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05x13 - The Red Barn

Posted: 01/29/13 09:29
by bunniefuu


(Footsteps approach)

(Latch clinks, door rumbles)

Hi, Lisbon. What are you doing?

Uh, just working.

Okay, well, out here in the real world, we have a case.
We have to go.

Yeah. Okay.



(Latches clinking)



(Lock snaps shut)

Let's go.

You think you're so mysterious. I know what you're doing in there.

Oh, really? What?

You're making a list, trying to figure out who it is that you've met that's Red John.

Not just met, shaken hands with.

How many people are on that list, anyway?

A lot.

Got a male sh**ting victim. Looks to be early 20s.

Happened about an hour ago. No I.D.

Lisbon: Who called it in?

Rigsby: Bartender. We're getting a statement.

What do the witnesses have to say?

Uh, not sure. Cho's talking to them.

Has the coroner taken a look at him yet?

Yeah, he's on his way.

What... what's that on his face?


Oh, boy.


Happy anniversary!

What's goin' on?

Come in, everybody!

(Taps bottle)

Ladies and gentlemen, ten years ago, Teresa Lisbon left the San Francisco Police Department to join the California Bureau of Investigation.

Today she is without doubt the rootinest, tootinest, sharp-sh**t cop in the whole state of California.

Happy anniversary, boss.

Hear, hear.

Man: Whoo!

If we could start the music, please?

I had no idea.

Rigsby: Let's party!

Congratulations, Lisbon.

(Dance music playing)

Thank you, Ron.

Why did you do this?

(Cell phone rings)

It was Rigsby's idea.


Is he taking his clothes off?

He is.

Oh, my God.

Uh-oh. Yeah.


Thank you, Ray.

Haffner. Good to see you.

You know, I really enjoyed when we worked together.

We should do it again sometime.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

You mean when you almost got me fired?

Yeah, that was a lot of fun.

Hey, um, can we grab lunch?

There's just something I wanna discuss with you.

Yeah, sure.

All right. I'll call you. Jane.

How come he doesn't like me?

You got lunch here, you got...

Oh, look out.


Okay, that's enough. Shoo. Okay?

It was fun. But not my butt.

(Rapid footsteps)

That was the office. Homicide out in Placer County.

The team that was supposed to cover for us today can't make it out there.

Well, I don't think we can drag Lisbon away from this.

Can't we cover it, Cho?

Yeah. Yeah, we can.

Okay. Where did you find that guy?

That was fun. But we're done, okay?

Oh, yeah. Those are nice moves.

CBI. I'm Agent Cho, this is Patrick Jane.

Rick Anaya. Chief here in Elliston.

Good to meet you. This way.

The bodies were found in a secret basement under the barn floor.

Cho: And what's with the secret basement?

Yeah, probably built in the '20s to hide booze during prohibition.

My dad, who was chief before me, said there used to be stills all through these parts.

Kids were playing in the barn, found a trap door, went in, found some bones.

If you boys are still in town for dinner, Ella's Diner on Allen street— best damn chili in town.


What's the coroner say?

Well, right now he's guessing they died 20, 25 years ago.

Patrick: Whoa. He confirms three bodies in all.

What is it?

Uh, looks like a shotgun pellet.

Yeah, we found some of those under the bones.

Figured they fell out the body as they decomposed.

No shell casings in here, though.

Must have shot them somewhere else, brought the bodies here.

Anything else?

Yeah, a couple of things.

High school class ring. Guess it fell off one of them.

We'll check that out. Is that it?

No, this .38.

And one round's been fired.

Not in here, as far as we can tell.

You see that wire?

On the wrist?

See, I'm guessing at least two of the victims were tied up with it.

This is very depressing.

I'm gonna wait outside.

(Birds chirping)

♪ The Mentalist 5x13 ♪
The Red Barn
Original Air Date on January 27, 2013

The Red John symbol was on the side of the barn?

That's weird.

Yeah. Must have been there 15, 20 years.

Wonder what it means. What did Jane say?

Nothing. Wouldn't talk about it.

Okay. (Sighs)

Everybody feel as bad as I do?

Not if you feel like you look.

I feel fine.

What time did you get back to the party last night?

A little past 10:00. Not that you noticed.

Yeah. That, uh, Tequila was a k*ller. (Pills rattle)

(Pill bottle snaps shut)

Did I, uh... (Closes drawer)

Do anything embarrassing?


