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06x21 - Double Breasted Suit

Posted: 12/19/23 07:57
by bunniefuu
Previously on "L.A. Law"...

Look, we don't need to talk this through.

All I need is for you to not see Brian behind my back,

and for you to stay out of it.

Where is she?


Sarah's not here.

What do you mean, she's not here?

I mean she left early this afternoon.

She never came home.

I've been approached about filling out the

city council term of Art Middleman.


Well, that's wonderful, Jonathan!

Well, look at me, I'm hardly the kind of girlfriend

who's likely to do a black politician any good.

That's ridiculous.

-That shouldn't matter.
-It shouldn't but it will.

Well, I won't let it.

This is about the McConnell case.

Actually, it's about more than that.

During the hearings a document,

a letter came into my possession.

Now the only ones who knew about it

other than Marian McConnell and her husband were Gwen and I.

Somehow the other side got wind of it,

laid a subpoena on us.

End of case.

Do you have any idea how they discovered its existence?

Yeah. I think Frank Kittredge told them.


You're going to have a hard go proving my client was in any way

responsible for your client's cosmetic surgery.

I don't think that's what's going to be on the jury's minds.

Dr. Shearer, when you first saw Cheryl Brennen last year,

she'd already experienced complications from her silicone breast implants,

isn't that correct?

Yes, excess scar tissue formed around the implants

and constricted, causing disfiguration of the breasts

and extreme pain.

My guess is he wont bite unless we go higher.

I'm sorry, but there's no way my studio's responsible

for what happened to that woman.

Yeah, but you can see it, though.

The jury does not sympathize with rich Hollywood studios, Jeff.

They sympathize with maimed women like Cheryl Brennen.

Sorry, pal, I didn't see ya.

We're even.

Why, thank you, Miss Lamb.

Okay, so how'd you know it's me?

The blind have mysterious powers.

Also, I recognized your perfume.

Actually, I know a great deal about you.

Like what?

Would you like to know?


I know World Wide Studios had a hell of a short list

before deciding on you to represent them.

I know our male jurors find you very appealing.

But you don't seem to have alienated the women.

I know you are wearing a pink jacket

with a vest and no blouse.

And Judge Lobel does not approve of the length of your skirt.


And I know you're a blusher.

How do you know that?

I can feel your heat.

And I know a good line when I hear one.


Is this how you throw opposing counsel off her game?

No. My curiosity about you is special.

Isn't this a little improper?

Not unless our resolve to win our respective cases

is somehow compromised.

Oh, well, there's no chance of that.


So, did your assistant mention the warts on my nose?


There are limitations to my method of research.

Well, why don't you see for yourself?


Now what?



Until this case is over.

All right, we'll put it on hold...

Until I win.

Until you win?

You sure you want to wait that long?



Moving on, Brennen vs. Worldwide studios.

The settlement offer was rejected.

The trial's continuing.

McCoy playing hard to get?

It's nothing I can't handle.

You sure?

Beautiful young actress maimed by breast implants?

Look, Cheryl Brennen is sympathetic,

but she's suing the wrong party,

and I think the jury will see that.

Next up, Bob Steinlage vs. Florence Leach,

a.k.a. Madame Eldemira.

I'm afraid to ask.

Madame Eldemira, psychic to the stars?

That's the one.

My client went to her Beverly Hills center

of Psychic Understanding for help with his love life.

She took him for $,

in cash and merchandise.

So now he's suing her for fraud.

Come on, anyone who forks over six figures to a psychic

deserves what he gets.

No, she convinced him he was being controlled

by his dead wife's spirit.

Oh, well, why didn't you say so?

Look, we've tried to settle this,

but Madame Eldemira seems determined

to have her day in court.

Well, maybe she knows something you do not know.

Why doesn't she just tell you the outcome of the trial now

and save everyone a lot of time and money?

[hums Twilight Zone theme]

This meeting is over.

How did you know that?

Oh, please.

Mr. Steinlage,

why did you go to see Madame Eldemira?

My wife had been dead about a year,

and so I thought I should start dating again.

