09x22 - Mayday

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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09x22 - Mayday

Post by bunniefuu »

[engine sputtering]

[knocking, muffled shouts]




We start our descent
in 15 minutes, Horatio.

You know, I can almost hear it
as the lead-in on the news.

U.S. Marshals, working closely
with Miami-Dade's finest,

capture the last and most elusive
of the Miami-West Prison.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

You guys are gonna get
medals for this.

Funny coming from a guy we found
cowering in a flower garden.

Hey, at least I got to spend the last
seven months by the pool in Arizona.

What have you been up to, baldy?

I won't forget what you did
to those girls five years ago.

Oh, a shame
you never found their bodies.

Found enough
to put you away for life.

And if I get a medal, you can bet your ass

I'm gonna pin it right
in the middle of your forehead.

And you can count on it.

You guys should put your seatbelts on.
We're gonna be landing soon.

[jet engines whooshing]

We're off course.


- Is there something I can help you with?
- Yeah. I want to talk to the pilot.

Everything all right back there,

I want to know why we're off course.

Delay at Miami International.
I'm gonna have to put her down right now.

I don't think you understand the situation.
We are the priority landing.

Why don't you let me fly the plane, sir?

Mr. Groves, take this man
back to his seat, please.

I want you to get this back on course.

[g*n hammer cocks]


Son, this is a big mistake for you.

Why don't you put that g*n down
while you have the chance?

Put the g*n down right now.



Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!

Requesting emergency
descent and landing.

All air traffic in Miami control
is now under mayday transmission.

Lightfoot mayday traffic
from Miami control,

you are clear for emergency approach
and landing.



It doesn't have to end like this.

[alarm bells ringing]




He's gone.

Toller's gone.

♪ Yeah! ♪

♪ We don't get fooled again ♪

♪ Don't get fooled again ♪

♪ No, no! ♪

Breaking news this morning in Miami,

where escaped k*ller Jack Toller
is on the loose again.

[Woman on radio]
Authorities confirmed the plane

transporting Toller from Arizona,
where he was apprehended,

was forced to make an emergency landing...

Toller is the last remaining fugitive

from the Miami-West prison break
of October 17th.

He was serving a life sentence
for the m*rder of three teenage girls.

[Woman] Dubbed the "incinerator"
because of the gruesome way

he cremated the bodies of his victims,

Toller's conviction hinged
on the discovery of a single tooth.

Yeah, we got him.

Negative on the personnel.

Going with you. No excuses.

Can't do that, Horatio.
I'm too pissed off.

Frank, that looks terrible.
You got to get it checked. Yo!


So. So who hired you?

- The client. I'm a pilot.
- You're not answering my question.

Who hired you?

Jack Toller.

As soon as he knew
he was being transported,

he hired us to take out the pilots.

And then he paid us cash
to fly him to the Everglades.

Why the Everglades?
What's in the Everglades?

I was paid to look the other way
and not ask questions.

Where were you supposed to land?

I wasn't given that information.
You'll have to ask him.

- I'm asking you.
- I don't... know.

Okay. You ready for jail?

- What?
- Take him.

[phone ringing]

Hey, honey, I'm almost home.

I should be there in time
to make you and the kids lunch.

Love you. See you soon.


♪♪ [rock on radio]

[volume increases]

[Man on radio]
Jack Toller is considered armed
and extremely dangerous.

Do not attempt--

♪ See the curtains
hangin' in the window ♪

♪ In the evenin' on a Friday night ♪

♪ A little light a-shinin'
through the window ♪

♪ Lets me know everything is all right ♪

♪ Summer breeze makes me feel fine ♪

♪ Blowing through the jasmine
in my mind ♪

♪ ...through the jasmine in my mind ♪

Hello? Sir? Hello?

Are you okay?


Are you okay?



Shut up!

No! No! Aah!

- Shut up!
- No!

