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04x14 - At First Blush

Posted: 02/12/12 04:52
by bunniefuu
That is the third time this year you've been reprimanded in court.

I bent a spoon with my mind. What's the big deal?

You were testifying in a criminal case. You can't be playing tricks.

It's all theater, isn't it?

Bread and Circuses?

Man: Eve!

A question. Eve, right here.

(reporters shouting at once)

Eh. See.

Man: Do you know who m*rder*d Carlos Ruiz?

Eve, just a couple of questions.

Ooh. That's Eve Mulberry.

The wine lady?

She grows a great cabernet.

What's she accused of?

k*lling her dance teacher. They were lovers, I think.


(cell phone rings)

I have to take this.

Think about what you want to eat. Lisbon.

Our deepest sympathy for Mr. Ruiz's family.

(crowd continues shouting indistinctly)

Man: Do you really think you're gonna get away with—

Man: Eve, how you feeling this morning?

Are you nervous at all about closing arguments?

Wouldn't you be?

Eve is facing a lifetime in prison for a crime she didn't commit.

Eve, why don't you just admit that you k*lled Carlos Ruiz?

Nice try, Jenny, but instead of going for cheap reaction sh*ts, you should be following my case.

Man: Do you think the jury believes you?

At this point, the facts are clear.

Eve is 100% innocent, and the jury's verdict will reflect it.

Woman: Eve.

Do you have anything to say to the family of Carlos Ruiz?

Eve has the deepest sympathy for Mr. Ruiz's family, and she's expressed that on many occasions.

Man: Who m*rder*d Carlos Ruiz?

Man: Do you know who m*rder*d Carlos Ruiz?

CBI. Coming through. CBI.

Eve deserves praise for her courage.

But you think fondly of them.

Of course.

Thank you, everyone.

Come on.

(Ardiles) The defense has tried to paint Eve Mulberry as sweet as the grapes she grows, but you know the facts of this case.

You know that Eve was an adulterer, even though she may deny it, and you know that her lover, Carlos, blackmailed her for cash, and when Carlos Ruiz went back to Eve to ask for more money, she beat his head into pulp.

Eve silenced her lover to protect her marketable image.

But this...

This is the work of the real Eve.

Take a good, long look...

Then find her guilty.


You got a second?

For you, Jane? I got two.

Look, I'm gonna come straight out with it.

You made a mistake.

Eve Mulberry?

She isn't the k*ller.

What are you playing at?

I'm not playing. I'm just observing.

Eve's nonverbals are screaming innocence and sadness for the victim.

Thank you for the observation.

She loved her mom and dad, too.

There's more?

Most women who m*rder were abused by their parents.

Not Eve. When I mentioned them, she looked up and to the left, which means she was tapped into the left side of the brain, where visual memories are stored.

And what if she had looked to the right?

Well, she would have been accessing her creative mind to fabricate a story.

This is it?

This is all your evidence?

Well, of course there's my gut, too, but I didn't think you'd take that very seriously.

That's the first correct statement you've made.

I bet you a million dollars she's innocent.

Ah, if I only had the money.


How about a nickel?

Jane, you understand this whole conversation's pointless, right?

I mean, the jury's started deliberating. It's over.

Well, the verdict hasn't been read yet, so technically, it's still on.

You know, unlike you, Eve Mulberry will not get away with m*rder, so do us both a favor. Don't mess with my case.

Oh, I won't mess with it.

I'm gonna fix it.

♪ The Mentalist 4x14 ♪
At First Blush
Original Air Date on February 9, 2012

There you are. We have to go.


We have to talk to Eve Mulberry. She's innocent.

Well, the jury may feel differently.

Exactly. That's why we need to find the real k*ller.

No. No way.

We don't have time to argue.

This is not our problem.

What, justice isn't our problem?

The jury has heard arguments for three months.

They're fully equipped to determine the truth.

And what if they don't?

Then an innocent woman gets punished because you were too busy eating.

Hey, that's my sandwich.


Give it.

Can we help you?

Ma'am, we're with the CBI. We'd like to talk to you.

No. No. No more police.

These might be my wife's last few hours of freedom.

We plan to spend them alone. Thank you.

What if I could offer a lifetime of freedom?

I know Eve's innocent.

I'd just like the chance to prove it.