In three months, I must have asked out women.

None of them would even agree to a cup of coffee.

It was very weird.

What did Madame Eldemira say was wrong?

She said that my wife didn't want me seeing anyone else,

so she was sabotaging my love life from beyond the grave.

And did you believe her?

Naturally, I was skeptical at first,

but my wife had resented my luck

with the ladies when she was alive, so...

Madame Eldemira got me thinking, you know.

And then...

Then she did that chicken thing.

Could you please describe "the chicken thing"

to the court, Mr. Steinlage?

She had me breathe into the mouth of this chicken,

and then a couple of minutes later, the chicken was dead.

And what did she say that meant?

She said the evil presence of my dead wife was inside me,

and that's what k*lled the chicken.

And what did Madame Eldemira tell you you had to do

to get rid of your wife's spirit?

Give her the grand from Julie's life insurance.

She said that evil lived in money

and she would bless it and give it back to me.

And did she give it back?

Most of it.

She kept , she said was still cursed.

What else did Madame Eldemira ask for?

Stuff to appease Julie's vengeful spirit.

Gourmet foods, designer clothing.

And a Lincoln Towncar

to drive my wife's spirit out of town.


Quiet down!

Mr. Steinlage, did Madame Eldemira

solve your dating problems?


But did she promise that she would?


You think I'd drop that kind of dough on a maybe?

Thank you, Mr. Steinlage.

No further questions.

Mr. Steinlage, did my client at any time

force you to give her money or gifts?

She said something awful might happen

if I didn't do what she said.

What kind of awful thing?

She wasn't specific.

Before coming to see Madame Eldemira,

didn't you seek out the help of a psychotherapist?

Objection, relevance.

Establishing a pattern, Your Honor.

I'll allow it.

You can answer the question, Mr. Steinlage.

Yeah, I went to see a shrink.

I thought maybe it was something I was doing

that was scaring the girls off.

And how much did you spend on psychotherapy?

About $.

And did you psychotherapist solve your problem?

Obviously not.

Or I wouldn't have gotten mixed up with Madame Voodoo.

Move to strike the Voodoo reference, Your Honor.

Granted. The Jury will disregard.

When you terminated your treatment,

did your psychotherapist suggest that you

would be better off if you continued to see him?

He may have said something like that, but

Are you suing him?

It's not the same thing. She played me for a fool.

So you can't get a date, you can't solve your own problems,

you feel like a fool, and that makes my client a fraud?


I'm finished.

They'd read me for the role twice.

Then my agent called and told me Jeffrey Stern

wanted to take me to lunch.

And what happened when you met Mr. Stern?

He said how much he wanted me.

But there was a problem.

He'd always pictured the character as more voluptuous.

Fuller, riper.

That's how he put it.

Unless I could solve his problem,

they'd have to find somebody else.

At which point he suggested implants.

Yes, he said there was a great doctor in Beverly Hills

who would take care of everything.

Then he looked me right in the eyes

and told me how much he believed in me,

and about all the wonderful pictures

we were going to make together.

But I had to agree to the implants within hours.

And what was you reaction to all of this, Cheryl?

I didn't know what to do.

This was a chance of a lifetime.

But I was scared to have the surgery.

Then why did you go through with it?

What would you do if somebody offered you your dream?

Could you just walk away?


Counsel is now testifying, Your Honor.

I'm sorry, Your Honor.

Cheryl, in the years after the surgery,

you suffered multiple capillary contractures,

four separate surgeries to remove and replace the silicone,

and finally a ruptured implant.

Were you able to work during this period?

Barely. I was in and out of hospitals.

I had to drop out of two pictures

and since the mastectomy, I haven't had a single offer.

Not even from Jeffrey Stern, the man who believed in you?


He said his hands were tied.

I make audiences feel uneasy.

Thank you, Cheryl.

Cheryl, you didn't always regret

Thank you, Miss Lamb.

You didn't always regret your decision to get implants, did you, Cheryl?

I never wanted them.

But isn't it true that one year after the surgery,

you said in an interview

"I've never been happier. I owe everything to Jeff Stern?"