Really? What?

Good morning. Thank you for the party. It was very thoughtful.

You're welcome. But I am never gonna forgive you for that stripper.

Where are we with the three victims?

Coroner says they probably died 25 years ago, so 1988.

Talked to the ring manufacturer.

They traced it back to a Lester Bradovich who went to a high school in Dixon.

Checking him out now.

The g*n that was found near the bodies isn't registered.

No sign of the b*llet that was fired, either.

But I've got techs sweeping the area around the barn.

Nice work. Let me know what you find.

She was kidding, right?

About never forgiving?


How was the rest of the party?

t*rture. That can never, ever happen again.

Ten years, huh?

More, actually.

Every year with you counts as two.

Ah. Are those from the crime scene?


This can't be a coincidence, can it?

There's no such thing.

These murders happened ten years before Red John was even active.

A shotgun was never his w*apon of choice.


Well, what happened?

How'd it get there?


They're excellent questions. You know where to find me.

Got a hit on Lester Bradovich.

He had a couple of arrests in the mid-'80s.

Small stuff. Possession, drunk and disorderly.

No record of him after 1987.


A brother in town, but here's the weird thing— nobody ever filed a missing persons report on him.

That's odd. You and Rigsby go and see what the brother has to say.

All right.

So what did I do last night?

Come on. I'm dying here.

You got up on the table and sang "Bohemian Rhapsody."

Oh. I do a pretty good Freddie Mercury.

That's not so embarrassing.

Maybe not for you.

Gordon Bradovich?


We need to talk to you about your brother Lester.

Lester? Are you serious?


You're—you're positive it's Lester?

We're waiting for final confirmation from the coroner, but we're pretty sure, yeah.

This is just unreal.

When was your last contact with your brother?

Oh, God, uh, sometime in the late '80s.

So you haven't seen him in almost 25 years, but you never reported him missing. Why is that?

We didn't think he was missing.

I don't understand.

Lester had been in a lot of trouble.

dr*gs and scrapes with the law, and... then, uh, when he was about 24, he—he joined with this, uh, this group.

A little weird, but, uh, very strict, very disciplined.

Seemed to straighten him out.

He, uh, he got calmer, stopped getting into trouble.

And what does that have to do with his disappearance?

Well, after about a year with them, he, uh, he came to my dad and me, and he said that he had to break off all contact with his biological family.

Yeah. His group said that this was the only way his true identity could emerge.

We were pretty hurt.

But Lester—he was totally matter-of-fact about it, had to be done.

That was... the last time I talked to him.

Now you're telling me he's been dead all this time?

I just—I-I don't even know what to think.

What's the name of the group?




You've heard of it?

(Cell phone rings)

Lisbon: Hello?

Haffner: Teresa.

Ray Haffner. I've been looking for you.

Hey, Ray. What's up?

I was wondering if we could snag that lunch today at 1:00 at the State House Cafe.

Sure. You wanna tell me what this is about?

I'm intrigued.

Then my plan is working.

I'll see you then.

What does he want?


Mm. Mm.

Mr. Jane. Agent Lisbon.

Good to see you again. Jason Cooper.

Brother Cooper. Ah.

(Pats back)

Last time, uh, I saw you was, uh, when Bret Stiles had just uncovered your plan to take over this place.

I thought he would have gutted you like a trout, but here you are.

Bret's generosity is only exceeded by his capacity for forgiveness.


Is Mr. stiles here?

We need to speak with him.

Unfortunately, Bret was called out of the country this morning.


But he asked me to answer any question you have.

Won't you come this way?

There's tea.

Lester Bradovich belonged to our church.

I believe there's a good chance that all three of the bodies you found were church members.

Well, what makes you say that, Mr. Cooper?

These murders occurred in 1988.

At that time, Visualize owned the Elliston farm.

Everyone who worked there was a member of the church.

Why did Bret Stiles own a farm?

He had a dream.

He saw Visualize controlling an agricultural empire based on wheat, but he wanted each of the farms to be a self-sustaining bio-community.

So they had to raise their own vegetables and livestock.

It was a grand vision.

The church bought a half-dozen farms.

Half a dozen? All run by people that knew nothing about farming?

Let's just say that enthusiasm was a poor substitute for expertise.

They all failed in a year or two.

