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04x19 - Pink Champagne on Ice

Posted: 04/01/12 16:28
by bunniefuu
Patrick: Just think— this was once the seabed of a prehistoric ocean.

Lisbon: So?

So it lends perspective in the great scheme of things, just how insignificant, how small, how tiny we are.

Maybe for you. Tiny Cho. What do we got?

License and registration I.D. him as a Ryan D'stefano. Wallet was on him. No money gone. Keys in the ignition. Gas t*nk was empty.

How'd he die?

Shot from behind at close range.

Road rage, or paid hit?

(Indistinct conversations)

(Police radio chatter)

There's two sodas in the drink holder. One's diet. The other's regular.

Body's on the passenger side, so one can assume there were two people in the car.

Where'd the other one go?

That's a good question.

Anything else useful?

No, we're still running down the name.

Found this in his pocket.

(Sighs) It's a start.


(Indistinct conversations)

Yeah, I know Ryan D'stefano.

He worked here for about, I don't know, six weeks.

He doesn't work for you anymore?

Not for the last six months.

What kind of work was he doing for you, Mr. Holmes?

Security guard. I run security here at the casino.

Mr. D'stefano is a convicted criminal.

He's served time for burglary and armed robbery.

You hire ex-cons to work for security for you often?

No, I don't, and that's why I fired him.

How'd he get past the background check?

Look, I can't access police records as fast as you.

Once I found out, I dealt with it.

Yes, you seem like a man that deals with things.

You got that right.

No, he kept pretty much to himself.

Can you think of anybody who may have wanted to harm Mr. D'stefano?


We need to talk to your boss. Where is he?

That would be Mr. Shaw. He's not here today.

What about any kind of paperwork you might have on D'stefano?

Where's that?

This way.

Where's the other guy?

Ah. He does that. He'll be back later.

This way.

The handcuffs are no longer on me. They are on you.

(Lounge music playing)

(Silverware clinks)

And here's your watch, good as new.

(Crowd) Ohh.

A round of applause for our volunteer.

In the Lamaseries of the Orient—

Hey, Jack, where's my 50 bucks?

From the Lamaseries of the Orient... to the ancient texts... of Atlantis...

I have found the key to controlling the dark energies...


of the universe.

(Crowd murmurs)

(Cape whooshes)

Channeling these energies...

I will transport my beautiful assistant across the stage... to reappear in this box.

Seriously, Jack. I just want what's mine.

Where's my 50 bucks?

(Crowd murmuring)

50 bucks, or I'll blow the trick.

(Crowd stops murmuring)

Lowlife piker! I want my scratch!

(Crowd murmuring)

Or I'll tell 'em about the trapdoor.


Hey, Jack, calm down. Don't recognize me?

Patrick Jane?

I should have known.

Little heckling, and you blow a simple pass.

You're losing your touch, Jack.



You ruined my act.



♪ The Mentalist 4x19 ♪
Pink Champagne on Ice
Original Air Date on March 29, 2012

Yeah, I'm doing pretty good here all around. This job's just temporary, really, until the new floor show at Caesars. That's next... probably.

Oh, that's great.

Yeah. I'm excited. I am super excited.

What happened, Jack? You were headed for the top.

I still am. I still am— I still am. (Scoffs) I just, uh... I got sidetracked. I got caught up in some stuff. I got busted for dr*gs. I did some time. (Sighs) It's not a big deal. Just, uh... Just messed with my bookings a little, so...

That's showbiz. Right?

But I'm working my way back up, so...

Blah blah blah, that's me. What you been up to, Patrick?

I work with the police.


I'm investigating a m*rder.

You're kidding me.

No. No.

In fact, uh...

(Clears throat)

This is my bit. Uh...

Do you recognize this man?

No, never seen him.


Nno, no.

How are you, of all people, working with the cops?

You didn't hear what happened?

No. Hear what?


Eh, it's a long story.

I'm here.

Well, I'm sorry I can't be of more assistance, Officer.

Good to see you so well, Jack.

Last time I saw you was 16 years ago, when you opened for me in Kansas City, and for what it's worth, you don't look a day older.

Well, thank you, but you're mistaken, Patrick.

It's you who opened for me.

Your memory's going.

Mm. Mentalists.

Big talkers. No skills.


See you.

Ballistics reports the slugs came from a .38.

