America Is Sinking (2023)

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America Is Sinking (2023)

Post by bunniefuu »

Pulling ice sample


Sample ID has been added

to the database.

How many more do we

want from this area?

I think a few more should do it.

Sounds good.

Shouldn't Ken be back?

I thought he was doing

a grid check.

Yeah, he shouldn't be long.

A few more samples like

deep within the glacier ice

of WR-63

should be enough.

That way it will give

us a precise picture

of when the magnetic field

degradation actually began.

Our smoking g*n.

All right, fire it up.

[drill running]

[alarm beeping]

How are we looking, Michele?

We should head inside now.

Ken, Ken, you copy?

You guys felt that too, yeah?

We're still feeling

the tremor.

Ken, get back to

base camp immediately.

Copy that.

We'll need to confirm the data,

but these tremors could be

the prelude to the big one.

This means nothing if

we lose our data.




The glacier's splitting.

Our equipment!



The ice you're on is crumbling!


Ken, I got you,

I got you, all right?

Just hold on!

Just hold on!

I need you to

just keep holding on!

No, no, no!



We need to go!

It stopped.

[alarm beeping]

What is it?

One second.

It's the latest analytical data

from NOAA's monitoring system

in the ocean.

It's showing that the

Gorda plate on the Pacific side

and the Eurasian plate

on the Atlantic side

are both fractured.

Both coasts?

Have tsunami

warnings been issued?


Michelle, we're looking at the

sinking of all of North America.

Everything okay?

I've never had to

call someone before

to tell them their son died.

Still working on that?

Yeah, I just can't

get a solid connection.

The earthquakes must

have disrupted our signal.

Can you handle this?

I gotta make a call.


[phone rings]

Hey, honey,

how's the North Pole?

Oh good, you're home.

Is Kimmy with you?

Of course she is.

What's going on?

Okay, I need you and Kimmy

to pack whatever you guys need

and get out of

Los Angeles fast.

Okay, you're starting

to worry me.

Code ice, Danny.

It's Code Ice.


Kimmy, we have to go now!

Your father said

we have to leave.

What now?

What's happening?

The country is going to begin

flooding over the next 48 hours.

We need to evacuate.

What about everyone else?

They can take

care of themselves.

Mom, this doesn't make sense.

How does he know it's 48 hours?

Have you ever known your father

to not take things seriously?

I'm gonna call my friends.

[phone beeps]

-It's not working.


I can't reach...

Okay, we can't help others

unless we help ourselves.

Okay, just take

a deep breath, calm down

and go get whatever

you need and fast.

Maybe I can text them,

let them know?

Of course, in the car.

Where are we supposed to go?


We'll be safer

in the higher elevation.


Okay, okay.

Chase, I made contact.

This is Chase Heibert.

Do you read?

Dr. Heibert, can you hear me?

Yeah, Dr. Robbins, yeah,

I can hear you.

Sorry, we're

experiencing some...

Intermittent connection from the

satellite's position and the...

deteriorated magnetic field.

Okay, I just sent you both

all the information that I had.

Now, these are initial reports

from NOAA's own

monitoring system,

paired with what we

retrieved from

the United States

satellite network.

They show tectonic plates

along the east and west coast

shifting, causing tsunamis.

Satellite imagery shows

a massive section

of Glacier WR-63 broke off

due to the earthquake,

forcing a significant

rise in sea levels.

With the massive

flooding and tsunamis

resulting from when it

went into the Atlantic.

What's worse is the increased

flooding along both seaboards

with tsunamis pushing

the water inland.

I would say we have about

48 hours until

all of North America

is completely underwater.

We need to set forth

nationwide evacuations

as I would calculate the first

tsunami will probably strike...

probably strike

the coast immediately.

[phone rings]

This is General Glenn, report.

What is it?

It's the NOAA buoys that

were sending data earlier.

It's like they've

completely stopped altogether.

I mean, they should

still be picking up

some sort of

oceanic interference.

The ocean's never

completely still.

Could they be malfunctioning?

Well, maybe a few,

but all at once?

Ruth, I don't know if

you've seen this yet, but...

I see it, Chase.

It looks like the buoys

have stopped responding

on both coasts.

What does that mean?

It means...

We're blind.

We need to put the President on.

He should be briefed about

the current situation now.

The President's being briefed

by the United States

Geological Society,

followed by FEMA and

a list of others.

They don't have all the data.

The Geological Survey

doesn't understand

the ocean's full scope.

We specifically have

been dispatched to reinforce

our hypothesis on

the Earth's magnetic field

in tandem with Dr. Robbins'

own research.

What's happened, General?

This is General Glenn.

I'm issuing orders to

the National Guard

from every state along

the coast to assist immediately

with the efforts to

evacuation inland.

Send a retrieval unit

to our science team

at Glacier WR-63

at the North Pole.

Tsunamis have

struck both seaboards.