I'm sorry, why do you want to help me?

Well, let's just say, to whom much is given, much is expected. Yeah.

If you don't mind, time is a factor here.

Is there somewhere we can sit down and talk?

I appreciate your interest in my wife's case, Mr. Jane, but what can you possibly do at this stage of the game?

I mean, there have been hundreds of hours of testimony.

Well, I'll let the courthouse vultures pick over that carcass.

If I'm gonna help you, I'm gonna need fresh meat.

Why did you take dance lessons?

Peter's a wonderful dancer.

It was supposed to be a surprise.

We're both so busy all the time.

I thought it would bring us closer together.

And is that how you met Carlos Ruiz?

At the dance lessons?

Yeah, that's right.

Ballroom, or, uh, Salsa?



From what I've read in the newspapers, you spent time with Carlos outside of just the lessons.

There were phone calls, meals...

Carlos and I were friends.

A Stanford-educated winemaker and a pay-by-the-hour dance instructor.

Just curious, um, what'd you talk about?

I don't know. This and that.

You've been lying to protect your husband's feelings, haven't you?

Look at me, Eve.

I know you're feeling guilt and shame.

I know what this might do to your marriage, but, uh, the way I see it, we're your last hope.

You have to trust us.

Honey, w-what is he talking about?

Why are you doing this to me?

To help you.

You said you believed I was innocent.

Of m*rder, but you weren't hanging out with your sexy dance teacher for the stimulating chitchat. You were attracted to him.

I mean, you danced the Tango with the man, for God sakes.

I did not have an affair.

That was a non-contracted denial.

Truth tellers use contractions. "I didn't have an affair."

This is not the woman I saw on the courthouse steps.

I think that you should leave.

It's like a band-aid, Eve.

Best to just tear it off quickly.

It was just a few times.

Are you kidding me?

I'm s—

I'm so sorry.

Peter, you're so busy. You're always traveling.

I know that's not an excuse.

Okay, you stay away from me now.

What's going on?

Eve just admitted to sleeping with Carlos.


Sorry I missed that.

And sorry, who are these people?

CBI. They're here to help.

This is my best friend, my business partner, Amy, and that's my little sister Gretchen.

What about the blackmail?

You were sleeping with Carlos.

Did you pay him off?

No. He asked me for a cash loan, but I didn't give it to him.

What was the money for?

A business opportunity. I didn't really want to know.

What are you still doing here?

I mean, besides brooding.

Pardon me?

Your wife just dropped a b*mb on you, and you're still standing.

For me, I'd be out of here by now.

Unless, of course, I suspected the, uh, affair all along.

Why would I hide my suspicions?

Make yourself look good.

He's right.

If you had knowledge of the affair, it would make you a prime suspect.

I didn't k*ll anyone.

You used a contraction.

That's a hopeful sign, but I'm still gonna keep an eye on you.

And you, Amy.


Eve confides in you.

She told you about the affair— the best friend thing— unlike Gretchen. She had no idea.

You do have issues with your sister, though, don't you?

Duh. Like there are sisters who don't have issues.

I thought you said these people were here to help.

We are, and I'd say we're off to a pretty solid start.

I think we need some time alone.

Lisbon: We'll keep in touch.

Rigsby: According to the court transcript, there was a cash deposit for $20, 000 paid into Carlos Ruiz's bank account the week of his death.

If we're gonna take Eve's word, she didn't give him that money.

Well, maybe the victim was involved with something illegal.

I'll check it out.

You said the husband thought she was having an affair?

That's what Jane thinks.

It puts him on the top of the suspect list.

Peter Mulberry runs a boutique investment firm.

Told the police he was having dinner at one of his employee's homes the night of the m*rder.

The employee vouched for him.

Dig deeper. Who was the employee?

Do we trust him?



I don't know how we're gonna get around the m*rder w*apon.

That's a cutter mattock, used for digging trenches and cutting roots.

It came from Eve's vineyard.

Her fingerprints were all over it.

All this tells me is that Eve might have been framed.

Make a list of anybody who held a grudge against her.

Also look back into Ruiz's phone records.

The original work from the detectives on that looks a bit thin.

I know that this isn't an official case, so thank you.

Jane and I are heading to the crime scene.

Let me know if you find anything out, and work fast, guys. The jury's out.

