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07x12 - Parent Trap

Posted: 12/19/23 08:13
by bunniefuu
Previously on "L.A. Law..."

When's the big move?

I think we ought to wait for a while.

This morning, you were all for it.

Your office called.

Next week, your father's coming to visit.

My memories are of a drunken father,

a crying mother, and a terrified baby brother.

-We're trying to help.
-No. No, you're not.

You're not tying to help.

You're trying to convict these people.

Who's to blame here, Ann? The people in South Central

for not getting their fair share of the rest of it?

-You need something?

-[toilet flushes]
-I'm done, Daddy.


Who are you?

Bad dream. Your worst nightmare.

Who are you?!

I'm Alison Morales. Daniel's wife.

That is Alison.

That was not too long after we were married.

I can't tell if this is the one who came to the house.

Gwen, please, believe me. It's not the woman.

-What are you doing?
-Whipping egg whites.

Lemon meringue pie is my husband's favorite.

Who let you in here?

I want us to be friends.

Aren't you gonna stay for dinner?

MAN: Next case, case number .

People vs. Crawford.

How you doing?

I spoke with the arresting officer.

Police said the sh**t was driving your car

wearing your jacket.

Told him I didn't do it.

Just give me back the jewelry.

That's not happening.

The D.A. is cracking down on g*ng killings.

Wants you tried as an adult.

Look, man, you just do your thing, and I'll do mine.

Everything will be cool, eh?

People vs. Alejandro Cruz.

-Next round, counselor.
-Ready, Your Honor.

Stand up.

He's not standing.

Stand up.

Your client has some sort of disability, Mr. Morales?

One moment, Your Honor.

This is my turf, these are my rules.

Get your ass off that bench.

Otherwise this judge will send you away for life.

JUDGE: Mr. Morales, I'm waiting.

What the hell are you doing in my car?

-Be cool.
-Get out.

I'm Alejandro's brother Mitchell.

What do you want?

AK Deuces offed that dude, not my brother.

They made the sh**ting look like Alejandro did it.

His own g*ng set him up?

That's what they do, man. Nobody snitches.


The boss of the Deuces made my brother

hold the g*n after it was used.

Alejandro's prints are all over that thing.

-For insurance?
-Not anymore.

I know that if you've got the g*n,

the Deuces can't blackmail my brother.

No, you can't give this to me. See, that just makes trouble.

-Better you than me, man,
-Hey! Hey! Hey!

[theme music]

Anybody know the whereabouts of our Mr. Morales?

He had a pro bono arraignment this morning.

Then let's begin.

First, People vs. Emory Lewis and Gary Stubbs.

I should hope those animals who beat you

will finally get convicted.

Unfortunately, the eyewitness backed out.

She's afraid of reprisals from neighborhood kids if she testifies.

That shouldn't affect our case.

Stuart was really convincing at the prelim.

He'll do even better at trial tomorrow.

Next, Marciante vs. Bernheimer Memorial Hospital.

That's mine. Anthony Marciante's girlfriend is brain dead

after an automobile accident.

She's also weeks pregnant.

And being used as an incubator

to bring the baby to term.

I caught the story on the news. That's grotesque.

We're seeking a court order to keep her body functioning

long enough to deliver the baby.

However, the girlfriend's mother wants to pull the plug

and bury her daughter.

I agree. The woman's dead, for God's sake.

Arnie, we're talking about a potential human life.

Mr. Marciante wants to be a father.

He should have thought about that

before driving himself and his girlfriend off the road, drunk.

-He k*lled her and now he
-It was an accident.

-He still has rights.
-So had the girl's mother.

-What about the baby?
-All right, folks.

We're all on the same team.

Mr. Morales. Honored that you can join us.

How was the arraignment?

Uh, People vs. Alejandro Cruz.

He's charged with sh**ting a news vendor

who refused to pay protection money?

Any extenuating circumstances, Daniel?

No, Leland, not really.

I'm trying to have Cruz tried in Juvenile Court,

but right now, that's looking doubtful.

Well, if there's no other business,

we're adjourned.

