02x10 - Witch Trials

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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02x10 - Witch Trials

Post by bunniefuu »





not exactly the force screaming why do

we have to stay here when all the other

teams are in luxury bungalow gary murphy

is a fair leading legend she must have

her reasons so you keep saying

scary murphy so you're the wild card

team not much to look at are you

buttercup oh so we were just quiet now

this won't cut it your posture dreadful

your attitude awful hustle up lady move


as the wild card team got a lot to prove

turtle doves what do we learn first

advanced pyramids intricate dance

routines i've got something a little

different in mind for you believe we

have to prepare lunch for all the other

teams i'm sure scary murphy knows what

she's doing

now we gotta mold a lawn this lady's

getting on my last nerve scary murphy's

the ultimate fearleading guru if she

says cut the grass you just say how long


now this is more like it tell me about

it nothing to do but sit and daydream

i can't believe we wasted a whole day

doing super chores for scary murphy what

did any of that stuff have to do with

fearleading i don't know ghouls but i

believe in scary murphy

yes score

not bad for a seawater gal

thanks mate you're not bad yourself for

a freshwater bloke i told the other

girls i believe scary murphy has a plan

but i'm not so sure

tour live what are you doing here bloom

beach is where all the cool cats and

kittens come for spring break south

beach is for fearleading squads only no

quitters allowed oh don't get your

bandages in a wah we just came by to

tell you congrats for making it to gloom

beach oh

thanks and that's why we're willing to

come back what now that your fear squad

is hot again we want to be back on the

team i see how bad you want that spirit

staff and where your best chance to get

it you're right turlai i do need you

told you


to shine my spirit staff after i win it


i wouldn't take you back if you were the

last conniving kitty on earth now if

you'll excuse me i have to get back to

my team

you just made some powerful enemies

better watch your back



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