02x07 - Red Bulls

Complete collection of episode transcripts for seasons 1 - 7. Aired: September 2008 to February 2015.*

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A famous "psychic" outs himself as a fake and starts working as a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation so he can find "Red John," the madman who k*lled his wife and daughter.
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02x07 - Red Bulls

Post by bunniefuu »

(electricity crackling)

[car doors open, close]

I'm seeing lights. Definitely people inside the house.

How many entry points?

Three... front, back, basement.

Windows are all boarded up.

Witness said three men took part in the abduction.

So figure those three inside plus a couple more just for fun.

This is Mia Westlake.

I want everygody to take another good, long look.

This is the one we're looking for.

We have every reason to believe the kidnapper's got her alive in there, so be careful.

Me, Hicks and Martinez take the front door.

Dyson and Shelly, you take the two-three corner.

Bucci, Paulson and Fredericks, you take the three-four.

Let's go.

(g*ns cock)

(whispers) Ready.


(lowers voice)

Three, two, one.

Stay where you are! CBI! CBI!

Down! Get down!

(shouting indistinctly)

Get down! Get down!

(all shouting at once)


Lisbon? What are you doing here?

What do you think?

What are you doing here?

You're waving your g*ns around, is what you're doing.

Can you just puts your g*ns away, please?


The Mentalist 2x07
Red Bulls
Original Air Date on November 12, 2009

Sir, the important thing is nobody got hurt.

All respect to your people, Lisbon, the important thing is we make sure that this does not happen again.

"CBI agents sh**t each other" is not a headline that I want to see.

We came in hot because we thought the kidnap victim was there.

Mia somebody.

Mia Westlake. Marin County heiress.

She was taken a day and a half ago.

Witness gave us a partial plate on the kidnapper's car.

We dug up an outstanding parking ticket to a car in Oakland, we checked the address, found there were people inside a house that was supposed to be empty.

And he found you there because?

We got a call from the Coroner's Bureau.

There was a report of a corpse in a house.

But they we shorthanded... budget cuts... so they asked us to go and check it out.

My team went in the house. The corpse was there but the Coroner wasn't, so we waited.

And everyone almost died in a hail of b*ll*ts.

Where are you with Westlake?

We're set up inside the house.

We're waiting for a ransom demand.

What's with the corpse?

A young male dead three to five years.

Coroner could't be specific.

There were two b*llet holes in the base of the skull.

It was wrapped in plastic and stored in a window seat.

Do you have an ID?

Not yet.

Yes yet. Coroner's report just came in, and the corpse is... Colin Haymer.

Haymer? Why do I recognize that name?

Colin Haymer was a kidnap victim three years ago.

Early 20s from San Francisco, wealthy family.

SFPD handled the case. Family paid the ransom.

That didn't work.

Eerily similar to your kidnapping, don't you think?

Who wants to bet Colin Haymer's kidnapper's the same kidnappers that kidnapped Mia Westlake?

Well, could be a coincidence There are no coincidences.

I agree. I want your people teaming up on this.

(sighs) Is that necessary?

I believe it is.

I want to foster better inter-unit relations.

Let's stop stumbling into each other and try working together.

You have concerns.

I do. This man is a... uh... I-I dont't even know what he is.

He's an accident waiting to happen.

Sam, be fair. He...

Closes cases, I know.

I do.

He does.

I do.

But, in my opinion, this is a mistake.

We're all agreed then.

(sighs deeply)

Off you go.

Mia Westlake was abducted 38 hours ago coming home from a gallery opening.

Agent Bosco.

Thank you, Rebecca.

Uh, you need anything else?

No, we're good. Thank you.

This is copies of the case paperwork so far.

Now the kidnappers forced her car off the road, k*lled the driver and then took her.

Why k*ll the driver?

It's a message. They won't hesitate to k*ll the hostage if they don't get what they want.


There's no ransom demand yet.

How do we know it's a kidnapping?

They sent the family a proof of life a few hours later.

No blindfold. That's not good.

Means they don't care if she sees anything.

Good thinking, Bert.

What's your problem?

No problem.


Rigsby's correct.

This is shaping up to end like the Haymer abduction.

Let's make sure that it doesn't All right, I gotta get back to the Westlakes'.

I'd like to come with if that's all right.

I'd like to ask the Westlakes some questions about our dead guy, see if there's any connection.

Bosco: Okay.