"Jamaica Rain" had just opened, it was a big success.

But then you made two films that failed at the box office.

Isn't that the real reason no
-one will hire you?


After I got sick,

I wasn't offered the best scripts anymore.

Do you blame everything on the implants?

I was fine with my body the way it was.

He forced me

Did he also force you to get your teeth capped?

Your nose done? Your eyebrows reshaped?

Those things didn't make me sick.

They didn't make me looking like a freak!

-Objection, relevance.

You're right, I look hideous!

-I can barely look at myself!
-Unresponsive. Move to strike.

So ordered. The jury will disregard.

Miss Brennen, please stick to answering the questions.

Cheryl, if he'd asked you,

would you have had sex with Jeffrey Stern to get that role?

Objection, calls for speculation.

Your Honor, Miss Brennen has testified

my client wielded so much power

she was helpless to resist.

I'm trying to establish the limits

of Mr. Stern's supposed influence.

Miss Lamb has a point.

I'm going to allow it.

So Cheryl, if the choice had been

sex or no role, no dream,

would you have slept with him or walked away?

I would have walked away.

But you didn't choose to walk away from implants.

No, that was

Thank you, I have nothing further.

You may step down.

This court is adjourned until : tomorrow morning.

See you at : tomorrow morning.

Good work.

Don't ever do that again.

What, neutralize your client's testimony?

Don't treat me like an invalid. I can find my own chair.

Oh, come on, I was only helping.

You were showing the jury that even as you attack Mrs. Brennen,

you are basically a decent and caring person.

And you accomplished that at my expense.

You're the own playing the sympathy angle, David.

My case can be won on its merits.




I went to pick up Matty at day care,

but the Haley's had already gotten him.

That's right.

Do you want me to babysit for you anymore?

Sarah, you haven't been home since Friday night.

When your mother called you at Brian's, you hung up on her.

You haven't notified me or Anne.

That's because this is between my mom and me.

I don't have any problem with you.

You've been playing us off against your mother

over this boyfriend.

I have not.

You like Brian.

Why are you taking her side?

Because she's your mother.

And she knows what's best for you.

I am years old

and she keeps treating me like I'm a child.

Yeah, well, if you behave like a child,

you're going to get treated like one.

You drop into my life after years,

and suddenly you think you know everything there is to know

about being my father?

I don't give a damn what you call me, I am your father.

And if you insist on living with this boy,

and disregarding your mother's advice,

you will not be welcome at my house.



[door slams]

You're up early.


I, uh... I think I'm going to call her.

Well, honey, honey, she's not going to make the first move.

She kind of painted herself into a corner.

That's exactly what she did.

And that's why we have to let her stay there.

I think we were too tough on her.

We could've said no babysitting,

but at least she could come and visit.

But we didn't.

Look, I'm as bad as you are.

I drove by Brian's on the way home yesterday to see if her car was there.

I almost stopped.

You remember when Matty had colic when he was a little baby?

You told me not to worry.

He would grow up, it would get easier.

I lied.


I know it's hard, but you know,

you were right.

More than anything else, right now Sarah needs

for us to give her some room to make her own decisions.

I'll wait one more day.

Mr. Girard, were you Cheryl Brennen's agent

in ?

That's right, we parted ways three years ago.

Did Mr. Stern ever tell you

Cheryl would have to get breast implants

before he'd put her in his movie?

All Jeff said was she'd be more castable if she got the implants.

And have you ever known Mr. Stern to use his position

to exert inappropriate influence on a subordinate?

No. Jeff is one of the most decent

and respected executives in town.

He's got integrity and vision,

Do you remember Cheryl Brennen being reluctant

to have breast implant surgery?

No, I remember her being enthusiastic

about the break she was getting.

Thank you. Nothing further.

Mr. Girard, do you recall a phone conversation

in which Jeffrey Stern brought up a plastic surgeon,

a Dr. Ludwig?

Jeff and I have had hundreds of conversations.

I can't remember each one.

Here is a copy of your phone log for March th, .

Please note the call from J. Stern at :.

