01x05 - Ashes to Ashes

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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01x05 - Ashes to Ashes

Post by bunniefuu »

Father Carlos?

Detective Sevilla, Megan.
What do we got?

The body was found at 7:40 this morning
by the vic's housekeeper.

She checked on him when
he didn't show up for mass.

She still inside?

Yeah, she said she cleaned
up his residence last night.

And at 8:15, that place was spotless.
And when she left, he was alone ...

and alive.

Expended shell casing right here.

A b*llet strike on the
wall right over there.

Who would want to k*ll a priest?



What does it look like, Speed?

Partial prints under the coffee table.
And that's just the beginning.

Liver temp is 82. He was probably
k*lled between nine and midnight.

Okay, I'll be there.


I have another scene.
Are you good to go on this?

Sure. I'm just waiting for Speedle
to finish up with the prints.

Okay. Keep me posted.

Possible entrance wound
back of his neck.

And the second here
to the shoulder.

And what looks like an exit
wound under his heart.

And a third entrance
here in his thigh.

What can you tell us, Father
about who did this to you?

Well, whoever it was meant business and he
used a r*fle to conduct his business with.

Three possible sh*ts and only two casings.
Are we missing one?


Two different shoes?

Or a guy with a limp, prosthetic leg or something.
One's definitely more worn in.

So those are different than the
priest's bloody footprints.

There's no sign of break-in.

Priests open their door
to lots of people.

Now, this is interesting.

One glass smells like scotch. The other
one has no smell, but a clear lip print.

Looks like lip gloss.

Priests can have a drink.
They can also have company over.

You got an uncle who's
a priest, right?

Jesuit. He drinks, smokes, plays poker.
Just doesn't have sex.

Don't know if we can say the
same about our priest.

Condom in his pocket?

Yeah, he's down there.

Thank you.

You need to contact Georgia Highway Patrol.
That car in the ravine was stolen.


Got a female driver, H.
She's dead.

No passengers?

No, just a bottle of booze.

Car was reported stolen two
weeks ago in Georgia.

Tire treads indicate she went
straight over the edge.

Could be su1c1de.
No skid marks.

Maybe she just missed the turn.

Let's take a look.

All right, watch your step there, H.
No problem.

Thinking the fuel line ruptured
when the car hit bottom.

Or the gas t*nk punctured and
sparks set it off on impact.

Check this out.

Our car thief has expensive tastes.
That's a $400 bottle of cognac.

Get an ID?

No. I found a purse twelve feet from
the car, but nothing inside.

No pictures, no receipts?

Nothing else except a suitcase.

Now, why would this poor thing travel with
a purse and a suitcase and no ID?

Last time I was in church was
when Kurt Cobain died.

You got something?

I don't know.
I'm not sure.



The k*ller washed his hands, huh?
A regular Pontius Pilate.

Or he blessed himself.

Which means we're probably
looking for a devout catholic.

Don't say I never gave
you anything.


Hunting r*fle.

Same as from wall.

Homemade b*llet
cast with hot lead.

Definite reload.

Sure is mangled.

It's mangled because it entered the body...


Like this.

I need some muscle.

This will give us an exact route.


First shot to the shoulder was
a through-and-through.

Went into the shoulder out the back...

and into the wall.

The second shot was closer range.

I've got stippling where it entered
at the base of his neck ...

then tore through his lung hit the
aorta before leaving his chest.

Now, this is the interesting part.

And then the same b*llet
reentered here ...

in his thigh where the femur ...

flattened it.

That's why there were only two
casings at the rectory.

Only two rounds were fired.

What have you got?

A car expl*si*n.

Burned victim. Checking for
cognac used as an accelerant.

Can you beat that?

Yeah. I got a priest shot with
a r*fle dead in a church.

That's not bad.

Not bad?
It's not bad.

It's at least a draw. You're not going
to beat me with a burned-out car.

Oh, boys and their measuring sticks.
You guys crack me up.


Is it lipstick?

I'm still narrowing brands.
It's not lipstick or lip gloss.

What is it?

Lip balm.
With an SPF 45.

Unique ingredient --
macadamia oil.

Any prints on the condom?

Father Carlos.

In my senior year Sister Mary Francis
found a condom in my desk.

Her prints would
have been on it.

Yeah, right.

I got something here.

Those are lip balms used by kids.

Who skateboard or surf.

A teenage boy, a priest.
We might have motive.

