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07x06 - Wrecking Crew

Posted: 12/26/23 07:15
by bunniefuu
I can't do it.

I can't testify.


Campbell, the attorney general has put together a grand jury based primarily on your testimony.

You don't take the stand, we can't indict Joey Salucci.

We can't try him for m*rder.

Unfortunately for us, the evidence is circumstantial.

But with your witness account, this case is a slam dunk.

Exactly, the most renown gangster in Miami, and I could be responsible for putting him away.

That's a death sentence.

No, that is why the city has arranged for this safe house.

Eric and I are personally escorting you into circuit court today.

I'm just so tired of looking over my shoulder.

That's over after the hearing.

That's why we have you and your family set up to go right into witness protection.


Campbell, this is incredibly difficult.

And I am very sorry.

But keep in mind that A.


Watkins lost his life, and so will many other people as long as Joey Salucci is allowed to be a free man.

I know.

You're right.

You're right.

You're right.

You mind running through my testimony with me?
Of course.

Okay, let's start at the beginning.

You were at a club?

Spiral Bar.

Had to entertain a couple of clients.

Did you have anything to drink?
Just a half dozen soda waters, disguised as gin and tonics.

Keeps the mind on business.

We were there till last call.

I said my "good nights" and hit the restroom.

And that's when I saw A.





What's up, man?
I went into the second stall.

I wasn't there but for a few seconds, and it happened.

MAN: Hey, man.

Joey Salucci.

Know the name?
This is for Emma.

And you distinctly heard the name "Joey Salucci.

" Yes.

No doubt in my mind.

Right then, I knew what I was up against.

What'd you do?
Thought I was a goner.

So I called 911.

Figured if anything, someone would figure out what happened to me.

OPERATOR: This is William Campbell.

There's been a m*rder at Spiral Bar on Washington.


I need help.

I went out when the coast was clear.

And the guy's body, it was gone.

It's very difficult to prove m*rder without a body.

That's why what you're about to say is so crucial.

DELKO: All right, guys, we've got to get going.

I'm going to radio ahead to the uniforms at the elevator and the rear entrance, tell them to prepare for transit.

All right?
Get down! Eric?
! I'm stuck! I can't get to you! William?
! William! Calleigh! William! Grab my hand! Grab it.

Look in my eyes.

Stay with me! Stay with me! Stay with me.

My family.

Yeah! CBS and C.



PRODUCTIONS We don't get fooled again Don't get fooled again No, no! No one's being allowed up until the building damage can be surveyed.

The fire department says the structure's still unsound.

The cause of death is obvious, but, uh, I'll document the scene for the case files.

You okay, Eric?
- Yeah.

Calleigh is, uh She's okay.

She gave her statement, and she just ran off to track down the crane operator.

Did we find anything?
Not yet.

Whoever did this is long gone.

His name is Joseph Salucci, Eric.

Campbell could've closed the books on him for good.

It's not unlike him to do anything to stay out of prison.

No, it's not, and he just used the biggest m*rder w*apon in Miami.

You did everything you could to save him, Calleigh.

MAN: Officer Duquesne?
They said you were looking for me.

Yeah, you the project manager?
Yeah, Travis Blake.

Uh, how can I help you?
You can start by telling us who operated the crane today.

Well, your guess is as good as mine.

I know that that crane has been idle, because I pulled the plug on this construction site a week ago.

DELKO: Yeah, why's that?
Well, housing market's in the toilet, bank's pulled both of my loans.

That basically turned this building into a ghost town.

DELKO: The safe house was done.

And it was fully furnished.

Yeah, well, that's the model.

It was supposed to help us make sales.

I didn't sell a single unit.

After this is done, I doubt if I ever will.

You know a Joey Salucci?
The hard hat do a number on your memory?
Joey Salucci, he's in the construction business.

Or at least that's his cover.

Joey Joey Salucci.


Yeah, it rings a bell.


Yeah, I know him, why?
We're finding it an odd coincidence that you volunteered your place as a safe house for our victim.

DUQUESNE: Maybe you ran the crane today.

Do Salucci a favor, take some of the financial pressure off of you; is that how it works?
That's a hell of a scenario that you just laid out.