-Melina, I need your advice.
-What is it?

[sighs] I can't talk here.

And actually, I should speak first with my client.

-Yeah, I may be in trouble on this one.

-I'll catch you later.
-All right.

Mr. Mullaney?


I'm, uh, looking for my son, Tommy.

Nice to meet you.

I'm Roxanne.


Roxanne Melman.

Well, your son and I,

we used to work together when he was here.

What, he get fired?

No, no.

Tommy works at the District Attorney's Office now.

Oh. Truth, justice, and the American way, huh?

I guess him and me sort of lost touch.

I haven't been in the same room with him

since his wedding to blondie.

If I had know the airlines didn't let you smoke anymore,

I don't think I would have made the trip.

Well, I'd be glad to take you over to Tommy's office.

Don't bother. I'll go down and get a cab.

L.A.'s not like Boston.

Here you have to call for a ride.

How did you know I'm from Boston?

Tommy talks about you.

[mumbles] Hmph.

He's a good kid.

Like this one. Yours?

A friend's.


Aw, what's the matter?

I'll just go find somebody to watch Lucy, and we'll go.


Anthony, if you would,

tell the court about the events

leading up to your... your accident.

Karen and I had been up in the mountains

above San Bernardino.

We'd been fighting a lot, so we...

decided to spend the weekend together, alone,

to see if we could work things out.

Driving home. I had a few drinks.

More than a few.

I fell asleep at the wheel.

I came away with a few cuts and bruises.

Karen was badly hurt.

She went into a coma.

When did you first learn that Karen was pregnant?

Just after the accident, in the emergency room.

When I heard... [sighs]

It was a shock.

I'm still trying to take it in.

But, uh, Karen's gone.

And now there is a new life.

When the doctors told me

that they might be able to save the baby,

I told them to try.

Do you want to be a father?

More than anything.

I owe this to Karen...

and my daughter.

The OB did an ultrasound.

I wanna name the baby Michelle.

Are you ready to be a father, Anthony?

I think so. I stopped drinking.

And, uh...

I've been working very hard. I just received a promotion.

I have a lot of support from friends and...

the staff at the hospital.

No further questions. Your Honor.

JUDGE: Mr. Pavlik.

Mr. Marciante, at the time of the accident,

your blood alcohol level was ., is that correct?

Nearly twice the legal limit.

I've already pled guilty. I have no excuse.

As I've said, I've stopped drinking.

Your abstinence is admirable,

right in time for sentencing, but too late for Karen.

I have to live with this forever.

According to obstetricians at Bernheimer,

the fetus is only weeks old.

Just midway through its second trimester.

To your knowledge, can that fetus be brought to term

before the mother's body begins deteriorating?

I was told there was no way of knowing.

Were you also told that even if the fetus survives,

there is a % chance it will be grossly premature

with a real possibility of brain damage?

There's an equal chance that she will be born perfectly healthy.

You are charged with DUI and vehicular manslaughter.

Should you be sentenced to jail, who will care for your child?

I will face that when the time comes.

Right now, what's important is rescuing my baby.

Look, I've...

The woman I love is dead.

That doesn't mean that our baby should die, too.


Long time.

It's February in New England. I was freezing my can.

Welcome to California.

Um, you met Roxie?

Oh, she said blondie's gone. That's too bad.

You never knew a good thing when you had it.

You got a smoke?

Actually, I quit.

Quit? [chuckles]

Why, you left that nice office for this hell hole?

Working with lowlifes?

Coming from the airport, I was surprised

to see about as many n*gg*r*s and sp*cs

camping in the streets as we have in Boston.

-Neighborhood grew so sour,

I couldn't let his mother go for a walk alone.

Hey, don't start about Mom, huh?

Tommy, Tommy, I'm sure your father didn't mean

Hey, you have no idea about this guy.

Even he doesn't know what he means.


Now, this is my son's way

of making his dad feel welcome.

You made your point.

I am not staying with you.

I'm gonna rent a room in a hotel.

I never said that you couldn't stay with me.

Not in so many words.

