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07x22 - Hackett or Pack It

Posted: 12/19/23 08:21
by bunniefuu
Previously on "L.A. Law"...

What are you doing?

What am I doing?

Making myself extremely vulnerable.

When this happened before, you said it was an accident.

-What is this?
-Summons and complaint.

-You're suing me?
-According to my reading of Title VII,

your behavior toward me falls under the heading of sexual harassment.

Is this about Clark Sims?

And did he say anything to you?

We had to do sex again.

Tow years ago, the guy was under police investigation

on five complaints for sexual harassment and r*pe.

All of them mentally Ret*rded.

I want to put Clark Sims in jail,

but I need you to help me to that.


I want to go to court, Mom.

I would just like to think it's possible that

you might remember something good.

I would like the same for you.

Goodbye, Roxanne.

Bye, David.

[door opens]

God. I look awful.

No, you don't.

I do. I look awful.

I feel awful,

and I've got three months to go.

After which, the fun really starts.

At least then I'll be able to
- to see it.

- It'll be a real person

instead of just this weight.

Right now, all I can think of is that I'm fat,

I'm alone, and I can't wait for it to be over.

And I feel guilty for not being thankful

and in love with what's inside me.

Roxanne, there are plenty of times

that I felt exactly the same way.

-There were?
-Of course, there were.

And there's one thing I can tell you with absolute certainty.

ROXANNE: What's that?

In another three months, it'll all be over.

You won't be fat, and you'll have

a little baby to show for it.

Now, if I could just do something about the alone part,

I'd be all set.

Well, that's not necessarily a permanent condition, either.

Right. Who knows,

Prince Charming could walk in the door.

Hi, Roxanne.

Look who's here.

Hello, David.

You look positively radiant.

-Thank you.
-So tell me,

what's goin' on in your life?

-Oh, you know
-I don't know.

Well, I'm working part time.

-I'm expecting a baby.
-I heard that.

Well, then, I suppose you also heard that I'm not married.

Yes, I did.

Is, uh, there a special someone?

No. No.

There is no special someone.


Good, no, I mean, you're on your own.

That's another way to go, and who's to say

that's not the right way.

-How are you, David?
-I'm great.

I'm terrific. I'm
- knock wood

doing fabulously well financially.

And, uh, ever since our divorce,

I've been learning a lot more about myself as a human being

with each passing day.

-I'm glad.
-I got a lot of irons in the fire.

Cable radio, Marzipan baskets by mail,

whale watching videos, a lot of stuff,

but that's not what I want to talk to you about.

What do you want to talk to me about?

First Phone.

Patent pending, all rights reserved.

-What is that?
-You're asking me what is that.

That is a device that permits you to communicate

with the fetus in utero,

and I want to sell this, not via direct mail,

but via television.

An infomercial, Roxanne.

You, me, and are you ready for this?

Candice Bergen sitting on a sectional sofa

talking about the relationship between

a woman and the life inside.

Will you have lunch with me?

I can't today.

Tomorrow then?

All right. Tomorrow.

This is gonna change your life, Roxanne,

believe me.

You Titian haired Madonna, you.

♪♪ [theme]


Gwen Taylor vs. Anthony Henderson.

-ce que c'estthis?

Uh, yeah, that's mine.

Actually, I guess that's yours.

I think it belongs to both of us.

Gwen is suing her Bar review instructor

for sexual harassment.

Where do you find the time to do that now?

GWEN: Been trying to get up my nerve

to go in there and take the Bar.

I feel that this is helping me do that.

LELAND: Be smart about this, Ann.

If a reasonable settlement is there to be had,

-just grab it.
-We will.

DOUGLAS: Hackett vs. Steinwall Animation.

That happens to be mine.

I'm happy to say that we're representing

-Mr. Buddy Hackett.
-Really? How did that come to pass?

He's an old friend of Roxanne's family,

she brought him in.

For what purpose are we representing him?

He claims his likeness was appropriated for

a Saturday children's show called "Ned and Ed."

Since when have you handled right of publicity cases, Douglas?

-I haven't before.
-MELINA: You know that it's fairly convoluted law.

I've done quite a bit of work

in the field of intellectual property and it can get very sticky.