Explains why there were no shell casings at the crime scene.

We got D'stefano's prints all over the car and on one of the soda cups.

There's different prints on the other cup.

Haven't come up with anything yet, but we're still searching.

If they're in the system, we'll find 'em.

Okay, what have we learned about D'stefano?

Grew up near the Oregon border.

Brother claimed D'stefano was getting his life back on track since he was released on parole.

They always say that, don't they?

All tracks, though— new town, new job, fresh start— leave all the bad influences behind.

Getting fired would have put a dent in that.

What'd he do after he lost his job?


What do you mean, "nothing"?

He didn't get another job?

He didn't go back up north?

Nope, he just hung around in San Refugio until he was k*lled.

Here's something. I called his parole officer. He said D'stefano got into a scuffle with an unknown individual at a bar outside San Refugio. P.O. gave him a break and let it slide.

When was that?

A couple months ago, after he got fired.

Okay, what about the casino?

We finding any connection?

Yeah, owner's a guy named Nicky Shaw.

He's reputed to be mobbed up, for what it's worth.

Cho, you and Rigsby look into D'stefano's movements leading up to his m*rder. See if you can find anything.

Grace, follow up on the bar fight.

Will do, boss.

Are you planning on taking any interest in this case?

I'm looking for clues.

Yes, in the newspaper.

Besides, I heard every single word.



Our victim is either a hardened criminal or a tragically misunderstood Dickensian waif.

Also, the casino may be connected to the Mafia.

Okay, so what do you think?

"What do I think? " (Sighs)

I think I'm hungry.

(Country music playing)


What can I do you for?

I'm curious about a fight that happened here a couple months ago, involving this guy.

That's Ryan. Yeah. They went at each other pretty good.

You knew Mr. D'stefano?

What's this about?

He was m*rder*d. You don't know anything about that?

What happened?

He was shot.

What can you tell me about him?

You know, he was a good guy, just... hotheaded.

Is that how the fight started?

Yeah, I mean, after he lost his job at the casino, he was always going on and on about getting back at them, so, you know, when the guy who fired him showed up one day, yeah, Ryan lost it.

Was that Shaw, the casino owner?

Or the other guy, head of security?

I don't know. Big black guy with a shaved head.

Finished eating?

D'stefano got in a bar fight with the security guy from the casino—Dante Holmes.

I think we should talk to him again.

Oh, interesting. I'll take care of it.

W-what do you mean?

Where are you?

Uh, be back soon. We'll talk then.

Sorry about that, Mr. Shaw.

So rumor has it that you're a made man.

Did you have D'stefano whacked, rubbed out, smudged, whatever it is the phrase you use?

That's funny.

Look, is it an embarrassment that we hired a convicted felon?

Of course.

Does that implicate us in his death? Not at all.

Does that make us liable in any way? I don't think so.

What about the fight that you had with D'stefano?

What fight?

He was drunk and angry at me for canning him.

Can't blame him for that.

So I tuned him up a little.

Saw no reason to speak about it, seeing as there was no connection to him getting shot.

Well, that seems reasonable enough, and who wants that kind of publicity?


Look, I run a nice establishment here.

Everything is the best.

Next month, I've got an international poker tournament coming in.

Top cable coverage. It's gonna be big.

You didn't know about the fight?


And you don't mind that Holmes here was withholding that information from you?



Look, is there anything else you'd like to know?

My business is an open book to law enforcement.

Mm. Mm.

(Lounge music playing)

(Crowd) Ohh.


No, I'm fine, thanks.

Enjoy the show.

What's up?

We found the gas station where D'stefano and his passenger got gas and sodas. We got an I.D. on the passenger.

Cho: Her name's Holly Danvers.

Paid for the drinks using a credit card.

Hasn't used it since.

Couple of drug priors. There's an address there.

Nice work. Go and get her, but be careful.

If she ex*cuted D'stefano in cold blood, she's likely to put up a fight.

All right. We'll call in, we get anything.

(Engine turns off)

Man: Can I, uh, help you gents?

Rigsby: CBI.

Cho: Do you know a woman named Holly Danvers?

Sure. We know Holly.

Trailer 60. Fine tenant.

Huh. Her roommate Cheryl's a pushy one, though.

Complains about the water pressure.

Is she in her trailer?