You got any evidence to back it up?
Working on it.

Don't go far.

CAINE: How are you, Joseph?
I see you're out of jail.

Show some respect, huh?
I'm visiting my daughter.

You know, you locked me up for two years.

I could've spent a lot of time with her in those two years.

I come here every morning.

But it'll never be enough.


Nobody should ever lose a child, Joseph.

Two weeks ago, she goes to some bonfire on the beach, falls asleep.

She was left there all alone.

Come on, hurry up! South Pointe's the best place to see the sunrise.

Oh, my God! They say she didn't feel any pain.

It was an accident.

Difference of opinion.

And it seems that you've taken your revenge at the Spiral Bar.

Never been there.

I had a witness that can tie you to the m*rder, Joseph.

Is that so?

I say "had," because he's been k*lled, too.

It's news to me.

But what the hell, huh?
We all gotta go sometime.

Some sooner than others.

Oh, God.

Don't look down.

DUQUESNE: Hey, Ryan, how you doing up there?
You're about 200 feet.

I'm doing great.

In fact, cue the wind.

I feel like a Ringling Brother.

The contractor's playing Mr.

Innocent, saying nobody was up there all day.

See if you see anything to the contrary.


Cab's pretty clean.

System's offline.

There's a computer on board.

I'm guessing has an internal monitoring system.

You mean like some sort of a black box?

It records every movement and action of the crane.

He never said anything about that.

It's probably for good reason.

You know what?
I think I can jack into this, and, uh, bring the information back to the A.



Whoa! Whoa! What the hell is that?
! What was what?
No, I said I was saying I was saying, "Look at that.

" It's quite a view.

I mention what a good time I was having?
I think we got some blood up here.


- Hi.

So, how we doing with that blood from the crane?
Nice get, by the way.

That sample was pristine.


Made it very easy to pull up a profile.

Think it's ironic that after all that destruction, this whole case could come down to one drop of blood.


Check this out.

Now, there's a face only a mug shot could love.

Kurt Greenfield.


Greenfield, how do you know Joseph Salucci?
Bell's not ringing.

Maybe it'd help if we talked a little bit slower.

Man was k*lled by a runaway crane.

You're the crane operator.

CAINE: We found your blood in the cab.

TRIPP: Salucci put you up to m*rder, didn't he?
Whoa, whoa.

This about that thing that happened downtown?
You're way ahead of me here.

Well, then try and catch up.

Employment records say at one time, you worked for Salucci.

Back in the day, yeah, but I got out of that racket.

Even look the wrong way with a guy like that, suddenly you're taking a dirt nap.

Don't tell him I said that.

Now we've got evidence of you at our crime scene.

You're looking at a permanent vacation, sport.

At the Gray Bar Motel.

All right, look it.

I did some work there under the table.

But I got canned last week when the site shut down.

So you opted for a little payback.

No, it wasn't like that.

Ax came down so quick last week, I didn't have time to grab my stuff.

And I needed I needed my pills.

Your pills?
Uppers, man.

My cross tops.

Used to pop 'em on the job.

Only thing that keeps the lids open on a ten-hour stretch.

Oh, look, I wasn't in the cage when Armageddon hit, man.

You got to believe me.


Greenfield, I don't have to do anything.

You're the officers who were with William?
Yes, ma'am.

We want to thank you both for coming down and talking to us.


We wanted to tell you face-to-face how sorry we are.

And just explain to you what happened.

I know exactly what happened.

The state attorney filled me in.

The only reason we came down here is so you could look us both in the face, and tell us why.

Dad said you'd protect us from Salucci.

That-that you that you DELKO: Listen, we were thorough.

We did our best.

I mean, we really felt we had all of our bases were covered.

Even though you knew that that wasn't possible with a guy like Salucci.

And now my husband is dead, and I can only assume that we're next.

The two of you are not a threat to him.

And the offer for witness protection still stands.

Do you have any idea what this case has done to our lives?
And for what?
I supported Will's decision to testify, as much as every fiber of my being told me otherwise.

Do you want to know why?
Because it was the right thing to do.

William was an incredibly brave man, and You do not get to talk about him, Ms.


You don't.

Not today.

