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10x01 - X

Posted: 10/02/14 04:58
by bunniefuu
[Rocks banging]

[Insects buzzing]

[Insects buzzing]

It's like I told you.

I've always been into pretty things, so, it makes sense that I'd be into girls, right?



No, I can't do that.

We'll go in back. No one will see.


No until you show me. We had a deal.

All right, then, pretty thing.

Let's do this.

I'm not gonna bite.

Unless you want me to.

Come on in. I want to show you.

You don't trust me.

Oh, come on. You can't blame me.

A girl's gotta be careful these days.

Yeah, well, everybody does.

Remind me again why I should trust you.

Well, for starters, you've known me 3 months.

Sort of.

Tonight's our first face to face.

Seriously? I mean, all of those hours online, they don't mean anything?

Come on.

I'm trusting you.

With my life.

You took these yourself?

Every last one.

And you named them.



When are you gonna let me take your picture?

Uh, I've outgrown what you're into, don't you think?

Maybe just a little.

No. I bet you put on that outfit right there, you'll look 15 all over again.


Are you ready?

Oh, yes.

I wasn't talking to you.

What? Who the hell is this?!

You bitch! You set me up!

You know what amazes me, mark?

Is that total losers just like you, complete cowards who prey on children, they fall for this every single time.

You're under arrest for child endangerment and the distribution of child p*rn.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be...

Sorry. Hi.

Good morning. Which floor?

Uh, 6, pl-- hmm, you, too.

Karaoke at the Benjamin.

Excuse me?

You were singing karaoke at the Benjamin the night it closed.

I was. Good memory.

Billy Joel might have d*ed a little that night.

Sadly, he was not the only one.

He got us started, but we went on to do a 6-song set.

The eighties took a fatal hit, if I remember correctly.

Have you seen the place that took over?

It's like techno and twerking.

It's not really my crowd.


You don't twerk?

I was--I was kidding.

[Elevator bell dings]

I don't twerk.


Ah. A gentleman and a scholar.

Agent Hotchner's office is the first one at the top of the stairs.


Good luck.

Well, how'd you do last night?

3 hours again.

Baby girl, you can't function on 3 hours of sleep.

Trust me, I've tried.

I know, but it's better than the nightmares.

There's gotta be something you can do.

I've tried everything, trust me.

Have you tried not drinking coffee?

This is tea. It's herbal, no caffeine. What else you got?

Better be a good answer.

Yeah, that's what I thought.

I know. It surprised me, too.

What? What surprised you?


Hotch talked to Emily.

She just doesn't want to come back.

Why? She loves us.

For what it's worth, Hotch is interviewing someone we've met before.

He is?

How many candidates is that now?

This one makes lucky number 10.

What? See, this is what happens when I don't sleep. I miss things. Who is this person?

Are they nice?

Why is that the first question I always ask?

The, uh, piles of files aren't usually this high.

Our section chief is overseas and we're down an agent.

I heard that SSA Blake transferred to Boston.

She decided to teach full-time.

That's...noble. Good for her.

I am not ready for that.

No, I'm not either.

You have an impressive success rating, and your supervisor speaks very highly of you.

I think you'll be a valuable asset to the team.


That's it? I've only been in here two minutes.

There's no song and dance?

I mean, I had a whole thing prepared.

I don't know if you know this, but there is a band outside your door.

Your 8 years with the Bureau and your undercover work convinced me that you'll fit right in.

Any questions?

Sometimes it takes me 2 or 3 months to arrest one offender.

You catch a new one every week.

How do you not take it with you?

I know, I'm interrupting.

Garcia, this is agent Kate Callahan.

She'll be joining the team.

Hello. I know you.

He's at it again in Bakersfield.

I'll be right there.

That's the third victim.

We've been consulting.

But you haven't made the trip to California?

We're about to. You have a go bag?

I am like a boy scout, sir. Always prepared.

Good to hear.

Everyone, this is SSA Kate Callahan from Andy Swan's unit. She'll be joining the team.

Thanks. Hi.


How are Andy and Seaver doing?

Oh, they're great and they say hello.

Welcome, welcome.

Yes, we can.

We can get started.

The mad butcher of Bakersfield has left another torso in the desert.

This brings the body count to 3 this month and still none of them have been identified.

At this pace he's going for a record.

Yeah, and quite the imagery. What's he trying to say?

A torso by itself has no life.

Right. It can't survive.

It might be how he sees himself.

It could also be a simple forensic countermeasure.

He dumps the torso after getting rid of all the pieces that can identify his victims.

That would make sense for someone who's criminally sophisticated, but this guy's leaving his DNA all over the torsos.

