08x18 - Dishonor

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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08x18 - Dishonor

Post by bunniefuu »

Thank you.



Yeah, well,

12-month tour in Basra

will do that to you, I guess.

You know, I think she likes me.

I think it's the uniform.

Yeah, more like the man wearing it.


It's good to see you.

Good to see you, too, Dad.


there, uh, there's something

I've been meaning to tell you, Dad.

It has to do with the meeting

down at Southern Command earlier.

Me and some, uh, some infantry buddies,

we transferred over to
19th Mountain Division.

We're slated to deploy
from Fort Gordon in 14 days.

Deploy to where?

Eastern Afghanistan.

You've... you've made
this decision without me.

Dad, it's an important job.

It's a dangerous job.

Yeah, just like yours.

You better get that.

What's up, Mace?

Yeah, yeah, I'm just having breakfast

with my dad right now. What's up?

No, I haven't talked to him.

But, yeah, he said he wanted to go.

Yeah, yeah, I'll swing by right now.

All right.

All right, bye.

Everything okay?

Yeah, some of my
buddies were headed over

to the marina earlier.

Nobody can get a hold
of my friend Brian.

It's really weird.

This is usually not like him.

You need a lift?

Yeah, that'd be cool.

Thanks, Dad.

This is where he lives?

Might as well.

He inherited this lot from his dad.

Spends most of his free
time working on cars.


Will you wait for me?

Yeah, go ahead. Okay.

Brian, where the hell you at, man?

It's Harmon!


Brian! Brian!

Brian! Dad!


Dad! Dad! It's... What's going on, son?

Dad, it's Brian!

Kyle, call 911!

Call 911 right now!

Yeah, we need the fire department.

193 Avalon Drive, right now!



Kyle, get that hose!

Don't die on me, Brian!

Kyle. Kyle!

He's gone.

He's gone.

Be careful with this, gentlemen.

His limbs may fall right off

when you lift him up into the bag.

It certainly looks like an execution,

doesn't it, Doctor?

It does. The tire's melted

around the victim's chest and arms.

Haven't seen this since the
g*ng wars in the late '90s.

It's called "necklacing."

His body is encased in rubber.

I'll save as much as I can for you.

Thank you, Doctor. BOA VISTA: Hey, H?

What'd you get?

Got an antique flashlight.

Looks like military-issue, and
I've got a gas can over there.

It may have fingerprints on it.

How's Kyle doing?

He is struggling.

Thank you for asking.

So, you said his name is Brian Nassir?


We were like brothers.

We did everything together.

We got each other's back.

I mean, what the hell?

The guy was in his own garage!

Just-Just calm down, Kyle, all right?

Is that Brian's car?

No, sir. I've never seen it before.

Okay, thanks, Kyle.

That was him back there, Dad, huh?

That was Brian.

Kyle, it's too soon to tell.
Let the M.E. do his work.

Dad, of course it was him!

I mean, it was his property!

He hasn't been answering
his phone calls all morning!

I understand. Take a look at that

and tell me if that
could have been Brian's.

What is that?

It's from the Vietnam w*r.

Was he a collector?

Just cars. Not that stuff.


But I know who was.

Kyle, wait a minute.

Hey, you couldn't just leave it alone,

huh, you ignorant bastard?!

Frank? TRIPP: Get back.

Kyle! Kyle! Frank!

Kyle! Kyle! Dad, this guy's
stupid! Dad, this jackass

lives next door, okay?!
Shh! Go home! Go home!

He's been in our face
ever since we got back;

telling Brian to watch his
back 'cause he's Muslim!

Take him home.

What the hell was that all about?

I, uh... I apologize.

I understand that you have a problem

with the neighbor, Brian Nassir.

And I won't apologize for that.

This is my country,
sir. It's my community.

It isn't a safe harbor for
Islamic extremists like him.

So I take it you went over
there and did something about it.

I worked recon in Vietnam.
I don't need to set foot

on his property to keep
a watchful eye on him.

I found this on the property.

It's gonna have your
fingerprints on it, isn't it?

