03x02 - Cackle-Bladder Blood

Complete collection of episode transcripts for seasons 1 - 7. Aired: September 2008 to February 2015.*

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A famous "psychic" outs himself as a fake and starts working as a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation so he can find "Red John," the madman who k*lled his wife and daughter.
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03x02 - Cackle-Bladder Blood

Post by bunniefuu »


(Cell phone rings)



(Remote clatters)



Man: Hey, boy wonder. Guess what I'm holding in my hand.


The one and only.

So how you doing?

Good. I'm good.

It's been a long time.

How are you?

Yeah. Good. Good.

Listen, I, uh...

I need your help.

Where are you?

Man: Units responding to the 187 at the K-Ram building, proceed with caution.

(Indistinct police radio chatter)

This is unit 1. We're moving in.

Freeze! Drop it! Drop the w*apon!

Man: Turn around.

Hey, guys.

It's not what it looks like.


♪ The Mentalist 3x02 ♪
Cackle-Bladder Blood
Original Air Date on September 30, 2010

No, no, no, no. Y-you're going about it all wrong, Detective.

Y-you're coming straight out of the gate with bad cop.

I mean, you do a good bad cop. You are intimidating.

I'm not gonna— I'm not gonna lie to you, but let's bring good cop out.

That's a-a nicer, more pleasant— we build a rapport. You— maybe you say something like, "are you thirsty? " And I say, "I'd love a cup of tea."

Here's another fine mess, eh?

They really found Jane holding the m*rder w*apon?

Yes, they did. Hightower twisted some arms at SAC P.D.

It's a joint investigation.

We share the sandbox, but CBI is taking the lead.

I don't know why you're smiling.

Well, it's a new angle at least, right?

I mean, he's never been a m*rder suspect before.

(Chuckles) We got an I.D. On the victim. Landon Wale, 45.

He's some real estate mogul from San Francisco. What was he doing in Sacramento?

Well, office is a financial brokerage—

K-Ram investments, inc.

Van Pelt's trying to locate the owner.

What's Jane say he was doing?

I-I was taking a walk, and and when I came by here, I heard a shot, so, uh, I came to see if I could help, and that's when I discovered this man lying here with the blood and—and no pulse.

He had the g*n in his hand.

Yes, I confess, I-I picked it up.

I'm not good with forensics.

No, I can vouch for that. He is, uh, terrible.

You heard a g*nsh*t and ran in to help?

Yes, I did. I'm no hero.

I just did what any person would do in that situation.

No one is calling you a hero. Really? Good.

Detective, how'd your guys catch this? 9-1-1?

Yeah. Uh, an anonymous call, said a man was m*rder*d at this location. Did you make that call, Jane?

No. Why would I do that?

Hang on, boss.

This was stuck in his pocket.

Looks like a ruby.

A pretty nice one.


Yeah, great.

Detective, could you uncuff this one now, please?

He's still a suspect.

And he is not gonna leave town.

Release him into my custody.

You know he's not good for it. Zero connection to the victim.

Nada. Niente.

Zip. Naught.

I could go on.

I am reaching out to you, Detective. I know this man, and I know he's telling the truth about what happened.

The truth. Now.

Beg your pardon?

Talk, or I will give you back to Detective Reece. Seriously.

My wife's brother called me and asked for my help.

He gave me this address, and when I got here, I found the dead guy. I guess he called the police on me.

Your wife has a brother?

Yeah. Danny Ruskin.

Okay. Why'd he call the cops?

Force my involvement.


Well, either he didn't k*ll Landon Wale, and he wants me to help him catch the real k*ller, or he did k*ll Landon Wale, and he wants me to help him elude justice. And you would do that for him?

That's a very good question.

You know if the County Fair's in town?

Mrs. Wale, what was your husband's connection to K-Ram Investments?

Where you found him?

I've never heard of it before today.

Me, neither, and my brother and I were business partners.

Real estate.

Landon was a good man. Why would someone want to hurt him?

We'll let you know.

And we understand that Heather Rade is here?

Lan's assistant?

(Sniffles) Upstairs.


(Utensils clink)

(Sighs) Concetta, honey...

(Sniffles) People are bringing lots of food.