Well, we've kept tabs in CODIS.

He's not in any system.

But it's still a risk for him and taunt to us.

Hey, Einstein.

You're awfully quiet.

I'm just reading here the M.E. thinks the victims were alive for 48 hours while he disarticulates.

That means the unsub's sexual gratification comes from cutting.

Exactly. He wouldn't go to these extremes if he were merely discarding the limbs.

He obviously enjoys the ritual.

It's some kind of t*rture.

So if it isn't about easy disposal, the limbs could be his trophies.

He'd need preserving agents and isolation.

Garcia, come up with a list of suppliers in Southern California.

We'll cross that with a geographical profile when we have it.

Keywords sodium dioxide and silicate.

You're the best.

Thank you.

Yes, sir. Tell them we're on our way.

Corey! Gonna be late.

Coming, dad!

6 fundamental themes of geography. Go.

Location, place, human environmental interactions, movement, and regions.

Yeah, you got it.

Have a great day, buddy.

Thanks, Dad.

♪ Criminal Minds 10x01 ♪
Original Air Date on October 1, 2014

♪ ♪

Rossi: "I remained too much inside my head and ended up losing my mind."

Edgar Allan Poe.

Kate: "The mad butcher."

100 bucks says we have the media to thank for that one.

This is Los Angeles. They make everything a spectacle.

I'm sure he's getting off on it.

They always do.

He spared the second victim the mutilations, but the first and latest are covered.

There's no clear purpose. Maybe he's experimenting.

Or he's trying to remove something that could identify those victims, like tattoos, birthmarks.

Still hard to believe we can't I.D. a torso.

I mean, back in the day I'd get it, but nowadays everyone might as well have a microchip.

Cutting that first victim seems extreme.

I wonder if he's linked to him somehow.

None of the victims matched any missing persons reports and were likely chosen for their anonymity.

Southern California's notorious for its transient community.

Going after high-risk victims makes sense for this guy.

I mean, there's nothing about him that's particularly unique.

Except he first att*cked a male and then moved on to females.

That's strange, 'cause a fantasy this advanced is usually specific to one type.

Well, there was no DNA left on this male victim.

So it isn't overtly sexual like his other victims.

So he's either a victim of opportunity or necessity.

3 victims in a month means he's got something to prove.

Either to himself or the rest of us.

All right, when we land, Morgan, you and Reid go to the medical examiner.

Dave and Kate go to the latest disposal site.

And JJ and I will get set up with lieutenant Banks at the P.D.

No head, hands, prints, or dental records.

He's not making it easy.

What do you know about this victim?

I haven't completed the internal exam yet, but if she's anything like the others, she'll have traces of some leather particulate in her stomach.

So maybe he gags them with a belt as he tortures?

He's definitely a sexual sadist.

That's my guess.

What I know for sure is she's got a good muscle tone and even has tan lines from a sports bra, indicating she's active.

Both females were in shape, not malnourished?


It's unlikely they were transients.

What do we know about the offender?

He has a decent knowledge of the anatomy.

You think he has medical training?

Not necessarily. He could be a butcher or a hunter.

The first step in amputation is ligating the supplying artery and vein, which the offender did.

Well, that would make sense if he's trying to keep them alive for the t*rture.

The next step would involve and oscillating saw, but he opted for a long-angled blade.

And he's have to be pretty strong to make a clean cut like that.


And they're identical on each victim.

The decapitation was one swift, clean cut between the second and third vertebra.

No hesitation.

He's methodical. This is a mutilation.

He followed a line like a surgeon would for breast augmentation.

She has scar tissue that looks about 5 years old.

He removed her implants because he knew we could trace her via the serial number.

This guy's smarter than we thought.

You led the Ludwig investigation in upstate New York.

Nasty piece of work, that guy. You know the story?

Well, it was all over the news.

I saw the arrest.

He was all busted up, broken nose and everything.

Yeah, well, that's what happens when they trip over their feet, right?

Oh, yeah, I've seen that happen before.

I know that case couldn't have been easy.

When you find one that is, let me know.

All the dump sites are pretty isolated, but this one takes the cake.

Yeah, he could have buried the torso, but look.

He laid her right here.

Maybe it's remorse?

He tortures them for 48 hours, feels bad afterward, and then lays them to rest.

It doesn't sound much like a sadist, does it?


It's not just that.

This guy is compulsive.

He can't shut it off. He's counting down the hours until his next k*ll. So...

What does he do to pass the time?

He obsesses.

He's not disposing them.

He's displaying them.

It's part of his fantasy.

We need to set up surveillance at all the other sites.