Florida's been hit the worst,

but the state of Washington

is reporting major casualties.

However, these

are isolated events.

For now.

If that's the case,

the President's going

to need options.

I'm open to whatever we have

at our disposal, General.

What do you think, Robbins?

General, I think bringing

Dr. Heibert back to work

with me is the right call.

Together, we can

tackle this crisis.

My research assisted Dr. Heibert

and Dr. Jorgensen

on their current expedition.

Very well.

Dr. Heibert, I want you back

in Washington

to assist Dr. Robbins

in resolving this issue.

A helicopter is en route to

take you to the nearest airbase.

From there, we will fly

you directly here.

ETA 10 minutes till arrival.

Get packed.

General, I'm concerned

as to what it will take

for a nationwide evacuation.

Whatever the cost,

we have to save the country.

Dr. Jorgensen,

I want you to stay put

and continue to monitor--




Come on.

We need to get you

to that chopper.

You're coming, too.

I'm staying, but we'll get

you out of here.

It's not safe here.

The door's blocked!

The hatch, it's our

only way out.

All right, go. Ready?


Come on, we've got to go.

Let's go. Are you okay?

I'm not going anywhere.

We have to go.

Let's go. Come on.

You're going.

I'm not.

No. Come on.

I will carry you.

I couldn't make it to the roof,

let alone the chopper.

I will carry you.

Okay? Come on. Let's go.

Before we lost connection,

the General mentioned

needing me here.

You're needed in Washington.

I need to stay here

and assist the General.

This will be over in a minute.

I'll be fine.

If you don't help Dr. Robbins,

the United States

will be destroyed

and all 333 million

people will die.

Think of Kimmy, Chase.

This is way bigger than me.

All right.

Send me that data

as soon as you can.

Will do. Good luck.

You too.

General Glenn wishes

to speak with you.

Thank you.

[phone rings]



You're on board.

You'll be working

with Dr. Robbins

as soon as you arrive.

We have 47 hours to

figure out how

to stop America from sinking.

Yes, sir. I'm already looking

at hundreds of models

in case

the Gorda plate shifts

or domino effects

into other plates.

Good. Dr. Robbins is doing the

same thing for the East Coast.

In the meantime,

evacuations are proceeding

along potential flood zones.

Has L.A. been evacuated?

It is in progress.

They're heading east to the

mountains, higher elevations.

Dr. Heibert,

all of us have family.

We're doing it for them.

Glad you could join us,

Dr. Heibert.

We don't have much time.

As of now, we currently

have 40 hours left

until the country goes under.

Washington and Florida

may have been first,

but they won't be the last.

Our analysts

estimate that tsunamis

will strike again off the coast,

but we don't know

where or when.

Worse, they'll converge

with the current floodwaters

and continue to submerge


and sink America.

I need to return to evaluate

the other teams,

of which you are one of many.

I need options, and

I need them fast.

So, from my own

studies and yours,

I've been able

to deduce that

with our magnetic

field deteriorating,

it is affecting

our tectonic plates.

Yeah, so much so that

these natural disasters

are way more powerful

than normal.


My idea is that we

use pre-existing oil rigs

off of each coast.

We drill down to the

tectonic plates

at their location to

relieve some of the stress.

Yeah, but the rigs

are immovable.

We need something

more mobile, precise.

What about...

What about massive sinkholes?


In what way?

Let me show you.

Man-made sinkholes, at key

points throughout the country.

It will swallow up the water

and help release the tension

created by the tectonics.

We don't have the time

or the resources for

a plan this drastic.

We have two days to

come up with a solution.

Or, Chase, we lose everyone.

I really think we should

have taken the I-15.

This feels like the long way.

It wasn't before traffic.

I still don't understand

why we couldn't stop

and help anyone.

We're all trying

to reach safety.

They can take care

of themselves.

They're not just people,

they're families like us.

Yeah, but we have to believe

that they're capable like us.

Just like us, they'll get

where they're going.

It's like you don't even care.

Don't mistake

my priorities for apathy.

Look around you, Kimmy.

Everyone here is just like us.

Desperate for safety.

Desperate is dangerous.



-Are you okay?


Okay. Hold on.

[cars honking]




What is it?

It's from Michelle.

She was able to go through

the data from our core samples.

I don't believe it.

She says there is

definitive evidence

of solar radiation

at that depth.

Okay, which proves

the presence and increase

of solar radiation beneath

the Earth's surface.


Which means that it's made

its way down

and settled into our

tectonic plates,

which is exactly why I

think we need to focus

on fixing the magnetic field

and destroying the glacial

ice that broke off from WR-63.

Won't destroying

the glacial ice though

add to the ocean's water levels?

General Glenn is head of

experimental weapons research.

They have sonic weapons that

could disintegrate the iceberg,

reducing it to nothing,

as well as EMPs that could

help fix the magnetic field.