You don't need to do this. No, I do. I need to keep busy.

I can't believe this is happening.

Yes, Melanie?

Oh. The police?

Yes, ma'am. Did Mr. Wale ever speak to you about a brokerage in Sacramento called K-Ram Investments?


Landon has a money guy here.

Sorry, no.

Mrs. Wale, did your husband ever wear jewelry?


We, uh, found this on him.

It's a Ruby. Half-carat.



Oh, my God. It's gone.

Why would Landon take it?

(Sighs) Landon gave me the statue of Aphrodite on our honeymoon. You know, Aphrodite, the— the greek goddess of love and sexuality. Yes, ma'am.

It had rubies along the base.

I have a photo of it for insurance purposes here.

How valuable is it?

(Sighs) It was worth over $200, 000.

(Whistles) Well, you should file a claim. Looks like the k*ller took it.



Yeah. Okay. Thank you.


County fair starts Saturday.

So Danny'll be there?

Well, no. He's not that simple, but someone there will know where he is. He's a Carny like you used to be?

Uh, Carny is a very broad term, Lisbon.

Uh, Danny's more showbiz, but it's—it's been a while.

Before last night, when was the last time you talked to him?

When I called him to tell him what Red John had done.

Boss? K-Ram Investments doesn't exist.

It's not registered on any stock exchange.

It's not even a real company. Who owns it?

A holding company signed the lease.

I tracked that through three other outfits to get to a Daniel Ruskin.

Daniel Ruskin. He got a sheet?

Long one.


Got hooked for larceny, passing bad checks.

Nothing violent.

Then was popped for fraud two years ago in Toronto.

He's a con man, basically. Oh. Show business, eh?

Well, confidence game, showbiz—it's a thin line.

So maybe the victim was a mark in one of Danny's cons.

Vic finds out. They fight.

Danny kills him and steals the statuette.

Possible. Danny is usually smoother than that.

Right. Very smooth, the way he forced you onto this case.

It's clever. You're a pawn in his game.

I'm not a pawn. He...

Yeah? What?

Oh, you're very good. You almost got me talking.

All right. What are you keeping from me?

Nothing. He's family. That's all.

(Telephone rings)

Van Pelt: Van Pelt.

Complicated, right?

Boss, it's Detective Reece for you. They got a call...

It's for you. To Jane's phone from the K-Ram offices.

He's on his way over. Stall him.

Stall him?


(Indistinct conversations, hammering in distance)

(Lock click)

I didn't know your wife was from this world, too.

Oh, yeah.

Her grandparents were your wife Carny royalty.His world, too.

They ran big metal—

Ferris wheels, ghost trains.

They ran 'em all across the midwest, but, uh, my wife— she, uh...

She didn't want to have any part of it.


Well... (Sighs) Carnies are good people, but, uh, you know, you're either with the show or you're not.

There's—there's nowhere in the middle.

And if you're not with the show, then you're a mark. You're a sucker.

And she didn't like that.

You're not gonna need the badge.

They're gonna tell you're a cop without it.

Actually, people very rarely guess I'm a cop.

Oh, yeah. Let me do the talking. When it's advisable.

And don't mention Danny until I do. I'll be the judge of that.

Hey! No trespassing.

Fair's not open yet. Scram.

Or else what?


Or else I'll give you a good whupping. That's what else.

Uh, how about this, Pete?

If you can catch me, then I will marry that damn ugly sister of yours.

Patrick Jane. Son of a bitch.


Oh, man!

I heard you were police.

I didn't believe it, but here you are with a real, live cop.

This is my good friend Teresa.

Doesn't bite.

If you're okay with Jane, I guess you're okay with me.


You know, I haven't seen you a while, eh?

Well, you know.

Yeah, I know. So what brings you here now?

I'll give you three guesses. Uh, Danny?

Got it in one. (Chuckles)

Danny's a good boy.

What's he been up to?

Hey, Sam. Come on out here.

I got a surprise for you, honey.

Come on. You ready?

Ta-da! Ta-da!

Oh, look at you, huh?



(Loud slap)


Uh, what was that for?

Detroit. Oh, yeah. Fair enough.

Mm-hmm. What's with the State Trooper?

