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Breakwater (2023)

Posted: 12/23/23 03:47
by bunniefuu
Yo, man, what's up?

Hey, you know

that's aspirin, not sugar.

Mm, yeah, I ain't blind yet.

Not bitter enough?

Aspirin's for the back.


Yeah. It's from

all this sitting around.

That's what does it.

They studied it.

Oh, uh...


Happy birthday.

My birthday ain't until March.

Day you get out of here,

that's your birthday.

Go on. Make a wish.

Didn't you once say

wishes are for little boys

and men who had given up?

Just make your damn wish.

I'll save it

for when I've given up.

Better be dust by then.

Turn right.

Let's see the ink.

I gotta roll up here.

Comm check tower three.

Tower three, go to four...

Sign here for your gate check.

Open the gate. Comin' out.

Look, son, there's,

uh, something else.

I have a daughter.

I know. I said I never met

the right person...

Had a family, but I...I did.

I've got a daughter.

We haven't spoken

in seven years.

As far as she knows,

I...I might be dead.

I didn't know whether uh...

If she was still

in Virginia or even the country.

Then the damnedest thing.

Now you know I'm not

a religious man,

But...Then, well...

About a month ago this rose up

out of the sea after a storm.

It's the mast of an old

shipwreck off the Outer Banks.

Oh, cool.

Yeah, but that's not...


That's her.

That's Marina.

L-Block, time to frolic.

Are you sure?

Yeah, if I was on the outside

I'd be down there tonight.

Go to Currituck for me, will ya?

See if you can find her.

Hey, Dovey, I got a bus idling

on taxpayer gas. Let's go.

All right.

See ya, Dovey.

Yeah, don't bet on, CO.

Sometimes I dream I pass

her on the street.

She just smiled...

And without even

knowing it's me.

Let me know if she's happy.

I think I've earned

that much from you.

Childress, yard.

You got it, Ray.

Thank you, son.

All right, hey, hey, come on.

Yeah, yeah.

Hey, just take care of yourself.

It'll be a hell

of a lot easier now

I ain't gotta take care of you.

Yeah, that's what

I'm talking about.

Hey, man, what's up?

Ten and five and five

is 20 and one.

That's only 21.

Yes, sir.

$27 minus the $6 fee.

Lucky 21.

Come on and get in there.

What the hell?

That's off my ball.

You played off my ball.

I can take the shot if I want.

Ain't no tater scratchin'.

Where's that Tri-Tip?

All done, sugar?

Uh, yeah, sorry.

Sorry, thanks.

You ain't gotta be sorry, twice.

Well, you might get ready

to call the cops.

You planning something?

Well, those four are about to

make a mess of this place.

That's bullshit.

You can't do that.

You sh**t that over there...

Only eleven you spot it,

god damn it.


Y'all can bleed all you want

out in the parking lot.

But you get

stupid in here again,

you'll be doing

your Sunday drinking

on your back porch this fall.

You got a space heater

for that porch, Walt?

It's gonna be cold.

Come on, let's throw darts.

Yeah, make sure you throw them

at the board this time.

Thank you.

With Walt, you've got to do some

of the work his mammalian brain

should be doing but ain't.

Well, thanks, but I don't have--

I know.

You came in

here with $21, right?

The warden owns this restaurant

and the check cashing

place next door.

So, State gives you $27,

you give it right back

that same afternoon.


-Welcome back to "That's life."

That obvious?


Guys just out of St. Brides

always sit there,

back to the corner,

just like you.

They never look down at their

plate, always out there.

Like you.

Must be weird not having to

watch your back anymore.


You know. Just my wallet.

Well, that one's on me.



Like lovey-dovey?


Yeah, but just the Dovey part.

We'll see.

I just love these old records.

They're silly and fun and you

can't get them out of your head.

Come on, sugar.

-I don't really dance.

-Oh, we ain't gonna dance.

Who'd you get yourself

off to in prison?


Well you must have

thought about somebody.

Some soft sweet thang that

squeezed you just right.


Close your eyes.


What did you think about doing

to her when you got free?


What got you sent away?

You a k*ller?


Oh, I bet you are.

Yeah, yeah, I'm a k*ller.

Show me how you did it.

Hey, what the hell

is wrong with you?

What's wrong with you?

Forget what a woman feels like?

I'm not...

I'm not like that.

I'm, um, thank you.


Lovey-dovey, my ass.


You can still stay down

like a turtle, can't you?

I've forgotten how nervous it

makes me when I think

you ain't gonna come back up.

But you always do.

I'll pull that last pot.

Yeah, you sure?

Oh, thanks, Pops.

Hey, careful there.

Go ahead, let it out.

That's a fat haul.

We can boil some tonight.

That's good money in there.

Ah, no, we gonna

celebrate tonight.