They built something like this?

The United States spends more

on its military

than the next 26

countries combined.

Yeah, but destroying

part of the North Pole

is only a temporary solution

without stifling the tectonic

plates at the Earth's crust.

And besides, the U.S.

doesn't even own the North Pole.

I don't know what kind

of political loopholes

it would take to achieve

something like this.

Everyone has to be on board.

Or we're all dead.

Destroying the glacier

and fixing the magnetic field

will provide immediate results.

Might just give us enough

time to make those sinkholes.

I think it's a great idea.

Let's take it to Madam Advisor

and see if we

can get this cleared.

What do you have?

It starts with destroying

the glacial ice

that broke off from WR-63.

Currently 300 miles

out to sea.

With this massive object

in the ocean,

it has caused our

sea levels to rise.

Now, what we'd

suggest is sending

the military sonic arsenal

to disintegrate the glacier.

This should bring sea

levels back to normal.

And then we send a deployment

with any EMP weapons

to WR-63 to help repair

the magnetic field.

Combined with the

man-made massive sinkholes

and at key tectonic plates

across the country,

this will offset

the ocean flooding

and stop the sinking

of the United States.

EMPs, sinkholes and bombs.

That's what I'm supposed

to take before the president?

This is the best

solution that we have.

But we have to act now.

Or none of this matters.

Have you any idea how

much political finagling

this is going to take?

No, but if we're

to save America,

it's absolutely necessary.

Okay, then we'll move ahead

with the glacier plan.

I'll be sure the president

gives his approval

and to update General Glenn

about all this.

I'll contact Dr. Jorgensen

and let her know.

[alarm sounding]

What's going on?

That's the national

emergency broadcast.

Ma'am, a tsunami's

been spotted

heading to our location.

We need to evacuate now.

[powering down]

What's going on?

Doctors, this is Captain Pierce,

he's been assigned by

General Glenn to assist you

with everything you'll need.

He's meeting us aboard

the SS Atlantic.

We gotta move.


Everyone to the roof now.

We gotta get to those choppers.

Without power, we don't have

access to the cloud of any kind.

Which means we can't leave

without our research materials.

They're all in the lab.

Don't miss the helo.

Get them there

with everything they need.

Yes, ma'am.

Stay safe.

Lead the way.

Captain, this is

Miles of helo one.

We have a massive

tsunami inbound.

You have three minutes

to get the hell out of there.

Copy that, Miles.


What are we looking for?

Our laptops.

There it is,

there it is.

Move fast.

We've got to go now!

All right, let's go.

Come on.

Come on, move.


Miles, we're heading

to the roof.

Copy that.

All other helos have left.

With all due respect,

Captain, move your ass.

ETA is one minute.

I'll be gone after that.

Come on, let's go.

This place is about

to get real wet.

Move, go!

Come on.

Get in.

Ruth, you okay?

I hope this works

'cause we really need it to.

Glacial ice is two miles

and closing, General.

Lieutenant Green and

his men have deployed

our entire payload of

EMP weapons, sir.

Be sure Dr. Jorgensen

coordinates their efforts.

They are to remain

at her disposal

for the duration

of this operation.

Yes, sir.

The President has

secured cooperation

with the governments of

Canada and Greenland for this.

Dr. Robbins, Heibert,

why can't we deploy our w*apon

from the deck of this ship?

Why 300 miles away at WR-63?

Well, the weapons need

solid ground in order

to provide a consistent laser to

help prepare the magnetic field.

Yeah, not to mention, General,

the field's weakest point

is at our site at WR-63.

While the EMPs repair

the magnetic field,

the sonic weapons

will effectively

sublimate the glacier,

turning it instantly

to water vapor.

-Lieutenant Green.


We need to deploy

them in a U-shape.

It'll maximize

the area of effect.

Copy that.

All hands on deck.

Doc says we need a U-shape.

Let's get them in line, people.

Move it!

I certainly hope you know

what you're doing, General.

We now know this is

bigger than just us.

Hey, don't worry.

Dr. Jorgensen knows

what she's doing.

No, it's not that.

It's my daughter, Kimmy.

I told her and her mom

to leave L.A.

and I haven't heard from them.

All west coast lines are busy.


All the cell towers are down.

Where's the sit-rep?

We've got a 40% chance

of success, Captain.

The w*apon's yield isn't

viable in our current stance.

We need to relocate a couple to

increase the overall coverage.

All right.

Do it!

Lieutenant, move those vehicles.

Copy that.

Let's move them!

We need to stop for gas.

I'm not seeing

any gas stations.

I think our luck did hold.

For now.

Come on.

-What are you doing?

-We're going to get some gas.

Hand me the knife

from the glove box.

You can't do that.

That's against the law.

You're a lawyer.

You should know.

Yes, I do know.

Then you know it's wrong.

I'm doing what every

other mother would do.

Commit theft?

