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1170 - December 18, 1970

Posted: 12/29/23 12:56
by bunniefuu
[suspenseful music playing]

[thunder crashes]

NARRATOR: The great house at Collinwood

in the year .

A time of great crisis for the Collins family.

Deposed as master of Collinwood,

Quentin Collins is on trial for his life

on the charge of witchcraft.

Only since the trial began

has Quentin started to have doubts

about the man he thought was his good friend,

Gerard Styles,

who has become the new master of Collinwood.

And on this night, Gerard is to learn that he, too,

has deadly enemies.


[waves crashing]

[eerie music playing]

[thunder crashes]

[door opens and closes]

Gerard, are you here, love?

Gerard, what's happened to you, love?

Gerard, can you hear me?


Who is it?

Who's behind there?



Oh, what's happened to you, love?

You gave me such a fright.


Someone tried to...

Someone tried to k*ll me.

Oh, Lord, who was it?

I haven't...

I haven't the foggiest idea.

Someone obviously wanted to strangle me.

When did you come in?

Oh, just a moment ago.

You must have frightened him away.

You saved my life, Leticia.

I'm grateful.

I think whoever it was must have left by the window.

I thought I heard someone behind the drapes,

but when I came over here, I didn't see anybody.

They might have come in by the window,

they certainly didn't leave that way.

Ah, a secret passageway?

I'm gonna go see where it...

No, you shouldn't, it might be dangerous.

I'll be right back.

You wait right here.

Wait here?

Not on your life.

You're not leaving me alone.

[thunder crashes]

Well, it goes on a bit, don't it.


A staircase over there,

there must be an exit around somewhere.

Maybe up there the assailant made his escape.

[thunder crashes]

What are you gaping at?

Your shoes.

There's mud on them.

How did you do that?

Assuming it's none of your business,

which it isn't,

a servant was helping me from the carriage

and the imbecile lost his grip,

my feet hit the ground,

and the pain was excruciating.

Are you satisfied?

Yes, and I'm sorry I asked.

GABRIEL: Well, the lord of the manor,

inspecting all of his properties.

This is no time to be funny, Gabriel.

There's a m*rder*r loose in the house.

GABRIEL: m*rder*r, my dear?

Someone tried to k*ll me a while ago.

Why, how extraordinary, Gerard.

And who would think that a man like you would have enemies?

Did you know that there was a safety passage

behind that panel there?

Of course, I did.

We used to play there as children.

Oh, now, does that make me a suspect, Gerard?

Oh, I would be happy to accuse you, Gabriel,

if you could walk.

Well, there are some virtues to being a cr*pple.

One does not get unjustly accused.

A good night to both of you.

Well, you're bloody calm about this all.

Don't it bother you at all

that someone almost got k*lled?

That someone isn't me.

Oh, and Mr. Styles,

I do pray that you're not m*rder*d in your sleep tonight.

We both know that even you could do that,

don't we, Gabriel?

LETICIA: Gerard, someone almost k*lled you.

Don't you think you ought to send for the police?

I think I can handle it, Leticia.

By the way, why did you come to the house this evening?

Oh, I almost forgot.

Desmond asked me to give you a message.

Quentin wants you to come and see him in the jail.

Desmond says you never even answered his first note

asking you to come.

He's quite upset about it.

Yes, I don't blame him.

I always meant to go,

but I had a lot of business here to attend to.

But I will make it a point to see Quentin tomorrow.

[door opens and closes]

Well, well, Gabriel.

That mob outside, what are they waiting for?

Waiting for my beheading, they hope.

Are they there all the time?

It's their nightly entertainment.

But as you can see, I'm quite all right.

I must say, this is an unexpected pleasure.

Life does hold some surprises, doesn't it?

Well, I hear that your trial is going very well for you.

Yes, Desmond's done a very fine job.

What's on your mind?

I'll get right to the point.

What's on my mind is the future of Collinwood

and the entire family.

What do you mean?

Your friend, Gerard Styles,

well he isn't a friend, Quentin.

Now, I don't know how he did it,

but he is behind everything that's happened.

The trial, your trial, the changing of the

And you're going to have to find some way

to prove the will is invalid.

I must admit, I have begun to have

some grave doubts about Gerard.

But I'll have to talk to him first.

Quentin, what good is talking going to do?

If you don't do anything right away,

you'll have yourself to blame if anything happens to Tad.


He's all right, isn't he?

Oh, he's all right for the moment,

but, I don't think he's going to live to be

and inherit any money, as long as Gerard Styles

is master of Collinwood.

I don't know what I'm gonna be able to do.

You have to give me time to think about it first.

GABRIEL: But we don't have time, Quentin.

That's very good, Carrie.

Oh, Daphne, I didn't hear you come in.

Well, don't cover it up, let me look at it.

Now, could that possibly be Jeremy Grimes?

How did you know?

I guessed.

But you've never met him, have you?

Well, word has a way of getting around.

I don't understand.

You must have told Tad about Jeremy and he told me.

He shouldn't have done that.

Well, I'm sure he didn't mean any harm.

Jeremy's father doesn't like anyone in this house.

And if he knew that Jeremy met me, he'd probably disown him.

You won't say anything to anyone about it, will you?

No, of course not.

Tell me, Carrie, why does Jeremy's father

hate the Collinses so?

I don't know.

Jeremy says he agrees

with everything Mr. Trask says about Quentin,

about him practicing witchcraft.