Start digging on the Haymer case.

Contact the family, set up interviews.

And I'd like to leave Hicks here to work with your team.

That's all right with you Okay.

Keep'em honest.

Van Pelt: Hey.

Rigsby: What did he say?

Care to reframe that, Sam?

No. They're Jane's people. They need watching.

I like to think of them as my people Well, think what you like.

I can't have them trying to pull some cheap stunt behind my back.

Well, we have a whole range of expensive stunts.

If you don't like the cheap ones.

I understand your issue, Agent Bosco.

No problem. Welcome, Hicks.

Van Pelt: Boss.

We'll extend every courtesy.

Let's go.

Let's get started, shall we?

(police radio chatter)

Bosco: This is Verone Westlake. This is Mia's sister.

You must be CBI, too?

I'm Agent Lisbon. That's Patrick Jane.


-Uh, my husband Duncan Weaver.

Hey. More CBI?

Where did you guys come from, anyway?

Two days ago, I never heard of you.

You neither. Nice place.

You guys must be loaded. How did you make the money?

Uh, my grandfather, actually... oil, lumber.

Oh! I just assumed it was new money, because of the, uh, the decor.

(lowers voice)

Um, already you start with this crap.

(lowers voice)

What? What?

Uh, Belinda Sandborne, Verona's attorney.

Any conversation you have with Verona or Duncan, I need to be there.

Not a problem. Is there someone else in the family we should be talking to?

I'm sort of... the family.

Our parents are dead.


You know, Mia... She's the grown-up, capable one.

I'm the mess.


Too bad, huh?

They took the wrong sister.

You're doing fine.

Listen to the man with the g*n, babe.

We understand you're investigating a related case?

Another kidnapping that may nave been carried out by the same people, yes.

How did it, um, turn out?

Did the... did the person they took get home okay?

No. He was k*lled.

His name was Colin Haymer. Here's his picture.

He's from Pacific Heights. Does he look familiar?

No. You, babe?

Nothing. Sorry.

Did his name ever come up in any context. Even casually?

I don't think so.

He was working at a company called Straf Investments.

When he was taken. Do you have anything to do with them.

Straf? Um... Belinda?

No, I don't think so. I'll check the records.

I'm sorry I'm not really helping. I'm trying.

I'm... I'm not...

Hello! Okay. (chuckles)

Look what I found.

Oh, God.

Uh, Levi, what are you doing in here?

She's yours?

Yes. Uh, . Mrs. Kent? Where is she?

Mrs. Kent!

Oh, she's fine. Um...

(sniffs) She's a little smelly, but, uh, other than that, she's a little cherub.

Sorry, sorry.

Mrs. Kent, please keep her in her room.

We discussed this.

Yes, ma'am.

Boss, ransom demand just came in.

Excuse me.


(makes popping sound)

How did the message come in?

Is it a text document?

It's a video attachment to an e-mail Can you get the IP address?

Oh, I'm trying, but they routed it through a bunch of servers.

It may take days.

(speaks indistinctly)


You want me to read this?


"My name is Mia Westlake. I am not hurt.

I am being treated well.

For my safe return, you must pay $3.75 million in small, nonsequential bills.

This money is to be ready by 6:00 pm tonight.

You will be instructed what to do then.

Failure to comply will result..."

"in my immediate execution."


"Any interference will result in my immediate execution."

Verona, if you're watching this, I...

Did you see the tattoo on that guy?


I mean, that looks like Mexican Mafia.

We're not gonna get anything out of the Westlakes now. Let's go.

3.75 million... very specific number, don't you think?

Maybe the kidnappers have their eye on the Westlakes' bank account.

I'll talk to Bosco about it, then we'll go.

Okay. Take your time.

Wh-hey, excuse me. Uh, we'd like some privacy.

I can understand that. What's in your pocket?

None of your business.

You just keep tapping it... tap, tap, tapping it.

Whatever is in there, you're obviously nervous about it.

I'm assuming it's illegal.

(pouring liquid)

My best guess would be... dr*gs.

Uh, do...do you have any lemon?

I'm gonna go find your boss, all right?

Okay. Well, be sure to tell her about the dr*gs in your top pocket. If you need me, I'm gonna be right here talking to your lovely wife.

(voice breaking)

Please leave, all right?

I just wanna be alone.

That's what we all want. No one gets it.

So there's no lemons here?

No, I don't think so!

