01x08 - The Thin Red Line

Complete collection of episode transcripts for seasons 1 - 7. Aired: September 2008 to February 2015.*
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A famous "psychic" outs himself as a fake and starts working as a consultant for the California Bureau of Investigation so he can find "Red John," the madman who k*lled his wife and daughter.
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01x08 - The Thin Red Line

Post by bunniefuu »

Hotel Manager: You're here. Thank god. There was screaming and g*nshots upstairs in room 222. The one— the one on the right. Right there.

Sam Blakely: Police! Open the door. Come on, open up!

Minelli: Glad you could make it. We have a young female, Patricia Matigan and joseph Purcell,who was gonna be the star witness in California vs. Carris, which was one of the attorney general's favorite upcoming narcotics cases.

Lisbon: State's witness, and no police protection?

Minelli: Uh-huh. Davis P.D. Had it covered that is, until Purcell went a.W.O.L. A few weeks ago. Didn't want to testify, I guess. With Purcell dead, the case against Carris dies, too. He walks. So obviously, guys, for all of our sakes, This is a must-close. Davis P.D. Is still running the Carris case, by the way,so we have to work with them. Don't freeze 'em out.

Lisbon: Who is Carris, and where is he or she right now

Minelli: Rick Carris is the man to know in the Davis meth business. He was busted a month ago after a big, expensive operation. He's out and about on a $2 million bond. Purcell here is one of his top street captains. Look at that. This fool is state's witness against the biggest cocaine dealer in the county, and he's dealing the same drug out of his own motel room—like Carris wouldn't hear about that. He must have had a death wish.

Lisbon: Looks like a couple of ounces.

Jane: It's not cocaine.

Minelli: It's...

Lisbon: It's powdered milk.

Minelli: Yes, that's often used to cut the product.

Lisbon: Jane?

Van Pelt: What are you looking for?

Jane: The girl had her keys in her hand. She was only planning on stopping by.

Minelli: Oh no

Lisbon: Hello.

Jane: So what happens to her?

Lisbon: Social services have foster homes that specialize in babies. They'll take care of her until we can find Patrice's family.

Jane: If she has a family.

Lisbon: Yeah

Social worker: Social services. This is Kaylee?

Jane: Goodbye

Minelli: Lisbon, Jane, Van Pelt. Detectives Blakely and Preciado, Davis homicide. They will be your liaisons with Davis P.D. I speak for myself and your chief when I urge you all to work harmoniously. that means play nice. Keep me posted.

Jane: Hi. So your name's Blakely?

Blakely: Mm-hmm.

Jane: The first responder was a Blakely.

Blakely: That was my son.

Preciado: Poor kid—first time rolling up on a body. Puked his guts up later.

Blakely: He'll be okay. Listen, uh, just so we're clear, now you can call us "liaisons" if you like, but this is still a Davis P.D. Case. Our narcotics unit's been trying to bust rick Carris for years.

Lisbon: We appreciate your position. Have you checked the liquor store over there for surveillance cameras?

Preciado: Not yet. We're still questioning the guests

Van Pelt: I'll get on it.

Jane: I got a dumb question. How come you guys let Joe Purcell slip away?

Lisbon: Stuff happens, right?

Preciado: Yeah. Stuff happens.

Blakely: Yeah. When we bring in rick Carris, we'll give you a call.

Lisbon: You're confident it was Carris who did this? Purcell seems like the type of man who had quite a few enemies.

Preciado: Yeah, we're confident.

Jane: What if Purcell wasn't the target? What if the girl was the target?

Blakely: What makes you think that?

Jane: What makes you think she wasn't?

Lisbon: Either way, she's the place to start with the investigation she was only here for a moment, so the sh**t came in as soon as she arrived, which suggests that he or they followed her here. So we'll retrace her steps. What's Patrice Matigan's current address?

Blakely: We don't know. We checked the address on her licens Aand registration, but she hasn't lived her for several months.

Preciado: You're making this more difficult than it needs to be. We know whodunit. This was a hit ordered by rick Carris. If he's in town, we'll round him up. You guys relax, see the sights. We'll call you when there's any news.

Lisbon: When are you gonna learn to cool it without being told?

Jane: Oh, come on. They pissed you off, too, the sexist pigs.

Lisbon: They were.

