02x06 - Gloomsday

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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02x06 - Gloomsday

Post by bunniefuu »

gloom beach here we

come invitation tonight

all together now


how's my brother do no you don't know

nope guys we got a problem leo's locker

was wide open when i got here that's

weird that's not the crazy part look at

this oh he left her lipstick in her

lungs she would not be caught in a

sarcophagus without lipstick on go to

find her i bet she's in the gym or

getting a smoothie wait i know where to


oh my ghoul it's worse than i thought i

never thought i'd see cleo like this

crying no cleaning

what's wrong i'll tell you what's wrong

with me weak link or should i say weak

links us you cost me an invitation to

gloom beach fearleading camp we didn't

get in you have failed me she's right

except for frankie none of us gave it

our best i'm sorry cleo we let you down

guys what are you doing um

it's over we can still get into gloom

beach what are you talking about every

year gloom beach selects one fear squad

as a wild card pit wild card any squad

can get one million hits on fright tube

they get an a*t*matic invitation and you

know this how i can know stuff it's on

their website

we still got a shot ghoulia can make a

video of us doing awesome cheers and

bullish stunts and pyramids that's a

great idea except for two little things

like one the deadline is in two days and

there's no way we could get a million

hits by then and two we stink

well i'm not giving up squad attention

it's going to take dedication check it

won't be easy like duh i'll be yelling

more than usual what's new

we've got spirits yes we do we've got

spirits how about you

we've got spirits how about you monster

heavy monsters

here goes


one two three four what's gloom beach

daddy's door fear squad beer squad yay

only 999

999 to go
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