He's revisiting.

The disposal sites are within 5 miles, but until we know the abduction sites, it's hard to know how big his comfort zone is.

Transients, they tend to gather in that area.

[Text message tone]

We're gonna need surveillance teams at each of the disposal sites.

What are we looking for?

CSI, they already scoured the place.

They didn't find a thing.

He could be coming back to relive the crimes.

It explains the DNA on the torsos.

Two-man teams good enough?

It works for us. Thanks.

Well, pretty boy here figured out how to I.D. the latest Vic.

We had Garcia match body type and weight with local missing women who also had surgeries.

Her name's Kim Eakle. She recently moved to California.

She's single. Parents just reported her missing.

And where's she from?

Riverside. But we have no way of knowing where or when she was taken.

This is all over the news. Everyone's hyper-vigilant.

You think he's got some kind of ruse to get her?

More like he knocks her out. Nothing about this guy says charming.

Garcia, where are we on the preservatives?

Who knew that Southern California was a hub for silica gel?

I've got a dozen places shipping regularly to a few residences.

He needs isolation. Do any of the residences have basements or detached garages?

No basements, but two have garages.

Any of them single men?

I wish that they were, then they'd be doing their silica weirdness family free.

Both of them are married with children, actually.

Yep, done. All right, send the addresses.

Corey, what are you doing in here?

I just need to get a screwdriver to get the batteries out of the remote.

Well, I told you I would get it.

Give me that.

Jeez, sorry, Dad.

Look, you can't watch TV until you've done your homework, anyway.

I finished.

Go. Be in in a minute.

[Doorbell rings]

What can I do for you, officers?


Callahan and Rossi, FBI.

Oh. My apologies.

You must have worked extra hard to get that badge.

We all did.

You buy large quantities of preservatives.

Um..Is that a question?

May we take a look at your supply?

Uh, why? Is there something that's tainted?

No, sir.

Is it a thr*at to me and my family?

Well, then I'm sorry, no.

But that is my private property, and for you to come into my home, you're gonna need a search warrant.

sh**t, I knew we forgot something.

Well, I have to help my son with his homework.


Kate: Afternoon.

When we arrest that guy, do you mind if I do the honors?

We might have to flip for it.

[Knock on window]

You're on private property, so we have probable cause to search your vehicle.

Hotch: Get out of the car.

We got one.

Let's pop the trunk.

Turn around and put your hands on your head.

Hey, you can't go back there! Get away from there!

Hotch: Just keep quiet.

You have no right!


Is my wife here?

Rossi: Yes.

My son?

Kate: He's at home.

When his friends hear about this on the news, he'll have a lot of questions.

You enjoying this?

Not in the least.

Because your whole approach seems callous to me.

Ohh. You're a judger.

That is really something.

Don't you just love that?

What's with your hatred of women?

I don't hate women.

So holding on to their limbs is something you do out of love?

No. Look, I love my family.

This has nothing to do with them.

You gonna tell your wife that?

You found a leg in his car.

Actually, we found 3.

Oh, my god.

Has your husband been acting withdrawn lately?

W-we've both been distant, but this is way more than that.

What the hell is it, some kind of fetish?

It's called acrotomophilia.

It's a sexual arousal related to--

Stop. I don't--I don't need to know any more.

Did you ever suspect this? Maybe before you were even married?

I used to work in this retail store. Clothes, jewelry, that kind of thing. There was a storage room in the back. Real small.

Frank would wait for me there while I closed up. This one time I went in the back, and he, um-- he was...rubbing up against this mannequin. Its leg was gone. I freaked out, but he said he was just trying to fix it. I didn't believe him. But I needed to. We were gonna get married. I... I was young. I didn't even know wanting something like that could be a... thing.

It's fine.
It's your right to remain silent.

We'll just... keep you company until your transportation arrives.

You know, I've been doing this a long time.

And the funny thing about it, behavioral science, is it's not exact like physics.

We get surprises all the time.

Like him.

You know, I bet if we talked to all the neighbors, they'd say the same thing.

Friendly guy. Maybe pick up on some of his insecurities.

A little too...average.

Rossi: But what none of the neighbors would see is what a guy like him is like when no one is watching.

So desperate to be aggressive, dominant.

Yeah, this one surprises me.

I mean, his fantasies were innocent enough.

Managed them all these years.

What was it that made him snap and k*ll 3 people?


You think I k*lled them?

No. No, no, no. I just bought their limbs.

From who?

I, uh--I don't-- I don't know.

You're gonna have to do better than that.

So what did you do, just put out a classified?

Well, sort of.

There's this guy.

I found him in a chat room.