Yeah, it's, like, unreal, huh?

A Jane working with the law.

How do I look like a cop?

Oh, please.

Look like Cagney and Lacey had a baby, called it pepper.


They're looking for Danny. Danny's in trouble.

Yeah, what else is new?

Danny's always in trouble.

Remember the morning of your wedding? (Laughs)

Oh, yes. Yeah. My—my wife had to bail Danny out in her dress.


She was not very happy.

Well, it's good to see you and all, but the police is the police. No offense.

None taken. Well, Pete, wh-why don't you take pepper here and, uh, show her the elephant?

I'd love to see the elephant.

My pleasure. Right this way.

Her name is Daisy.

(Elephant snorts and snuffles)

She's cute.

She's a mean old girl.

She'd run down her own kids for an apple.

No. (Laughs) You think I'm kidding? Here. Give her one.


Where do I put it?

In here.

(Laughs) You two get along, you can take her home with you.

You want another one?



What kind of trouble Danny got?

Worst kind of trouble.

Damn shame.

Not surprised though.

Danny's been heading downhill all the way since Angela died.

There's a man needed a big sister.



I should help you and the cops find him...


Danny called me, uh, just out of the blue, and he asked for my help.

Danny doesn't always do what's best for his own interests.

Tendency to outfox himself.



But he asked for my help, and that's what I'll give him.


(Inhales deeply)

A few hours ago, I was wiping a m*rder w*apon clean, in case it had Danny's fingerprints on it.

I don't know where Danny is now...

But Nicki does.

Talk to Biltmore Nicki.

(Teapot whistling)

Same gig as always.

It's good to see you.

I'm glad you're doing okay.

You are doing okay, aren't you?

Oh, yeah.

My little friend pepper is gonna need a ride back to the office.

She's huge.


Kinda tickles.

(Car engine starts)




Detective Reece called three times. He's pissed.

He can get in line. Where's Van Pelt?

Oh, hey, boss. (Chuckles)

Can I borrow the car?

Ha ha ha. That's funny. Anything on Ruskin?

Uh, yeah, he's a, uh, former escape artist.

Had an act as a kid, just like Jane—"Houdini Jr."

Says he could do the water t*rture cell trick at 17, which I guess is good, if you like that sort of thing.

Cho, go and talk to the victim's wife.

See if she knows Ruskin.

Rigsby, have Van Pelt help you look into his financials.

Look for other names. Con men rarely work alone.

Where's Van Pelt?

(Indistinct conversations)

Daniel Ruskin.

I don't know him. Sorry.

But you do?

I have met Daniel.

He's very charming.

I'm sure he wouldn't hurt Landon.

You know Ruskin, but you told us you never heard of his company, K-Ram.

No. I-I have no notion of his business.

I met Daniel socially at Landon's country club.

Murphy introduced us.

Murphy Traver?


Oh, a lovely man. Of the Long Island Travers.

(Horn honks in distance)

Lisbon: Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Traver. Oh, happy to talk, agents.

Yeah, I just need to get back to this meeting in a few.

Can't trust computer nerds alone too long, you know.

(Chuckles) Oh, gosh. Poor Landon. It's horrible.

So you introduced him to Ruskin?

Yeah, yeah. Sure did. I, uh, yeah, met Daniel at the club.

He's just an outstanding guy.

But, well, why do you want to know about Daniel?

Well, he's a con man. He may have k*lled Mr. Wale.

Do you know where he is?

Con man? Oh, my God.

My God. I invested with him. Oh, my God. (Sighs)

Where's your assistant?

I'm—I'm sorry, Agent. I-I have to call my bank.

Yeah, you know, a place like this, bunch of people, you should have an assistant. At least a receptionist.

(Cell phone beeps)

And with all those employees, the phone lines should be ringing off the hook.

Landlines. (Chuckles)

So 20th-century.

No, Agent. I-I'm sorry. You c— you're not allowed in there. That's a clean room, Agent!

(Indistinct conversations) Very clean.

(Grunts) Aah.

Ow. (Grunts)

I am having a very bad day, and you're gonna tell us about Daniel Ruskin.

Come on. Just—okay. All right.


My dear, sorry to bother.