Listen, we're going to find whoever did this, okay?
Just trust us.

I trusted you once already.

I won't make the same mistake twice.

Mom, come on.

Let's go home.

You okay?

No, I'm not.

There's something that we're missing.

I'm gonna go back there.


Is that the A.



You know, I heard what happened with the wife today.

Are you okay?
Well, I guess if you heard what happened, then you know I probably don't want to talk about it.

Fair enough.


So, uh So, what are we looking for?
Tire treads.

Somehow our k*ller was able to find the location of the cafe house.

The site's been shut down for a week, so now other cars should have been here.

Treads are fresh.

Yeah, and they ran over the debris.

So, someone drove here after the crane crashed into the building.

And from the looks of it, they didn't get away scot-free.

This glass has charcoal-gray paint transfer on it.

Hundred bucks says this is auto paint.

I'll get started casting the treads.

Actually, there's a quicker way.

The new software allows us to photograph the treads, and then send the 3-D image back to the lab, or in this case, the A.


Hummer, wirelessly.

Width: nine inches.

Tread depth: five-sixteenths of an inch.

Wheel base-- 112 inches.

I'll download the specs to the North American Vehicle Manufacturing Database.

Combine it with charcoal paint trace.

WOLFE: Gives us a BMW Now, how many of that model and color are registered in the city?
Let's see.

That's a long list.

There's only one that's a know associate of Joey Salucci.

Mick Ragosa.


I'll put out a BOLO.

PILOT: Air 20.

Suspect vehicle sighted.

Adams and Fifth.


Adams and Fifth.

Hey, shut that off! You Mick Ragosa?

Step out of the car, please.

CAINE: There's quite a bit of damage on your car, Mr.


It sucks.

Happened to be driving through downtown when that crane hit the high-rise.

Joseph Salucci.

What about him?
We play poker time to time.

That's it.

TRIPP: Then I'm calling your bluff.

No way you just happened to be at our crime scene.

Might be time to pay a visit to Joey.

Tell him some lies about you.

You wouldn't.

Try me.

It's only Monday, and I've already had one hell of a bad week.


With his daughter gone and all, the last thing that Joey needs is another legal headache.

We got word about the safe house, so I followed that Campbell guy down there.

Thought maybe I could get him to back off.

Refuse to testify.

Suddenly, it started raining glass.

I barely got out of there with my life.

Did you happen to see who was operating the crane?

And Salucci never even knew I was there.

Guys been through enough already.

Can't you just leave him alone?

Salucci needs to go back to jail, and I'm gonna send him there.

Is that the data from the box that Ryan found in the crane cab?

There's a reason they call this a tattletale system.

There isn't much it doesn't know about the crash.

Like what?
For instance, angle of the crane arm at impact-- 72 degrees.

Miles per hour-- 11.

Time of impact-- It's too bad the tattletale can't tell us who the crane operator was.

Well, it can, in a way.

There are two manual joysticks in the cab controlling the crane.

Each reports data back to the CPU.

But watch the replay of the crash.

See that graph over there?

Nothing's happening.


Meaning that those controls weren't eve being used during the crash.

So, the crane was being remotely operated.


The k*ller was never even in that cab.

That just means that it could have been operated from anywhere.

Au contraire.

The remote operating system only has a range radius of 500 feet.

Let's check out the surrounding area.


Remote would have to be within this area.

And the k*ller would have had to have known that Campbell was in the safe house in order to make sure that the crane took him out.

And you can't get that eye line from ground level.

Exactly-- he would have had to go higher up, so he would have had to been on a neighboring rooftop or something.

Let's take a look and see how many rooftops have that line of sight within the radius.

Well, there's none but there is a parking structure just down the street.


DELKO: Here we go.

It's just like Natalia said.

It's a perfect vantage point into the safe house.

So the k*ller stole the remote off the crane and then waited out here until they knew Campbell was inside?
Yeah, and never put it back after using it, which explains why we never found it at the construction site.

So there might be a good chance they still have it?
You ever see one of these things?
They're pretty big.

It's not the kind of thing you tuck under your shirt.

So maybe it'd be smart to leave it behind?

Yeah, but dumb to get caught.

