03x21 - Aba-Kiss Me Deadly

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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03x21 - Aba-Kiss Me Deadly

Post by bunniefuu »



hey rebecca what's the deal with all

that old-timey junk it is not junk these

are my school supplies how are you going

to do your homework with that outdated

stuff here use my laptop or my tablet

listen i prefer the old-fashioned way of

doing things but isn't it like way

harder with that stuff i find that it's

much more rewarding what you all should

try it


what is this crazy thing it's cool your

science project what does it do

something to do with electromagnetic

pulse or whatever now i'm not supposed

to let anybody mess with it especially


i hate this time of year

everybody's got a school project due and

nobody's paying attention to me

um what


i won't let anybody near it don't worry

oh my god tell me everything and i mean

everything's done tell me i can't mess

with stuff i mean what am i gonna do huh

what happened

my computer doesn't work my book report

is doing the rainbow doology i might be

able to help


is it dangerous


just as good as email

it will do everything your fancy

calculator can do only more fun if you

ask me


thanks for helping us rebecca

i hope i showed you that you don't have

to be so dependent upon technology gotta

check my messages

guys hello



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