1130 - October 25, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1130 - October 25, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[spooky music]

NARRATOR:A stormy night at Collinwood in .

A night of frustration and despair for Barnabus Collins,

in his attempt to change the history of the Collins family.

For he has learned about the existence of the legendary

evil head of Judah Zachary,

but finds that it has vanished,

and its headless body roams the woods,

k*lling whoever it chances upon.

As he searches for the head,

he is unaware that another evil threatens him.

For this night is the anniversary of

the night long ago when he became a vampire.

And it brings a visitor

to the secret room of Collins mausoleum.

[dramatic music]


He's gone!

I would never have believed it!

But I will find him.

He will never get away from me.

[spooky music]


An empty tomb?

Why was, why haven't I been allowed in here before?

Now we made this same pilgrimage last year

and the year before, and I always have to wait outside.

In here, there's nothing to see.

Now what do you come here for?

You know what I think--

You are never at your best when you think, Laszlo.

Well then I'll go back to my accustomed place

in the cemetery, your humble obedient servant.


You will remain here.

What's different than the other nights?

You walked out of this tomb last year, you were smiling.

Of course, because I was happy!

What's it in this tomb that made you happy?

I never answer any of your questions.

Why don't you get tired of asking them?

Oh, but you will sooner or later.

You'd be surprised how many you've already answered

since we've met.

Dear Laszlo.


Now you want something.

And you will get it for me as you always do.

That's why I allow you to travel with me.

There is an estate near here called Collinwood.

A man lives there by the name of Daniel Collins,

with two sons, Quentin and Gabriel.

Go there and talk with one of them.

Do these men know you?

You're not to mention my name!

LASZLO: How do I get in?

I'll leave that up to your gypsy ingenuity.


I'll talk to one of these men.

What will I find out?

You're going to find out about a man

named Barnabus Collins.

Find out if he's in Collinwood.

If anyone knows him.

LASZLO: He's a relative,

of course someone's gonna know him!

They may not.

Who is this Barnabus Collins?

And what's his connection to this room?

Barnabus Collins is the only man I ever loved.


Except me, of course.


Except you, of course.

[laughing] Now go, and hurry.

Be very careful.

Oh, and one last thing.

You must not mention Barnabus' name

until it is mentioned to you first.


There are reasons that need not concern you.

Barnabus Collins.

Another of your mysteries.


The most important mystery of all.

Now hurry.


LETICIA: Who's there?

Barnabus Collins.


You're a bit of a surprise, ducks.

With your second sight, I'm surprised that I would be.


Oh, I don't use that every day, love.

I like not knowing certain things.

It makes life more interesting, don't you think?

It all depends on what the surprises are.

Something wrong?

You know,

you seem like a man

who's lived a long, long time.

Do I?

You seem to know everything.

How I wish that were true.

Leticia, I've come here tonight because there is

something that I don't know.

Something that Quentin and Desmond say that you do know!

Well, they're wrong!

You're talking about that,

that head!

I wouldn't lie to Desmond!

Even if you though if it was for his own sake?

Now you must realize that

you felt it was having some terrible effect on him.

That's my business, and Desmond's.

Why have they sent you here?

BARNABUS: I came on my own.

You should have believed me.

You mustn't blame them, Leticia!

Now it's very important that we find--

Well then look for it someplace it may be!

The body roams the woods.

But the governess of the children was k*lled tonight!

She was on her way here to this house.

You have any idea where that head is?

Tell me the truth, Leticia.


I don't like Desmond to think I'm lying to him.

It's not, it's not trustful of him at all,

and you can tell him that for me!

That head is evil.

And if none of you ever sees it again

it will be for the best.

All right, Leticia.

I only hope for your own sake

that you do not know where that body is.

And you can tell Desmond Collins

he will have to apologize for sending you here!

[intense music]

So you can tell the future, huh, gypsy?

I'm afraid there's not a crying need in this house for that.

Although if you could explain the present,

your services would be much desired.

Ah, the present is simple.

One just simply uses one's eyes.


But what if one's eyes see a headless man?


Not a joke, gypsy.

We live in a very unusual world.

And people do say that there is indeed a headless man

roaming the woods.

This house is covered by a veil.

A veil pierced by lightning.

So we are doomed.

Is that what you're trying to say, gypsy?

The vengeful gods are against us?

No, no, no, no,

perhaps it's just yourselves that you're against.

Very good, gypsy, that's excellent!

I think you just might go very far in your profession.

Tell me, how are we against ourselves?

For a modest fee.

Oh no, gypsy.

I brought you out of that storm.

I don't think you want to go into it again, do you?

Read my palm.

Go on, gypsy, read it.

You have a long life line.


Some people in this house might be very upset to hear that.

This house looms over you.

You're surrounded by many people who--

Tell me not to trust them?

Since last year.

Since this exact day last year.

Some change.

This day?

LASZLO: I can't see exactly when, but something--

GABRIEL: Come in, come in!

My future is not a private matter.

This is another Collins, gypsy.

You can read his palm after you've finished with mine.

Are you a believer, Barnabus?

BARNABUS: I'm afraid not.

I could make you believe.

That's not possible.