Rest assured, Melina, I will be calling on you for assistance.

Well, why are you handling this case, Douglas?

It's Buddy Hackett.

I've always loved Buddy Hackett.

This is the managing partner speaking.


I know you from when you first started out in Las Vegas.

You saw me at the Desert Inn in ?

No, no. It was much later than that.

Oh, then it's when you first started out.

I'm sure you've heard the one about the attorney

who goes to visit his client in jail.

-Have you heard it?
-Doug, please.

The client's sitting there stark naked except for his hat.

The attorney says, "Uh, what's wrong?

Why are you sitting here stark naked?"

The client says, "What's the difference?

Nobody's coming to see me."

The attorney says, "So, why the hat?"

The client says, "Somebody might come."

That's very good, Doug.

Listen, are you aware that Mr. Paul Sherman,

my attorney in New York City, must be kept aware of

everything that takes place in this matter?

I will keep him fully informed.

Also, I heard that

not only do they have cartoons of my face,

they're makin' puppets.

I know about that. I'm on top of it.

-Plaintiff goes to a judge and gives him $.

A defendant in the same action

goes to the judge and gives him $,.

The judge calls the plaintiff in and says,

"Give me another and I'll call it on the merits."

Doug, do you like to tell jokes?

Usually, I like to feather them into a conversation.

'Cause I like to play golf, but when you tell me a joke,

it's like me waking up Arnold Palmer

at : in the morning so he can watch me putt.

That's great. I love that.

-You love that.

-[door opens]
-ROXANNE: Excuse me.

I'm going out for a while. If I don't see you,

- I just wanted to say goodbye.

-Let me walk you out.
-It's only feet.

I'll walk you to Pittsburgh.

It's not gonna work, I'm afraid.

Why, what's wrong?

He keeps telling me jokes.

-Oh, God.
-Doesn't he know

you're not supposed to tell jokes to a comedian?

I think he's just trying to impress you.

He can impress me by just being a good lawyer.

Do you want me to talk to him?

Nah. I can handle it.

Hey, how are you doin'? How ya gettin' along?

I'm fine.

Is there anything I can do for you?

Oh, no, thank you, I'm fine.

Buddy. I just remembered one.

Let me close the door.

I want you to see what happens if you tell it.

Did she get any sleep last night?

Neither of us did.

TOMMY: Fran, I'm not gonna take

anything away from your daughter in there.

Not her self esteem, not her humanity, nothing.

I've decided that while she might express herself

a little different than the rest of us,

she knows what she wants, she knows what she doesn't want,

And I'm not gonna try to prove otherwise.

How are you gonna get a conviction?

By proving that she was r*ped.

Rosalie. You ready?

Rule number one, think before you speak.

Rule number two, tell 'em exactly what happened, no more.

It's gonna be fine. You'll be fine.

Rule number one, think before you speak.

I was in the locker room at the rec center

where I go swimming,

and Clark Sims just walked right in.

Do you see Clark Sims in the courtroom today?

That's Clark.

Let the record reflect that

the witness has indicated the defendant.

Rosalie, this was the girls locker room.

Did you invite Mr. Sims to come in there?

No. He just came in. He came in and locked the door.

TOMMY: And what did he say when he came in?

He said that I was pretty.

And what'd you say?

I said thank you.

TOMMY: And what else did he say?

He had an orange soda in a can that wasn't open,

and he said that I could have it.

-Did you take it?
-huh, and after I had some,

he told me to stick out my tongue and see if it was orange.

Um, and he said that it was but I couldn't see it,

so we went over to the mirror and I looked.

Um, and then he turned me around

and he kissed me.

He said he wanted to help me get the orange off my tongue.

Did you kiss him back?


Now, what did he do next, Rosalie?

He did
- He did sex with me.

TOMMY: Did you ever tell him not to?

I told him I wanted to go home.

TOMMY: Did you tell him to stop?

Well, I think I did,

I know I told him I had to go home.

I know I told him that he was heavy,

and I know I asked him to get off of me.

And I know that I s
- I started to cry.

TOMMY: And what did he do when you started to cry?

He put his hand on my face.

