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05x14 - Red in Tooth and Claw

Posted: 02/19/13 14:54
by bunniefuu
Previously on "the mentalist"...

Listen, there's this poker game we've got going on. You want in?

Maybe. When?

Let me see. Thursday night.

Ahh. You're going to play poker.

Hey. Teresa. Glad you made it.

This is district attorney Don Wolcott.


FBI Bureau Director Charles Bailey.


Senator Eileen Dawkins.

State Senator.

Lisbon: It's a pretty high-class crowd.

I wish you would have warned me.

Oh, I think you know this guy, right?

Teresa. I didn't take you for a gambler.

It's not gambling if you know you're gonna win.

Ace of hearts. (Exhales)


Not me.

Action's on you, Judge.

(Exhales) Well...


(Chips clatter)

Dealer folds.

That's $500 more to you, Bertram.

(Mutters softly)

Raise it $1, 000.

You're bluffing.

(Softly) Mmm...

All in.


(Lisbon gasps)



I love playing with you, Gale.

I can read you like a kids' book.

Yeah, yeah. Just pick up your chips.


"Goodnight Moon."

(Cell phone rings)

(Chips clattering)

Ay, yi, yi.


I'm sorry guys, but we caught one.

Okay. Will you cash me out?


Have fun.

(Chuckles and laughs)

(Police radio chatter)

There you are.

I should come by sometime when there's not a corpse here to meet us.

Are you playing poker again, Lisbon?

It's getting the better of you.

Losing money?

Losing skin's more like it.

Bertram's been in a bad mood.

Hi. I'm Agent Lisbon with the CBI.

Christos Papadakis.

I am dean of the university's Natural Science Department, so... the museum is my responsibility.

Please follow me.

I believe your team is the one who investigated the death of Professor Montero.

Yeah, we were.

(Police radio chatter)

We have a bit of a walk.

The museum labs are in the east wing of the museum.

Lisbon: What can you tell us about the victim?

We think it is Linda Parfrey.

You think it's her?

Linda has been missing for some time, and...

Well, you'll see.

Ah, this is the student who found Linda.

Tell—tell them your name.

Uh, Greg. Uh, Gregory Lewis.

I found her around midnight.

Tell me what happened.

(Sighs) Well, by sheer luck, I-I happened upon a very nice tree shrew.

Um, I've never examined one before, and I-I brought it in to strip the flesh off.

You know, to keep the skeleton.

How do you do that?

Oh, w-we put 'em in these tanks.

Lisbon: How does that strip them of their flesh?

Flesh-eating bugs. Flesh-eating bugs. Right.


That's when I found Linda.



(Shudders and collapses)

Oh! Okay.


♪ The Mentalist 5x14 ♪
Red in Tooth and Claw
Original Air Date on February 17, 2013

Yeah, that's Linda's ring, all right.

(Police radio chatter)

Lisbon: So it is Linda Parfrey.

Why dump a body into a beetle t*nk?

The museum doesn't have great security, but it's not the kind of place you can sneak a body out of.

Unless you make it small enough to fit in a duffel bag.

So the k*ller was waiting for the bugs to eat it down to the skeleton so they could sneak it out?

Possibly. Uh, we found a scientific tool in the t*nk.

It could be the m*rder w*apon.

So the k*ller's probably another scientist then.

Or someone that works at the museum.

When was Linda last seen?

Linda's been missing a couple weeks.

People thought she was out camping near Yosemite doing some kind of research.

Then someone noticed her car was on campus, and they realized she was missing.

Who filed the missing persons report?

Dr. Sonia Kidd.

Head of the biology department at the university and Linda's adviser.

Her name sounds familiar.

Yeah, she's written a couple books.

Popular science stuff.

One's called "Natural Born K*llers: The Evolutionary Roots of m*rder."

Cute. Jane and I will go talk to her.

And, uh, Linda had an office here at the museum.

You and Cho check it out.

You got it, boss.

(Hangs up phone)

(Police radio chatter continues)

We thought she was lost in the mountains.

But she was here the whole time.

(Exhales) It's too horrible for words.

