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08x01 - Indelible

Posted: 12/24/23 08:23
by bunniefuu
Damn it.

Yeah, hi.


Uh, my husband seems to be performing

some sort of self-
mutilation ceremony.

Yeah, it seems to be inspired

by one of those boy bands.

I don't know, uh, hang on.

She wants to know if you
got a good look at 'em.


Well, five white guys

and questionable sexual orientation.

One of them has curly hair
and this impossibly high voice.


Right, okay, thank you.

They want you to go down
and view a lineup

later on tonight.

Move over.

Tonight's no good.


You have yoga tonight?

I'm going to the opera.

What do you mean
you're going to the opera?

I mean I'm going to
the opera tonight.

Claire, would you hand
me one of those things?

No, who are you going
to the opera with?

John from the Robbery Squad.

John from the Robbery Squad?

You're going to the opera with
John from the Robbery Squad?

Yeah, that's right,
he's an opera buff.

Claire, would you hand me...?

I've been asking you
to take me to the opera

for I-I-I don't even know how long,

and now you're telling me that...

Nicely done.

John from the Robbery Squad is
going to be very disappointed.

♪ Right where you ♪

♪ Right where you belong ♪

♪ Till the day
my life is through... ♪

What would you do without me?

REPORTER (over television):
Good morning, everyone.

68 degrees at 7:30 a.m.
on this partly cloudy Sunday.

The date is September 11, 2011,

marking the tenth anniversary
of the 9/11 att*cks.

Flags will fly at half-mast

and a moment of silence
will be observed

at 8:46 a.m. as we pay tribute
to the victims

and the fallen heroes
of that tragic day.

We will never forget.

{pub}Yeah, I need your signature
on this, boss.

I told you not to call me that.


Well, whose signature do I need
at the bottom of this report?

- Mine.
- Then you're the boss.

Interim boss.

I'm not gonna call you interim boss.

Well, that's what I am,

at least until Sinclair fills
Mac's position.

In fact...

...this will serve as a reminder.

It's been four months.

I mean, how many people
is Sinclair going to interview?


I call dibs

on the Reagan photo
if he doesn't come pick up

his stuff soon.
(phone rings)

Jo Danville.

Hey, Jo, it's Danny.

Sergeant Messer, what's up?

Just wanted to give you a heads-up.

We got a sh**ting outside
Lannigan's Bar over on Ninth.

What do you know?

Vic's name is Sean Peterson.

He's a bouncer.

Took one to the chest, D.O.A.

Come on, get these people back, Mike.

Do me a favor, get back please.

And expand that tape.

Remind me why I wanted
this promotion.


- Anybody in custody?
- I wish.

Witnesses are saying the perps
weren't wearing any gloves,

so you got a lot to dust.

Is Flack there?

Yep, he's questioning
the owner right now.

All right, thanks.

How often you keep the place

open after 4:00 a.m.?

Mr. Lannigan,

I thought this might go
without saying,

but I'm more interested

in the body lying
in front of your bar

than what was going on inside.

Few times a week.

We, we lock the door, let some
of the regulars hang out,

sh**t pool, listen to music.

- While you're cashing out.
- Yeah.

Sean Peterson--
he was watching the door?

Sometimes some friends stop by,

so Sean stays up front, lets 'em in.

I didn't see
what happened at the door.

Yo, everybody down, get down!

You know the drill-- cash,
wallets, jewelry, get 'em out!

Put your cell phones on the floor!

FLACK: Where was Sean
while all this was going on?

I don't know, laying
at the door, I guess.

They didn't have to k*ll him, man.

I mean, they got what
they wanted, right?

Oh, God, Sean, your head.

I'm okay, just call 911.

(indistinct chatter,
music playing)

(line ringing)


How much cash did they get?

Maybe $2,500.

Would have been more,
but Devon left already

with about $250 in tips.


Where is she?

She left before it happened.

I called her, she's on her way back.

All right, thank you.

