01x03 - Wet Foot/Dry Foot

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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01x03 - Wet Foot/Dry Foot

Post by bunniefuu »

...A squall from the southeast

Last night's severe thunderstorms

... caused damage to oceanographic
buoys in the Florida Straits

I'm not working on my
tan out here, fellas

The storms have dissipated

...And the weather service has
lifted the small craft advisory...

Ho, baby!

That's what I'm talking about!

- Yeah, yeah, yeah
- Give it here

Come on

Come on, baby

Ain't no use in fighting

Come on


It was nip and tuck there for a while

I think I'm a pretty strong guy

but I'm telling ya,
that sucker hit that line!

It was all over

I said, "how am I gonna
get this thing up?"

I'm struggling with it ...

It's your fish, Chief

Sure is gonna look
pretty on my wall

Just give it a good jab

and enjoy the ride up


What the hell was that?

This all there is?

Yep. Rest of him's
probably out there

At least we have a hand

So let me ask you a question

You find human body
parts in a shark

... is that m*rder?

It is when we're looking for lead

I think we're going to need
a bigger body bag

If anybody can find one,
it's you, Alexx

You got that right

All right, fellas

You heard the man. Bag him

My shark now

I'm off to ruin a captain's day

Everything is nautical, I get it

What I want to know is,
did you mark the catch?

Ten foot tiger shark?

You bet your ass

nd that ten-foot tiger shark
is now property

of the Miami-Dade crime lab

And by the way what kind
of a global positioner is that?

I've got precise positioning

if that's what you're asking

"Precise positioning"?
How'd you get that?

The government?

I got friends

I called in a couple of favors

Lucky for us

You got Miami,
Grand Bahamas, Cuba

About a hundred and
seventy miles total distance

We hooked in right here,
fourteen miles out

About a hundred and
seventy miles total distance

We hooked in right here,
fourteen miles out

About what time was that?


I shark fish

I used to shark fish all the time

I've never gone out in the day

Yeah, well, we got a late start

There was a squall line
pushing through

We couldn't chum or
lay out any lines till sunrise

I'm gonna take this chart,
too, if you don't mind

Wait a minute

First you take my client's shark

then you take my chart?

What do I get?

You get a pass on
your illegal GPS unit

Twenty-eight pounds,
seven ounces

Boy or a girl, Alexx?

Don't rush me

Hmm. Gynecomastia

Enlarged breast

Would signify female,
but could also be male

No armpit hair

but pronounced hair
on the knuckles

So what are you saying?

What I'm saying is,
I'm not an anthropologist

Could be a big woman
or a small man

Let's get your DNA

Stippling and some
GSR inside the wound

The shot was fired at close range

Que fue?

Ha. Lovely.
I just got a look at that

tiger shark in the cooler

Liberal eaters, like Speedle

They'll eat anything as
long as it's alive


I heard

Dermal ecchymosis
around the teeth marks

Capillaries inside the deltoid
muscle are hemorrhagic

Blood was circulating at
the time of the injury

That was like ringing the dinner bell

Two thirds of the tiger sharks brain

is dedicated to processing scent

Alexx, how long do you think the victim

was in the shark's stomach?

Well, I'll have to test the levels of

regurgitative enzymes

Yeah, sharks regurgitate
anything that they can't digest

Hmm. Like human bones

And metal

Would you give me a times
eight on this tattoo?

Interesting tat


Upside-down flag

Yes, that is the international
symbol for distress, isn't it?

And note the fish

It is the ancient symbol

for Christian resistance

Catholic leaders in Cuba also used it

for the anti-Castro rebellion

Which would mean that our
vic was a political prisoner

Yup, and it also means that
we could have a political mess

If he was living on U.S. Soil

he would have been
processed at Krome detention

And his prints would be on file

But if he was on his way here,
we've got nothing

He was making his way, though

He probably wasn't swimming


That would be my guess. Speed?

What have you got?

Well ... he was from Cuba

and he was making a freedom run

Okay, hang on.
You're way ahead of us

Well, based on where
the shark was caught

and simple geography

it's a straight shot from Matanzas

or Villa Clara to Miami

You know what that means?


Our, uh, victim

wasn't on the boat alone

Okay. So, Speed,
call the coast guard

make a friend,
and take Eric with you

Aye, aye

You got something for me?

I got a question


How old are you?

Hmm. 45. Caliber round, right?

- See the rifling characteristics?
- I do

Now I've got a question for you


Do you think that's a Colt?

I do

So do I

This guy was in a hurry

Are you kidding?
Look at that boat

How are you doing?
Eric Delko

Tim Speedle, CSI Miami

Martin, U.S. Coast Guard

We got your call

Got four birds out there
doing coastline patrol

Got a chopper on an
insurance job called it in

What kind of boat are
you guys looking for?

