08x14 - In the Wind

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "CSI: Miami". Aired: September 23, 2002 – April 8, 2012.*
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Follows a group of detectives assigned to the Miami-Dade Police Department's Crime Scene Investigations.
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08x14 - In the Wind

Post by bunniefuu »

Did he come?

It's time.

Fighting is escalating
here in afghanistan.

The u.S. Suffered
three casualties today.

James, james, james.

Settle down. Settle down.

It's the governor.

The defense department has
yet to name today's casualties,

But at this time we can confirm

They come from 22nd infantry division.

I understand.


If you answer that, I will k*ll you.

It's the state's attorney's office.

He has other investigators.

I know. I don't start for a week.

I mean... Must be important.

It's delko.

The s.A. Needs you in
as soon as possible.

I'll make coffee.

Yeah, um...

All right.

This aired last night,

And the governor caught it on tv.

Mrs. Russo, as we count down the hours

Till dr. James bradstone's execution,

We're revisiting his
trial from 15 years ago.

Now, you were an eyewitness?

I was right over there, in my kitchen.

I looked out the window.

I was able to see into their bedroom.

Dr. Bradstone stabbed his wife,

Again and again and again.

You were making tea
there in your kitchen?


But you can't see

The bradstones' bedroom
from there; there are trees.

The prosecutor told me the same thing.

Let me understand this...
The prosecutor told you

To say you saw the bradstone murders

From your living room,

When actually you were
there in your kitchen?

The defense attorney is now challenging

The validity of the
witness's initial statement,

And alleging prosecutorial misconduct.

Bradstone's the "k*ller doc."

He k*lled his wife and daughter.

Yes, and left his seve
n-year-old son for dead.

I remember the case, gentlemen.

He's been on death row for 15 years.

He has exhausted his appeals.

We were minutes away from giving
this bastard what he deserves,

The governor grants him a stay.

Yes, but you were the prosecutor.

Was there misconduct?


Of course not.

She was a solid witness
for us at the time.

She made our case.

But after this interview, she seems...

Confused, at best.

The governor's threatening to

Overturn the conviction.
And we have 24 hours

To prove that what ms.
Russo saw was accurate.

Or a k*ller walks free.

Nice going.

Eric, why don't you start

By telling us about the victims. Sure.

Got, uh, sarah bradstone.

She's, a mother, wife,

Former nurse, a pta president.

She was 28.

Come on, you guys!

You got her daughter,

Caitlin bradstone--
she was five.

And their son, todd, seven.

He survived.

You were the first
responder 15 years ago.

Did todd see anything? No.

He was knocked unconscious

Before he could see his attacker.

He was stabbed several times.

They revived him at the hospital.

Eric, what kind of
physical evidence do we have

To support the eyewitness testimony?

Got the m*rder w*apon.

I know the kids are sleeping.
I know that! I know...

Come here.

Her blood and his prints.

We've also got a blood
pool in the bedroom.

Which is the exact location
where the eyewitness, mrs. Russo,

Said that she saw the m*rder
take place from her window.

Now, he must have stood
over her while she bled out,

Because had a void on
either side of her body.

The k*ller must have gone
down the hallway at that point

To the little girl's room.

His own children.

This guy is a psychopath.

We found a blood trail

Of partial footprints
that led from sarah's body

To the master bathroom.

Now, james bradstone
claimed that the intruder

Broke in through the bathroom window

And committed the m*rder.

But he was lying,

'cause the lab was able to show

That the window was
broken from the inside.

Bradstone also transferred trace amounts

Of the victim's blood onto the glass,

Which indicated that it happened

After the murders.

I'm telling you,

Capital punishment
was made for this guy.

I was working a late shift on e.R.

I came home, I fell asleep

On the couch right in the living room.

I woke up...

To my wife screaming.

There was a man with a black mask.

He was stabbing her.

We fought.

I managed to pull the
knife out of his hand.

And then he ran.

Sarah was already gone.



No, sarah. Please...

Caitlin? Caitlin?

Caitlin, wake up, baby.

Wake up, baby.

Wake up, baby. Wake up.

Todd? Todd!




Come on.

Okay. Come on.


Somebody took my family.

Took them!

Sir, I believe that god let me live

So I could help you to find him.

Who do you think he was?

Lieutenant, james told the
police he was stealing pills

From his hospital and selling them.

Yes, I read the report, gentlemen.

So apparently, you're a drug dealer.

I wanted to stop.

And some of my customers,
they were resentful.

And I think one of them broke in and

Did this, because they knew
there weren't any dr*gs.

