02x11 - Don't Cheer the Reaper

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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02x11 - Don't Cheer the Reaper

Post by bunniefuu »




hey mom and dad it's me i'm having an

awesome time at gloom beach

sure it's been a lot of hard work if i

dust anymore my arm's gonna fall off

mine already did scary murphy is playing

us none of the other teams are doing

this stuff bats those girls are from

smog snorts vampire academy

they all think they're so hot why

because they're like tall

maybe because they've won nationals four

years in a row they're our biggest

competition do they store a mean pot of

soup too chill ladies guys and i have

been working on something ultra hot it

better be because those smog snort snobs

will do anything to win anything

but it wasn't all work we were able to

get in some much-needed r and r at the

beach while cleo and ghoulia worked out

our routine


wanna help me flog some drongos at

monster polo

i can't come on now freshy one game

you're such a good team ah

now's not a good time well when i don't


i don't want to talk about it come on

now mate you can tell me anything well i

can't tell you this okay i don't want to

hurt your feelings

the beach was so much fun but we had

work to do with cleo's creativity and

ghoulia's eye for advanced physics they

came up with the perfect routine for us

that looks complex

that's right gullia it's been

scientifically designed to win all we

have to do is learn it

hey pets

how's it going what do you want

we just wanted to wish you luck before

your big cheer anything else um

is that your routine yeah it's amazing

this is an ab practice so see you later



let's get started oh i'm gonna film it

on my eye coffin so my parents can see

we start with a double jive hand wheel

then foot spring into a triple back

layout everything was going great

hi it's frankie me your daughter okay

i'm totally confident in our routine as

you just saw we're gonna blow smog

snorts out of the water oh hang on a sec

hey frankie i just wanted to say that

even though i'm not part of the team

anymore i really do want you to win

that's so nice of you oh i was just

finishing my video letter to my folks i

was gonna email it but there's no wi-fi

here oh well you know i can mail it for

you just give me the thumb drive thanks

you're the best

gotta run mom and dad see you soon wish

us luck

wanna watch the monster high routine


thought so

you're welcome by the way


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