♪ Summer breeze ♪

This is CSI Eric Delko.
No sign of Toller on Old Post Road.

Should we widen the search?

That's a negative.
We're covered to the south.

Stand by for further instructions.

Roger that.

[speed dialing]

- Calleigh.
- Hey, what you got?

Listen, I've got a dead body.

Shark Valley, along mile marker 19.

Fatal head injury.

This is right along Toller's escape route.

From the looks of it,
I'm thinking he carjacked her.

Listen, I've got a purse here.
I'm gonna check through it.

I'll send you the driver information
so you can get a vehicle registration.

Great. I'm also gonna look
into Toller's known associates,

see if he's trying
to reconnect with anyone.

All right.
Make sure an M.E.'s en route.


Horatio, this is Randy North.

I arrested him four years ago
for felony drug possession.

Mr. North, thank you for coming in.

I understand that you were Mr. Toler's
cellmate at the time of his escape.

Yes, but I didn't play a part in that,
and I have no part in this.

- Have you had any contact with him?
- No, thank God.

Look, I've got 11 months left on probation,

but if I screw up at all,
they throw me right back in there.

No, I know. I understand.

And believe me, you've done
a great job since your release.

- I'm really proud of you.
- Thank you.

Okay, we've got a mother of three
that's in the morgue, and we think

that it's Toller that carjacked her car,

so if there's anything at all
that you can tell us.

Look, I'm-- I'm-- I'm very sorry
about the mother, okay?

But I'm a single father myself,
and just being here puts us in jeopardy.

Just so you know,
anything that you do to help us out

does not put you in jeopardy.

You have no idea where he is
or what he may be doing?

I'm very happy to say that I don't.

I mean, I hope you bring him in.


Randy, promise me that you'll
call us if anything changes.

Yeah, yes.

Thanks for coming in.




And that was just before
the emergency landing?

And that was the last time
you heard from him?

All right, great, thanks.

So Horatio told me that the copilot said

Toller wanted the plane
to go to the Everglades.

Okay, let's chart
the intended flight path.

- Okay.
- This is where they veered off course.

We know that their original bearing
was 45 degrees east.

Right, and then the pilot turned
the plane 140 degrees west,

making our new route here.

That's over 300 miles of real estate
encompassing ten airfields.

You got any idea of where we should start?


Okay, this plane guzzles 230 gallons
of fuel per hour at cruising speed.

How many gallons were left
when the plane landed?

NTSB investigators are putting the total
at roughly 125 gallons.

Okay, 125 gallons is about
half an hour's worth of fuel left.

Half an hour's worth of fuel left,
traveling at 100 miles per hour,

burning about 2 1/2 gallons per mile

would leave about 50 miles
before they had to land.

Is there an airstrip within 50 miles?

Only one.


Can I help you?

Yeah, do you guys have a G4
scheduled to land here this morning?

Oh, I wouldn't know.

Hey, Marcel, the cops
are looking for you again!

I'm kidding.

[Caine chuckles]

Marcel, come on, where are you?

I am right here!

Then are you deaf?
Listen, these guys want to know

if there was a plane scheduled
to land here this morning.

- What was it?
- A G4.

A G4? You're kidding, right?

Have you had contact
with a man named Jack Toller?

Toller-- that guy from the news?

Yeah, he's a fugitive.

Ditched the plane earlier this morning
a few miles from here.

And what's that have to do with us?

He intended to land it here.


Look at the aircraft I deal with here.

This is a utility strip--
mostly recreational flyers, light aircraft.

Whatever this guy Toller's up to,
I'm glad he didn't end up here.

We're going to need your
entire flight record, please.

After you, gentlemen.

That's not going to cut it.
I need it right now.

All right, I'll hold.

You're back already?
That's not a good sign.

Me? What the hell are you doing here?

People think I need my head examined.
Well, guess what-- I did.

I want that bastard so bad I can taste it.

Hey, Sarge, are you all right?