I really felt like... mm, never mind.

Your sister needs you here now.

As comforting as it might be to crawl under the blanket of narcotics that your husband has so generously procured for you, it's better that you don't.

(sniffles) Nothing I do is going to help her.

Your probably right.

What's the point?

What you can accomplish is irrelevant.

But if you are absent in this moment, you will regret it for the rest of what will be a miserable life.

That's all.

See you.

Lisbon: What were you doing back there?

Oh, just getting a snack, a little light refreshment.

Why don't I believe you?

What? W-What is this?

This is proof of my veracity.

It's time to go.

I'm gonna stay.

I know what this is about. Bosco's got the Red John file.

You think if you hang around long enough, you'll weasel your way into it.

"Weasel" is a little strong.

You're wasting your time. Bosco will never go for it.



I'll never go for what?

I like the way you work.

I want to work on your team on the, uh, kidnapping detail.

Oh, you do, huh?

A live kidnapping victim is so much more my speed than a shriveled corpse.

Like I care about your speed.

Lisbon, you claim to have control over this whack-job.

Why don't you do me a favor and walk him away?

Don't talk to me that way.

Yeah, that's very rude.


Minelli gave us specific orders.

I don't give a flying...

Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey! You this agent's boss?


I want him removed from this case now.

Now, all right? He's...

He's disrespectful and, uh, rude and... and unprofessional.

Oh, he's just angry cause I called him on his little drug deal thing.

Okay, you're nuts. I have no dr*gs.


I demand you take this man off the case, or there will be serious consequences.

Well, sir, that's not your call.

Oh, yeah? You think?

One phone call, I can have you directing traffic.

Is that right?

Yeah, it is.

Well, make your call, because this man's staying on the case whether you like it or not.


Yeah. See... see this? You see what he's done to my wife?

I mean this guy's out of control Shut up, Duncan.

Baby, I was trying to explain...

Shut up.

Mr. Jane, is it?


What you said earlier was right. Thank you...

I guess.



Leave him alone.

Okay, then. It's settled. Have fun. Boys.


SFPD sent over transcripts of the interviews from the Colin Haymer case.

So you want names that begin with "A" through "L" or "M" through "Z"?

"A" through "L."

You got it.

Changed my mind. I want "M" through "Z."

Too late. You already chose.

Oh, come on. Rock, paper, scissors? Step up.

Hey, Bert, can I get on this rock, paper, scissors?

I haven't had a really good game since I was, oh, 10.

It's Rigsby.

I know.

Hey, what's with Hicks calling me Bert?

Um, I'm sure I don't know.

It's Bert, like the muppet.

It's just a stupid nickname. It doesn't mean anything.

Bosco's team calls us Bert and Ernie.

You knew that, and you didn't say anything?

It would bother you.

It doesn't bother you?


Ernie's the clever, handsome one.

Where's Jane?

With Bosco.

Don't ask me what they're doing, because I don't know and I don't care. What do you got?

I've been checking out the house where we found Colin Haymer's body.

It's been abandoned seven years.

There were some complaints about squatters five, six years ago. Nothing else.

Agent Lisbon, there's a Louis Earlen to see you in your office.

Keep digging.


Lieutenant Earlen.

Thanks for coming.

Louis, please. I'm retired.

So you found poor Colin Haymer?

We did.

You were the SFPD Officer in charge of the kidnapping investigation, right?

I was. Spent a lot of time with the Haymer family.

Have they been notified?

They have.

Oh. Hope it's some kind of consolation.

They've been waiting a long time for that boy.

We have another kidnapping.

We think the same people might be behind it.

How can I help?

Anybody you think we should take a look at?

(chuckles) Tall order. We looked at a lot of people.

Well, we were wondering if maybe it was an inside job.

The ransom demand was pretty specific.

We considered that.

I always had a feeling about Colin's girlfriend...

Nothing solid, just a feeling.

Do you remember her name?

Diane Zar... Zaranski.


Talked to her a couple of times.

When's the ransom drop?

Tonight, 6:00.


The night Colin's ransom got paid, I sat with his parents till morning just waitin' to hear he was safe.

Don't think we said ten words.


If it is the same people that took Colin, you do this girl's family a favor.

Money drops at 6:00. At 6:01, you tell them their child is dead, Give 'em a chance to get used to it.

It would be a kindness.

Boss, I might have something.


Those squatters in the house where we found Haymer?