Jane: I just said they were.

Lisbon: You were saying it ironically.

Jane: Here. There was a couple of issues of that in her car.

Lisbon: "Fifty fresh and floral ideas for a spring wedding"? Where did Patrice Matigan have this?

Jane: Mailing address.

Lisbon: "Lacey Wells. 65758 rancho highway." Let's go.

Lisbon: Lacey Wells?

Lacey Wells: You the cops?

Lisbon: Yeah, CBI.

Lacey Wells: What's the problem?

Lisbon: Do you know Patricia Matigan?

Lacey Wells: She lives here. What about her? And where is she?

Lisbon: She was m*rder*d early this morning.

Lacey Wells: Oh, my god.

Lisbon: How long have you known Patricia?

Lacey Wells: Couple of years, like that.

Lisbon: And she's lived here with you for how long?

Lacey Wells: Since Joe got busted. Two, three months. She couldn't stay with him, the way he lives. That son of a bitch! Now I knew he'd get her into trouble.

Lisbon: Can you think of anybody who would have wanted to k*ll him?

Lacey Wells: Aside from rick Carris and any of his crew Sure, lots of people.

Jane: Can you tell us what happened last night?

Lacey Wells: Joe called her really late. He's mad hungry, but he's paranoid. Won't leave his room. Thinks rick Carris' boys are everywhere. Begs her to bring him some food, which she does... Like a fool. And that's... That's the last I saw of her and Kaylee.

Jane: Why would she take Kaylee out with her in the middle of the night? Couldn't you have babysat for her?

Lacey Wells: I had been drinking. And she didn't want to leave Kaylee with me. She had her flaws, but she was a good mom. I mean, that kid is always clean and...and dry, and she's smiling. Look at how she keeps this place.

Jane: Yeah. It's nice. How does she pay the rent?

Lacey Wells: Oh, she always has money when she needs it. You know, her and me got busted this last Christmas, and she came up with, like, 10 grand to front the bail and even more for the lawyer. I mean, we were busted with a whole ounce of meth, and she made that crap disappear.

Lisbon: She was into meth?

Lacey Wells: No. No. No, it was my dr*gs. But it was in her car, so you know...

Jane: Did you ask her how she got the money to pay for the lawyer?

Lacey Wells: She wasn't the hooker type, so I just figured she had a rich boyfriend hidden somewhere. You know, a couple of times, a dude would come by and not come in. You know, she'd go for a ride, and then she had cash when she came back.

Jane: What did he look like?

Lacey Wells: He's, um, like a skinny, tough guy, dark hair and drove a blue car.

Lisbon: Excuse me.

Jane: It always goes off.

Lisbon: Lisbon.

Rigsby: Just got a call from sacramento homicide. Snitch gave 'em a location on rick Carris. He's in boonville, halfway between here and Davis.

Lisbon: Get an entry team. We're on our way.

Rigsby: Should I tell Blakely and Preciado?

Lisbon: Of course. Davis P.D. Are our partners in this hold off on going in until I get there. Thank you, Lacey.

Lacey Wells: Yeah, hey, uh, listen, social services... They're...they're not gonna bring Kaylee back here, are they?

Lisbon: No.

Lacey Wells: I-i love her and all, but I'm not— i-i couldn't...

Lisbon: Don't worry. They're not gonna bring her back here, okay?

Lacey Wells: She's goes somewhere okay, though, right? I mean, they'll— they'll take care of her good?

Lisbon: Yes. They try.

Lacey Wells: She's a good kid, so...

Rigsby: Hey. Where you going?

Preciado: To make the bust. What do you think? Cover the back.

Rigsby: Wait.

Preciado: What? Oh, you guys wanna help or you gonna stand there and pick your nose?

Rigsby: Come on, guys. Play nice. This is a joint operation. We go in together when our boss and the entry team get here.

Preciado: Unh-unh-unh. This is our arrest. Always has been, and we got no time to wait for your mommy.

Cho: Hey, there's always time, all right? Let 's do this right. Go in too quickly, and someone will get hurt.

Preciado: This is real police work, sonny. People get hurt. Go push some paper.

Rigsby: Real police work? You mean like protecting a state's witness

Cho: Rigsby, hey, hey. Walk away. Walk away. Look at me. All right? We told 'em not to go in, if this goes south now, it's their necks. We don't want to be involved in any way. Be smart. Let it go.