I will be if people stop asking me.

You got eyes on our stolen Saab yet?

Rolling on the BOLO every 15,
tracking all the bogus leads.

Sergeant, I have a meter maid talking
to one of our ground units right now.

- You hold that, please?
- Yes, sir.

Sergeant Tripp.
What do you got for me?

You know, I really thought
I was onto some--


We'll be right there.

Got a car matching our description
pulled at a salvage in Seaside.

I bet he's ditched the dead mom's car.

That's the Saab.
Yeah, those are the plates.

Just talked to the owner.
Nobody saw the car dropped off.

Yeah, he's got to be here somewhere.

Let's split up. Everybody take a row.

Okay, somebody watch the car,

and somebody take the front gate,
make sure nobody gets out.





Stop right there, Toller!

Do not move!

What the hell, Randy?

Look, I can explain everything
if you'll just give me a chance.

- Keep your hands up.
- I'll let you explain it to your kids.

- No.
- Let's hook him up.

Put your hands behind your back.
Let's go!

Don't move.

You told us you hadn't
even talked to Toller.

I know, and there--
there's a logical explanation.

If you'll just let me explain,
you will understand.

We'd better, Randy.

I, uh, I can't right now, okay?

But if I could just make one phone call--

My kids-- I have to pick 'em
up from school in 20 minutes.

- You lied to us.
- No, I didn't.

He found me after I talked to you guys.

I don't know how, but he did.

You're going to help me get out of this.

Jack, I can't do that, you know that.

And he threatened to hurt my kids.

How'd you like to lose your kids?

You wouldn't dare.


See this car?

I need it to disappear quickly and quietly.

You're gonna get rid of it for me.

Pretty please?

I didn't have a choice.

[tapping table]
I had no choice.

At that moment,
you should have contacted us.

Why is he still here?

Did he tell you if he had a plan
here in Miami?

- I don't know.
- Yes, you do.

No, I don't. All I did was
I dropped him off downtown,

and then I dropped the car off
at the junkyard.

- Where downtown?
- At the Axion Hotel.



My finder's fee just went up.

Nah, I don't think so.

[laughs] You provided a buyer,
you've been well compensated.

This is my deal.

I got you to the buyer.
I delivered. Now I want my cut.

[laughs] Marcel...

- [g*n cocks]
- I think you just cut yourself out of it.

Whoa, whoa, man.
Come on, put the g*n down.

- Let's talk this out.
- Okay, good.


[briefcase closing]

- Have you seen this man?

No. Are you here
about the g*nshots?

- g*nshots? When?
- Just a minute ago on the 30th floor.

30th floor-- seal it off, gentlemen.

- Where's your elevator?
- Straight to the back.

All right, all right, all right.

- Move and you die.
- Okay.

- Where's Toller?
- He was here. He shot Marcel.

How long ago?

- Just a couple minutes ago.
- Now, call it in, Eric.

Stay very still.


- Drive!
- What?

- Drive! Shut up!
- Okay.

Don't say a word. Just drive.

They were arguing,
and he just shot him.

What, he just spared you?

He didn't know I was here.

Marcel, I think you just
cut yourself out of it.

Whoa, whoa, man.
Come on, put the g*n down.

Let's talk this out.


Why are you here?

He's my boss. You know, he tells me
to come somewhere, I listen.

I-- I didn't know there
were going to be g*ns here.

What was the argument about?

I don't know. I couldn't hear.
I-- [sighs]

Some sort of business deal.

I don't know what it was about.

You worked at the airfield with Marcel.
You're going to tell me you had no idea?

Look, I kept my job because I didn't
ask any questions, all right?

I can tell you what
the business deal was about.

That's class-A work, Eric.

Counterfeit bills.

You still don't know
what this is about?

That has nothing to do with me.

We're gonna get to the bottom of this.
You're coming with us. Let's go.

