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08x11 - Who's There?

Posted: 12/24/23 08:30
by bunniefuu
Still planning on going
to the track this weekend?

Uh, yes.

As long as the-the weather
holds, that is, seems there's a

a storm headed this way, so...

(woman screaming)

(man yelling)

Help me... Help...!

Wine's especially good.

Yeah, isn't it?

It's, uh, uh, Pinot Cab blend.

Pinot Noir and Cabernet.

Here I thought nothing
could surprise me anymore.


I ran into Lauren again.


Bergdorf Goodman.

The third time this week.

Surprised Phillip lets her
out shopping at all,

considering what
the NASDAQ's been doing.

(woman screams)

And you? You still, uh...

hosting the charity event?

Nope. Decided to cancel.

Just haven't been feeling
up to guests lately.

(doorbell chiming)

Who could that be?

(sirens wailing)

(indistinct radio communication,
camera shutter clicking)

Our victim is Ron Ferguson.

Real estate mogul.

Seen his billboards
around the city.

he and his partner,

a guy named Phillip Roth,

made a k*lling during
the housing bubble.

Looks like the k*lling
didn't stop there.

Pretty bad beating
to the head.

We know who called it in?

His wife Elizabeth.

It's amazing she made it

to a phone at all,
considering she was bound,

gagged and thrown
into the back bedroom.

What about the daughter?

- Where is she?
- Megan.

Movie theater.

We're expecting her home
any minute now.

We know how many intruders?

Two, both in ski masks.

What are you thinking, Mac?

Wealthy neighborhood.

Rows and rows of
million-dollar homes.

Why'd the attackers
choose this one?

No! No...!

♪ Out here in the fields ♪

♪ I fight for my meals ♪

♪ I get my back into my living ♪

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. ♪

(siren wailing)

(hard rock intro playing)

♪ You can always be the man ♪

♪ Doo, doo, doo, doo ♪

♪ Love what you're doing
as much as you can ♪

♪ Doo, doo, doo, doo ♪

♪ Go... ♪

♪ Show the world ♪

♪ When you're coming back ♪

♪ Don't look now, baby ♪

♪ The future don't care ♪

♪ Bright as the north light ♪

♪ Everything, everything,
everything tastes like ♪

♪ Don't look now, baby ♪

♪ The future don't care ♪

♪ Bright as the north light ♪

♪ Everything, everything,
everything ♪

♪ Tastes like fire! ♪

(song ends)

We were just having dinner
together, that's all--

just like any other night,
and then, uh...


I just can't believe
this is happening.

Just take your time.

The front door
didn't appear forced.

Can you tell me how
the attackers got in?

Did you order something?

- On your knees now!

No! (screams)


Were they after
something specific?

The safe.

They said people like us
always had a safe.

And so you told them
where it was?

They put a g*n to Ron's head,
and they threatened

to k*ll him, so...
I led them to the office.

(muffled screaming)


Did you recognize his face?


Someone who had been
to the house before?

A repairman? Delivery? Anything?


He... He was just laying
there on the ground.

(muffled screaming)

Back room now!
You're coming with me.


No! No...!

-(muffled screaming)
- Let's go!


(muffled screaming)

(duct tape tearing)

(muffled screaming)

You come out of this room,
and you die.

But you didn't stay.

A few minutes later, I heard
the front door close.

I waited about...

ten more minutes or so, just
to make sure they were gone.

And then I came out.




911. What's your emergency?



I shouldn't have waited.

I should have gone
to him right away.

If I had, he might
still be alive.

Don't blame yourself.

If you'd gone to him sooner,
and the attackers came back,

you could be dead now, too.

-(door opens)
- YOUNG WOMAN: I live here.

- OFFICER: You're not allowed
in here. -Let me in!

- Miss...!
- What's going on?

Oh, no-- Megan.

Dad?! Dad?! Dad?! Oh, my God!

- Megan...
-(sobbing): Dad!

MEGAN (sobbing):





Megan Ferguson's
alibi checked out.

Never saw her as much
of a suspect anyway.

Still had her movie ticket stub,
and an usher remembered her

going in.

Spektral Theater--
Rocky Horror Picture Show.

They're still showing
that thing?

Apparently so. I never saw that.

You didn't?

Aw, Mac, you should.

