

and neither does anyone else in this house.

Close the door as you leave, please.

I do believe my sister left your employ.

After five minutes in this house,

I would have expected her to.

But I do know that she would have been at that inn today

if something had not happened to her.

I intend to find out what did.

[doors slamming]

[suspenseful orchestral music]

JOANNA: Daphne just went into the east wing.

She'll be waiting in the corridor by the stairs,

but be careful.

Gerard and Samantha just came in.

Thank you very much.


Oh, my darling.

I'm all right.

I love you.

I know.

Quentin, we can't stay here.

Come on.

We've gotta make a plan to get outta here.

Desmond will be all right in a day or two.

We've got to wait on him.

Oh, Quentin, we can't stay in this room.

Yes, we can, it's safe.

No, this room's not safe.

This is the room that Gi--

What's wrong?

[Daphne gasps]

What's happening?

We're trapped.

We're trapped in another time.

[dramatic orchestral chords]

["Dark Shadows Theme"]