Lisbon: What's going on? What are they doing?

Rigsby: Blakely and Preciado wouldn't wait for the entry team. Tried to talk to them. They wouldn't listen.

Cho: They're out for blood.

Cops: Don't move, cops.

Cho: Get on your knees right now.

Rigsby: Let's see your hands.

Preciado: That's our bust. Hand him over.

Lisbon: The hell we will. Walk away.

Blakely: Hey, calm down.

Lisbon: Yes, we get it. You're very calm and in control, rick... For a man being questioned in a double m*rder investigation.

Rick Carris: I didn't do this thing. Although, I've been sat in this frickin' chair so many times, this is kind of restful.

Cho: That's right, isn't it? Many times. "as*ault, possession, intent to distribute."

Lisbon: This trafficking case coming up—that's three now for you.You get nailed, you're in for life.

Cho: That's a long time.

Lisbon: All on the testimony of Joe Purcell.

Rick Carris: Look, it's no secret Joe Purcell's death. Was a huge boon for me, man. Come on, it was huge. And I gotta confess, I was really starting to feel that life sentence breathe down my neck, but you know what? I got angels, man. I got fierce angels on my shoulders.

Cho: Are you a man of your word, rick?

Rick Carris: I am.

Cho: You do what you say you'll do?

Rick Carris: Look, I know where this is going.

Cho: This is from Purcell's answering machine

Rick Carris: Hey, joe. You're a dead man. Dead. I'm gonna do you my own self. I'm gonna look you in the eye and cut your heart out and shove it down your throat, you mo

Lisbon: That is you, isn't it?

Rick Carris: Hyperbole is lost on some people.

Cho: We think you kept your word, rick. You found Patrice. You followed her to Joe Purcell hiding at the motel. You k*lled him and that young girl just to stay out of prison, just like you said you would.

Rick Carris: No, I said I was gonna cut his heart out and feed it to him

Lisbon: Poetic license.

Rick Carris: Nuh-unh. No, if I had found him, I'd have kept my word. Believe me, and I was looking for him. That's how you know it wasn't me, man. All right, maybe I wouldn't have cut his heart out or nothing, but I definitely would have cut him. I mean, I've got a reputation to consider.

Cho: Where were you last night?

Rick Carris: A bar I own, Del's avern.

Cho: Until when?

Rick Carris: I don't know. 11:30, maybe.

Cho: Anyone with you?

Rick Carris: Oh, yeah. Sasha.

Cho: Sasha. Sasha have a second name?

Rick Carris: Sasha the cocktail waitress.

Cho: One young lady in your employ. That's not much of an alibi.

Rick Carris: It's not much of a case, man.You got no m*rder w*apon and you got no witnesses. So you can kiss my ass, unless you want to get a sun lamp in here and a couple of beers. I'll be happy to kick back and listen to you guys waste your frickin' time.

Lisbon: I guess I'll just hand you over to the Davis P.D. They're very anxious to talk to you.

Rick Carris: All right. Whatever. Look, I want to talk to my lawyer now, please.

Lisbon: Okay. So we're done here.

Jane: Food's here.

Van Pelt: Hawaiian? Cho hates pineapple.

Jane: Well, he can take it off, can't he?

Van Pelt: Yeah, I guess. I don't complain when he and rigsby order mexican.

Jane: What is it you don't like about mexican?

Van Pelt: Cilantro. I can't stand it. But I don't make a fuss.

Jane: Oh, you don't, do you? Why is that?

Van Pelt: Sometimes you have to go along to get along.

Jane: Well, it's nice to be nice, but if you want to get ahead in life, sometimes you have to be a bitch. I know you know how.

Van Pelt: Gee, thanks.

Jane: It's all about the balance, grace. Yin-yang. Nice-bitch. A little bit of bitch inside the nice, a little bit of nice inside the bitch.

Van Pelt: Yeah, I'll work on that.

Jane: Keep 'em guessing.

Cho: There's pineapple on it.

Van Pelt: You can take it off.

Cho: I'll know it's been there.

Rigsby: So Carris was at Del's Tavern. Sasha the cocktail waitress says she was with him At his residence at 12:45 A.M. When the motel sh**t took place.

