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06x19 - Silence Of The Lambskins

Posted: 12/19/23 07:55
by bunniefuu
Previously on "L.A. Law"...

I want to see Sam Perry.

I'm Douglas Brackman, I believe my son's in x

One second please.

As Sam's guardian, you need to sign this authorization

for medical treatment.

Sir, your son is an unlicensed driver.

He was drinking underage,

had an open container in the vehicle.

He ran a red light.

He drove recklessly in order to avoid arrest,

and crashed into a service station.

Now, you people may be divorced,

but if you don't figure out how to fulfill

your continuing obligation to your son,

you're going to lose him.

The judge isn't just going to consider what happened

with you and Alexander.

It's very likely that the whole question

about Benny's guardianship will come up.

I'm revoking Mr. Stulwicz' temporary guardianship

and committing Sam to the custody

of the probation officer.

Can I take Sam home now?

No, Benny.

-It's okay.

Haven't seen you around the office much lately.

Well, the Flanagan case was a real back breaker.

But my schedule looks pretty open

for the next couple of weeks.

Think you might be available?

Thank you.

I can't believe Alexander doesn't want to see us.

I know he's angry, but we're his parents.

We always thought Alexander was the good son.

Must've been hard to live up to.

You're right.

Was the salmon not to your liking?

It's fine, I'm just not hungry.

And your veal, sir?

Uh, I'm sure it's delicious, But uh...

Could I bring you something else, perhaps?

-Just the check, please.

Very well.

By the way, you look sensational.

That's sweet of you, Douglas.

For a change, right?

That's not what I meant.

Bu it's the truth.

We really put each other through a lot.

The infidelities, the counter infidelities,

the backbiting, the name

The public tantrums.

Want to hear something strange?

Those fights in public always aroused me sexually.


Still, somehow we managed to put punishing each other

ahead of everything else, including our kids.

And I couldn't tell you why any of it happened.

Maybe it's time we found out.


It means we're going to have to be honest with ourselves

and honest with each other, and our kids.

That'll be a new experience for everyone.

I've been lonely, Sheila, I miss my family.

Your waiter tells me you do not like the cuisine?

No, we're just not hungry.

If you are not going to eat my food

which I have so carefully prepared,

please don't compound the insult by refusing to tell me why.

Look, I don't want to argue about this.

You Americans.

I don't want to argue. I'm not hungry.

If a Frenchmen didn't like the food he would have

the courage to spit it in my face.

Is that what you would like, monsieur?

Would you like me to expectorate in your face?

[speaks French]

That's it, pay your bill and get out.

With pleasure, you self
-important bidet straddling

little escargot.

Douglas, you're making me hot.

I am?

Take me home, now.

Not before you pay your bill.

You want me to pay your bill? I'll pay your bill.

Let's get out of here.



What a morning!

Did you see Mt. Baldy?

It was crystal clear.

My, my, we're in a good mood this morning.

And why not? Life is good.

First up: Tommy Mullaney heads for Palm Springs today.

Rough life.

Hey, I ain't playing golf, I'm doing a m*rder trial

in Indio: lust, greed,

and three quarter of a million in missing loot.

[whistles] Can't wait to read the paperback.

The only thing it doesn't have is a body.

You've got a m*rder trial with no body?

You'll get him off, easy.

Actually, I'm prosecuting.

-How's that?

The district attorney of Riverside county has hired Tommy

as a special prosecutor.

He's an old pal, we did six years together

in the San Francisco D.A.'s office.

His staff is pretty green and this is going to be tricky,

so he asked me to step in

Good luck.

Next, McConnell vs. Devries.

This is the May
-December romance.

Yeah, more like May
-December of next year.

He's , she's .

After they got married last year,

he took over her financial affairs.

And now her yuppie daughter is petitioning for

conservatorship of her million dollar estate.

On what grounds?

Well, the mother has Alzheimer's.

She's still compis mentis,

but there's no question that she will need a conservator.

She wants it to be her husband.

And lastly, U.S. Government vs. Casanova Condoms.