Lester Bradovich ran the Elliston farm with two others—

Martin Talbot and Allan Charney.

That's what we have on them.

In July of 1988, when we hadn't had any word for some weeks, we sent people down to investigate.

They found it empty.

We assumed that Bradovich and the others had abandoned it.

Why didn't you file a missing persons report?

They were adults. We weren't their parents.

We assumed they'd run off.

Besides, we have found, then and now, that the police rarely take church complaints seriously when we do file them.

But we are all horrified by what happened.

We'll do anything at all to assist in your investigation.

You have my word.

Martin Talbot was older. No family.

That explains why nobody was looking for him.

Allan Charney had family in Idaho.

They did file a missing persons report, but nothing ever came of it.

There's no other information on either one of them.

All right, call Charney's family and let them know what happened.

Visualize is sending down their files on Elliston farm.

Go through 'em. There might be something useful.

All right. Will do.

(Receiver clatters)

I hate cold cases. No evidence, no witnesses, and where do you start?

Oh, it's not so bad. You know what you need?

A viable suspect?

Big bowl of chili verde. Come on. Let's go.

Ella's Diner?

Best damn chili in town, I'm told.

Please tell me we're not here for chili.

Of course not. We're here to find a k*ller.

What are we doing here, Jane?

Look around.

The collective memory of this entire town is in this room.

Anything that happened in the last 50 years, you'll find out about it here.

Here you go. Thank you.

Lemon for your tea?

No, thanks.

Ma'am, we're with the CBI.

We're investigating some murders that took place in town 20 years back.

You mean the three bodies in the barn?

Yeah, I heard.

The victims were from a group called Visualize that owned the farm. Do you know anything about that?

All I know is that they found three dead guys.

Can I get you anything else?

No, thanks. Collective memory?

Uh, if I may, who told you about the three dead guys?

Everybody knows.

Yes, but who told you?

Look, I don't wanna get anybody in trouble.

Oh, of course. Thank you.

Patrick Jane. I'm with the CBI.

What's your name?

Miles MacCambridge. Why?

This is my colleague, Teresa Lisbon.


You're the town gossip, I take it?

I am?

Retired schoolteacher, by the looks.

Who's your source on the murders?

Former student, I'm guessing?

Am I in some kind of trouble?

Possibly. No, you're not.

Jury's still out.

We're investigating the murders, and we'd really appreciate it if you could tell us anything about that farm that we found the bodies at.

Oh, yeah. Well, it's—it's been through a lot of hands.

It's not very good land.

No one's worked it for at least a decade.

What about the group, Visualize?

They owned the farm back in the mid-'80s?

Sure, I remember them. They stuck out.

Pretty useless as farm folk.

How did they get along with the other people in town?

Were there any conflicts that you remember?

They mostly kept to themselves.

I remember one person bitching about 'em— a farmer named Tom Crayhew.

Couldn't tell you what he was upset about, too long ago.

Uh, we really appreciate it. Thank you.

So I'm not in any trouble?

Jury's still out.

You're fine, sir.

(Door opens)

Looky here.

Took me up on my recommendation, I see?

Tell Elena to put your check on my tab.

Aw, that's okay.

Please. It's a long tab.



You don't like him.

(Normal voice) Former student?


Mean kid? Pulled on the girls' pigtails?

He's chief of police, which is a pretty powerful position around here.

If you'll excuse me.


Is this the stuff from Visualize?

Yeah, it's mostly letters from the farm to Visualize asking for more help and more money.

And Bradovich, Charney, and Talbot were the only full-time workers.

But Visualize was sending temporary people all the time— some members, some potential recruits.

Their names weren't even recorded most of the time.

Most of the time?

Yeah, there's one lead— a guy named Peter Dibuono is listed as working at the farm in '86 and '87.

He might be able to tell us something.

I reached him on e-mail. He's coming in to talk.


You and Rigsby go to Elliston.

Talk to a farmer named Tom Crayhew.

Apparently he had some sort of beef with the Visualize farm.

I'll be back in an hour.

Where you going?



No, no. My hat's off.

I-I only lasted two days as Jane's boss.

He nearly k*lled me.

So youclearly know things that I don't.

He is not that hard to handle.

Really? Seriously?

'Cause I know a couple... thousand people who would disagree with that.

So... ten years?

People keep on saying that. I don't know why.

I don't feel any different.

I'm hoping it means you're ready for a change.

