861 - October 13, 1969

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dark Shadows". Aired: June 27, 1966 – April 2, 1971.*
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The show depicted the lives, loves, trials, and tribulations of the wealthy Collins family of Collinsport, Maine, where a number of supernatural occurrences take place.
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861 - October 13, 1969

Post by bunniefuu »

[ eerie music ]

NARRATOR:A storm has risen over the Collins estate

and an atmosphere of impending doom

pervades the Great House.

Count Petofi has taken over the body of Quentin Collins

and on this night, a young woman tries to find the reasons

for certain frightening events in her life.

Through a seance, she seeks to contact the spirits

of the dead

and soon, for one frightening moment,

she will be convinced that she has succeeded.

Is there someone else in this room?

Someone else?

If there is, give us a sign.

[ knock on door ]

We must be quiet, someone is here.

[ wind howls ]

What happened to the candle?

I can feel the presence of someone

of one who has to communicate with us.

Who is it?

[ bang at distance ] [ woman gasps ]

We must remain seated.

Do not break contact.

We must sl*ve the way open for the spirit

to come to us.

Look, in the doorway.

EDWARD: Who are you?

Who are you?

[ dramatic music ]

[ eerie music ]

[ waves crashing ]

[ storm rages ]

I said who are you?

Good lord, Judith.

I've come home.

Here, quickly someone, the candle.

Edward, who is she?

It's my sister, Judith.

Go into the kitchen and get some smelling salts,

quickly please.

I want you to stay here and watch her.

I'm gonna call the doctor immediately.

[ eerie suspenseful music ]

What you looking at me like that for?

The way you're dressed, all that paint on your face.

Charity, what's happened--

Pansy Faye's my name and nothing's happened to me.

I ain't changed a bit since the day Carl brought me

to this house.

The day Carl brought you?

PANSY: And I ain't forgot the way you treated me then.

Wasn't good enough for you, was I?

Doctor is coming right away.

I would like to be alone with my sister,

if you don't mind.

Whatever you say, Governor.

KITTY: Edward, the smelling salts.

Thank you.

Kitty, I think it's best for you

to meet my sister later, under the circumstances,

if you don't mind?

KITTY: Yes, of course.

[ dramatic music ]

What's the matter, love?

I'm just somewhat embarrassed, that's all.

Whatever for?

I should of realized that was his sister.

I don't fret about that if I was you.

I mean, you got a title and lots of money,

you're well bred, if you know what I mean.

That's all she cares about.

You seem to know her quite well.

Well enough love, well enough.

Oh sorry, you didn't learn nothing from the seance.

So am I.

I really did sense a presence.

I suspect it was her popping in so sudden like

what frightened it away.

Maybe we could try it another time?

Yes another time.

It's freezing, I am.

Always that way after a seance.

I think I'll have a cup of tea.

Would you like some, love?

No thank you.

[ suspenseful music ]

Edward, I tell you I'm all right.

You can call the doctor and tell him not to come.

EDWARD: But, Judith, you nearly fainted.

It was the excitement of being home again

after having been away so long.

Why didn't you notify us that you were arriving?

I didn't know myself until late this afternoon.

That's when the doctor decided I was well enough

to leave.

Should of done it weeks ago

but no matter, I'm home again.

Back at Collinwood, my Collinwood.

Are you pleased, Edward?

Or were you counting on my being away longer?

Judith, if I had my way,

you wouldn't have gone to the sanitarium

in the first place.

It all happened so quickly.

I know.

You made quite a point of telling me that

the first time you came to visit.

I meant it then and I mean it now.

I believe you, Edward.

Now, will you please tell Gregory I would like to see him.

What's the matter?

Didn't you return together?

JUDITH: Of course not, I came alone.

I assumed that he brought you back,

that he was out putting the carriage away.

Don't look so startled, Edward.

Surely it's not the first time

you've made a wrong assumption.

No, but illogical ones.

Gregory left here last night to go and visit you

and I haven't seen him since.

Do you mean to say that he didn't see you?

Edward, I've been confined to the Rushmore sanitarium

for almost four months

and during my stay there, Gregory never came

to see me once.

[ dramatic music ]

Judith, this is unbelievable.

It's hardly something I would make up, Edward.

Gregory Trask went at least once a week

to visit you at the sanitarium

and each time he stayed over night.

Is it possible that you didn't realize he was there,

- that you didn't recognize him? - No it is not.

Are you suggesting that I was not in my right mind

- while I was there? - I'm suggesting no such thing

but you weren't yourself those last few weeks,

we both know that.

Yet, no time when I was at Rushmore Sanitarium

was I not in complete control of my faculties.

I certainly recognized you when you came to visit me.

EDWARD: But why didn't you mention

that he didn't come to see you?

Because I was ashamed and hurt.

But I'm sure that Gregory has a satisfactory explanation

for why he did not come to see me.

Satisfactory explanation, my dear sister

this is unforgivable.

I refuse to pass judgment until I've had an opportunity

to speak with Gregory.

There is nothing to be said.

He's obviously been lying all along.

The subject is closed, Edward.

Judith, before you leave I think there is something

you should know.

The family is no longer in danger from Barnabas Collins.

He is dead.

[ haunting music ]

I am glad to see your mind is occupied with portraits.

So is mine,

but it's Quentin's portrait that interests me.

Where is it?

It's still in his room.

I told you to get that portrait to me by nine.

It's past nine already.

I tried to get it, but I was caught.

- By whom? - Edward!

We can't talk here, we'll be overheard.

Edward is in the drawing room, he's talking to his sister.


KITTY: You don't know her, do you?

Only by reputation.

Shall we not stray from the subject.

I want that portrait.