Rosalie, I want you to take my hand,

and I want you to pretend that it's Mr. Sims's hand,

and I want you to show these people

exactly how he put it.

Like this, Rosalie?

[Rosalie gasping]

[gasping continues]

I have nothing further.


Your honor, with the court's permission,

I would waive my cross examination for the present.

JUDGE: The court appreciates counsel's solicitude.

The witness is excused.

You may go back to your seat, Ms. Hendrickson.



The first time you spoke to Mr. Henderson privately,

who initiated the conversation?

GWEN: I did.

What were the circumstances?

GWEN: I asked if he could suggest a tutor

to help me study for the Bar exam.

What was his response?

He offered to tutor me himself.

Did he do so?

GWEN: Yes, he did.

You alleged that on May th, Mr. Henderson kissed you.

-Is that right?
-That's right.

Did you tell him that you'd rather he didn't continue?

As soon as he did it, he apologized.

He convinced me that it was a momentary loss of impulse control,

and he convinced me that it would never happen again.

In other words, you didn't tell him that

you'd rather he didn't continue?

Did I act like I wanted you to continue, Tony?

You're not really interested in my response to that question,

-are you?
-No, actually, we're not.

Lastly, I wonder if I might not ask Miss Taylor a question.

I'd like for the questioning to be conducted by

your attorney, Mr. Henderson.

I just wanted to ask her whether or not she saw

a certain parallel between her behavior toward me,

and he behavior toward, say, Arnold Becker?

-We know about Frank Kittredge.

We also know about Daniel Morales.

It's funny how after your fling with Arnold Becker,

you got a permanent job here.

After Mr. Kittredge, you were promoted to law clerk.

We still haven't quite figured out the pay off for Mr. Morales.

This is supposed to rattle me, isn't it, Tony?

I don't know, does it rattle you?

My relationship with all those men

came about because I consented to them.

I'm sure that you did.

You are despicable, you know that?

Touched a nerve, haven't I?

The way you conduct yourself with men,

the way you go about getting what you want,

those are sensitive subjects, aren't they?

ANN: Do you have any more questions to ask, Miss Whitestone?

Yes, I do, Miss Kelsey.

I have a great many more questions to ask.

TOMMY: Dr. Carlson, in your opinion,

does Rosalie have a disability?

Rosalie has an IQ of .

She would be considered mentally Ret*rded.

TOMMY: Would you characterize for us

the manner in which this condition distinguishes her

from those of normal intelligence?

Yeah, she's rather naive and childlike in affect.

Her social skills are impaired,

as well as her ability to communicate

whatever she might be feeling or thinking.

And based on your examination of her,

do you have an opinion as to whether or not

she consented to having sexual intercourse

-with the defendant?

And what is that opinion, doctor?

CARLSON: While she may have been flattered by

the attention paid her,

in my opinion, she was not interested in

having sexual intercourse with this man,

nor did she consent to have sexual intercourse with him.

Thank you, doctor. I have no further questions.

What physical symptoms of mental retardation

does Rosalie manifest, doctor?

-Physical symptoms?
-Does she suffer from

-congenital microcephaly?

-Does she have Mongolism, Down syndrome?

A brachycephalic skull, a flattened occipital region?

Stubby hands, hydrocephalus

She's has none of these disorders, Mr. Curry.

She looks like you and me.

Well, actually, doctor, I'd say she's better looking.

CARLSON: Counselor, this young woman's speech,

her demeanor, her cognitive skills,

all make it readily apparent

that she is developmentally disabled.

CURRY: Should we assume, doctor,

that was is readily apparent to an expert

in the field of developmental disabilities

is also readily apparent

to a lay person?

No, but I should think that even a lay person would

CURRY: Thank you, doctor. No will suffice.

During your examination of Rosalie,

Did she express any familiarity with the

the use of contraceptive devices?

-It goes to the complainant's capacity, your honor.

I'll allow it.

Yes, she did.

Does she herself use any contraceptive devices?

She's on the Pill.

CURRY: So, it's safe to assume, doctor,

that she is indeed capable of consenting

to sexual intercourse?

She's capable, but in this instance,

I do not believe that that is what she did.

Were you in the room at the time this event took place, doctor?

No, I wasn't.

No further questions.