Maxine, Eric said that you had the neck strap from the crane remote?
Yeah, the remote didn't have any prints on it.

He thought I might have more luck with the strap.

Did you?
We'll see.

Cross your fingers and hope some skin cells sloughed off our k*ller while doing the deed.

Okay, there must be some sort of mistake.

There's no match in CODIS, and I thought for sure that Joey Salucci and Mick Ragosa are both in the system.

Means they didn't do it.

Okay, will you run this against the elimination samples from the case, please?
Sure, no problem.

to William Campbell.

That's not right.

That's our victim.

It's right, unfortunately.

This is a familial match.

XY, male.

His son.

How could you do it?
Do what?
I-I'm not suree what you mean.


Just don't.

You k*lled your father.


No, I What did you do, Noah?
What did you do?
I didn't mean to, I swear.

Don't say anything else.

You need an attorney.

I'm gonna gett you an attorney.

No, Mom.

Dad risked everything just to tell the truth.

Now I have to.

When he decided to testify he made that decision all by himself.

No, that's not true.

He discussed it with me, and we decided that that's what he had to do.

But he never asked me.

The Witness Protection Program?
I have a life here.

School, friends.

But your life is with us.

We're your family.

It doesn't matter where we live.

But it's not fair.

All this talk about "doing the right thing.

" The right thing for who?
How did you do it?
How did you operate the crane?
Everything's on the Internet.

So I swiped the remote.

O-Only thing it doesn't tell you is what to do when things go wrong.

Come on.

It was out of control.

I couldn't stop it.

I only wanted to scare Dad.

So he wouldn't testify.

So, so so things could be the way they were.

You wanted a life, Noah?
You just took away all of ours.

I'm sorry, Ms.


SALUCCI: What a beautiful day.

Come on, have a victory drink with me.

I wouldn't be too quick to celebrate, Joseph.

My lawyers tell me that Campbell's kid k*lled him.


Very tragic.

Very Shakespearean.

Maybe you can back off now and leave me alone.

In due time, Joseph, in due time.

You proved it yourself I didn't k*ll the weasel.

Case closed.




The guy who k*lled my daughter?
Didn't he, uh disappear a few weeks ago?
No body, no crime.

Not yet Joseph.


, I got your phone call.

What's up?
- A.



Unfortunately, still at square one.

Without Campbell's testimony, the grand jury won't convene.

So what exactly did Mr.

Campbell witness?
Well, he was in the bathroom.

He heard someone threatening A.


MAN: Hey, man.

Joey Salucci.

Know the name?
This is for Emma.

Then he heard a shot go off and called 911.

OPERATOR: So we need the 911 recording.

That's right.

While he was on the phone with 911, I just got the 911 tape from Eric.

Are we looking for something specific?
We're looking for something that wasn't in William's testimony.

A unique g*n noise, the k*ller's voice, anything.

OPERATOR: CAMPBELL This is William Campbell.

There's been a m*rder at Spiral Bar on Washington.


I need help.

Sir, are you hurt?

Campbell, are you there?
What was that?
Part of the music, maybe?
I don't know.

Can you isolate that noise?
Sounds like a toilet flushing.

William wouldn't do that.

He wouldn't want to call attention to himself.

That audio perspective is from the next stall.

So the k*ller sh**t and then takes a bathroom break?


The sh**t was cleaning the scene.

He was flushing evidence.

We've got to get back to the bathroom.




Watkins disappeared almost two weeks ago, and this place looks just like night shift left it.

Yeah, well, this club got a lot of unwanted publicity after the sh**ting.

So, uh they closed their doors.

Bad for them, good for us.

Evidence might still be intact.

Now that is the second stall.

So that's where William was hiding.

So this is probably where the sh**t disposes something.

Looks like they already printed the toilet.


Well, that means we're going to have to go to plan B.

It also means we're going to need thicker gloves.

WOLFE: There is a chance that whatever was flushed down here hasn't made it into th e city's sewer system yet.

Okay, that's it.

I'm out of line.

What the hell?
People flush the weirdest things.

Including what might be a nine millimeter shell casing.


Have you had lunch yet?
All right, you ready for this?
Yes, yes, just do it.