Look, it's just I'm under a lot of pressure lately here with

It shouldn't matter! I raised you better!

As a matter of fact, you didn't!

I'll fly home tomorrow. Not a problem.

Mr. Mullaney...

Mr. Mullaney, please don't go.


You're a real sweet

Her name's Roxanne!

No foolin'.

After the arraignment,

your brother was waiting in my car.


Man, careful.

Mitchell, he'll steal your car before you blink.

He wanted me to know why you're so loyal to the Deuces.

Mitchell don't know jack.

He don't belong to a g*ng.

I'm loyal because my boys are gonna take care of me.

I've got five clean alibi witnesses.


Five g*ng kids with scars and tattoos.

I'm convinced.


The Deuces have the m*rder w*apon

with your prints on it.

Mitchell say that?

Your own g*ng is holding you hostage.

[laughs] Man, you don't know!

It don't work that way.

I have the g*n.

Mitchell said he snatched it clean.


The Deuces are gonna be crazy.

You gotta give the g*n back!

The Deuces set you up. Don't you get it?

They k*lled somebody, put your prints on the g*n

and conned you into thinking it would stay in Juvenile Court.

You better hope I can make a deal!

No! No deals!

Alejandro, you don't owe these guys your freedom.

Man, you don't know what I owe them

You are sure to be convicted, that's what I know.

-Get the g*n back
-You are not listening!

What happens when you lose?

That's not a problem, Morales.

Plenty of Deuces in here to keep me company.

Dr. Shuster,

is Karen existing on her own?

No. Presently she's connected to a respirator

which breathes for her.

In addition, every body function is being monitored.

To the best of your knowledge, will she ever recover?

No. The damage to Karen's brain stem was massive and irreparable.

Does the baby appear healthy?

So far.

There's at least another weeks until viability.

That is, able to live outside the womb.

And has a baby this young ever survived incubation in a maternal cadaver?

I know of a
-week fetus that was delivered healthy.

As for Karen's child, with persistence and luck, it can be done.

Thank you, Doctor.

Dr. Shuster, am I right that once the brain stem is gone,

theoretically, it's same as if the corpse's decapitated?

Yes, that's correct.

Thus you are regulating either by machine or medication

-Karen's blood pressure?

-Body temperature?

Blood sugar? Hormone levels? Blood gasses? Hydration?

Yes. Every body function is constantly monitored.

Tell me,

how many of your ICU staff are involved in this experiment?

Objection to the use of the word "experiment."

I'll take that under advisement, counsel.

Answer the question, Doctor.

Between physicians, nurses. pathologists, technicians,

roughly people over three shifts.

Well, even assuming this baby has no post
-natal problems,

which, in all likelihood, she probably will,

the hospital bill calculates out roughly to $,.

Who's going to pay? Anthony Marciante?


Mr. Pavlik, I can't equate

saving a human life with dollars.

Then let me do it for you.

Every day, in cities across America,

infants die...of malnutrition and diarrhea

because mothers are unable to afford a $ bottle of Pedialyte.

-Objection. Irrelevant.

Give me $, I'll open the clinic serving...

-Mr. Pavlik!
-... sick children!

-Sustained! Mr. Pavlik!

...ignored by our health system

That's enough, Mr. Pavlik!

PAVLIK: Nothing further.

So why'd you call?

-Thought we should talk.
-About what?

After the preliminary hearing the other day,

I saw you with your son.

What's he, about three?

Mine's the same age.

I'm just trying to understand...

I wanna know why you and your friend

pulled me from my car and tried to beat me to death?

What did I do to you?

Come on, talk to me!

Forget it.

I must have been crazy coming down her alone.

Why? You afraid?

Yeah, a little.

Oh, I see.

Seems like old times.

Maybe I need protection.

From me?

Look, man, somebody did me like you,

first chance I get,

I'd be looking to do the same thing back.

Well, that's not why I'm here.

You were in the wrong place at the wrong time!

Guarantee, if you had been in my shoes,

you'd be doing the same thing!

No, I wouldn't.