They were drug dealers. A detective in Oakland narcotics said they're an extended family... eight or ten people.

They grew pot on a farm called Crazy Hill in Goodhue county, brought it into Oakland and sold it out of the house.

And this has to do with Colin Haymer how?

Apparently, they also sold dr*gs that they bought from border cartels, and they picked up some of the cartels' habits like kidnapping for cash.

So they went from dealing pot to kidnapping wealthy kids?

Less effort, more profit.

Do you have any names?

They're known as the Crazy Hill g*ng.

One of the ringleaders was nicknamed "Deezer."

Nobody knows his real name.

Apparently, Deezer's been hanging around an apartment building in West Oakland.

Boss wants us to check the building out.

Forgot my extra mags. Meet you downstairs.

(lowers voice)

"Extra mags." Big man.

Where's your vest?

Don't need one.

Sure you do.

We're just canvassing.

For people called "the Crazy Hill g*ng."

You should wear a vest.

Look, it's hot. It's uncomfortable.

Hicks isn't wearing one.

(scoff) What, you're afraid he'll make fun of you?

No. Not at all.

(elevator bell dings, door opens)

Don't be an idiot. Put on a vest. Fine. Get shot. See if I care.

(speaks indistinctly)
There you go.

One more?

She likes you.

She has good taste.

You're good with children.

Unlike your employers?

I don't know what you mean.

Oh, come on.

It's clear to see they're skittish about the parenting.

I wouldn't know anything about that.

Verona's low self-esteem makes her doubt she'll ever be a real parent.

And because Duncan married her for her money, he sees the child as a rival, in more than the usual Freudian term.

They're very caring people, very loving, Just not particularly hands-on, if you know what I mean.

How's Duncan's relationship with Mia?

It can be difficult.

Well, it makes sense.

If he sees his child as a rival, why not his sister-in-law?

I've heard angry words between them.

I think Mia doesn't trust him.

But I shouldn't say anything.

No. But you did.

Jane, we got an errand to run.


All right.

(clears throat) Gotta go.

Gotta go and run an errand with the big, serious man.

Come on. Let's go.


So what's the deal here?

Well, the tattoo on the kidnapper's arm suggests the, uh, Mexican Mafia might be involved.


Those guys... they're members. So we're gonna go talk to 'em.

They look scary.

They are scary.

You can't become a full member until you've k*lled someone.

Maybe I'll just wait in the car.

No. You're coming with me. I need you for backup.


Hey, fellas.

Hi. Hola. ¿Qùe pasò?

Um, listen, I'm agent, uh, Bosco with the CBI.

Agent Jane.


I was wondering if any of you fellas have seen your man Snoopy?

We need to talk to him. Snoopy?


We're lookin' for him. We'd like to talk to him.

Hey, keep walkin', man.

Who are you?

Why are you being that way?

I asked you nicely.

I asked...

The name is Raoul, And I ain't got no warrants, so back up, fool.

Well, Raoul, you and me are gonna have to go have a private chat in a moment.

Nah. I ain't did nothing wrong.

Don't make it difficult.

Tough guys, huh?

Depends on what you mean by "tough."

Emotionally resilient? Yes.

So now you gonna play me, too?

Oh, Raoul! Come on! That's battery on a state officer.

Now I'm gonna have to take you in.

Look, I barely touched him, homes!

Yeah? We're gonna go have a conversation about respect.

(handcuffs click)

How about you?


Come on. Anybody else?

You? You?

All right.

I'm waiting. Move! That's right, move.

That's right. Thank you.

So how long have you been an informant for the CBI, Raoul?

What are you talking about, man?

What informant?

Oh, come on. You can come clean with me.

Who is this guy, Sam?

Huh? What did you tell him?

What's going on?

Eh, guess he just figured it out.

Well, it's kind of obvious. As if you'd want me for backup.

I mean, really.

Listen, Raoul, you know about the Westlake kidnapping, right?

Is emme involved?

No. I ain't heard anything about that.


You sure?

Sure, no, but when a big score's coming up, I hear about it.

People start bragging even before they got the money.

I ain't heard nothing about that.

Well, we saw emme tats on the kidnappers.

Come on. Anybody can get a tattoo.

Yeah, they were kind of showy. A little too visible, Don't you think?

Like it was meant to misdirect us.

You know, that kind of stuff is getting to be a real problem...

People putting their crimes on la emme.

