1036 - June 14, 1970

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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1036 - June 14, 1970

Post by bunniefuu »

[spooky music]

VOICEOVER: Dawn has come to the strange

and disturbing world of Collinwood

in parallel time,

but no amount of light can disperse

the terrors that thr*aten all who live here.

During the night that just ended,

a treacherous woman learned the terrible secret

of Barnabas Collins,

and now she has come to Loomis House,

armed with the weapons necessary

for his eternal destruction.

[waves crashing]

[spooky music]

[Hoffman cries out]


[clock chiming]

Where did Hoffman go to?

It's dawn. Barnabas is alone.

Suppose she were to go there.

Will. Where's Quentin?


Is it true?

They found out it was Cyrus who took Maggie away?


-Where are you going? -My house.

Can't you stay long enough to tell me what happened?

Quentin or Mr. Stoddard can explain it to you.

Listen, did this

Yaeger, or whoever Cyrus turned into, did he say anything?

I mean, did he explain why he did it before he was k*lled?

I wouldn't know that. Now would you please excuse me?

Listen, have you seen Hoffman?

She can tell me what happened.

No, I haven't seen Hoffman.

I've been looking all over for her, and--

if I find her, I'll tell her that you were looking for her.



What are you doing here?

Hoffman, what are you doing in his house?

I ... I came here on an errand.

Wait a minute.

There's something different about you.

The hair.

And I've never seen you dressed like this before.

I was on my way to town.

Is there anything wrong with that?

Where's Will?

I said, where's Will?

I don't know.

Asleep, I guess.

I've got to see him.

Something happen?

I want to borrow some money.

He may not be up for hours.

Why not come back later?

I'm getting out of this place,

and I want to get an early start.

This place is beginning to get on my nerves.

Sitting in that stupid cottage of mine,

all by myself ...

How about you?

What do you mean?

You've got a lot stacked away.

I just need a couple of hundred.

How about five?

I don't have anything.

Oh, come on. That's a laugh.

After all that Angelique and I, and a couple of others,

have slipped you for your cooperation?

I'm sorry. I don't have anything.

I thought we were friends!

We are.


Look, if you see Will, tell him I'm looking for him.


Don't tell him why.

All right.

Want to know something?


You don't sound like you.


You don't quite look like you.

It's strange.

I assure you, I am who I am.


But something's different.

Maybe it's because we, uh ...

We haven't run into each other for such a long time.

Yes. Perhaps that's it.

Look, don't forget to tell Will that I'm looking for him.

Oh, no. I won't.

She's dead.

I didn't want to k*ll her.

I just wanted to stop her.

Oh, god, what am I going to do?

[dramatic music]

Hoffman. Do you know,

when I looked for you in the house and I couldn't find you,

I figured this is where you'd be.

I can explain.

Oh, there's no need to.

But I'm not Hoffman.

Oh, isn't that interesting?

I mean, I'm a friend of Barnabas.

I know whose friend you are.


Don't move, or I'll sh**t.

Hoffman's in there.

If you'll look in there, please?

What are you talking about?

She's in there. Hoffman's in there.

She's ... she's dead.


But how?

I know you won't be able to understand this,

but I come from different time than you.


-You're Dr. Julia Hoffman! -You know?

Yes, you're the woman who's trying to find a cure

for Barnabas in his own time.

Yes, but how do you know?

He told me.

You see, I was writing a book about him,

for a little while.

But how did you get here?

The same way that Barnabas did.

Through the time warp in Angelique's room.

Barnabas told me that his coffin was here.

When I arrived ...

Hoffman was here?

Yes, with a hammer and a stake.

The coffin was open.

I didn't mean to k*ll her.

Oh, well, you'd pardon me if I'm not sorry, eh?

If I had lived in this time,

this would have been me.

I don't understand it, but it feels very strange.

Her name was Hoffman, too.

Julia Hoffman.


Is Hoffman there?

Have you seen her at all?

No, no. I mean this morning.

I've looked through the entire house,

and I can't find her.

It frightens me.

She called me last night when I was in Bangor,

and she said that she thought

she might have discovered something.

Possibly about Barnabas.

Now that I can't find her,

I thought that perhaps Barnabas--

[door opening]

Listen, I have to go.



I see you still haven't lost your habit

of entering without knocking.

Oh, only because the people in this house has never gotten

out of the habit of telling me I couldn't come in.

Look, where's Will?

He was here, but he left.

Where'd he go?

Well, I don't know. I didn't ask him.

Where's Quentin?

Sleeping, probably.

This late? Quentin?

After what happened last night,

I wouldn't be surprised.

Last night? Now, what happened last night?

You mean you live here on the grounds,

and you don't even know?

There's a little communications problem

between this place and mine.

They found Maggie.

Oh? Was she lost?

Apparently, Cyrus Longworth abducted Maggie.

Cyrus? The mouse with the MD?

Do you really expect me to believe that?

Well, actually, it wasn't Cyrus.

It was a man called John Yaeger.

And Cyrus helped him drag Maggie out of this house?

It's a little more complicated than that,

but I can't explain it to you now.

Actually, John Yaeger and Cyrus were the same person.


Hey, thanks for the clarification.

It had something to do with an experiment

that he was conducting.


Did you know about it?

Possibly, without realizing it ...

