03x22 - Bean Scare, Done That

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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03x22 - Bean Scare, Done That

Post by bunniefuu »

going every year the fear squad works at

the coffin bean for free all the

proceeds go to an awesome children's

charity i hold the record for the most

money until today please here we go

this will keep track of all the money we

earn for charity we want to get to here

to beat last year but we want to get

here to beat nefera's record oh our

first customers i'll have a small

sugar-free vanilla fenguchino let me

have a monster triple expresso with

extra chocolate sprinkles and two pumps

of white chocolate and uh sprinkles more


we're already almost to last year's

total nefera's record is going to be

ancient history

looks like your record is going to need

bandages nephra doubt that i like to

call this cleo's bad luck

i don't suppose we broke nephra's record

we actually owe a bunch of money for

damages talk about epic fail

it's over wait you're not giving up arya

to beat her record we'd need to serve

close to 500 customers in an hour i

don't even know 500 monsters together we


105 your orders ready 106 a 109.

hey everybody we beat last year's toto

yay our children's charity is gonna be

mega poops

guess that turned out to be your bad

luck charm
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