Do you have a reservation, ma'am?


Sorry I'm late. Freeway was a parking lot.

Oh, it's okay, it's okay.

It is so good to see you, Roxanne.

I know there were a million good reasons for us to part,

but the truth is, you've left a yawing void in my life.

I think I'm gonna have a little wine.

-Can you?

Doctor says that once in a while it's okay.

Can I take your drink orders?

I would like a glass of white wine.

Mineral water for me, please, sans bubbles.

Are you sure you wouldn't like something non

Yes, I am. Thank you.

Are you aware of the risks involved

in drinking alcohol while you're pregnant?

Yes, I am, and as a rule, I don't drink,

but today, I would like a glass of wine.

Can't believe I have to justify myself to her.

I know, I thought it was a little nervy.

Listen, Dave, I have to tell you something.

I don't want to get involved in this project of yours.

-Oh, wait.

Just hear me out, okay?

You and I made a clean break with one another,

and I don't want to go back and re
-establish a relationship.

But this is a business relationship we're talking about.

No, it's not. No, it's not.

WAITRESS: Excuse me.

We're really concerned that you're unaware of

the potential effects of alcohol on a fetus.


MAN: There's a sign over the bar here

that says drinking alcohol during pregnancy

can cause birth defects.

We're not making this up.

It's also on every bottle.

-Where's the manager?
-I'm the assistant manager.

I don't want the assistant manager.

I want the manager, I want the one who's in charge.

Sir, we feel as though she should know what she's doing,

not just to her body, but to the body of her child.

Let's go, David, let's just get out of here.

Listen to me, you sanctimonious little piss pots.

The lady ordered a glass of wine.

Now, it is your job to smile sweetly and bring it to her.

Now, either you treat this woman as an adult,

and do exactly as she has asked you,

or I will have you fired.

MAN: Come on, Rachel.

There's no point in arguing with them.

Are you all right?

When would you like me to do this infomercial?

[indistinct chatter]

It's a nursery motif.

You'll be right there, Candice will be over there,

and I'll be right there in the middle.

I can't do this, David.

Why not?

Because I can't.

I don't want to be on television.

- I don't want to be selling that thing.

Listen, you'll do fine without me. Really.

-Mr. Meyer.
-Hello, Al.

Uh, Roxanne, this is Al Urbaniak.

He's in charge of the facilities here.

Seems you hung some paper on me, Mr. Meyer.

-What do you mean?
-What do I mean?

I mean, your check bounced, that's what I mean.

-DAVE: How could that be?
-Let me spare us both

the awkwardness of pretending

that that question needs an answer.

Suffice it to say, if I don't have a certified check

for $, in my hand by p.m. today,

this set will be struck,

and your presence on these premises

will be deemed trespassing.

I'm pleased to meet you.

What's going on, David?

I thought the bank would pay it.

I mean, I thought that I would at the very least get on the air.


I lied to you.

I haven't been doing fabulously well at all,

and, point of fact, I'm broke.

I've had to sell everything I ever owned.

I don't have two nickels to rub together.

Why did you lie?

The only thing I ever had any success at was business.

In your eyes, I had to be a success,

and I
- I just wasn't anymore.

I mean, I wouldn't even have these Fetal Phones

if it wasn't for this obstetrician inventor that I know

who gave up on trying to move 'em himself.

Excuse me.

I came up with the name First Phone,

and I thought that I might be able to

sell myself out of the hole that I'm in.

Maybe you still can.


By me putting up the ,.

Oh, no, I can't ask you to do that.

-You didn't ask me.
-Roxanne, I don't think

you should put your funds at risk like that.

David, I'm doing this because I want to.

You didn't talk me into it,

now don't try and talk me out of it.

Now, do you actually have Candice Bergen,

or did you lie about that, too?

I lied about that, too.

You need a celebrity to drive this thing.

-I've got one.

-Buddy Hackett.
-Buddy Hackett.

Roxanne, Buddy Hackett can't do this.

He's who I can deliver.

But we're trying to sell to pregnant women.

That's right, and in order to get them to buy,

you have to get them to watch,

and I think that we stand a better chance of doing that

with Buddy than without him.

Now, I suggest we get out of here,

we've got a lot of work to do between now and tomorrow.