I think you'd love it.

It ranks right up there
with that eight-hour

Reagan documentary
you're always watching.


Hey, I want you
to pick a card, okay?

Hold on.

Any card.
Pick a card.

You mean to tell me
that while I've been trying

to get a lead out of an empty
cardboard box,

you've been here
doing magic tricks?

Uh, it creates a diversion,
helps me think.

Think about what?

Jo found a hair
at the crime scene.

Apparently, it belongs
to an animal called the vicuna,

which is like a llama found
in a region of the Andes.

They use their wool
in the garment industry.

It could have been transferred
in by one of the attackers.

Will you just pick
a card, please?

Now I want you to put
the card back in the deck.

All right, trust me.

This is going to pay off, okay?

It-5 going to pay off-

Shuffle it up.

So I don't know what card
you put in there.

Now I got to create
some static electricity first.


And watch it;
just watch it.

Watch it.

Watch it. Come on.
Come on.

That is outstanding.

I have never
been more proud.

What's the, uh, payoff?

The paper fragment that Sid
found on the vic's body,

Adam determined that it was
coated in PVC varnish.

Take a look at the design.

It's the Queen of Spades.

Well, it's a torn
playing card.

So I was figuring
maybe our vic

was involved in gambling.

You know, pissed off the wrong
guys, they decide to settle

the score by pulling off
the home invasion.

Thing is they didn't realize
Ron would fight back.

- That's very impressive.
- Thank you.

I think you should stick
to your day job, though.

Let's forget about the magic

and tell me what you got
going on in your box.

Uh, I isolated the scent
molecules, ran through the GCMS.

I got vanilla #36 mixed
with trace elements of wax.


and vanilla-scented candles?

Yeah, I thought maybe
these indentations...

...they're from
the candle wick holders.


made a call,
got to three manufacturers

that use that particular
scent with this

specific size
candle wick holders.

Got a list of purchase orders
linked to customers

that have addresses
in the city.

- I'm on my way there now.
- Nice.

- How's that for magic?
- Very good.

My queen.

I believe...

your exact words were,
"one more stop,

-then we get a bite to eat."
- Yeah, and

this office is the last stop.

No, no, no, no!

You said it on the walk
up to the last place.

That's one more. This is two.

You are like Danny.

You do not listen to
what I actually say.

Oh, I listen.
I think the problem

is you're not saying
what you think you're saying.

- He says that too, doesn't he?
- Yeah.

Word for word.

Men and women.


see that guy over there?

He matches the artist's
rendering we got from Elizabeth.

That looks like our guy.

FLACK: Stop! Stop!
Get the hell out of the car.

What are you doing?

(tires squealing,
engine revving)

(engine revving,
tires squealing)

Hold it right there.

Don't do anything stupid.

- Linds, you okay?
- Yeah. I'm good.

(siren wailing)

OFFICER: Backs to the wall.
Eyes out front.

Number three.

Number three,

step forward.

That's him.

That's the man
who k*lled my husband.

I didn't do that.

- I didn't k*ll that man.
- Then who did?

Your partner?

Give us his name.

Don't have a partner.

You're lying.

We have the shipping box

that connects to you,

a positive I.D.
from the victim's wife,

DNA on a ski mask
that's going to match to you.

FLACK: Don't forget about the
stolen property we're going

to find at your apartment,

once the ink dries
on our search warrant.

Let's skip the BS,
get to the chase.

Who are you working with?

Are you scared of this guy?

LS that it?

You're afraid
he's going to get to you?

Or is it somebody
you care about?

Your brother? Your uncle?
Your cousin?

Who are you protecting, Mark?

- Nobody.
- Then give us a name.

We never meant
for this to happen.

He broke free and...

...things just got out of hand.

Give us the name
of your accomplice,

and we'll see to it

that the court is aware
of your willingness

to aid our investigation.

FLACK: You're going away
for m*rder, Mark.

The only question is how long.

We're offering you a chance
to do the right thing.

Chance for a lighter sentence.

I'm not saying another word,
not without an attorney.


Hi, Sid.

- Hi.
- You seem troubled.

You know, death,

much like life, can be

a rather complicated matter.

Oh, come on, Sid.
This is a slam-dunk case, no?

Blunt-force trauma to the head?

Not as simple as it looks,
I'm afraid.

