08x16 - L.A.

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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08x16 - L.A.

Post by bunniefuu »

Ladies, refreshers, please.


Here's what you need,
some more rocket fuel.

Hey, it's not fair.

You guys are not wearing your masks.

How do you know I'm not?

Oh, come on. Get out of
here. Be naughty. Mingle.

Okay. Where are you gonna be?

Mmm, I'll find you, sweetheart.

I will always find you.


Oh, come on. Come on.

Let's go.

Woman Oh, god!

my head won't stop spinning.

I'm gonna get you some water.

Come sit down.

That one needs a spanking.

Please, coop, take it easy, okay?


I'm not feeling well.

What are you doing?


Leslie? Leslie?





Anna, honey, it's, it's, it's,
it's gonna be okay, all right?

It's, it's really... It's gonna be fine.

I'm gonna take care of
everything and... Everything...

It'll be fine, I-I swear to god.

I know who you are...

And I know what you did in l.A.

You are referring to...
Baseless allegations.

I was acquitted of my wife's m*rder,

And I had nothing to do with this.

I noticed the ink on your hand.

Very good, sir, very good. And?

Clearly, the victim

Was k*lled with a pen.

Oh, please, I sign

A lot of contracts and
checks all day long.

I run a major business from my home...

You're a pornographer, mr. Enright.

It's adult entertainment.

It's a multibillion-dollar business.

A very legitimate movie business.

Well, then, roll credits, mr. Enright.

I'm sorry.

That's a wrap.

Masks, hot air balloons, handcuffs...

What kind of party was this?

Well, the owner of the house
is that guy tony enright.

He's the porn king.

All right, I'm gonna
go back with the body,

See if I can get something off
the m*rder w*apon. All right.

Calleigh, hold up.

Check this out.

What does that look like to you?

Some sort of a listening device.

Oh, my god...

Somebody was listening in on the m*rder.

That's sick!

Leslie starred in tony's films.

She was my best friend.

I'm really sorry.

You know, anna, I, uh,

I actually saw you one time
before, when you came down

To the precinct to give some evidence.

You're jesse cardoza's friend, right?

Jesse cardoza's no friend of mine.

That guy stalked me
all the way from l.A.

Now why would he do that?

'cause of tony.

so ink is ink. I guess
you're gonna prove

I got a lot of pens in my
house. That's good work.

Look who it is-- the guy that
kills every girl he gets close to.

Jesse... Hey, easy, cardoza, or
I'll sue your ass for slander.

I will take you through the courts

Until your hair goes
gray. Go ahead, sue me.

I will sue you! Mr. Enright!

Another word from you, I'll
take you into custody myself.

You better back it off, t.E.

Don't do anything stupid.

And you are?

I guess you don't recognize me.

Coop, please.

I used to play for the dolphins.

Coop daly's my name.

I work for mr. Enright now.

Yeah, it's okay, cooper. All right?

I'm making conversation,
that's all, all right?

Now, lieutenant...

You ask johnny hollywood
here what happened out in los

Angeles, okay? Are you talking
about when you k*lled your

Jesse? Wife in cold blood
and got away with it?

Is that what you're saying? Yeah, I'm
talking about the time you tried to frame me.

Frame you? Excuse me. Excuse me!

What are you talking
about, you scumbag?!

Look, he can't control himself.
He's a dirty cop! Mr. Enright!

Shut up.



Don't let him get away with this.

He's not gonna get away with
anything, but this is not the way.


Mr. Enright...

Just remember what I said.

How could I forget?

Boa vista: Anna, is
there anything at all

That you can remember from last night?

No, um, it was just a party.

We were all having a great time.

Um, tony gave me a glass of wine.

And, um,

Then it's just a blur.

We ran a presumptive
on anna's wine glass.

It turned up roofies.

You were drugged, anna.

Get him away from me.
Get him away from me!

Just trying to help, that's all.

Then tell your boss to leave tony alone.

Okay, okay, we're good here.

I've got it.

Anna, I think we should get
you to the hospital, okay?

For some tests.


Because you were drugged,

And anything could have
happened after that.

The strange thing is,

Leslie wasn't roofied.


I found stomach acid

In her mouth and upper esophageal tract.

Well, here's my guess...

She stumbled onto a sexual as*ault.

Wrong place, wrong time.

Cost her her life.

What about the m*rder w*apon?

Fountain pen.

Carbonate tube, sterling silver edge.

The k*ller probably grabbed
it right off the desk.

Yep. All right, w*apon of opportunity.

That means he wouldn't
have gloved up first.

We all know what that means.