Oh, what is that supposed to mean?

I'm leaving CBI.

I've lined up some capital. I'm starting my own firm.

Security and investigations for high-end clients.

I was wondering if you'd consider coming with me.


You're one of the top agents in the division.

Everyone knows it.

You—you deserve a position commensurate with your gifts.

I am flattered, Ray, but I like my job.

Yeah, I like my job, too.

I'd like it better if I'd had a raise in the past three years.

California's broke, if you didn't notice.

It's not about the money.

That's the starting salary.

That'll keep you in leather Jackets, I think.

It's not about the money. I like what I do.

It's a good job. It's good work.

Is it the work, or is it Jane?

He's part of the work.

Sure. And you guys—you guys have a track record, I-I understand why you wanna stick with that.

But if there's one thing that I've learned about Jane, it's that catching bad guys is a game to him, and—and he's gonna quit someday.

Maybe because he gets Red John, maybe because he just gets bored.

When that happens, you're gonna be on your own.

Driving out to some crime scene in the middle of nowhere at 5:00 a.m., asking Rigsby what sort of sad story you gotta unravel this time.

Is that what you really want?

Because I think you deserve better.

Think about it.

(Shifts gears)
Mr. Crayhew?

Mr. Crayhew, we're with CBI. Open up, please!

I will not be bullied!

Put the g*n down.

You cannot make a man render unto Caesar that which he does not choose to render.


Sir, whatever the problem is, we can work it out. Just put the g*n away.

Federal income tax is an illegal taking under the Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution, and I will not pay it!

Sir, we're not with the I.R.S.

Says you.

We have nothing to do with your taxes. We wanna talk about some killings at a nearby farm.

You're not federal agents? You're not here to collect?

No, sir. California Bureau of Investigation. Now put the g*n down. Do it now.

Yeah, I remember those clowns from Visualize. That land's right next to mine. k*lled everything they—they touched. Plus they were thieves.

Why thieves?

Well, they stole my damn water. I got a stream up that way. They diverted it into their fields, like I wouldn't notice. So me and my 12-gauge went to talk it over with them. I told those wackadoodles to stop stealing my water, and one of 'em pulled a revolver. I thought we were gonna have a sh**ting right there.

Do you recall what kind of revolver it was?


Was one of these... the man that threatened you?

It was that one.

He was wound up. Had that look, you know?

Just ready to go.

I truly thought I was gonna have to sh**t him right there.

But I didn't.

I didn't. I swear to God.

But I don't condemn whoever did sh**t him, though.

You've heard how they treated their animals?

No. How?

They... tortured 'em, basically.

Unnatural stuff.

Satanic ritual stuff.


You know that for a fact?

If you don't believe me, talk to the Vet.

She was on 'em all the time about how they were treating their stock.

She was ready to call the county on 'em.

And what's this vet's name?

I think she retired now. Mm. Preston. That's it.
Jane: Hello, Lisbon. Are you ever gonna let me in there again?

How was lunch?

Lovely. Haffner offered me a job.

(Latch clinks)

(Door rumbles)


You gonna take it?

Right now I'm considering it.

Come on. We have to go talk to the Vet.



Oh, my God.


(Lock snaps shut)

(Dog barks)

(Toy squeaks)

This one's for Doug.

Dr. Ellen Preston?

Oh, uh, no, I'm...

Dr. Preston's my mom. I'm Holly Preston.

Holly. Pretty good with those dogs.

Oh, well, thanks. I should be.

I'm with them all day. (Dog panting)

I run a doggy day care.

Is there something I can do for you?

We're with the CBI.

We need to ask your mother some questions.

(Dog barks)


Is that a problem?

Holly: She was diagnosed with Alzheimer's about eight years ago.

She still responds, but she's not very good at talking to people anymore.

I'm sorry.

Lisbon: Oh, don't be.

She looks peaceful.

She is... mostly.

Lisbon: You've probably heard we found three bodies on a nearby farm.

25 years ago, the farm was owned by a church called Visualize. Does that ring a bell?

I've heard about them. They made kind of a splash.

Hi, little boy. Who's a good boy?

Yeah. Oh, he likes that. You like that?

Is... that what you wanted to talk to my mom about?

We heard that she was concerned about the way some of the animals were being treated.

We just wanted to know what that was about.

Rumor has it they were performing satanic rituals.