What did she study?

What kind of animal?

Why does that matter?

Nobody picks what they dedicate their life to by accident.

It says something.

I study primate brains. What does that say about me?

You have dark thoughts inside your head that you want to believe are normal and natural.

Which they are, of course.


Linda was an ornithologist.

Her doctorate was on the diet of the northern flicker.

A kind of woodpecker.

Mm. Interesting.


Bang their head against the problem until they solve it.

Was that Linda?

It was.

Although woodpeckers don't bang their heads against things so much as they use their bills to drill holes.

Yes. Well, the subconscious mind is— isn't really a stickler about that kind of thing.

Uh, was she a good student?


She had already co-authored several papers in prestigious journals.

Well, who was jealous?


This is the top biology department on the West Coast.

Best and brightest only.

The success of one of us helps all of us.

We're a family.

Well, people m*rder family members every day.

It's natural.

m*rder is natural.

But abnormal.

Teachers don't know there's scandals unless of course they are the scandal.

(Inhales sharply)

Are we done?

Yeah. For now. Uh, we're gonna need to talk to some students and visit the gift shop, which is left out the door, isn't it?


Excuse me. What are you doing?

Who are you?

I'm Agent Rigsby. This is Agent Cho.

We're with CBI. And you are?

Megan Parker.

I was Linda's classmate in the doctoral program.

And I have the office next door.

What are you doing here?


I just came to get my copy of "Understanding Macro-Evolution" before you guys sealed the place off.

Did you know Linda well?

She was rock star.

A rock star who could use a makeover, but still.

She got the dean's fellowship this year.

That's like 100 grand.

The rest of us will be paying off our student loans with our social security checks.

What's with all the taxidermy?

I thought Linda just studied woodpeckers.

No, Linda managed the specimen rooms for her work-study, so she got the overflow.

Huh. dr*gs?


She didn't do dr*gs.

Not even diet soda.

What about her personal life?

What about it?

Did she have one?

We didn't talk about that stuff very much.

I know she had a boyfriend outside the school.

But that's all I know.

Hey, Jane, call me when you get this.

(Man speaking indistinctly)

I think I found Linda's classmates.

Look for the elephants.

Most species stay in stasis for long periods of time.

Sorry, can I help you?

I'm Agent Lisbon with the CBI.

Professor Friedman?

Adjunct Professor.

Yes, adjunct Professor Paul Friedman, which, as you can see, engenders a great deal of respect from the students.

Uh, I teach a couple seminars under Dr. Kidd.

I'm sorry to interrupt, but I'm looking for information on Linda Parfrey.

These are her classmates, right?

Yeah. Uh, we all know Linda.

Do you know anything that might be helpful with the investigation?

We know that Linda had a boyfriend.

Uh, we'd like to talk to him.

Ex-boyfriend, I guess.

She didn't talk much about it, but late one night in the lab, she told me they broke up.

When was that?

About a week before she went missing.

You don't think he did it, do you?

I mean, he's a cop.

A cop? Do you know his name?


Officer Ray Moran, San Francisco PD.

Beat cop.

All right, talk to his captain.

See if we can bring Moran in for an interview.

Put Cho on it. Jane, too, if he ever comes in.

You got it.

Hey, boss?

I did it. I made it into the program.

White Hat? You got in?

That's great.

Yeah. A month in L.A.

I'll be staring at a computer screen the whole time, but still.

The team's gonna Miss you.

You said you'd talk to Bertram about the stipend request.

The deposit's due in two days.

I'll swing by on my way back.

Thanks, boss.

It's called White Hat.

It's an advanced computer investigation training program taught by actual hackers.

It's so advanced, I don't know what she's saying when she talks about it.


I'd like to rush a request for a training stipend to cover the costs.

You think Manchester's been cheating?


At poker.


Well, he's just s-so damn smug.

You know, "Goodnight Moon, " he says— what the hell is that?

It's just a game.

You don't believe that.


No—oh, what was that about Van Pelt?

Her training stipend.

Times are tight.

We've cut all outside training funds from the budget.

No, request denied.


Lisbon said she lost you.