Note also your scribbled reference to Dr. Ludwig

next to a doodle of two large bosoms

and a dollar sign.

Now, would this have been when Mr. Stern offered

to pay for Cheryl's surgery?

Maybe. I vaguely remember the call.

Didn't you tell Cheryl that if she didn't get the implants,

she might as well get back on the bus to Minnesota?

That was a joke.

But the reality is, girls with more up top get more work.

But if Mr. Stern never expressed this as an ultimatum,

why did you imply to Cheryl that it did?

Look, he gave me the doctor's number and he said

he saw the part going to a big girl.

He didn't have to say anymore.

So you understood Mr. Stern as saying

if Cheryl didn't get the implants

she would not get that role?

That was my understanding, but it was never

Mr. Girard, isn't it true that you are currently negotiating

two multi
-million dollar film packages

with Mr. Stern's studio?

We're discussing two projects, yes.

So you are in a very direct way beholdened to Mr. Stern

for your livelihood?

Our relationship is based on mutual respect.

Jeff is a man of very high

Don't tell me, a man of integrity and vision,

and you're scared to death of him, aren't you?

Afraid of Jeff? That's crazy.

Then why during your testimony have you been looking

to Mr. Stern for approval,

and if the kind of subtle pressure Jeffrey Stern exerts

can intimidate an experienced agent,

imagine what kind of influence he might have

over a naive,
-old girl.

Objection, Your Honor.

Withdrawn. Nothing more, Your Honor.

I hear your group's concerns,

but thousands of people need low
-income housing.

We got to build it somewhere.

All right, how's : tomorrow?

Great. I look forward to it.

[phone beeps]

Councilman Vance on three.

I'll call him back, I'm late.


Is this Councilman Rollins' office?

Zoe, baby, I tried to call.

I have to cancel lunch.

I have a press conference with the mayor in one minute.

I thought your constituents came first.

They do, but he's... he's the mayor.

Besides, you don't live in my district.


What is that?


For you to put in your desk.

Isn't that what politicians drink?

Bourbon and branch water?

[chuckles] Maybe in Kentucky, yeah.




Paul, this is Zoe.

Zoe, Paul Gimbel, special assistant to the mayor.

Zoey Clemmons.

Sorry, we're on the run.

I understand.

Oh, what time is that dinner on Thursday?

Invitation says :.

Ugh, well, I'll have to reschedule a hearing.

If you're talking about the Brotherhood awards,

they never start on time.

Well, I'm hoping I don't miss Jonathan's first speech.

You got to get going.

Yeah, I'm out of here.


I'll see you tonight.

Mrs. Leach, do you believe in evil spirits?

I believe in spirits. Good and evil.

And you honestly believe that an evil spirit

is interfering with Mr. Steinlage's happiness?


His late wife is very angry with him.

Move to strike.

My client's wife is dead.

Granted, the jury will disregard Mrs. Leach's last remark.

Mrs. Leach, to the average person,

uneducated in the ways of the spirit world,

your methods may seem rather unorthodox.

Why the gourmet food, the designer clothing, the car?

Mrs. Steinlage never got what she wanted

from her husband when she was alive.

Now that she's dead, she's determined to change that.

Your Honor...

Mrs. Leach, I warned you about speaking for Mrs. Steinlage.

Mrs. Leach, if Mr. Steinlage had stuck with your program

and completed his treatment, what would have happened?

His wife would be satisfied

and he'd be dating someone wonderful by now.

Thank you, no further questions.

Mrs. Leach, do the names "Lady Wanda", "Madame Solagne"

and "Miss Lorena" mean anything to you?

They are some of the personas

who have helped me in the past.

Aren't those, in fact, aliases

that you have used in other states?

Yes, but alias is such a judgment laden term.

Mrs. Leach, why didn't you return

all of Julie Steinlage's life insurance money

to Mr. Stienlage as you said you would.

The curse was still on the portion I kept.

I was able to condense the negative energy

into a smaller sum, but

you can never get rid of it completely.

Did you thr*aten my client

that terrible things would happen

if he did not meet your demands?