(telephone rings in distance)

(dog pants, yowls)

(dog barks)

Woman: No, you shut up!

Man: Shut up!

(dog barking in distance)

(drum music playing)

m*rder was months ago.

What kind of evidence do you expect to find in there?

I'll know it when I see it.


(knock on door)

Lisbon: CBI. Open up.

(dogs continue barking)

What do you want?

Uh, w-were you just watching me?

No, I wasn't.

(knock on door)

Step away from the door, Blondie.

Yeah, easy, I-I-I'm— I'm with the CBI.

Do you think I could come in?

A "consultant"?

What makes you think I'd want a consultant in my house?

Well, how about a real cop?

I got a real cop across the street.

(knocks on door)

She'll be knocking all day.

Go get her. I'll put on the kettle.

(whistles) Lisbon!

(indistinct conversations, telephone ringing in distance)

(police radio chatter)

(pills rattle)

Back still hurting, huh?

I got hit by a car, so yeah.

You should lay off those pills. You ever tried yoga?

My neighbor actually teaches it. I can get you her number.


No, thanks.


Let me know, yeah?

(g*nsh*t, shell casing clatters)

(g*nsh*t, shell casing clatters)

Detective Silva?

That's right.

(shell casing clatters)

I'm Agent Van Pelt. This is Agent Rigsby.

We're with the CBI.

Hey. How you doing?

Nice to meet you.

We've been looking at your files on Eve Mulberry.

Oh, yeah?

That was some work, that case.

Jury come back yet?

No. They're still deliberating.

Eh, no worries. That loon'll get hers.

I love to watch the rich ones fall, you know what I mean?

We were hoping you could help us run down some information.

Yeah, sure. What do you need?

Did you interview a Conner Reilly?

According to the phone records, Reilly spoke with Carlos Ruiz on the day of his m*rder.

Reilly, Reilly...

I don't remember. What does my report say?

There's no notes on him.


Yeah. I remember.

We checked him out. He looked clean.

So Reilly had an alibi for the night of the m*rder?

I guess. I don't recall.

You never talked to him, did you?

What you getting on me for?

We called Reilly. He didn't call back.

We were on Eve Mulberry by then, anyway.

I mean, it's not like Reilly had a record.

No, no record, no employment history, Facebook page— not much of anything, really.

We tried calling Reilly, but his phone's been disconnected.

It's like he never existed.

What is your issue here?

I mean, this case has already been tried.

We think Eve Mulberry might be innocent.

Oh, yeah? And why is that?

We have our reasons.


It's that nut-job psychic you guys work with, right?

Janet. Jane. He's showboating again, right?

You know, I feel sorry for you guys.

You're like, uh, stooges in a comedy act.

Yeah, he's not a psychic.

Yeah, whatever.

Do you have anything on Reilly?

Anything at all that might help us find him?

Oh, let me think.

No. Sorry.

Hey. Hey!

I'm sorry.

(Silva) Right.

Lisbon: So you're home here a lot, Mrs. Williams?

(Mrs. Williams)

I am retired, so, yes, I am.

And, um...

Were you home the night that your neighbor was m*rder*d?

I can see that you've lived here a long time and you like to keep an eye on things.

Tell us what you saw that night.

What are you doing over there?

Oh, just admiring your lovely home.

Do you have help keeping, uh, things so tidy?

No, I do not. Do I look like an invalid?

Gloria. Uh, why don't you tell us what you saw?

I'll tell you the same thing I told the other police stomping through my house. I saw nothing.

Okay, Lisbon. Let's go.

I'm not done.

Well, she's not gonna talk. Look at her. She's scared.

That's why she hides behind the curtains all day.

I'm not hiding from anyone. I keep vigil over my house.

Well, there's no shame in being afraid.

Old age can be a terrifying time of life.

You're right. We should go.

Yes, thank you very much for your time, ma'am. Thank you.

I saw someone.

Oh. Ooh.

I saw, uh, a woman, the night that Mexican— the Latino boy was m*rder*d.

She went into the house, and then, a few minutes later, she ran out.

Can you describe her?

She had a tote bag. She was slim build.

She had blonde hair, long blonde hair.

She look like this?

Eve Mulberry?

Yes, that's her. Exactly. So there.