Not every day you get out.

I'd of come for you but...

My truck motor

went out a month ago.

That's okay.

I missed you, boy.

And they took you

for no good reason.

I guess they

found reason enough.


Welcome home.

Come here, bitch.

Eyes down, Fish.

You don't wanna be a witness.

About time you got up.

You gotta be there in an hour.

Here, I got you something.

Try it on.

Yeah, that's sharp.

First impressions, right?


Who's your parole officer?

-Bonnie Bell.

-Bonnie Bell.

Sounds like a sweet

little ol' granny.

Dovey, huh?

Since I was 12.

You know how a name

that's meant to hurt

and you claim it for your own.


-You staying with your dad?

-Yes, ma'am.

Well, it's a small place.

I'm on the couch.

You're working for him too, huh?

I did back in high school too

before, um, you know,

up until what happened.

What happened?

What you did.


Best to start using the language

of accountability.

Yes, ma'am.

You know you're

not allowed to live

with a convicted felon, right?

I know.

But exceptions have been made

if it's a family member

with a clean record

of ten years or more.

I looked it up.

Looked it up?

Suppose it's better

than a Cell Block Six.

Cell Block Six?

A pay-by-the-week motel

filled with guys like you

k*lling time

until their next bid.

That's not me.

Listen, hon, I give you a list

of rules, you follow them

to the letter Z.

You do that and you'll

stay a free man.

Ma'am, all respect,

but I plan to, active,

save every penny and get

myself into Tidewater College

next spring.

You got a cell phone?

Yeah. Uh, yes, ma'am.

Put the number down here.

Keep it paid up.

Always take my call.

Oh, one thing, um...

I'd like to go see

a buddy some weekend soon.

He's down the coast

near Currituck.

He used to come up and lifeguard

with me in the summers.

-He got a record?


No, he doesn't even drink.

Well, tell him make like

old times and come up here

and see you.

You can't leave the state

of Virginia for a year.

Not even for a weekend?

Hon, not even for a hurricane.

That's bullshit.

That's just your PO

trying to control you.

She'll make you think if you

fart at the wrong time of day

you'll be back in here

before you smell it.

I don't know, man.

She was pretty damn clear.

She didn't put a collar

on you, did she?



Say you're going up to Roanoke

to look at that school.

I hear you.

What about everything you taught

me about risk and reward?

-Look, after a year--

-I ain't got a year.



Well, you know that back pain

that's been bothering me

the last couple months?

What is it, Ray?

It's in the bone, son.

They say the cancer is all up in

my spine like rot in a tree.

Jesus, Ray, when did you--

Virginia Department

of Corrections.

This call may be

recorded or monitored.

Now you listen to me,

I've only got about ten seconds.

So would you listen?

I need this.

I never did right by her

and it's the most

I ever tried at anything.

If she's happy, well,

it'll help me

accept this other thing.

You understand?

Childress, time's up.

-I gotta go.


You can sleep easy.

Thank you, son.

Do what the doctors tell you.

Hell, they've got all kinds

of ways of fighting-

Miss your little

beeyotch shadow, Ray?

Hell yeah.

Uh, but maybe not as much

as you long for the smell

of your sister's panocha.

But they say smell's the

strongest of the sense memories.

Did I get that word wrong?


-It's like a Mexican souffl.

-Shut the f*ck up, Ray.

'Cause they only got those

European Spanish books

in the library

so I've had to pick up your

Mexican-Spanish idiosyncrasies

just along the way.

Po-tay-to, po-tah-to.

Papa, Patata.

Right, Cheech-o?

You're so smart you're stupid.

You're not out a week

and you're already

running off

in the middle of the night.

There's nothing to this.

-A guy I know--

-A guy inside.



-He's inside for good.


He's sick and he's trying to

reach out to some family--

He can't afford a stamp?

Son, I had to start over too.

Know what I did when I got out?

I kept my head

down and I worked.

I took care of you

and sometimes,

sometimes, I slept.

I couldn't afford to f*ck up.

Look, I made a promise.

How many have

you made and not kept?

Only one.

But she broke hers too.

Well, she broke more than one.


How easy do you think it was for

your mom when I went away...

With her big dreams

and aspirations and...

Me locked up up in prison.

We all did our time.

Even her.

Eat those scallops if you want.

I'll be back before low tide.

Day after tomorrow.

I promise.



Don't run outta gas.

Thanks, Pops.

You got two minutes.

Six thirty-three...

Six thirty-four...

Six thirty-five...

Six thirty-six...

Why are you always counting?

This is meditative.

Like sheep over the fence.

You didn't say nothing

about bringing

his family into this.

Ha! With that panocha jab?

Hell, I was just fishing on him

and I didn't even know

Cheech had a sister.

Listen, ese...