They weren't my demands!

Mr. Steinlage's wife

Mr. Steinlage's wife is dead, Mrs. Leach.

What can she do with designer clothes, caviar?

Champagne and a Lincoln Towncar?

Loan them to you?

Objection. This is badgering.


Witness will answer the question.

Spirits are unable to rest

when they pass over to the other side

if their earthly desires were left unsatisfied.

I allow myself to be the vessel for these spirits.

If they can experience the fulfillment

of their desires through me,

then they rest.

I may have drunk the champagne,

but Mrs. Steinlage enjoyed it.

Does she also enjoy the Mercedes SL,

and the diamond bezel Rolex

and the Faberge egg

that you have gotten from your other clients?

Objection. Irrelevant.

-The Spirit world is obviously

not a reality for you, Miss Van Owen.

I don't expect you to understand.

But I do understand, Mrs. Leach.

No further questions.


You sure you have time for dinner?

You bet.

Let me just get rid of this stuff.

[phone rings]

This is Frank Kittredge. Leave a message after the beep.


Frank? Frank, are you there?

Pick up, you son of a bitch.

If you think your help with mother's estate

-is all you owe me, you can think again.
-What are you doing?

-Call me or
-That's Laura McConnell.

You did tell her about the letter.

Gwen, I can explain.

You used me and you lied to everyone.

-[tape whirring]

I do know Laura McConnell

but I did not tell her about that letter.

You expect me to believe that?

It sounds like you were sleeping with her.

It started long before I came here

and it's over.

You asked me about the case, Frank.

You worked on nothing else for days, what else were we going to talk about?

I don't know.

Gwen, please, settle down and listen to me.

I didn't expect to feel this way for you, but I do.

-I care about you very much.
-[answering machine beeps]

You erased the tape.

It could be misunderstood.

I think it's very clear.

Before you run off telling any wild story,

you should consider how it's going to make you look.

You're the one who is discussing her boss's business in bed.

You son of a bitch.


No one's disputing Cheryl's beauty.

She had a unique softness and vulnerability.

But the truth was, she looked like a child.

I wanted to go with Cheryl,

but for that picture I felt

I had to have a woman up on the screen.

So you discussed implants with her.

Yes, it was discussed.

But the decision was hers and hers alone.

But you only gave he hours to decide?

We were on a tight production schedule,

but there was never any mention of hours.

I told her we'd talk after a weekend.

What if she'd refused?

Would you still have given her the role?

I don't know, I never had to face that.

The next thing I knew,

I got a call saying that she was having the surgery.

And were you ever told by the late Dr. Ludwig

that breast augmentation was anything but a simple cosmetic procedure?

No. Perfectly safe.

Those were the exact words he used.

Thank you.

Your witness.

Are you saying you might have cast Mrs. Brennen

even if she'd refused the surgery?

As I said, I don't know.

In some circumstances we can pad costumes

or employ a body double.

Well, did you mention exploring these options

when you had lunch with Miss Brennen?

I don't recall.

You testified that Dr. Ludwig advised you

that the implants were safe.

Now, did you rely solely on his advice,

or did you seek out other medical opinions?

Why would I seek other opinions?

The man was a first class plastic surgeon.

We'd used him before without any trouble,

and he never once said anything about complications.

No? Hadn't he notified you the year before

Cheryl's operation in a letter

that implants could rupture

-Objection, Your Honor.
-And cause scarring and disfigurement?

-May we have a sidebar?
-Just exactly how it happened with Cheryl Brennen?

Counsel, approach.

Your Honor, this document is hearsay and without foundation.

The letter was written on Dr. Ludwig's letterhead

and it was found in his files.

It was not signed, Your Honor.

It was addressed to Mr. Stern

and warns of precisely the kinds of complications

my client is suffering.

You can't prove it was ever sent

or that my client ever received it.

Why would the doctor write a letter if not to send it?

Why would he continue to perform implant surgery

for four years after it's dated if he was so concerned?

-I think that

I have to agree with Miss Lamb,

this cannot be connected to Dr. Ludwig.

Anyone could have written it.