It means there were prints.

Your fingerprints were found

On the m*rder w*apon used to k*ll

Leslie stoltz, coop.

So, this is all about
fingerprints on a pen.

Are you serious?

Yes, dead serious.

You sure know how to
be a killjoy, don't ya?

Well, you would know.

You did it.

I didn't k*ll anybody, little man.

Then why are your prints on that pen?

Well, I guess you don't recognize me.

I used to play for the dolphins

When they were the dolphins.

I sign a lot of autographs.

I probably signed two dozen that night.

I bet I must've used every
pen in that whole house.

That's... Your story?
You're gonna stick with that?

Not only am I gonna stick with it...

But it's the truth, pint-size.

I'm five nine.

My pants are five nine.

I know how these things work,

And, uh... We're
pretty much done, right?

We're done for now. Don't go
far, mr. Daly; you'll be back.

I guarantee it.

You're looking at a soviet-made

Laser microwave beam dispersal unit.

Great. Now this time in english?

It's a transmitter for
a wireless microphone.

It's a very tricked-out bug.

So I was right.

Someone had ears on that m*rder.

Is there any way of finding out

Where the signal is transmitting?

Well, high-tech as it may be,

It should be able to be tracked
like a normal cell transmission.

Triangulating the satellites.

Telescoping down.

oh. Got a hit right there.

Okay, am I

Going crazy?

The receiver's in our parking garage?

No, you're not crazy.

I'm gonna go check that out.

You want backup?


I got it.

What are you doing, calleigh?

Open the trunk, jesse.

Back away from the car.

Do it.

Come on.

Is that a recording of the m*rder?

I assume it's on there.

I was just about to link in.

When did you put the
bug at enright's house?

Eight days ago.

Breaking and entering
- I tell you what, man,

You are way off the reservation.

No, I didn't break in.

Enright was hosting
a party; I walked in.

What are you doing?

This guy's a m*rder*r.

A m*rder*r! Do you understand that?

Well, I think about my
wife tracy every day,

And then I see his face.

I wanted something to put him away.

All right.

I'll tell you what, if you're right,

I'll help you.

But you better be right.

Woman Oh, my god. What
are you doing to her?

You shouldn't be here.

You're sick! I'm calling the police!

Oh, my god.

What are you doing to her?

You shouldn't be here.

You're sick! I'm calling the police!

Woman's voice belongs to our
m*rder victim, leslie stoltz,

And we think the male
voice belongs to coop daly,

Enright's security.

I'm still working a timbre comparison,

But I'm fairly certain it's a lock.

Well, it's compelling evidence.

Puts daly in the room.

Unfortunately, you can't
use it in a court of law.

Can we float it to potential jurors?

The takeaway will be,
cardoza's still a dirty cop.

Wait a minute, what?

m*rder case in l.A. ,
evidence didn't fit his theory,

He made it disappear.

Rebecca, accusations

Were made
- nothing was ever proven.

Okay, but the cloud around
it drove him here to miami,

And so here we are again
with cardoza's dirty evidence.

My advice, horatio: Fire him.

Out of the question.

Suit yourself.

But not only will I
reject this evidence,

I will reject all evidence

That cardoza has anything to do with.

He is compromising your lab.

Well, then I have no choice but to
clear his name. Thank you, walter.

Sure thing, h.


Yes, ms. Nevins?

Why go to all this trouble

For just one csi?

Because he is a member of my team.

Oh, cop loyalty. Right.

Okay, you get me new
information on cardoza,

I'll reconsider-- but one
of my people goes with you.

Based on my approval.


H, hey.

Oh, rebecca.

So the s.A. Put me on
the schedule to work

The leslie stoltz m*rder.


First assignment:
Shadow lieutenant caine.

Thank you, ms. Nevins. Mm-hmm.

What's going on?

We're going to l.A.

L.A., huh?

Lieutenant caine, welcome to l.A.

Captain sutter, eric delko.

So what brings you gentlemen to my town,

Besides the weather,
the women and the lakers?

Jesse cardoza.

How is cardoza?

We're here about the
enright case, captain.

Bel air mansion.

Tony enright sliced up his wife.

Cardoza was the primary.

And he had him nailed, till trial.

How do you go from top cop to zero?

That's all on the record.

I need to see that file, captain.

Gentlemen, that ship sailed.

Double jeopardy's a bitch.

Not for cardoza.

Well, that doesn't
sound like my business.

It is now.

All right, gentlemen, follow me.

All this evidence says one thing:

Enright m*rder*d his wife brutally.

The guy's a known wife abuser.