No, she went away with a young fella couple of days ago.

My wife sees everything.

Nobody gets away with anything around here.

You recognize this man?

Yeah, that's him.

Yeah, I remember because one of 'em forgot something, and then he went back to get it.

Can we talk to the roommate?

I... don't think she's in.


I stopped by earlier to check her propane, but, uh, she didn't answer.

Any chance we could take a look around the trailer?

Be a big help to us.

Oh, of course you can. We run an honest place.

Go get the keys.

Yes, ma'am.

Head over.

He'll come meet you.

Thank you.

Thank you.

CBI. We need to speak to you.

See? Nobody home.

Can you unlock it for me, please?

Yeah, sure.

(Keys jangle)

Stand back.

(Door creaks)


(Fan squeaking, air conditioner humming)

Your park manager let us in.



(Jack) Prepare yourselves, ladies and gentlemen, to be terrified and amazed.

(Survivor's "Eye of the Tiger" playing)

Hey. What did you do to me?

I can't feel my toes.

(Patrick chuckles)

Where are my toes?

I can't feel my toes.

Hey. Hey, hey, look, look, look.

Her head's in a box, but she's still talking.


That is crazy.


Holly Danvers is our number one suspect.

What do we know about her?

Well, according to her parole records, Holly Danvers did everything she was supposed to.

She got clean and stayed clean.

Passed all her drug tests, went to regular counseling, even got a good job as a waitress at a place called Big Frank's.

Big Frank's outside San Refugio?


That's where D'stefano got into his fight.

They must have met there.

Love triangle gone wrong, maybe?

D'stefano and Danvers hook up, then she catches him cheating on her with the roommate, kills 'em both.

Does she have a history of v*olence?


We need to dig deeper.

Van Pelt, go to Big Frank's. See what you can learn.

All right.


Man: Order up!

Holly? She's one of my best waitresses. Why?

When was the last time you spoke with her?

She was supposed to be working today.

She called in this morning, said she had to Miss a couple shifts.

Order up!

She called in?

What'd she say?

Needed time off for a personal matter.

Seemed kind of cranky, so I didn't push.

Like I said, she's one of my best. Hey!

Hello. Order up.

Thank you.

(Knock on door)

Hey, Patrick. What is it?

Well, I caught the show. It was great. Very smooth.

Uh, the Sphinx, nicely played. Love the Blammo Box.

Of course it's all about the assistant. Patrick.

Oh, I'm Trish.

We're old friends.

(Whispers) Oh.

(Jack) Yeah.

Sorry. Uh, this is Vincent and Skiddy.

They're young magicians I am mentoring.

(Whispers) Hi.

Jack and I used to work the carnival circuit together.

Mentoring, huh?

Well, that's great.

Used to be this guy was so tight he wouldn't tell you the time.

Uh, still owes me 50 bucks from what, 16 years ago?

I don't remember this 50 bucks.

Of course you don't. You know what?

I'm gonna let that slide. Anyway, I have to run.

Um, it was a great act. Nice to meet you.

Be good.

Thanks. Hey, uh, I'll call you. We'll—we'll get together, okay?

Sure, Jack.

All right.

(Indistinct conversations)

(Door opens)

(Cell phone rings)

Hello, Lisbon.

You wondering when I'm coming back?

Lisbon: No. Not at all.

I wouldn't want to impose.

Whenever you find the time is okay with me.

Ah. Sarcasm. Doesn't suit you much at all.

I'm working the case. In fact, I've almost cracked it.

Really? So have we.

Really? What do you got?

It looks to be a crime of passion.

A woman named Holly Danvers was the last person to see D'stefano before his death, and we found her roommate dead in their apartment.


Yeah, and Danvers was a waitress at the bar D'stefano got in a fight at.

Ooh. Well, now it seems to make sense.

Yeah, because I just explained it to you.

When are you coming back?

We'll talk later, Lisbon. Thanks.

Wait. Jane...

Security's too tight.

It was 12 minutes, man. We checked it twice.

Sorry, man.

Gosh, guys. There's gotta...

There's no way, man.

(Car door closes)

(Engine starts)

Thanks. Thank you.

Hello, Jack.

(Exhales deeply)

Where'd you come from?

I know what's going on.

What are you talking about?

You—you been following me?

The way you fell apart onstage when I yelled was the first clue.