I turned that down three days ago,

why is it still on the agenda?

Um, I took it.

I think it's a very important case.

The U.S. Customs service seized a shipment of million condoms

that were shipped from Casanova's

overseas manufacturer.

They said they were obscene.

Obscene condoms?

Yeah, the design features the American flag.

This particular model is called the Patriot.

-That's profane.
-Good Lord.

I think it's okay to use as long as you fold it

after you take it off the pole.

And don't let it touch the ground

It's okay to joke, but I think there's a very important

first amendment issue here.

That's right, it's our flag, and we should respect it.

Wherever it's hung. So to speak.

Before this degenerates any further,

we're adjourned.


Hi! I had a great time Saturday.

So did I. Are you busy tonight?

Big Daddy's playing in Santa Monica.

-I can be coerced.

Pick you up at seven.

Big Daddy?

s retro group, they're great.

So is this getting serious?

Oh, serious isn't the word for Frank.

He might look like the angel of death,

but he's actually got a pretty wonky sense of humor.

You didn't answer the question.

No, it's not serious. Serious gets messy.

Relax, I'm a big girl.

I know what I'm doing.

They wouldn't budge?

No, customs inspector Dodek isn't exactly flexible

in this issue.

Not only was he a Korean w*r veteran,

but his uncle helped raise the flag on Iwo Jima.

Aw, this is a disaster.

I'm six weeks behind on delivery

and my entire stock, million Patriots

are stuck in some government warehouse.

If I don't move 'em soon, I'm out of business.

Don, I'm confident we're going to with this thing,

Now the hearing on the preliminary injunction'

the day after tomorrow.

You could be shipping the following day.

You'd think with all the problems in the world today,

AIDs, teen pregnancy,

they'd be more concerned with those

than what's on a rubber.

You want to hear something ironic?

What's that?

It's the best damn sheath I ever made.

And I'm not just talking visual impact.

The stars, they're raised ever so slightly

for the added stimulation of the female partner.

The stripes, triple ribbed. Maximum pleasure.

No kidding,

I guess this puts the kibosh on my Lady Liberty model.

The torch forms a reservoir in the tip.

Mrs. McConnell, you never approved of your mother's

new husband, did you?

If by that you mean I've never believed

he was really in love with her, you're right.

What do you know about love?

You've been divorced three times.

Marian, please, let me handle this.

Darling, maybe you shouldn't be here, it upsets you so.

No, if she's going to make accusations,

she makes them to my face.

What exactly did Mr. Devries do to make you feel this way?

For starters, he fired her business manager of years

and replaced him with his,

then they reinvested all her blue chip stock

in unstable commodities.

It's her money, isn't it?

My father worked very hard for that money, Mr. Becker,

and she's letting that gigolo throw it away.

Don't you talk about my husband that way.

I love Marian. Why is it so hard for you to accept?

Any money she loses is less money for you to inherit,

isn't that what's really bothering you, Miss McConnell?

No, it's not.

She's not even in my will anymore.

This is the only way she can get to my money.

Miss McConnell would have no claim to your money

as conservator.

She's simply trying to protect your own interests.

For God's sake, Mother, can't you see through him?

Are you so far gone you can't see what he is?

I was so lonely after your father died.

I heard from you and your brother once, twice a month.

Roger is with me every morning

when I wake up and at night when I go to bed.

Maybe someday you'll understand how something so simple

can mean so much.

Six months I've been busting ass prepping this case

and at two seconds to midnight,

Howie calls his old drinking buddy

and make me second chair.

No, I'm serious.

Worse, I have to share my office with this shmoe.

Viv, I'll call you back.

Tommy Mullaney?


But Shmoe's fine.

Marcia Trafficante.

Gone over the files you've sent,

I'm ready to go.

Look, about the...

This is my first m*rder, I'm kind of attached to it.

Hey, Howie says your his top g*n

but you've only been at this, what, three years?


Took me five before I did my first m*rder.

Second chairing should be a good experience for you.

First would be better.

Not if you aren't ready.

Oh, you're not planning on doing that here?

I guess not.