I told you, I tried.

Try again.

I've talked my way out of that room once tonight,

I'll never be able to do it again.

My dearly...

Now, you listen to me.

You can thr*aten me or do anything that you want

but I can't get that portrait out of that room

and that's all there is to it.


Perhaps she is my answer.

No, she'll never believe what's happened to me.

I must think it over very carefully before I speak to her.

[ thundering ]

[ soft quizzical music ]

Know yourself, be who you must be.

[ music box tinkling ]

JUDITH: And no one has any idea why Charity

is convinced she's Pansy Faye?

My guess is it's a spell that Barnabas put on her

like on the rest of us.

But wouldn't that spell have been broken

after she k*lled Barnabas?

I would have thought, so, but obviously not.

I don't know why.

And no one tried to help the poor child?

You just sat idly by and let her leave Collinwood

to live a cheap and tawdry life?

Please send her to me at once.

What for?

I want to succeed where the rest of you have failed.

Please get her for me.

[ mysterious music ]

You've asked to see me?

Yes, please come in.

What you want with me?

Only to talk to you for a moment.

Won't you sit down?

I wasn't good enough to talk to you

when Carl first brought me here.

Charity, I think I am the only one

who has the understanding of what's happened.

Happened to me? Nothings happened to me.

JUDITH: Listen to me please.

Now that I'm back at Collinwood,

this house is going to be run differently

and I intend to be a good and proper wife to your father.

My father?

Wouldn't that be the farce trick of the year.

Old Bertie Faye's been dead since--

JUDITH: I am talking about your real father, Mr. Trask.


You mean that old crow what lives here?

Oh, I'd take old Bertie anytime.

Whatever his faults were, he had a bit heart about him.

He could be tender.

Give a person a smile now and then.

JUDITH: Well whatever you think, Mr. Trask is your father

and I'm his wife and I cannot, in good conscience,

allow you to go on living in town the way you have been.

You can't allow it?

You've got nothing to say about it!

I will have Edward send a servant into town

to get your things.

Now you hold on just a minute.

You got no right to decide what I'm gonna do

with my life and I won't let you do it.

And what would your mother say if she could see

the kind of life you're living?

PANSY: My mother?

She was a God fearing woman who brought you up

to be a lady.

How would she react to the way you're dressed?

All that frightful paint on your face.

How would you like her to walk into the Blue Whale

and hear you singing one of your cheap thrills songs.

[ soft somber music ]

Why'd you have to go and bring up my mum for?

I don't like to think about it.

You wouldn't want her to see you now,

would you, Charity?

She always wanted me to be a very respectable lady.

And you could be in time, if you come back to Collinwood.

Why do you want to do this for me?

JUDITH: I think I owe it to you.

Because the way you treated me when we first met?

JUDITH: Think that if you wish.

I think this is where you should be.

It is such a lovely house.

I remember saying that to Carl the first day

he brought me here.

He was so excited and proud, showing the place off to me.

JUDITH: Then you'll come here and live?

[ soft somber music ]


Yes, I will.

[ mysterious music ]

Kitty, are you in there?

I'd like you to meet Judith now.


[ mysterious music ]

[ dramatic music ]

[ mysterious music ]

I beg your pardon.

You are Judith Collins-Trask?

Yes, I am.

I am Count Andreas Petofi.

Of course, I've heard Edward speak of you.

A very great honor, my dear lady.

May I sit down?

Oh, of course, please forgive me.

Is it possible that we have met somewhere before?

I don't believe so.

How extraordinary!

I had conceived an image of you before tonight.

You correspond to that image in every detail.

Oh, that's not possible.

PETOFI: Not only is it possible,

it has happened.

I imagined the beauty of your face exactly

as I see it before me now.

I'm flattered, Count Petofi.

I wonder if that may mean that you were a person

who would understand me as few others do.

JUDITH: In what way?

When I was very young, I discovered

that I have certain minor psychic powers.

Most people, I've heard, don't believe such things

or they laugh at them.

That's why I've seldom discussed my abilities with anyone.

Exactly what kind of psychic powers are you talking about?

May I have your hand?

I see a room in this house, a nursery,

I see a child, with her a governess.

The governess has just mistreated the child.

The child retaliates by biting the governess in the arm.

That child is you.

The name of the governess is Angela Stone.

That's incredible.

An incident like that really did occur in my life.

Shall I go on?

Please do.


[ mysterious music ]

Know yourself, be who you must be.

[ mysterious music ]

During the funeral you never cried once

but after you parents were buried,

you went to your room, locked the door and wept bitterly.

What you didn't know that was your brother, Quentin,

was in the room already.

He caught you crying, you found that unforgivable.

He saw a side of you you never allowed anyone to see.

Perhaps that's why you've always got on so badly with him.

You're an extraordinary man, Count Petofi.

And you are a most cooperative subject

and a very charming lady.

I hope we shall become great friends.

I'm sure we shall be

and you to feel at home anytime you come to this house.

[ music box tinkling ]

Lady Hampshire, have you met Edward's sister?

He's waiting for me.

I must go to him.

PETOFI: Lady Hampshire?

Lady Hampshire?

Who is that woman?

She was with Edward when I arrived.

Lady Hampshire, her late husband was a great friend of Edward's.

He died very recently, she's taking it rather badly.

Did she say she was meeting someone?


Perhaps I better go after her and make sure she's all right,

if you will excuse me.

Of course.

[ suspicious music ]

[ storm rages ]

[ music box tinkling ]

I have come to you.

I could not stay away.

I had to see you, one more time.

Just one more time, I had to see you.

Please, come to me.

Let me see you.

[ gasps ]

[ screams ]

[ eerie music ]
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