He finds whatever it is you're looking for.

Rossi: And how do you get it?

Uh...uh, it's in a different place every time.

Uh, rest stops, abandoned places mainly.

I, uh, I'd leave the cash, and he leaves what it is I paid for.

Kate: But you wouldn't drive off right away.

Oh, no. I'd want to be alone with it.

Rossi: You never had a chance to meet him, not even once?

Never saw a strange car?

No, no. No, never. I swear.

The whole thing sounds bizarre.

Do you believe him?

Yes. Fetishes aren't always violent.

He had a need for the limbs, but not a desire to k*ll.

Then who are we looking for?

Single white male, 30 to 40, living in isolation.

He seeks out solitude because he was probably raised in an abusive home and he's still looking for refuge.

Chances are he lost his job recently, which is why he sold the body parts.

Rossi: His lack of social skills point to menial work, but his sophistication tells us he's more intelligent than we thought.

Reid: Just like Jeffrey Dahmer, he's also deranged, but he's learned from others' mistakes.

He knows not to keep strong smells around too long, which is why he disposes of the torsos within a few days.

There's a very good chance that he snapped because of serious rejection.

If he finally got the guts to ask a woman out, he would have been clumsy and aggressive and she would have pushed him away.

Hotch: It's why he got rid of all the things that symbolized intimacy.

It's how his psychopathology developed.

Banks: But if this is about a girl that rejected him, why k*ll a guy first?

He might be connected to the second victim.

But without their identities, we can't say for sure.

What about the revisiting? Can we catch him like that?

He's obsessive about these locations, but he's probably seen the surveillance.

Well, then, what will he do?

He'll find another victim.

You'd think after 10 years I'd seen it all.

How many sites are there, mama?

Hundreds. And that gem of a fellow you've got in custody has looked at all of them at one time or another.

Anonymity is huge for these sites.

They use a Tor network, which is an onion router.

The point is, you're not gonna be able to find anyone this way.

Do you know there are actual variations on a disarticulation fetish?

[Sighs] I need baby kitten pics asap.

Oh, have you seen the hippo who lives with the family?

Sleeps with a blanket, what?

Gets massages, eats better than I do.

Where is that?

South Africa. It's amazing.

Trust me, I have an arsenal of cuteness.

Have you seen the one with the baby elephant-- oh, with the baby chicks?

Yes, I love that one.

Uh, hey, you guys?

Sorry. Sorry.

The most recent victim was taken from Riverside.

That's more than 2 1/2 hours away from here.

So his comfort zone isn't limited to here.

That's not good. He's got a lot more confidence than we thought.

He's leaving vics here, so he must have some connection to Bakersfield.

The M.E. says he's gotten better at ligating each victim, which means he may have had practice.

On what?

We didn't originally profile him as an acrotomophile, but that sort of attraction typically has deep roots in childhood.

Maybe the unsub grew up around dead bodies, like a funeral home, so it wasn't that big of a leap for him.

It could be. We know he wasn't social enough to continue the family tradition, so maybe he found work in a morgue or a hospital.

Garcia: When you say work...

Security guard, janitor, anything entry level.

Uh, the UC system has a medical facility in Bakersfield.

Anyone fired recently?

No, but there's an anatomy Professor on sabbatical.

Oh, what's his name?

Dylan Myers.



He definitely revisited.

[Water running]

[Faucet turns off]


Get away. Oh!

No! Please don't!

Please don't!


[Crying] Let me go!

[Gasping] Please!


No! No! Please don't!

Please! Please don't!



Landlord says he paid his rent in cash for the first time last month.

Left it in an envelope, and he hasn't seen him in a while.

He needs privacy to pull off what he does.

Sharing walls with neighbors isn't going to give him that.

If he plays for this place in cash, chances are it's also how he pays for a secondary location.

Yeah, but where is it? We know who he is, but we have no idea where he's hiding.

And Garcia has nothing strange on this guy.

Well, we know he's methodical and obsessive.

And he's kept more trophies.

Kid, you OK?

Yeah. You?

Just tired.

Dr. Lee sent this over. The most recent victim had more than just leather particulates in her stomach.

She chewed through it, leaving entire chunks behind.

And she also found traces of horse hair.

He's using a bridle.

This guy could have used anything. Why that?

It's either specific to his fantasy or something he had easy access to.

How many horse ranches are around here?

What's your name?

I'm Angie.

Where are you going?


No. No, please, you don't have to do this.

Please, I just want to talk to you.

Please, I just want to talk to you...

It must get so lonely here.

Let me stay with you.

I didn't picture him as the sentimental type.

Cute kid. Looks so normal.