What? (Sighs)

We'd heard there may have been some unnatural acts going on.

Have you been talking to Tom Crayhew?

Why? Does it sound like him?

Oh, exactly like him.

I would remember if my mom thought something was happening.

There were no rituals.

I think my mom was just concerned that the farm was failing.

People take it out on the animals once a place goes south.

Did you ever go up there?


I was 16, and I was all about boys then.

I wouldn't go to the farm with my mom if I could avoid it.

Well, all the academic achievements suggest you were focused on a little more than just boys.

Well, maybe now and then, but that was a long time ago.

Is that all you wanted to ask about?

Yes. Yeah. Thank you for your time.

Jane. Jane. Yes. Who's that, huh?

Is that good?

That's really good. (Chuckles)


That's really good.

Agent Van Pelt?


Father Peter Dibuono. You asked to see me?

Obviously, I haven't been a member of Visualize for some time.

If I were to be kind to my younger self, I would say that my time with them was an early stage in a long spiritual journey.

What if you weren't being kind?

I was a stupid punk who didn't know any better.

Bret Stiles says a lot of things that sound good if you don't think about 'em too hard.

Some of what he says makes sense, though.

Yes. And there's a core of truth in every good lie.

All that talk about self-actualization can be very, very seductive.

Oh, it's not just seduction. What's wrong with wanting to be the most powerful version of you you can be?

If you were a good person, it would just make you an even better one.

Well, it depends on how you look at it, I guess.

You wanted to ask me about the Elliston farm?

You worked there, right?

No, I ran it. From mid-'86 to late '87.

That was a crazy time.

There was a lot of pressure from Visualize to make that place work.

We just didn't have the people or the expertise.

And that's why they brought Bradovich in to take over.

Lester Bradovich?

Mm-hmm, and Lester— he was a true believer.

He worked people insanely hard—

18, 20 hours a day.

No one lasted long except for him, Talbot and Charney.

After I left, um, I heard— this is just a rumor— that—that Lester had been giving people dr*gs to keep them working when they were tired.

What kind of dr*gs?

I don't know. I don't know.

Speed, I would guess.

But he must have been desperate, because there were so many ex-addicts in the church at that time that Visualize was very strict about dr*gs.

If he couldn't get the dr*gs from the church, where would he get 'em?

I have no idea.

Father Dibuono. Uh, Patrick Jane.

Uh, Agent Van Pelt told me you used to work on the Elliston farm.

That's right.

May I show you something?

Do you know what that is?

Uh, sure. Yeah, I saw that.


A few months after I left the farm, I, uh, I went back for a visit, and that's when I saw it.

Talbot said that some kid who worked on the farm— he did it.

"Some kid, " that's all he said about it?

Yeah, yeah. Some kid.

How old was Talbot?

Uh, 50-something?

Ah. So anyone under the age of 30 could be "some kid".

You know, I asked Talbot what it meant, the smiley face.

He said, "what does anything mean? "


But he said it with this really deranged expression on his face.

There was a bad vibe about that place.


I didn't spend more than half an hour there, and I never went back.

And you've never seen that image anywhere else ever since?

No. No. But I've been out of the country a lot.

Missionary work. Central America. (Bell dings)

Is something the matter, Mr. Jane?

No. No, not at all. Appreciate your time.

(Bell dings)

When the murders occurred, Bradovich was pushing the farm workers as hard as possible.

They were stealing water from neighboring farms, and still failing to make the farm produce.

How does any of that get the three of them k*lled?

Well, I checked on Crayhew.

He spent some time with a right-wing militia in the mid-'80s.

The county sheriff still thinks he's got a lot more g*ns on that farm.

Lisbon: It wouldn't surprise me.

What about the forensics team that was searching the farm?

Did they come up with anything?

Nothing yet. They're still looking. Stay on 'em.

I'm interested in the dr*gs the good father mentioned.

He said it was just a rumor.

Well, if Bradovich is working them around the clock, I'm betting they had a little chemical help.

And if they didn't get it from Visualize, then where did they get it from?

Who knows?

Everyone who could tell us is dead.

Not everyone.

Hmm. Nope.

Don't remember any of 'em.

Of course, I was just...

(Exhales) 17 at the time.

Not likely to run into boys like these.

And, uh, as far as drug deals in 1988, I couldn't tell you anything about that.

Wasn't bustin' drug dealers quite yet.