I ain't your ese.

No, yeah, well, okay.

In fact, maybe I'm rethinking

this whole crazy-ass idea.

Who am I in this place?


How do people see me?

Just a broken down

old professor.

Yeah, well, I didn't finish high

school so thank you, Luis.

Who's Cheech Dorado?

Cheech is king.

And who are you?


What's the one part of a king

you can't armor, Lou-eece?

His pride.

Now, I'm not gonna

be here that much longer.

But, what, you got

12 more years?


You wanna make

a name for yourself?

You wanna have a name...

Maybe even get a rank

in this concrete kingdom?

This is how.


No more of the family shit.

That dude's gonna

k*ll you for real.


That's an

interesting theory.

So they're airlifted in,

whole damn thing.

Dead of night.

Sink it like

a g*dd*mn dock piling.

We wake up the next day,

think it's another old bucket

churned up by a storm.

We're gawking

at a shipwreck the government

put there for us to gawk at.

Meanwhile across the sound

they are surveying

egret nesting lands to mow over

and build a weather base

so they can--and Jim Baird

at the post office, he confirmed

this--to seed clouds

with silver iodide

to make our hurricanes worse.


To get us on board

with the climate agenda.

I mean, it is a classic



That's just more

of that gibberish.

You can't keep talking--

You think

I'm full of crap?

I'm telling you,

when the shit goes down,

you're gonna come

knocking at my door.


I just brewed a pot.

Best to pick one

and just lock on.

Sorry, I'm...

I'm just waking up.

Maybe I do need a coffee.

Sugar? Cream?

Um, black's okay.

Straight now?

Perfectly, thanks.

You've seen this, I guess.

You a true believer?

In what?

One of them folks thinks it's

a sign from God or something.

They're all camped out

behind the church

Waiting for...Whatever.

No, I just...I lost touch

with a friend of mine.

I think this--

I think it might be her.

-What's her name?


Hold on.

Hey, y'all know

a girl named Marina?

He says she's in the picture.

Oh, the picture.

-That's Eve.


Eve, she...She owns

The White Whale, the bookstore

down at the end of Pinecroft.

These fools,

they don't read anymore...

Unless it's on the internet.

That's Eve all right.

Sweet girl.

Sorry, fella, I...

I don't know no Marina.

Thank you.

See ya, Kurt.

So long.

Which way is Pinecroft?

You're going to jail.

Not this time, skippa.

My turtle's got you surrounded.



Who's this?

My turtle.

I didn't know turtles could fly.

They can't.

He would've been dead.

She's very literal...

Even in her imagination.

Sorry, they just delivered the

new Jacqueline Cinder novel.

It's like gold around here.

I always expect

an armored car to pull up.

Oh, a page-turner.

Eh, I don't really have the

sweet tooth for beach novels,

but the owner loves

a Jackie Cinder year.

Doubles the customers.

And he's not here

for the big day?

Oh, uh, she.

She's out marketing.

How's that?

She gives these

tours at the lighthouse.

She works in the novel,

drops a couple cards,

and I wait for the onslaught.

Are you looking

for something special?


A friend sent me by.

Oh, well, look around

and thank your friend.

We can always use

some more customers

at the edge of nowhere.

Does anyone know when

this lighthouse was built?

So the tower

stands at 162 feet.

The walls are

five-feet wide down here,

three-feet wide at the top.

One million bricks make up the

cylinder you're in right now.

Did you hear this?

We get a lot

of storms on the island,

but none in a 147 years

has huffed and puffed enough

to blow this bad boy down.

What is that?

It looks like a ship.

That out there may

not be a sign from God...

But she is pretty special.

She showed herself

after a recent storm

and what you see

is about all we know so far.

Just a ship that

could've used a lighthouse.

A friend of mine

read an advance copy

and said it's her best.

-White Whale bookstore.

-Thank you.

I'll see you there.

-You bet.


Thanks for the history lesson.

Oh, I...I hope

it was a little interesting.

Well, that shipwreck,

I love that kind of stuff.

And it's still a mystery?

They haven't ID'd her yet.

A nautical Jane Doe.

Yeah, some divers came up

from the college in Greenville,

but the currents around

the rocks beat 'em to shit.

I mean...


Then, uh, a couple local kids

thought they'd play

Treasure hunter and...Almost

Drowned so they buoyed it off.

Oh that's a shame.

Oh yeah?

I mean, I'll be long gone

before the mystery is solved.


This is really your thing?

I grew up on the water.

Would you like to see her?

Oh, the boat?




Yeah I would.

Ow, dammit.

The beach grass'll

cut you to pieces,

but it holds the sea back.

Otherwise the lighthouse

would be the only

dry land around here.


Come on, you've

got to see it closer.

She was probably on her side,

buried in the sand

for a couple hundred years

before the storm.