On December th of last year,

Gary Lowery received a phone call from his wife, Donna

telling him that she would be working late at the bank

where she was employed as head teller.

Working with this man, Ronald Price, the branch manager.

Donna Lowery has not been seen since.

Traces of her blood were found in Ronald Price's car

and there were other signs of foul play.

But Donna's body was never found.

That's because Ronald Price made sure

Donna's body never would be found.

That was the key to his plan.

For one the same night Ronald Price k*lled Donna Lowery,

he also stole $,

from the bank where they both worked.

He thought if he hid her body well enough,

it would look like she ran off with the money.

But Ronald learned

that m*rder is a messy business.

It's hard to k*ll someone and not leave

evidence of your crime.

In the next few days, you'll hear that evidence,

and after you do,

you'll find that that man

is a ruthless cold blooded k*ller

and that he m*rder*d Donna Lowery.

There was a plan to steal $,

from the bank of Palm Springs.

Donna Lowery's plan.

She used her position as head teller

and her considerable wiles

to entrap Ronald Price and set him up

for her crime.

She stole that money.

And then to escape suspicion,

she faked her own death.

That's why no body was ever found.

Because Donna Lowery is still alive,

an no doubt living very well.

The prosecution's case is entirely circumstantial,

as you'll discover.

And once that becomes apparent,

I'm confident there is no way you can find my client guilty

of a m*rder he didn't commit.

Oh, God, Arnie's gonna pitch a fit.

He wanted me in early today.

He's really running you ragged with

the McConnell case, isn't he?

You don't know the half of it.

I'd guess there's more to a
-old guy married

to an old lady than meets the eye.

You'd be right.

I found a letter he wrote to Marian dated six months ago.

-What kind of letter?
-It was an apology.

It seems old Roger, in an effort to prop up a failing business

borrowed some money from one of his wife's accounts

without her knowledge.

Have you seen my stockings?

They're under the nightstand.


how much did this guy embezzle?


Oh, ,.

He was in New York when she found out

and he wrote her this letter,

promised never to do it again, and she forgave him.

Sounds like a real sleaze.

Try telling that to Marian.

She says the incident is over and done with

and has nothing to do with her future interests.

I don't suppose the judge would agree.


So Arnie's sitting on the letter?

I know, I don't like it either.

What can he do?

I mean, what would you do?

Probably the same thing.

Oh, Frank.

The world isn't going to end if you're a little bit late.



Detective Navie, you were called to the scene

when Ronald Price was found in his car

the night Donna Lowery disappeared?

Yes. He was parked on the Old Foothill road

about miles from town.

He was in the driver's seat and appeared to be asleep.

Was there anything unusual about Mr. Price's appearance?

He was pretty beat up.

There were scratches across his face and neck

like he'd been in a struggle

and there was a deep bite wound on his right arm.

The same bite wound that forensic dental reports

say match the pattern of Donna Lowery's teeth.


Did you find any evidence of a struggle in the car?

Yes, I found three spots of fresh blood

on the head cushion of the passenger seat.

And did subsequent DNA tests stipulated to

by the defense indicate whose blood this was?

Yes, it was Donna Lowery's blood.

Detective, you subsequently investigated

the theft of $, from the bank

where both Mr. Price and Mr. Lowery worked.


Did you come up with any suspects?

We believe it was an inside job.

Other employees had access to the vault.

but they all checked out

except for Ronald Price and Donna Lowery.

And in your opinion is Donna Lowery a viable suspect?


The witnesses opinion is irrelevant.


The witness may answer the question.

No, in my opinion, Donna Lowery is dead.

Nothing further.

Detective, ever find any of that stolen money?

Not yet.

And you have no body.

How about a m*rder w*apon?

No, but the investigation

Detective, did you testify that you found

Mr. Price unconscious?

Didn't a drug test later reveal that he had traces

of the sedative diazepam in his body?

That's correct.

And didn't you find an empty beer can

in his car that also had traces of diazepam in it?

Yes, I did.

Isn't it true that Donna Lowery

had a prescription for that same sedative?