Did you see two boys run down the street?

No. Ma'am, what's wrong?

I was walking to the train station— it's such a nice day— and these two boys just took my purse.

Ma'am, here. Come here. Sit down.

Oh. Ohh.

I have to visit my sister.

She's in the hospital in Bakersfield.

I feel so stupid.

(Sighs) That's terrible.

And the—the last train to Bakersfield leaves in 40 minutes.

Oh, dear.

Oh. Look, uh...

Can I drive you to the train station?

You would do that?

Oh, my dear.

Oh, thank you.

Sure. Mm. Ohh.

You're not taking her anywhere, Grace.

Nice hook, Nicki.

You're such a sweet old Lady.

Grace, Nicki. Nicki, Grace. If this were for real, this old fox would have you stripped bare.


This sweet piece of fruit is a cop?

Damn. (Chuckles)

Guess I'm losing my touch.

I'm looking for Danny.


Look at me.


Look at me. This is a family thing.

I know you know where he is. Tell me, Nicki, or this nice piece of fruit will take you downtown and treat you to a complimentary cavity search.

(Mouths word)

Hypothetically, what happened?


We were running "the rag."

"We'll let you invest in a surefire stock market winner.

"It's a little illegal. Shh, don't tell anybody.

Blah, blah."


Danny hooked Landon good.

I mean, had him begging us to let him invest.

He was bringing us some statue worth 200 grand.

So you and Danny k*lled Landon and took the statue. No. No.

Why take it when he was gonna give it to us in the morning?

Maybe you took it, Murphy.

You didn't want to share with Danny, so you called Wale and met him early. Things got out of hand.

You need to help yourself, tell your side.

No, no, no, no.

You're a liar. She's right. You are.

Where's Danny Ruskin?

You're a businessman. So's Danny. He'll understand.

I don't know.

I don't.

But I know who he's with.

Trixie... somebody.

Rich and hot.

Yeah. Danny's always got a second revenue stream.



(Foam machine hissing, cell phone rings)


Excuse me. Jane, where the hell are you?

Patrick: Wow. Hope that's the decaf you're getting.

How did you kn—

I can hear the foam machine.

Anyway, I promised Grace I'd call, so I called.

Lovely to talk to you. Bye now. Put her on now.

No, I've already ditched her.

Jane, you have to come in. Danny could be dangerous.

We're not looking to use deadly force, but things happen.

It's not safe for you. Getting close to nabbing him, are you?

Oh, that's good to hear. Well, may the best man win, Lisbon.

Jane! Boss.

Checked the sign-in logs at the K-Ram offices. Found a Trixie Mercado.

She's the daughter of the guy who owns the building.

She has a place in Midtown. Thanks.

May the best man win.

(Cell phone beeps)

Detective Reece, it's Lisbon. We've got a lead on Ruskin.


It's party time.

Ohh. (Sighs)

Baby, why are you packing?

God, you are k*lling me. You're so gorgeous.


Seriously, uh, I'm dying, but I gotta go, baby.

Something came up.

I'll be back soon, all right?


Hey. Long time.

Danny, what the hell?

You must be, uh, Trixie, huh?

Hi. I'm—I'm Patrick.

No need to be scared. Danny and I—we're family.

Biltmore Nicki called you, huh?

And that's it, you're just gonna hop on out of here?

I— I just got here.

You're mad. You're mad. I get that. I do.

But I needed your help. I needed your wisdom and yeah, how much help can I be to you when I'm in handcuffs, Danny?

(Chuckles) Wh-what can I say?

Calling you in was the best of some very unsavory options.

Then tell me what happened with Landon Wale last night— honest and quick. I don't have all day.

(Knock on door)

Lisbon: Police, open up!

You son of a bitch.

Patrick: That has nothing to do with me.


Lisbon: Trixie Mercado, are you in there?

We've got some questions. Oh, please.

Baby, what the hell is going on?


Look, just talk to 'em. I have influence.

We can sort this thing out.

Lisbon: Ms. Mercado?

(Mouths words)

If you didn't do anything, you got nothing to worry about.


Nothing to worry about?

I am not spending a day in jail! Not one day.

Never again. Ever. You got me?

