03x03 - The Blood on His Hands

Complete collection of episode transcripts for seasons 1 - 7. Aired: September 2008 to February 2015.*

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A famous "psychic" outs himself as a fake and starts working as a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation so he can find "Red John," the madman who k*lled his wife and daughter.
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03x03 - The Blood on His Hands

Post by bunniefuu »

(Indistinct conversations)

(Siren wails)

(Train whistle blows)

(Woman speaking indistinctly over radio)

4972 West 21st Street...

(Speaks indistinctly)

Lisbon: Ah.


Nice of you to show up, pokey.

Yeah, sorry I'm late. Had traffic on the 50.

Looks like the coroner's finishing up.

Talk to him, see what he's got. The traffic got lipstick on you.

What? Where?

Hope she gave you breakfast. Forensics ate all the bagels.

Late and later. What's your excuse?

It's all a journey, Lisbon.

She washed up here sometime last night.

A jogger found her this morning, called it in.

The only identifiable mark is that tattoo.

Coroner says she was strangled before she hit the water.

Some tissue under her fingernails.

Might've scratched the k*ller. No sign of sexual as*ault.

Lisbon. Yeah?

Check between her toes. Why?

Because I don't really want to.

Needle marks.

Rigsby: She was an addict?

Manicure but no pedicure.

Didn't want people to see her feet.

The track marks don't seem fresh. Maybe she got clean.

As soon as the M.E. identifies her, I want you to go and see if she has any drug arrests and check out the local rehab centers.

Rigsby: Yeah, you got it.

(Cell phone rings)



Man: Mr. Jane, this is Agent Vint Molinari, missing persons.

I'm on the Kristina Frye case.

An old client of Frye's was listening to some psychic call-in show on the radio the other day, heard somebody she swears was Kristina.

We've got a recording of the show.

Can you tell me if this is her voice?


(Kristina) I spoke to the last caller's late mother Susan.

She told me she's happy
and wants her daughter to know how proud of her she is.

It's her. Did you trace the call?

Comes from a landline, house on Dellmore Road, North of Femont Landing.

I'll let you know if we find anything there.

Woman: 4972 West 21st Street, number 3.

Woman: I need an escort for 148 North St. Andrews.

(Speaks indistinctly)

Woman: Unit 14, clear.

(Knocks on door)


How you doing?

♪ The Mentalist 3x03 ♪
The Blood on His Hands
Original Air Date on October 7, 2010

Blood on the wall—

D.N.A. analysis says it's Frye's.

And the house was clean.

No prints or trace evidence of any kind.

No sign of a body or a grave.

She's alive.

If he k*lled her, he would've left her body out on display.

Vint, it looks like this is more than just a missing persons case to me.

I'm gonna talk to the head of the division and ask him to hand the case over to us.

Why? Because it's Red John, you're the Red John guys?

I've read his file, too.

Frye's been missing for four months.

Red John never kept a victim alive for more than a few days.

He never left a-a clue on the scene except for the—the painted face.

And that call Frye made— that's hardly a cry for help.

What's your point?

Well, who knows if Red John had anything to do with this?

As far as I know, Frye painted the face herself.

Why would she do that?

(Scoffs) Well, the woman thinks she talks to the dead.

She's half a nutcase walking out the door.

Lisbon, I-I agree with Agent Molinari.

Kristina's case should remain in his capable hands.

Let's, uh, not get in the way.

(Sets down mug)

I don't understand.

You don't want the case?

So what are you doing?

(Elevator Bell dings, doors slide open)

Nothing. Why don't we just skip the part where you lie to me and get right to the part where you tell me what you're gonna do?

Red John let Kristina make a call that could be traced.

He's playing a game. With who?

See you later.

Yeah, that sounds great. I can make it there by 7:00.

Listen, I have to go. I'll speak to you later, okay? Bye.

If you're seeing traffic on the 50 tonight, you think she could set her alarm a little earlier?

(Sighs) Okay, look, I get it. This is, uh, it's the last time you have to hear about my love life.

I don't care about your love life.

Just don't let it affect the job.

My love life is not gonna affect—

Lisbon: Hey.

Hey, boss. Anything on the girl in the River?

Name's Celia Jovanovich.

Some convictions for narcotics possession. No family.