But it was found in his files.

That's not enough.

-Your Honor...
-Sorry, Counselor.

You cannot use it. Step back.

Mr. Stern, is it your testimony that

Dr. Ludwig never warned you in writing

-Your Honor, look what he's doing?

The jury should know that this piece of paper

in Mr. McCoy's hand is in no way relevant

and should be totally disregarded.

Did Dr. Ludwig warn you in writing

that implants could cause scarring,

and painful hardening,

and might rupture as they did in Cheryl Brennen's case?

He never warned me in writing or any other way.

I have nothing further for this witness.

You're listening to the unfounded accusations

of some frustrated young woman?

I'm listening to someone I trust.

Give it up, Kittredge.

Just pack up your office and get out.

Aren't you forgetting, I don't work for you,

I work for Susan Bloom.

But you work on McKenzie
-Brackman property.

And at : this afternoon,

I'll have your office locked up tight.

If you attempt to return to these premises,

I'll have you removed.

And I intend to report you to the bar.

Careful, gentlemen.

The McConnell Conservatorship isn't the only McKenzie
-Brackman case

I'm well acquainted with.

If I'm the man you're accusing me of being,

I could bring this firm crashing down.

Cross me, and you won't know what hit you.

Uh, Jon. Got a sec?

Don't tell me, it's the Pico development.

Paul, I got business interests chewing my right ear,

I got community leaders chewing the left.

Which side do you want?

Neither. The mayor's taking a courageously neutral stance on this one.


I wondered if you wanted a ride to the award dinners tomorrow.

Thanks, but I got to pick up Zoey.

Now, Jonathan...

It's not really my business, but

considering that this is going to be

your first major public appearance,

do you think that's a good idea?

Are you saying I should hide the fact

that I'm seeing a white woman?

Of course not.

But you might want to consider the timing

of this kind of personal revelation.

Just so you know.

Girlfriends, black or white,

aren't generally included at political events.

Wives, yes, fiancés, maybe.

How serious are you two, if you don't mind?

We're pretty serious.

You live together?

Not yet.


who you bring and don't bring is up to you.

I just want you to know what you might be getting yourself into.

I understand.

The defense calls the late Julie Steinlage to the stand.


Mrs. Leach has agreed to act as medium

for Mrs. Steinlage.

Your Honor, this is ridiculous.

Counsel, approach the bench.

-Your Honor
-Your Honor, this whole case hinges

on whether or not my client is a fraud.

The jury has a right to see what she does

and judge for themselves.

The jury wouldn't know Julie Steinlage from Eleanor Roosevelt.

But your client would.

-This is asinine.
-Be quiet! Both of you!

Frankly, counselors, I'm still trying to figure out

why this case wasn't settled a long time ago.

Maybe in another life?

However, since we've come this far, Mr. Pavlik,

I'm going to give you some leeway.

-Your Honor
-But, if you turn

my courtroom into a sideshow,

I'm gonna bounce you out of here on your crystal ball.

Now, step back.

[Leach breathing heavily]

Mrs. Steinlage?


Could you please state your name for the court?

Julie Steinlage.

And who is this man?

A lousy philandering pig.


Sustained. Mr. Pavlik, if you can't control Mrs. Steinlage

your witness, we're going to end this right now.

What are you going to do,

throw me into purgatory for contempt?

It's great being dead.

You don't have to listen to anybody.

Mr. Pavlik...

I'm sorry, Your Honor.

Mrs. Steinlage, if you could just please tell the court

something about Mr. Steinlage that only his wife would know?

Bobby Steinlage likes to wear women's underwear.

You said it didn't bother you!

I guess we both said things we didn't mean, eh, buddy

Your Honor.

-Counselors, get control of your clients.
-You're ruining my life!

At least you still got a life!

Everybody, shut up.

Bobby, please sit down. That's enough.

Thank you.

Mr. Pavlik, do you have anything more?

Not a thing, Your Honor. I'm finished.

Miss Van Owen?

We thoroughly questioned Mrs. Leach when she took

the witness stand yesterday, Your Honor.