What do you see, Alexx?

It's what I don't see.
Any broken bones.

She may have been drinking.
The tox screen isn't back yet.

I've seen drunks so looped they've fallen out of
a moving car at sixty and don't break a finger.

Checking passages.

There's soot in her lungs.

So, she was alive during the fire.

I hope you didn't suffer too much, darling.

Alexx, if she's going to help us we
need to know who she is.

Can't get prints from bone.

Checking stomach contents for time
between last meal and time of death.

Oh. You're not going
to believe this.

A diamond ring.

Looks like she ate about four
carats for her last supper.


Check with missing persons and her
dental records are going to come up dry.

Toxicology screen came up.
Not a trace of alcohol.

But she did ingest fifteen micrograms
per mil of demerol.

Fifteen micrograms.
That's enough to k*ll yourself twice.

She also reported high
levels of folic acid.

She was pregnant.

Seven weeks.

There's no damage to the fuel line.

And no print on the truck. Take a look
at what I found buried in the front seat.

Also ... I found this melted into
the floor panel on the back.

Well, there's no glass from the
bottle around the cork.

What that means is the cognac
bottle didn't break during the crash

and the cork had
been removed before.

Maybe someone used it
as an accelerant.

They poured it all over her ...

... tossed the bottle in the back and,
uh, it melted in the fire.

Something is still missing.
See here?

See the char in
the burn indicator? Look at this.

See, it means that the origin of the fire was in
the back seat and it traveled to the front seat.

It also means that the
fire was hot enough ...

... to melt glass before the
fire department got there.

And she was covered in cognac
so the fire didn't miss her.

Yes, but we still don't know
what started the fire.

I don't know, maybe, uh,
maybe a spark on impact.

I don't think so.
Not a spark.

The k*ller has gone to all this
trouble he's going to hope for a spark?

I think ...

that whoever did this wanted to make sure that this
mother and child were never identified again.

That's what I think.

You sure know how to brighten up
a girl's day, don't you?

I've got nothing, Alexx.
I need an I.D. on the father.

Well, your best shot for a match on CODIS
is if his DNA has unique characteristics.

Are you ready for this?

Fetal tissue recovery is the one
thing I'm never ready for.

Not just skin cells, is it?

Thank you, Alexx.

We know the caliber of
round was a .223.

And the blood he lost while laying against
the wall was approximately half liter.

With that information we can
estimate that Father Carlos ...

laid bleeding for ten seconds before
he walked to his k*ller.

Plenty of time for the k*ller to come
over and sh**t him.

But he didn't. Why?
What happened in those ten seconds?


Check this out.

The shoe prints left at the rectory ...

were DVS.

Who wears DVS?


The reason for the difference in the wear
is because one foot is always on the board ...

staying new, and the other foot
pushes off from the ground, wearing out.

This person's goofy footed.

He keeps his right foot on the board,
pushes off with his left.

That's not as common.

And you know this how,
Miss Three-Inch Heels?

Okay, so we're looking for a teenager
around 5'2" probably left-handed.

Let's bring in the altar boys.

All right, could you guys all
sit down for a minute?

I'm going to need
you to lift your left foot.

And then the other one.

Yeah, if you could stand up.

Mrs. Medina, with this warrant do you understand
that we have the right to search your home ...

and sample you and your son's DNA?

Yes. But why?
We didn't do anything.

Do you want to take Cameron
outside till we're done?

Yeah, sure.

Gracias. Esta bien mi hijo.
No te preocupes. Vate con ella.

Mrs. Medina ...

we were told the police had been here a number
of times for domestic disturbance calls.

My husband and I have
had our troubles.

Where is your husband now?

Your guess is as good as mine.

Well, we're going to need
to speak to him.

When my husband leaves on business...

I don't ask where and I don't
ask for how long.

That wasn't too bad, was it?

Adell, I need a minute with him.

All right.

Cameron ...

why were you at
Father Carlos' Saturday night?

I wasn't.
I was skateboarding.

Skateboarding at night?

At Ollie Oop.
It has indoor ramps.

The thing is, Cameron,

I know you were there because we matched
your lip prints to a glass we found.

And your shoe prints match the
ones we took from the floor.

So, you want to try again?

I just went to tell him I didn't want
to be an altar boy anymore.

What happened?

No! Get away from me!

Cameron, wait!

Cameron, was Father Carlos
hurting you?

That's between me and god now.