Behind you.

Standing behind you.

From very far away, waiting, waiting.

But not for long.

Oh, come gypsy, you can do better than that!

Are your English gypsies any better at this

than he is, Barnabus?

Well go on, gypsy.

Tell him what's waiting behind--

Gabriel. Come on, gypsy.

LASZLO: No, I can say no more.

Pay him, Barnabus.

Let him go.

No, no, no, no, you owe me nothing.

Such a silly game, the future.

Goodnight, gypsy.


If you happen to be going into the village,

I advise you to be careful.

There's strange things happening here tonight.

I know.

Far better than you.

[intense music]

I have tried before.

But I will.

I will again.

Body of Judah Zachary, show me where you are.

For I have been chosen to find you.

By the powers that I possess, let me see.

Let me see.


I see men searching for you.

Where are you?

Where are you?

There is danger for you.

I must find you before they do.

For they are enemies.

Body of Judah Zachary,

show yourself to me!




I know what I must do now,

Judah Zachary.

Why didn't you let the gypsy read your palm, Barnabus?

Are you concealing a deep dark Collins secret too?

I didn't want to encourage him to remain.

Isn't it rather odd that a gypsy should,

walk onto the estate?

Oh, it's just the luck of the Collins that he's here.

We seem to attract every oddity on earth.

How are you coming with your headless man, Barnabus?

You don't believe he exists, do you?


Not on the basis of the evidence

of a constantly hysterical and dying governess.

She's the reason why I sent my children away to school.

Well I do believe he exists.

And I'm going out to join the search

before he kills someone else.

[spooky music]

[intense music]



[dramatic music]

Judah Zachary!

I've been sent to find you.

You'll be safe with me.


No, please!

Please let me help you!

Now, now.

It'll be all right.

Follow me.



I learned nothing.

Nothing at all.

You fool!

Well no one was at home!

Well you could have talked to the servants.

I do not talk to servants.


He looks like a man that you could love.

You saw him?

LASZLO: We were introduced.

Oh, tell me.

Tell me.

Does he still have that same strange

intent look in his eyes?

You'll think so.

And his smile?

When he smiles does his face suddenly go gentle?

He uh,

didn't smile at me.

VALERIE: Tell me, is he living here?

He seemed perfectly at ease.

I gathered that he just recently came from London.

Oh, so that's his story.

Is it a story?

Where does he come from, this room?

Why you saw him yourself.

He couldn't be a ghost.

He has something to do with this room.


Where Barnabas Collins came from

is no concern of yours.

Neither is what he has to do with this room.

Do you understand?

I recognize the tone of voice.

Good, then remember it!

You'll tell me sooner or later.

Or else I'll find out for myself!

Try and you shall be punished.

Some day!

Some day you'll learn that I can do

some punishing of my own too.

Now what do we do next now that you

know that he's here?

Is it too much to or too foolish to ask

if there's any reason

why we couldn't leave this foolish town?

Too foolish, Laszlo.

Very foolish, indeed.

[intense music]

You'll be safe here.


No, no, no, it's all right, it's all right!

It's all right.

I must go now.

But I will be back.


That's all right.

You will stay here.

[clock chiming] [thunder clapping]

[knocking at the door]


Good evening.

I am Misses Barnabas Collins.

[dramatic music]

Please, please come in, come in.

So you're Misses Barnabas Collins.


Is my husband here?

Well of course.

But not at the moment, no.


I wanted so much to surprise him.

Well, you certainly surprised me.

I'm Gabriel Collins, a cousin.

Oh, I'm very pleased to meet you.

I had the most ghastly trip.

My trunk was stolen off of the,

off of the stage from Boston.

And the storm has frightened me so much.

When will my husband be back?

GABRIEL: I don't know, he didn't really say.

Actually, he's living at the old house now.

Oh, is it on the estate?


VALERIE: Well then I shall go there.

No, I wouldn't if I were you.

There have been many att*cks here tonight.

He's out with the men.

Let me give you some brandy.

I think that should take the chill off.

Oh yes, a glass of brandy would be fine.


I never imagined that I'd see it.

It's a much better place to imagine than live in,

believe me.

Your husband never mentioned you, you know.

Oh, well.

Obviously, an oversight on his part.

Why, thank you.

Are you from England too?


I can't wait to see the expression on

his face when he sees me.

Do you know who might still be up?



His sister.

Oh yes, of course.

Oh I've never met her.

Oh yes, please do see if she's still up.

[door closing]

I can't imagine where she is.

She must be at the old house.


Barnabus is very fond of her.

Yes, yes, and she's very fond of him.

She was most upset when he wasn't here.


Yes yes, she was expecting him to be here,

and he wasn't.

Why I wonder what could have happened.

GABRIEL: I don't know, I thought perhaps you knew.

Barnabus did write you didn't he?

The post is dreadful, you know.

Isn't it?

VALERIE: Do you mind my waiting here?

Oh, no, no, of course not.

I find it most fascinating.

As do I.

What a happy moment it will be when I see him again.

And to meet Julia at last.

It's almost like the end of a dream.

[intense music]

I am back.

Now, you will be whole again.

[spooky music]
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