Then you lied about knowing D'stefano, and now you're palling around with a couple of ex-cons.

Your friends are more professional than they look.

I must say that. They did a good job of casing this place.

What do you mean? What place?

You're planning to rob the casino, Jack. There's no point in hiding it.

Shut up. You can get me in a lot of trouble, people hear you talking like that.

Question is, why? You're not the casino-robbing type.

I don't know what you're talking about, and you should leave it alone.

You're scared— I knew that from the first— but not for yourself, for someone you care about.

Cut it out. I mean it. Walk away.

Holly Danvers is your girlfriend. She's been kidnapped by whoever's making you rob the casino.

Yes. But it can't be robbed. It's impossible.

Really? I mean, it's not Fort Knox. Is it really that hard?

I've been looking at it every which way. I can't see how it can be done, and they've got Holly, and there's nothing I can do to save her.

Hey, whoa, whoa. Don't worry. I can help you. Okay?

What are you doing?

Calling the police.

No, no, no, they said, any hint of the cops, and they'll k*ll her. They told me.

Okay. Then we have to do it the other way.

What's the other way?

I rob the casino for you.

Here's what they sent me.

You have any idea who sent it?

No. But you know how it is. I meet all kinds of people. There's some hard cases in this town. It could be anyone.

Why now?

The first of the month is when the vault is the fullest, so whoever's doing this knows how the casino works.

Okay. Well, I'll take a look around and see what can be done.

Can't be done. Vince and Skiddy agree, and they've done things like this before.

And they're doing this out of the goodness of their heart?

Of course not.

They don't know anything about the kidnapping or about Holly. Nobody can know.

What about Trish? She's involved, isn't she? How much does she know?

Only what Vince and Skiddy know, nothing more.

Okay. Well, we'll meet tomorrow to discuss it more. Um... And I think we should introduce me to your team.
(Car door opens)

(Car door closes)

Hey, Jane.

(Engine starts)

Uh... thanks.

Yeah. Sure.

(Telephone ringing)

Hey. Found something.

What is it?

Remember Hellion told Jane and Lisbon he didn't know D'stefano?


Take a look at this.

"Master of the Dark Arts Jack Hellion performs magic with the help of casino employee Ryan D'stefano."

You told Lisbon yet?

No. Just found it.

What's with the flowers?

They're for Summer.

Summer? Your C.I.?


Oh. Okay.

Good night.

Hey. Nice work on Hellion.

Yeah. Thanks. Good night.


That goes there...

(Knock on door)

(Trish) Who is it?

(Vincent) It's us.

What's this about, Hellion?

You're late. Sit down. (Door closes)

We got a lot of work to do.

What's he doing here?

Jane's coming in on the job with us.

I don't know about that.

How do we know we can trust this guy?

It's okay. You can trust him. He's one of us.

Says you. I'm not doing this with him.

Well, fine.

Walk away from a million bucks.

Tell you the truth, I didn't think you really had the chops for it anyway.


Show us your plan.

Doesn't mean that we agreed, though.

Lounge, casino floor, vault, loading dock. Right?

First order of business— the lock to the vault.

Okay, it's a high-security lock, using a combination of side wards and pins.

I can get into it, but it's gonna take more time than we got.

Security comes by every five minutes.

Then we're gonna need a key.

(Skiddy) Holmes, the security chief, carries it on him at all times.

(Keys jangle)

(Patrick) I'll take care of that.

The vault— you cased it yesterday, right?

(Skiddy) Yeah.

The door in the main room of the casino, marked "authorized personnel only"...

(Door creaks) Accesses both the backstage area and a hallway that leads to the vault. (Keys jangle)

There's a heavy steel gate, then the door to the vault.

(Door creaks) There's a small window set into it.

Inside the vault is a bare room with the safe set in the wall.

There's no place to hide in there.

There's cameras outside the vault, but we can put them on a loop.

Nobody'll know the difference. They're not the problem.

The problem is that the guards come and check the vault every five to six minutes.

The safe isn't complex, but it's still gonna take me more than six minutes to crack it.

Okay, so we need to get into the vault without being seen, we need to return the key to Holmes before he realizes it's gone, then we need to open the safe without being seen, take the money, and get away.

Yeah, that's all.

Yeah. Well, if I can figure out a way to do it, you gotta go along with what I say.