So you Jacked me up for nothing.

Well, thanks a lot. Uh, we really appreciate it.

Come on. Get in.

Aah! Only now you gotta punch me in the face.

May be people watching.

Uh, yeah, they're watching.

Bosco: Oh, come on.

Serious. Next time you come at me in the street, make sure it's for a worthwhile question. Aah!

Oh. Whoo.

(Raoul grunts)

That was good. Did that hurt?

Looks like it hurt.

Watch your head there.


Get in there.

(indistinct conversation)


Thanks. That was fun. No actual progress, but, uh, certainly a lesson in life on the mean streets.

Yeah, well, that's what cops do.

We get a lead, we run it down.

Most leads don't work out. We move on.

But you don't understand that, do you?

All this kind of hard, methodical work we do is somehow beneath you... not your speed.

Oh, please, get off your horse.

You just wanted to frighten me and impress me with your macho cop prowess... understandable impulse.

A little juvenile, perhaps.

You shouldn't be working with us.

You're hurting people. You know that?


The cops you work with. Don't kid yourself.

Their careers are taking a hit.

If you care about 'em, you'll leave.

Cops I work with, meaning Lisbon?

And her team.

But mostly Lisbon.

That ransom demand... did she talk to you about that?


And yes, it could mean there's someone on the inside.

Be useful to know who it is, don't you think?

Well, we're working that, but the ransom drop's in three hours.

We make a move on a suspect now, all it'll do is spook the kidnappers.

They'll k*ll Mia, and they'll scatter.

We gotta make sure the girl is safe.

She's not gonna be safe.

They will k*ll her five minutes after they get the ransom.

Could happen.

So she dies either way. We could try something.


You want to hear what I have to say?

Not interested.

Okay, sure, all right. Well, I was very impressed, by the way, with the macho cop prowess.

Those guys, they were genuinely frightened of you.

You're absolutely cool, man. You're good out there.

Go away.

Bullitt. Like, really cool.


Sorry to disturb you, ma'am.

We're looking for an individual by the name of Deezer...

Might have lived in the building or stayed with someone here.

Never heard of him.

What about the Crazy Hill g*ng?

Ever heard of them?


Well, if you do hear them, you, uh, call us at this number?

You want me to spy on my neighbors?



(door slams)

Make a new friend, Bert?

Enough with the "Bert, " all right, Hicks?

Sorry. Hurt your feelings?

It's just not funny, that's all.

It's a joke.

You can't take a joke?

Excuse me, ma'am, I'm with the CBI.

Wondering if I could ask you a few questions.

Sure, what about?

I just think it's childish, that's all.

And I just think you need to lighten up.

Sorry. Never heard of him.

All right. Thanks anyway.

Yeah? Well, maybe you need to grow up.

Idiot. Uh, not... y-you.

Um, Wayne Rigsby, CBI. Need to ask you a couple of questions.

Ma'am, I was wondering if I could leave a card with you.

(g*n cocks, g*nshots)

Get in! Go!

Hicks, cover the room! Go, go!


Grace? Grace!



Went out of the window.

I got it. Go, go, go!

Grace, you okay? Just breathe.

I can't see any blood.


Ohh. The vest took it.

I'm okay. Go, go, go!

(tires screech)


(police radio chatter)

How you doing?

They think a couple rounds probably broke a couple of ribs.

They're gonna check for internal injuries.

I'm fine. Really.

There's just my legs keep twitching.

That's just adrenaline. It'll wear off.

Don't ever do this to me again.

No problem.

Go inside. See if there's anything in the sh**t's apartment that ties her to the kidnapping.


You okay?


Hey, Rigsby.



(whispers) Hey.


My leg's still twitching.

I love you.


I have to go. They don't even know I'm here.

I'll call you later.


One thing.


What was that for?

(voice breaking)

Next time wear your vest.


I mean it.

Yeah. I believe you.

Ohh. Get out of here.

(police siren)

Is she all right?


Thank God. Well, thank Kevlar, actually.

Hush. This is our fault.

What do you mean?

Rigsby said that he and Hicks were going at it when Van Pelt was shot.

That kind of bad blood starts with us.

She's right.

This isn't about bad blood. It's about professionalism.

There you go again. You won't take any responsibility.

ID says the sh**t's name is Diane Zaranski.

You're kidding.

Nope. D.Z. Deezer.

Diane Zaranski was Colin Haymer's girlfriend.