Well, I come bearing gifts.


Jelly dinosaurs are for me... for later.


I'm guessing you're a Triceratops man.


Rigsby is a T. Rex.

Any news on the case?

Yeah, the victim's ex-boyfriend is an SFPD beat cop.

He's on patrol right now. I was just gonna go talk to him.

On the streets?


Let's go. I haven't been on the streets for a while.

(Claps hands)

Let's do it.

Come on. Thanks?

I don't know. He was like, uh, 5'6".

Not fat, really. Just a big face.

Brown hair.

He didn't even have a g*n. Why'd you give him the money?

I didn't give it to him, he took it!

What was he dressed like, this guy?

You guys from CBI?

Agent Cho. This is Patrick Jane.

Uh, look, I want to talk to you guys, but we gotta handle this, okay?

Let me catch up with you in a couple hours.

A couple hours?

Yeah, we just got this.

I mean, we gotta put out a crime broadcast.

We gotta cruise the neighborhood.

Then there's the paperwork.

Well, can't help you with the paperwork.

He had a hood. He came in—

Why'd you give him the money?

Sir, we're asking the questions here.

Just tell me what happened.

So this dude comes up while I'm cashing out the register, asks for a calling card.

I just turned for one second, and he reached through the gap and grabbed a stack of $20s.

You wait until you're finished cashing out before you do another transaction!

Look, the guy had money.

He didn't look shady or anything.

How was I supposed to know?

Hey. Excuse me.

Show me how he reached through the gap again.

All right. Pull your hand out.



That's how they catch a raccoon, you know that?

So the guy couldn't have grabbed the cash through the gap.

There wasn't another guy, was there, buddy?

You! You're the thief!

I'm the thief?

You're the thief.


With what you're paying me, I'm the thief?

Work's done here, buddy.

I think you can get your man to do the paperwork.

Look— no, no, no.

When did you and Linda meet?

Last year. I was moonlighting, doing security at the museum.

And how was the relationship?


Her life was more together than anybody I ever met.

She was so focused.

Got to me, too, I guess.

I even started studying for the sergeant's exam.

Mm-hmm. And then you dumped her?

You think I was happy about it?

You tell me.

About two months ago I got an anonymous e-mail with a link in it to her online dating profile.

I couldn't believe it.

And she'd started seeing other people?

I... I don't know if she started.

She was just shopping around.

Maybe she'd been doing it the whole time.

You talk to her about it?


Big fight.

You get rough with her?

Mnh. I don't have that in me.

Hurt a woman?

Especially not Linda.

She have an explanation?


She denied it, you know, but what else was she gonna do?

I can't take cheating. I had to let her go.

Mm-hmm. Did you know who sent you the profile?


And you weren't curious?

I don't know. I...

Some guy's girlfriend's in the same boat as me, somebody's holding a grudge.

Only thing that mattered was I wasn't enough for her.

And after you broke up, you never spoke to her again?



I should have known.

You know, she had smarts.

She was gonna have a big life.

What'd she want with a mook like me, right?


Do you have something?

Here's the dating profile somebody sent Moran.

(Typing and clicks mouse)

Get a hold of the dating site.

See if anybody contacted her around the time she went missing.

I don't think Linda went on any dates.

Well, why not?

The address that sent Moran the e-mail was used to set up an account with the dating site.

Did you find them?

Sort of. I logged into the account.

Don't you need a password for that?

I spent two minutes using the most common passwords.

It was "qwerty."



It's the fifth most common password.

Guess whose profile it was.


So whoever sent Moran the profile also created it.

Yep. Profile's a fake.

Someone was trying to break up Linda and Officer Moran.

Nice work.

Mm. Look, I know you're disappointed about the training program. We'll get you in next year.

It's fine.

(Clicks mouse and typing)

Bertram's supposed to be this real smooth player, but he loses a couple of hands of poker and he has to bum everybody else out.

Linda wanted "a man with a super hot body."

The fake dating profile, right?

You were saying something?

Bertram hanging Van Pelt out to dry.

He's just mad because he's losing big money at poker.