I would not have done the same thing!

Because this
-this pattern of v*olence

has got to stop! Don't you see?

Because you're a pansy.

Get it, right? Old man gets ticked off.

Thinks he can come down here and change the world!

He can't! Hey, I'm talking to you, man!

Hey! Yo!

[knock on door]

Thanks for coming.

So, what the secret about the Cruz case?

I have the g*n used in the sh**ting.

Alejandro's brother lifted it

from the leader of the AK Deuces g*ng

and dropped it on me outside the courthouse.

[sighs] Lucky you.


The Deuces were using it for leverage.

It has Alejandro's prints on it, but, uh...

he didn't pull the trigger.

You believe this kid?

Yeah, I do.

I tried to get him to make a deal,

but he's playing the true
-blue g*ng member.

Told me to give the piece back.

Besides me, who else knows about this?

Those two.

And I'm not about to put my career

in the hands of a
-old carjacker

and his
-old gangbanger brother.

Are you sure no one else knows?

I don't think so.

At least that'll give us some time.

[knock on door]

-Daniel Morales?


You're ordered to appear in front of

Deputy D.A. William Davidoff.

What's this all about?

I'm being subpoenaed before a grand jury.

And. Mr. Morales, bring the g*n.

This is not simply not your affair, Daniel,

the entire firm's exposed!

Douglas, I can handle it, trust me.

It's not a matter of trust.

Our relationship with the D.A.'s office

is critical to our criminal practice.

I'm not about to jeopardize that.

I got here soon as I could. What's up?

Daniel's been subpoenaed to testify at the grand jury

and produce the m*rder w*apon in the Cruz case.

You have the g*n?

Leland, you don't wanna know the answer to that question.

Look, let's proceed on a strictly hypothetical basis.

Assume, for the sake of argument,

that Daniel is in possession of a . caliber handgun

believed to have been used in the m*rder of Ramon Mendez.

No assume, the g*ng that k*lled Mendez

forced Alejandro Cruz to put his prints on that g*n

in order to keep him in line.

Nice guys.

Unfortunately, there's no attorney
-client privilege

to withhold evidence.

People vs. Fairbanks.

The defense attorney in possession of

physical evidence of a crime

must turn it over to the prosecution.

Even if it convicts our client

of a crime he didn't commit?


I don't care what this case says,

I go to jail first. assuming I have the g*n.

How was it the D.A. knew to subpoena you in the first place?

Maybe someone from the g*ng tipped them off.

Without the g*n, Alejandro can't be controlled.

What it he pleads the Fifth?

It's worth a shot.

Penal Code Section makes it a crime

to destroy or conceal evidence.

There you go. Answering may incriminate you.

It's a red flag, daring the D.A. to prosecute Daniel.

With all due respect to your commitment and your client

Our client, Leland.

I am not sending this kid to prison

for something he didn't do.

-Brackman will not have an associate in this firm

prosecuted for suppression of a m*rder w*apon.

Then maybe I'm at the wrong firm.



How'd you find me?

It wasn't too tough.

I knew you'd be looking for a drink,

and Roxie said your curiosity about this place was peaked.

Not the only thing peaked.

If that gal puts her bottom in my face once more

Come on, let's get out of here, huh?

Where we going? Disneyland?

Can I bring you something else?

Why not? A pair of those

and another Wild Turkey.

Anything for you?

-He'll have the same.
-Nothing, thanks.

-You're not gonna join me?
-No, I quit.

Yeah, but who takes you seriously?

You quite smoking, you quit drinking.

What's next for you, the seminary?

Listen, if you're not leaving, I'll see you back at my office.

I came to California to spend some quality time together.

Almost years, and suddenly you're taking an interest?

I was always there for you, and don't forget it.

Yeah, Pop, whatever you say.

Are you calling me a liar?

-Ah! Here we go!
-Answer me!

You answer me!

Years go by, I'm pitching, no one's catching.

Now all of a sudden, you show up, pretending we're related.

What's this all about, Pop, huh?


I wanna know.

-Never mind.
-No, you tell me!