Would your office have any record of drug arrests back then?

A lot of the old files have been archived.

They're in some warehouse in Fresno.

I can send somebody to go look, but it's gonna— it's gonna take a while.

Hmm. Could do that.

Or you could just tell us what dr*gs you sold 'em.

(Laughs) Excuse me?

You were dealing dr*gs back then, weren't you?

And they were clients.

Whatever gives you the idea that I dealt dr*gs?

You're self-indulgent. You're corrupt.

You pretended not to know Bradovich when clearly, you recognize him.

You knew we were gonna talk about dr*gs.

So why lie about not selling 'em?

Look, I'm—I'm not sitting still for this, okay?

You withhold information from us during this investigation, it's considered obstruction of justice.

They'll take your badge for that.

You might have to start paying for that chili verde.

(Inhales and exhales)

I might have dealt a little in high school.

Lot of people did, okay?

It wasn't no big deal.

And by the way, I'm pretty sure the statute of limitations has expired on that.

Did you sell dr*gs to Bradovich?

This is between us, right?

Law officer to law officer?


He was looking for speed to keep his people working.

I sold him some.

But right away, he came back for more.

A lot more.

I didn't have the kind of quantity he wanted, so I put him in touch with some serious guys I knew in Stockton.

Scary dudes.

Hell, maybe they k*lled 'em.

I'm gonna need those names.

Two of the drug dealers Anaya gave us are dead.

The other one's on death row in Texas.

I've got a call in to the Department of Corrections to see if I can interview him.

Oh, remember the missing b*llet from the g*n we found near the bodies?

Techs finally found it.

It was buried in the dirt in front of the barn.

Like somebody had shot into the ground.

Where outside the barn?

Right in front of the big painted face.


So what do you think?

Should I go to Texas and talk to this guy?

By all means, take a trek to the Lone Star state.

But I think I can solve this case quicker.


Get everyone we've interviewed to Ella's Diner first thing tomorrow morning.

Well, why the diner?

For the coffee, of course.

Hey, Ray.

Hey. I was, uh, just checking in.

Seeing if you had a chance to think about the offer.

I think you already know my answer.

You're missing out on something big.

I'm sure I am.

How's the case?

You getting anywhere?

We're making progress.

Did you get anything from the stuff Cooper sent down?

No, not much.


Ray, Jason Cooper's name isn't on that board.


How did you know that he sent us material?

Someone on your team must have told me.

No one else knew except myself and Jane.

Did somebody from the church tell you?


Are you a member of Visualize?

As a matter of fact, I am.

I don't talk about it much.

People tend to take it the wrong way— the way that you're taking it right now, I think.

Oh, that's not true.



Look, I was a screwed-up kid.

I was headed down a bad path, and some people from Visualize took an interest and helped straighten me out.

I-I-I don't think that Bret Stiles is God.

You know, he just happens to say some things that I believe.

The money to fund your agency— is that coming from Visualize?

Some, not all.


(Laughs) Teresa, stop looking at me like I just turned into a robot.

It's just me.

Just in time, Lisbon.

Morning, Jane. Nice party.

Can I get some of that coffee?


This is only for the suspects.


For who?

What did you say?

That's right.

You're all here because one of you k*lled Lester Bradovich, Martin Talbot, and Allen Charney.

Why would I k*ll three members of my own church?

Well, because the farm was failing, and Bret Stiles didn't want that to happen.

But maybe it wasn't you.

Mr. Bradovich here was angry with his brother for abandoning his family.

Even if I was, why would I k*ll the other two guys?

Who knows how a homicidal maniac thinks?

Homicidal maniac?

I was 16, Mr. Jane.

Yes, but your mother was an adult, and she was angry with the farmers over how they were treating the animals.

Are you seriously saying my mother k*lled these people?

You're right. Maybe it was the priest.

He was angry because he was displaced as the farm's leader.

No, I wasn't.

Then there's the angry farmer and the police chief.

Whoever did this, it was definitely one of you, and in a moment, we're gonna find out which one.

But first... more coffee, anyone?

(Whispers) No.

(Crying) No. No. No. No. Mom. Mom.

No, no, no. Mom...

Mom, take it easy.


What's her problem?

Why's she so upset?

She recognizes the symbol. There was one at the farm.

You mean the face on the barn?


And she knows what happened underneath it.

Are you saying she's the k*ller?