The kind that has blood in it

I got tracks

South side tire's bald

Boat's missing its hull
identification number

Freedom run gone wrong

This didn't work too good



Artifacts and abandonment

What do you think, Tim?

Feel suspicious?

Hey, Speedle

What do you think you
can do with this?

What, here or back at the lab?

This boat's got a filling

Oh, yeah? What caliber?

Well ...

that's for Calleigh


This could be our crime scene

That could be fish blood

And that ... is for Megan

b*llet from the torso

on the left

b*llet from the boat on the right

Two hearts beat as one

Both .45 caliber classic

classic copper jacketed six lands

and groves with a left-hand twist

I've got a twist for you

The blood from the boat:


Matches our torso,
who was definitely X-Y. Male

But John Doe was on that boat

Where's the twist?

Flesh tissue on the b*llet
Speedle recovered

from the boat? X-X

We ... have another victim
out there, ladies

Let's hope he didn't sand
down the impression

Yeah, if he was a pro,
we got nothing

I'm gonna try a little heat separation

see if I can't find

something under the peel

Sounds like a good idea

This boat looks like it went
through Hurricane Andrew

This boat has enough
horsepower in it

to have outrun Andrew

Maybe we're running at night

Never saw the squall coming



What does it say on the stern?

Luna Nueva

Moon New

It's "new moon."

Moon cycle, gentlemen

It goes from first quarter to full

then three-quarters

to new

Which means no moon

I'm out

What was that?


Do what you just did again

There you go

Well, that's a sound that
doesn't belong on a boat

Walls like that

take a lot of work to build

There's only one reason

to build a hold like that, my friend

and that is to stash your stash

You can run with at least five
hundred keys in there

It's like Capone's vault, empty

Those are your eyes talking

Look harder

We got something


That's cocaine

Why fill in the number?

Why not just sand it all
the way down?

I don't know

Maybe it's a guy thing

What? They'll add on or cover up

but they won't mess up
the chassis?

You know what?
You're scaring me

Okay, we manipulate the pixels

in gray scale and ...

The hull was built in 1972

Do you want to do this?


It's a guy thing

It's just that Megan wanted
it ten minutes ago

You beep me?

- Was it 411?
- Yeah

Means I've got info

Your hull ID number ...

got us a registration and a name

Captain Robert Morton

Captain Bob

Talked to the marina manager

Did he give you anything?

A migraine

Said as long as the Captain's
check clears every month

he's the second cousin
to Peter Rabbit

So he knows nothing on the guy

You got it

Find a seat, get comfortable

I want you to watch every
frame for the last two days

See if the captain shows his face

Did, uh, did you clear this with H?

'Cause I'm supposed to be
working on the note

Don't worry about Horatio

It's unclear if I'm working for him

or I'm working for you

You work for the victim


Where's Horatio?

Be right there

Cyrillic lettering

The Russians have been
forever dumping

their second-rate surplus
on their island friends

And in this case, we're talking

about Cuba

This girl's been shot in the leg

Very close to the femoral artery

Bled out

Our female bleeder?

Can you see an exit wound?


Interesting tourniquet

Tied tight

Who tried to save her?

Injury like this, she
would've been dead

in under thirty minutes

There's no evidence
of sunburn or exposure

She didn't float here
all the way, did she?

She was on a boat

Our drug boat?

Could be

Take a look at that

You know what that is?

La caridad del cobre

The virgin of charity

And the patron Saint of Cuba

I've seen these before


Families in Miami send
them to their relatives

as a good luck piece
for the journey

That's right, and that ninety
miles of open ocean

will take that good luck
away from you

in two seconds

This is made custom, by hand

Old school ...

with a palm push graver

Tonal variations ...

there's only one or two
guys in Little Havana

who do this bulino work

And not one of them is
going to help us with this

Wet foot, dry foot

All a Cuban immigrant has to
do is touch U.S. soil

and they're here

Unless, of course

the coast guard picks you
up out there on the water

and sends you back to Fidel

If she made it to dry land
she'd have gone through

seventy-two hours of processing

and walked with a green card

She almost made it

She didn't count on getting shot

Ready to play politics?

Bueno, quien juega?

De que tenemos este honor?

Pero quiero saber...

Buenos dias, Senores

Senor Caine

Rolando, por favor


A que le debemos este honor?

Basilio ...

bodies are washing up on shore

They wash up all the time

The government doesn't care about

a balsero

Balsera ...

in this case

Nice work

She was wearing it

I'm sorry to hear that

Basilio ...

the last thing this town
needs is to blow up

and you know that

I need your help on this

What's so special about this girl?

She was shot to death

This necklace can only get us so far

All it has to do is get us inside

Horatio, please

So, Senor Caine

Senorita Donner,
are you police officers?