Amazing how something can stay

hidden for so long.

Then in one night...

Want to know what I think...

That's not a part of my tour?

That's why I'm here.

I think that once they

finally do get down there,

they're going to find

what's left of the captain

and crew, shackled to chains by

the slaves they were carrying.

Shit, let's go.

The tide swallows

these rocks in no time.

Be careful.



No, no, no, no, no, no.

Oh, man.

I'm sorry,

it must be worth a lot.

My dad...

It...It's not even real.


Jesus, dude,

what the f*ck happened?

I think it's worth

more than you say.

How...The f*ck?

You know, you cuss

worse than my grandma,

and she raised three sailors.

Well, thanks

for bringing me here.

Thank you...

Crazy f*cking dolphin boy.

So, back up to Virginia now?


My dad wants me

on his boat before light.

Untangling shit?

Uh, that and listening

to him telling me

how to solve

all the world's problems.

Heavy burden.

You better get back

to it for all our sakes.

But, hey, uh, before you do,

this place north

of the harbor makes these

unholy-good Tabasco hushpuppies.

I think you'll find them an even

trade for risking your life.

They're that good?

You tell me.

Garland's Dockside.


Yeah, okay.

She look like in the picture?

Oh, she's the one.

Only her name's Eve,

not Marina.

It's a good choice, sweetheart.


She seems happy, Ray.

Maybe I should tell her.

I'd want to know.

Well, if she's happy,

me being far from her mind

is the reason why.

I don't know, man.

You know, she almost lost

her bracelet today,

and the look on her face...

A little string of freshwater

pearls with a sand dollar clasp?

She's...Still wearing

That damn thing?

Okay, then it is her.


Yeah, thank you.

You don't know

what you've done for me, son.

So what now?

That's it.

Keep all your meetings

with your PO.

Walk the line.

I'm gonna come see you.


Department of Corrections.

This call may

be recorded or monitored.

Yeah, in the cabinet

over the sink, high up.

But only two

at this time of night.


Tasmanian Devil.

Ooh, tonight be a little later.

You sure?

Jess. Hey.

You look amazing.


I'm sorry, man.

I'll get it straight.

An armored car going

down the road talking about...

What we're gonna do after work.

Yeah, stop at the usual place,

yeah, and then I get out

and we go to the place

behind the donut shop...



Grand, stupid gestures.

Well, I told you

I was born on the water.

It was literally in a bathtub.

That's not true.

Well, my mom says

I just floated on my back...

Quietly looking up at her.

Sounds like a beautiful

way to come into the world.

And a tough mom.

Yeah, yeah, she's tough.

Hey, why are you so sure about

what happened to the ship?

'Cause nobody looked

for her for 200 years.

No record of a manifest.

In the 1800s,

South Carolina or Georgia

or wherever she was headed,

they treated a sunken ship

full of Africans like losing

a crop of tobacco to a flood.

Nothing to salvage

but wood and bone.

But a mile from here,

at the tip of the sound,

there's folks that say

their kin came from the sea.

She's one of them.

Maybe her great-great-great

grandfather broke his chains

and helped run that ship

aground on the shoal.


Six thirty-five.

Six thirty-six.

-For Cheech, ese.


Call security back up.

Childress, roll over

and nose dirt, now.

Oh, hell.

I need medical assistance now.

Vaya con Dios.

Hey, you ride along.

What do I do when we get there?

Grab a coffee,

flirt with a nurse.

Should I cuff him?

You wanna cuff

a corpse, go ahead.

Hey, come on, let's go.

He ain't dead yet.

So Virginia got

that kid from Franklin.

Runs a four-six forty.

Hey, you okay?

Jesus, dude, do

not puke in my box.

I'm good.

Yeah, you good.

Maybe you oughtta

be laying down here.

I'm telling you, man,

this kid was a beast.

His mother couldn't

Six twenty-seven.

Six twenty-eight.

Boy grew up

eating syrup sandwiches,

you know what I mean?

- Six thirty-one.

- They got him

on 5,000 calories a day, hm.

Six thirty-two.

Oh no.

He was running

four-six with a syrup sandwich.

Why don't y'all pass his ass--

- Six thirty-six.

Oh God.

Oh shit.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, Ray!

Hey, wait!


Hit...Hit the brakes.

Get back there. Go on.

You left those

lights spinning, right?

Sit down, big guy.

What the hell you doing?

Get over there. Ahh.

All right now, focus.

Is there, uh,

antibiotics in here, huh?

Uh, your phones or walkies,

anything that squawks and talks,

put it in there.

Cuffs and keys too, son.

Get the phone in there!

-How fast?


Your speed.

What about your speed?

-I, um...

-Come on.

Open roads, no traffic.

Fifty. Fifty-something.