Whatever it takes

to keep us alive. Come on.

You've always told me

that there's doing right

and there's doing wrong.

Today has felt

nothing but wrong.

I know.

And in any other circumstance,

you would be right.

Do you see anyone around?

Car looks abandoned, right?

Which means so is the fuel.

I didn't know you had this.

It never hurts to be prepared.


Flat tire.

Whoever was here

is long gone by now.


Just be quick, all right?

Better wear these, doctor.

The EMP lasers can be blinding

without proper eye protection.

They can fire when

ready, Lieutenant.

Copy that.


EMPs on the ice have

fired, sir.

We're also in range.

The glacier is one

mile and closing, sir.

You may proceed, Captain.

This is Captain Rodriguez.

All ships proceed with

the firing of sonic weapons.

Your colleague's part in all

this should be over soon.

How will we know it worked?

We'll have to wait for

Dr. Jorgensen's analyst data.

She'll know better than us

whether or not

the field is fixed.


We're going to have a

delay in communication, sir,

due to the effects of

the electromagnetic w*apon.

General, all ships

report weapons clear.

Did it work?

Looks promising.

The magnetic field is


I'll know more in

a few minutes.

See if you can get

ahold of the Atlantic.

Copy that.

General, all glaciers

have been destroyed,

all fragments disintegrated.

Nothing remains of the ice

from WR-63

and the ocean's levels

appear stable.

Well done, Captain.

Order all ships to stand down.

I'll alert the President.


I told you this would work.

We'll see.

We still need Michelle's

data to confirm.

This is General Glenn,

WR-63 Report.


Reading you, General.

Stand by for Dr. Jorgensen.

This is Jorgensen.

What's the report on

your end, General?

All targets eliminated.

Did we stabilize

the magnetic field?

Uh... the data's coming in now.

Give me one second.


No, no, no, no, no, no.

What is it, Doctor?

Dr. Jorgensen, did we repair

the magnetic field?

Negative, General.

The magnetic

field shifted polarity,

but it's not corrected.

Temperature readings are

showing a desired effect.

Wait a second.

I'm getting some

extreme readings. Hold on.


[alarm sounding]

Dr. Jorgensen.

Dr. Jorgensen, come in.

Michelle, Michelle, there

is a massive tsunami coming.

You gotta get to

wherever you can now.


Michelle, do you copy?

What's going on, Doctor?

The weapons broke the glacier

as planned, all right?

But it caused an

increased seismic activity

in the permafrost area,

which will lead to

a seismic shattering causing

a massive, massive tsunami.

Dr. Jorgensen, do you read?

We need to evacuate

the area now.

General, WR-63

has become unstable.

The weapons had

an adverse effect.

They seem to have

created another shift

in the tectonic plates.


You've got to get outta there!

Not until I save the data.

It's the only way that

we can save North America.

Listen, just get her out.

I'm going to get my computer

to monitor her data upload

because all the information

that she has

is vital to anything

else we might try.

We have to get you

out of here, Doctor.

Dr. Heibert needs this data.

There's no time.

I can't leave and risk

losing network connection.

You don't get it.

If Chase and the others

don't get this data,

then it doesn't matter

where we go.

All hands,

evac immediately.

Repeat, evac immediately.

You don't have

much time, Doctor.

What's happened?

They're evacuating the area.

She's refusing to leave

until we receive the data.

Coming through now.

Dr. Jorgensen, your data

is coming through.

I want you on one of

those choppers now.

That's an order.

I'm afraid I can't

do that, General.

The network is fickle at best.

If I move out of range,

the upload will stop

and everything

will be corrupted

or lost entirely.

I can't leave

until it's complete.

Where's the status

of the upload?


Time's up, Doctor.

It's not finished.

That's too bad.

We're leaving.

-Let's go.


I'm not asking, Doctor.

We need to evacuate.

We have to do our jobs.

Yours was to assemble

the EMP weapons

and reinforce

the magnetic field.

Mine is to make sure

they receive this data.

You can do all that

up at the helo, Doctor.

Let's move.

I can't risk losing connection

and corruption of the files.

It has to be here and

it has to be now.

You did your job.

Let me do mine.

Save yourself and your

team while you still can.


Green's gone.





I just wanted to say that

you were a good friend.



97... 98...

100 percent!

[water rushing]

What's the status

of the upload?

100%, general.

And the magnetic field?

From Dr. Jorgensen's findings,

we were able to

destroy the glacier.

But we couldn't repair

the magnetic field.

Not enough.

America will sink.

We will mourn,

but that time is not now.

Don't let her

sacrifice be in vain.

Yeah, yeah, okay.



This isn't a gas pump.

It's going to take a minute.

Mom, Mom, we have to go.

This might be our

only chance for fuel.

-We'll have to risk it.

-Come on!

Go, go, go, go, go,

go, go, go, go, go, go.

Come on!