[Man] We're assembled
for an emergency hearing

to address the continued custody
of the two minor children,

Austin, date of birth 10/11/02,

and Patty 2/20/05,

with their biological father Randy North.

What is the Child Services' position
in regard to these children?

It has come to light that Mr. North has been
in contact with a convicted felon,

a triple m*rder*r and escapee
from the Miami-West Prison.

This association would be a violation
of the conditions of Mr. North's parole.

May I ask the type of contact

to which you're referring,
Mr. Hillington?

Apparently, Mr. North
assisted the convicted felon

in the disposal of a stolen automobile.

The department believes

that this contact presents
a danger to the minor children,

and that continued custody with Mr. North
will put the children at risk.

No, look, he threatened me, okay?

Can you please tell them?
He threatened to hurt my children.

Miss Boa Vista, you have been summoned

because Mr. North is part
of an ongoing investigation.

Yes, Your Honor.

You have a history with Mr. North,
do you not?

Yes, sir, I do.

And Mr. North has made
mistakes in the past.

But I do believe that today he did
the wrong thing for the right reason.

He acted as a result
of a direct threat to his children.

Did you hear such a conversation
with Mr. Toller and Mr. North

in which a threat against
his children was made?

Uh, no, I did not.

So you take the convicted felon
at his word?

I have direct testimony
as to this man's transformation.

Since his parole, he earned
a degree in accounting.

He started his own business

so that he could work from home
so he could be a full-time father.

But you have no firsthand knowledge

of such a conversation
with Toller, do you?

As I said, I do not, but what--

You have no direct admissible evidence

to support the alleged threats made
against Mr. North's children, do you?

May I continue, please?

Thank you.

I feel that Mr. North was under duress

because he fully cooperated with us
when we brought him in for questioning,

and he's not being charged with a crime.

Your Honor, this is an emergency hearing
based on admissible evidence.

There is clear
and convincing evidence

to establish that these
children are in danger.

This is their father. You don't think
it would be more detrimental

to take these children away
from their only parent

and enroll them into the foster system?

The department requests
that these children

immediately be placed
in the custody of Child Services.


I appreciate your coming here, Officer.

I will issue my ruling
by the close of business today.

- Thank you.
- Thank you, Your Honor.

Thank you, Your Honor.

We're getting further away
from the city.

That, little lady, is the whole idea.

Can I at least call my parents?


Sure. I'll dial it for you,
I'll introduce myself,

and we can pick out a nice
place to meet for lunch.

They're going to be worried about me.

They should be.

What happened?

You were supposed to be my star witness.

The judge just took away my kids.

- Daddy!
- Daddy!

Hey. Hey, come here.

Come here.
I love you so much, guys.

I love you, okay?

Take care of your sister, okay?

Oh, my God.

I'm sorry, Randy. I'm really sorry.

You were supposed to fix this.

I tried.

If you hadn't helped Toller,

- you wouldn't be here.
- I had no choice.

Look, if you could just
go back in there, okay?

And talk to the judge
without that lawyer in there,

then maybe he'll listen to you.

Maybe I can get
supervised visits, anything.

Okay, I will help you try to fix this,
and if we can bring in Toller,

we might be able to corroborate
your story and the threats.

- [phone rings]
- You don't know Toller.

He will die before he lets
you take him back here.

Boa Vista.

Okay, I'm on my way.


Toller just kidnapped
a 16-year-old girl.

I will try to help you,
but I've got to go right now. I'm sorry.

You sit there.


No whimpering, no crying. No words.

If you're going to k*ll me, just do it.

I'm not going to just do it.


[siren wailing in distance]

I promise, when I'm done with you,
you'll be the first to know.

Just like those other girls.

Shut up!

The other girls didn't listen, either.

I don't like repeating myself, all right?

Just chill.

[camera shutter snapping]

So Jack Toller had his hands on that bill?

Take a look at it.

More importantly, take a look
at the paper it's printed on.