Fifty? Fifty what? Do better.

Uh, fif--fifty-eight


Fifty-eight miles an hour.

f*ck you, lady.

This ain't a Sunday drive.

I'm back here dying.

No, I imagine 75

with lights and sirens.

That leaves us three miles

from the service road.

I wish I could sh**t your ass.

But I need to sh**t him.

-Ray, wait.

-Wait, wait, wait--

Aw, Justin, you'll

be all right, son.

They'll patch you up.

No better place to get

shot in than an ambulance.

Especially if she drives

faster than 58 miles an hour.

Guess it's too late

to drive back.

Hey, slow down now.

Come on.

What are you doing?

Permission to come aboard.

This is really your boat?


I commandeered it.

He said he had a friend in

Currituck he wanted to see.

Do you think

he headed down there?

Currituck's down on the Banks.

Well, that's across state lines.

He ain't allowed

across state lines, is he?

No, he ain't.

Well, there you are.

Maybe he went to see his mother

up outside of D.C.

That's one trip

he wouldn't tell me about.

See him?

He ain't my chauffeur.

Now, there's a manhunt

statewide for an escapee

who was on the phone

with your son

just hours before being

put into an ambulance

a lot less dying than he looked.

So tell Dovey to call.

Officer Bell, my son

didn't even know me

until he was 12, but we

made up for lost time

and now we gotta do it again.

Do you really think he'd go

and risk all that?

Then have him call me.

Even a failure to report can

land him back in St. Brides.

He shouldn't have been there

in the first place.

Happy birthday.

That's her. That's Marina.

Go on. Go on. Make a wish.

He rises from the dead.


I, uh, I had to get

home last night,

but you were

sleeping so soundly.

I didn't want to wake you.



Well, get your sea legs under

you, we're taking her out.

How you feeling?


Your dad, he

gave you the bracelet?

Sweet 16.

What's he like?

Ah, when it gave me this,

he was the strongest man

I'd ever known.

A year later,

he was in a wheelchair.

Next fall he was gone.

Gone like...

I haven't visited

his stone in...

Seven years.

I mean, he wasn't perfect but...

When I think of him now...

He stands tall.


Sailor, it's a beautiful

f*cking day, you know?



Fella, what the hell

are you doing?

Do I smell coffee?

Sugar and milk?

Black please.

So you're a doctor?

Well, a paramedic.

We've been searching

in those woods back there

all night for a little...

A lost girl.

And then I...I got mixed up

in those briars something awful.


-What are doing?


Good and strong.

Strong chin. Strong chin.

Shut up, birdbrain.

We've got company.

The neighbor

who witnessed the ruckus

told us what it was like--

So you have not seen any kids

coming through your yard?

You and the mailman are the only

folks I've seen in a month.

Hope she's okay.

It's dangerous

out there for kids nowadays.

You almost gotta

keep them locked up.

Ow, you little shit.

Little shit.

Doppler radar.

-That's Quaker.


My son bought him...

And then run off to California.

His final...To his mama.

Little shit.

I got to ride

in an ambulance once.

Did you now?

Ended up just being gas.

Better safe

than sorry, I reckon.


I was gonna wanna

patch myself up a little bit.

Oh...Round the corner,

Second door.

Thank you.

You know, we're gonna have to

make you Samaritan of the Week

down at the station.

You ever let that bird out?

Where's it got to go?

I have to get back to my store.

Thanks for finishing up.

Sure thing.

Hey, Eve, out there

when I asked about your dad--

It's okay.



Yesterday was the best kind

of unexpected.

We're gonna start seeing...

- Strong chin.

- [TV weatherman as this front

finally closes in.


of these dark green areas--

Looks like another storm.

- Doppler radar.

So if you've got big plans

for the day or just...

You look nice.

Vaya con Dios.


Three-piece chicken

dinner, pinto beans,

and gravy...

If I had to pick a last meal,

and I might...

That'd be the one.

Ray, what?

Where the hell are you?

What? You didn't

hear the news?

What news?

Oh man, I had Luis really stick

me about a half a dozen times.

Felt like I stepped

in a yellow jacket nest.

Looked like a horror show.

And by the time

I'm in the ambulance,

I just rise up like Night

of the Living f*cking Dead.

Yeah, but I did

have to put one in Justin,

but that's just so those

f*ckers didn't stand there

and flag somebody down.

Pretty slick, huh?

Jesus, Ray, you...

Are you saying you're out?

Buddy, I'm telling you I flew.

I'm almost at the state line.


Now don't tell me

you told her I sent you

because goddammit

that's the one thing I--

No, no, man, of course not.

No, but you mighta

said what you're up to.

I'm part of this now.

Well, I told you I'd give

anything to see her again.

That's what I'm gonna do.