(Cocks g*n)



Ms. Mercado, open the door right now.

Back up. I'm going in. Give me some room.

Back up!

Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Danny's not here.

Yep. Danny went that way. All by himself.

(Radio static)

All units search the area. Suspect has fled.

Establish a 2-block perimeter around this block.

(Police radio chatter)

(Lowered voice) Hey. You're Patrick's friend, right?

Yeah. He said to tell you he's really, really sorry about all this.

Jane's with Danny?

Jane? No.

It was a man. Patrick.

(Cards shuffle)

Tell me what happened with Landon Wale.

Ooh, big Detective.



Stop stalling. Just tell me if you k*lled the man, and I'll take you to Mexico.

I'm touched. Cabo?

You—you'd do that for me?

Yes, I would. Why?

Because your sister would want me to.

You sound like a mark. Or you think I'm a mark. Which?

You sound like you're in over your head.

Yeah, way over my head. Not like Patrick. No.

You would never get in way over your head, would you?

Too smart for that, never made mistakes. Not the boy wonder.

Why won't you answer my question?

Is it because you hate me, or is it because you did, in fact, k*ll the man?


Why would I hate you, bro?

I asked my question first.

I didn't k*ll Landon.

I smell deception, but it's hard to tell with you, because you're kind of a sociopath, like all the great con men.


I am great, huh?

First compliment you ever gave me I can recall.

Convince me, Danny. Come on. Try.

Just—just make me believe that you didn't k*ll that guy.

You want me to dance for you, Hmm? I should crawl for you?

Okay, that's it. I'm leaving, and I'm gonna call the cops.

They will be here in five minutes.

I would make yourself scarce.

(Door opens)

Stop! Stop!

(Cocks g*n)

You think I won't do it?

Not sure.

But... I wouldn't blame you if you did.


Agent Hightower.

You lied to me. Detective Reece has some concerns about the Landon Wale case.

Seems like you didn't tell him that Jane is the brother-in-law of Daniel Ruskin, the prime suspect.

At the time of my conversation with Detective Reece, I didn't know about the connection.

I apologize for the oversight.

I'm supposed to buy that?

No purchase required, Detective.

Where's Jane now?

Oh, I don't know where he is. You don't know where he is?

Okay. I tell you what, this is what I'm going to do.

I'm gonna get an arrest warrant, and I'm gonna have every cop on the street looking for him and Ruskin.

You need to get control of your unit, Lady.

What you have right here is slackness.

If Mr. Jane is involved in obstruction of justice, aiding and abetting, or anything like that, he's yours.

Are we done?

I guess we are.

Keep in touch.

Jane's in trouble.

(Police radio chatter, telephone ringing)

Detective Rigsby. You wanted to talk to me?

It's Agent. Uh, we're reinterviewing a number of Mr. Wale's associates.

It's just routine. Let's go to desk, shall we?

You look... different.

Yeah, it's really hot at the office. The air's broken.

No money to fix it?

We found out that the company was gonna file for bankruptcy, Heather. The place is broke.

You should really talk to Melanie.

Yeah, but what happened to the company?

Do you read the news?

Real estate's not doing so well, and Landon made a bad deal or seven.

He was a cowboy, a win big, lose big.

Please take a seat.

(Clears throat)

So how did, uh, Melanie and Concetta take the bankruptcy news?

They didn't know. Landon only told me.

I, uh, I keep the books.

So you're looking at them, huh?

Hmm? We look at every place, at everybody.


"Hmm" meaning what?

No, nothing. It's just...

Who knew he'd worth more dead than alive?

You mean life insurance?


Thank you.

Well, this policy's less than three months old.

Did Mrs. Wale take it out?

Connie? No.

She's not the beneficiary. Melanie is.

The sister.

Well, what's it worth?

$2 million.

If you know where they are, you need to tell me.

SAC PD's got a manhunt going.

Jane and Danny could get arrested or shot.

They're survivors. They're gonna do okay.

Jane will get fired from the CBI.

(Chuckles) Oh, no.

This job is all he has.

If he's arrested, they'll take that from him.

I'm his friend. I can help.

Ms. Lisbon, They just took off. We don't know where they went.

You swear?

I swear.