I'm dying!

Sit down! You're blocking the view!

This is every parent's greatest fear.

Surviving your child.

I'd give everything to change places with Karen.

Mrs. Coleman, before the accident,

were you aware that your daughter was pregnant?

Yes. She told me over Thanksgiving.

And did your daughter say what she intended to do about the baby?

Objection! Hearsay.

Exception to state of mind.

You may answer the question, Mrs. Coleman.

Karen said she wasn't sure.

But if she decided to keep the baby,

she said she didn't want Anthony playing any part in raising

-Overruled, counselor.

Did you daughter say why she didn't want

Mr. Marciante's help in raising the baby?

She was planning on breaking up with Anthony.

She felt he was too immature to be a father, much less a husband.

-That's not true!
-Mr. Marciante.

You may have loved her...

but she didn't love you.

Mrs. Coleman, what exactly are you asking this court to do?

Let me bury my daughter!

Every day, I sit beside her bed,

watching her!

I know he's not alive!

And there's nothing to be done!

Still I want to protect Karen.

I want to take care of my girl.

I can't just abandon her.

Thank you, Mrs. Coleman. Nothing further.

Mrs. Coleman,

all of us here respect your feelings.

But what about your daughter's feelings?

I mean, she's almost reached her third trimester.

Isn't it apparent she decided to keep the baby?

No. She never said so.

Anthony Marciante may not be your idea of a perfect father,

but still doesn't he have the rights of any father?

And what about this unborn baby's rights?

Objection. Calls for legal conclusion.

JUDGE: Sustained.

Mrs. Coleman,

do you have any other children?


Karen was my only child.

Then out of all this pain as we mourn her death,

why not let your daughter present you

with a gift of your only grandchild?

Don't you think I want to be a grandmother?

But if there was the slightest chance

if this is what Karen wanted,

I would hold on for dear life.

Karen was my baby.

Please, let me take care of her.

Let her go in peace.

So, when you turned the corner, Mr. Markowitz,

what happened?

There was a large crowd, about people or so.

They were standing in the middle of the street.

In fact, didn't this mob surround your car and block your path?

Well, they were outraged by the verdict.

I think this was a way for them to

-Objection. Speculation.

Mr. Markowitz, how was your windshield broken?

It was smashed with a baseball bat.

And the door was thrown open, I was pulled from the car,

and a man started beating me with the bat.

Do you see that man here today?

What about the man who pulled you from the car?

Mr. Markowitz?

Mr. Markowitz.

Your Honor, request a brief recess.

Counsel approach the bench.

Enlighten me.

Your Honor, Mr. Markowitz had no problem at the prelim.

Well, he's having a problem now.

Request I be allowed to confer with the witness.

Court's adjourned for minutes.

What's going on, Stuart?

Did Lewis get to you?

No, it's nothing like that.

I'm the one who asked him to meet me.

-You what?
-What are you talking about?

Yesterday. We sat two feet apart.

If he waned to hurt me, he could have done it

Why would you get together with the defendant?

Tommy, I was sitting there talking to this man,

and all I could think of

was what was gonna happen to his son.

If you don't think I'll declare you a hostile witness

Tommy, we have a chance to make a difference in this man's life!

By sending him to jail!

Yeah, great. He serves time.

And then he comes out even more convinced

that the world's against him,

and then he passes that on to his son.

Ann, we have got to break the cycle!

Somebody's gotta take the first step!

You are not a one
-man justice system!

It's my choice to testify

Let the jury convict and the judge sentence!

It's my choice, Ann! My choice!

Accept the plea bargain that they offered.

Karen Coleman is dead.

But will this court let her die with dignity?

Her next of kin asked this court

to put an end to this medical experiment

so that Karen remains may be buried

and her spirit put to rest.

What do we know about Karen's wishes?

We know that she purposely

kept her boyfriend in the dark about her pregnancy

because she didn't want him interfering in her decision.

She didn't trust Mr. Marciante

to act as a responsible father to her child.

And as it turned out, she was right.

She's dead by his hand.