I mean, I gave the whole list
to your cops 15 years ago.

I'm going to need to see that list.

Mr. Newhouse, we know
that the doctor was selling

Prescription pills.

We have you on a list of buyers.

Am I the only one?

Well, let's see, two
on the list have died,

Two don't match the physical
description of the attacker,

And one has an alibi.

So that leaves you.

You really think I chopped
up a woman and two kids

Over a couple of pills?

So you admit to buying the pills? Look,

I-I went through
this-- all of this--

With the police back then, all right?

They, they cleared
me as a suspect, so...

Do us a favor, tell us again.


Uh, I worked the e.R.
Night shift with james.

I developed an affection
for painkillers.

When I lost my medical license...

I got the pills off james.

But I didn't break into his house,

And I didn't k*ll anybody.

Where were you at the
time of the murders?

That's not in your little file there?

Mr. Newhouse... Just humor us.

I was at a meeting.

What meeting?

You know, a meeting trying
to deal with my addiction.

That's very convenient.

Those meetings are anonymous.

There's no list for us to check.

That's not my problem.

You're right, it's our problem.

Tell you what.

You can leave, donald, but be smart.

Don't leave town.


I was standing in my living room.

Through the window,

I saw into the bradstones' bedroom.

James bradstone was stabbing his wife

Again and again.

Here you go.

Thank you.

Miss... Mrs. Russo, I
need to clear something up

From your news interview.

Were you in the kitchen
or the living room

When you saw the m*rder happen?

James bradstone k*lled his wife.

I don't see what difference it makes.

It matters to a lot of people,
starting with the governor,

Prosecutor, bradstone,

And his only surviving son.

I need to know.

Now, you're sure that
you were standing here,

Looking out this window

When you saw dr.
Bradstone k*ll his wife?


Hold on a second.

Mrs. Russo,

There's an unobstructed view
of the bradstones' bedroom

From the living room.

Don't you think you witnessed
the m*rder from over there?

But I... If you were to remember

You were in the living
room, it would help us

In holding mr. Bradstone responsible

For these horrible murders.

Yes, I suppose I could
have been in my living room.

I was in my kitchen, but it
doesn't change what I saw.

I trusted

That young officer.

He wouldn't have let
me do something wrong.

Oh, delko...

Uh, we need to talk about
louise russo's statement.

Yeah, I already know.

She told you she was in the
kitchen when she saw the murders.

Yeah, that's what I want
to talk to you about.

Look, I have a copy of
mrs. Russo's statement

Right here, the same one

That talbot sent to the
defense during the trial.

At first glance, it looks fine...

But when I looked at the original,

I could see that "kitchen" was erased

And replaced with "living room."

You took the report.

I suppose I could have
been in my living room.

Officer cardoza.

Let's see, um, so...

You'll write down that
mrs. Russo witnessed

The m*rder from her living room.

Yeah, but, you know, she
really didn't say that.

Ah, this is your first
homicide, isn't it?

Yeah. Then, benefit

From my years of
experience and trust me.

I mean, you have grandparents, right?

So, she's a little confused?

But you believe she
saw it happen, right?

She saw it happen, yes.

'cause there's only one
way that that is possible.

You don't want this
guy to get away with it.

Do you?


Look, at the time, I was
doing what I thought was right.

James bradstone m*rder*d his family.

Now he may just walk away because

The key witness was coerced.


What are you working on?

We got a problem with
mrs. Russo's statement.

The reporter got it right.
Mrs. Russo's saying that

Now she was in her kitchen
when she saw the murders.

That's impossible, because
the tree blocks her view

Completely from that room.

Well, if we can't explain this,

The governor is going to
overturn the conviction.

Gentlemen, need I remind
you, there is another witness.

I'll take it from here.

My parents fought
sometimes, but to believe

My dad could...

He's written me thousands of
letters saying he's innocent.

My grandparents told me not to answer.

I guess they thought
it'd help me forget.

Todd, in your statement you mentioned

That you heard a train.

I know that there are no tracks there.

I... I was seven.

Maybe it was a truck.

All I know is, it was loud.

In the midst of all that noise, todd,

You heard your mother.

Didn't you?

She was screaming.

I was in bed.

I got up and went to the hall.

Todd... Go on.

I have this image in my head
of that day... Of someone--

I don't know wh o
- on top of my mother, hurting her.

But... That wasn't...

That wasn't in your statement, son.

The cops said it was my
dad, or I imagined it.

You got a kid talking about
trains where there are no tracks.

There's not a lot of credibility there.

Did you ever tell anybody else?

I tried to, but no one listened.