We're gonna have to ask your mother some questions.

No. You can't.

Ms. Preston, you got no choice.

She won't understand.

Well, we're gonna have to try.

Come on. We'll treat her right.

No. It's not her.

It's me. (Breathing heavily)

It's me.

You thought it was me when we met, didn't you?

I thought that was a possibility.

Young woman, high-achieving, ends up running a doggy day care.

Suggested something went wrong along the way.


That sounds about right.


My mother was concerned about the Visualize farm.

I was riding along when she made a visit in the area.

And she said she wanted to check on them to see what was going on.

It had rained that day...

(Turns off engine)

So the ground was wet.

(Crickets chirping)

You stay here. I'll be just a minute.

Next thing I knew, I heard someone shouting.

Don't tell me what to do!

There are laws.

I don't care about any of your laws!

Laws that say this animal has to be fed and taken care of!

And if you won't take care of it, I will report you!

I... I should...

You want me to take care of it? Fine!

I'll take care of it!



(Breathing heavily)

He looked so crazy. Just out of his mind.

Well, he was amped up on speed.

He'd been sleep-deprived for weeks.

He was out of his mind.

What happened next?

Oh, you son of a bitch!


Holly: Mom!

(Ellen screaming)


I thought he was gonna k*ll my mother.

I had to do something.


Get off her!


(g*n cocks)


(Breathing heavily)

I-I don't understand...

Where were Charney and Talbot?

How did they get shot?

I don't know.


I-I don't know anything about them, I swear. I...

It wasn't me.

What wasn't you?


What happened when you hid the body?

My mother was sure I could go to jail.

And she couldn't let that happen.

She wouldn't let that happen.

She knew there was a basement in the barn.

So we went down there, and that's when we found the other two.

Talbot and Charney's bodies were already there?

I-I guess it was them.

Did you see anything else?

Anything at all?


After we dumped the body, we got out of there as fast as we could.

I had a feeling...

Someone was there with us.

Someone was watching us.

Hey. You got a second?


Word is Holly Preston's only gonna face manslaughter charges for the homicides. That true?

We suggested it to the D.D.A., and he agreed.


She claims she did it in self-defense, and we believed her. She'll serve time.

Three guys got k*lled.

She only k*lled one of them, and it was in self-defense.

That's what she says.

Are you in the business of taking K*llers at their word?

I believe her.

Did someone from Visualize ask you to talk to me?

Because you've never come to my office and questioned my arrests before.

Yeah, I might have gotten some calls.

Might've heard some concern that you pushed for lighter sentences because the victims were church, and maybe you don't like the church.

Absolutely not.

Would you be willing to push for a m*rder charge, have another talk with the D.D.A.?

Absolutely not.

Okay. Had to try.

Thank you for hearing me out.

Hey, I-I heard about Jane's trick.

How did he make that symbol appear on the table?

Lemon juice. Kid's invisible ink.

The heat from the coffee pot made it appear.

Lemon juice. Of course.

Hey, Ray...

You said that you joined Visualize as a teenager.

So 1988, you would have been 21?

Yeah, about that.

Did they ever send you to work at the Elliston farm?

Were you there?

Lisbon, we're still friends, right?

Why would you ask me that?

(Latch clinks)

(Door rumbles)


Hi, Jane.

What's up?

I had something I wanted to tell you, but I've had enough of this. Let me in, or else.

Or else what?

I don't know, but you're not gonna like it.

Hmm. Are we partners or what?


Come in, partner.

(Latch clinks)


What did you want to tell me?

Visualize absolutely refuses to let us look at a membership list from 1988, or any other year before or after.

And since they're a recognized religious organization, no judge will give us a warrant.

If Red John was a member of Visualize in 1988, we'll never know.


Never mind.

We know that Red John was at Elliston farm in 1988.

That is a huge leap forward, Lisbon. Huge.

How so?

I recalled all the names of the 2,164 people that I met and shook hands with since Red John m*rder*d my family. I might have missed one or two, but not many.

807 of those names were women. And Red John's probably not a woman. Another 949 were men that I had brief encounters with that I never saw or heard from again. That leaves 408 names. And Elliston farm will exclude a whole bunch more.

I'm getting close, Lisbon. I'm getting very close.

Tell me some of the names. There's gotta be some that are at the top of the list.

Sure. There's some interesting names.

Well, tell me.