But you--you don't

have to be involved

in anything

you didn't know about.

Well, the cops don't know that.

Well, as long as you're home,

they ain't got nothing on you.

-You are back home?


I mean, yeah.

I gotta check in

with my PO tomorrow.

Straight and narrow, yeah.

Yeah, that's it.

Good because it's a long way

down on either side.

Remember that.



How do you know Ray?

St. Brides.

Had to be an ex-con.

The man has no friends left

in the real world.

I think you know

this f*cking liar.


Marina. Marina!

Say that name one more f*cking

time and I call the sheriff.

Any outstanding warrants

or parole violations

he'd like to know about?

The photo.

He saw the f*cking newspaper.


What does he want?

To know your happy.

Look, Ray told me

he was your father.

After this morning,

I don't know what to think.

No, but, Eve...

He escaped somehow.

He's out and driving this way.

You're a fool.

Ray doesn't have a daughter.

He has a vendetta.


I finished it.

Great, sweetie.

What did you think?

It is creepier than "Coraline."

Hey, go pour some iced tea

and I'll be in

to hear all about it.


Where is he now?

Near the Virginia state

Line...He said.

It'll take him a couple hours

to drive around the inlet.

If Ray's not your father, why is

he so hell-bent on getting here?

Your buddy...

Is coming to k*ll me.

-All right, this way.

-Thank you.

Highway 168

was a parking lot.

Must've been a pile-up

or something.

Well, no traffic

jams out here.

You're my last charter.


Yeah, I was headed

home to get some

of the old lady's clam chowder.

Well, I don't want to keep you

from your supper.

That's okay.

She's making it

from the can now anywho.

Thinks I can't tell.

Which side of the sound?

You want, uh,

Poplar Branch or Corolla?

The one with the lighthouse.

Does he know about my daughter?

No, I wasn't sure she was yours.

How did he convince

you to do this?

He said he hadn't

done right by you.

But knowing you were happy would

bring some comfort.

He...He's sick.




Oh, cancer?

Ray once told a cop

that his mother

had hung herself

and he was headed

to go identify the body just to

get out of a speeding ticket.

Tears and all.

I meant what did you owe him?

It wasn't like that.

It's always like that with Ray.

He trades in emotional debt.

Look, I was helping out

a guy who helped me.

Maybe he even saved

my life once or twice.

What debt is he coming

to collect from you?


I got him sent away.

You can see everyone

coming or going

but he'll be just a speck.

I know Ray's walk.

What are

you gonna say to him?

Mexico's warmer than another

prison cell for one.

Eve, I didn't know.


Come on, come on, come on,

we gotta go.

We gotta go.

How long will you be gone?

I don't know.

Mommy, where are we going?

On an adventure like in, uh...

"Peter Pan"?


Very much like "Peter Pan."

On the boat?

That's right.

If I'm not back in a week,

The Whale is yours.


Eve, what the hell is going on?

Mommy, where's my turtles?

I don't know,

honey, look around.

-Jess, I gotta go.

-Go? Go where?

Something happened.

I have to leave.

I'll call you once we're

settled, okay?

Oh yeah.

I don't understand.

Are you in some kind of trouble?

Remember that time

we got drunk on mezcal,

what I told you that night?

Not really.


Harper, let's go.


He took her!

-Took who?


Okay, we have

to call the police.

We can't.

Look, I'm past getting

out of this clean.

I can't.

They'll find out who I am,

and then I'll lose her for good.

Who you are?

He won't hurt her.

I still have something

he wants badly.

Eve, why can't

we go to the cops?

Because they want it too.

You hungry?

You want some?

Well that's a real nice find.

It's my turtle.

I see.

What's your name, sweetheart?


Strong name for a strong girl.

Now you're gonna be brave

for me right now, right?

Aren't you...Harper?


I know you will.

You know how I know?

It's 'cause I know

your mama, and she's

about as brave as they come.

We're good friends, you know...

Your mama and me.

What? You don't believe me?

There, you see her?

That's my mom?

Yeah, well she was younger then.

Real pretty, like you.

Oh, so how's your

little turtle doing now?




How old are you?

Ray didn't come for my daughter.

He improvised.

Right now he's figuring out

what he wants us to do.

He knew you were lying.

How long were you in with him?

Three years.

All that time you thought Ray

was teaching you,

he was studying you.

He knows you better

than you know yourself.

I built a home here,

and the two of you burn it down

in a f*cking night.

The two of us?

I came back to tell you.

That you showed the Devil

right to my doorstep.

You said I brought the Devil...

Well the Devil doesn't come

for the innocent.

She's okay.

He wants to meet at a church?

It's funny to him I guess.

All those Sundays

my mom dragged him there.

If Ray was here

to k*ll you, he could have.

What's he really want?

What he wanted before.

A different life.