He says whenever he talks to his father about it,

he gets hysterical.

I'm afraid he isn't the only one

who's gotten hysterical.

CARRIE: Daphne, what's going to happen to Quentin?

I don't know, Carrie, I really don't know.

[door opening]

Quentin, I'm terribly sorry

I didn't come earlier to see you.

So am I.

I think you have some explaining to do.

Quentin, I don't understand.

What is it that I have to explain?

I just wondered how it happens

that the prosecutor of my case

happens to be your very good friend Dawson,

and why is he so determined to crucify me?

And am I to be held responsible

for the actions against a former friend?


Had no one told you that Charles Dawson and I

were no longer friends?

No, no one's told me anything.

Well, I was furious with him

when he said he would accept the case,

that he would prosecute against you.

I asked him not to.

I begged him not to, but he refused.

He's a very, very ambitious man.

He wants to make a name for himself,

even at your expense.

So I told him our friendship was finished,

that I was going to stand with you,

that I would not help him in any case whatsoever.

Well now, I don't know what to say.

You know, I want to believe you very much.

Quentin, why don't you judge me for my actions?

Have I ever betrayed you in all the years

that we were at sea together?


And I told you that as far as I was concerned,

I merely held the position of a trustee or a caretaker,

until you are released, and your innocence is established.

But I just wonder how it is

that men like Barnabas and Desmond

can be so much against you.

I don't understand it either.

But they will be very interested to know

that you and I have a common enemy.

What do you mean?

I was att*cked last night.

Someone tried to k*ll you?

Very nearly did, had not Leticia been there to stop them.


Yes, I was in the drawing room.

Someone snuck in through the secret passageway,

through the panel and, well,

Leticia entered and must have scared them off.

Did you see who it was?

No, I'm afraid I didn't.

It happened too quickly, but it's obviously somebody

that knows that house quite well.

I just wonder who it is at Collinwood

that would want to k*ll you.

What's more important, who's at Collinwood

who wants to destroy the master of the house?

Well now, what you're saying is that

the person responsible for putting me in here

is the same person who tried to k*ll you?

Yes, I believe so.

Well, then, why can't we find out the answer?

How come it is that this person is able

to remain so anonymous?

I don't know.

Tell me something.


Has Daphne received any more letters?

Yes, I'm afraid she has.

Even more mysterious than ever.

You know,

all of the trouble started

when I began to receive those letters from Joanna.

Now, it's just possible that the source of those letters

is the answer to all of our trouble.

Yes, yes, you once told me that you had received letters

in a very familiar pattern.


Well, perhaps Daphne received letters in the same pattern.

Believe me, I will find out.

And then

destroy the spirit.

If there is a spirit.

Spirits don't usually att*ck people.

No, I will find the source of the notes and work from there.

You do whatever you think best.

And you make sure that nothing happens to Daphne.

Take care of yourself.

Believe me, now that I have been alerted,

no one will get rid of me.


That's Joanna's perfume.

[piano playing]


Oh, love, you gave me a start.

What is it, Daphne?

Has there been anyone else in this room?

No, why?

There was a scent in the air, a perfume,

it was very familiar to me.

Are you all right, love?

Yes, I'm fine.

Carrie, dear, you go on to your room now.

Run along, love, I want to talk with Daphne.

Now, you just sit down over here

and tell Leticia what's troubling you.

Leticia, is it true that you have a second sight?

Well, I have a certain gift,

it's difficult to explain exactly what it is.

Could you use it now to help me?

Well, it ain't something I can just turn on and off,

you know, like a water tap.

Could you try, Leticia, please?

What do you want me to do?

I want to know if there's a spirit in the house,

an unfriendly spirit.


I don't feel any vibrations at all, love.

I'm sorry, like I say, it don't always work.

It's all right.

Well, if you could just tell me what's troubling...

DAPHNE: What is it?


is happening.

DAPHNE: Tell me.

The vibrations, I can feel them now.

There is a foreign spirit, somewhere in this house.

Can you identify it?

No, but I know it's here, here in this house.

DAPHNE: Leticia, do you know

where in the house this spirit is?

LETICIA: I can't tell you any more, love.

I just know it's here.

It wasn't a moment ago, and it is now.

DAPHNE: What am I going to do?

I overheard.

It's Joanna.


Who is Joanna?

I'm afraid she's someone that's risen from the dead.

Oh, the one that Samantha told about at Quentin's trial.

Yes, that's right, excuse me.

Gerard, what's troubling her?

You must tell me.

DAPHNE: Gerard!

What is it?

What's the matter?

I found it on the table.

"Tonight, I will come back.

This time I shall succeed."


I don't understand.

This isn't the first warning, Leticia,

she's trying to k*ll me.

k*ll you?

But why?

Now, no one is going to k*ll you, Daphne.

You must believe me.

Daphne, I want you to come to Rose Cottage with me

and spend the night there.

But I can't, I can't do that.

Well, you can't very well stay here either, can you?

Not if your life is in danger.

I've got no choice.

Samantha, Edith and Gabriel are all going out tonight,

I have to stay here or Tad and Carrie will be alone.

That's odd, isn't it?

What is?

That whoever sent this letter

knew that Daphne would be alone tonight.

Because I had intended to go out myself.


Now it's time to close the little mystery

about Joanna Mills.

[clock chiming]

[wind howling]


My God, it's you.

It's really you.

[eerie music playing]