Time is of the essence.

We're losing cities

and people are dying.

Is there nothing more

that we can do?

The electromagnetic weapons

had an effect on the poles,

but in the process,

it caused a massive shift

in the tectonic plates.

Which brings us back

to our initial idea.

The sinkholes?

We don't have

the time or the manpower

to achieve what

you're suggesting.

Madam advisor, if we follow

through with our sinkhole idea,

it will stop the flooding.

Why these specific locations?

Basically, in short,

these 15 targets

will create a

hole 16 kilometers deep,

which will drain the floodwaters

and cool the superheated

tectonic plates.

Thus stabilizing them and

preventing further tsunamis.

We don't have any

options with this, doctor.

Michelle Jorgensen

bought us just that.

How much time do we have?

After the residual effects

of WR-63...

24 hours.

This will work.

This is our last chance to

save America from sinking.

I can't believe you're

seriously considering this.

If there's only 24 hours

left, Madam Advisor,

we have no choice.

Now what do you need?

We need something that can dig

down and deep extremely quickly.


What is it?

With the right payload,

it may work.

Might have the answer

for that as well.

Hold on, Pierce.

You can't be talking

about the moles.

There was a reason

they were shelved.

Wait a seconds, moles?

A few years back,

we created a covert w*apon

that was able to drill

underneath a target

and detonate underneath it.

Kind of like a torpedo

does in the ocean.

We named that project,

Code Name Moles.

Now, it had some

positive results,

but then it was shelved.

And there's a reason.

It's because it was operated

by a single network,

and it was vulnerable

to remote hijacking.

Okay. I think the moles

are our only hope.

Now, I'll outfit it with

the right payload.

I think they could create

the vacuum that you guys need

to make your plan work.

I'll get approval.


Captain Rodriguez,

I need your consort

to steam to the nearest port

to assist in evacuations.

Let's get to work.

[clears throat]



What was that?

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, Kimmy.

It was a mistake.

Let me drive.

No, no.

I can handle it.

We can't help others unless

we help ourselves, right?


Come on.

Don't worry, Mom.

Just get some rest.

Thank you.

So the issue is going to

be the expl*sive yield.

We have to think big,

and I mean really big.

And make sure you spread

out the locations

to achieve the maximum

offset of the flood waters.

Chase, run the flooding

simulation through the ArcGIS.

Make sure those locations

are the best to ingest

and receive the flood waters.

Good news. The testing facility

suffered minimal flooding.

Everything should

be operational.

How many moles will

we have to use?

Last count, there was 15,

but we're not going to be

sure until we get there.

Okay, I still need

the data on what

kind of expl*sive

payload we can use.

Considering the depth

and the area that you need,

I have this really cool

expl*sive gel.

What's the yield?

The expl*sive yield

is the largest

non-nuclear option we have.

And it's stored in

these compact crates,

so it's easy

to transport and light.

Okay. Send me the technical

data on the expl*sive gel.

Will it have any side effects

on the moles?

Not at all. It's loaded

like a standard warhead.

Not to mention it's on the

same network as the moles,

and we can detonate it remotely.

My team is sending you

the specs as we speak.

More good news from the general.

He's spoken to the

president about your plan,

and he's approved.

We haven't had time to

brief them or run any--

San Francisco and

New York City are under water.

Tsunamis have been reported

all up and down the seaboard,

and rogue waves are

smashing our evac ships.

Yeah, but we...

Your orders are to

rendezvous with the SEAL team

at the mole facility.

Proceed for activation.

Get ready to pack up

your gear and move out.

Captain, Ruth, Chase.

I know time is of the essence,

but this might be

the last time I see you.

You've already sacrificed much.

Though more may be needed,

you cannot falter.

The citizens of the

United States,

the president, and I are

all counting on you.

We don't want heroes.

Get the job done

and come home.


This is Captain Pierce.

Do you read me, General?

Captain, I read you.

What's your status?

Based on our simulations,

our targets are set to aim

for Ruth's multiple ocean points

along the east and west coast,

as well as multiple points

along the Mississippi River.

I'm sending precise

coordinates now.

After looking over

the capabilities of the moles

and Captain Pierce's assurances,

they should have

no issues

getting to and

reaching their targets.

The ordnance will be provided.

Let me know if

there are any changes.

What is your current

location, Helo-1?

We're about 15 clicks

out now, sir.

Flying past Point Zulu.

We just crossed

the Utah border.

Excellent. You should be coming

upon your ground team

of trucks and Navy SEALs soon.

Negative, sir.

I have no visual.

The convoy you're looking

for is carrying your payload,

and their orders are to meet and

assist you in this operation.

Unless armed, the gels

themselves are safe.

I got 'em, sir

I got visual!

Do you think that'll

be enough?

General's not going

to leave us short-handed.


You got incoming!

Whirlpool forming on your six!

Move! Move!