There are no blue and red fibers.

And the watermark's missing.

Yeah, it doesn't have a security strip.

Yeah. This paper is bad.

It's definitely counterfeit.

But look at the quality of the print.

Look at the micro-printing.
Look at the portrait.

- It's dead-on.
- You're right.

This printing is definitely raised.

It's not something you can do
with your average color printer.

No, you couldn't. You'd have to have
an engraved plate to do that.

And Toller has them.

Yeah, but if he can make
that good a forgery,

why is he printing it on paper

that wouldn't make it past
the register of a supermarket?

I'm guessing that even though
he has the plates,

he doesn't have the other ingredients--
the paper, the ink.

That's why he hasn't left Miami.

He must know someone here
that has the paper, the ink.

Then he'll be able to print money
for the rest of his life.

- Find that person...
- You find Jack Toller.


Look, I already told you,

whatever Marcel and Jack Toller
were dealing together,

I was out of that loop.

Toller's kidnapped a teenage girl.

If he murders her, that's on you.


I can't help you.

You know, I...

I don't think you have a choice.

I'm a Secret Service agent--
with Homeland Security.

And I'm President Obama.
Nice to meet you.

Call the Miami field office
if you need to check it out.

What name should we run?

Renee Locklear.

Run that, will you, Walter?


I have a specific mandate
from the highest security in government

to find those plates.

That's why I couldn't tell you before.

What else can't you tell me?

18 months ago,

a freight delivery from the Bureau
of Engraving crashed in Georgia.

When the cargo was recovered,

three sets of $100 plates
were unaccounted for.

And you think Toller is up for all this?

No, I think Toller wants to cash in.

It's his buyer that I want.

And who is his buyer?

I don't know.

I've tried to get close enough to him.
I couldn't get a name.

So this is the real thing, huh?

Right off Uncle Sam's truck.

Creates a perfect image, but...

you got to have the right paper.


My finder's fee just went up.

I don't think so.

You provided a buyer.

You've been well compensated.

This is my deal.

I think you just cut yourself out of it.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, man.
Come on.

[g*n fires]

What did you get, Walter?

- You check out.
- Mm-hmm.

Obama, huh?

What else, Agent?

Before he took off,
he crouched over Marcel's body.

I think he took something from him.

What do you think it was?

I have no idea.

We have Marcel's clothes.

Yes, we do, Walter.
Let's process those.


Is this really the space
for that kind of exploration, Wolfe?

No, Tom, it isn't.

Frankly, I don't know
what the hell I'm looking for,

and I'm trying to prevent
that teenage girl

from ending up on a slab
in your morgue.

I understand.


Got an I.D.
I got some credit cards.

I got, um...

Oh, there's some axle grease
on the sleeve of his shirt here.

Oh. Found plenty of it
under his nails as well.

Comes from his occupation, I'm afraid.

Marcel did work on airplanes.

Not sure it's the case-breaker
you're looking for.

Easy to punch holes, Tom.

Easy to punch holes.

It's a key ring.

Key ring.

Tom, you know what?
I need an expert opinion,

but you're here, so you'll do.

Come here and take a look at this.

How kind.

What do you think?

Uh, it's bent, like someone
improperly pulled keys from it.

In haste. Toller ripped
the key ring off here

to get access
to Marcel Largo's airport hangar.

And God willing,
the girl with him is still alive.

- Go.
- Yeah.

[siren blaring]

This is probably her sandal.

Then she was here.
Hopefully, she's still alive.

If she's still alive, it's for a reason.

Marcel's office may lead us
to the girl and our buyer.

Hey, I got a desk calendar here.

Let's see.

There's a page missing from today, too.

Going to find out
what was scribbled on here.

Might be the meeting place
or the buyer, something.

What do you want me to do?

Tell the man you have a delivery.

You get the bag from him first.

Then you hand him this case.

Got it?


I can't make anything out.