What about the rehab angle?

No mention of a program in her record.

(Computer alert chimes)

Well, she must've cleaned up somehow.

No arrests in almost two years. Hey, that tattoo on our vic?

It's worn by members of Visualize.

Visualize? The cult?

They do work with addicts.

She could've cleaned up there.

See? The wings form a "v" for "Visualize." Yeah.

What was the name of the guy who runs it?

Stiles. Bret Stiles.

Agent Lisbon, I'm brother Steven Wench.

Mr. Jane... Mm?

This is Warner Vander Hoek, our Chief of Security.

Julius Coles, our attorney. How do you do, Agent?

Quite an impressive file at CBI, Lisbon.

I know if anyone can find Celia's k*ller, you can.

I appreciate your confidence, Mr. Vander Hoek.

How did you read my file?

I spent 11 years working Seattle Homicide, seven years in the Intelligence Division.

Ooh. That's a whole lot of cop for a self-help group.

We have enemies.

As Mr. Stiles says, the truth always does.

Where is, uh, Bret?

I'm afraid brother Stiles is busy with church business at the moment.

And why are you so afraid?

It's a figure of speech?

Yes, it is. Shall we?

Yes, we should.

Patrick: Lead the way.

My name is Celia Jovanovich.

This picture was taken when I had been a heroin addict for nine years.

I had no job or home, no future, no hope.

But I beat addiction and changed my life when I began to Visualize.


Our addiction counselors found her literally living in the streets.

She attempted su1c1de three times.

They... They brought her here, and...

This is what she became.

Well, she certainly became better at doing her makeup.

Your low personal opinion of Visualize is duly noted... But irrelevant.

Let's try and confine our discussion to the facts.

Of course. Uh, Mr. Coles, you're not a member here, are you?

I am not.

Mm. That's interesting that Mr. Stiles would hire a lawyer outside of the sacred fold. Hmm?

Oh, what did Celia do here?

She worked in our security section.

It's called vigilance.

We provide personal security for the church's senior leaders.

I was her, uh, supervisor. What's her home address?

She lived here. We provide homes for members who want them.

Celia had had it tough. The—the church was her haven.

And we're gonna need to speak to all of her friends, acquaintances, coworkers. That'll be fine, with the proviso that I or one of my associates be present at all times.

Was there anybody in particular that she was close to?

There was a fiancé, David Herren.

He's a member of the church, but I don't know where he is right now.


I'm sure you'll be able to locate him for us.

Agent, I assume you will be looking at suspects outside the church.

I'd hate to think that this was some sort of witch hunt.

Oh, we'll go wherever the investigation leads us.

Man: So, um, thank you very much. Okay.

Uh, excuse me.


Uh, Tec— interesting name.

Yeah. Yeah. (Chuckles)

You look like an honest young man.

Do you know where brother Stiles is right now?

No, sir, I don't.

Very honest. Terrible liar.

Is—is he this way?

Oh. Uh...

Or is he this way? Okay.

Sir, I-I don't think that— uh, sir?

Yeah, spit it out. I-I don't understand what you're doing.

You don't want to tell me where Stiles is, so when I move you in his location, you react negatively.

I'm just reading your negative reaction.

Well, please stop. You're gonna get me in trouble.

This way?

Please don't go in there, sir.

Thank you.

(Door beeps and closes)


Man: You see, if the mind is free, there's nothing that you can't achieve.

Because then the mind has no limits.

I-it's a spaceship with the power to travel across all six dimensions, journeying off to— excuse me, uh, Bret?

I have a question.


Sorry. Did somebody speak?

Uh, it—it was me.

Oh. (Chuckles)



How nice to see you.

Why offer only six dimensions?

Is—is it to hold off a couple of dimensions to sell later?


I think six is quite enough.

When did you last see Celia Jovanovich?

Oh, uh, Celia.

Yes, um, let me think. Um...

I believe she worked a security detail for me earlier in the week— a seminar for premembers at the Hyatt.


Those that have not yet seen the truth.

You would be a premember.

Poor Celia.

It's tragic.

Uh, she fought so hard for her sobriety.

When did you learn of her death?

Well, I don't know.

I suppose when they identified the body.

You know, many policemen are Visualize members.

What do you think happened to her?

No idea. You have a theory?