Cho: She's confident about the time frame because they were having sex with the tv on. And it was the scottish guy talking to that actress who married the country singer.

Rigsby: Carris would have got someone else to do the dirty work for him anyway. He was only boasting when he said about how he's gonna rip out Purcell's heart himself. He's a drug dealer, not an aztec.

Jane: That's good. Not an aztec. You're right. Carris isn't responsible for these murders.

Cho: Why not?

Jane: He told you himself, it's not his style. He wouldn't have had the patience to watch and follow Patricia until she led him to Purcell. And if he had found her, he would have just jumped right in and hurt her until she gave Purcell up.

Lisbon: Just for the sake of argument, let's assume you're right

Jane: Yes, I'm saying that maybe Patricia Matigan was the target.

Lisbon: That's the second time you said that.

Jane: Well, Patricia she was an attractive young woman, but didn't work and had a regular supply of money from somewhere...

Cho: Boyfriend.

Jane: And was able to make a very serious drug charge disappear.

Rigsby: Cop boyfriend.

Jane: Skinny cop boyfriend with dark hair that drives a blue car, if you listen to Lacey Wells.

Van Pelt: Detective Preciado is skinny with dark hair.

Jane: He had crossed my mind. And a hot-tempered man, as we now know, who probably carries what, a .38?

Rigsby: Yeah.

Jane: Yeah.

Rigsby: I think he does. Yeah.

Van Pelt: Joe and Patricia were shot with a .38.

Cho: Yes, they were.

Lisbon: Slow down. What's his motive?

Rigsby: Well, it's a simple crime of passion, isn't it. He comes upon the woman he loves with another man. Kills them both.

Van Pelt: Oh, damn. He couldn't have been that surprised. She had Joe Purcell's baby.

Jane: How is she? The baby.

Van Pelt: Uh, fine, I guess. I mean, she's a baby. Keep 'em warm and fed, they're happy.

Cho: Let's go have a chat with Preciado.

Lisbon: We're already in hot water with the Davis P.D. We need to be sure we're right, find out the facts and then act.

Rigsby: Yes, boss.

Lisbon: Let's see if Patricia really did dodge a possession charge at Christmas and let's make sure the story about the accident money is bogus. Then we'll go to the friend, Lacey, and we'll show her pictures. If she I.D.S Preciado as the man she saw, and if Preciado drives a blue car and if he carries a .38, we'll go, and we'll talk to him.

Van Pelt: Preciado owns a blue car.

Cho: May I have your salad?
Oh, Gladys Knight and the pips.

You brought our prisoner back?

Detective Preciado, we need to sit down with you for a while. We have a few questions for you.

What questions?

That's a .38 you carry, isn't it?

You trying to say it was me? You miserable sons of b*tches. Where the hell do you get the nerve—

Hold on, Steve. Cool it. Let me handle this.

No. No, this one's mine.

Where the hell do you get the nerve to come up here in my town, talking to me like that?

What w*apon do I carry? Kiss my ass.

The California state constitution.

We've come to you out here out of respect. We could have found you in the police station and made a fuss.

You should be glad you didn't.

No, you should be glad we didn't.

You have nothing on me.

We can put you with Patrice.

Her roommate, Lacey wells, I.D.'d you from a photo. Come have a quiet talk with us clear up a couple of things, no big deal.

What couple of things?

This doesn't concern you, detective.

Excuse me. He's my partner.

Leave it alone, Dale. Just leave it.

I can handle this. Let's go.

Good—good to meet you again.

What's the matter with him?

How well did you know Patrice Matigan?

Let's not screw around here.

Just tell me what you have, cop to cop.

Cop to cop? We know you were giving her money. We know she got off of a meth bust last Christmas. Evidence was lost, right? From the Davis P.D. Lockup?


We figure you took it.

That's what you figure.

Yes, And we could dig in and prove it, but I don't want to spend any time doing that.

I'd rather just talk straight with you, avoid dragging other good cops into this mess, right?

Go on.

We figure you and Patrice were having a sexual relationship.

She was... She was a confidential informant.

We considered that, but then she'd be on file, right?

And you would have put in for the money as a C.I. Expense, But you didn't do that, did you? Why? My guess— because you're an honest man.

Yeah. Sure. Okay. I was banging her. So what?