What do you got?

Marcel has been video conferencing.

And the conversation window is open.

Got a user name?

How do I know you're not just going
to sh**t me in the back or something?


The user name is...


Bernard Ashcroft. That's the investment
banker that got arrested for fraud.

And he's also our buyer.

Toller's on his way to meet Ashcroft.

[doorbell rings]

[phone ringing]


Randy, look, I'm really sorry.
I just can't help you right now.

We're right in the middle
of working on a kidnapping.

I know. He called me again.

All right? He's threatening me.

Toller? Did Toller call?
What did he say he wanted?

He wouldn't tell me over the phone.

He told me to meet him
at the pier in 20 minutes.

I'm only telling you this
because I want my kids back.

You did the right thing. You're not
gonna go. Let us take care of this.

Just let me know where on the pier
he wanted you to meet him.

- [phone beeps]
- Get me Horatio now!

[doorbell ringing]

Where's Toller?

He, uh, he told me to get a bag from you.

You got to be kidding me.
Get inside.

All units, Sergeant Tripp.

Jack Toller's in the vicinity
of Biscayne and Lardner.

He's armed, he's dangerous.
Let's bring the son of a bitch down.

[siren blaring]

[engine starting]

Look, I don't know who you are,
but you take that case back to Toller.

I talk to him face to face.
Not some girl.

- Go, go, go, go, go!
- Whoa, whoa!

- Stay right there!
- Who is this?

- Turn around. Kiss the wall.
- Who are you?

Turn around. Kiss the wall.

- You okay?
- This is a warrant.

You can read it at your leisure.
Hook him up!

All right, it's okay. You're safe now.
All right? Is he here?

No. He sent me.

- You go with this man right here.
- [Ashcroft] You tell me--

- They're gonna take care of you, all right?
- [Tripp] Shut up!

- [Ashcroft] Tell me what I did.
- Hey, take a look at this.

What have you got?

A crate of paper
from the Carver Paper Company.

Carver. That's the company
out of Massachusetts, right?

They've got a contract
with the government?

This guy managed to get his hands
on currency-grade printing paper.

Wow. This is the real thing.

Same fiber and linen content.

So you got your paper, Mr. Ashcroft,
and your printing press.

I feel I should have counsel present
should you have any further questions.

Shut up.

I've got a whole phone book of people
who want to talk to you. Let's go.

These are the plates.

Oh, my God.

Looks like Toller got away with a set.


He's in the wind again.

Toller's deal for the plates went south.

I wonder if Randy's even still
planning to meet him here.

Rest assured that if he
kept a pair for himself,

he's gonna sell them.

- Now, what--
- [g*nsh*t]

Horatio! Horatio?

Stay down. Stay down.
Can you tell me where you're hit?

Where are you hit? Where--


[car door closes]

[Boa Vista yelling]

They split up my kids.
Austin's in Fort Meyers,

and Patty's with a family in Boca Raton.

They don't even have each other now!

It's not my fault.

Everyone keeps telling me that!

But I fixed everything.

I did it all, and it didn't matter!

You promised me, but you're just
like the rest of them.

I'm not. Remember,
I tried to help you, Randy,

because I believed
that you've changed.

Don't do this.
You can't come back from this.

This is what everyone becomes
when you strip it all away

and you leave them with nothing!


Randy, don't!


- [pounding on trunk]
- [Boa Vista shouting]

[engine starts]

[Boa Vista]
Randy, what are you doing? What--

Randy! Stop!



[Boa Vista]




[phone speed dials]

[pounding on trunk]

Come on, come on, come on.

[automated voice]
The wireless subscriber

you are trying to reach
is away from their phone

or outside the range of cellular service.


Aah! Aah!


[phone speed dials]

Come on.

[busy signal]

Please. Please. Please.

[busy signal]


[muffled sobbing]

[pounding, screaming]

♪ Yeah! ♪
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