Well, actually, Senor ...

we're Crime Scene Investigators

And I'd like to show you something

to see if

it has any meaning to you

The price of freedom for
Cuban children is high

but worth it

Ramon Grau

Spent two decades
in Fidel's prisons

for arranging safe passage

for thousands of Cuban
kids to the States

I know who he is

Fourteen thousand forty-eight
children to be exact

You're one of Ramon's kids


Who's that?

My nephew Pedro

Can I speak to him?

We promised you five minutes

It's been five minutes

Finito. No mas

Hemos terminado

Basilio I still need somebody to
come down to the morgue

to identify the body

I will make all arrangements personally

Give me a second

Yo perdi a mi esposo recien

I'm very sorry

I'm sorry, too

Her name was Elena

She was my niece

Por favor

We should go

So sorry




Those are my people in there

I meant no disrespect, Basilio

This family is in mourning

And this is not an interrogation

We were up front about our intentions

You cannot go to the well and drink it dry

We need to speak to that boy

And we'll get a warrant if we have to

Us Cubans are a proud people

Que no?

Nos vemos



Buenos tardes

Horatio, heard you hit
some kind of dead end

You heard right

Just finished the post on the girl

I want to hear about it.
Hang on one second

Calleigh, the b*llet?
I'm working on it

- Let me know
- Who community beeped?

That was me

How are we coming along on the note?

Uh, we're not coming

What do you mean?

I pulled Speedle off the note
for the surveillance footage

My call, not his

Finish up on that,
get back on the note

Any DNA on that rope?

In the works

Let me know

Eric, roam and assist, please

You got it

Okay, Alexx, talk to me

The girl ?

Her name is Elena de Soto

Any GSR or stippling?

Yes, and there was something strange

inside the wound track

Found traces of a

synthetic-based material

Not a match to her clothing

- It's at trace
- Is that it ?

She had significant levels
of albuteral in her system

She was asthmatic

We found an inhaler on the boat

My guess?

Bronchospasms triggered
by some kind of stress

My guess is she overmedicated

Her heart went into dysrhythmia

a condition that doesn't go
well with a severed femoral

The tourniquet didn't
buy her a lot of time



Come on in

You ought to give me the
name of your decorator

Well, it's just a phone

and a desk when
we're not in the field

Any word on the captain?

The detectives still have it,
we're waiting

What do you got?

DNA results from the skin cells

we collected off
Elena De Soto's rope

Somebody else tied that tourniquet

Well, we knew that

No, we know that now

There's significant
commonality in the markers

You think it's a family member?

Maybe the guy in the back bedroom

What about a first cousin?


I'm thinking brother

Hey, Calleigh

Listen, I was wondering

if maybe I could crash
at your place tonight

I'm trying to keep a low profile

and H has been stirring up
the neighborhood

You know how he is,
he's like a dog with a bone

Yeah, well, he needs
to learn how to let go

'Cause this girl's family doesn't care

about solving the crime

Their niece is already dead

You know, they're thinking we
got to protect the living

I can't say I blame them

On the couch

No midnight tiptoe Deal?


Check this out

b*llet on the left,

Elena De Soto's leg
b*llet on the right, from John Doe torso

They're twins

They're triplets

They also match the b*llet

you guys pulled out of
the Luna Nueva

It must've been some
m*ssacre on that boat

Did your parents make that journey?

Actually, we all did

I was in my mother's belly



What's this?


Still ?


And you're watching it in real time?

You see that rental truck there

the one next to the Luna Nueva slip?

It's been parked there

for six hours and
twenty-three minutes

You see the driver?

Not a cup of coffee

doesn't have to take a leak


What's he waiting around for?

Well, If H is right, that hull can
hold five hundred kilos of blow

That's a lot of reasons to wait around

Five hundred reasons, gentlemen

Speed, get me in closer

All right, zoom in on those back tires

Now, does that tire look
bald to you or not?


Let's find this truck

Yes, I am up on the current software

I didn't say anything

Oh, you don't have to

Interesting material

I found in Elena's wound track is olefin

Which is a synthetic fiber

What makes it interesting

is that she was wearing
a cotton dress

John Doe was wearing olefin

Yes, he was

Which give us

a possible series of events

Let's say John Doe

... was shot first
The b*llet penetrated his shirt

from point blank range

and some of the material from his shirt

was sucked back into the barrel

That means that the next round fired

would carry that material
into Elena's thigh, right?