(car horn honking)

("Here Comes the Sun"
by Nina Simone playing)

♪ Here comes the sun,
little darling ♪

♪ Here comes the sun, and I say ♪

♪ It's all right ♪

♪ It's all right ♪

♪ Here comes the sun,
little darling ♪

♪ Here comes the sun, and I say ♪

♪ It's all right ♪

♪ It's all right ♪

♪ Here comes the sun ♪

♪ Little darling ♪

♪ I say ♪

♪ It's all right ♪

♪ Little darling... ♪

(siren wailing)

I'm such an idiot.

Devon, I need you
to calm down for a second,

- all right?
- Okay.

I left like five minutes
before it happened.

I should have said something to Sean.

I should have,
I should have walked back

to the bar and said something.

Tell me what you saw.

They were just standing there
at the end of the block.

See 'em get out of a car or anything?

No, no, they, they just had

their hands in their sweatshirts,

and I was not about
to walk past them,

so I crossed the street,

and all I had to do was go back
to the bar and say something.

Can you describe these guys?

White guy and a black guy.

I don't know, s-six feet-- both?

How about what they were wearing?

The black guy

was wearing a red sweatshirt
and the other one

was wearing a gray hoodie

with a zipper, and I remember he kept

zipping it up and down like
he was nervous or something.

Sean has to unlock

the door for people to
get in and out, right?


Any reason

you can think of why he
would let these guys in?

Sean smoked, so, you know,

he was always going out
for smoke breaks.

All right, Devon, thank you.

So her descriptions are dead on.

Sean goes out for a smoke
break, perps bum-rush him.

Yeah, but to sh**t him
outside after the fact?

They should have been long gone, no?

- You going to Mac's thing later?
- If we can wrap

this up, I'd like to be
there for him, yeah.

(car horn honking)


- What?
- What?

Ask me whatever it is
you want to ask me.

You lost your wife

on 9/11, right?

Yes, I did.

Did they...?

Was she ever...?

No, no, she was never identified.

- Was she the...?
- Claire.

Her name is Claire,

and the victims are not
just DNA profiles.

They have names.

I'm sorry, I-I didn't,

I didn't mean...

I know

you don't think that.

It's okay.

Is that why you left
the police department?

To do DNA research
that might help identify her?

No, I'm helping

to develop new techniques
in extracting DNA

because 1,121 victims still remain


Those families don't have closure,

and... I know what that feels like.

Why are you here?

If I'm being honest,
I'm not sure anymore.

I joined the lab

in January 2010,

and we've identified
one victim since then.

One. In a year and a half.

If you saw what that means to that

one victim's family, you'd
never question why you do it.

This is Detective Mac Taylor.

The date is September 11, 2001.

The time...

is 9:00 a.m.

(excited chatter)
With me in the room is...

(siren wailing)

(excited chatter continues)

Don't move.

Stay with him.

TV NEWSWOMAN: The plane appears
to have struck the North Tower

somewhere around
the 90th floor, maybe.

Smoke is escaping from gaping holes

on both the north
and east side, and...

what looks like hundreds of thousands
of pieces of paper... (beeping)


I'm okay.

I'm out. I got out.

Where are you?

Uh, I'm... I don't know, Church
Street and Murray, I think.

Just head uptown.

Keep going uptown.

Are you watching?

What are they saying on TV?

They don't know yet.

We don't know anything right now.

Just head up Church Street.

This is crazy, Mac.

There are still
so many people inside.

Claire, look, I know you
want to help. Listen to me.

Just stay on the phone
and get as far away as you can.

(jet engine roaring)
Oh, my God.

(loud crash)

Oh, my God! Another plane

just hit the other tower.

A second airplane just flew

directly into the South Tower.

This is obviously not an accident.




{pub}(imitating Danville):
Well, uh, I'm just...

so sorry, sir,
you're just not the man

who replaces Mac Taylor
at the head of this crime lab.

Yeah, not with that pocket protector

and those silly Pee Wee
Herman-looking glasses.

(imitating man):
Uh, but, um,

then why did Chief Sinclair

want to interview me and have you

show me around the lab?

(imitating Danville): Well,
that's probably because he's just got

to make believe that
Mac Taylor's never coming back.

He doesn't even know the difference

between a GCMS

and a scanning electron microscope.

Well, I'll tell you what,
sweet thing, okay?

I'm gonna introduce you
to a bunch of people

that you're never
gonna be supervising...