We have no further questions for her today.


You're still a stubborn as ever.

Who's Boots?

I don't know.

What in the hell do you think you're doing with Frank Kittredge?

He stole privileged information from this firm.

And used it against one of our clients.

You can't prove that.

And you cannot fire a man who represents % of my bottom line.

Susan, you and Frank Kittredge

have brought a lot of money into this firm.

But I would shut my doors and sit on my front porch

before I would continue to do business

with an unethical attorney.

I am not defending Frank Kittredge.

Hell, I've almost fired him myself a couple times.

But I cannot accept you going over my head with this.

Frank is my associate, he is my responsibility,

you should have come to me with this.


Anytime I have ever come to you,

expecting cooperation,

I have received nothing but trouble.

Why would I bring any matter to you?

You are without a doubt, the most obnoxious, arrogant

You're a self
-righteous, high
-handed windbag.

Are you planning to change?

Not on your life!

Well, neither am I.

Frank's history.


In ,

Movie Times magazine ranked Jeffrey Stern

the sixth most powerful man in all of Hollywood.

Cheryl Brennen was an
-old actress just starting her career.

Today, she has no career,

and numerous painful surgeries

have left her permanently d*sfigured

and all because the sixth most powerful man in Hollywood

made her get breast implants.

Now Jeffrey Stern claims it was just a suggestion,

but he knew precisely what he was doing

when he promised her a part in his movie.

He told her he would pay for the surgery,

and then he gave her hours to make up her mind.

That's not a suggestion, that is an ultimatum.

And by making it, he assumed a duty to warn Cheryl

about possible complications from this procedure.

A duty he clearly failed to perform.

Now, today, when Cheryl looks in the mirror

she sees one breast missing,

the other misshapen.

None of us can know the pain she feels.

If it weren't for Jeffrey Stern,

Cheryl Brennen's tragedy would never have happened.

Cheryl Brennen is a young woman

who has endured a terrible tragedy.

And we can't help but feel compassion

for her suffering and for her lost dreams.

But the hard truth is Cheryl made the decision

to have her breasts enlarged,

and I don't doubt that as an year old actress,

she felt tremendous pressure.

But Cheryl wasn't coerced by Jeffrey Stern.

She was seduced by her own desire

to be part of a glamorous industry

that prizes sensual beauty above all else.

And industry supported by an entire society

obsessed with physical perfection.

We can't hold Jeffrey Stern responsible for our obsession,

now did he make Cheryl Brennen's tragic decision.

She made that choice herself.

Hop up.

Nice closing, counselor.

You changed your perfume.

Well, I can't let you have the upper hand.

No, I noticed.

Tell me, C.J., do you really think that Jeffrey Stern

had no duty to warn Cheryl Brennen?

I think she'll have a stronger case with the manufacturer.

You're right.


So how sore a loser are you?

I don't know, it's been a long time since I've lost.

Do you think we'll be able to call a truce?

Only one way to find out.

If I wind up running late, you go on,

and I'll take a cab.

You know, there'll be plenty of other speeches.

It's the kickoff of your political career.

Well, my part will only last about minutes.

Then you'll have to sit through about two hours

of boring acceptance speeches.

Plus the fact that it's a bad neighborhood,

and I don't want you going there by yourself.

You don't want me to go.

Of course I do.



It was mentioned that it might be a better idea

if I went alone.

I told you this was going to come up.

It's not that, it's just the matter of picking the right time.

And this isn't the right time.

Zoey, come on, don't make a big deal out of this.

I already feel like I'm being pulled in six different directions.

And I'm just another thing pulling at you?

No. Of course not.

Yes, I am.

This won't be the last dinner.

It's not gonna get any easier to bring me along.

Your job is going to be pulling us apart,

and I don't want to be the only one trying to put us back together.



I love you.

Then why is it so hard for you

to make a choice that includes me?

Just let me settle into the job

and when we're ready, we'll take a public stand.

I'm ready now.


Obviously, you still have some questions.

I think...

You should call me when you have sorted out what you want.

Has the jury reached a decision?

We have, Your Honor.