We've already got a match
on all three b*ll*ts

putting John Doe and
Elena on that boat

The epithelials from the tourniquet

tell us someone
closely related to her

Someone closely related,
like her brother Pedro

He could've tied that tourniquet

Close relatives

travel together

A DNA match makes
him a material witness

And that is a warrant we can get


The only place in the country

you have to negotiate
with the community

before you serve the warrant

Let's go

Hola, Pedro

Yo me llamo Adell Sevilla

Estos Senores aqui van a
revisar tu cuarto Por favor,


We can just ask for a swab

Hold the phone

Colt 45

Let's take him in

Hands behind your back

Detectives found the rental truck

and the Captain at Miami International

They're both are in custody

Yes sir

I will

Coke wrapping must have
picked up some blood

when it was being
loaded off of the boat

Locard's Theory.
Primary transfer

Kind of like going to the bathroom

You can never wipe enough


I like that tone

That's an affirmative on the 45

It's the source of all three b*ll*ts


Doesn't that mean we have the guy?

Well, you tell me

You make a run for freedom

you sh**t your sister along the way

and then you try to save her life

See, this is why I like ballistics

It's an exact science


Just takes a sec

The software digitizes the diluted ink pattern

And the algorithm

extrapolates a reversal probability

estimating an image of the original writing



But does it crack the code?

Yeah, it just gives you the puzzle,
it doesn't solve it

Got to crack the code

Que pasa?

Why start sh**ting?

Stay with me for a minute


We catalogued all the
personal property on this boat

The shoes, the hairbrushes,
the glasses, the clothing

we've evidence there were
at least twelve people on that boat

Could've been more

Who we do know about

is Captain Bob, Elena,
Pedro, John Doe

and an unidentified
female g*nsh*t victim

Anybody else would have
drowned in the gulf stream

never to be seen again, right?

Average a 150 pounds per person

that's 1,800 pounds,
all near the stern

A thousand pounds of
coke in the right hull

This boat's center of gravity
would have been way off

Seven-foot seas, they were taking
on water in the fishhold

That would panic the
captain, wouldn't it?

He had a decision to make

Save his passengers
or save his dr*gs

Hey! Everybody off!

Everybody get off the boat
or we're all going down!

So, if he said jump, would you?

If he had a g*n to my head

Let's go put one to his

My boat can't be missing

if I know where it is

Where do you think it is?

I got blindsided by a storm
a couple of nights ago

Had to ditch it south of
Matheson Hammock

We towed it for you

It's out back

Evidence in criminal investigation

Somebody stole it?

Captain Bob, are you
aware that it's a crime

in the State of Florida to build a
secret compartment in a boat

or a car even if the
compartment is empty?

What's the fine?

For trafficking?

I don't know the words to that
song you want me to sing

You own a g*n?


Where is your g*n?

Someone stole it off my boat
a couple of months ago

We have your g*n

and we now have your truck

We matched your g*n to b*ll*ts
we found in two dead bodies

We have evidence of
pure cocaine in your boat

and your rental truck

I think you were trafficking cocaine

into South Florida

got greedy and picked up some
immigrants for extra cash

The thing that you didn't
count on was the storm

Everybody off!

Everybody get off or
we're all going down!

- I want a lawyer
- Hmmm

My dime

Ah, Captain Bob should
have Pedro's lawyer

Might have half a chance

Marin Diaz?
The Cuban Johnnie Cochran

Mm How'd he get him on?

Care to venture a guess?


Ha, there's debt in every favor

Wish me luck



May I?

Be kind, Horatio

As always, Marin

Now, Pedro

The g*n that we found in your room

has tied you to two murders

Possession doesn't
make my client a k*ller

We also have your skin cells
on the tourniquet you used

Allegedly used

Allegedly used to save
your sister's life

Now, are you going to
rebut everything

I'm saying?




habla me

You know what that is, don't you?

Now, it was never
door-to-door service

Pedro, you don't have to
answer the questions

The way it works is,

you get dropped off as soon
as you see the lights of Miami

but that night there was
a storm, wasn't there?

And the Captain's boat
was taking on water

He took out a g*n

and ordered everybody off

You refused, and he started sh**ting

I'm taking my client out of this room

until there's a formal
investigation in place

Whatever you want

Pedro, I know that you tried
to save your sister's life

I know you took the rope
out of the inner tube

and made the tourniquet,
but it didn't work

and she bled to death

before she got ashore,
isn't that true?

Pedro, that's it

We're leaving


We are not leaving

I shot her


We were floating in the
water for hours

Then we saw the boat

The Coast Guard?

I wanted to get her on that boat

Your law says, if you
need medical attention

you have to be taken to a hospital

You were strong enough
to swim ashore, she wasn't

You shot her in the leg

knowing that if she got picked up

she could stay in America

I did what I had to do

I did what I had to do...

The Coast Guard never saw them

Why'd he keep the g*n?


So what did the
State Attorney offer him?

Testimony for citizenship

Did he take it?

With a heavy heart

We cracked the code

NM 28 dash 30

New moon

End of the month

No light

Here or Havana

Perfect for smuggling

Freedom is Light, though,
isn't it, under any moon?

Well said


Good night

Good night
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