There's something
seriously wrong with you.

(high-pitched gasp)

H-How long were you there?

Pretty much the whole time.

Oh, my gosh.

I mean, I was just...


DANVILLE (sighs):
Ah, now that that

dog and pony show's over,

where are we with the evidence?

LINDSAY: Uh, medium-velocity
blood spatter on the wall

next to the door
was a match to Sean Peterson.

No surprise there.

But the prints that we lifted

from inside the bar were no help.

Ah. I got a slug from Autopsy to run

that we extracted
from our vic, Sean Peterson.

While I'm doing that, I could
use some help with this.

Sid pulled it out of that gash
on the victim's forehead.

(computer beeping)

Oh! Who's the man?

Me, that's who. What?!

(Lindsay laughs)

it's the cell phone
the bad guys robbed

from the people inside the bar.

Put your cell phones on the floor!

The ones you said were
turned off and untraceable?

They were. But, uh...

when you're the man and you see

that the interim boss is
not happy with that answer,

you dig a little deeper

and you find that certain
cell phone brands

can be remotely turned on and tracked

with the help of a local carrier.



I have a location.
Here we go.


(zap, whoosh)


Down on the floor!
Get down on the floor!

Now! Get... Get on the floor! Now!

Get on the ground!

On the ground!


You all right, Danny?

You got him, Flack?

Yeah, you all right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

(indistinct radio transmission)
Don't move.



Got to love it.

(siren wailing)

We got the perps, the property,

the bloody clothing and both g*ns.

- Nice work!
- They're still processing the hotel room,

but it looks like this
one's wrapped up in a bow.

Well, it never hurts
to have a confession.

That shouldn't be too difficult.

Those two aren't exactly
brain surgeons.

They'll give it up.

Hardest part

might be keeping
their names straight.

The white guy's name is Mike Black.

They call him White Mike.

The black guy's name is Mike White.

His street name is Black Mike.

I'll take Black Mike.

Great. I got Mike Black.

The white guy.
Don't think about it.

But trust me, it's right.

(door closes)

I can't imagine
what that withdrawal thing

feels like.

Kind of like a cop
who can't get a donut.

That's good.

I like that.

I can imagine it'd make you do things

you never thought
you were capable of.

Things like robbing a bar
and murdering an unarmed man.

I-I see what
you're trying to do here.

You've come up with
this phony m*rder story,

get me to be, like, "No,

I didn't k*ll nobody,"
but then you trick me

into admitting to the robbery.

You watch too much TV, Mike.

We didn't do that.

That wasn't us.

Come on, Mr. White,
one of you shot that man

when he followed you out.

If it wasn't you, tell me who it was.

Look-look, ma'am, I don't
know who shot that guy,

but it wasn't me or Mike, all right?

He was hurting for some dough,

he asked meto help hi.

Said there'd be lots of cash inside.

- How did he know that?
- I don't know.

All I know is,
the door opened, we pushed in,

then Mike hit the dude upside
the head with his p*stol.

He's either an amazing liar...

or I'm not as good
at this as I think I am.

I don't know, my Mike
is singing the exact same song.

Tell me you have something that
makes a confession meaningless.

The test fire from the .380 recovered
from Mike Black's hotel room...

did not match

the b*llet we pulled
from Sean Peterson's body.

So much for a slam dunk.

They either ditched

the m*rder w*apon, or there's
a third person involved.

All the witnesses described

the same two perps.

So then we're looking
for a missing g*n.

(phone ringing)

(ringing stops)

You better get that.

He's called three times this morning.

Yeah, he's a persistent
son of a bitch.

Can I have a coffee?

I was, uh...
I was calling to see

if you wanted me
to bring the event pass

by your place.

I'd already picked it up.

This your local spot?

When my son Jimmy got on the PD,

he was assigned to this precinct.

The two of us would meet here

every Sunday morning for breakfast.

For the past ten years, uh,

every Sunday I go to Mass and...

then come back here to
this counter alone.


...try to remember his voice...

the cop-fireman banter, eh,

the love, respect we
had for one another.

Every Sunday that goes by,
memory fades a bit.



this is how I want to remember him.