(elevator bell dings)

We can't throw in the towel now.

I don't care what the neighbor says.

An eyewitness identified Eve as the k*ller.

Did you see a single working clock in that house?

A wristwatch, an alarm, anything?

No. So?

Look, this old woman lives cooped up in this house with no sense of the time.

She probably confused the night of the m*rder with some other night that she saw Eve.

So you're saying she's flat-out wrong?

No, I am just saying Eve is innocent.

I need evidence if I'm gonna keep the team on this.

We got a lead.

The victim talked to a Conner Reilly the day of his m*rder, but Reilly was using a phony Social Security number.

It's an alias.

Who for?

This guy. Terry Murphy.

He came over on a tourist visa two years ago from Ireland.

He's a tech scammer— internet fraud, identity creation.

He's violent, too. He's been a m*rder suspect.

Ask, and you shall receive.

One of our CIs has contacts in that world.

She's asking around now.

Okay. We keep working.

We should talk to Eve again.

Maybe she knows what was going on with Murphy.


Fine. You're the boss on this one.

Okay, don't be like that.

Like what? It's what you want.

What I want is a little smile.

Well, you can't have everything.

(telephone rings in distance)

I checked out the employee who said that she was having dinner with the husband on the night of the m*rder.


And after the wife's m*rder trial started, Peter Mulberry gave the woman a huge promotion.

Suddenly she's the company's youngest VP.

You think he bribed her for the alibi.

Maybe. I'll keep digging.

All right.

Summer. Welcome back.

I'm not gonna say that I'm the best confidential informant ever, but I am pretty high up on the list.

What do you have?

This girl I used to hustle with?

She's now into identify theft. She knows Murphy.

I told her that I had some stolen information to sell, and she made a call.

Can she set up a meet?

Already done.

Murphy will be at the Grafton Street tavern in an hour.

Is it just me, or do you look impressed?

No, it's just you.

We'll have Summer wait at the bar.

As soon as Murphy arrives, we'll scoop him up.

If Summer can get Murphy to make an offer on the information, that would give us more leverage.

I could do that.

It'll cost you extra.

All we have to do is fit her with a wire.


Just get him to make the offer.

Excuse yourself to the bathroom. That's it. Then we move in.


Make the deal, hit the can. Done and done.

That'll be $500, $800 if I make the case.

I'll wire you up.
You again?

Uh, we're looking for Eve.

Ooh, she just took a walk with Amy, but you might want to give her a minute.

Eve and Peter just had an epic throw-down.

The waterworks were...

(singsongy) ridiculous.

Okay. Well, you think I can sample the goods?

Yeah, sure.

That is our new Cab.

New to the business?

Is it that obvious?

You poured red wine in a white wine glass.

Oh, well.

Yeah, I'm just helping out here during the trial.

You don't own a piece of the action?

Uh, no. The wine company belongs to my sister and her BFF.

And who owns the private villa?

Eve won that Jackpot when she married Peter.

All the land belongs to him, so...

Gretchen, that glass is wrong.

Your shoes are wrong, but you don't see me complaining about it.

We've talked about this.

There's a reason why the investors are knocking down the door.

It's an attention to detail.

Thank you. You haven't taken any of the offers?

We go back and forth about it a bit.

From a business standpoint, it makes sense.

Yeah, but we don't want to be one of those giant corporate vineyards, because then it wouldn't be about the wine.

Yes, it's beautifully earthy, with, uh... a hint of acid.

Do you notice the tobacco note at the end?

The Cab's my favorite.

Ah, yes. (sniffs) Mm.

I'm sorry, could we speak to Eve alone for a moment?

Gretchen, let's go.


Do you recognize this man?


Should I?

His name's Terry Murphy. He's a known criminal.

Carlos was in touch with him the day of his m*rder.

Oh, my— what kind of criminal?

He's into identity theft, mostly, but he's also done some illegal surveillance and wiretapping.

What did Carlos have to do with a man like that?

Well, we were hoping you'd tell us.

I wish I could, but this is good news, right?

This could help us.

I feel like the jury's gonna walk out of that room any minute.

We're doing everything we can.

Yeah. Very good. Thank you.

Do you realize, every single time I deal with your people, things go to hell?

Osvaldo. Come in. Sit down.