There's always stuff going
on over there late at night.

These guys are on some
sort of three-week leave.

They're up to something.

Get back to me later, man.

Get back to me later on that.

Yeah, all right, I will, man.

Now that's how every t*rror1st
plot starts, you know?

Homeland Security can't
keep track of all of it.

It's up to us to be vigilant.

What's your name?

Glen Harper.

Okay, Glen, you are
quickly talking your way

into a m*rder conviction.

Hey, there were others, too.

Some of those Middle
Eastern-lookin' types

showing up to visit. Talk to them.

Maybe there was some infighting.

Oh, we will.

But you're a piece of work.

We're definitely gonna hang onto you.

Glen, don't leave town.

We went to boot camp

together, all right? We
were placed in the same unit.

Brian wasn't an extremist!

Kyle, listen to me.

We have to remain objective about Brian.

Look, Dad, that old man next
door is a wack job, okay?!

He's-He's mistaking racism
for patriotism! Gosh!

I need you to keep your voice down.

I cannot charge the man without more.

So be patient.

Yes, Dr. Loman.

Horatio, I think you're
gonna want to come down here.

Okay. What is it?

Our victim

isn't who we think he is.

I'll be right there.

So, this isn't Brian Nassir?

Correct. Burned so badly, I
had to pull his dental records

to make a positive I.D.

Brian Nassir had a dental
bridge on the first and second

lower left molars.

This man does not.

Are you sure?

I mean, are you positive
that it's not him?

As sure as I am

that the vagus and thoracic
spinal accessory nerves

impart parasympathetic
control of the myocardium.

They do, and I am.

So who is the victim, then?

We ran the registration on our mystery

Range Rover outside Brian's garage.

It belongs to a Rahim Farooq.

And with little else to go on,

I requested dental
records for that very name.

Turns out those did match.

Allow me to introduce Rahim Farooq.

Does this ring a bell for you?


Okay. Frank, we know what he drives.

What else do we know about him?

Address is in Coconut Grove.

Okay. Send somebody out there, please.

Jesse and Calleigh are on the way.

Okay, thank you, Frank.

Thank you, Doctor.

Brian's alive.

Yes, but now he's a suspect.

He always found it difficult
here in the United States.

Frustrations with life here,
making money, raising a family.

I'm so sorry.

I know this is extremely difficult.

Mrs. Farooq, do you recognize this man?

No, I don't.

Who is he?

We found your husband's
body on his property.

Do you have any idea why
he might have been there?

You have to understand,

we left Iran not long
after the revolution.

Rahim wanted to pursue a
business opportunity here

in the United States.

Even when things got bad recently,

it was never my place
to ask the specifics

of what he was doing.

Is this your daughter?


That's Maya, our daughter.

How am I going to tell her?

Salumeh, there's one more thing
we're going to need from you.

Uh, Mrs. Farooq,

we're gonna scan your fingerprints

into our system, okay?

It's standard procedure. We do it

to eliminate you as a suspect.

Just put your right hand on the tablet.

Palm down.

There you go.

There. Thanks.

Your husband was set on fire, ma'am,

and we found an empty
gas can by his body.

Your print that we just
scanned, it's on the gas can.

Was it a red gas can?

Yes, it was.

Maybe it was the can

that Rahim kept in the car.

I would beg him just to
leave it in the garage,

but he insisted.

Sitting in the driver's seat,

it would start to smell.

It would always find its way
back into the trunk, though.

And you've never been
on this man's property?


I have not.


That's paper.

Charred as bad as the body.


Let me get that to Questioned Documents.

Brian! Dude, where the
hell have you been, bro?!

I thought you were dead.

I almost was.

So, you're gonna tell me
what the hell happened?

Not over the phone.

Okay, so where are you?

Who's asking?

I am.

Okay, I'm gonna tell you, but
you can't tell anyone else.

That includes your dad.

Kyle, you have to promise me.

All right, I promise.

Good to see you, man.
Nice to see you, man.

I didn't know if we'd make it.

This is the girl I was always
telling you about-- Maya.