Well, that's why we're doing
this project, right, Joe?

Keep those memories alive. And, uh...

while I hate to admit it...'s been a real honor

working with you on this project.

I feel like I've found
a friend for life.

And who would that be?

I... could never have done my
part of this without you, Mac.

The timing of your
leaving the department

to get involved in this thing,
it was a godsend.

I think that we've really helped

to create something very special.

Well, here's to us.

A grumpy old

fireman with no personality

and a...

charismatic... charming cop

who came together...

to help to build something
that will last forever.

Charismatic, my ass.

(cups clack)

(horn honking)

(siren wailing)

(indistinct radio chatter)

I'm here to pick up some passes
for the guys at the crime lab.

Oh, yeah, right.

- Here you go.
- Thanks.

No problem.

(indistinct radio transmission)

(radio chatter grows louder)

(excited shouts)

(helicopter blades whirring)

(car alarms blaring)

(rumbling, crashing)

(panicked shouts)

(rumbling, crashing continue)


{pub}RADIO REPORTER: Ten years ago today, the
September 11 att*cks happened.

This is a solemn day
for all New Yorkers,

in fact, for all Americans,
as we pay tribute

to the fallen heroes of that day.

(people chattering urgently)

I don't care how.

I need everyone.

Vacations and regular days off
are canceled.

No, cell phones
are gonna be hit and miss.

You try them on the landlines,

and if you can't reach them there,

send a car to their house.

This is all hands on deck.

Shortly after that, at 9:03 a.m.,

United Flight 175
struck the South Tower.

And exactly one hour later,
(cell phone ringing)

American Flight 77
struck the Pentagon.

Mom, thank God.

Where are you?

Okay. Listen to me.

I want you to pick up the kids
and take them to your house.

Yes, your house.

I'm not gonna be back for a while.

I know the kids will be safer.

I don't know what's going to happen.

All I know is we're being att*cked.

Oh, hey.

Hey, you okay?

I'm just daydreaming.

Thank you for saving me
the trip downtown.

Well, thanks for saving
me the trip upstairs.

They'd love to see you.

I'd never get out of there.

I may never get out of here
if this case keeps going

the way it is.
When I talked to you earlier,

it sounded like
you had it wrapped up.

Well, I thought I did.

It's a slam dunk robbery case.

Now they're denying the homicide,

there is no evidence or witness
that links them

directly to the sh**ting,
we have no m*rder w*apon.



I'm just imagining how cluttered

that desk of yours must be
now, now that you're the boss.

Oh! Interim boss.

It's your desk.

Although I wish you could've
seen their faces

when I moved a few things in there.

It was like I had just taken
over Joe DiMaggio's locker.

(both chuckle)

It was.

But we both know I'm just
keeping the seat warm for you

until you come back.

I'm not coming back, Jo.

Okay, I'll believe that
when your comp time runs out.

When somebody takes
those damn boxes away.

Thanks for the coffee.

I'll, uh, see you there.


Hey, Jo.


Measure twice, cut once.

I know. I know.

Look at everything again...

every report,
every crime scene photo.

Answer's in there somewhere.

("Locked in the Basement" by
The Boxer Rebellion playing)

♪ I... ♪

♪ Will lock ♪

♪ You down ♪

♪ I will ♪

♪ Oh, I will ♪

♪ I... ♪

♪ Am on your side ♪

♪ I... ♪

♪ Am on your side ♪


♪ I will ♪

♪ Oh, I will. ♪

Tell me what you see.

Medium velocity spatter,

partially smudged.

Skeletonization of the drops.

Similar to what we found
in the doorway of the bar.

Those rings are prominent.

I'd say contact was
made with the blood

within five to seven minutes
after it was deposited.

Ten minutes.

Just about the time
the perps left the bar.

One of the sweatshirts

that Danny and Flack
found in the hotel

had Sean Peterson's
blood on the sleeve.

So, one of them brushed
against that wall

as they were walking out of the bar

ten minutes after
the blood landed there.

Come on!

Now look at this photo.

Those blood drops were smeared
immediately after

I placed them on the wall...
no skeletonization.

Now compare it
with the crime scene photo.