Okay, but todd, I'm listening.

Are you telling me there's a chance

That someone other than my dad did this?

You know what?

We need to find out, don't we?

So horatio thinks that todd
bradstone might have walked in

On his mother being sexually assaulted.

Well, we just pulled all
the clothes from that night,

'cause we're gonna through
'em and look for evidence.

There was nothing in the m.E.'s report

To suggest that she
was sexually assaulted.

Let's, uh... Let's check anyway.


I think I got something.

What is it?

Well, the sample is really small, but...

It could be semen.

Whoa, 15 years later?
Is that still viable?

Normally, you know, heat
and moisture and sunlight

Would degrade the sample,
but it's been sitting

In refrigerated storage.

it's a good thing we
checked the clothes, huh?

That was a long time ago.

We didn't have csis to collect all

The evidence.

I'm not to blame for everything
that went wrong on this case.

Your words,

Not mine.

Bradstone is guilty.

That I'm sure of.


Maybe not.

Mr. Newhouse, have a seat.

Okay, I'm very busy.

You guys drag me down
here twice in one day?

Why don't you explain to
me how your semen ended up

On the clothes sarah was wearing
the night she was m*rder*d?

Excuse me?

Did you k*ll her?

No, james bradstone k*lled
her. I think we all know that.

Their son todd bradstone
said that he saw a man

On top of his mother the day
she was m*rder*d, hurting her.

Come on, how old was he?

Kids get confused.

Were you having an affair?

We were having fun.

She was hot.

Her husband was ignoring her.


I was there that night.

Honey, I'm home.

He's home early.

Yeah, from who knows where.

He needs to know, donald, today.

Are you crazy?

No, not like this.

You get downstairs and you stall him.

What are you going to do,

Climb out the bathroom window?

Uh, yeah.

Go on, get down there, go!

I heard screaming coming from
downstairs, and I went out

Through the bathroom window.

It was stuck.

I had to kick it out.

You were there when it happened.

Yeah, but that's all I know.

I got right out of there.

Why didn't you come forward?

You already had a witness.

Besides, I didn't really see anything.

I think there's more to it than that.

I'm going to have you
go with officer johnson.

Ryan, hey.

I need you to go to the crime scene.

Hey, did she get her
hearing checked out yet?

I told her she's a
liability until she...

I can hear you both clear as a bell.

You heard that? Well, yeah.

I went to the doctor.

I, uh, got this little hearing aid.

Simmons : Check it out.

She's like the bionic
woman now. Exactly.

I was cleared for work,
so watch what you say.

This place is exactly how it
was at the time of the murders.

Well, todd bradstone owns
it, used to live in it.

I'm not sure why he
hangs on to the place.

Who'd buy it?

It's eerie.

Donald newhouse says he
broke the bathroom window.

Calleigh wants us to luminol it

For the presence of blood.

All right.

There was definitely blood here.

Yeah, it says that
there were tiny droplets

Of the victim's blood on
the broken glass. Right.

But the prosecution believed

That james bradstone
transferred that blood there

When he kicked the window out,

Then he lied about an intruder doing it.

So, if donald newhouse broke the window,

That means he's responsible

For the presence of the victim's blood.

Newhouse said that he was gone
before the murders happened.

So, how'd the blood get on him, then?

That's a good question.

Hold on.

I got a blood trail here.

Boa vista: Yeah, that's
documented in this file as well--

Leading right to where
sarah bradstone was m*rder*d.

James bradstone wasn't
standing over sarah as she died.


Donald newhouse was.

I should have told you before, donald.

I don't like liars.

What are you talking about?

You k*lled her. You k*lled sarah.

Blood proves it.

You left a blood trail
from sarah bradstone's body

To the bathroom window
that you kicked out.

Her blood, your footprints.

She wasn't downstairs
arguing with her husband.

She was bleeding out at your feet.

I'm sorry.

Are you admitting to k*lling sarah?

Sarah and I-- we were... We
were together that night. I...

And as I was...

Sneaking out, I, uh, realized that I...

I left my wallet in the bedroom, and...

Before I could get back in,

The yelling from downstairs,
it came up into the bedroom.

And then, I heard the
door slam, and then...

...It was quiet again.

Oh, god.

Help me.

I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry.

So, you let her die, but
you grabbed your wallet.

Well, I wasn't going to leave it there.

'cause that would have
made you a suspect.

Listen, you were in the house.

You have opportunity.
You were having an affair.

That's motive. I have
to be honest with you.

I think you look good for this.

We're going to hold you.

I'm going to have eric show
donald's picture to mrs. Russo.