Brian said we can trust you.

I wouldn't have called anyone else.

What the hell, man? My
dad, okay, he can help you.

What's wrong with you, Harmon?
I told you not to tell anyone.

I've seen that girl before.

The picture at the victim's house.

That's Rahim Farooq's daughter.

His daughter?

We trusted you.

You two are coming with us.

You're under arrest for m*rder.


Are you serious?

We found a dead body on your property.

What? No.

Miss Farooq, that's your father.

My fa...?

Let's go.

I'm sorry, dude.

You did the right thing, son.

Then how come

it doesn't feel like that?

Okay, stay standing
on the butcher paper.

Put your hands up, please.

Okay, this hand.

Maya, I need you

to hand me the contents
of your purse, please.

I've got a wallet.

Lip gloss.

Cell phone.

This is a bus ticket
to Saint Petersburg.

Did your mother know you
were going out of town?

Mr. Wolfe, how we doing?

All the normal stuff here, H.

Okay. Let's keep digging, please.

What's that thing for?

This is a Xenos portable
gas chromatographer.

It reads any chemical
signature of any compound

you may have touched today.

Yes, and we have a winner--
benzene, xylene and ethanol.

Yeah, so?

That is called "gasoline""

Sir, what does that mean?

It means we know why you
went to the bus station.

All right, Maya,

I need you to hold your arms out.

You have gasoline on
your arms and your hands.

The gasoline was meant for me.

My father, he had a...

a violent temper.

But I'd never seen him
that angry in my whole life.

Maya, are you telling me your
father was trying to k*ll you?



Because I was promised to another man.

So, you were part of
an arranged marriage?

My father had worked to arrange it all,

but then I met Brian.

I just... I just fell for him.

So, I went back to my mom
to see if we could just call

the whole thing off.

It's not cold feet, Mom.

But you agreed to marry Ahmad.

I thought I could.

And... then I met Brian.

And when he was away...

he was all I could think about.

And the more time I spend with him,

the more I realize he's the one.

Think about what you're saying, Maya.

Dad will understand.

Your father is a proud man.

He won't be agreeable to this, Maya.

You know that.

You share the same faith, don't you?

It didn't matter to him. I
wasn't the one chosen for her.

She belonged

to a guy named Ahmad.

I didn't even think
her dad knew about me,

until he showed up this morning.

Maya! What the hell?

Dad, what are you... ? How
could you bring this shame

upon me, huh?! Oh, my God!

Hey! Let go of her! Let go of her!

She was promised! You were promised!

Dad! Oh, my God!

Are you okay, Dad?

Yeah, he's gonna have one
hell of a headache, though.

We need to get

as far from here as
possible, Maya. What...

Let's go! Let's go right
now! Let's go! Wait! Wait!

I couldn't go home to my mom.

She was probably the one who told him

where we were in the first place.

We didn't know what else to do.

Look, we were taking the
bus to find a motel somewhere

to figure things out.

Well, somebody figured things out.

Mr. Farooq was found wrapped
in a tire and set ablaze.

I don't know how that happened, sir.

When we left, Mr. Farooq
was lying on the ground.

He was breathing.

Well, that didn't last for long, did it?

H? Yes, Walter.

I heard about our
attempted honor k*lling;

the father k*lling his own daughter

because she disgraced the family.

If you believe the story.

You're not buying it?

The father's death
was not self-defense.

Dad, where's Brian?
Brian is in holding, Kyle.

Is Brian the boyfriend?
Yes, he's the boyfriend.

Yeah, he is the boyfriend,
and he didn't k*ll anybody.

Hey, I didn't say he did, kid!

Kyle. Could I have a minute, Walter?


Thank you.

Look, Dad, nobody knows
him like I do, okay?

Kyle, Kyle? And he
didn't k*ll Rahim Farooq!

This is an active m*rder investigation.

Whether we like it or
not, Brian is a suspect.

Look, last year, May 28, Anbar Province,

there was an IED with
my name on it, okay?

If it wasn't for Brian Nassir,

then they'd probably still
be looking for my body parts.

