02x19 - Miss Infearmation

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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02x19 - Miss Infearmation

Post by bunniefuu »



these are my boobs my skeleton crew a

little strange but so are


you you believe school is over it went

by so fast oh we're gonna get to see

each other at all over the summer sure

my parents are mad now they'll come

around i hope you're right freshy


the worst part about school ending

realizing your brother left his old gym

socks in your locker gross

no missing out on all the juicy gossip

which is why i signed up for auto

updates on the ghostly gossip what's

that only like the foremost authority on

the monster high social scene if it's

happening she blogs about it who is she

nobody knows she's like a mystery dipped

in secret sauce oh can gil and laguna

survive the summer

oh come on manny can't you give me a

break sure normie what do you want me to

break your glasses or your arms against

the rules to bully

who you call

did i just walk into the monster

preschool no

then why are you acting like such a

child what would your sister many think

of this behavior you're not gonna tell

her arya leave him alone

thanks uh frankie i know how hard it is

being the new kid here i mean like you

don't fit in i fit in my lockers trash

cans you'd be surprised what those guys

fit me into i'm um jackson nice to meet

you um jackson


we can't let my dad find out that i

broke my eye coffin it's just one more

thing he'll use to compare me to my

older sister nephera thank ross she's

out of the country too

she wants through a huge party she

blamed it on me

and that's why i'm never allowed to have

a big party at my place when my dad's

out of town cleo's dad out of town big

party at your place tonight big party at

cleo's house tonight he's all over the

school do you want to go to cleo's party

with me um sure i mean uh i want to

you're nervous around monsters but

you'll be with me okay

i mean cool whatevs

meet you there


how do we get in like this


oh no cleo's gonna freak out when she

sees that yeah for sure where is cleo

anyway she's out getting her new phone

wait how did she send the text about the

party well she didn't the ghostly gossip

did oh so clear doesn't even know about

this oh no that means we broke in quick

we've got to get everyone out before




wrong um

we can explain you through a party for





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