02x23 - Back-to-Ghoul

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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02x23 - Back-to-Ghoul

Post by bunniefuu »

but so are you

hey new girl carry your books for you

baby my name not is baby it is abby

oh i can't believe we're back at school

already i like starting school all the

mystery and excitement i bet this year

is gonna be shocking

why are these things so small it's the

same locker you had last year yes but i

have a whole year's worth of new clothes

now plus makeup shoes color coordinated


school supplies there's room need a hand

oh so strong

it's from the ghostly gossip new girl

gives heath burns the cold shoulder i

wonder who she is who has time for new

ghouls right

hey i was a new girl i'm dying to know

who i have for biology has anyone seen


you're right gulya she's probably with

gil they haven't seen each other all

summer i've taken the liberty of

enrolling you in every advanced math

class we offer

how was your summer vacation

oh right

you didn't get one because you were at

math camp the whole time you're the ones

who got me sent there by messing around

with the test scores serves you right

you were trying to get the fear leading

team disbanded who says i'm done anyway

it's not like i learned anything at that

stupid math case what's the square root

of 568 23.832 hey

laguna what's wrong it's gil his parents

were so mad they sent him away to

another school


hey jackson oh hey frankie missed you at

cleo's party yeah i was gonna show up

but i uh had to change

hey new girl our seats i stay do you

know who i am mean girl with sandpaper

tongue take your seats everyone

class books open to page one


claudine was right about new ghouls

you want game i give you game

you too

principal's office now

i can't believe this i've never been in

trouble before aren't you worried you

threw snowball at me first principal

will bring hammer down on you but i

didn't this is all a big

misunderstanding i understand perfectly

you want w*r with abby you get w*r
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