Okay, I just want to make
sure that he doesn't get blamed

for something that he didn't do.


How we doing?

Not so good.

Our victim's jacket protected this paper

somewhat, but not enough.

And you've tried the
glycerin and water solution?

I did. I even added some alcohol

and chloral hydrate to soften the paper

when I flattened it.

I was hoping to make some sense

of the surviving text, but...

So, we will go to the infrared filter.

All right.

You thinking the infrared'll make
the text clear? You see, Walter,

the metal in the dyes and the ink

show up better under infrared
than they do with halogen.

Look at that, it worked.

Can definitely see the text

more clearly now, but
what language is that?

That is Farsi.

Looks like we're gonna
need a translator.

Yes, I... I've already got one.

Looks like an official document.

The wording is formal, like a contract.

Could the line at the
bottom be for a signature?

Looks like the initial "A""

Last name Salib.

Does that help? It might.

It might, Kyle.

Rahim Farooq attempted
to arrange a marriage

for his daughter with
another man named Ahmad.

Were you aware of that?



Thank you, son.

Good work.

Rahim is dead?


He was m*rder*d this morning.

This is a small portion
of the marriage contract

we found on his body.

It's your signature, yeah?

It is, yes.

Were you following Rahim around?

Wait, you think I k*lled him?

What possible reason could I have?

Well, he promised you his daughter,

you took him at his
word, and she ran off

with another guy. Hold on.

You're taking this too far. Are we?

Witness confirmed seeing you

outside of Brian Nassir's
garage this morning.

That's the same garage where
the body was discovered. Yep.

Pulled your pretty face
out of a photo lineup.

I've been there, okay?

But-But it certainly
wasn't to hurt anyone.

Maya agreed to marry me last year.

But lately her commitment
has been waning.

So, I decided to follow her.

Find out why.

I saw her kissing that man.

I wanted to make it clear to her father

that the marriage, it was off.

She needs to respect the
conditions of this agreement.

She will be reminded,
and this will be fixed.

Maya has brought dishonor
upon both our families.

Please, Mr. Farooq,
there's no harm done here.

No, she has shamed me.

She has broken a sacred vow,
and that cannot be allowed.

Look, you're in America now.

If she has found someone
else, she deserves to be happy.

Tell me where she is.

I was afraid of what
he might do, so I lied.

Said I saw them together at the mall.

You handled this amazingly well.

You're telling us there
were no hard feelings?

I was disappointed, yes.

But life goes on.

For some.

This Maya Farooq's cell phone?

Yeah, take a look at the call history.

She called her dad
at 9: 30 this morning.

That's only 40 minutes before
Horatio and Kyle arrived.

That's awfully close to
the time of the m*rder.

And I think it's interesting
that she didn't mention it

in our last conversation.

This conversation was
only 12 seconds long.

It's long enough for a voicemail.

Her message is stored in the
phone company's data system.

I called them and got
authorization to access it.

Dad, it's Maya.

Dad, we need to talk.

It's urgent.

Meet me at 193 Avalon.

We have to put an end to this.

That's the address of Brian's garage.

So, she called her dad,

said, "I'm here with my new boyfriend."

What do you think?

She was gonna break the news?

I don't know. I mean,
"put an end to this"

doesn't exactly ooze
compromise and understanding.

So, you think they were lying in wait?


I'm sure she had access
to the family gas can, too.

Yeah, she's definitely
holding something back.

Why don't you go back
to the crime scene,

go over it with a fine-tooth comb?

I'm gonna have another
conversation with this girl.


Okay, Maya, in our last conversation,

you never mentioned inviting your father

over to Brian's garage this morning.

I didn't think to mention it.

Does it really matter? Yes.

I don't understand.

Did you lure your father there?

Did I lure my...

It was just a message.


Telling him where we were.

Look, all I wanted was
to come clean with him...

introduce Brian to him.

I thought that if he would see

how happy we were together,

that he would give us his blessing.

Well, unfortunately for
you, the only person who can

corroborate your story
is your boyfriend.