Did you know she was also in a relationship with your missing witness?

We had a business relationship. I paid her for sex I didn't know or care what she did when I wasn't there.

You paid her a lot of money. A lot. Good-looking man like you, there had to have been more to it than that.

Did she have something on you?

Well, She was punctual and clean and didn't say much. I like that in a woman.

Did you know your man Joe Purcell was The father of her child?


A lowlife junkie dealer with your woman— How'd that make you feel?

Couldn't care less.

Do you, uh, want the rest of my sandwich? I can't finish it.


It's good sandwich. Try it.

Good sandwich.

What is wrong with him?

Where were you at 12:45 A.M. Monday morning?

I was at my partner's.

We watched the game. I was too drunk to drive, So I slept on the couch.

At Blakely's? Just you and him? And his wife.

Do you have your w*apon on you?

Yes, I do.

Mind if we borrow it for a while, Have ballistics take a look at it?

Look, I don't want to have to make this official, Talk to a judge or anything.

Once we do that, the cat's out of the bag for good.

If you're clean on this, here's the way to prove it.

Is this the only .38 in your possession?

Yes, it is. And if you try to hold my hand again, I'm gonna tear your arm off And beat you unconscious with it. Get me?


Well? You know, it's just funny what bad liars cops are.

I guess they're not used to Concealing themselves under questioning.

I'm a cop, and I lie to you all the time. You never catch it.

Well, sorry to burst your bubble, But you're translucent, my dear. I always know when you're lying.

Sometimes I let you think you fooled me Just so you don't feel bad. Name one time.

Mm. Last Thanksgiving you said you were going back east To your brother's house, but I knew you were actually planning On having three days at home alone To watch old movies and eat ice cream. Okay, so that's one time.

What about Preciado?

His stress pulse rate was thready, dishonest.


Hard to describe pulses.

Uh, a dishonest pulse feels different to an indignant pulse.

In this case, hard to say what he's lying about exactly, But he was signaling deception from first to last.

There's something off about his whole story.

Where are we going? To the zoo. They have new tiger cubs Oh. Liar.

Oh, very good. I'm gonna go and speak with Blakely.

Blakely's not gonna tell you anything. Nah, Blakely's old-school.

He'll back his partner to the moon, But his wife might be less steadfast.

I'll keep the husband in the office while you go And talk to the wife. Ah. Sweet.

What is it?

Patrick Jane, CBI. Yeah, uh, what is it?

I'd like to speak with Katherine Blakely.

Sam? Officer Sam Blakely?

Yeah. Uh, now isn't very convenient.

Uh, if you want to speak with her, You should call and arrange something. Yes, I was just passing by. That's a shame, Sam I really did need to speak to her. Who is it, Sam?

CBI, ma'am. m*rder investigation.

m*rder investigation? The Purcell-Matigan killings?

The couple I found.

Oh, my lord. Yes.

Terrible thing. That poor little baby.

Well, I'll—i'll leave you to it then.

No, ma'am. It's... You that I wish to speak with.

I am so proud of my two policemen.

There are three generations Of Davis law enforcement in this family. Three.

When people see the Blakely name in Davis, They know that it stands for something.

Cripe sakes, ma. It's enough.

Oh, he hates me bragging on him.

So tell me, why on earth do you want to ask me About these killings?

Officer Blakely, could we have a moment alone, please?

It's okay.

It's kind of confidential stuff, ma'am.

Well, go on, sam.

I don't think I should, mom. Dad wouldn't like it.

Well, you're not your dad.

Just give us a moment.

Go on.

Sam was so upset that night.

It was his first time coming up on a k*lling. Poor thing.

I remember the first time Dale caught a bad call.

We were newlyweds, and he came home and he actually cried.

Tried to hide it.

But I told him and I told Sam That there is no shame in feeling sad.

There isn't.

You've experienced the same thing, no doubt.

Death is part of the job.

Yes. Yes, it is.

Sorry. Rambling.

What did you wanna talk to me about, Mr. Jane?

Ma'am, your husband's partner, detective Preciado, Is a person of interest in the case.

Steve? No.

He said that he was here at your house, Sleeping on your couch, at the time of the murders.

That was 12:45 A.M. Monday morning.

Was he here?

Yes. Yes, he was. He—he stayed the night.