Oh, no.

I never theorize.

We gurus must always speak the truth or... nothing.

You were surprised I was here about Celia.

Why did you think I was here?

Kristina Frye, of course.

Kristina Frye?

Red John has her, right?

It's a terrible thing.

First your wife and child, now Miss Frye.

Sounds like he's jealous, Patrick.

It sounds like he wants to take away everything and everyone that you care about.

It's a form of love, you know.

What do you know about Kristina Frye and Red John?

Patrick, I like you.

I like your vim.

And Red John— he seems to be a perfectly unpleasant sort of fellow.

If I knew how to get you even half a step closer to him, I would cross desert wastes to tell you.

But I don't know.

(Knock on door)


Ah, Starsky and Hutch.

Thank goodness.

Mr. Jane might have cut me into small cubes by now.

God is in your mind, right here.

All you have to do to see him is clear out the bad energy.

I'll repeat the question.

Have you seen Celia Jovanovich in the past 48 hours?

I've been visiting my mother in Chino.

I got back this morning.

That's all I need. Thanks. Aren't you interested in the path to spiritual clarity and personal freedom?


How's it goin'?

(Sighs) Well, Celia was nice, and a good team member, and joining Visualize is a good idea. That's it, pretty much.

Keep trying. You seen Jane?

Yeah, he's upstairs.

Vander Hoek took him upstairs to see Celia's room.

Is he okay?

I guess. Why?

Nothing. Stiles just seems to get to him a little bit.

That's a neat trick.

Yeah, I wish he'd teach it to me. I got the fiancé's details.

David Herren works at a restaurant downtown.

Go talk to him. Okay.

You—come on. Let's talk.

Before we do, can I just ask, are you happy in your lives?

Sit down.

This was Celia's room.

Thank you.

David Herren?

Yeah. Wayne Rigsby, CBI.

I need to, uh, talk to you about Celia Jovanovich.

Yeah, yeah. Listen, the thing is I— one moment, David.

Hi. I'm Julius Coles, David's attorney.

Wow. You guys are organized. "Us guys"? Feels prejudicial.

You have a problem with constitutional rights?

No, sir.

I was a mess when I heard the news.

But I remember what Mr. Stiles says— clarify the mind with discipline, order, work.

Are you the Head Chef?

Prep chef now. Maybe more than that someday.

How long had you been engaged to Celia?

A couple of weeks. And how long had you known her before?

I didn't... know her.

I mean— I don't understand.

I had never seen her before.

High level Visualize members often opt for what are called designed marriages.

The partners are matched for, uh... Energy consilience.

So it was an arranged marriage?

A rational marriage.

I knew the minute I saw Celia we belonged together.

Was there someone else? Someone angry about being replaced?

An ex-boyfriend perhaps?

Absolutely not.

How can you be so certain?

You only just met her.

Knowledge comes to those who are open to it, Agent.

I knew Celia. There was no one else.

Are you sure?

Because Celia was strangled.

That's a k*ller who's upset, really wants to hurt the victim.

There wasn't anybody who might have been mad at you and Celia, might have made you mad?

There's no need to answer that.

I'm just trying to get the picture here.

No, you're poking at him with wild conjecture to see how he reacts, and I won't have it.

This is over.

(Exhales deeply)

(Closes book)

(Rips plastic)

So I checked into Herren. Cooking's just a hobby.

His family's loaded— old lumber money.

When he turns 27, he inherits $10 million.

That's probably why Stiles arranged the marriage.

With Celia married to Herren, the church is more likely to tap into the money.

Yeah, but it's not motive for Herren to k*ll Celia.

Oh, was there anything else from the interviews at Visualize?

Nothing useful.

They all seem so happy. I mean, truly happy.

Yeah. It's creepy.

Jane. Kinda lost track of you at Visualize.

Took a nap.

Is something on your mind?

No, no. Um, I'm gonna be upstairs.


Celia had some problems with Visualize philosophy— questions, issues with the dogma.

She, uh, might have wanted to talk to someone about it.

Someone outside of the church.

Someone mentioned a friend of hers who was a member but left.

Um... Lucy Joel.

Are you sure nobody was following you, saw you come in?

Lucy, nobody followed us.

(Lucy sighs)

I'm not crazy, okay?