Well, some people like to push their pain onto other people, weaker people, and there's always someone weaker.

That's just the circle of life.


Bertram doesn't want to win, Lisbon, he has to.

It's why he is where he is.

The idea of losing is just intolerable to him.

Why would somebody want to break Linda and her boyfriend up?

Romantic rivalry?

Yeah, possibly.

"I'm looking for brains, brawn, the total package."

Van Pelt's trying to trace the e-mail, but she hit a dead end.

Well, whoever authored this left their fingerprints all over it.

"No half-steppers.

"A genuine badass.

Feather my nest."

Gather the troops, Lisbon.


It's time to play bingo.

So we have a list of words from the fake dating profile.

We talk to the students and compare what they say to the words in the list, and if what they say matches up with the words on the list, then they're the one that wrote the profile?

So far, so good.

But how do we get them to say the right words?

What do we ask them about?

You have to try to get their words flowing.

Talk to them about their passions.

Their passions?

Animals, of course.

Bugs. Critters.

People use "coldblooded" to mean evil, as if a specie's thermophysiology could determine its moral attributes.

That's ridiculous.

Reptiles never invented the atomic b*mb.

If you ask me, warm blood is the problem.

Know what I mean?

Excuse me.

So... skeletons. Why are you into them?

Why do I need a reason?

I'll just go with "weird."

It's, like, under all this viscera we wear, there's that holds us together.

You can't lose it.

I think—I think that's cool.

(Clears throat)

Did I pass?

I've taken a psych test before.
Ah. Mr. Jane. We were just discussing you. Dean Papadakis told me about your impressive memory. My own memory isn't as good as it used to be.

What's your secret?

It's easy to remember when you never forget.

What you doing?

Ah. Laying bait for moths.

They like sweetness, so I use brown bananas and beer.

Mmm. Delicious.


Paul here discovered a new species of moth.

The California Jade moth.

It's on display in our museum.

It's rather a big deal.

Yeah. Now there are 1, 500, 001 types of insects in the world.

Well, that's false modesty.

I guess so. It is a big deal.

To moth people.

To all of us.


Congratulations on your new addition.

Thank you. It's most impressive.

Thank you.

Uh, let me guess. You're studying buzzards, and you're laying a trap for one right now.

As if.

Mating habits of the zalophus Californianus.

Sea lions.

One badass male maintaining a stable of females through combat.

Huh. And that appeals to you?

A man fighting for you?

Who doesn't want an Alpha male?

A guy who will fight for what's his?

Yeah. Super hot.

(Laughs) Sounds exciting.

It's so cool. While Paul chases moths and Jeanette messes around with her lizards, I head out for the islands to watch the seals play.

I'm not just a brain, see?

I like to play, too.

I'm the total package.

"Badass, " "super hot, " "total package."


Whoo! Bingo!

You wrote the fake dating profile that made Linda and her boyfriend break up.

No law against it, is there?

Maybe she found out it was you, confronted you in the lab, and things got out of hand.

Look—hello! I didn't k*ll Linda.

So why did you want to break them up?


You don't even know what it's like in the program.

Dr. Kidd likes us to play like we're one happy family.

We're like a pack of hyenas tearing each other apart.


Money. Why else?

(Clicks pen)

Look, the museum doesn't get all that stuff for free.

It needs discoveries, publicity, donations.

Dr. Kidd wants our program to be the best.

So if you aren't producing, so long.

What does that mean?

You ever heard of survival of the fittest?

'Cause Dr. Kidd sure has.

She likes to weed out the ones who can't contribute, who can't hack it.

But nobody hacks it. Not really.

What do you mean?

Jeanette? Lizard girl?

She has a special place on the back stairs she goes to cry.

Greg had a major breakdown last year, like throwing rat skulls out the window.

And Paul? He was convinced Dr. Kidd was gonna fire him until he discovered that dumb moth.

How about Linda?

How did she handle it?


She was a machine.

You're losing your mind, and there she is, working just as hard, not even breaking a sweat.

My mom wanted to k*ll me for not getting the dean's fellowship.

And then Linda lands that hot cop boyfriend?