We believe he drugged himself.

But Donna Lowery could have drugged him, couldn't she?

She could have staged this entire scene to incriminate him.

It's possible.

Like one in a million.

Detective, when Mr. Price regained consciousness,

did he say anything to you?

He said, "She stole my key."

Isn't it true that Mr. Price kept the only copy of the key

needed to enter the vault area,

and this key was indeed missing?

He didn't have the key on him, but that doesn't

Has this key ever been recovered?

That doesn't mean anything.

He could've disposed of it along with the body.

Thank you, Detective. Nothing further.



-How are you doing?
-All right.

This is Paul Gimbel, one of the mayor's special aids.

Jonathan Rollins.

Pleasure to meet you, Jonathan.

The pleasure's mine. Have a seat.

So what's up, Naomi?

What's this all about? Campaign contributions?

In a way.

Did you ever meet Art Middleman?

No, I never met him.

The councilman who dropped dead of a heart attack.

That's the one.

I'm in his district. I only knew him by reputation,

but I admired him.

The city council still needs to appoint someone

to fill our Art's term and to maintain the minority balance

on the council, they'd prefer another black

to fill Art's shoes.

Have you talked to Howard Gabriel or John Perry?

No. We're talking to you.

Excuse me?

You made quite a splash when you sued the LAPD last year.

I settled that case, Naomi.

Exactly. You're a tough critic, but not a fanatic.

You can't be serious.

It's a five month term.

We need someone with a conscience,

someone that's responsive to the needs of the community.

And if you like, Art's seat comes up

for re
-election in the fall.

Then you can run in your own right.

I have absolutely no legislative experience.

Come on, you know that.

Neither did Art when he ran for his first seat,

back in '.

He was just a small businessman, no political experience at all.

But he had guts. He had savvy.

And most of all, he had a heart.

Like you, we hope.

Jonathan, you can have a real future in this town.

We want to help you realize it.


I thought you were going to lunch.

I don't feel like it.

But it's a beautiful day! Take advantage of it.

Did you go visit Sam this weekend?

They got him in a house with a lot of other kids.

He doesn't even have his own bedroom.

I'm sure they're taking excellent care of him.

I know it hurts, Benny.

All I can tell you is someday, it'll hurt less.

I don't want it to.

Well, I'm afraid it does whether we want it to or not.

You don't hurt now like you did

when your mother died, do you?


We all lose people, Benny.

But if we're lucky, we find others.

They're not replacements, just additions.

I don't want to stop missing Sam.

You wont.

You'll just learn to live with it.

Mr. Lowery, when was this picture of your wife taken?

Last summer.

On our vacation in Hawaii.

So it was around the same time

that Donna started to get harassing phone calls

from Ronald Price.

Yes, he'd call at all hours.

He was obsessed with the idea of having a relationship with her.

Donna got so scared she was afraid to pick up the phone.

Well, did you and Donna press charges against Mr. Price?

We threatened to.

But he...

He promised to stop calling

and begged us not to tell anyone.

He said it would ruin his career.

That's why he k*lled her, because she rejected him.

Objection! Move to strike.

Mr. Lowery...

The jury will disregard that last statement.

Just one more question, Mr. Lowery.

When was the last time you spoke to Donna?

It was about :.

On the night she...

she disappeared.

She called to tell me she'd be working late at the bank.

With him. She wasn't happy about it.

Thank you.

Nothing further.

From your description, I can see how your wife

would be traumatized by those phone calls.

Such a sweet, innocent girl.

Mr. Lowery, do you recognize this picture of your wife?

When you first met Donna, she was a stripper

at a club you owned, wasn't she?

That was a long time ago.

To your knowledge, how many affairs did your wife have?

I don't know. A couple.

Oh, there were more than a couple, weren't there?

Bartender at your restaurant, your ex business

a neighbor.

Donna picked men up all the time, didn't she?

No, she wasn't like that.

Didn't she state publicly she wanted a divorce?

That was just talk. We had a fight.

Oh, come on, your marriage was a sham, wasn't it?