Is there something in the water here? I need to know.

I need to know why your team is interfering with a state m*rder trial.

I understand your anger.

No, you don't.

The state has spent millions of dollars, not to mention thousands of man-hours, prosecuting this case.

And yet evidence was missed.

What evidence?

The victim was in contact with a violent criminal the day of his m*rder. That doesn't concern you?


No, that's the concern of an Appeals Court if Mrs. Mulberry believes that her due process was denied.

An Appeals Court.

And how long will she have to spend in prison?

If she's innocent, she deserves our help.

You want to know why Jane took this case?

Because Eve loved her parents.

That's crazy, right?

You know, I thought there was something in the water here, but I can see the problem now.

It's you.

(rock music playing)

(indistinct conversations)

Testing, testing, one, two. Kimball Cho's a wallaby.

(door closes)

Cho: Here's Murphy.

Man: Beer?

Summer, is it?

It is.

What do you got for me, girly?

A long list of numbers.

Social Security, credit cards, driver's license.

About a hundred of each.

Where do you get 'em?

Clients—the kinds with high credit limits.

Won't know it hits them till it's too late.

(filtered voice)

What sort of business you in?

(Summer, filtered voice)

I'm a working girl.

(Murphy chuckles)

(normal voice) Bang on.

You know, a little of your honey would sweeten the pot.

$5, 000 for the information.

Are you touched? Not here.

Wait. Let it play out.

$5, 000 ain't gonna happen, Sunshine.


You'll get 3. That's the rate.

That's it. Let's move.

(Summer, filtered voice)

How do I know I can trust you?

(Murphy, filtered voice)

You're questioning me?

My name is my word. Ask anyone I do business with.

Some friends of mine said that you worked with Carlos Ruiz.

I'd ask him about you, but... he's dead.

She's trying to make our case.

(Murphy, filtered voice)

Well, now...

You've got spirit, I'll give you that.

(sighs) You think so?

I was trying to act tough.

You never know in these situations.

(both chuckle)

So what's the deal with Carlos?



He had some plan to install ATM skimmers in strip clubs.

Nice enough plan, but... got me to invest 20 grand in it...


Which he then spent on strippers and booze.

So what'd you do?

What did I do?

Let's go.

Just give her a minute.

(Summer, filtered voice)


You didn't just let him steal from you, did you?


What's that to do with you? Hmm?

Let go.

Where's that list of numbers?

Stop it.

I want to see it now.

(door thuds)

Police! Don't move!

(both grunt)

Off the fence.

Get down.

Gimme your hands.

Hands behind your back.

You all right?


You owe me $800.

Come on.

So a jury's deliberating this case as we speak, and the $20, 000 in Carlos Ruiz's bank account is a key piece of evidence, and you're the one who gave it to him.

That's right. So what?

So I think you k*lled Carlos because he lost your money.

That would be foolish.

If I k*lled him, I wouldn't be able to get it back, now, would I?

Don't mind me. Rigsby, I brought you a cup of tea.

Uh, no, I'm good. Thank you.

Oh. No good deed goes unpunished. Uh, you?

Yous both seem like agreeable men.

Can we not find a reasonable solution to this problem?

Something that's beneficial to all of us?

I think he's trying to bribe us.

Yeah, sounds like it to me.

Your words, not mine... but... now you come to mention it, I do believe that everyone has their price point.

What are you willing to pay?

If I'm out within the hour, 5 grand to each of ya.

You k*lled a man, Murphy.

You're not bribing your way out of here.

Certainly not for 5 grand, anyhow.

I k*lled no man.

I deal in information, not m*rder.

Yes, fake IDs, right?


(under breath) how do the, uh, fake identity things work?

I always wanted to know.

(under breath)

I'll explain it later.

Could you explain it now?

(normal voice) I mean, this lump's not gonna talk.

Well, from what I gather, it's a matter of making a phony credit profile.

That's all?

Yeah, that's all.

If you were a hack, that's all you'd do.

Well, what if you're not a hack?

How do you go about it then?

Huh? Theoretically speaking.

True identity farming is an art that takes decades to set up.

You invent children.

You set up bank accounts for them, file tax returns, register them as voters, and then, years later, you have the perfect identities ready and waiting for real people to step into.

That's it?

