02x13 - Queen of the Scammed

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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02x13 - Queen of the Scammed

Post by bunniefuu »





ghouls i can barely hear you singing my


jealous why don't you take a picture

it'll last longer don't mind if i do you

got some real nerve showing your

whiskers around us after what you did is

that any way to talk to the new editor

of the monster high fear book you're the

new editor and i thought you knew

everything everybody reads the fear book

and you might say that i have a

significant influence on how everyone

sees you forever so how about a quick

shot fine get this over with

a little to the left



smile the captain should be up front

must have been a quick downpour

why didn't i know that torla is running

the fear did you get the text text i'm

the one who sends the texts you're

probably just out of the loop because

fearleading took up so much time out of

the loop i am the loop

frankie have i become socially

irrelevant oh why am i even asking you

everyone's wearing bow as cleo

this can't be happening

hey dee didn't see that my name is

draculaura he is a letter and apparently

you hate letters what are you talking

about i wrote you every day at gloom

beach you never wrote back hey i totally

wrote back i don't even want to talk to

you right now i'm telling you the truth

i wrote you back

i know they're in here somewhere

aha one of these has the power to see

into the future to keep me on top of all



or unleash one of the several egyptian

plagues but what are the odds of that

mighty totem fierce and mean make me

queen of the social scene oh what is the

meaning of this i give up


laguna wait

gil i get it you can't be seen with a

saltwater gal it's not me it's my

parents it's just it you won't even

stand up for yourself mate laguna

what are you doing out here little fella

that settles it there's nothing i can do

to regain my rightful place atop the

school social pyramid if anyone did that

then they would be the talk of the

school for sure

me i'm doing it mean my ghouls were all

over it really that's so brave of you

cleo because

no one's ever spent the night at monster

high on friday the 13th friday the 13th

i just sent the text telling everyone

you're doing it

i could send another one and tell them

you're too afraid

we're not afraid of anything that's the




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