Impact injuries to the skull,

while certainly serious,
don't appear severe enough

to result in death.

I did, however,
find extensive petechiae

in his eyes.

DANVILLE: Common finding
with head trauma.

Severe head trauma.

Ah! So you have
conflicting results.


I generated this CT scan

of the brain to get a better
look at what was going on.

DANVILLE: Definite swelling
of the cerebellum.

Which can lead to increased
pressure on the brain stem,

the brain's respiratory
control center.

Too much pressure
can eventually

lead to respiratory failure,
and ultimately death.

So... we're back
to blunt-force trauma

being the official C.0.D.


The swelling I'm seeing
on this scan,

while certainly remarkable,

doesn't appear
significant enough

to cause respiratory
failure or death.

Ron Ferguson's dead, Sid.

Something had to k*ll him.

Well, I'm still trying

to find the significance
of the playing card fragment

that Sid discovered
on the vic's body.

Right, we thought maybe the vic
had a gambling problem,

and that owed some money
to the wrong people.

Still following up,
nothing as of yet.

But it got me thinking:
what if the vic wasn't

the one that brought us to the
crime scene in the first place?

You mean, what if
the attacker brought it,

and then it transferred
to Ron in the struggle?

I took a closer look
at the fragment,

and I found a sticky residue.

So I ran it through the GCMS,

came up with this.

Root beer?

Not just any root beer...

It's a recipe made by
the Easy Bottling Company.

It's a mom-and-pop operation,

based out of Green Bay,

Custom, homemade brews.

And they're sending me

all the purchase orders
for retailers in New York.

LINDSAY: Well, let's hope this
root beer leads us somewhere.

Any leads on Mark Johnston's

on the victim's computer

or the first cell phone
I looked at.

First cell phone?

That means the
victim had a...

Second cell phone. Yes.

The first one, Lindsay
collected at the scene.

DANVILLE: The one Elizabeth
used to call 911.

Exactly. Second one

was recovered from Mark's
apartment, along with the other

property stolen from
the Fergusons' safe.

The only reason to have a second
cell phone locked in a safe

is if you're hiding something.

Maybe the angry voice mails
I recovered

will shed some light
on what he was hiding.

Take a listen.

What the hell are you thinking?!

Values are down 85%

and you're selling
our properties now?!

Have you lost your mind?!

You're k*lling us!

Found seven more just like it.

All of them from
the same guy-- Phillip Roth.

Ron's business partner.

So clearly, they weren't

seeing eye-to-eye
on how to run the company.

Hey. guys,
so Lindsay was right.

Vicuna hair is used
for making garments.

More specifically,
high-end, expensive ones.

A suit using this stuff
can go for 20 grand.

20,000 for a suit?

Reason they're so expensive is
because the hairs are hollow,

giving them unique
warming properties.

Good news is that also

makes them sensitive
to chemical treatment.

So that means the fibers
can only be used

in garments in their
natural color.

Exactly. Light brown.

So I started fishing
through Ron's computer,

looking at his photos.

Take a look at this.

Okay, so there's Ron.

Who's this other guy?

Well, that guy wearing

the light brown vicuna coat
is Phillip Roth.

Ron's business partner.

ROTH: You're damn right
I left Ron those messages.

I slashed his painting, too.


I was trying to make a point.

All right.
Well, how about this?

You don't want Elizabeth getting
half of this now, do ya?

No! Don't touch that!

He and Elizabeth were...

having problems.

Let's just say
Ron wasn't handling it well.

What is wrong with you?!

I don't care anymore,
all right?

All I care about is Elizabeth

not getting a penny from me
in the divorce.

If you two want
to blow each other up,

you go ahead and do it...

but you leave me
and the business out of it.

You think I forced my way
into my business partner's home

and committed a robbery
to cover up a m*rder?

That sounds a little
far-fetched to me.

How about hiring
a couple of thugs

to do your dirty work for you?

That sound a little
more plausible?

Certainly does to me.

You know this kid?

No. Who is he?

You've never spoken
to the kid before?

Phone, text, e-mail, anything?

No, nothing.

You want to tell me who he is?

Let us worry about that.

You just worry
about whether or not

we find a connection
between you and him.

Hey, Mac, take a look at this.

Eva Hutton. Who is she?