Jesse found blood from the dead wife

On enright's clothes and in his car.

And then he walks. Yeah.

Right in front of all the cameras.

Real black mark for the department.

Ah. You know what?


Here's the thing that
brought jesse down.

Homicide found a key piece of evidence

At the m*rder scene.

A cuff link was thought to
belong to another suspect,

Not enright.

Cardoza photographed it...

But it never showed up
in the evidence locker.

Why not?

Paper says it went missing.

Initials "a.T."

Jury tv had gavel-to-gavel
coverage of the whole trial.



This is from the day
enright's lawyer grilled jesse.

Attorney Ah, detective cardoza...

Now, you took the photograph

Of this bloody cuff link at
the m*rder scene, correct?

Yes, I did. Ah.

And would you please
read out for the court,

Uh, the initials that are
engraved on that cuff link?


Well, those don't appear to be

The initials of my client,
tony enright, now, do they?

Was that a yes or a no?


No. Thank you.

Um, there-there appears to be

Blood on this cuff link.

Now, will you tell us, please,
is that the victim's blood

Or the perpetrator?

I don't know.

I'm so sorry, I'm... Going
a little deaf in this ear.

Could you, uh, repeat that a bit louder?

I don't know.

You don't know?

He doesn't know.

Well! But surely,

This is very important evidence.

I mean, mrs. Enright could
have ripped it from the sleeve

Of her perpetrator, right?

All right, tell me, where is it?

Where is this bloody cuff link
that you photographed so ably

At the crime scene?

We've been unable to locate it.

It disappeared... Just poof, hmm?

I mean, evidence that could prove

That someone other than my client

m*rder*d victoria enright.


So you wouldn't mind if
they searched your house

For that cuff link, would you?
You're not gonna find it there.

Why? Did you hide it somewhere else?

That's not what I meant.

No. What you meant...

Was to be judge and jury,

Hiding evidence that
would vindicate my client.

And you know what?

You very nearly succeeded.

Thank you.


Who owns the cuff link...

And where did it go, eric?

We figure that out,
we clear jesse, right?

Or we sink him.


Our forensic nurse found evidence

Of forcible sexual intercourse.

But there was no evidence
of male contribution.

What does that mean?

It means that your
attacker wore a condom.

None of this makes sense.

I know.

This may be a little
strange question to ask,

But, um...

Do you think that tony could've
had anything to do with it?

How can you even ask me that?

Look, tony gets accused of things,

But... People don't know him like I do.

I'm just asking because

I was married to someone like him once.

And, um, I know what that
can do to your self-image.

It's not like that with tony and me.

And I used to defend him, as well.

And I paid a pretty heavy price.

If, um...

I mean, if you ever feel like
you want to talk to someone,

Here's my card.

Okay, guys.

We're now in a cisco webex meeting.

Are we ready?

Dave, is this line secure?

Absolutely secure, h.

The system guarantees it.

Horatio, I'm sure I
don't have to tell you,

But I never touched that cuff link.

I saw it and I popped
off two-by-fives.

Okay, I understand that, jesse.

Now, can we run the cuff link
through the database, gentlemen?

Our cuff link has a unique appearance,

So we should be able to run it

Through image recognition software.

I did a similar search

Two and a half years
ago, nothing came up.

No, no, no. This is
different, this is new.

It's like facial recognition software.

Compares shapes and
features, then searches for

Any comparable image
anywhere on the web.

Okay, did we get a match?

We have a match.

Westside platinum jewelers.

I heard of that place.

They must have taken their store online.

Okay, eric and I are
gonna check into that.

Thank you, gentlemen.

What can I do?

Jesse, just lay low.


Westside platinum.

I got a batch of orders
for the cuff links.

All right, I'm gonna
print out the company list,

We'll go name by name.

Wait a second. Right there.

Darren vogel.

That's enright's attorney.

Yeah, vogel bought a
pair of the cuff links

A week before the m*rder.

Think that's a coincidence?

Not a chance, eric.


Looks like we've got some babysitters.

Have a nice day, gentlemen.

well, what are you doing?


What are you wearing?
Get off the phone, please.

bunny? Yeah. No, I'll buy
it for you, I'll buy it.

Excuse me.

Uh, I think we've got a
prospective client here.

Yes, I-I've got to go.
All right. Yeah, all right.

I'll see you at 7:00. Yeah, love you.

Now, you boys know that my
billing rate is $2,000 an hour.

But here's the good news: I take euros.

We are not soliciting counsel.

We're here about the tony enright case.

Enright? Come on. That's
old history, isn't it?