I mean...


So you made up the fake dating profile to break them up.


I just wanted to see if I could hurt her.

If she could even be hurt.

Did she know it was you?

It wrecked her.

The next day she messed up something stupid, and Dr. Kidd yelled at her.

You know what?

It felt really, really good.

And I know that doesn't make me sound like a nice person.

No. No, it doesn't.


It's like "Lord of the Flies" over there.

I didn't know the world of science was so cutthroat.

Well, like the man said, academic politics can be vicious, because the stakes are small.

Very small, indeed.

Tomorrow morning we need to go back to the museum.



But now I have to do something.

And the A.G. knows damn well the indictment won't stick.

Uh, I don't have time for this.

Nobody rides for free. I mean, he knows that.

What—what, you came here to play games?

(Inhales) I heard you've been losing, and, uh, it's been affecting your work.

Uh, I'll call you back.

Look, the cards haven't been falling my way.

Oh, come on.

You believe in luck?


Lisbon says you're pretty good.


Margaret, cancel my 6:00.

Two pair.

Four of a kind.


I know how to play poker.

Of course you do.

You play the man, not the cards.

Right? I know the odds, I know myself.

You know people, you know how to control them.

Not that you always care.

Uh... what's that mean?

Well, you win more flies with honey than with vinegar, but you use vinegar anyway.

Is this about Lisbon?

You're very fond of the fake tell, aren't you?

Before you bet, you look away and you breathe out very slowly, like you're trying to... calm yourself.

(Exhales) Yes.

(Both chuckle)

Well, you have a tell inside the fake tell.

When you're bluffing, the breathing is audible.

The hell it is. I-I control myself.

You get yourself a good hand and puff away like that, Manchester will for sure think you're bluffing.

Trust me.

(Inhales and exhales)

(Indistinct conversations)

Mr. Jane. Can I help you?

I hope so. Uh, you still want to learn my memory trick?

I would.

Yeah, you teach a master class with all of Linda's fellow classmates, huh?

Paul and I will be teaching it this afternoon.


Well, how about I put on a memory seminar for you and your class?

That would be terrific.

But don't you have a m*rder to solve?

Eh, all in good time.

Uh, I'm gonna need some tables, possibly three or four across the back there.


And, uh, Linda's office, it's full of animals— dead ones.

It is.

We'll need access to that, uh, for props.

Okay. I assume... (Sighs)

That you have some ulterior motive for all of this.

Do you have a suspect?


There's one thing I'd like you to confirm for me.

What is that?

Just what is the diet of the northern flicker woodpecker?

(Indistinct conversations)

Yeah. Sure.

How can you like Triceratops more than...

(Deep voice) T. Rex?

T. Rex are losers.

Little arms. It's a big chicken with teeth.

(Normal voice) Yeah, and Triceratops is basically a pig with horns.

And a shield on its head.

Beats a giant chicken any day of the week.

Ha ha, in your dreams. What did Jane want?

He wants us back at the museum.

What are we gonna do?

Museum heist. Why?

I stopped asking questions a long time ago. Come on.

What's this all about?

We just need to cover our bases, sir.

What does this have to do with the investigation?

I can't discuss ongoing details of an investigation.

I'm gonna need to look at one of these, uh, spiders.

The tarantulas?

Hey, kids, check out these spiders. (Excited clamoring)

Uh yes, the tarantulas.

I don't see why it is necessary.

Don't worry, sir. This is, uh, official police business.

(Clamoring continues)

I'm gonna need to take a close look at this...


Spider here.


This one specifically here, this spider.

No, no, what are you doing?

Don't pick it up.


Here we go.


Just— no. Oh, oh, please.

Be very careful.

There we go.

Uh, yeah.

I-I don't see why this is necessary.

Uh, yeah... There we go.


Wait, what are you doing?

Yeah, we're gonna have to, uh... (Speaking indistinctly)

Dust this for prints.

Do what?



Ow! Oh, ow! It bit me.

(Children murmuring)

It bit—it bit me.

Oh, ow! Ow! Ow! Ooh! Ooh!