Well, judging by the messages
she and Ron were exchanging,

I'd say she was his mistress.

Ron was cheating on Elizabeth?

Apparently so.
And it gets worse.

Take a look.

"Plan is in motion.

"A few more days and Elizabeth
will be gone for good.

You and I will be together

Sounds like Ron was doing
a lot more

than just stepping out
behind Elizabeth's back.

He was planning on
having her k*lled.

I'm sorry. Who?

Ron Ferguson.

The same Ron Ferguson

you were having
an affair with.


Can we take a step back here?

Because I don't know
any Ron Ferguson.

This whole thing is crazy.

Is it? Because it seems
like a familiar story to me.

Ron has second thoughts
about his divorce;

wants to give his wife
another chance;

he has to break it off
with you.

The problem is that
you weren't able to get

what you were there for
in the first place,

so you have to hire two thugs
to go in and take it for you.

Does that sound right?

That's insane.

I have no idea
what you're talking about.

"I want you to hold me.

"To be in your arms.

Feel your naked body
next to mine."

It gets a little
more explicit as we go.

And then there are all
these messages

between the two of you
about k*lling Ron's wife.

Okay, I'm not gonna sit here
and listen to this.

Is this not you? Eva Hutton?

Yes, that's me.

But this is impossible.

And yet here it is.

But I don't have a profile page.

I've never had one.

Somebody else
must have...

put that up there.

And that same somebody else sent
all those messages to Ron,

conspiring to k*ll his wife?

I guess so.

I'm telling you

that's me in the picture,

but I did not put that page up
on the Internet.

Ron was cheating on me?

She looks all of about 12.

You didn't know Ron
was having an affair?

I had my suspicions...

like any other wife,
I suppose.

But, no...
I didn't know for sure.

And how was your marriage,
Mrs. Ferguson?

Apparently, not as good
as I thought.

Ron and I had been married

for a very long time.

We had our moments.

And lately?

Had the two of you been having
more of these moments?

Excuse me?

Other people I've talked to,
they've painted

a very different picture
than you have.

Two men forced their way
into my home last night

and k*lled my husband.

What could my marriage
possibly have to do with that?

Mrs. Ferguson, we think Ron was
planning on having you k*lled.


We found several e-mails
to that nature.

To be with her?

Was she planning it with him?

Do you think that might've had
something to do

with what happened
last night?

That Ron hired those people
to break into our house?

We're exploring
every possible scenario.

But that doesn't make sense.

Then why k*ll him?

Wait-- you don't think
I did this, do you?

k*lled Ron before he k*lled me?

Ron and I were having problems.

I apologize for not being
forthcoming about it, Detective,

but I honestly didn't think
it had any relevance.

I assure you, I have nothing
to do with this.

Mark Johnston, the man we have
in custody for Ron's m*rder.

You never had any communication
with him?

Phone conversations,

e-mails, texting?
Anything like that?

Absolutely not.

In that case, I'd like to access
all your phone records,

or any other electronic
devices that you might have,

just so we can verify
what you're saying.

Yes, of course.

Anything I can do to help.

DANVILLE: Dirty Harry. Add that
to his list of favorites.

LINDSAY (chuckles):
Really? Dirty Harry?

I'm not sure Mac would approve
of his policing techniques.

"Do you feel lucky?
Well, do ya, punk?"

What's going on?

Uh, nothing. Uh...

"University of Chicago,

Calvin Coolidge,

A Bridge Too Far,
Lincoln High...?

What-what is this?

It's your profile page, Mac.

It's all part
of the investigation.


Just gotta

find a profile picture.

Oh, that one's cute.

Yes, that's
a good one.


Nice, Mac.

There we go!

Hours of social networking

at your fingertips.

There's just one problem.

I don't want a profile page.

Oh, it doesn't matter.
That's the point.

Someone else can build it
for you.

You're saying that's
what happened to Eva?

Someone else built
her profile page?

Pretending to be her.

- Who would do that?
- Elizabeth Ferguson.

This is Elizabeth's laptop.

The IP address is the same one
that was used

to create Eva's profile.

I also found a deleted search
history on her hard drive.

Suggesting she didn't know
Eva at all.

It's like she picked her
at random.

Then dug up as much information
on the Internet as she could.