She thought you were a loser and she wanted out.

No. We had our problems, yes, but my wife loved me.

And I loved her.

Maybe. Or maybe she's off on some beach

with a new boyfriend and ,!

-Move to strike!

Withdrawn, no further questions.

How could you not know she was a stripper?

Lowery told me she was a waitress.

why would he lie? The employment records checked out.

Well, you have to dig a little.

You have to ask the right questions.

What more do you want me to do?

Instead of waiting for something to happen,

make it happen.

Maybe Price bought a shovel, maybe he bought a g*n.

Dig deeper. Find something!

Thanks for the tip.

You're welcome.


Mr. Price, why did you make those phone calls

to Donna Lowery last year?

I was obsessed with her.

We'd been having an affair.

[courtroom murmuring]

How long had this affair lasted?

Three wonderful weeks.

Then... she called it off.

I didn't want to let go.

You see, Donna knew the power that she had over me.

That's why I was the perfect sap for her plan.

That's opinion, not fact. Move to strike.

Motion granted.

What happened on the night she disappeared?

We both worked late, as we often did.

After the other employees left, Donna asked me if

I wanted to go for a drive.

I couldn't believe she was being so friendly.

So, you went for a drive together in your car?

Yes, but before we left,

she took a couple cans of beer

from a cooler that she had in the trunk of her car.

Once we were driving, she began to kiss me

and... touch me.

Where did you drive to?

She suggested the Old Foothill road.

She said we'd have lots of privacy there.

On the way, we drank the beer.

I remember thinking that mine tasted funny,

but... Donna insisted that I finish it.

What happened next?

We got there, and we made love.

Donna's way.


She raked her fingernails across my neck

and face and I remember noticing that her

lip was bleeding.

At one point, she bit me on the arm

and she wouldn't let go.

I screamed, but...

the pain was...



Now, I realize she was just setting me up.

What happened after?

I guess I passed out because the next thing

I remember, the police were there

and Donna and my vault key were gone.

Thank you.

Nothing further.

To your knowledge, does anybody else know

about this supposed affair with Donna Lowery?

Not that I'm aware of.

So Donna's the only one who could confirm if it ever existed,

but she's not exactly available, is she?

No, she's not.

Did you buy a three and a half by two foot trunk

two weeks before Donna disappeared?


Your Honor, we have just located a shopkeeper

in Twenty
-nine Palms who can verify the sale.

I've got a sworn affidavit and a sales receipt.

Objection, this hearsay

and none of it has been authenticated.

I'm going to allow it.

-Your Honor...
-Overruled, Counsel.

I want to see where this goes.

Did you buy the trunk, Ronald?


I was planning on storing some old clothes in it.

What happened to it?

It was stolen from my car.

Did you report it to the police?

I didn't want to bother.

Isn't the real reason you got that trunk

so you could bury Donna Lowery in it?

-It's quite a plan, Ronald.

What did you do, force her into the car at gunpoint?


Driving out to the desert, she had to know she was going to die.

Your Honor!

-So she fought back
-Sustained. Counselor?

-And it might have worked, Ronald...
-Mr. Mullaney.

-if she hadn't bled on you seat...
-Mr. Mullaney!

And taken that chunk out of your arm.

Mr. Mullaney, that's enough!

I'm done.

Nice job on cross.

-Nice job with the trunk.
-Thank you.

You're welcome.

Mr. Dodek, on March th of this year,

acting on capacity as customs inspector

for the port of Los Angeles,

you examined a shipment

of these so
-called Patriot condoms.


Is this what you saw

when you opened one of the packages?


Your Honor, I'd like to enter this Patriot condom

as respondent's exhibit A.

So entered.

Inspector Dodek, you determined these condoms were obscene?

Yes. To put the flag, our national emblem,

onto a prophylactic device such as this

is an insult to every decent citizen.

And because of its obscene nature,

you confiscated the shipment?

That's right.

Standard procedure with material such as this.

Thank you, I have nothing further.

Inspector Dodek, federal obscenity laws

make no mention of the American flag, do they?