Directionality the same...
exiting the bar...

but with no skeletonization.

Someone left that bar

immediately after Sean Peterson
was p*stol-whipped.

But who?

He would have only opened
that door after 4:00 a.m.

for three reasons:

to let someone he knew in,
to go out for a smoke...

Or to let someone leave.

Devon Hargrove's lying.

DANVILLE: That ring around the blood
spot is called skeletonization.

Why don't they just call it a ring?

Okay, that's it.

Forget it. I give up.

Sorry, it would be
much more interesting

if you guys used smaller words.

Are you sure she's coming?

She's not at the house.
And the owner says

she's on her way here
to help clean the place up.

(indistinct radio transmission)

(sirens wailing)

You need to rest.

Let's sit here.

It's okay.

You'll be okay.


Hey, buddy, you can't go down there.

It's okay, I'm on the job.

- What's your name?
- Messer. Danny Messer.

Listen to me, Messer.
You don't need to go down...

- No, I got to get down there and help!
- Listen to me, Messer.

- They're all gone!
- I want to go help these people!

They're all gone.

She's hurt pretty bad.

I could use a hand
getting her back to a medic.



It's game time.
There she is.

Guess my work here is done.

Good luck.
I'll see you guys later.

Don't be late.
The lab, 5:45.

You belong out there today.

Won't be the same, me standing
up there without you.

I didn't get involved for myself.

I got involved for those families.

Giving them that gift,
that's all I need.

I know that.

I don't think I've met
a more selfless man.

But at some point,
you're gonna have to find

a better way to let go of
some of your own pain.

You lost your wife, I lost my son.

It is what it is.

There is no good way
to let go of that.

We were both down there
on that pile, Joe.

Digging, searching, hoping.

When we first met, I
remember you telling me

how moved you were

at seeing some of the same
faces, day in and day out,

down there at the site.

Everybody coming together
to pitch in and help out.

How inspired you were
that so much evil and pain

could be channeled into so much good.

Celebrate that.

Share that.

You said you did it for the families.

You're one of the families, too, Joe.

Don't forget that.


In case you have a change of heart.

I won't.

Good luck out there, my friend.

My thoughts and prayers
will be with you.

Why do you keep saying that?

They're not my friends.

I don't even know them.

Come on, Devon, stop it.

Of course you know them.

Told them exactly

when you were gonna be leaving.

Right around the time

the money went from
the register to the safe.

They were outside waiting
for the door to open.

And you would've looked like
just another one

of the victims,
except something happened,

didn't it, Devon?

Something went wrong in that doorway.

We had a plan.

Wasn't supposed to happen like that.

They came to the door too late.

Everything okay, Devon?

Sean knew.

He looked right into my eyes.

I was supposed to wait
a couple minutes

until after they left to call 911.

You know, to look,

look like a witness.

Where'd you get the g*n?

White Mike gave it to me.

He said it was just in case
something went wrong.

And where'd you go
after you left the bar?

I didn't know what to do.

I went around the corner and I...

I waited for a while.


I tried to calm down and...

when I came back

to see if they had come out...


What are you doing?

(g*nsh*t, shell casing clinks)

(gasps, thudding)

I don't even remember
pulling the trigger.

Why, Devon?

Sean was your friend.

You worked together for three years.

Why would you get mixed up
in something like this?

I have a problem.

White Mike gets me

Oxy and stuff,
and I owe him a lot of money.

And he promised
that no one would get hurt.

Let's go.

I'll never forget
the look on his face.


It's fitting
that on a day like today,

the image of an innocent man
dying for no good reason

will be etched in your mind
for the rest of your life.

What do you mean?

What's today?

{pub}I need some help.

This guy's bleeding pretty bad.

Okay, no problem.
Right over here, right here.

That's it.

Let me take a look,

see what that is.

Can you open your eye?
Open your eyes.

Just relax. Hold still.
Hold still for me.

Nurse, could you come here, please?

Yes, Doctor.

Okay, we're gonna
close it up some more.

Finish this, okay?
Just normal sutures.

All right,
we're going to fix you up, all right?

You're gonna be fine.

(indistinct shouting,
helicopter blades whirring)

(indistinct shouting)

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord.