He was managing a bowling alley

when he met my mom.

She wasn't doing

so well after my dad died

and some friends had

gotten her out for the night.

So a few months after

he starts seeing my mom

he comes into my work,

the gift shop at this state park

where this big Civil w*r battle

had been fought.

And he acts all interested,

but he keeps circling back

to these coins

and weapons on display

above the battle diorama.

-Ray saw an opportunity--

-He lifted the loot.

We did.

But then you

gave him up and ran.

The things you'll do

for your kids.

How much is left?

His half...

At least.

Give him what he wants.

I'll make the trade in church.

Ray and I, we've got

a come-to-Jesus coming anyway.

I'm sorry, I didn't know

he was gonna turn jackrabbit,

Pops, I swear.

No, you just gave him reason to.

Just get your

skinny ass back here and...

We won't talk about it again.

I'm going to.

I just wanted

to say you were right.


"right" changes over time.

I'll see you soon.

- Good to see you.


Be seated with the Lord.

We welcome all believers

into His house

this morning

as we also welcome Him

into our hearts and our lives.

You know I love the

sermon of the prodigal son.

Spoke with someone

earlier today,

that's their testimony

and I love that.

Thank you for sharing that.

God talked to me about

something, uh,

on the drive here and...

It's about the story

of Jonah and I--

Well...Praise be.

--kinda wanna call an

audible and talk about Jonah

-for a second.

-Where is she?


Jonah and the whale.

Safe and sound.

And it wasn't

a whale. It was a big fish.

You on the other hand

look a little rough.

There's some things that

have been keeping me up.

Free will's a bitch, ain't it?

We're just as liable to make

the bad calls as the good.

I think you should be

up there preaching.

What God placed

on my heart was not just--

What, to these people?

True believers?

They don't want to hear that...


they're own damn fault.

You know, that's what

you made of me, Ray...

A true believer and a fool.

What you're doing here

waiting around for her,

that was pretty damn foolish.

I'm here because you lied to me.

Lies of omission.


You needed a little nudge.


Your daughter, Ray?

I was more a father to that girl

than her own daddy ever was,

you hear me?

And that cheap shit

pearl bracelet's

the only thing

she ever got from that man.

Yeah, and you gave her what?

A warrant around her neck?

She earned that one herself.

Didn't go where he

was supposed to go.

I was thinking about

some events in my own life--

There's a boat down

in the harbor, The Driftwood.

Bring Harper. I'll bring what

you're here for and you can

take it and your chances south.

We think

that if you sin,

it only affects you but

there's a ripple effect of sin.

It affects

so many other people.

Think about the people

in your tribe.

Hee hee hee, yeah.

Oh, all right.

I...I'm sorry, pastor.

Just a little

extra joyful this morning.

Well, uh, um...

That is all right because,

uh, we are called

to make a joyful

noise for the Lord.

We should pick up our hymn books

and let's turn to the next hymn

in the bulletin.

"I am Coming to the Cross."

Now let's all stand and...

And sing that now.

Who's the bigger liar now, son?

You tell her to bring the spoils

and she'll get her daughter.


Hold on there, boy.

Stay still. Stay still.

Get up here.

You wanna atone?

We got churches

in Virginia too, hon.

Let's go.

She was supposed to meet

me there and she didn't show.

At the church?

-You in love with this girl?

-No, ma'am.

I just made a promise.

A promise... To which fugitive?

I went to see

your mom up in D.C.

She didn't know

you'd gotten out.

Well, her career ambitions

and my felony conviction

never really mixed.


She told me about your summer

fling whose father owns

half the Virginia coastline.

About you two coming home

from a party, pretty f*cked up.

How she pulls a U and bottoms

her Camaro out on a divider.

And it just sticks there,

not one tire touching.

I can just see those

sweet tears coming down.

So before the cops pull up...

You switch seats.

You decide to get behind

the wheel, not thinking

about her influential daddy

or the pills in the glove box.

Three years for something you

Thought was right...Then.

Yeah, but "right"

changes over time.


They have recordings of all your

conversations with Ray.

Right now they don't suspect

you of anything more

than putting your faith

in a known con man.

They're gonna work

it all out soon enough.

Help them get there quicker.

All right,

watch your step now.



Oh...Oh baby, I'm here.

Are you okay?

Yeah, of course she's okay.

She was with me.

Honey... Hi, Ray.

Seven years looks good on you.

You held up

pretty well considering.

Honey, this man

and I have to talk.

His name is Ray.

I know.

Ray and I, we need to talk

about some grown-up stuff.


I'm in trouble.

Can you stay here for just five

minutes while we step outside?

I'll be right on deck.

Okay. It's okay.

You renamed our boat.

That's bad luck, you know.


Well, you didn't

drift very far, did you?