SFPD suspected her of being in the g*ng that kidnapped him.

The Crazy Hill g*ng.

Same crew must have kidnapped Mia Westlake.

Well, now we know for sure they have someone planted in the Westlake house.

That's the way they work.

We're running background checks on everybody that's been inside that house in the past six months.

You're not gonna catch anyone with a background check.

They plan too carefully for that.

And you do know how to catch him.

Of course. I told you I do.

Forget it.

You're not even gonna hear him out?

No, he's got nothing to tell me.

You know what?

Jane's not the problem. You are.

You're so stuck on the idea that he's not a cop that you can't see what he is.

You know how many cases he's closed for us?

You think he's given me bad habits?

I think he's made me a better cop.

Thank you, Lisbon. And can I just add...

Be quiet.


If you're so sure you're right that you won't even listen to him, then you're not a person I know.

I did hear you out, and I still say no.

Got the money and the instructions for the drop-off.

How much time?

About 20 minutes.

You're making a mistake.

I'm just...


Mrs. Westlake, I need to speak to you privately.

Agent, I told you...

I know. Counselor, I'm sorry. Stay here.

Come this way. Right in here.

You are not welcome here, Jane.

I'm gonna tell Minelli you refused to work with me.

You can face him.

Ow, come on.

How do you like that?

You know, you really are a schoolboy. You know that?

Now we're gonna do exactly as the kidnappers have asked.

That is the best way to ensure that your sister... will come home safely.

But we're gonna do one thing.

We're gonna put this small transmitter in the suitcase.


If they fail to return her, this is the best way for us to follow them. We're presuming they're gonna take the money to where your sister is.


What was that, Mr. Jane?

This is ridiculous. You are gonna get that girl k*lled.


Excuse me, ma'am.

There's something that you really should know.

Keep talking. I'm gonna put my hands on you.

One of the kidnappers is in this house right now.

Damn it.


A spy, a mole, reporting back to those that are holding your sister.

We should be talking to them, Not playing with "Star Wars" toys.

Oh, my god. Who?

Come here.


You bitch!

What? Jeez! What...

What are you doing?

You crazy bitch!

(all shouting at once)

Hold it down! No, no! Hold it down!

Verona and Belinda shouting: My money's on Verona.

Sandborne's got her on experience, But it's hard to beat that kind of enthusiasm.


Got the image up.

(Verona and Belinda continuing shouting)


There will be.

Somebody better come.

If nobody does, you just k*lled Mia Westlake.

Blame, blame, blame, blame, blame. Somebody's coming.

Don't worry. And there they are.

Hello, Mrs. Kent.

The nanny Should we go get her?

No. Wait.

(police radio chatter)

(starts engine)

Money's on its way. It's clean.

They tried planting a tracker, but I caught it.

Get the girl ready.

Hands where I can see 'em!

Hands! Hands!

What's going on?

Don't move. Don't do anything unless I tell you to.

I don't understand. The baby is sleeping.

Oh, the baby. She's been wandering around the house like a little lost lamb. You're just a terrible nanny.

Who were you talking to on the phone?

My sister.

Is she a kidnapper, too?


What's this?

Let me go. Let us have the money.

The girl might live.

Put your hands behind your back.

(handcuffs clicking)

You are making a bad mistake.

If you people don't let me go right now, Mia Westlake will be tortured to death if they think you've done anything to me.

No, they won't. We're gonna go get her.

Good luck finding her.

We don't need luck.

Let's go.

Checking... last number called.

767 555 0131.

(typing on keyboard)

It's a landline.

Call Oakland PD. Tell them we're taking the house.


Get down! Drop your weapons! Get down!

(indistinct shouting, g*nf*re)

(Mia crying)


(both crying)

Thought I would resurrect an old tequila tradition.

I'm in.



Yes, it is.

(puts glass on table)

So am I someone you know now?

I'm starting to recognize you, yeah.

You know that thing you said about Jane making you a better cop... you don't believe that.

I may have exaggerated for effect.

Anyway, I wanted to say that it's been nice working with you again.

You, too.


Good night.

Good night.

I've been thinking.


You're not a cop.


You never will be.


But you have a... useful perspective.

This is a summary of the Red John case since I took over.

Take a look. Tell me what you think.


Don't thank me.

I wasn't going to.

I need the actual case file...


You're a jerk. You know that?

Night, Bosco.
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