03x27 - Mauled

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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03x27 - Mauled

Post by bunniefuu »

will be getting their new fall

collection tomorrow morning and my

complex plan of action will make sure

i'm i mean we are the most fashionable

ghouls in school why can't we just get

here super early and wait where that

sign says this is the sale of the


zombies are even camping out in the

parking lot okay now draculaura you're

here claudine you start here which puts

us at the front of the line precisely

when the store opens got it uh yes can

we go home now it is getting pretty late

oh no the mall's closed we're locked in

let's call ghoulia and see if she can

hack the system and open up the door no

we open those doors and we risk losing

our spot in line wait we spend the night

and are first in line when they unlock

the mall in the morning

sorry boys come on goals

oh no look they got in

the zombies are already lined up for the

sale the line starts with that sign says

it does right yeah but the line starts

behind me

just give them the sign leo never the

stores are about to open

sorry slo-mo i have the sign so i'm


he's getting a present for ghoulia

romantic no

me i promised me

but cleo second is okay second


that's it this idol has the power of

teleportation all i have to do is touch

you with it like this
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