There's a CD full of personal information you have to fill out first, but, uh... yeah, that's it.

And how much would one charge for this, uh, particular... thing? Theoretically.

Well, now, we're talking top of the line here.


$200, 000 for a brand-new you.

Jane, I'm gonna get back to the interrogation now, if that's okay?

Yeah, by all means.

All right. Thanks for the heads-up.

Bad news. That was a friend from the courthouse.

The jury didn't order dinner. They're closing in on a verdict.

Hmm. We need to hustle.

Call Eve, have her come in, tell her you want to update her on the case.

I'm springing Murphy.

No. You can't. He's our prime suspect.

Well, he didn't k*ll Carlos, but that doesn't mean he can't be useful to us. Uh...

Yeah. Video surveillance equipment.

Those little cameras?

I'm gonna need a few.

Would you mind telling me one thing first?

Like what I'm planning?

Yeah, that would be super.


Mm. No?

You're annoyed that I didn't stick to the agenda, but all's well that ends well. We're a team.

Stuff happens, and, uh, we move on.


(sighs) We're not a team.

Sign that.

Here's your final payment.

"Final payment"?

You were reckless and put everyone in danger today.

If I can't trust you, I can't use you.

So what, that's it?

You're done with me?


Oh, you're back for more, are you?

Do me a favor and, uh, get us another cup of cha, with a bit of sugar in it this time.

Get it yourself.

I pulled in a favor. You're a free man... under one condition.

I need a new identity.

Do you, now?

Well, you wanted to know my price point. That's it.

And I expect a friends-and-family discount from your usual fee.

How do I know this isn't entrapment?

You don't, but try this.

You get me a new identity, or I will book you for receiving stolen information.

That should be enough to get you extradited back to Ireland, where you're wanted in connection with two homicides.

Or is that three?

I'll do it... for $100, 000.

Okay, I'm in a tight spot. How quickly can you work?

How quick can you fill out the forms?

Oh, the CD, right. When do I get that?

One hour.

There's a parking lot at the south end of Fourth Street.

I'll meet you at the bottom with the CD, but...

I'll need a deposit to get me started—

$10, 000.

I'll send a courier.

As long as they've the cash.

Just don't be late.

(indistinct conversations, telephone ringing)

We're gonna have a little contest.

For what?

See who has the best Irish accent.

Rigsby, you're up first. Don't argue. We don't have time.

(clears throat) I, um...

(Irish accent)

My name's Wayne Rigsby.

Why I'm talking with an Irish accent right now, I...

don't really know.

Uh, okay. Cho?


Oh, come on. We know you have all sorts of hidden talents.

Rigsby it is, then.

Uh, practice learning this.

(police radio chatter)

Did you get those cameras?


Good man. Thank you.

How are you two holding up?

Things have been better.

Lisbon, look at these.

What are those?

Wireless surveillance cameras.


The new owner of Carlos' house was replastering the ceiling.

He found 'em hidden everywhere.

Murphy was a surveillance expert.

And Carlos owed Murphy a lot of money.

Well, maybe Murphy installed the cameras to keep tabs on him.

Not "maybe." We traced the serial numbers.

They were bought by one of Murphy's established aliases.

Well, if those were in the ceiling, they may have recorded the murders.

Murphy might have evidence on who the real k*ller is.

Yes, it's possible.

It's a bit of a long shot, isn't it?

I'd say it's our only shot.

We just released Murphy. I'm gonna bring him back in.

Yeah, I'm sorry. You're gonna have to leave now.

We have a lot of work to do.

Of course. Thank you so much.

Yeah, thank you.

Thank you.

Well done.

I try.

(irish accent) "Listen. Listen. Do not interrupt."


(phone rings)

No, not really. (sighs)

You go to w*r with the army you have.

Just read what's there, and hang up.

(clears throat) Okay.

(ring, click)

(Irish accent)

"Listen. Do not interrupt.

"I know who k*lled Carlos Ruiz, and I've a video to prove it.

"For $10, 000, I'll give you this video on a CD.

"There's a parking lot at the south end of Fourth Street.

I'll be waiting for you on the bottom level in exactly—"

(whispers) 45 minutes. "45 minutes. Don't be late."


The jury reached a verdict.

(normal voice)

When are they reading it?


Almost an hour. Shall we?


