02x22 - Nefera Again

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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02x22 - Nefera Again

Post by bunniefuu »



you know the only thing good about

summer being over back to school

shopping hide home goals show and tell

time let's see what you got oh cute

earrings ghoul burberry bag is that the

new box jacobs the john mall goes diego

here you go laguna everything okay

oh yeah it's just well i haven't heard

from gil all summer i'm worried about

him you know don't be worried he's

probably just busy

wow i bow to your superior shopping

ability as much as i love people bowing

to me none of this is for me what it's

all for my sister never i can't believe

she's still blackmailing you for the

party believe it she makes me wait on

her hand and foot my sister's so mean my

gorgeous perfectly shaped ears are

burning i don't mind when people talk

about me it's when they stop talking

about you that you have to worry well

well well

very nice i want them what

i want all this no way fine then i'll

just tell my father about cleo's huge

party when he was out of town he may

only ground her for a year

that's it

here according to your watch i mean my

watch i'm going to be late for the salon

i'll be back miss me i don't think i've

ever met someone as low down and

despicable as nephron just when you

thought our day couldn't get any worse

toralai and her girls are back she's

gonna be gunning for us we've got bigger

problems to deal with like stopping my

sister yeah i got more shopping to do

but forget it nefer's just gonna take it

anyways did you see that nephra is back

in town she's always wearing the new

trends weeks before anybody else let's

go see what nefer buys so we can steal

her low let's go



what's going on

you all look ridiculous these are the

hottest trends of the season they're in

all the magazines we're the first to

wear them they haven't even seen them

here yet but being a world famous model

you already knew that didn't you never

of course i knew that i was merely um

testing you please don't take these from

us they can't be replaced hand them over

i can pull off this look you guys not so

much you're absolutely right

now i think i'll walk around the mall

and bask in all the jealous looks i get


never is never going to be able to show

her face in the mall again oh my god

this is the best day of my life um just

when you thought this day couldn't get

any better

you look hot



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