The convoy hit a whirlpool!

Save the ordnance.

We need those gels.


Take us down now!

Everyone, hang on!

This is Captain Pierce!

Convoy, do you copy?


Convoy, anybody there?

Sir, yes, sir.

Convoy, we have got

direct orders from General Glenn

to transport the expl*sives

on the chopper ASAP.

Copy that, Captain.

The other two trucks were lost

in the sinkhole.

We're all that's left.

Copy that.

I'm sending the winch down.

Make sure it's secure

before you give the signal

to send it back up.

Captain, will the

remaining gels be enough?

How many gels does

each crate have?


Well, if Captain Pierce's

estimate of

about 15 moles holds true,

if we save eight gel crates,

we should be okay.

Hope so.

Good to go.


The crate!


Good save, Chase.

We saved 18 gels!

That should be enough.

Just one more thing.

You're good.

General Glenn, we've arrived

at the Mole Research Facility.


General Glenn, we've arrived

at the Mole Research Facility.

T-minus 30 minutes

'til we launch the moles.


General Glenn, do you read?

General Glenn.

Damn it.

There's got to be interference

with the communications.

Once we land, I'll go

into the comms room,

reroute the power

through the system,

try to bounce it

off a satellite,

then I'll get us back in

touch with the Atlantic.

Great, but we have to

communicate with General Glenn

if we have any

chance of this working.


Miles, Michaels,

begin unloading the crates.

When you're done, take them

over to the warehouse.

I want the warheads

prepped for armament.

Let's go.

Dr. Heibert, Dr. Robbins,

let's establish

this as our base

of operations.

These buildings

don't look too stable to me.

I'm going to go inside and

try to re-establish our comms.

Be careful.

We'll check in on you when

we're ready to begin our launch.

Copy that.

[powering up]

This is Captain Pierce

for General Glenn.

General Glenn, do you copy?

This is Captain Pierce

for General Glenn.

General Glenn, do you copy?

Where are you, Pierce?

Back here, firing up the comms.

Oh, I see you've got

the power up and running.

The ordnance has been

secured and accounted for.

Great. Yeah, I got the power

and the comms up.

I'm just trying to acquire

the Atlantic's signal.

Well, Chase and I are

going to run the simulation

as many times as we can.

We're not going to leave

any stone left unturned.

Good, good.


Take these.

Give one to Lieutenant Michaels.

We'll all be on channel three.

Tell him to radio me

if he sees or hears anything.

That goes for you, too.

I'll be out after

I get this secured.

General Glenn, do you copy?




-It's a tremor!

Grab the laptops!

Watch out!

Ruth, are you okay?

-I'm fine.


Okay, okay.

Here we go.

This is Captain Pierce.

General Glenn, do you copy?


General Glenn, sir.

Captain Pierce,

do you copy?

Loud and clear, General.



Captain Pierce, are you there?

Dr. Robbins,

Heibert, does anyone copy?

Yeah, this is Dr. Heibert.

Is everything okay, Lieutenant?

We're prepping

the ordnance as we speak.

We just heard a loud crash

and wanted to make

sure everything was okay.

We've got it handled.

As long as the moles are okay,

that's all that matters.

Moles are functional,

Dr. Heibert.

Okay, then. We'll check in

on Captain Pierce.

Just protect the moles.

I'll grab the med kit.

Just in case.


Ruth, come here!


He's alive.


Captain Pierce, do you copy?


Doctor, what happened

to Pierce?

He's incapacitated but alive.


Well, what's your

status to convoy?

Did everything arrive?

Yeah, we had some difficulty

but we managed to secure

the payload, sir.

Now that the power has

been restored to a facility,

I'm going to tap

into the computer.

I need a complete readout

of the operational status.

Hey, come on.

Come on.

I don't like what I'm seeing.

I've got red alerts

across the board.

The whole area is unstable.

I can assure you that the moles

are fully functional.

We are moving as fast as we can.

That's good.

But I can't get

a readout from the uplink.

The earthquake must

have damaged the system.

So what does that

mean moving forward?

The moles rely on

satellites for guidance.

Without that, they're just

glorified paperweights.

We have to re-establish

a connection to the uplink.

What can we do?

Head to the moles

storage facility.

You'll have to hook

up the uplink terminal

to an external power source.

That will reconnect the link.

[alarm sounding]

What's that noise?

That's a seismography alarm.

It's off the charts.

It's reading at

a magnitude 8 or higher

but I don't feel anything.



Let's go, now!




Chase, come on and

talk to me!



General, can you hear me?

Doctor, good,

you're still with us.

General, can you hear me?


Hello, can you hear me?


General Glenn,

can you hear me?

Must be broken.

Listen in, the off-chance

that you can't hear me.

Look, we can handle

it from here.


Ruth, I'm here!

Chase! Chase!


Come on, Chase!


Michaels, what's your status?

We're good.