What say you?

On both the claims of negligence

and negligent infliction of emotional harm,

we find for the defendant, Jeffrey Stern.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, thank you.

We are adjourned.

There was never any doubt in my mind.

Well, I'm glad you were so confident.

Any chance you're free for a celebration lunch?


I'm sorry, I have another engagement.

I heard you stopped by while I was out.


I just wanted to tell you again how sorry I am about all this.

Arnold told me you gave him your resignation.

It was really stupid of me to pillow talk.

Well, it was a big mistake.

But I'm betting that you learn from your mistakes.

That's why Arnold and I are in agreement

that you should stay on.

That's very generous.

But... I don't think I can work for Arnie again.

Well, that's good,

because Arnold doesn't want you back.

Your heart really isn't in being a secretary.

Arnold suggested and I agree

that with your law school training,

we'd be putting your talents to better work as a law clerk.

Take a few days to think about it if you need to.

No. Yes, yes, I mean...

I want the job.

I'm, uh...

Thank you, Leland.

We're glad you're still on board.


Can I come in?


Is everything okay?


Honey, what's wrong?

Is it Brian, did he do anything?


No, Brian's trying to be so nice.

It's just so obvious.

I don't know what I was thinking.

Just because we liked each other...

Maybe it was a little bit early

for you to move in with each other, huh?

Brian's so great, but...

Living together.

Yeah, well, it's not such an easy thing.

Even for family.

I screwed that up, too.

I wouldn't blame Mom if she never let me came back.

Listen, if you go home,

your mom's going to be just as relieved to see you as I am.

She'll probably ground me forever.

Well, maybe.

But whatever she does, it's going to be because she loves you.

It's like she doesn't see I'm grown up.

Yeah, well, maybe running away wasn't the best way to convince her.

But what you're doing right now?

Talking to me very honestly? Openly?

I think that'll impress her.

Sure as hell impresses me.

Thanks, Dad.


Has the jury reached a verdict?

We have, Your Honor.

In the matter of Steinlage vs. Leach,

we find in favor of the plaintiff,

and order Mrs. Leach to pay damages

in the amount of $,.

The jury is dismissed, and this court is adjourned.

Yes, he was right!

Who was right?

My astrologer. He was the one who advised me to sue her.

Thanks a lot, Miss Van Owen.

At first, they thought I needed glasses.

But then it got worse.

-You were ?

-Just got my drivers' license.

Suddenly, there I am back at square one,

completely dependent.

Well, you've over
-compensated nicely.

Still couldn't beat you.

'Cause you didn't have a case.

Oh, like hell. Now, if the jury had seen that letter

Oh, sour grapes.

-If I had lost...

Well, I wouldn't be gloating over it.

I am not gloating.

And if you could see me,

you would see that I am not gloating.

What are you doing?

I'm admiring your cheekbones.



I want to tell you something about me.

Something my research has overlooked?

I don't apologize for who I am.

And I'm not looking to reform myself.

I've had my share of relationships with men.

I assumed you weren't a virgin.

And I've had my relationships with women.

Does that bother you?

It surprises me.

Are you saying that if we start seeing each other,

you'll be seeing women, too?


No. I wouldn't see other men, either.

I'm pretty bad at playing the field, actually.

Oh, me, too.

You know, if we get involved,

you'll have my undivided attention.

And you'll have mine.

For as long as it's right.

Oh, there's another thing,

I don't seem to settle down for long.

Any other warnings?

No, that's about it.



Let's take this slow.

How slow?

Come in, Miss Van Owen.

I normally close at :,

but I hoped you were coming.

Have a seat.

I didn't come here for a reading.

I just want to know how you knew about Boots.

I don't.

Do you?

It's my nickname.

My mother used to call me that.

Ah, so that's your mother who's so worried.

My mother died four years ago.

She wanted me to tell Boots to stop feeling sad.

I'm not sad.

It has something to do with a man.

Tall, dark.

Was he Latino?

This is crazy, I'm sorry.

Thanks anyway.

He's coming back.


He's coming back.

♪♪ [theme]