875 - October 31, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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875 - October 31, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[ eerie music ]

NARRATOR: Collinwood, in the year .

On a dark and terrible night such as this, not long ago,

the notorious Count Petofi masterminded an act of evil

that threatened the future of the entire Collins family.

Using his legendary powers,

Petofi successfully transferred his own mind

into the body of Quentin Collins,

and vice-versa.

On this night, a young woman, who loves Quentin,

is on the verge of discovering the horrible truth.

Quentin, there is a way Petofi can--

can never be a threat to us again.

What are you talking about?

The gypsies are about to catch up with him.

The gypsies? Who told you that?

[ dramatic music ]

Answer me.

They arrived on the Collins' estate a few minutes ago.

That means they'll be coming here.

Someone's bound to tell them about this place.

- I've got to get out of here. - Why, Quentin?

You're not in any danger, are you?

No, of course not.

I, uh, I just don't want to be here

when they come around, that's all.

I see.


Look at me.


Just turn around and look at me.

Now, has something happened

that's made you feel different about me?


No, nothing has happened.

I still love you very much.

That's a good girl. I'll see you back at Collinwood.

Yes. Collinwood.

[ door slamming ]

My God. It's true.

He is Petofi.

[ dramatic orchestral music ]

[ dramatic music ]

[ eerie music ]

Petofi's mind in Quentin's body.

Sooner or later,

he'll find out I know it's true.

And then, he--he'll k*ll me!

Oh, what am I going to do?

I can't go to Collinwood.

It's too dangerous for me now.

There must be someone in Collinsport.

But even if there is, they would think I'm crazy.

No, wait.

There is one person.

Tim Shaw.

He's had dealings with Petofi.

He knows how much power he has.

[ inhales deeply ] Yes, Tim Shaw.

He's my only hope.

[ eerie music ]

[ dramatic music ]

[ door knocking ]

- TIM: Beth! - Thank God you're here.

I've got to talk to you. I need your help desperately--

My help?

BETH: Please close the door.

Beth, what's wrong?

I realize I don't know you well enough

to ask a favor of you,

but I have no choice.

My life is in danger, and I need your help.

Why don't you sit down and try to calm down.

I can't, I can't.

I have to get away--

away from town just as soon as possible.

I don't understand. Why?

I don't know how to tell you. It's...

It's so fantastic,

it's so unbelievable.

But you've got to believe it's true.

TIM: Why don't you begin at the beginning?

The man you know as Count Petofi,

is really Quentin Collins.

And Quentin Collins is now Petofi.

Quentin Collins is now Petofi?

I know it's difficult to understand,

but please, listen carefully.

Petofi wanted to find a way into the future.

Somehow, he found out

that Quentin would be alive in the year .

He knew he could get away from his ene-enemies

if he could transfer his mind into Quentin's body,

and Quentin into his.

And that's exactly what he's done.

But when he finds out I know about it,

he's going to k*ll me.

Oh, Tim, you've got to believe me.


You've--You've seen the way Petofi is so powerful.

I've seen what he's done to me,

yes, I know, I know.

[ dramatic music ]

- You think I'm crazy. - No, of course I don't.

How else can I prove it to you?

You don't have to prove anything to me, Beth.

Yes, I do.

You're just humoring me.

[ dramatic music ]


I want to help you in any way I can,

if you will just tell me, what do you want me to do?

There's no way you can help me,

if you keep on thinking I'm insane.



There is something I can do.

There is a way that I can prove it to you.

Go and find Petofi,

and bring him here.

- TIM: Petofi? - Yes.

When he tells you that he is really Quentin Collins

exactly as I've told you.

Now, Tim, please,

go find him and talk to him.

That's all I ask.

All right Beth, I go, you--

You stay here and wait for me.

You really are going to do it?

Now, listen, I just want you

not to worry about anything at all.

I can't help it. I'm so frightened.

If Quentin Finds out, he's gonna k*ll me.


no one is going to try to find you

and k*ll you.

You'll be perfectly safe here.

Now, promise me you'll stay right here in this room

until I return.

I promise.

I have nowhere else to go.

I'm depending on you, Tim.

You're my only hope.

[ dramatic music ]

BARNABAS: You'd make an excellent target

for an assassin


BARNABAS: I thought we decided

it was too dangerous for you to come here.

One place is as safe as another.

What have you found out about the portrait?



he was so busy looking for it that...

he hadn't had time to think about you.

But you still shouldn't have risked coming here.

- I had to. - Why?

All Petofi's belongings are here.

I want to know how he was able to transfer

his own mind into my body and mine into his.

The answer must be here.

And what do you propose to do if you find that answer?

Transfer both minds back to their rightful bodies.

You may as well stay and help me.

I don't intend to leave here

until I find what I'm looking for.

[ dramatic music ]

[ ominous harp music ]

Have you found anything?

Nothing that will be of any use to us.

Must be a clue here, somewhere.


perhaps we have made a mistake looking for a clue.

QUENTIN: What do you mean?

My guess is that what we're looking for doesn't exist.

Perhaps he did it through his own willpower.


You mean the power of his mind was great enough to...