Buddy Hackett?


Mr. Henderson, did you kiss Gwen Taylor

during the study session on May th?


Were you of the belief that this was an appropriate gesture

under the circumstances?

Miss Taylor's manner, including but not limited to

her body language and the come hither expression on her face,

indicated to me that it was appropriate.

If that was the case, why did you see fit to apologize?

Because I'm vulnerable.

Because I fear rejection, because I can't seem to

accept that a woman would actually welcome my advances

despite the fact that she might invite them.

I suffer from low self esteem is the problem.

Apologizing is pretty much of a reflex for me.

You're unbelievable, you know that?

On May th, you both kissed and f*ndled Miss Taylor, did you not?

Does what I did qualify as fondling?

I guess it does. Yes, I did kiss...

and fondle her.

Did you ask her to spend the weekend with you at the San Ysidro Ranch?

-Yes, I did.
-ANN: How did she respond?

My recollection is that she said she'd think about it.

-I said I'd think about it.
-That's my recollection.

ANN: It is the case, is it not,

that Miss Taylor declined either to go away with you for the weekend,

or to pursue any sort of romantic relationship?

Tragically, it is.

ANN: And how did you respond when she did so?

I acceded to her wishes.

Were you a partner at Frue, Eckhouse and Richards

from to ?


Janice Reineke was your assistant, was she not?

-Yes, she was.
-ANN: Isn't it a fact that

she too filed charges of sexual harassment against you?

Excuse me, Janice Reineke isn't Gwen Taylor.

There's no relevance to this line of questioning,

and I'm gonna ask that it be discontinued.

And she slept with you, didn't she?

-WHITESTONE: Miss Kelsey
-She slept with you for six months,

and when she broke it off,

-you fired her.
-Could you please control your client.

You don't know the first thing about

my relationship with Janice Reineke.

We have a signed statement from her, Mr. Henderson,

that does tell us something.

We also know that when she was gone,

you hit on another secretary, only this one complained

and you were asked to resign.

We also have an investigator checking into your career as a law professor.

As we speak.

Let's go.

I'm not finished opposing you, Mr. Henderson.

I am not willing to sit here and be vilified by the two of you

for events in my past that have nothing to do with

the specific issues of this case,

and since you insist on delving into them,

I'm terminating my participation in these proceedings.

Leslie, pick up your briefcase and let's go.

I think we got him.

This is a sexually active young woman.

I should be able to inquire into the manner

in which she conducts herself with men.

You know, Mr. Curry forgets that there's something called

the r*pe shield law to prevent this very line of inquiry.

The manner in which Rosalie Hendrickson

conducts herself with men

has nothing to do with whether or not she was r*ped

by one particular man.

I'll listen to Mr. Stulwicz's testimony

before ruling on whether or not the jury can hear it.

Proceed, Mr. Curry.

Mr. Stulwicz, how long have you known Rosalie Hendrickson?

I met her about a
- a month ago.

Have you had sexual intercourse with her?

Yes, I have.

CURRY: How long after you met Rosalie

did you have sexual intercourse?

- two weeks, maybe.

CURRY: Mr. Stulwicz,

whose idea was it to have sex?

Both of us.

Who suggested it first?

Well, Rosalie did.

How long after you met her did she do this?

[stammers] A couple of days.

Couple of days, but you didn't have sex for a couple of weeks,

so you were the one who said no.

She wanted to, but you held off.

Your honor, what possible probative value does any of this have?

If the complainant has a pattern of

sexually aggressive behavior,

I believe that's relevant,

particularly relevant given the way

the prosecution is depicting her.

No, sir. What this young woman and this gentleman

may or may not have done is their business,

and it is utterly irrelevant to the issues in this case.

There is only one person on trial here,

and that's your client.

SIMS: I was standing by the trophy case.

Rosalie calls to me from the women's locker room,

and I thought that she needed my help,

so I
- I went in to see what she wanted.

CURRY: What happened?

Well, she was standing there, um, half naked, you know?

She smiled.

We started talkin'.

CURRY: What'd you talk about?

This and that, she told me...

how healthy she was and she told me

how much she liked to swim.

Nothing earth shattering.