The fetus forever deprived of its natural mother.

Let nature take its course.

Let this woman be buried.

The wonder of medicine is that we can prevent

nature from taking its course.

Horrific epidemics have been halted by single vaccines.

A human body is kept functioning

so that a child may be born.

If Anthony and Karen's child were one week from viability,

would we be debating this?

How abut three weeks? Six weeks?

Your Honor, we're asking for .

Can that somehow be morally or legally different?

The rescue of a baby in utero

was a an ancient medical tradition.

It's called a Cesarean Section

because it's been a legal obligation

since the time of Caesar in ancient Rome

to deliver the baby if the mother died.

Karen Coleman is dead,

and her privacy rights died with her.

Today, Your Honor, we must take care of the living,

and that includes not only the father

but little Michelle as well.

MAN: Here they are.

Mr. Mullaney, is the D.A.'s office

plan on filing any additional charges?

I will make my statement later.

Were you surprised by Mr. Markowitz's testimony?

-Why the plea bargain?
-I said later!

Mr. Markowitz, you seemed to have changed your testimony.

-I have no comment.
-I have no comment either.

[reporters shouting questions]

WOMAN: Do you have a statement?

Look, it's not important what I say.

Mr. Holmes can do the talking.

MAN: What is it you wanna do now, sir?

Look, all I wanna do is just go home.

-I'd like to say something.
-Mr. Holmes?

It's time for the criminal justice system

to guarantee equal rights to every man,

no matter his race, creed, or his color.

Mr. Morales, are you presently counsel record to Alejandro Cruz?

I am.

During the course of your representation,

did you come into possession of a .
-calibur handgun?

I refuse to answer on the grounds my answer may incriminate me.

Mr. Morales, at the moment,

you are not the target of a criminal investigation.

On what basis are you invoking the Fifth Amendment?

I refuse to answer on the grounds my answer may incriminate me.

Miss Paros, would you tell me how your client

has a right not to testify?

Section makes it a misdemeanor to conceal evidence.

Admitting possession admits past concealment.

How about that, Mr. Davidoff?

Assuming Section applies,

the District Attorney's Office has authorized a grant of immunity.

We will not prosecute.

Nothing he says can incriminate him.

Mr. Morales, do you persist in refusing to answer?

I do, Your Honor. I mean no disrespect.

[sighs] Then I must find you guilty of contempt.

Pursuant to CCP Section ,

you are herewith remanded to the custody of the Sheriff

to keep and confine you until such time as my order is obeyed.


Mr. Morales, the keys to your liberty

and in your own pocket.

Make sure you tell the sitter she stays with Lucy.

Yes, I will.

BAILIFF: Be seated.

I find Mr. Marciante's testimony to be credible and sincere.

I believe he may now have the strength of purpose

to undertake the role of parent.

But his commitment to Karen and to her pregnancy

prior to Karen's death does not demonstrate

the kind of relationship which

outweighs the obvious pain now being caused her mother,

who speaks for Karen as her legal guardian.

Furthermore, I...

I cannot justify the heroic effort,

nor the expense,

which could be better directed elsewhere.

Simply because medical advances allow us to do something

does not necessarily mean that is what we ought to do.

Karen Coleman is entitled to a dignified burial.

Therefore I direct the hospital

to remove all life
-support systems immediately.

All of you involved have my deepest sympathies.

This court is adjourned.

You give me the word,

we'll go right to the Court of Appeals.


Stay in your seat.


You plan on getting any fresh air while you're in town?

This is Los Angeles. There is no fresh air.

Roxie's waiting in the lobby.

Why don't we go grab a bite to eat, huh?

Where are the waitresses?

If they're not hovering, you can't find them.

Pop, you can get a snort at dinner.

Oh, look at that.

She's smiling at me.

Whatever you say, Pop, you're drunk.

Get pleasantly lit.

You know, you're beginning to sound just like your brother.

How is he, anyway?

Good. I spoke with him last weekend.

I got a card at Christmas.

Of course he had to.

[chuckles] He's just a kid.

He always listened to you.