(Birds chirping)

(Indistinct conversations)

(Truck engine starts)

My sister...

Was the only good, clean honest thing that I had in my life...

(Voice breaking)

And you ran off with her.

You took her away from me, away from what she knew, so...

You know, yeah, I've been mad at you, very mad.

I didn't— I didn't take her away.

She didn't—she didn't want the Carny life. She hated it.

She wanted to get out. We—we both did.

And you know how hard that is.

That was—that was our thing. That's what we did together.

Wewe escaped together.

Nice escape plan, bro.

You got her k*lled.

Thanks for reminding me.

Yeah, you just had to be a big shot, had to get on the TV and run your mouth.

It's your fault she's dead.


It is.

I know that. It is my fault.

(Clicks tongue) And I just—

I hope that one day, you will, uh, forgive me.

And maybe one day I'll forgive myself.

Forgive you?

Not for my sake. For yours.

Because hating me is just a waste of your energy.

It's pointless.

Just move on. Drop it.

Find something to love.

(Scoffs) Love?

Man, you really have changed.


I don't— I don't know if I...

I don't require an answer, Danny.

I just...

You got something in your eye?

I got allergies. It's... (Sniffles)


It's pollen.


I'm sorry.

Landon Wale.



Yeah, Landon.


There's a mark.


He was so hot to get taken.

He called me that night and wanted to move up the action.

When I got there, he was dead.

That's it.

I did not k*ll him.

What was the action?

Landon was supposed to bring me the gold statue— not to give to me, just to show me, you know, to prove he had the collateral to invest in my hedge fund coup.

And this mook was hooked deep.

Thought he was flying to Brazil with his hot assistant and all the money.

Brazil—I like it. Old school.

Yeah. He had it all mapped out, little place on the beach, a fishing boat.

Perfect mark.

(Claps hands)


(Sniffles) To suckers. Gotta love 'em.

(Beer swishes)

(Tires screech)

Don't move.


(Keys jangle)

Go on.



Jane, it's me.

Hey, Lisbon.

Excellent work finding us.

I am very unhappy with you. Is he in there?

Yeah. Bring him out.

No funny business, or I will sh**t to k*ll.

You're very persuasive. We'll be right out.

Ms. Anders, thanks for coming in.

Sure. Uh, what's this about?

Uh, the insurance policy. We, uh, have a few questions.


Oh, for Landon. Sure.

You know, it's common to have a key man policy for small businesses. I'm sure you can straighten things out.

We have some, uh, paperwork to take care of.

Rigsby: Check here and here.

Sign here.

Thanks for the call, Agent Lisbon.

My pleasure. We have a deal?

Yeah, we'll forget about your lies and incompetence.

All right, up against the car. Get your hands behind your...

Hey. What? Wait. Hey.

Hands behind the back.

Wait. You said we could work it out if I came in, not him.

I got no deal with him. (Groaning)

It's for the best, Danny. It's for the best.

We've all gotta get out from underneath it sometime.

You bastard!


Aah! God. You son of a bitch! I'll k*ll you! I'll k*ll you!

Take it easy. I'll k*ll you! I'll k*ll you!


I will k*ll you!


(Danny clears throat)

Did you have to be so rough with him?

Don't tell me how to do my job.

I mean, your bedside—

You're lucky I'm not taking in you. All right, both of you— are you threatening me?

I'm not threatening anybody.

If it weren't for me, you wouldn't even have him are you delusional?

You blocked the investigation every step of the way.

You spat on me. Hey, that's enough. That's enough.

You want to go in with him?

Say the word. I'd be hap— oh! Oh! Oh! (Gasps)

(Reece) ...This whole investigation. You stood—

(Lisbon speaks indistinctly)

Lisbon! Lisbon!

(Doorbell rings)

Hi. This is police business.

Patrick Jane. I'm with the CBI.

Yes, I saw you there, when the k*ller escaped. Yeah.

It was horrible, Connie.

Terrible story.

Yeah, well, I'd like to speak to Ms. Wale alone, please.

It's very important.

Thank you.

(Exhales deeply)

(Clears throat)

This is awkward, but we have reason to believe that Danny Ruskin has every intention of k*lling you.