I said that we should go to the beach sometime.

But the thing is is that the whole time that she's, uh, talking to me,

she's letting the towel slip off,

and she keeps smiling.

What'd you do?

I smiled back.


And then, next thing I know,

she's asking me to

to dry her off.

One thing led to another, so to speak.

CURRY: Mr. Sims,

did you know that Miss Hendrickson was Ret*rded?

No, I
- I thought that she had a speech impediment.

Did she ever say that she didn't want to have sex with you?

No, she did not.

CURRY: Did she ever say stop once you'd started?

No, she did not.

The truth is, she came onto me.

CURRY: Nothing further, your honor.

Why'd you lock the door, Mr. Sims?

I wanted privacy.

I, uh
- I mean, I could see the way that things were going,

and I just didn't want to get walked in on.

TOMMY: Mm. Why didn't you simply go someplace

where you wouldn't get walked in on?

She didn't want to.

She wanted to do it right where we were.

Did she also want you to cover her face

so you didn't have to see it?

I didn't do that.

-TOMMY: So she's lying.
-Yeah, she's lying.

This young woman with an IQ of

sat here and made up this entire story?

-That's right.
-TOMMY: So it isn't true that

you put your hand over her face

so you wouldn't have to hear her or look at her,

so you could turn her into a receptacle

you could roll off of when you were finished?

-Your honor, I object to this.
-TOMMY: Is it true that she was crying?

-JUDGE: Mr. Mullaney
-And is it true that she was

pleading with you to let her go?

-She's lying?
-That's right.

She's lying and you're telling the truth.

She's lying, and I'm telling the truth.

JUDGE: Mr. Mullaney, that's enough.

I have no further questions.

DAVE: As you're going to hear from real testimonials,

for the sum of $.,

you can now make contact with your unborn child.

Actual contact.

Not just futile mouthings never to be heard.

You will speak with your child directly.

You will speak with your child as you would with any other loved one.

You will speak with your child by picking up the phone,

by picking up First Phone.

And what could be more comforting to that unborn child

than to hear the sound of a mother's voice saying,

"Welcome to my world, little person."

Depends on the mother, no?

I mean, you might hear some babies in there

running the water

so they won't have to hear the mother say,

"Welcome to my world, little person."


That's good, Buddy.

I like to sing to mine.

Oh, really? And, uh, what kinds of things do you like to sing?

I like to sing folk songs,

"Kumbaya" is a particular favorite.

♪ Kumbaya, my Lord ♪

♪ Kumbaya ♪

♪ Kumbaya, my Lord ♪

♪ Kumbaya ♪

-DAVE: Very good.


So, uh, you sing those songs now,

and then when your baby is born

uh, do you know whether it's going to be a boy or a girl?

-It's a boy.
-Your little boy will

recognize and respond to the sound of your voice.

At which point, he'll say,

"So, it's been you that's been doin' all that singin'.

I can't take a leak that I don't hear 'Kumbaya.'"

What means the Kumbaya?

Uh, so, uh, Daphne, what about you?

Well, for me, it's an educational tool.

I read stories that are designed to develop

a child's linguistic skills,

and I'm using it to get an early start on

learning languages other than English.

[speaking foreign language]

-[crowd exclaims]

BUDDY: Daphne, you're of the Jewish faith, aren't you?

-Oh, I can always tell.

You know how when someone's name is either

Abramowitz or Delicatessen. [laughs]

Would you permit me to have a word with the little genius?

Dave, let me have the First Phone.

-The $. item

that allows you to communicate pre

[speaking foreign language]

- You know, that is, uh
- that's very interesting, Buddy,

but I don't think our audience understands what you're saying.

[chuckles] Folks, permit me before my new friend,

Dave Meyer, hangs himself with his own belt.

Let me tell you what I said was,

it's a tough world here but he has a beautiful mother,

and she loves him a great deal.

And this instrument helps her to love him even more,

because she's communicating

long before they ever even get to meet.

Isn't that wonderful?

This isn't Buddy Hackett the comic talkin'.

This is Buddy Hackett the father,

and grandfather,

and I'm tellin' ya there is nothin' like

the precious love of a baby.