That's exactly what I mean.

If he could do it, perhaps it's possible for you to do it.

- That's insane. - No.

There was one factor

that we have not yet taken into consideration.

- QUENTIN: What's that? - The hand.

That hand, the power of it has-- has been gravitated to you.

The hand was his cheap source of power.

I think it's now possible for you

to use that power on him.

I wouldn't know how to begin.

Even if I did, I'd never succeed.

How can you find out unless you try?

You've nothing to lose, everything to gain.

Now, where was Petofi

just before your minds were switched?

[ tense orchestral music ]

He must have been here in this back room

because that's where I woke up.

And that's where you're going now.


Just exactly what is it you want me to do?

I want you to sit in that room,

and concentrate until you put yourself in a trance.

You must try to-- You must try to concentrate,

and use his willpower,

and reach him with your own willpower.

Very well.

I'll try it.

What are you going to do?

I'm going to stand here in the doorway and watch you.

- It may be dangerous. - Why?

If I should happen to succeed,

Petofi's mind will return to this body.

Whether I succeed or not,

at the first sign the trance is ending,

you must get out of here.

Don't worry, I will.

[ dramatic music ]

PETOFI:We're going to be together again.

Just you and me.

QUENTIN:He is Count Petofi and I am Quentin.

You must believe me.

PETOFI: Do you believe him, Beth?

QUENTIN: Beth I'm telling the truth.

PETOFI:We're going to be together again.

Just you and me.

QUENTIN:He is Petofi.

PETOFI:Just you and me.

QUENTIN:And I am Quentin.

PETOFI:This is the end of Count Petofi as we knew him.

QUENTIN:I am Quentin.

PETOFI:The end of Count Petofi,

Just you and me, Beth.

You and me.

You and me.

You and me.

You and me, you--

[ gasping loudly ]

Don't be frightened. It's only me.


You were gone so long.

I was having a terrible dream about that first night.

You came back alone!

What went wrong?

Nothing went wrong.

Everything's going to be all right.

But, you promised me you'd help me.

And that's exactly what I have done.

Now you just sit there and try to be calm.

[ gasping ]

[ dramatic music ]

Now, it's all right Beth. No one's going to hurt you.

There's no need to be frightened.

You betrayed me, Tim. You promised you'd help me.

And that's exactly what he's done.

And now, my dear,

I'm going to help you, too.

Stay away from me. Don't touch me.

He wants to take you back to Collinwood

so you can be cared for.

Stop talking to me as though I'm crazy.

I'm not. I told you the truth.

Tim, I'm sorry you had to be subjected to this.

If I'd only known she would have come here.

That's all right, Quentin,

I just want you to take good care of her.

Oh, I will.

Believe me.

Now, Beth, I'm going to take you back to Collinwood,

and you can make things

much easier for yourself by cooperating.

[ eerie music ]

Now, there's no need to be frightened,

I'm not going to hurt you.

Tim, please don't let him take me.

He's going to k*ll me.

Oh, I would never do a thing like that.

BETH: Don't you understand? He is Count Petofi!

His mind is in Quentin's body!

No, Tim help me! Tim, help me!

Don't just stand there and let him take me.

Help me!

[ Beth sobbing ]

PETOFI: Now, that's it, my dear,

you just cry if you want to.

In a little while, everything's going to be all right.

[ sobbing ]

Are you sure you can make it back to Collinwood all right?


[ sobbing ]

I thank you. Coming to me was the right thing,

- I'm very grateful to you. - Not at all,

what else could I do?

PETOFI: Yes I know.

TIM: Her story was so fantastic.


But I promise you, it'll never happen ag--

TIM: Quentin, what's the matter?

I don't know. I...

suddenly feel dizzy, I don't understand.

You better sit down and catch your breath.

[ dramatic music ]

She's getting away.

Well, you can't go after her in your condition.

I can't let her wander around loose.

Wait until your head clears and I'll help you, Quentin.

No, I've gotta catch her. She's dangerous!

[ dramatic music ]

[ breathing heavily ]

[ dramatic music ]

[ wind howling ]

[ dramatic music ]

[ moaning loudly ]

[ door slamming ]

[ dramatic music ]

[ screaming ]

[ wind howling ]

[ gentle music ]

QUENTIN: It worked.

[ laughing ]

It worked.

I'm myself again.

Quentin Collins.

I've defeated Petofi.

I've got to find Miles and Darren.

[ wind howling ] [ leaves rustling ]

dramatic music ]

[ leaves rustling ]

- Beth. - [ Beth gasping ]

What are you doing out here?

Don't you come near me.

Oh my God. Something's happened.

Now Beth, look, I'm Quentin.

The real Quentin.

- BETH: You are Count Petofi. - No, no.

Now look, my mind has been restored.

Look, I am Quentin.

My mind has been restored, don't you understand?

It just happened a few minutes ago.

No, you can't trick me again!

Now look, I'm just trying to make you see the truth.

Now listen to me, please!

BETH: No, no! I hate you!

- Beth! - BETH: I hate you! I--

[ dramatic music ]

[ eerie music ]
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