01x22 - Horrorscope

Episode transcripts for the Web series, "Monster High". Aired: May 5, 2010 – February 9, 2018.*
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Animated web series follows a group of teenage children of famous monsters in media and film who attend high school.
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01x22 - Horrorscope

Post by bunniefuu »

you guys check this out according to my

horoscope i'm going to meet the perfect

guy today and some chiseled solid and

dependable oh

it says he'll be the first monster that

you gaze when your eyes leave this page

that's the guy

how do i look come on you always do it i

know right it's a curse where'd he go

bats it says if i don't meet him before

the end of school it won't come true

two minutes until the final fail ghouls

stop him all over it

he went this way

sphinx heading for the boys locker will

lose him frankie redirect i'm going to

work on plan b i'm on it

i got this


that was worth a go okay okay i'm coming

if he steps outside the school then

we're too late what's plan b

you are

yeah and then i said come on not even

ghosts were white after slaver day as if

but the lady said they only have it in

white oh my horoscope was totally right

you are the perfect guy such a good

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