He was acquitted.

Until now.

I'm in the acquittal business.

Look, it's my life's mission
to keep the wrongly accused

From being incarcerated.

Yeah, like, uh, like that
little girl last year, right?

Was accused of k*lling her brother.

Yes! Thank you for bringing that up.

One of my great trials.

Hannah miller.

Evidence against hannah
was, uh, was overwhelming.

Yes. Until they found a pair

Of girl's glasses at the
crime scene that didn't match.

Now, obviously, that was
left by the real k*ller.

And the jury agreed with me.


How convenient.

Ah, well, you know,

I'm good at finding holes
in the prosecution's case.

I mean, that is my gift.

Your gift is planting evidence.



That's libelous.

About the enright case.

Fact remains that

Those cuff links left
a reasonable doubt,

And you were the one that purchased 'em.

We have proof right there.

Oh, I see.

This is proof.

Is it?

Well, this is fake.



Oh, yeah, that's my
credit card number there.


Vexing, isn't it? Eh?

The cuff link that I bought
- very similar

In design and style
- winds up at a crime scene.

Let's cut the bs.

You planted it there to help
your client beat a m*rder rap.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Is that your theory?

That's not fact.

There's no foundation there.

Plant anything else, and I will
personally drive you to chino.

Yes, I believe you would.

As a matter of fact,

I've been contemplating
retiring, anyway.

That's your problem.

You know, you can buy a sense of humor.

We got to catch this guy, calleigh.

We got to catch him. I
just-- I know he did it.

I think I may have found a way.


Well, I started thinking about it,

And the print alone is
not gonna sink coop daly.

No, he's got, uh, that
other explanation--

The, um, autograph defense.

Exactly. So if the print won't
do it, maybe what's inside

The print will.

Now you lost me.

I'm gonna break down

The chemical compound
in coop's fingerprint.

Within that, I think there may
be something he can't refute.

Dimethicone silicone
- based lubricant,

And cells consistent with lambskin.


That's a condom.


Coop was wearing a condom.

So was anna's r*pist.

This spectra has a
unique chemical signature.


I'm gonna run it against the
spectra from anna's sex kit.

So, um, what kind of condom do I use?

What's my favorite?

My brand of choice?

I rarely use them.

So it's kind of a, um,

Personal question.

Actually, it's evidence.


There were specific traces

In anna kitson that we also found

In the oil of your fingerprint.

That print is the same as
the one on the m*rder w*apon.

So, just to get this
straight, you r*ped anna,

You k*lled leslie stoltz,

And we can tie you to both.

You guys are pretty funny.

I mean, you just crack me up.

You really think you're gonna
pin a m*rder rap on me...

Based on a lambskin condom?

I don't think anybody here

Mentioned a lambskin condom, genius.

That's knowledge only
the k*ller would have.


You know, mr. Enright told me

That she'd be a willing participant.

He told me that he
was sick of the bitch.

He gave her to me, as a bonus,

Because we had a good year.

You know, if she would've
just relaxed and just...

Stayed with the program,

Everything would've been just fine.

So that's when leslie tried to stop you.

She came barging in.

And everything kind of went, uh...

Everything kind of went haywire.

Oh, my god.

What are you doing to her?

You shouldn't be here.

So you roofied anna

Because she wouldn't cooperate.

I didn't roofie anybody, pint-size.

That was tony.

Do you want her? You can have her.

Ah, you're kidding, right?

No, I'm not kidding, coop.

It's been a really,
really good year, okay?

Now you, my friend,
deserve a little bonus.

Ladies, refreshers.

You're under arrest,

Mr. Daly.

Get this animal out of here.

See you later, baby.

Well, it's about time.
Do you mind telling me

Why I have been here for over
an hour, drinking this swill...

With no access to a telephone?

Well, I'll tell you what.

You can borrow mine, mr. Enright.

Use it to call your lawyer.

Let him know we're
booking you for pandering

And possession of a
controlled substance.

And we've got a good shot at tying
you in to leslie stoltz's m*rder.

Oh, please.

You people just don't get it, do you?

You know, your good
friend coop daly--

He sold you out.

The actions you took led
to leslie stoltz's death.

That's felony m*rder.

Well, I could just say
one little magic word.

What's that?

Car... Do... Za.

The judge is going to toss
this case out right away,

And you know it.

You see, that's where
you're wrong, mr. Enright.

So, what are you saying?

You going to do a better job
than the world-famous lapd?

If any of these crime scene
photos would have shown

Who took that cuff link,

I think someone would
have noticed by now.

Somebody did notice.

Eric, take a look at this.