I have been followed and threatened.

Visualize doesn't like when people leave the hive.

When you're a member, every week you sit down in front of a camera and lay out every bad thing you've done.

I mean, everything.

It's called ventilation.

Your vent vids. It's supposed to air you out.

It makes you feel great, clean.


Then when you're leaving, they say, "whoa. We know all this nasty stuff.

You're not gonna say anything bad about Visualize, are you""

We're not here to get dirt on Visualize.

We wanna talk about Celia.


She was sweet, almost too nice, you know?

She needed people a little too much.

She knew Visualize was crazy, but they'd gotten her clean.

Ugh. And she was scared to leave, you know?

Thought she'd start using again.

Was she in touch with you?

She'd call, just to talk, bitch about the church, you know, stuff.

Was there anything specific on her mind?

I-I can't. I'm sorry. I don't want any trouble.

Lucy, listen. We can offer you— no. L—it was really hard to leave that place.

Now I'm good with the church, and the church is good with me.

Everything's good.

Listen, I know you're scared, but right now you're Celia's guardian, the only one that can help her.

It's up to you.


She was having an affair with somebody very big in the church.

She wouldn't tell me his name.

Then she was supposed to marry Herren.

And he was sweet, kept saying he loved her.

She felt bad lying to him.

Last time I talked to her, she said she had to do something, but she didn't say what.

And if anybody finds out I told you that, I am so dead.

You were great in there.

"You're Celia's guardian."

It was nice.

I lied this morning.

I do care that you're seeing someone else.

It hurts a little.

I mean, it's no biggie. I'll get over it.

I want us to be friends.


We can get to that point, right?

Can we be just friends?

Yeah. Sure, we can.

Good. I'd like that.
Behind us.


Someone's tailing us.


Oh, yeah. I guess Lucy isn't crazy.

Getting the plates.

Should I pull 'em over?

Can you get behind 'em?

Throw a loop? Easy. Watch.

(Engine revs)


(Tires screech)


(Tires screech)


You okay? You okay?

Yeah, yeah. You?

Yeah. I just— I just need a minute.

Can you go check on the other guys?


(Groaning and panting)

Hey. CBI. You wanna tell me what the hell you're doing?

FBI. I could ask you the same thing.

Agent O'laughlin, is it?

Craig O'laughlin. That's right, ma'am.

You wanna tell me why the FBI was tailing two of my agents?

Sure. We've been looking at Bret Stiles and Visualize for a couple years now. And we've had allegations of tax fraud, racketeering, and a lot worse, but we haven't gotten our hands on anybody that could tell us about the organization. Tight as a drum.

Yeah, but why follow us?

My boss thinks Stiles may have people inside law enforcement, which would explain why we're not getting anywhere with the investigation.

Y-you think that we're working with Visualize?

She wanted us to look into the possibility. That's all.

And I've seen no evidence of it.

What you did was reckless.

I should bring you up for departmental discipline.

But he shouldn't have been following you, so I'm gonna let it pass.

And you tell your boss if she wants to catch bad guys, she should follow bad guys.

It was a pleasure working with the FBI.


Hey, listen. I'm sorry about that. Does it hurt?

No. No, it's not that bad.


You know, Van Pelt... Mm-hmm.

You—you related to Amos Van Pelt, by any chance, the foot-football coach at Burton?

He's my father.

Whoa. Uh, he was one hell of a coach.

I was a wide receiver at U. of M.

Your, uh, your dad gave us one tough game.


Didn't you go NFL? Tennessee.

I did, yeah. Yeah, just a couple of years.

Thanks for remembering.

Anyway, I should get back to the office, get beat up by my own boss.

You see your dad, tell him he's remembered.

I will. Thanks.


Hey. Excuse me.

You're the FBI guy, right?

I'm a special Agent in charge, if that's what you mean.

Now, that's exactly what I mean.

So you guys are investigating Visualize and this character Bret Stiles, right?

I guess that's common knowledge by now.


Do you have a guy deep inside the church, you know, un-undercover Agent?

You can't seriously be asking me that.

So that's a "yes." Any chance of a name?

No. No chance.

We have to get back to Visualize.

Why is that?

Celia Jovanovich was almost certainly k*lled by her lover, so she almost certainly mentioned his name in her vent video.