You'd like to think they all start out that way.

I don't know. Some never have a chance.

They lose the genetics lottery right of the bat.

You know, there's no evidence of his family anywhere in this space.

Maybe that's what made him feel so isolated.

Yeah. We said he was a loner, but in all these old photos, he's surrounded by friends and family.

That doesn't fit the profile.

I'm so cold.

Is that-- is that better?

Thank you.

Tech said there's a layer of dust over everything.

It doesn't look like he's been living here for weeks.

So why did he pay the rent if he wasn't going to stay here?

What have you got?

Everything in the unsub's behavior points to an extreme introvert.

This guy's got a lot of family photos, has a fondness for the Myers family crest. It's Scottish.

He even has a tattoo of it right above his heart.

Hang on.

That's weird.

Does he have any other tattoos?

No, but a nasty surgery. Gallbladder, maybe?

It's not a coincidence that the marks that could identify him are mutilated.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Dylan Myers isn't the unsub. He's the first victim.

So the real unsub k*lled Myers and then framed him.

But it's not just a countermeasure.

He took out a lot of rage on this man for a reason.

Maybe this Dylan Myers stood in the way of the unsub's true object of affection.

Well, it makes sense since we thought the first and second victims were connected.

Only Dylan Myers was single.

Garcia, was Dylan Myers dating anyone?

He was a bit of a hermit, and like I said, zero social media skills, did go old school with a land line.

Tracking his frequently called numbers.

He called a young woman named Christine Locke several times.

She's a former student, lives in Bakersfield.

And she's missing.

Sending you her picture now.

She looks like the second victim.

Did she have a restraining order out on anyone?

Checking now.

Uh, yes. She filed for and was granted a restraining order on August 6 from a Steven Parkett.

And where is he?

Probably on his way to hell in a handbasket, sir.

He was raised and lives at a cattle ranch and slaughterhouse in Bishopville just outside of Bakersfield.

Sending you the coordinates now.

Can we go for a walk?

It'd be really nice.

You'll have to untie me.


Just for a minute.

Parkett grew up isolated, just like we thought.

Mother d*ed in childbirth.

No siblings. The father was a violent schizophrenic, aggravated by chronic alcoholism.

Genetics. Didn't have much of a chance.

Stop, please!

What the hell--

Please! [Sobbing]


He's coming!

Hotch: Where?

He's right behind me!


All right, we need to split up.

JJ, take the back door, and Kate and I will take the front.

Keep your eyes open. He's gonna be close.

JJ: "Just because everything is different doesn't mean anything has changed."

Irene Peter.

How many did you get?

Uh, 10.

Hmm. Well, uh, vitamin E oil helps with the scarring.

Have you ever tried cocoa butter?


Yeah. 6 stitches inside, 8 out.

Guy got through the tendon. Port authority.

Tortured, last year. Good times.


Oh, and don't even get this guy started.

What are we doing? Are we talking battle scars?

Oh, yeah. I probably hold the record.

So what are the rules? Are we just talking stitch counts, or we going full on with like broken ribs, p*stol whips, concussions?

Told you. You weren't kidding.

Well, why don't we start with the most recent.

Guy hit me in the arm. Same guy hit me twice in the chest, but I was wearing my vest, so I only ended up getting welts.

You see, these idiots, they think they can b*at me, but they can't, so they at least try to hurt me, you know?

What else? Oh, let's not forget when I got blindsided and thrown out a window.

Welcome to the team, Callahan.

Thanks. Ow.


Hey. Almost done.

I figured.

So, did that last victim remember anything about her abduction?

She said that she'd gone out for a jog, she got hit over the head, and she woke up with Parkett.

She was from Bakersfield?

San Diego.

That's weird.

I'm just surprised that he traveled that far to hunt.

You know, all those hours in a car with a live victim.

I didn't think he had the guts or patience for that.

We caught him. There's no doubt he's guilty.

I know.

And nothing in the behavior points to a partner.


You asked me how I leave it at the office.

When you solve it, let it go.

Easier said than done, though, right?


Well, good night, or morning.

You know what I mean.

Get some sleep.

Thanks. Yeah, you, too.



How was your first case?

Long. How's the paper coming?

Read it tonight.

It'll cure your insomnia.

Ha ha.

Hmm. What time is it?

Almost 7:00.

Time for you to get up. You want some French toast?

Not yet.

I haven't seen you in two days.

I know. I'm sorry.

Come here.

I love you, sweet girl.

I love you, too, Kate.

Hi. Excuse me. I'm looking for El Segundo Boulevard.

Yeah. Uh... It's--aah! Aah!