Why would you be interested in Steve?

He's such a straight arrow.

He said that he was having an affair With Patrice Matigan.

Steve Preciado?

Yes. Why not?

Uh, I don't know.

Itit just doesn't seem likely.

Katherine, you're hiding something.

This is a state investigation.

You're obligated to tell me the truth.

Well, you have to promise That you will not say it was me who spoke of it. I won't tell a soul.

Well, Dale says that Steve has a problem, You know...

Down there?

Down there.

There's pills for that now.


No. He's a hopeless case, apparently.

Well, that's strange.

That's very strange, 'cause he's the one that told us He was having an affair with Patrice.

Oh, well, knowing Steve, I'm sure he was lying to protect his machismo Or protecting someone else.

Oh. I-I'm so sorry. How stupid of me.

No, it's—it's... What happened?

Nothing. It—it's just a little accident.

What did you say to her, huh? What do you—what have you done?

He's done nothing. Your father...

My father? What? What did you tell her?

You knew.

You knew that's who she was.

That's why the two of you have been whispering in corners And acting so strange.

No, ma. You got it all wrong.

You don't understand.

Dad wasn't having an affair.

Dad, mom thinks that— what, sam? What do I think?

You swore on his life.

You swore on your son's life you would Never betray me again! Come inside, hon I'm gonna tell you the truth, just not out here. Oh, no. Not out here.

You're Dale Blakely. You're one of the good guys. Get in the house now!

Detective Blakely... Uhh!

Ooh! Shut your mouth.

You okay? as*ault. as*ault.

I would rethink this new technique of yours.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I can't disagree.

Now we're arresting them.

Hooray. We have the right. He assaulted Jane, And he looks good for the murders.

Before you charge a cop with m*rder, you better loo Better than good. You better look like the damn mona lisa. Yes, I hear—

Because if you're wrong, we will have no m*rder suspect, The attorney general will have no narcotics case against Carris, And we will have wrongly arrested a distinguished veteran officer in his home jurisdiction.

Yes, boss.

What was the nature of your relationship with Patrice Matigan?

I was helping her out. Helping her with close to 1,000 bucks a month.

That's a lot of help.

What did she give you in return? Nothing.

Okay. What story did you tell your wife about the money?

I... Got nothing left to say. How were you making ends meet?

Did you maybe take a little drug money now and again?

I never took a penny. Not a damn penny.

So I guess if Patrice started asking you for more money, You'd have been hard-pressed, right? Get me a lawyer.

I'll set that up for you.

Oh. Where's your service revolver?

Agent rigsby tells me you didn't have it with you. It was stolen.

Yeah? Yeah, from my car.

Okay. It's no problem. It happens.

A .38, was it?

That's right.

I'll get you that lawyer.

He's not gonna talk.

Poor soul. He made his bed. He can lie in it.

You know, I never really understood that one.

Just 'cause someone makes their bed, Why do they have to lie in it?

What's to stop them from lying in another bed Or on the floor, for that matter?

Sam Blakely's here.

I'm on it.

Officer Blakely, thanks for coming.

I got no choice. You have my father locked up. Is your mother okay?

Don't worry about my mother. My father is innocent. We know that.

You people are making a big—what?

We know your father didn't do it.

This is from the security cameras In the liquor store in front of the motel.

We finally got to look at it today. This is at 12:40 a.M.

That's Patrice Matigan's car arriving.

And that is rick Carris' man.

We misjudged Carris.

He found Patrice, had a man follow her.

You can see his license plate right there.

Can you make that bigger? Yes, we can.

We know who it is.

A thug that works for rick Carris named q-tip. But get this.

Carris says q-tip didn't k*ll him.

Q-tip went to k*ll joe, but he got there too late.

Someone else got to him first. Well, that's gotta be a bunch of bull.

Carris says his man q-tip actually saw the real k*ller, Saw the whole thing. So Carris is offering us a deal.

If we let him out, his man q-tip Will tell us exactly what he saw, I.D.

The real k*ller. And you believe him Of course not. It's a transparent con.

Q-tip k*lled him all right.

Carris is just trying to save his skin By laying the blame elsewhere. On your father probably.

He must have known about his connection to Patrice.

So we're gonna play along, Let the sh**t come to us.