Let perpetual light shine upon him.

May he rest in peace.



(indistinct shouting,
coughing, sirens wailing)

Have you heard from Danny?

He's on his way up.

Oh, good.

How are you?


Fix you. You know,
we've known each other

for about a year now, Don.

I have never told you this,

but I think you're one hell
of a detective.

Thanks, Jo.
You're welcome.

Jury's still out on you,

interim boss.

Do you need a hand?

No, I got it. Got it.
Just got to...

By the time you're finished,

it's gonna be the 20th anniversary.


Oh, it's the crew.

Hey, Danny.
There he is.

You all set?

Where's, uh, Adam
and, uh, what's-her-name? Uh...


Baby? You guys ready?
Let's go!

Can I tell you something?

Sure. What's up?

I slept through it.

Through what?


I've actually
never told anybody that before.

Just... too embarrassed, you know?

And everyone always asks me,
you know.

"Where were you?"

And... I would lie.

You know, I'd tell them I was
on the way to class, and I saw

the news in the TV screen
of some diner I was passing by.

And when the towers came down,
I was...

on the roof of a blding of NYU.

I just couldn't believe my eyes.


the truth is, I was asleep.

You know, I went out the night before

with a couple of my buddies, and
we had a few too many drinks,

and I didn't wake up till after 2:00.

And by then,
the entire world had changed.

The next morning,
I got up at 5:00 a.m.,

and I went down there, and...

I stood behind a barricade
with these construction workers

for, like, 12 hours, you know,

until they opened it up
and let us clean up the debris.

So you joined the bucket brigade?


Me, too.

I thought you were in Montana.

I was when it happened.

I watched the whole thing on TV,

feeling totally useless,
and like I wanted to help,

but they weren't
letting planes in, obviously.

And then I heard that trucks
from all over the country

were going to New York.

So, I jumped on a local fire truck,

and I got here a few days after.

We might have been on the same line,

never even knew it.

(rhythmic beeping of vehicle)

Let's go, you two!

We don't want to be late.

Come on, let's go.

♪ We said we'd walk together ♪

♪ Baby, come what may ♪

♪ That come the twilight ♪

♪ Should we lose our way ♪

♪ If as we're walking ♪

♪ A hand should slip free... ♪

For the last four months,

it has been my honor and privilege

to be a part of something
so important

and that I am truly proud of.

To contribute a little bit to so many

who lost so much.

These 417 first responders,

the portraits of their faces
etched in granite

and honored here on this
Brooklyn Wall of Remembrance,

will live in our hearts forever.

Ten years have passed
since that tragic day.

Many of us here
have been personally affected

and share a loss.

And so once more, we pause

and we pray,

and we will continue to do so

as each anniversary passes.

In helping to finish this memorial,

I've met
some truly remarkable people.

♪ Wait for me... ♪

And we've had the opportunity

to meet with many of you

who generously shared
your thoughts and feelings

on how best to remember
these fallen heroes

who demonstrated
such unmitigated courage

and selflessness.

The effort to build this wall
of remembrance

has been a great blessing,

as we attempt
to heal our broken hearts.

And here today we gather,

a people united
not only in our grief,

but in our resolve to stand together

as one family of Americans.

God bless these brave souls

who served so selflessly.

They will never be forgotten.

Thank you.

♪ There's a beautiful river ♪

(bell clangs)

♪ In the valley ahead ♪

♪ There 'neath the oak's bough ♪

♪ Soon we will wed ♪

♪ Should we lose each other ♪

♪ In the shadow
of the evening trees ♪

♪ I'll wait for you ♪

♪ Should I fall behind ♪

♪ Wait for me ♪

♪ I'll wait for you ♪

♪ Should I fall behind,
wait for me ♪

♪ Well, I'll wait for you ♪

♪ Should I fall behind ♪

♪ Wait for me ♪

♪ I'll wait for you ♪

♪ Should I fall behind, baby ♪

♪ Wait for me ♪

♪ Darlin', I'll wait for you ♪

♪ Should I fall behind,
wait for me ♪

♪ I'll wait for you ♪

♪ And should I fall behind,
wait for me. ♪