It's the same lady in
every one of these photos.

Yes. Watch this.

Bang, bang, bang.

That's her again.

She's got... She's got a camera.

Eric, she can help us.

h, in a city as big as l.A.,

How are we going to find one girl?

This is how.

She's got a press pass.

Olivia burch.

Excuse me.

Captain sutter.

Enjoying your lunch, lieutenant?

Yes, as a matter of fact we are.

We're doing what we came to
los angeles to do, captain.

Then you know you're wasting your time.

That's called clean police work.

Are you suggesting I'm not clean?

I guess we're about
to find out, captain.

Ooh, you getting what you need?

Everything, uh, everything groovy?

Got the grippers in place and all that?


So how...? I think it's that way.

Okay, let me take... You don't know.

Okay, I'll take it of you.

Do the move.


Nice, billy, really nice.

Ms. Burch.

Ms. Burch.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

This is a closed set.

I'm eric delko from miami
state attorney's office.

And this is lieutenant caine

From miami-dade pd.

Could we have a word, please?

Take a break, billy.

What can I do for you?

The tony enright case.

We have a photograph

Of you at the crime scene
from a few years ago.

Oh, yeah.

I was freelancing then.

Thought I could sell a few sh*ts
to a news wire, maybe a tabloid.

Did you?

Two hours in the sun,
three rolls of film--

Didn't sell a thing.

Do you still have the photographs?

Yeah, I have everything inside.

Stuart, can you go grab
my negatives for me?

Copy that.

Be right back, billy.

What are you hoping to find?

We're trying to clear a good man's name.

These are, uh, these are all
from the enright crime scene.

Okay, let's scan those.

All right.

Let me invert the images.

All right, there's
jesse, there's the house,

The front gate, more house.

What else we got, eric?

wait a minute.

Eric, go back.

Go back.

What is he doing?

Evidence marker number four, eric.

Number four, that's the cuff link.

That's the missing evidence.

Right. Who is this?

I don't know. It isn't cardoza.

It's not jesse. Who is that?

Let me clean up the flare on his face.

Hitting the highlights.
Clean up some of this mess.

Captain sutter.

Lieutenant caine.

The beatles played on this stage.

I know that.

I was here.

You come alone?

Just like I said I would.

Why here?

I like my privacy.

What's this all about, caine?

Where'd you get this photo?

You let jesse cardoza take
the fall for something you did.

What exactly do you want, caine?

I want you to come clean.

All right.

We knew enright had m*rder*d his wife.

And we had him, too.

Dead to rights.

When I saw that cuff link,

I knew that his slick
lawyers would get him off,

So I pocketed it.

No harm, no foul.

The right guy goes down.

And that's the way it should be.

But I had no idea

Cardoza had already
taken a photograph of it.

So you allowed it to look
like he tampered with evidence.

I figured he was young.

Get a couple weeks

Desk duty, slap on the wrist.

Yes, but it didn't turn
out that way, did it?

No. His wife was m*rder*d
- probably by enright.

That's something I got
to live with every day.

Where's the cuff link?

I keep it right here.


So I'll never forget.


Take it.

What now?

What now?

I think you know what to do.

In light of the new evidence
that's been presented to us,

I would like to extend

A long overdue apology to jesse cardoza,

On behalf of the city, this department

And the district attorney's office.

Mr. Cardoza, who is no
longer a member of the lapd,

Is a shining example
of what this department

And all its officers
should strive for every day.

Hey, sweetheart,
sweetheart, hey, don't worry.

I'm gonna be out of here by
dinner. It's all gonna be fine.

We can go to our special
little place that we love

To go to together. You
remember that place?

Remember that place? Do you remember
that place, huh?! Just go to hell!


You little bitch!

you're making a really
bad mistake, sweetheart.

Really, really bad mistake!

My lawyer just flew in.

Vogel will get me off.

Oh, and there's super cop.

God, you're so good, huh?

You're really good.

Come around and watch a movie sometime.

Where was the missing cuff link found,

That it couldn't be
recovered two years ago?

I'm unable to comment
on that at this time.

Suffice it to say
that mr. Cardoza's name

And reputation has been cleared.

Well, that door's not
going to open itself.

Thank you.


You know, uh,

Tony enright is never going to see

The inside of a prison cell.

Don't be too sure, mr. Vogel.

Actually, I'm dead sure.

I want you out of miami.

Have you come to wish me bon voyage?

By the way, if you're
ever in the emirates,

Don't bother to call.

Don't worry, I'll get the door.

Thank you.

You would have done
the same for me, jesse.
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