Carris has set up a meeting with q-tip tonight.

So we'll grab up q-tip and work him until we get the real story.

So, uh, what do you need me for exactly? If this is gonna work, I can't have a whole bunch of angry Davis p.D.

Swarming all over Carris and his crew.

And the CBI is kind of unpopular with you guys right now. Yes, you are.

So... We were hoping you'd have a quiet word with your chief, Let him know what we're up to.

Well, knowing the chief, he's gonna want to know the details, Um, when and where you're gonna be meeting this q-tip And what personnel you got operating undercover.

Sure. But this needs to stay close between you and the chief.

We don't want to spook Carris.

He thinks he's playing us for a bunch of idiots.

Mm. I understand.

Okay, team. Let the games begin.

Carris is on his way.

He's gonna make the call when he makes the meet with q-tip.

Be ready to act fast. Clear?

Got it. Okay.

Roger that.

The warehouse is on fifth and geary.

Loading dock in the back. Q-tip's in the same car He was on the tape. California plate 5-nora-tom-queen-9-5-7.

Be there in ten minutes. Ten minutes?

I can't get to fifth and geary in ten minutes Well, do your best.

On our way. E.T.A. To geary and fifth—12 minutes.

Damn it. He won't wait that long.

Officer Blakely, are you closer to fifth and geary?

Officer Blakely?


Blakely, drop the g*n! Drop it!

Carris never made a deal, did he?


We, uh, edited the surveillance footage.

Q-tip was just some guy That happened to walk up to the motel at some point, And, uh, van pelt—

She laid in the license plate with, uh, photoshop.

That's clever. Kudos to you guys.

We know you're a decent man, sam.

We know you didn't mean for things to go down like this.

Just tell us what happened. I got nothing to say.

There's no use in hiding anything now.

There's no use in explaining either Mm. Take a seat, detective.

Thank you.

Son. Dad.

Well, there's—there's always a reckoning. This is it.

Just... Just tell them the truth.

The truth, huh?

Tell the truth no matter what.

That's the mark of a man, right, dad? Tell the truth.

A man has his honor and his word, and that's it.

Don't go over the same ground for god sake.

Just give 'em the facts. You want the facts? Okay.

Mom suspected that dad was having an affair.

Well, I asked around on the street.

Pretty soon I hear that he's keeping this girl, Patrice Matigan, on the side.

I was mad as hell.

You gotta understand.

This integrity crap was banged into me my entire life.

Right, dad?

Honesty, honor, family— banged into me, And then all this time, he's keeping a whore on the side?

No. Never. I went and I asked him if it was true, And he said no.

I knew he was lying to me. I knew it.

So sunday night i... Went back to find the truth.

I thought, for sure, she was gonna meet dad.

And she went to the store, went to a motel.

I thought, "aha, I got him now."

Purcell must have thought I'd been sent by Carris to k*ll him. I had no choice.

I panicked.

I drove away.

And dispatch called, Sent me right back to the motel.

I was the closest unit. What was I gonna do? Refuse the call?

I had to take it.

There's always a reckoning.

Patrice wasn't your mistress, was she?


She was my daughter, Sam's sister.

How did you know?

Sam told his mother you weren't cheating on her.

I believed him. But then who was Patrice?

Who was she to you?

And why all the secrecy?

I just figured she had to have been your daughter.

I never knew Patrice existed until four years ago.

Her mother was dying.


She got in touch, Told me I had A 16-year-old child I never knew about.

Blew my mind. Just...

Oh, blew my mind.

You know, I wanted to tell Katherine the truth, But...

Y-you know, I...

Oh, my god.

I couldn't do it.

I just couldn't hurt her like that.

Does she know now?

Yeah, she knows.

She knows.

Sorry. Busy right now.

Katherine, it's Patrick Jane.

Can you open the door?

I can't.

You can and you will.

I have something I need to give you.

This is Kaylee, Your granddaughter, kind of.


She's very fond of Cheerios.

That's, uh, that has nothing to do with me.

And she likes to take her big nap at 2:00. But—what?

You're all she has.

Social services will be along later to get the paperwork signed.

The name Kaylee doesn't really suit her, if you ask me.

If you want to change it, I'm sure no one will make a fuss.

Oh. Oh. Hey. You might need those. Bye.
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