Miles and I have already

moved the ordnance

to the warehouse

and have started

loading the payload.

Good, good. Go there now

and we'll meet you there.


What happened?

Take it easy, Captain.

Roof caved in on your head.

Yeah, but we gotta move,

so on your feet soldier.

All right, all right.


-Yeah, I'm good.

We made contact

with the general.

All the moles have been

disconnected from the Wi-Fi

and we gotta connect

them at once.

I'll take care of repairing

the network connection.

You input the data

and coordinates

into the targeting

system, all right?

Let's move.

[engine sputtering]

Great, we're out of gas.

I know you're frustrated,

just stay focused.



-Come on!

We're gonna have to

find and repair

the satellite uplink over here.

Otherwise, you guys

are gonna have to

individually upload all

the coordinates into each mole.

There's a control panel right

above where the ordnance goes.

Come on.

Chase, head out to the moles

in case we have

to upload the coordinates

for each one manually.

What am I looking

for here, Captain?

Operations and navigations.

Once we're online,

you're gonna have to upload

the coordinates to

each mole individually.

How are we looking?

Most armed and dangerous.


The floor is cracking.

No, no, no, no,

no, no, no, no!

Michaels, get out of here!

He's on the other side,

we can't get over there.

What can we do?

We've got to do something.

No, no, no, no, no,

no, no, no, no!




Pull up, doc.

Chase? Chase!


Thank you.

We got to get out of here.

No, we have to go back

for the moles.

We can't do anything

with them if we're dead.






We gotta go.

No, we gotta go. Move!

The moles are gone.

What do we do now?

Follow me.

Come on, come on, come on.

Work. Work.

How come yours works?

Michelle always made

sure we had equipment

that could survive the elements.

That's how we're able to work

in freezing

temperatures of the North pole.

Look, we gotta go.

Come on.

Hey, come on.

We have to keep going.

I know.

Just give me a minute.

Baby, we don't have a minute.

I can't go if

I can't breathe.

Well, that's not gonna matter

if the floods catch us.

Come on.

Back off, okay?

Kimmy, come on.

We need to go.

No! Stop!

In one day I've lost my house,

my friends, my life,

all of it gone.

And I know we have

to keep going,

but I just need a minute

to catch my breath

and if you can't give me that,

just go without me.

Hey, hey, hey.

I am never going

to leave you, Kimmy, okay?

I know today has been hard,

but it's not over yet.

I am so sorry for

what you have lost,

but I understand.

I lost everything, too.

But right now,

we're lucky enough

to still have the most

important thing in the world:

each other.

That's my girl.

Come on. Come on.


Hello, this is Ruth Robbins.

General Glenn, can you hear me?

This is General Glenn.

You're coming in loud

and clear, doctor.

Good to hear your voice.

What's your status?

Have you activated

the moles yet?



What's the holdup?

Look, everything's gone.

The moles, the seals,

even Captain Pierce just

swallowed by an earthquake.

I don't believe it.

No frickin' way.

Let's just hope the engine is

okay and we can start it.

Holy crap.


[engine sputters]

No wonder they left it here.

Engine's flooded.

So what do we do?

Oh, ye of little faith.

I'm logged into the link.

15 moles are reporting


but they are still

disconnected from the link.

Now, one of you is going

to have to find your way

down into that hole.

At this point, the link has

to be input individually

and manually reestablished

to connect,

or I won't be able to direct

the moles to their target.

Once it is connected,

they'll fly out of that hole

and go directly to their target.

We don't have a way down there.

The last I saw the

helicopter was intact.

I can direct you

into flying it down.

It's drastic, but with more

or less four hours left,

we have no choice.

Mexico has finally

been hit from the Gulf,

and Canada is doing

as poorly as we are.

I'll do it.

You'll do what,

fly a helicopter?

One of us has to,

or America will be sunk.

General, if you can direct me,

I will do my best to fly it.

Get back to the chopper.

We still have a job to do.

Do you really think you

can do this?

Just pilot a helicopter?

What else do we have to lose?

All right, that should do it.

How'd you know how to do that?

Before I met your father

I had a bad boy phase.


Get in the car!

Get in the car now!

General Glenn, can you hear me?

Loud and clear, Doctor.

Now there should

be a switch

to turn on the floodlight

on your console.

Got it.

Now once you've done that,

you've got to turn on

the main power.

There's a blue toggle.

[rotors spin]

Okay, rotors are spinning.

Everything appears

to be working.

Now you've got

to watch your gauges.

Your altimeter will

tell you about

how close you are

to the ground.

You want to keep an eye on that.

Your turn indicator

tells you what direction,

if you're turning,

and at what rate.

That has an L or an R on it.

Your speed indicator

should be zero now.

If you see a flashing light,

or you hear an alarm,

you notify me straight away.

The joystick.

You push it down,

and that tilts you forward.

You pull it back, and

that stops your speed.