Maybe she can I.D. Him as the k*ller.

Mrs. Russo.


You guys again.

I'm on my walk.

Yeah, this will just
take a second, okay?

Um, could you, uh...

Could you tell us if
that might have been

The man you saw
attacking sarah bradstone?

Hold on a sec.

I need my readers.

Hmm. Now, maybe

From a distance, I
could have confused them.

Is that what you think
might have happened?

Nope. Not him.

You sure?

I told you 15 years ago, young man,

And I'm telling you again.

I saw james bradstone k*ll his wife.

How many more times
do I have to tell you?

Thank you, mrs. Russo.

We'll need you to testify at
a hearing later today, okay?

Of course you do.

Our office will call you to set it up.

That's good!

She's telling the truth.

Yeah, well, we're running out of time

To prove it.

Got her?

Yeah. All right.

Mrs. Russo.

This is delko. I need a
bolo out on a black prius.

Mrs. Russo? Mrs. Russo? No plates. Suspect
vehicle was involved in a hit-and-run.

It's heading south on pine.



Mrs. Russo?

Mrs. Russo?

Come on, breathe.

I've got the
suspect vehicle--

Black prius, no
plates-- in sight.

Pine and sonora.

Out of the car, driver, right now!

Let me see your hands!

What's your problem?
Ow! It was an accident.

It was a
hit-and-run, genius.

I got scared.

I have two duis on my record,

So I took off.

No, you didn't.

You didn't even apply
the brakes. I saw you!

You just ran her down.

Look, it happened too fast.

One minute, the street's clear.

The next minute, she's
on the hood of my car.

This was no accident.

You got a map in here
with the victim's name

And address on it. What
the hell do you have...?

What? What do you got?

Gold bar?

Who hired you to k*ll louise russo?

Um, I want to see a lawyer.


You're going to see your
lawyer at the police station.

Let's go.

Cuff him.

Walter's still tracking
down the gold bars.

Frank, does phillip hale have a record?

No, he's clean, but I pulled up

His social security number
to find out where he works.

And what'd you get?

Well, when he's not
running over old ladies,

He's a... A caddie at the
forty palms country club.

Isn't the forty palms near the hospital

James bradstone used to work at?


Maybe that's where they crossed paths.

They sent me a members list
that goes back 15 years.

Is bradstone a member? He's not.

However... Look who is.

Thank you.

Where'd you get the
gold bars from, donald?

What gold bars?

Gold bars you used to
pay off phillip hale.


Donald, you hired phillip
hale to k*ll louise russo.

This is... This is crazy.

Phillip was a caddie at forty palms.

You are a member there.

My forty palms membership,
it lapsed like a decade ago.

And I don't know any phillip hale!

You know what I think?
I think you knew that

We were gonna show mrs.
Russo your photograph

And she was gonna
I.D. You as the k*ller.

Which was really stupid, donald,

'cause she never even
pointed the finger at you.

I wouldn't k*ll anyone.

Not this louise woman.

And especially not sarah.

You don't understand.

Understand what?

I loved sarah.

And she loved me.

You told me earlier that you
were just having a good time.

It was more than that.

We were making plans to...

...To be together, and I think that...

James found out, and
that's why he k*lled her.

So, you loved her, but
you didn't help her?

I know.

I'm a coward.

You think I don't know that?

I would never hurt her.

I'm sorry, but your word

Just doesn't mean very much right now.

So, did we track down the serial numbers

On the gold bars, walter?

Yes, sir, we did. They
were stolen from a bank's

Safety deposit box up in orlando.

A man named robert sage
was convicted of the heist

15 years ago, but they
never recovered all the gold.

Is sage still in prison? No.

He was released two weeks ago.

He must have gotten out
and dug up his stash.

Okay, let's get after him, then.

Yeah, there's an apb out
on him, but no luck so far.

Walter, let me ask you a question.

Why would sage give hale his gold?


You know, I thought the same thing,

So I made a couple calls,
and get this-- sage was tried

In federal court here in miami.

While awaiting trial, he was housed

In the same cell block
as james bradstone.

They've exchanged letters ever since.

Well, that's the answer, isn't it?

I don't know him.

But you do know robert sage, james.

You two were in the
same cell block together.

Yeah, well, faces and
names tend to blur in here.

Sage hired hale to k*ll louise russo.

Louise is dead?

You recommended that
somebody be recruited

From forty palms,
which gave us newhouse,

Your former drug client.

So tell me...

Did phillip hale tell you
about this deal I made with him?

Or did robert sage?

Yeah. I didn't think so.