I reckon that's

'cause of your mom.

Yeah, hey, how is she?

I ain't got time

to reminisce with you, Ray.

They find you, they find me.

And what I bought with my half

of the money wasn't for me.

It was for her.

Now none of that

matters without her.

So thank you for bringing

Her back...But where

-you've put us now--

-Where I put you?

Last night, you not knowing

about your daughter,

what you'd find

when you woke up...

Yeah, I'm guessing

you didn't catch a wink.

Well how much sleep you think

I got where you put me?

Mom? Mommy? Where are you?

Go...Ho--honey, go back inside.

We're almost done. Go.

You always were much tougher

than your own mama.

Your girl's got that too.

Your grit.

You know they say

insomnia cuts more years

off your life than smoking.

They've studied it.

So prison, it seems,

takes it from both ends.


The now...And the later.

Oh, but...

Being awake 20 hours

a day does give you time

to think of what you'd do

with the in-between...

If you had the means.

There's plenty left...

But we have to go get it.

Get your story straight.


Give me that now.

Go on. Topside.

Follow Mommy.

Poor woman up in Carova,

she's been worried sick

about her husband all morning.

Never brought his boat

back in last night.

Know why?

Time to fill in the blanks...

For the sake

of the next someone.

"God is real and he's

not laughing with you."

That was written in the first

cell I ever slept in.

You did good, Dovey.

They'll get him.

He's on an island now.

He was on an island

in prison too.

Hey, who told you

I'd be at the church?

Didn't leave a name.

You're here by Ray's

invitation, just like me.

They won't catch him.

I gotta pee.

To the last drop

'cause we ain't stopping again.

Goddammit, it's

stuck on something.


Hey, hey, hey, hold it.

I said plant your ass, boy.

Thank you, PO, for caring

enough to come all this way.

Now listen to me, I don't know

what you're thinking

but you could be adding

months, maybe even years.

Hell, if I'm gonna

pay a price again,

it'll be for something

of my own making.

For the sake of the next

someone, right?

Dovey, don't.

They made their bed,

let 'em g*dd*mn lie.

Dovey, let 'em lie!

Let 'em g*dd*mn lie!

You couldn't have just shoved

it under the floorboards?

All right, let's use

the motor to haul this thing up.


Real gradual.

Right there, yeah.

All right, a little more.

Oh, shit, cut it off.

Cut the engine.

Now. Do it now.

Harper, baby, stay right there.

Hold on to that rail.



Harper, be still.

Don't struggle, baby. It's okay.

You stay right where you are.

She's ours.

I swear to god, Ray, she is.


I know.

That math ain't hard.

The rope.

Some divers put it there.

I...I don't know

what's at the other end

but it's not

a dry-bag full of money.

That's the truth.

-Where then?

-In the cabin.

There--there's a space

under one of the drains.

All right, I believe you.

-Come on.

-Ray, wait. Wait!

Wait? Seven f*cking

years I waited. Come on.

Go, baby. Come on, go.

Come on.

Oh, not you.

Hell no. Front of the boat.

You took more from me

than I even knew.

-Now get in the water.

-Ray, it's--

Go on, you're a good swimmer,

you'll make it to shore.

And you'll spend tomorrow...

And the next day

and the next day

wondering where she is.

It's your turn

to wake up afraid.

Ray, we can still do this.



I--I--I was a scared kid,

Ray, and you were

the last person

I should've been afraid of.

I didn't know

they would catch you.

Didn't think they could.

You taught me to see

into the future.

Everything we need

is right here on this boat.

Everything to start over.

Seven years is nothing compared

to the time we still have.

Look at me.

It's Marina.


I love the way you lie.

Get outta here! Go! Run!

Harper, come on.

Come on, come on.

Go down there.

Harper, stay down.

Don't come out no matter

what you hear.


You haven't learned

a damn thing, did you?

You couldn't just let things be

what they were going to be?

None of this had to be, Ray.

You're damn right.

You could've just played

your part and taken a bow.

Now my daughter

has to watch a man die.

You know what that

does to a kid?

I do.

You oughtta maybe

make that wish now.

We both know who wishes are for.

I sure hope she was worth it.



- Huh?



Where is he?

He couldn't be saved.

Take the line.

You've got cover.

You've got the fog.

Dovey, just grab

the f*cking line.

You said it.

Everything you need

to start over is with you.

The story I tell them

will buy you time.

Eve, raise your sail.

Find me again.

Straight ahead.

You know they found

her boat on the rocks

off Cumberland Island, Georgia.

I might've read

something about that.

Didn't find her

or the girl though.


They went ahead

and closed the case.

Of course...

The water is real warm

down there.

Yes, ma'am.

You hungry for some crab?

Yeah, Pops.

Bring your skinny ass on then.

Let's go catch some.