(Murmuring continues)


Oh, ow!

Hey— ow! Ow! Look.

See? It's deadly.

It feels a little strange.

I don't see anything.

Oh, I'm feeling woozy.

No, I'm just kidding. I'm fine.

Don't play with spiders, kids. Okay?

We've got a real treat today.

You could call it "evolution in action."

Mr. Patrick Jane is coming to give us a seminar on the upper limits of memory.

Are we in the classroom?

Yes, we are.


(Students murmuring)

The human memory is far more capable than most people realize.

I've been in this room once before.

But when I was in here...

(Snaps fingers twice)


I paid attention.

(Students murmuring)

Very close attention.



Oh, thank you. Please. But that's just memory 101.

Let's move forward into the advanced coursework.

For memory to be useful, it has to be as accurate and as fast as a camera.

How many animals did you get, Lisbon?

Around 30. And you got them from Linda's office?

Yes, I did.

All of the animals came from Linda's office.

That's a place that I have never been.

And in a moment, I will turn around and look behind me— and just for a few seconds— and I will memorize every animal on those tables in order.

And then I will show you how you can do the same.

How do we know you didn't already memorize them?

Ah. A skeptic. I should have known.

And you're right.

(Students murmuring)

There's no reason for you to trust me.

Paul, would you mind rearranging the animals any way you see fit?


Thank you.

The human brain.

Once you get it working right, it can be incredibly effective.

The mind can do some miraculous things.

Uh, like... telling the future.

Which is what I'm doing right now.


(Murmuring continues)

For that...

You can be the one who holds the prediction.

Science is about prediction, isn't it?

Predictions based on hard data, not fortunetelling.

Ahh. Well, you say "tomato, "

I say scientists believe in rational thought.

And grids and lists and classification, which is fine, but it's not how the world works, and it's certainly not how the brain works.

You're saying people aren't rational?

Well, being rational is a tool, but it's not the only tool we have.

Long before we stuffed our knowledge into graphs and charts, we used older and, in some cases, more entertaining ways to remember things.

How we doing there, Paul?

I think we're good.

Excellent. Please, take a seat.

Now, I'd like to show you what I'm talking about.

(Clicks tongue and whistles)

Lisbon, uh, would you mind?

Thank you.

We can create a memory by building a palace in our minds.

We can sing ourselves a song, or tell ourselves a little story.

A story of a bully— a gray fox— and a little brave man— a rat— that stood up for his chubby little buddy the toad and his friend egghead.

The story of a man in a tuxedo who snaked his way through a crowd to meet a woman in a colorful dress.

Penguin, cobra, three squirrels, and a parrot.

The story of flight...


An owl, a bat, a moth, all...

(Murmuring continues)

Ah, I sense I made a mistake.

No moth.

Hmm. Well, perhaps my prediction will explain my error.

Uh, Jeanette, could you read it out, please?

"The moth is in Paul's pocket"?

Wait, what?

The moth.

The moth you stole from the table when you were rearranging the animals— it's in your pocket.

(Murmuring continues)

I'm gonna need you to empty your pockets.

Come on.

(Murmuring continues)


Patrick: Let's have a look.

(Murmuring and gasping)

Paul, why did you take the moth?

Uh... That's a California Jade moth.

So it is. The kind he discovered.

I thought the only other one was in the museum.

Where did that come from?

Wait a second.

You said all the animals came from Linda's office.

They did.

Linda died before Paul discovered the moth.

This moth couldn't have come from her... office.

You'll get there.

Unless... She discovered the moth first.


You didn't k*ll Linda.

Yes, he did.

But, uh, I confess— that moth didn't come from Linda's office.


S— well, I-I borrowed it from the museum... to prove a point.


(Murmuring continues)

I'd just had a paper rejected.

Peer review threw it back at me.

Dr. Kidd was so disappointed.

She never said anything.

She never had to.

How did Linda come into it?

It was late night at the lab.

Uh, she came in fresh from the forest, excited.

Uh, she'd seen one of her woodpeckers eating a moth that she couldn't identify.

(Clicks tongue)

So she put down some bait and caught one.