Ergo, we need to see her videos.

I'll get my coat.

What do you have in there?

Oh, look at that. Thank you.

"To make ourselves fully conscious, "the challenge is to expand the power of mind by dispelling doubt and guilt so that we may find in our—"

(Loud pop)

Sorry. Didn't mean to startle anyone.

Well, actually, I did. You got a minute?

What is it, Mr. Jane?

(Lowered voice) You're the FBI's undercover Agent, right?


I need a favor. Just a small one.

Get rid of 'em.

Guys, take a break.

(Lowered voice) I have no idea what you're talking about.

Well, when I just popped the bag right now, your hand went for your hip.

You were reaching for your g*n.

It's a cop instinct. Never goes away.

(Indistinct conversations)

Do you have any idea what you're doing?

This is an ongoing investigation, and I spent three years working my way into this organization.

Hey, don't freak out, Serpico. I need one little thing.

Forget it.

Your investigation is dead.

If I picked you out, then Stiles has definitely picked you out.

The only reason he hasn't gotten rid of you is because he's using you. He's feeding you false information.

Do you have any usable evidence?

No. Didn't think so.

And you never will. You can help me, though.

Together, we can catch Celia Jovanovich's k*ller.

What's this about?

I need to see one of her vent videos, and I need you to take me to where they're kept.

Get a warrant.

Warrants take time. And meanwhile, back at the ranch, they're wiping the tapes.

The room where they're stored is full of security cameras.

They'll be on to you in minutes.

Yes, they will.

That's what I'm talking about. Let's go.

(Door closes)

Ah, Agent Lisbon.

What's all this about you wanting Celia's vent videos?

We believe Celia Jovanovich may have identified her k*ller in one of the videos.

We'd like to take a look at 'em.

No, no, no. That's impossible. The ventilations show our members at their most vulnerable.

Only senior members of the church are allowed to see them.

I mean, I could no more show you them than a priest could discuss a confession. Hmm?

Now if you'll please excuse me...



Security feed of Patrick Jane.


Agent, this is a security camera feed from our video room.

What's going on?

It's been about half an hour.

This is outrageous.

I'm getting bored.

Mr. Stiles is calling in every important person he knows to try and get us fired.

It takes time.

(Door opens)


You're done. You are done.

We've spoken to your superiors, explained to them that we view Mr. Jane's actions as a grievous breach of civil liberties.

We'll be pursuing civil and criminal remedies.


I'm curious.

You couldn't hope to watch these videos for any length of time.

What did you think you'd accomplish by coming here?

Oh, we'll see the videos.

Oh, you will see them, will you?

And—and how is that? (Chuckles)

You'll give them to us.

Oh, really? And why? Why?

(Lowered voice) Celia Jovanovich was k*lled by her lover— someone very high up in your church, someone that is very probably in this room right now.

(Lowered voice) Well, that's very interesting, if it were true.

And I daresay, is mentioned in her videos.

So if you say you'll give us the videos, the k*ller will identify himself.

He will be the man that insists most forcefully that you shouldn't give 'em to us.

What if I k*lled her?


You wouldn't hurt a fly.


(Clears throat)

(Normal voice)

Patrick has offered a very, um, persuasive argument.

I'm going to be handing over the videos to him.


No. Absolutely n— I-I can't allow that.

Why not?

The precedent would be unacceptable.

It would— it would open up all manner of intrusive police action.

(Lowered voice)

That sounds like lawyer speak for "I did it. I did it. I'm guilty."

Mr. Coles, in a week or so, forensics is gonna have processed the D.N.A. that was under the victim's fingernails.

We're gonna need a sample from you.

That's ridiculous. That— that is completely unnecessary.

(Normal voice) No, it's just a pinprick. Doesn't hurt a bit.

Julius, please.

Tell me...

You did not k*ll...

That young woman.

No, I didn't.

That onethat looked like it did hurt. Huh?

She was a sweet girl.

I'd see her when I came to meet Bret.

She liked to talk about the book she was reading.

Things just went from there.

I-I was...

I was very fond of her.

And then Herren came into the picture.

Celia said she had to tell Herren the truth...

About us.

I told her, Visualize was my only client.

Bret would banish me if he knew I-I was involved with a member.