Do not do anything hastily,

or you could be in big trouble.

Come on, come on, come on.

I thought you fixed it!

Not now, Kimmy!

What are we gonna do?

What are we gonna do?

It's going to work.

It has to work.

[whispers] Please, God,

let it work. Please.

[engine starts]

-Yes! Yes!

-Go, Mom, go!

This is too much!

Everything seems to be good.

Okay, Doctor.

You're clear for takeoff.

Now, I'm sending you the

schematics of the moles,

so you know what's

going on there,

and how to get them going.

Now, once you're

in that crevice,

more than likely

we will lose contact.

So good luck.

We gotta go, Ruth!

Help me watch my gauges.

We're in this together.


Let's do this.

General Glenn,

this is Ruth!

My altimeter shows we're

not far from the bottom.

Do you copy?

Well, just like he said,

looks like we're on our own.

Do you see anything yet?

Below us.

I think I see some of the moles.

The ground doesn't look even.

I don't think I can land here.

Well, then lower me down.

You sure?

Yeah, yeah, lower me down.

I can't lose anyone else today.

Ruth, can you hear me?

Clear as day.

All right,

I'm at one of the moles.

All right.

So there should be a small

panel next to the main drill.

If you open that up, you should

access the main computer system.

Should I set them

to dig their way out?

No, we don't have enough time.

Okay, there should be a

directionality function

on the touchscreen.

You can use that to move it

to a better angle.

It's going to be close,

but I can't

leave you down there.

It's starting up!


Okay, you're going to hold down

the button for three seconds

until you hear a loud hum,

then the touchscreen

should illuminate.

You all right up there?




Oh yeah, that was close.

One down, 14 to go.

I'll be sure to adjust the

launch radius moving forward.

It's working.

We have the connection.

Ready for the last one.

I'm losing control!

[alarms beeping]

Chase, it's too tight in here,

I need you to get

back in here now!

We have to ascend!

Chase, do you copy?

Chase, can you hear me?

Uh, General, this is Ruth,

we have activated

all but one mole,

which crashed,

it appears operational,

but it's not moving.

I need to see what you

can do from your end.

Chase fell in!

I'm not sure what his status is,

he's not responding.

I have it located.

All moles have struck

their targets with success

and are awaiting detonation.

There's the last one I'll fly

in on my own, manually.

General, are you sure?

I'll take this home, doctor.

You've done all you can.

We made it,

we're almost in Denver.

[engine sputtering]

No, no, no, no, no,

no, no, no, no.

What happened?

Looks like our luck's

about to run out.

Go, go!

What are we going to do, Mom?

Don't look back, just look

forward and keep running, go!

Come on, baby.


Kimmy! Kimmy, up on your feet,

up on your feet.

-Come on, come on,

-I can't!

-Kimmy, I love you.

-I love you, too, Mom.

You're the luckiest woman alive.

I think we both are.


Last mole was a success.

I repeat, last mole

was a success.


Come on, I'll help you.


You can lean on me.

Get out of there, Dr. Robbins.

I have to get Chase.

Then we're headed home.



Now I've done it.

Ah, geez.


Ruth, do you read?

Ruth, anyone, General,

General Glenn, is anybody there?

Can you hear me?

Anyone, can you hear me?


Listen, please, um...

please, just tell

my daughter and my wife...


Ruth, Ruth, Ruth,

you can hear me.

I'm here, I'm alive,

I'm in the crevice.

I'm in the crevice.

I'm coming for you,

just hang on.


Ruth, I see you,

you're almost here.

I'm sending the winch down now.


Ruth, I can't reach it.

You have to get it closer.

I can't.

Any closer, and I'm going

to risk cutting into the wall

and crashing the chopper.

Okay, you have to get it closer.

Come on, Chase,

you just have to try.

You just need to grab the rope.

All right, bring me up.

Just hang on, Chase.

Ruth, were you able

to retrieve Chase?

Yes, sir, he's right here.


Well, I wanted to

let you both know

that we have confirmation that

the flood waters have receded,

and there is no more

detection of earthquakes

in the United States,

Canada, or Mexico.

Job well done.

Come on home for food, rest,

and my thanks.

Look what I found.

I wish he could have

been here with us.


Look, we got

to make one more stop.

Daniela! Kimberly!


Come here, come here.


Oh my God, I thought I lost you.

I was so worried.

No, we can handle ourselves.

We were worried about you.

Yeah, Dad, that must

have been some story.

It's a better story than

my normal bedtime stories.

Dad, can we get out of here?

Yeah, yeah, before we do,

this is the woman that

kept me in one piece.

Ruth, this is my wife,

Daniela, my daughter, Kimmy.

Thank you for bringing

my husband back to us.

It was no problem.


You know what,

on second thought.

It was a little hassle.

All right, let's

get out of here.

All right, you okay?

Oh, you're both limping.
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