You don't need a book of statutes to see

that putting a flag on a condom is a desecration.

Are you aware the Supreme Court has ruled

that insulting the American flag

-is not a crime?
-Objection, irrelevant.

The Supreme Court decision was limited

to burning or desecrating the flag.

Your Honor, if it's okay to burn it,

one can reasonably argue it's okay to ej*cul*te into it.

You've got to be kidding.

It's the same principle.

The Supreme Court was dealing with criminal statutes,

not with the importation of obscene materials.

Objection sustained.

Inspector, we realize this can be offensive to some people.

But there is a deeper,

a more penetrating, if you will, issue, here.


Freedom of expression is guaranteed under

the first amendment of the constitution.

Isn't that right, Inspector?

Objection, how does wearing the flag on a man's genitalia

constitute free expression?

It's not like he was hanging it out his window on Veteran's day.

But if he were hanging it out his window on Veteran's day,

that would be free speech, is that what you're saying?

-That's not what I said.
-Objection, calls for a legal conclusion.

-And what about Mr. Butcher?

Did it ever occur to you

that putting the American flag on a condom

is his way of being patriotic?

That's right.

-Mr. Butcher.
-No, it's vulgar.

Is it possible, inspector?

I suppose anything is possible.

Then this confiscation is a violation

of his freedom of speech, isn't it?

We're talking about rubbers here, for God's sake.

Yes or no, inspector.

If this prophylactic is an expression

of Mr. Butcher's patriotism,

isn't it possible that it's a violation

of his first amendment rights?

I suppose so.

God bless America.


Are you done, Counselor?

Yes. Yes, I am.

Inspector, you may step down.

This is the most perverse proceeding that I've ever witnessed.


While I find this product to be thoroughly repugnant,

there is no law that prohibits its importation or sale,

therefore I order it to be permitted into the country.

Your Honor, I request you stay your ruling

pending an emergency appeal to the th Circuit.

All right, I'll give you days.

Thirty days? I can't wait days.

Objection, Your Honor, this is a stalling tactic,

one that can cost my client his business.

Put a sheath on it, counselor.

This court is adjourned.


I know this isn't what you want to hear, Jonathan,

but adding partners to an already top heavy firm,

simply makes no sense.

At the moment.


I figured as much.

Have you, uh... have you been approached by another firm?


Actually, I've been approached about filling out

the city council term of Art Middleman.


Well, that's wonderful, Jonathan.

I haven't decided yet whether to take it.

I wanted to explore all my options.

Sure, sure, I understand.

There have been so many changes here this past year,

but I never thought you'd be one of them.

You're a valued member of this firm, Jonathan.

We'd be... Well, I'd be very sorry to see you go.

Thank you.

But an opportunity like this...

doesn't come along every day.

And if you do decide to take it,

no one would be happier for you...

no one could be prouder of you

than McKenzie

Thanks, Leland.

I'll let you know what I decide.


In my office, now.

Damn it, Gwen, I thought I told you to be discreet.

About what?

A subpoena?

For the Roger Devries letter.

About his misappropriation of funds.

How in the hell did they find out about this?

Not from me.

Well, it wasn't from me, either.

I never wrote anything down,

I even coded the file to be safe.

And I didn't discuss this...

with anyone.

What is it?

Did you tell someone?



You son of a bitch.


Arnie's case just blew up.

The other side subpoenaed that letter,

and once the judge sees it,

he's bound to rule in favor of the daughter.

So why are you yelling at me?

Because you told them.


Yesterday I tell you something that no

but Arnie and I know,

and next day it's suddenly in possession

of opposing counsel.

You tell me, Frank, what else am I supposed to think?

This is demented.

Even if I had reason, which I don't,

I would never take information

Arnie's had this case pending for months,

is that why you cozied up to me?

Why you started dating me?

Yes, and I'm a money launderer for BCCI, too.

Listen to yourself, you sound like Oliver Stone.

Then you tell me how they found out about the letter, Frank.

Maybe the husband kept a copy.

Maybe it was on disk and someone discovered it by accident.