She just kept saying she couldn't lie.

She couldn't lie to save my career.


I got angry.

And we fought.

It happened.


So we have a deal?

D.A. agreed— involuntary manslaughter. Three years with time served.

In exchange for your cooperation with the FBI's investigation into Visualize and Bret Stiles.

Okay, you got it.

I look forward to working with you, Mr. Coles.


(Police radio chatter)

Ah. Three years is nothing.

It's the way of the world.

He's selling Stiles. He's a big fish. The FBI has to pay.

If you think about this stuff too much, you'll drive yourself crazy.

Hey, that's the boyfriend— David Herren. Oh!


(Engine revs)

(O'laughlin) Drop your g*n! Drop it!

Drop it now! Get your hands above your head!

Don't move!

Get your head down!

Head down!

I had to do something. He k*lled my soul mate.

Inactivity is the sign of the clouded mind.

Discipline, order, work. Where'd you get the g*n?

I stole it from the desk of the manager.

He keeps it for making night deposits.

Did anyone else know what you were gonna do?

Put me in prison. I don't care.

My heart is free.

The minute I saw him, I knew. I did the right thing.

Did anyone else know?


It was my idea.

(Cell phone alert chimes)

(Horn honks)

Thanks for your time.

I understand Herren confessed.

He didn't mention your name.

The poor soul.

But... Why would he mention me?

Well... you didn't go and tell him to k*ll the man, but you clarified his options, which is as good as k*lling him, as far as I'm concerned.

Is that the official view?

Is this why you wanted to see me?

'Cause a phone call would have been fine.

The FBI's given up.

Oh, that's a shame.

I rather enjoyed Brother Wench and his clumsy machinations.

Oh, well, there it is.

You're safe.


Well, always nice to know, but that's not why I'm here.

It seems that your friend John is planning a surprise party for you.

How do you know what Red John is planning?

It doesn't matter.

It certainly matters to me.

How do you know what Red John is planning?

My dear chap, I know so much more than you or Red John could ever imagine.

Accept this as a gift from a friend.

Or not.

(Police radio chatter)

(Door creaks)

Rigsby: Clear!

All clear.

Cho: Clear.


(Whispers) Boss.



E.M.T. Said she had a puncture wound in one arm, like from an I.V.

Must be how Red John got the blood out of her.

He also said there was no other sign of as*ault— physical, sexual, anything.

Why won't she speak?

What did he do to her?

Still nothing. Not a sound.

Okay. (Clears throat)

(Bag rustles)

Remember this?

(Bag thuds)

Come on, Kristina. Listen, it's Jane.

You remember me.

I know you do.


What's the worst date you ever had?



Kristina, please.

Please stop this. Just speak to me.


(Telephone rings)

Psych personnel are on their way.

Could be worse, you know.

She could be dead.

I guess tea is always worth a try.

(Snaps fingers)

(Plastic rustles)


(Blinds rattle)

What is he doing?

I have no idea.

(Clears throat)

I call on the spirits.

(Clicks tongue)

I ask for the presence of the departed soul of Kristina Frye.

Reveal yourself, Kristina Frye.

Can you hear me, Kristina?

I can hear you, Patrick.

Well, thank you.

Thank you for speaking with me.

I'm so glad you called on me.

I knew in the end, you'd become a believer.

I am not a believer.

I hear sadness in your voice. Don't be sad, Patrick.

Death is not the end.

The afterlife's a beautiful place.

It's peaceful here.


You're not dead.

You're talking to a ghost and still you're a skeptic.

You are impossible.

You're not dead, Kristina.

You're alive.

You're in denial.

Eventually, you'll accept the truth.

I know it's hard.

God knows I struggled against it myself.

But you can't... fight... Death.

How did you die?

I don't remember.

It's funny how things become unimportant.

It's as if my life was a dream.

I woke up.

I can't recall what happened.

Did you see Red John?


Red John.

Red John— the man that abducted you.

I don't understand what you're talking about.

(Typing on keyboard)

(Telephone ringing in distance)

Oh. Sure.

Apparently, Bret Stiles is out of the country.

He's opening a center in Jakarta.

Visualize people say they don't know when he'll be back.

Hmm. Figures. Hmm.

Boss. We caught one.


Are you okay?

We're up. Let's go.
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