No questions. No arguments. Yes?

Yes, absolutely.

You better be on the level... or else we got a problem.

Only problem I can foresee is getting you ready in time.

When are we pulling the job?



Let's get to work.

(Telephone ringing)

Jane? We need to talk to you.

Well, that sounds ominous. I need to talk to you as well.

Your friend Jack Hellion looks good for this.

(Chuckles) You think?

He knew our victim D'stefano.

And he was dating Holly Danvers.

We think they were in it together.

"In" what?

The m*rder of Ryan D'stefano.

Oh. Yes. Uh...

Well, it's a theory.

And you think it's wrong.

Well, I know it's wrong. I mean, it's way off the mark.

I'm—I'm sorry.

And you know the right story, of course.

Yes, I do, and I know how to close this case neatly.

So? Do tell.

I shall, but we're in a very tricky situation here.

There is a life at stake, and you're gonna have to bear with me, because what I'm about to say might sound a little crazy, but... trust me. It is the only way.

He said, "crazy idea."

He said, "trust me."

Always a bad sign.

Well, listen, I'm just a consultant here.

We don't have to do this all together.

I mean, I can manage on my own somehow.


I will bear with you.



Uh, it's the kidnappers.

They've given us a location to drop the money after the job is done.

Well, tell 'em we're not doing anything until we know that Holly's alive.

(Whispers) Okay.

Oh. They're sending something.

Oh, my God.


Okay, keep it together, Jack. We got a job to do here.


Okay? Text them back.

Tell 'em we'll take the money to the drop site just like they said.

(Breathing heavily)

(Blows air)



Let's go.

Hey. Hey, where have you two been? We go on in four minutes.

We ready?

Uh, there is one small thing— uh, those police that are investigating D'stefano's m*rder— they're here again.

I just wanted you to know so you don't freak out if you see them.

Oh, crap.

We gotta call it off.

No, no. No, we don't.

Everything goes ahead as planned.

They're working a homicide.

They're not even gonna be thinking about a robbery.

We do it right under their noses. Okay?


Let's do this.

Curtain's up.

(Survivor's "Eye of the Tiger" playing)

(Crowd gasping and murmuring)


Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.

Tonight I will delight and amaze you.

You will see things that will make you doubt your eyes.

You all set?


I can't believe we're doing this.

I'm doing this.

Well, yeah, but legally, we're accomplices, so I mean...

Could you shut up?

(Scattered applause)

(Indistinct conversations)

Hello, Grace. What luck running into you here.

Hi, Jane. Am I late?

Not at all. Follow me.

My next demonstration is something I learned from a yogi mystic in Dharamshala— how to see by using your astral mind, not your physical senses.

I will need a volunteer.

(Crowd murmuring)

You, sir.

(Chuckles) No.

Come on, folks. Give him a hand. He's just shy.

Go on.

(Clears throat)

I want you to examine this hood.

It's impossible to see out of it. Is that not so?

Okay. Uh...

Yes, you can't see out of it.

(Trish) Thank you. Please step over here.

(Whispers) Okay.

(Normal voice)

It's coming up.

Can you see?



Great, now from our volunteer, could I get an object?

Any object, please.

(Rigsby speaks indistinctly)

Can I have a spot here, please?


What is the first object I am showing you?

Is it a wallet?

(Crowd) Ohh.


You can go back to your seat. Thank you.

I will now come out to the audience.

Anyone can give me an object.

Okay. Hat and glasses.

(Exhales deeply)

Dante Holmes.

Like to introduce you to Grace Van Pelt.

She's an agent at the CBI.

She'd like to ask you a few questions.

I think you two are gonna get along famously.


So, um... you're the head of security, huh?

(Woman) ♪ glamorous ♪
♪ and that old standby amorous ♪
♪ it's all ♪
♪ too wonderful ♪
♪ I'll never find the words ♪
♪ that say ♪

Nobody saw you, did they?

Nobody saw us.

You get the key?

Like candy from a baby. We clear?



(Door creaks)

Patrick: Okay.

(Patrick inhales sharply and whistles)


(Lock turns)


All set.

You have roughly five and a half minutes.

(Patrick exhales sharply)

Good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good.

Okay, gentlemen, I have to get this key back to Holmes before he realizes it's gone.


My hands.


I don't think I can do this.

