1146 - November 16, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1146 - November 16, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[eerie music]

CAROLYN:Collinwood in .

And a man possessed by an ancient enemy

of the Collins family,

continues his plot that is to end

with Quentin Collins beheaded for witchcraft.

And this night,

Gerard has caused Daniel Collins to examine

the unfinished stairs that Quentin is building.

The stairs that, when finished,

will enable man to transcend time.

And as Daniel stands on the stairs,

Gerard makes him see what Daniel thinks is a scene

from the recent past.

A scene in which Quentin kills Lorna Bell.

He k*lled her.


No, oh!


GERARD: Mr. Collins.



Mr. Collins.

Trask was right, Quentin is a warlock.

A m*rder*r, a warlock.

GERARD: Mr. Collins.

All right, Mr. Stiles.

What have you done to my father?

[intense music]

[eerie music]

GERARD: It's not what I've done.

Quentin, Quentin.

Your father's had an att*ck.

My son.

Go and get a doctor quickly!

GERARD: Julia.

Quentin, how could you?



Excuse me.

How do you do it?

Do what?

Oh, you always seem so calm and tranquil.

Oh, I don't know.

I suppose it just must be my face.

No, it's more than that I think.

Something in you, a certain quality.

You always seem like you have something to do,

and you made up your mind, you're going to do it.

Well, at the moment, I have made up my mind

to give the children a test tomorrow.

Are you sure that's all?

Miss Harridge.

Are you frightened of me?


You know, whenever I uh,

I speak to you in a personal way,

you never seem to be able to listen to me.

I think you're just trying to be unobtrusive.

Part of the scenery around here.

No, but you can't be that.

You're much more, you know?

You are an angel among gargoyles.

We are gargoyles,

the fortunate Collins of Collinwood.

You know,

when I was younger, before my mother d*ed,

it seemed to me that we were a family.

But then again, that was just another illusion

because my father m*rder*d my mother.

Oh, no.

Oh, yes.

Well, it's a well-known secret.

It was then that I noticed that,

where we all have a strain of despair

that has been bred in each of us.

And we all seem to enjoy that despair.

Why else do we live the lives that we do?

I'm afraid I can't answer that, Mr. Collins.

Are you sure about that, Miss Harridge?

GERARD: Quentin!


Quentin, it's your father.

He's had an att*ck.

- No. - Yes.

[intense music]


no sense to it.

No sense at all.


Why, Quentin, why?

EDITH: No, Father Collins.

Who are you?

Why, Father Collins, it's, it's Edith, Gabriel's wife.

Get out of here.

No, now you must lie down.

Don't you tell me what to do.

Someone has to, you've had an att*ck.

Now, please lie down, there.

Gabriel is gone to get cousin Julia.

What good will a doctor do?

Oh, Quentin.

Why, Quentin?

Quentin, why?

Father Collins, what did Quentin do?



You, you.

No, it's all right, now, lie still.

You're not who you think.

You're not the man

- we thought you were. - See, you're making it worse.

QUENTIN: Get away.

He is too ill to have company.

Why, Quentin, why?

Why what?


It will ruin us, it will ruin us all.

I must stop it.

You're gonna be all right.

I will stop it.

See, you just want him to die.

Get out of here.

But Father Collins--

Leave this room.

QUENTIN: Get out!

[gasping] I saw, I saw your stairway.

I saw the past.

You, you k*lled Lorna Bell.

No I didn't.

Father, Father.

[door opens]

Where's Julia?

With dear brother, I presume.

Those two are inseparable, you can never find them.

Did you send after Dr. Reese?

I was about to.

I'll do it.

Gabriel, Quentin has done something.

Something Father Collins doesn't like.

And how could that be?

Father always loves everything that Quentin ever does.

Oh, not this time, this time it's different.

Edith, I'm going to sit with father tonight.

Now, I want you to do something with that hair of yours

and go put on a black dress.

He's not going to die.

Let's pray, not just yet.

Not yet, not with the will the way it is.

Now, go on, go and make yourself presentable.

You and I are going to sit with father tonight, go on.

DANIEL: Quentin.

It's Gabriel, Father.

DANIEL: Where's Quentin?

He left you, father.

I'm going to stay with you.

I want to, Father.

I want to do everything I can for you.

[suspenseful music]

Well, has Dr. Reese finished examining?

GERARD: I don't know.

Where are you going?

To my room.

- No, you're not. - Mr. Stiles.

I completely refuse you to.

You refuse?


You see, I must apologize.

You have nothing to apologize for.

But I do.

We were to have dinner the other night, remember?

I'm very surprised that you do.

Oh, now you're sulking.

Is it because I didn't show up?

I am not sulking.

In fact, I was quite relieved that you didn't come.

While I was waiting for you, I realized

that my first instinct about you was completely right.

Now, wait just a minute.

DAPHNE: Let go of me.

You will forget, that I didn't come here.

You will give me another chance.

DAPHNE: Never!

Time, has powers to make you change.

Oh, no.

Not when I remember the look on your face just now.

You will learn to like this face.


Believe me, you will.

You will come with me too.

Yes, you will become one of us.

You will become one of us.

[suspenseful music]

DAPHNE VOICEOVER: Such a strange night.

Gerard, that face, and Quentin.

Why did I feel so sorry for Quentin Collins?

I must not.

I must guard against it.

[eerie music]

D is for Daphne.

D is also for the devil.

There is a new world awaiting you, Daphne.