If I knew how crazy

he would be, I never would've
told him where we were.

Maya, the more you withhold
information from me,

the harder it becomes
for me to believe you.

So, Romeo and Juliet claim they left

before Dad's body was set on fire.

That sounds like they're
covering for each other.

Sure does. We're gonna need more than

circumstantial evidence
to prove that, though.

The only problem is, any useful
discovery in this whole mess

may have accidentally been
destroyed by the firefighters.

Yeah, hmm, well...

I think it's that time.

Grid search?

Layer by layer.

So afraid you were gonna say that.

Oh, wait, wait, Jesse.

Come here, take a look at this.

What'd you find?

Do you see these two holes right here?


You have any idea where that's from?

Yeah, I think I do.

Will you do me a favor?

Will you get me the
casting resin, please?


Will you get me the
casting resin, please?

So, this hole was made by a heel, huh?

Yeah. High heel, to be exact.

The wearer must have dug
their heel into the silt.

It's looking like Maya, isn't it?

Well, you know, we can't be sure

because she was at
Brian's several times,

so this could have
happened in the days before.


no, it couldn't.

See the ash attached to the
resin at the bottom of the heel?

Yeah. It's crushed.

As in, stepped on?

Exactly. Means the fire was going

when these heels went walking through.

Well, Maya said that she
left before the fire started.

Looks like Maya's lying.

When am I going to see Brian?

It's been hours.

I don't understand.

Maya, if you had been straight with me,

it wouldn't have taken hours.

Now, you can't go until
we look at your shoe,

so please place it on the table.

You're right.

Maya's heels are chunkier.

We're looking for ones
that are more slender.

BOA VISTA: May I have your shoe, please?

It's a match.

A match for what? This is a mold of

a high heel shoe print
that we found at the scene.

And your shoe matches the
exact size, shape and depth.

You were there this morning,

Mrs. Farooq, weren't you?

I never planned on putting
my daughter through this.

The scrutiny, the accusation.

But I could not sit back,
either, and let this happen.

Ahmad told my husband everything.

About Maya, Brian, all of it.

The marriage was off.

Rahim came to me... furious.

So, you support this?

You support her?

Be reasonable, Rahim.

Who are you?

Who am I?

Who are you?

It's as if you accept her
behavior, her betrayal!

If I lose control over this family,

what else do I have left?!

Rahim, please...


I will take care of this myself.

I went there to warn her,

protect her.

BOA VISTA: We found ash

from the fire that k*lled your husband

compressed inside the heel print

that you left behind at the scene.

Wh-Which means what?

It means that you
stood over your husband

while he burned.

When I got there, Rahim's
car was parked outside.

He found her.

I could see that something
had already happened.

Maya was driving away very fast.

More frightened than I'd ever seen her.

Like she was running for her life.

I went in to find my husband.

And there he was, lying there.

He said that he wanted to
preserve our family's honor,

but there was no honor in that.


What is this?

Get me out of this.

You came to k*ll your daughter?

I'm her father! I must
decide what's best!

Get me out of this!

The v*olence must stop.

Listen to yourself!

You corrupted our daughter!

No. You!

You did this!

Get me out of this, Salumeh! No.

Look at what you've become.

You forgot where you came from!

It wasn't me. You forgot who you are!

Get me out of this! Salumeh!

Get me out of this!

You corrupted our daughter, Salumeh!

You poisoned our daughter!

It wasn't me.

Get me out of this!



To do what he did...

I just knew that Maya
would never be safe.

Hey, man.

How you doing?

I'm not going back, Harmon.

Not yet.

She needs me now more than
anybody needs me over there.

They extended my furlough.

Don't worry, man.

Take your time.

I'll be waiting for you.



It's okay.

Take care of each other.

Respect each other.


I'm sorry.

No, no.

No! Brian!

I'm proud of you, son.

Thanks, Dad.

You take care of yourself over there.

I will.



You come back alive, no matter what.

Okay? You come back
alive. I will. I will.

I'll be right here. Okay.

I love you. I love you. I love you, too.
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