Yes, you. He has a violent temper and several convictions to prove it, including sh**ting and k*lling a man ten years ago.

But why would he want to hurt me?

He figured it out.

Oh, I-I'm sorry. That you k*lled your own husband and in doing so, ruined Danny Ruskin's life.


Mr. Jane, that's an outrageous charge.

Yes, one I almost didn't believe myself until meeting you just now. Then it became glaringly obvious you have deep-seated control issues mixed in with jealousy and your own weird lust for v*olence.

Landon was gonna take the money and run away with that leggy assistant. What's her name?

Shut up. Landon loved me.

No, he didn't, and you know he didn't.

Hell, maybe you even knew that he was headed off to Brazil with her, but what you didn't know, Mrs. Wale, is that Landon was being played.

He was being conned by no one other than Danny Ruskin.

And when Landon took your Aphrodite statue, you assumed he was gonna give it to the mistress.

Your honeymoon gift— the very symbol of your love for each other.

So you followed Landon to where you thought he was gonna meet with that statuesque strumpet, and you k*lled him.

Then you took what you thought was rightfully yours.

That's ridiculous.

Oh. That Ruskin character k*lled Landon.

Where is the statue now, Concetta?


Uh, hey, wait!

Wait! You can't go in there!

Oh, look at this. You could land a jumbo jet in here.

Landon wasn't big on the, uh, subtlety, was he?

Probably why you knew he was having an affair.

You must leave, Mr. Jane...

Right now.

You bitch. Aah!

And you.



Christmas came early this year. Oh!

Oh, Danny, another g*n?

Come on. Really? What—just...

None of this would have happened except for you.

You ruined everything.

Okay, listen. Danny, you don't have to do this.

Shut up! Okay, listen to me. You're not this person.

Okay? You're not this person. Look— you backstabbed me!

I trusted you.

You think I'm a mark? You think you can run games on me? !

Aah! Aah!

Oh. Oh, my God.


You shot me. (Moans)

Son of a bitch.

What'd you do that for?

Oh, my God. Patrick. Patrick.



(Crying) No.

No, no, no, no.


(Danny panting)

You made me sh**t him.

No, no. No, please.

This is your fault. No.

This is your fault! God!

You ruined my life!

You deserve this, bitch.

Your ruined my life. I could have had everything!

Okay, I can fix it!

I'll fix it. I swear.

Money. So much money, you can go to Switzerland. You can go anywhere you want.


You don't have to k*ll me, okay?

Look, I can prove it.

Yeah? Go!

Oh! Okay.



This is worth a lot of money.

Take it. It's yours. Take it!




Connie, Connie, Connie.

You fell for the oldest gag in the book.


And one of the cheapest—

$3.55 at a novelty store near you.

Beats the hell out of the cackle bladder.

You got a little... Mmm.

A l—a little...

Kind of minty. How are my teeth?

They're good?

That was great, huh?

Cho: Concetta Wale, you're under arrest.

Turn around. Put your hands behind your back.

Turn around.

(Whispers) I'll take that.


(Handcuffs click)

(Whispers) You...

Come on. Let's go.

SAC PD want to talk to you about Landon Wale and K-Ram.

There are some fraud charges pending.


Fraud is very hard to prove, especially when nothing changed hands.

In fact, now that I think of it, I'm actually innocent here.

Whatever. They're on their way.

I believe she's telling you to scram.

That's not what I said.

Thank you, Lisbon.

I didn't hear that.

Thank you, Lisbon.

I can't hear anything.

(Birds chirping)

(Exhales deeply)


This is it, huh?

It's nice.


They'd like it, I guess, if they had a preference.

You know, this is the first time I've been here since the funeral.

Why is that?


Because they're not here.


Hey, who knows for sure?

Maybe they're up there right now, looking down at us.

You know, Annie's saying, "lighten up, you dummies."

Yeah, maybe.


I'm sorry I asked to come.

Who knew a trip to the cemetery would be such a downer?

Sorry. It's irrational.

No reason to be sad.


You gonna give 'em those flowers or what?

(Exhales deeply)

Guilt is for marks.

You know that, right?

(Whispers) Yeah.

(Inhales deeply)
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