It's been 45 minutes.



(tires screech)


(car approaches)

(engine turns off)

Lisbon: There's Murphy.

Where are you?

(tires screech)

(car approaches)

(engine turns off)

(car door closes)


Where's the money?

$10, 000. It's all there.

Now the CD?

Where else is the video stored?

Take it easy now.

Where else is the video stored?

W-what video?

The video on the CD. The video of the m*rder!

Where else is it stored?

What video? What m*rder?

You off your nut?

Lisbon: Amy? Put the g*n down.

No, no. No, no.

Drop it!


You called me! I-I know there's a video.

The cops told Eve there's a video of the m*rder.

I just spoke to her.

I didn't call ya. There's no video on there, you silly cow.

(handcuffs click)

Okay, come on. Let's make this snappy.

We got 8 minutes to 6:00.

So you set all this up?

Who set what up?

What the hell's going on?

Amy k*lled Carlos.

She thought your CD had a video of her doing the deed.

Book Murphy to the station and book him for receiving stolen information.

I'm taking Amy to court.

Seven minutes.

In the matter of California against Eve Mulberry, all rise for the honorable Judge Isley Markman.

The jury's reached a verdict. Bailiff, please bring them in.

Hold on!

What is going on there?

Bailiff, remove those people.

Wait. We're with the CBI.

I know who you are.

He pulled that mind reading trick in my courtroom last month.

I'm sorry to barge in, Your Honor, but this is the woman who k*lled Carlos Ruiz.

They're showing contempt for these proceedings, Your Honor.

This is an embarrassment.

Well, it's an embarrassment to you.

You had no idea Amy framed Eve for m*rder.


If you did this, you have to say something now.

I want a lawyer first.


Everyone in my chambers now, except you.

My client is willing to confess, but under one condition— the DA's office takes the death penalty off the table.


How did, uh, Jane know that it was a frame job?

The neighbor saw a woman with long blonde hair leaving the victim's house the night of the m*rder.

Jane knew that Eve was innocent.

It had to have been a woman in a wig.

Eve's sister—she couldn't have pulled this off.

She couldn't even pour a glass of wine.

Amy was the only one who was capable and had motive.


Yeah. Death is off the table.

Start talking, young lady.

(voice breaking) I just wanted what was mine, you know?

Our wine is a sensation. Everybody loves it.

Investors want to jump on board, and they want to make us rich.

And Eve wants to stay small.

Small? She has acres of land. She has a rich husband.

What does she know about that?

I work nearly a hundred hours a week.

I can barely make my mortgage.

I thought this was my shot.

And Eve had told you about her affair with Carlos.

You knew, if he was k*lled, she'd be investigated.


I told Carlos I was a friend of Eve's.

I didn't know if someone would see me, so I wore the wig to make them think I was Eve.

I said I was interested in taking dance lessons, so he invited me in.

And the m*rder w*apon, I took from our vineyard Because I never get my hands dirty, and Eve really loves the soil.

I knew her fingerprints would be on it.

(glass breaks)

What are you doing here?

I want my job back.

(elevator bell dings)

Go home.

You know, I was handling that situation just fine today until you busted in.

I need this job, Kimball. I've given up everything else.

(elevator whirring)

Why would you take this from me?

(paper rustles)

Because you're crazy!

What are you gonna do, huh?

Hit me?

No. That's what you want.


That's why you kept pushing Murphy today.

What are you talking about? !

You get off on danger, Summer. You need it.

It provides a distraction from your unhappy life!

Screw you, Kimball!

You know, you're not so difficult to figure out yourself!

Yeah? What'd you figure out?


And it's driving me crazy! Who are you?

I gotta go.

No, no, no, no.

Not until you give me my job back.


You fired me because you like me.

You like me, and you don't know what to do about that.


Admit it!

Okay, I like you.

Admit it!


I'm so sorry. Y-you do?

Can I go now?


(elevator bell dings)


Woman: Eve, a couple questions.

Man: Eve. Peter.

(shouting continues)

Man: Eve! Eve!

Man: How about a kiss for the cameras?


(cheering and whistling)


Your nickel.

Bet you're glad you didn't bet a million.

Good night, Jane.

(crowd) Eve. Eve.

Woman: What really happened that night?

(crowd shouting)