I'm not cut out to be a criminal.

All right.

You're gonna have to get this key back into Holmes' pocket.

I'll stay here and help. Right side Jacket pocket.

Remember— right side Jacket pocket.

(Whispers) Okay.

(Door closes)

Okay, Jack. Hey, look at this coin.

Look at how bright that is.

Look at the way the light hits it. Eh?

As you breathe, you will feel your body slowly relax.

I think you will be able to tell what I have now.

Is it a pair of glasses?


See you soon, I hope.

Yeah, good luck.

When I click my fingers, Jack, you will feel calm and relaxed.

It'll be easy to open the safe.

When I click my fingers, Jack, you will open the safe with great ease... and quickness.


What do you say we open the safe?

Okay, here we go.


Grace, have you seen Jane?

Um, he was here a second ago.


Careful, son.

Excuse me, sir. Um, which way to the bathroom?

Right over there.

Excuse me, agents. I've gotta get back to work.

(Keys jangle)

(Door squeaks)

(Keys jangle)

(Keys jangle)

(Lock clicks)




(Knock on door)

You guys ready?

Let's go. You need to get back to the stage.

Okay. I got the rest of this.

Time to bring the van round to the loading dock.





Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

And for our last demonstration, may I have an object, please?

This will do quite nicely.

I think you will be able to tell what I have now.

(Vincent) You are holding...

A set of car keys.

(Indistinct conversations)



(Crowd) Ohh.

(Crowd) Ohh.


(Door creaks)

(Grunts) Got it.

(Car door closes)

Okay. Me and Vinnie will follow right behind you in the car.

You have the keys?


All right.

We get separated, we meet at the truck stop at I-90, okay?

Oh, don't worry. We won't get separated.

Well done, men.

We did it. Congratulations.


Nicely done.

Hey. Don't stick around.

CBI's gonna be crawling all over the place very soon.

(Engine starts)

Why'd he have to hug me, man?

I hate that.

Who cares, bro? We're rich.

Open the car. Let's go.

He took the keys.

Bastard took the keys!

That's not the worst of it.

Let me see your hands.

(Car approaches)

Heads up. Here they come.

(Car door closes)


Whoa... Stop right there, Jack.


Turn around... slowly.

Open the back of the truck.

Trish, what are you doing?

Open it. Let me see the money.

The money's in the box.

It's gonna be all right, Holly. It's gonna be all right.

Yeah, sure it is. Get over there. Line up. Move.

Trish, you don't have to do this.

He's right, you know. You don't have to k*ll us.

You're right. I don't, but it's cleaner this way.

Everybody who can identify me will be dead, and I will be on my way to Mexico with a boxful of cash.

Drop the g*n and put your hands in the air!

(Breathing heavily)



Ballistics checks out for the g*n, Trish.

Tell us why you did it, and we'll ask the D.A. to take the death penalty off the table.

What do you mean, "Why did I do it"?

For the money, of course. I was robbing a casino.


You think I was bitter because Jack was seeing some cheap-ass waitress instead of me?

You're 100% wrong. Couldn't care less.

It was strictly about the money.


It was D'stefano that gave me the idea at first, always yammering on about getting even with Holmes.

And it was D'stefano who grabbed Holly?


Why did he k*ll the roommate?

She was in the trailer, she saw him.

Bad luck for her.

(Van Pelt) Once he brought you Holly, you got rid of him.

(Trish) I couldn't trust him.

He k*lled that poor, innocent girl, without a shred of remorse.

Even laughed about it. No moral compass.

You were about to k*ll three innocent people yourself just a while ago.

And I would have felt terrible about it.

There's a difference.

You're nuts, lady.

Sign here.

We can never thank you enough. I owe you big-time.

True. Big-time. Plus 50 bucks.

You said you'd let that slide.

Ah, so you do admit that you owe me.

No. Wait, when did I first incur this debt, anyhow?

You were opening for me in Kansas City. I think it was '93.

There was a girl, not as attra—

Opening for you? Please. Never happened.

What were the dr*gs that you got busted for? Bec—I'm curious.

You want to get a cup of coffee?

Because I have a feeling this could go on for a while.

'Cause whatever they are, I'm afraid they've undermined the foundation of your memory palace.

I'm sorry. I've never seen Jack like this before.

No need to apologize. Jane has that effect on people.