I tested the residue on the b*ll*ts
that k*lled Father Carlos and, uh,

G-6. Bingo.

It matches the powder I found in
both the casings and the reloader.

Same manufacturer.
Everything's pointing to Cameron.

He had access to the g*ns.

And he admits to being in the rectory
the night Father Carlos was k*lled.

There's only one problem.

It wasn't him.

Here's Cameron the night
Father Carlos was k*lled.

It was taken by a photographer at the Ollie
Oop who sells his pictures to the kids.

That picture could be taken anytime.

It could have, but it wasn't.

Look at the bottom of the picture.

It's a digital imprint made by the camera
when the picture was taken.

Saturday was the 26th.

And this one was taken at 10:30.

So, he was exactly where
he said he was.

When he said he was.

Which means Cameron's
not our sh**t.

Hey, was it as bad as they say?

It was worse.

It was worse and the CODIS search
for the father's DNA is negative.

It's hard to search with half the DNA.

How did we do on the dress
and the melted glass?

Big surprise, actually.

The dress was covered in cognac
but the melted glass wasn't.

As a matter of fact the melted glass
wasn't from the cognac bottle at all.

Sulfuric acid, sugar gasoline,
potassium chloride...

-- that's an
exothermic reaction, isn't it?

That's right. You paste the potassium chlorate
and sugar to the back of the paper label,

then you pour the sulfuric acid and
gasoline into the empty bottle ...

... and when the bottle breaks you
serve up a molotov cocktail.

k*ller's not taking any chances.

Look, have a look at this.
Tell me what you think.

Okay, I can tell you that this was
done with an Excimer laser ...

and its inscription point was no more
than three microns in diameter.

Okay, how do you know that though?
You were a jewel thief in another life? What?

Well, in another life I incarcerated
many a jewel thief.

Well, why ruin a perfectly good diamond
with a $30,000 billboard?

That's not what they're doing.

They reserve this for the best
diamonds and the best customers.

How's it going?

Well, I tested the g*ns I found
in the Medinas' shed.

And the rounds that k*lled Father Carlos
don't match any of them.

So we're still missing a r*fle.

Something's going on in that house.

Even if Cameron's not our sh**t, he still
lied about being at the rectory that night.

I have a theory.

We know the dad is violent.

What if he thought Father Carlos
was molesting Cameron?

Let's see if we can find
dad and ask him.

Do you recognize this ring?

Yes, yes.
Of course, I do.

But what are you doing with it?

Did something happen to Lisa?

Does Lisa have a last name?

Valdez -- Lisa Marie Valdez. Please tell me
if something's happened to her.

According to Stewart Diamonds...

you and Lisa were in eleven weeks
ago to purchase that ring.

That sounds about right.
But I don't ...

I-I don't know exactly.
I'm not sure.

When was the last time
you saw her?

Maybe seven, maybe
eight weeks ago.

So, buying her a rock that large
caused you a problem, didn't it?

The problem was that I ...

gave it to her to show her my
appreciation for ...

an intimate night together.

Right. So, let me guess: Lisa took that
to mean that it was more than a souvenir.

Now, don't! J-just give me the ring back!
Wait! What are you ... no! No!

Give me the ring! No!
Give me the ring! No!

Okay, fine.

Then she obsessed.

And-and I didn't want to hurt her I-I just
... so I just cut it cold turkey.

And now she's dead.

Dead? How?

Does this look like a su1c1de to you?

We're looking for the dad.
We found his truck.

Well, that's a start.

You know, you said the truck showed
up Sunday but Emilio Medina didn't?

That's right.

All right. So, when was the last
time you did see him?

Well, he hasn't been to work since,
I guess since end of last week.

You mean, he's not away on business?

Only business he's got is
in a smelly sewer.

Do you mind if we take a look?

We might have something here.

What is it?

Dried blood.

And a hair ... dropped
while the blood was wet.

Does this look like anything
besides rust to you?

A r*fle rack.

Mr. Jones, is there any reason why
Emilio Medina would carry a r*fle?

You ever see a gator coming
towards you in a sewer?

Hell, you don't talk to the son
of a bitch, you sh**t it.

I see. I'd like to ask you
some questions.

So, where's Emilio Medina?

And his r*fle?

She was the vic.
She was pretty.

Yes, she is.

Yes, she is. Everything we need to
convict this guy is right here.

Let's find it.

We've got three pairs of shoes a bottle
of cognac, and some roses.