That's for sure.

Gee, this place has really changed.

Roxie, this place is a waste.

Sorry. We got talking about Tommy's little brother,

and how he always did what his big brother told him,

never me.

Saxon was popular, remember?

Can we get out of here?

Saxon Woods?

The maple tree! You must remember!

Why are we dredging up the past?

Come on, Tommy, I wanna hear this.

You must understand,

my boy never wanted to stay home.

He used to worry their mother sick,

and she'd send me out in the dark to search for them.

But I knew where to look.

And I could hear them, both of them, laughing,

feet up in that tree,

having the time of their lives.

Yeah. We were one big, happy family.

We even had to call a hook and ladder once

to get them down.

I'll get a cab.

I'll be back.

[knocks on door] Hi.


I just got a call from the D.A.'s office.

Stubbs and Lewis both got probation,

with , hours community service.


You, uh...

ran out of the courthouse so fast,

we didn't get a chance to talk.

About what?


I know you were surprised by what I did.

No, I'm not surprised by anything you do lately.

But I have to take care of myself.

I'm filing a civil suit against the city.

-For what?
-Loss of consortium.

-Are you serious?

Ann, we've been under tremendous pressure from this trial.

Now you want to make our sex life public?

Stuart, ever since you were injured,

you're not the man I married.

If I can't have you back, someone's going to pay.

[car door closes]

Let's go.

-Are you okay?
-Come on, Rox.


Please, don't start.

You know, your father was trying.


You wanna hear the truth?

Why we really used to shimmy up that maple?

Every day when I'd come home from delivering the papers

and walk in that house and stop.

Try to sense what kind of mood my father was in.

Because I knew if he was drinking,

it wouldn't be long before the screaming would start,

and the slapping.

That's when I'd grab my little brother and run.

Usually I'd just carry him.

He was just out of diapers, barely walking.

But he could climb.

We'd reach that maple tree, and I'd tell him,

"Dad's coming! Dad is right behind us!"

See, way up in that tree was the only place

my old man couldn't catch us when he was drunk,

where he couldn't hit us.

And when he says he heard laughing...

We were crying, Roxie.

We were balling our eyes out, terrified.

[crying] My father's dying.

Coming through.

Hey, you! Hey!

What's going on here? Douglas?

They're looking for the g*n allegedly in Daniel's possession.

This is outrageous!

Yeah, everything appears in order.

We have over active files,

most of which contains material our clients

expect to be kept confidential.

We'll have to escort you.

[baby coos]

Who are you?


I'm Pam.

Lucy's sitter.

You must be Melina.

Did Daniel call you?


Daniel's in some kind of trouble.

He wanted me to spend the night with Lucy.

He'll be okay.

Tomorrow I'm sure everything will be back to normal.


Well, I better get this little girl home.

Get her fed, and to bed.

You have everything you need?

Yeah. Yeah.

Take care.

-Excuse me.

The office is currently under search

for a . caliber handgun.

I need to check your bag.

Does a loaded diaper count?

Gwen, when did you talk to Daniel?

I didn't. Why?

What's the name of Lucy's babysitter?


-Oh, my God!

That woman just took Lucy!

Stop the woman with that child!

Wait! Grab the elevator!

What is it, Gwen?

That woman who was stalking me! She's kidnapped Lucy!

OFFICER: Check the stairs! Move it!

Thanks for waiting.

Back to where you picked me up, please.

She's gone.

She dropped this.

Oh, my God! It's my fault!

Lucy. Lucy.

Through this holy anointing,

may the Lord in his love and mercy

help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


May the Lord who frees you from sin

save you and raise you again. Amen


Place your hand with mine.

Lord, I commend to thee the immortal spirits

of Michelle Alexandra and Karen Coleman.

Can I say good

Please, go now.

"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

"He makes me lie down in green pastures.

"He leads me beside the still waters.

"He restores my soul.

"He leads me in the path of righteousness for his name's sake.

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,

I will fear no evil, for thou art with me."


"You anoint my head with oil.

-"My cup runneth over."

♪♪ [theme]