, I heard you were working on the casing.

I thought that the, uh, water and the sewage did a number on this thing.

Ryan couldn't pull a print from it.

Doesn't mean it's not there though, does it, Eric?
What's this?
This is a new acquisition.

I think I've heard of this.

This is the technique where you can detect corrosion, right?
That's correct.

It occurs when human sweat touches metal.

If you touch a casing before it's fired, your print literally burns onto it.

Problem is, this level of corrosion's impossible for the human eye to see.

So, in order to make it visible, we run a charge through the casing, add the conductive powder, and.

There's your print.

You guys can't seem to get enough of me today.


Ragosa, in the world of criminal prosecution, that's not always a good thing.

DELKO: We found a casing.

It matches the b*llet you used to shot A.



CAINE: It turns out that William Campbell wasn't the only witness to the m*rder.

DELKO: They heard you trying to send the spent casing through the city sewer system.

What the Joey Salucci.

Know the name?
This is for Emma.

No! What'd you do with A.


's body?
What body?

I didn't think so.

Good luck pinning anything on me.

CAINE: Stick around, Mick.

Take him.

What do you think we should do now?
You heard the man.

Let's take him up on his offer.

I can't believe a thug like Mick Ragosa gets to drive a sweet car like this.

Well, not for long.

We are so close to finishing what William Campbell started.

If we can prove that this was the car that Mick used to transport A.


Watkins's body-- which I have a hunch it is-- it'll be over.

I've got blood.

Why stop there?
Nice m*rder kit.

Wait a second.

This shovel's got trace on the end of it.

So, Mick transported A.


's body in that car.

Maybe we can use that to prove where he buried him.

I tell you what-- I'm going to process this myself.

Don't worry, Calleigh.

We're going to get this guy.


, the debris on the edge of the shovel is silica and quartz.

It's sand.

Yeah, which unfortunately for us, is all too common.

What was not common, however, was the morphology of the sand.

The, uh, the particles were melted.

That burnt.

That's right.

And the mass spec picked up kerosene, which leads me to believe that A.


Watkins was buried at the beach near a bonfire.

And, unfortunately, I can't be more specific than that.

On the contrary, Mr.

Wolfe, you've been very helpful.

Salucci wasn't messing around.

He had Mick Ragosa bury A.


right on the spot where his daughter was k*lled.

Packed him tight, too.

Slowed decomp.

Hang on.

William Campbell said he only heard one shot, right?

Well, the only entry wound is in his kneecap.

He wouldn't have died from that injury.

Why not sh**t the k*ller?
I don't know.

Maybe you've got the answer.

Any idea on cause of death?
Yes, actually.

Looks like our k*ller planted an American flag.

Excuse me?
Red eyes, white skin, blue lips.

All consistent with strangulation.

Actually, looks like his shirt covered up some evidence here.

Got a thin residue of something.

Sometimes, even a touch of evil can close the case.

So, A.


Watkins was strangled.

Yeah, Tara confirmed that at the post.

But the k*ller left something behind.

Talk to me.

Calleigh found some pollen on the neck of the victim.

Uh, said it's from a fly.

Problem is, there's over a hundred varieties.

A lily.

I called the Dade U botany department, see if they could narrow it down to one.

That's not going to be necessary, Eric.

You found pollen on a dead guy.

So what?
It's not just any pollen, Joseph.

White lily pollen.

You'd stoop that low to desecrate her burial site.

You did that all by yourself.

You told me you go to Emma's grave every day.

This is over.

You know, you can try everything in your pathetic little arsenal.

Ragosa's the guy.

He shot Watkins in cold blood.

It's his b*llet, not mine.

Mick started the job on A.


, but you finished it off.

Where are we?
What are you going to do with me?
! Judgment day, Watkins.

It was an accident.

I swear to you.

I-I didn't, I didn't see her lying there.

You gotta believe me! You can make up all the excuses you want, it's not going to bring my daughter back.

What do you want me to do?
I'll do anything you want! Please! This guy kills my only daughter.

And all he gets is a "watch where you're going next time.

" You're not the law, Joseph.

You and I both know there's a big difference between the law and justice.

He had to answer for what he did.

So do you.