All dressed up and nowhere to go.

What is it?

More importantly, what was it?

Feels rubbery.
Let's take a look.

What's it say to you?

What does it smell like to you?


So, what do you get when you
cross strawberries with rubber?

A guaranteed good time.

Here's what we're going to do.

Go to this address...
with a photograph of Douglas.

And ask Artie if he has recently sold
any strawberry-scented rubber...


"Artie's Adult Playground"?

Do you know Artie?
Do you know Artie?

Just go to the address, Eric.

Well, the blood from the steering
wheel belongs to father Carlos.

Have you matched the
hair to anyone yet?

Not yet. I still have to test it
from the hair at the house.

What about this?

Inside the teeth of the wrench.
Take a look.

It always reminds me
of sticky oysters.

It looks like melted provolone.
What is it?

Brain matter.

Father Carlos didn't have
a head contusion.

I know.


Brain matter is dad's.

So ... if it was Cameron's dad that k*lled Father
Carlos he did it without his temporal lobe.

Hard to do.

Those look like drag marks.

Do you think if we dragged the river
we'd find the missing r*fle out there?

The scent dog found something.

Let's go.

Dirt's been disturbed.

Looks like dried blood.

It doesn't look like anything
mom would wear.

Excuse me.

Megan Donner.

Hey, uh, I finished running the hair
on the steering wheel.

Well, I compared it to the hair that
I took from the father's brush, ...

... and it didn't match,

but right now, I'm looking
at the one that does.

It's the hair you found embedded
in the wall in Cameron's room.

Both of the hairs match
Cameron's mother...

which means Mrs. Medina was
driving that truck.

Thanks, Speed.

We're going to need
to talk to the mother.

Let's go.

Oh, man.


Artie says hello and that Douglas came in to
satisfy his rubber fetish about three days ago.

So, he lied to us about the last
time he saw Lisa Marie...

and that doesn't prove he k*lled her so,
we go back to the jeep.

I already have.

No, no, listen to me.
Go back to the jeep.

H, I already have.
There's not a print, a trace, a fiber.

There's nothing left in that jeep
that connects him to her.

So, he's ... going to get
away with it.

That's what you're telling me:
He's going to get away with it.

He's going to get to crawl back under that
rock that he slithered out from ...

because he's k*lled the only person
that knows the truth.


Well, for now.

For now.


Hey, Jerome, do me a
favor, will you?

Let me know when you're
finished with that, all right?

This has nothing to do
with Cameron.

It was me.

I k*lled Emilio.

No. No, you didn't.

I know you want to protect your son
but you didn't k*ll your husband.

Cameron did.

The clothes we dug up
were Cameron's.

Had blood from him and his father
all over them.

He k*lled his father to
protect you, didn't he?

Stop it!
Stop it!

That same night you and Cameron
dragged his body to the river.

When Cameron needed to talk to
someone about what he'd done...

he went to
see Father Carlos.

You need to tell the police.


Come with me to the police.
Let me help you.

No! Get away from me!

Cameron, wait!

When you dropped Cameron off
at Ollie Oop Skate Park...

he told you Father
Carlos would tell the police.

So, you went back to the rectory ...

to k*ll him.

Promise me you won't tell the police.

They'll understand.

No one understands --
not you, not God -- no one.

I gave up.

I-I left and I went back
to the truck.


My son protected me.

I'm the only one who can
protect him now.


You knew what he was doing to me.
You knew!

It's not my place to judge.

But you gave him communion
every Sunday!

Jeffrey, you lied to me...

about the last time you saw Lisa. You just
saw her three days ago, didn't you?

Did you know that she had family that
thought she was still alive, Jeffrey,

until I was forced to tell them
that she was dead?

Do you have anything more than your opinion
and my client's itinerary to hold him on?

Let's go.

You mean like his DNA?

Jeffrey is the baby's father,
so sit down.

See, I think this is about the baby and how you
didn't want the baby to cramp your style so,

you force-fed Lisa Marie enough
demerol to k*ll her. Am I close?

No. But now you're done.

Before you go ...

I wanted to...

show you ...

a photograph.

Take a look at that.
Do you know who that is?

That's your daughter.

This is what she would have looked like on
her second birthday had you not k*lled...

her and her mother.

Know this, my friend.

Every year on this child's birthday
I am going to haunt you.

I am going to be all over you till I get
what I need to put you in jail.


Do you understand what I'm saying?
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