I was working with him on some things

about two months ago.

Where is Cyrus now? In jail?

No. He's dead.

Cyrus? Dead?

And so is Sabrina. He k*lled her.

Both of them. Gone.

Yes, I'm afraid so.


What a terrible shame.

Listen, I meant to ask you, Bruno,

have you seen Hoffman?

I'm not sure what I'm going to do.

It isn't safe for me to be here,

and yet I hate to leave him.

I think I understand.

As a doctor, I've been interested in Barnabas

for a long time.

Of course.

I don't know what I do to protect him here.

What is it?


What about her?

She's been ...

She's been very close with Angelique.

Alexis is what we call her here.

What if Hoffman told her Barnabas's secret

before she came here?

No, no. It's all right.

She was in Bangor.

Oh. She might have phoned.

No, but she, just now, she just,

she didn't act strangely when I just saw her.

What are we going to do?

I don't know.

She might have.

What can we do?

What if she wrote a note?

She might have.

Could you, could you go and search her room

and see if you could find the note?


Well, then, could you talk to her?

You could tell by the way she was acting

whether she knew what was going on or not.

I cannot search her room.

If she finds me there ...

Yes. Yes, you're the only one to protect Barnabas.

Suppose I pass as Hoffman?

You, as Hoffman?

JULIA: Why not?

Oh, no, you couldn't do it.

She'd know you at a glance.

I fooled Bruno.

WILL: I know, but ...

I'll change in Hoffman's clothes,

and I'll fix my hair.

You tell me everything you know about Alexis,

and about Hoffman, and everything about that house.

It's too risky.

I'll have to take that risk.

There's money in here, plenty of it.

I've seen it.

The combination's here, someplace.

Hey Cyrus, how about one last payment

for past services rendered, huh?

[ominous music]

Well, I knew we'd meet sooner or later.

Well? What are you waiting for?

I've been dying of curiosity ever since you called.

What happened?

I told you on the phone, about Cyrus and Yaeger.

Oh, that fool.

I should never have included him in my plans about Maggie.

But I must admit a grudging admiration.

Timid Dr. Longworth had a lot more going on

-than I ever suspected. -Yes.

But I don't want to hear about him.

You said you had some important information.

What is it?

-Nothing. Nothing specific. -What do you mean?

You told me you'd found something out about Barnabas.

Not exactly.

Hoffman, you know something,

and you're going to tell me what it is.

Did you follow him the whole time I was gone,

as you were instructed to do?

Yes. Yes, yes, I did.

I never let him out of my sight.

That's what I meant on the phone.

He was, Barnabas was the first person to find out

about Yaeger and Maggie, Cyrus called him.


Yes, Yaeger changed to Cyrus, and then he telephoned Barnabas.

Barnabas went out to the farm.

I started to follow him there, but I couldn't go in.

I couldn't go after him.

I had to conceal myself. It wasn't safe.

Where's Barnabas now?

He went into town.

I started to follow him,

but then I thought I should come here

and report to you.

You mean we don't know any more

about Barnabas than we did before?

No. No, I guess we don't.

Well, what are you waiting for?

Start following him again.

Let me know if you hear anything at all.

Yes, yes, I will.

I'll try to help here.

Listen, Julia, we've got to keep in touch

with each other this time.

Yes, let's.

Well, go.

Where is it?

I know he kept a lot here.


Nothing but this book!

Why aren't you money?

"Private. In the end of my death,

this is to be presented, unread,

to my friend Quentin Collins."

It worked.

She never suspected?

No, I don't think so.

Come on, you're shaking.

Come here, sit down.

No, I'm all right.

Tell me, what about Barnabas?

She didn't tell her anything.

Hoffman never told her anything.

-Good, good. -She doesn't know anything

about what's been happening.

What else did you learn?

I guess Alexis and Hoffman knew that Yaeger had Maggie.

Alexis said that it was part of her plan for Maggie.

Plan? Plan? What plan? Did she tell you what they were?

No, I couldn't ask,

because I thought that Hoffman would know.

Still, you did a good job.

Would you like to change your clothes now?

No. No, I'll wear these.

What do you mean?

She thought I was Hoffman,

and so did Bruno. If I go on being Hoffman ...

Oh my.

You got away with it for a few minutes.

You couldn't continue.

It's worth a try.

You'll slip sooner or later.

No, no. I'll do my best not to.

It is the perfect way to find out

exactly what Alexis is doing.

It's not the perfect way! She'll find you out!

All right, it's not perfect,

but I've got to try.

I don't understand.

How can you do this for Maggie Collins,

someone you don't even know?

I'm doing it for Barnabas.

Not for Maggie.

[maniacal laughter]

Did I say there was no money in that safe?

There's more than I expected,

and I intend to get it all.

[maniacal laughter]

[phone rings]


Alexis, my dear.

This is Bruno.

Bruno. You ran off today in such a hurry.

Where'd you go?

Oh, well, I had a very busy afternoon.

Very, very busy.

Doing what?

Various things.

Visiting old friends, gathering information.

Bruno, you're trying to tell me something.

What is it?

My, my. You're very perceptive, aren't you?

Mm-Hmm. Now tell me something I don't know.

What would you say if I told you

that I know who m*rder*d Angelique?

[dramatic music]

[spooky music]
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