We found the brown sugar in her office.

Was that her bait?


I knew what it was the moment I saw it.

A new species.

I mean, that's articles, that's museum exhibits,
that's money for the program.

I saw myself naming the moth.

I'd—I'd always wanted to name something.

My job was on the line.

My future.

I needed it...

To survive.

I just lost myself completely.

Then I went out to the part of the forest where I knew she'd been.

Discovered the moth.

I came back and got my accolades.

I saved my job.

I got everything I wanted.

Dr. Kidd.

Sonia, please.

I wanted to thank you for catching Paul.

Ah. There's no thanks necessary.

Linda's dead, Paul's in jail, and Megan is being expelled.

I don't think the program will ever recover.

The program isn't real.

The question is, will you recover?

(Exhales) I felt so powerless.

I mean, what can you do in the face of death?

You're not powerless, though.

You act.

Well, there's one thing you can do.

Uh... Paul took a lot of pride in naming that moth, when...

When it should have been Linda who named it.


I'll make sure to rename it after her.

Thank you.




Makes sense.

All the good ones are taken.

(Chuckles) Please.

Natural selection, I suppose.

(Chuckles) Come on.

Good-bye, Patrick.

Good-bye, Sonia.

(Cards flip)

$500 to Dawkins.


(Softly) Hmm.

(Inhales softly)

I'll, uh...

Raise $100.

(Chips clatter)

Well, I'm just gonna have to raise you another $100.

When are you gonna learn, Gale?


(Inhales and exhales)


Well... (Exhales)

(Thud, chips clatter)

Raise $1, 000.



All in.


Hmm... (Exhales)

(Taps table)

Two pair.


(Laughing continues)


Flush takes the pot.

"Goodnight Moon."

(Dawkins laughing)

"Goodnight Stars."

"Goodnight Judge."


You see that?

Did you see that?

The flush?

It was very nice.

Ah, I gutted him!


I would say so, yeah.

(Laughs) Aw...

That was very slick, you having Jane give me lessons.

You must really want to help Van Pelt.

What did Jane do?

Oh, now there's no need to be coy.

I don't have a problem with a little quid pro quo.

The White Hat program, wasn't it?

I'll authorize the stipend in the morning.

Thank you, sir.

No, no. Thank you.

And thank Jane.

I will.


(Elevator bell dings)

And some scientists think the T. Rex could run up to 45 miles an hour.

That's apex predator. You know what that means?


That means they're top of the food chain. They eat everything.


So... T. Rex beats Triceratops. I win.

You went home last night and Googled dinosaurs, didn't you?

Yeah, I did.

You have no life. I win.

I owe her from yesterday.

She's on her way to the airport.

Oh. Yeah, for that White Hat thing.

I thought there was no money for that.

Lisbon fixed it.


Would have been nice to say good-bye.

Yeah, well, cowards don't get to say good-bye when they want.


Where'd that come from?

You calling me a coward?


How so?

(Exhales) How long have you been pretending you're not in love with Van Pelt?

Who says I'm in love with Van Pelt?

I was once, a long time ago, but not anymore.

We're just... We're just... good friends.

You're a coward and terrible liar.

Uh... (Chuckles)

Says you.

"Coward." What does he know about relationships?

Yeah, well, you date pregnant hookers and your— your dinosaur eats grass!

Patrick: Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock...


Good morning.

We're gonna be short-staffed for a while.

Van Pelt's off to L.A.

Thank you.

Adult education's a beautiful thing.

Uh, speaking of which, uh...

I've upset the ecosystem of the poker game.

I think you've been spending too much time at the museum.

"Upset the ecosystem"?

Bertram's now a better poker player because of me.

The ecosystem has changed. You need to adapt or die.

Who says I need the help?

Don't try to razzle-dazzle me.

Money talks.

(Shuffles cards)

What do we use for stakes?

You can't play poker without stakes.

Oh, I have that covered.

Herbivores are worth 1, carnivores are worth 5.



What do you got?

(Clears throat)

All in.

You're bluffing. I call.


Okay, are you cheating?



I'm gonna smoke you.