You wake up in the middle of the night

and those little arms go around your neck,

and you can fight a lion and you can beat that lion

because of the precious love of that child,

the most wonderful thing on Earth.

Am I right, Roxanne?


Right, Buddy.

Um, and I'd like to tell you, uh,

how I like to use my First Phone.

I like to use it just to talk.

- I tell my baby that I
- that I'm scared,

- I tell my baby that I'm lonesome,

I tell my baby that

that I love her.

You're right, Buddy.

That love is the most precious thing on this Earth.


Miss Hendrickson, may I remind you that

you are still under oath.

May I call you Rosalie?

Yeah, that's my name.

My name's Arthur. That's what you can call me.

Okay. Arthur.

Clark told you he'd be your boyfriend, didn't he?


CURRY: Did you like that idea?

Well, I guess so.

CURRY: Did you like it when he kissed you?

I don't know.

Maybe? Maybe just a little bit?


Well, kissing
- kissing's kind of fun, isn't it?


Even an old man like me knows that.

Oh, you're not that old.


Thank you for saying that.

You're welcome.

Uh, tell me something, Rosalie.

If Clark was your boyfriend,

kissing isn't the only thing you'd do with him, is it?

But he wasn't my boyfriend, though.

But you wanted him to be your boyfriend, didn't you?

-I don't know.
-Well, you talked about

going out on a date with him, and you kissed him.

But I wa
- I
- I

I didn't want to keep kissing him, though.

CURRY: Are you sure about that, Rosalie?

Are you sure you didn't want to keep on

not just kissing him, but to go all the way with him?

-Objection. Badgering.
-CURRY: Are you sure

-JUDGE: Sustained.
-That you didn't want to do the type of things with Clark

that would make him be your boyfriend for sure?

-Your honor.
-Mr. Curry, there's been an objection,

and the objection is sustained.

I wanted him to be my boyfriend

when he was being nice to me,

then he stopped being nice to me,

then I just want to go home.


I think it's time you started telling the truth.

Isn't what really happened

is that you had sex willingly and freely,

and because it was fun,

and that you went to Mr. Mullaney

because your new boyfriend Benny Stulwicz told you to?

-That's not true!

JUDGE: Sit down, Mr. Stulwicz.

I asked him to let me go home, and he wouldn't.

I asked him to get off of me, and he wouldn't.

I asked him to just stop doing what he was doing to me,

and he wouldn't, and now
- now, Clark,

why are you so mean to me?

Why did you hurt me like that?


Mr. Curry, do you have any more questions for this witness?

-CURRY: No, your honor.
-JUDGE: In that case,

I think we should adjourn until tomorrow.

Rosalie Hendrickson is a pretty woman.

Clark Sims was attracted to her.

She was flattered by his attention.

They enjoyed each other's company,

and they enjoyed each other sexually.

The fact that she may have a disability

is in no way apparent,

nor does it rob her of a right to live her life

as freely as any other adult.

To have boyfriends,

to exercise and feel good about her body.

And, yes, to have spontaneous consensual sex

with someone of her choosing,

which, despite what the prosecution is alleging,

is exactly what happened.

She chose Clark Sims.

Today, many months after the fact,

Rosalie Hendrickson feels bad about having sex with Clark Sims.

It isn't because she was r*ped.

It's because she has a new boyfriend.

She doesn't want him to know that she had sex

willfully and wantonly with another man,

but that's what happened.

I don't think Rosalie has trouble saying what's on her mind.

If she wanted to say no, she would have said it.

She never did.

What Clark Sims did isn't a crime.

Ladies and gentlemen,

what he did was human nature.

It takes courage for any r*pe victim

to step forward and testify against her attacker.

But to understand Rosalie Hendrickson's kind of courage,

you have to know that

her world moves a third slower than ours;

that people of average intelligence

can easily confuse her;

that people who offer her friendship

can take advantage of her.

To do what Rosalie did here today

was utterly terrifying for her.

She surprised her mother, she surprised herself.

She surprised Clark Sims most of all.

I dare say,

he was countin' on her to keep quiet.

For whether or not she said no

on that terrible day,

she made it clear to him that no was what she meant.

It was easy enough to ignore that, though.

She didn't fight back. She didn't scream.