You can't prove any of this.

James, did you know your
wife was having an affair?

An affair?

Wait. When?

A witness came forward to tell me

That he was with her
the night of the murders.

Well, who?

Who?! Maybe I can identify him.

Come on, he's got to be
the k*ller. Who was it?

You already know who he is.

You knew about the affair,
and you k*lled her for it.

You're trying to rattle me?

It ain't gonna work.

I am so close.

You think so?

So, you found my wife's boyfriend.

He's got to be a suspect.

And you lost your eyewitness.

You're making this case better for me

Than any defense attorney could.

Matter of fact, you're
making it real hard

For the governor not to
just let me out of here.



I'm not finished yet.

What was the strength of
this case in the first place?

Mrs. Russo's testimony.

We know that she couldn't have seen

The m*rder from her kitchen.

But we now know there
was a second witness.

Bradstone's son was there, right?

Yeah, he didn't see anything.

No, but what did he
say in his testimony?

He said that he heard the train,
and then he heard the screams.

Right. Those are the
frightened ramblings

Of a
seven-year-old boy.

We know there are no
tracks near there, so,

What else

Sounds like a train?

What about the weather?

Let's check the weather.

All right.

Well, that night, hurricane
erin was 100 miles off the coast.

What was the wind speed?

It was only a category one,

But there were winds

Of 50 miles per hour
reported here in miami.

50 miles an hour?

You're thinking that the train sound

That todd heard was actually wind?

You know what?

I've got an idea.

All right, let's get
those fans over here.

All right, I'm in the kitchen.

I'm in position, as well.

All right, the wind would have
been coming off of the water,

So I had them pointing the wind
machines this way, all right?

Okay, when you're
ready, eric, crank it up.

Yeah. Set it to 50
miles an hour, all right?

You see anything?

Just the trees.

Still no clean line of sight.

She couldn't have seen
the m*rder from here.

H, I don't think this is working.

Okay, hang on a second, jesse.

We're getting an effect her e
- a wind tunnel effect.

Yeah, you mean the way
the wind picks up speed

Between skyscrapers.

That's exactly right.

It creates a funnel

In which the pressure goes up,
and if the pressure goes up,

The speed increases.

Well, how much more?

The wind needs to be

The same speed as it was 15 years ago.

Well, that's 75 miles per hour.

Crank it up, eric.

Hey, crank it up to 75 miles per hour.

Are we good, jesse?

Yeah, we're good.

She was telling the truth.

A wind tunnel?

It blew the trees 45
degrees to the left.

Creating a clear line of sight

From the kitchen to the m*rder scene.

She saw what she
said she saw--

James bradstone k*lling
his wife and daughter.

Wow. So, can you validate
these wind patterns?

We got documentation from
the atlantic weather service.

It sinks bradstone.

Whew! So, the governor will
accept the inconsistencies

In mrs. Russo's statements
as harmless error.

All right, we're good.

I should have never allowed you

To get that woman to
change her testimony.


You risked my career and your career.

I mean, do you understand,
we almost let a k*ller walk?

You done?

I need to take these to the governor.

So, it's true?

My father really did it?

It's true, son.

Seems like I've wasted a lot of time

Waiting for an answer I already knew.

So, can I stop being afraid of him now?

You can, todd.

He's not gonna hurt you anymore.

What a dad, huh?

Do you have a family?

I have a son, todd.

He's about your age.

He got dealt a bad hand, too.

But you know what?

He rallied.

Just the way I think you can, todd.

You know what I'm going
to do tomorrow, lieutenant?

What's that?

Put this place on the market.

Good for you.


You going to the gym? Yeah.

About last night... I
know that we keep saying

That it's not gonna happen anymore.


But it keeps happening.

That a bad thing?

I don't know that we
should talk about it here.

So what, your place or mine?


Can you forgive me, son?

It's time.

You deserve this.


Dad. Hey.

How's it going over there, son?

Well, you know, some days are hard.

You know, the
firefights, uh--

It's not like the movies.

This is real.

Um, yesterday, uh, we helped this...

We helped these kids rebuild a school

That was destroyed during the fighting.

Dad, you've never seen so many kids

So excited to go back to school.

You know, it was cool.

Sounds like it.

So, I... I guess
yesterday was a good day.

I think maybe I'm doing
something important over here.

Hey, dad, uh, what's the matter?

You look kind of sad.

No, son.

No. It's just...

It's just good to see you.

You, too, dad.

You, too. Man: Harmon,
let's go. We're moving out.

Oh, I got to go, dad.
They're calling me.

You take care of yourself.

I will.
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