Including her picture,
ripped right off the Internet.

What kind of person
makes a fake profile

to have an online love affair
with their own husband?

She must've been trying
to catch Ron cheating.

More like entrapment.

We knew their marriage
was in trouble.

This takes it
to a new level.

She probably thought
she deleted everything.

Didn't realize the profile page

could be traced back
to her computer.

The thing I don't understand is

why make a profile
of a real person?

Why not just make
somebody up entirely?

Use a real photo, obviously,
but then fake everything else.

Because a real person
can be verified

and a fake person can't.

It could be possible

that Elizabeth was trying

to use the on-line affair

against Ron in
a divorce settlement.

Ron's divorce attorney

would've looked into Eva Hutton.

And if she didn't exist,

they would have known
Elizabeth was lying.

But because she does exist,

it would end up being
Elizabeth's word against theirs,

and Elizabeth would have all the
evidence to support her story.

And Ron would probably take

a worse settlement just to make
the whole thing go away.

That's one manipulative woman.

She seemed so convincing
when I talked to her.

Can you imagine
what it was like for Megan,

living with these two
as parents?

Anything connecting Elizabeth
and Mark Johnston?


She was lying about Eva,

but apparently, she was telling
the truth about him.

Hey, Sid, what do you got?


Dissection of the brain
confirmed my suspicion

about the swelling.

Not severe enough to cause
respiratory failure.

Well, also not severe enough to
cause the petechial hemorrhaging

I found in the victim's eyelids.

Then what k*lled him?

Ron Ferguson was smothered.

- Are you sure about that?
- Absolutely.

After ruling out head trauma,

I dissected the victim's airway.

Found cotton fibers
inside his trachea.

Well, that explains

the petechial hemorrhaging
you found.

My guess is one of the robbers
held something like a pillow

or a towel over
the victim's face

to suffocate him.

At which point,
he inhaled those fibers.

(muffled grunting)

I don't recall seeing
a bloodstained pillow

or towel at the crime scene.

Perhaps the attackers took it
with them when they left?

It's odd that they would be
sloppy enough

to leave behind a ski mask
and a shipping box,

but smart enough
to take a bloodstained pillow?

We know Mark's mask
was ripped off.

Ron saw his face.

Possible motive
for Mark to smother him.

To prevent him
from making an I.D.

Elizabeth saw his face.

Why not k*ll her, too?

Maybe there was a connection
between Ron and Mark.

They knew each other somehow.

That's why Ron
was k*lled.

To prevent him from providing
Mark's name.

Or maybe Mark's
not our k*ller.

Maybe it was a
second intruder.

The playing card fragment

that Sid found on
our victim's body...

The same one
with the root beer residue?

Yeah. Adam used the root beer

to trace it back
to the Spektral Theater.

That's Megan's alibi--

watching The Rocky Horror
Picture Show

during the time
of the m*rder.

Right. And we all know
that people bring props

to The Rocky Horror Picture
Show, right?

They bring squirt g*ns,
confetti, rice.

They also bring playing cards.

Yeah, but people go
to those shows

over and over and over again.

Megan could have gone to
a previous night's show,

stepped on a torn piece
of playing card,

and tracked it home with her.

And Ron rolled over the fragment
during the struggle,

and transferred it
to his body.

The only trouble
with that theory is

that last night marked

the first night that
the Spektral Theater showed

Rocky Horror Picture Show
in over a year.

Means there's only one way that
playing card fragment ended up

inside our crime scene.

One of the attackers
brought it in.

Megan was lying about her alibi.

She's the second attacker.

I'm guessing you didn't know

that the Spektral Theater
has a surveillance camera

mounted above
the ticket counter.


So we have you going in...

but, for some reason,
you never come back out.

That's because I left
through the back exit

after the movie ended.

Like half the other people
in the audience.


The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

How was it?

It's pretty cool the way
the audience gets involved,

don't you think?

Dressing up, throwing
things at the screen?

Confetti, rice...

Playing cards.

I guess.

You know, we found a torn bit

of a playing card
at the crime scene.

It was linked to the same
theater where you saw the movie.

Time to cut the act, Megan.

The reason we don't have you
on camera coming back out

of the theater is
because you walked in,

walked right out the back door,
and hooked up with Mark.

It's over.

Mark's in custody.