She was trusting, she was weak.

All he had to do was

hold her down with the weight of his body,

and cover up her face.

She was easy to r*pe...

if you didn't mind the whimpering.

And he didn't mind the whimpering.

She could be counted on not to complain,

and even if she did, who would believe her.

He didn't have to listen to Rosalie.

He has to listen to you.

He's guilty of r*pe, ladies and gentlemen.

Find him guilty.

Well, this in no way should be taken as an admission of guilt.

In the interest of bringing this matter to a close,

we're prepared to pay you $,.

We're suing for .

Is there any flexibility there?

Is there?

I'd come down to .

ANN: How flexible is your client?

I don't know. How flexible are you?

I'd come up to .

Correct me if I'm wrong, Gwen,

but if 's as high as he's willing to go,

I'd say we're going to court.

GWEN: You're absolutely right.

I don't think the adverse publicity

will affect enrollment in your Bar review course all that much.

And even if it does, I suspect it's not irreversible.

You're pretty confident you'll prevail at a trial.

-Yes, we are.
-Truth is, it doesn't matter whether you prevail or not,

I'll be depicted as the harasser,

you'll be depicted as the harassee,

and, given the tenor of the times,

I'll be ducking feminist buckshot for the next decade.

That said, I will go to court if I have to.

I'd rather not if I don't.

What is the lowest figure you will accept?

You're at , we're at ,

split the difference and I'll settle.



I also want an absolute guarantee of confidentiality.

-You sure you can resist

telling the world of your triumph?

It's enough that you and I know what happened, Tony,

I don't have to tell the world.


Has the jury reached a verdict?

WOMAN: We have, your honor.

-Is the verdict unanimous?
-It is, your honor.

JUDGE: What say you?

WOMAN: In the matter of the People vs. Clark Sims,

we find that the defendant forced Rosalie Hendrickson

to have sexual intercourse against her will.

We find him guilty as charged.

-[crowd murmuring]
-JUDGE: The jury is discharged

with the thanks of the court.

The defendant will be remanded into custody,

sentencing to take place in two weeks.

-It's over.

You got through it and now this guy's goin' to jail.

I'm tired.

You wanna go get something to eat?

I don't know.

We could go to the Apple Pan and get hamburgers.

-We could go anywhere you want.

I don't know, Benny, I'm not that hungry.

I owe you an apology.

TOMMY: You were protecting your daughter,

and there is nothing to apologize for.

[chuckles] Thank you for saying that.

And thank you for doing what you did.



What do you feel like doing?

Oh, I feel like going home, getting under the blankets,

and going to sleep.

[chuckles] Okay.

We'll go anther time, okay, Benny?



Thank you very, very much.



Come on, Ben. Give you a ride home.

"I once was lost, but now I'm found,

was blind but now I see."

What's that mean?

That means that we broke the bank.

We aired in three major markets last night,

our number has yet to stop ringing.

Well, that's great.

I have already called my suppliers,

told them to gear up for production.

We could move , units by the end of the month.

Oh, David, I am so happy for you.

Oh, don't just be happy for me, Roxanne,

we are / partners in this venture.

No. No, you don't have to do that.

Yes, I do. You bankrolled me.

You put me together with Buddy Hackett,

which proved to be utterly inspirational.

Oh, no, no, you are onboard for half,

that is done.

Well, thank you.

Uh, uh, Roxanne, um,

I don't know whether you're gonna want to hear me say this or not,

but, um, in fact, I'm pretty sure you won't,

but I'm
- I'm gonna have to say it anyway, okay?


in the time that we've been apart...

I have never stopped loving you.

I have never stopped thinking about you.

I have never stopped hoping that one day

I might find my way back to you.

If I could play a part in your life,

or the life of your child,

you only have to say the word

and you would make me the happiest man in the world.

You're a great salesman, David.

Sounds like you're trying to make a sale.

Oh, no, no. No, that's how I lost you.

I never listened and I never stopped selling.

But if you can believe anything,

believe that I've changed.

Losing you changed me.

I've changed, too.

Well, do you think that, uh, maybe, just maybe,

we've changed enough?

I don't know.

I don't know, either.

Take me home.


♪♪ [theme]