Yes, a new world.

A world that you will find evil in.

Joy with evil.


Joy with evil that you will find,

like an adventurer on the sea, finding an unmarked sea

and those waters will drown.


your eyelids are becoming heavy,

Daphne, very heavy.

You will sleep.

For in sleep, you will see what the future is to be.

The future that you will share with me.

[suspenseful music]

Oh, hold me, Gerard, hold me.

GERARD: Will you come with me now?


To a room.

A room where the ceiling is of the stars

and the fire that warms us will be of the deepest well.

I will follow you anywhere.

Will you do, as I bid you to do?

Then come to me tonight, we can save them.

DAPHNE: Gerard, don't leave me, please.

Only for a while.

DAPHNE: No, no, I can't bear to be without you.

I can't bear to be a...

Let me come with you.


You're meeting someone else, aren't you?

But it is your face that I would see

and it is your lips that I will remember.




Why did I sleep?

What did I dream?

It is done.

You will awake now and remember nothing.

But in the darkest part of your mind,

you will know what is to be.

[door opens]

Why, back again?

What's wrong?

Nothing, I forgot my books.

I just fell asleep, I never do that.

Tell me, did you have a dream?


I like dreams.

You find out so much about oneself.

Yes, you do.

Well, I'll tell you,

I bet I can make a nice dream about you,

- shall I? - No.

No, excuse me.


A good laugh, that's just what this house needs.

That's just what you need too, Edith.

That, and a couple of other things.

Like this?

The nerve you have.

I have a lot more nerve than that.

Treating me like some servant girl.

Oh, poor thing.

How you think you can ignore me one day, and then--

You're still thinking about that.

I've changed.

You're the only one in this house who has.

The small unsightly pit.

When you first came here,

I thought you would make things different

but you only play games.

Would you like to understand my games, Edith?

Would you really?

Yes, I think so.

In order to understand my games, you must change.

EDITH: Perhaps not as much as you think.

Oh, quite a lot.

Believe me, quite a lot.

Are you good at keeping secrets?

That depends on the secret.

Secrets that will make your life different.

Secrets that will add powers to your life.

What are you talking about?

Are you interested?

EDITH: Why, who wouldn't be?

What do I have to do?

Just do as I do, and then I will give you those powers,

and teach you how to use them.

When you talk like that,

you aren't just talking about yourself, are you?

There's something more than that.



[intense music]

Comforting my wife, Mr. Stiles?

Was she really that upset over her father's att*ck?

You know I was.

Quentin is looking for you, Mr. Stiles.

I suggest you go to him.

You wanted him to touch you, didn't you?

You love it.

EDITH: I wanted someone to touch me.

- Anybody, but me. - Yes.

Don't you go.

And who's fault is it, Edith, that I never touch you?

Oh, you hate me, I know that.

Don't go into it again.

Listen to me.

Now, you understand, I want you to behave yourself.

And you're never going to do anything

that is gonna hurt what is going to happen.

Nothing happens here.

GABRIEL: Something is going to happen, Edith.

It's father, he's changed his mind about Quentin.

Oh, Quentin will talk his way back.

No, not this time, Edith.

He looked at me differently tonight, he talked to me.

He listened to Trask.

Quentin is involved in the black arts

and the will can be changed.

Oh, certainly it can be but it won't.

GABRIEL: I will see to it that it is.

Oh, certainly you'll start, but you'll ruin it.

You'll give into that monumental self-pity,

and Daddy will turn against you.

GABRIEL: Ah, not this time.

Oh, yes, it happens every time.

Oh, you cr*pple!

That's what I am.

Yes, that's what you married, Edith,

and a cr*pple is all you've got to depend on.

Oh, no, it's not, I have myself.

The doctor says another att*ck could be fatal.

I just don't understand.

Well, you've heard enough family problems for one night.

You look tired.

No, I'm not, I couldn't sleep.

QUENTIN: Why not?

I don't know, it's as if all of a sudden

there's something evil about sleep, I...

Let me sit here with him, I'd be much happier.

You can get some rest.

Afraid I couldn't sleep either but I do appreciate it

if you'd sit here until Edith gets back.

There are some things I have to do.

[door opens and closes]

So, the cause of the trouble.


The stairs.

Now, you were with Father when the att*ck occurred.

I just don't understand

what he could have seen on those stairs.

They're not even finished.

Perhaps it was just his imagination.

But why did he see Lorna?

I didn't k*ll her.

I just wonder what made him see what he did.

Well, we'll never know, Quentin.

Perhaps, it was what he heard Trask saying.

It might have caused him to hallucinate in some way.

Anyway, you must stop thinking about it.

Yes, you're right.

What time is it?

o'clock, why?

You remember those letters I was telling you about?

Yes, Joanna's, have...

Have you received more?

No, but I've established a pattern.


I receive a letter every three days

and I receive it at one out of two times.

Either in the afternoon,

when I've just gone to visit the estate manager,

or exactly half hour after that

when I finished my last walk around the grounds.

Well, someone knows your habits very well.

Yes, and I intend to find out

who that person is tonight.

Come on, I'm in a hurry, I know a place...

I'll walk you to the gate, Gerard.

I never can sleep without my evening stroll.

Quentin, why don't you come back to Rose Cottage

with me and have a brandy?

Yes, I think it's a good idea.

It'll do me good to get out of this house.

[intense music]

[door opening]


[dramatic music]

[eerie music]
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