He already confessed.

We have evidence that puts you
at the crime scene.

There is no
denying that.

What we don't have is why.

Why did you k*ll your father,

We didn't mean to.

Nobody was supposed
to get hurt.

That's what we said.

Mark promised me, but...

we got in there,
and my dad, he...

It wasn't supposed
to happen like that.

I'm thinking all of this
is Mark's idea.

Who is he to you anyway?

- Boyfriend.
- Did he convince you to do this?

You don't have
to protect him anymore.

He's already going away
for m*rder.

It was my idea.

I'm the one who talked
Mark into this.


Because of them.

You have no idea
what it was like.

Sitting at a dinner
table with them,

knowing that underneath it all,
they couldn't stand each other.

With me just caught
in the middle.

I was just... a pawn to them.

Finally, I'd had enough.

And you thought what,

that you and Mark would
just run away together?

My dad was throwing away

He was burning through
all their money,

just so my mom
couldn't get to it.

I had to do something
while I still had the chance.

I just wanted
to get away.

Just start over with Mark.

We never meant for anybody
to get hurt.


My dad, he-- he somehow
slipped free and...

...he fought back.

Mark got scared, hit him.

Who smothered him?

- What?!
- We know your father

didn't die
from the beating, Megan.

He was smothered
in cold blood.

Who did it?

Was it you, or was it Mark?


Neither of us.

You gotta believe me.

I hated what my father

was doing to our family.

But he was my dad.

I loved him.

I couldn't do something
like that to him.

And neither could Mark.

To be so young and feel that
desperate to do what she did.

You believe her then?

I do.

Which leaves only
one other person

who could have k*lled
Ron Ferguson.

I understand you have
the second attacker in custody?

Sit down, Mrs. Ferguson.

Thank goodness this whole thing
is finally over.

- It's not over.
- But I don't understand.

The officer I talked to
on the phone said that...

Did you know your daughter
had a boyfriend?

I remember
her mentioning someone.

I don't recall ever meeting him,

-nor do I remember his name.
- Mark. Mark Johnston.

Wait, isn't that...?

Are you telling me Megan

put two of her friends
up to this?


I'm telling you the two robbers
who invaded your home

were Megan and Mark.

Your daughter was
the second attacker.

Megan did this?

No, that's not possible.

She's already confessed.

Is there anything
you want to tell me?

In light of this
new information--

anything you want
to tell me at all?

I, uh... No.

I honestly don't know what
to say about any of this.

Are you sure?

Think long and hard
about what I'm telling you...

about what you're going
to say to me next.

Wow, that is cold.

You are actually willing
to let your daughter

go down for m*rder--
the m*rder you committed.

That's absurd.

What could you possibly
be talking about?

We found a fiber
in Ron's throat--

white cotton--

just like the shirt you
were wearing last night.

(muffled grunting)

After the robbers left,
you crawled to your husband

just like you said you did,
only, when you got there,

he was still alive.


(groans weakly)


You thought about calling 911,
but then you realized,

this was the best thing
that could have happened.


You could k*ll your husband,

avoid a messy divorce

and the two home invaders
would take the fall.



Only you didn't know that one of
the attackers was your daughter.

And that oils from Ron's face
would end up on your shirt.

At first, I didn't understand
why a nice girl like Megan

would do what she did--
why she felt she had to.

But now I understand.

Do you have any idea
what 20 years of marriage

can do to a person?

Then get a divorce.

I was planning on it.

So was Ron.

Our marriage was a w*r,
our divorce a cold w*r.

We were each taking positions,
building arsenals.

And that's why you created
the fake profile?

As part of your arsenal?

Ron was driving the business
into the ground.

He was moving money
from our personal accounts

offshore somewhere--

I had to do something.

Otherwise, he would have
screwed me out of every penny.

And what about Megan?

Do you think he would have
taken care of her?

No, he would have
screwed her, too.

She and I would have been
left scraping by

compared to how he'd be living.

Is that what you told her?

What about now?

How will the two of you
be living now?

He was going to k*ll me.

No, you're wrong.

We recovered an e-mail
from Ron's computer

sent to a friend...

...after he found out
you were pretending to be Eva...

...joking that he was going
to teach you a lesson.

He knew it was you.

He wasn't going to k*ll you.




You have mail.