You know what this sounds like to me?

No, what?

Like you're scared.

Like you let yourself get a little too close

after pushing men away for so long

Don't change the subject.

You are only too eager to think the worst of me

so you can walk away from this relationship without guilt.


Don't flatter yourself, we had sex.

We didn't bond for life.

So you're not feeling crowded, then.

The other night, that wasn't intimacy, that was just a romp.

Is that what you're saying?

Go to hell.



I'm coming, I'm coming.


I came to get ya.

Nobody called?

No, what's going on?

Donna Lowery's husband found a package on his doorstep tonight.

He brought it to the police about an hour ago.

What sort of package?

One with $, in it.

Part of the stolen money, the serial numbers match.

I've got Lowery waiting in my office.

Do you mind?

Oh, as if I'd care.

Come on. You'll drive.

I'll dress.

When I saw the money, my head started spinning.

I thought, my God, maybe Donna's alive.

Then I realized, if she was alive,

she was still out of my life.

Only it felt even worse than before.

You didn't find a note, no handwriting on the package?


You really think she could be alive, Gary?

Well, I don't know.


What do you think?

I think that we're done here.

You can go home now.

I did the right thing, didn't I?


Is this a great mind at work,

or are you just having a nicotine fit?

This is too convenient.

Price had to have sent that money.

He knows we've got to turn it over to the other side.

He's trying to create enough reasonable doubt

to get off.

That's true, he'd need help. He's locked up.

Which means he had an accomplice.

Probably someone who was in it from the start.

You know, I got this theory.

Guys who do m*rder aren't exactly rocket scientists.

Wow, where's a pencil? Let me write that down.


All I'm saying is that we are smarter than them.

We should be able to figure this out.

If we don't... Price walks.

You know when you mentioned an accomplice,

I flashed on Price's clothes.

The fact that there were no signs of dirt.

Maybe he had some help with the body.

What kind of budget does your office have?

Pretty comfortable, why?

It's a long shot.

You're probably gonna laugh.

Hey, I saw you in your boxer shorts.

What could be funnier?

Do you want to hear this or not?

Sorry. Go ahead.

What if it's a set


-Oh, hi, Don.

Uh, I just dropped by to tell you to quit fighting the appeal.

Why? We've got every chance of winning this thing.

Yeah, well, it doesn't matter anymore.

I'm pulling out of the U.S. market.

Some flag
-hugging group heard about the Patriots

and they started to thr*aten to boycott

anyone who sells them,

I lost two big drugstore chains in two hours.

Yeah, but there's still the principle.

I ain't got time for principles.

I got to get down to the docks

and supervise the loading of my condoms.

Customs is letting me ship them as long as they go someplace else.



Last month I shipped a few thousand Patriots

to Tokyo, you know, test the waters?

Now I got orders coming out of my ears.

Kind of gives new meaning to the phrase Rising Sun,

doesn't it?

Well, that's great.

What you said in the courtroom?

About being an American?

It was beautiful.

I want you to have this.

Six pack of Patriots.



Sorry to interrupt your lunch.

No problem. What's up?

We just need you to look at something, please.

This is the security video from a bank in Honolulu.

It was taken two days ago.

-Watch closely.


Is that your wife?

It can't be.

Are you sure?

Is it her, Gary?

Well, I, I...

I don't know.

Could it be?


Turn it off.


Level with me.

Is there any chance that Donna and Price might be in this together?



Okay. Thanks for coming down.


He looks like he just saw a ghost.

It's me.

Lowery just left.

Well, the salary's negligible

compared to what I make at McKenzie

but, you know, if I ever decide to go back

into private practice,

I can command a hell of a lot more.

Jonathan, I didn't know you had

any political aspirations at all.

I don't know, Zoe.

At Harvard, I was one of the editors of the law review.

I'd won the Ames competition.

Before I'd even graduated,

I had job offers form half a dozen law firms.

I mean, I was hot.

And now five years later, I'm not saying I'm cold,

it's just this isn't where I thought I'd be by now.

Jonathan, what happens to you and me

if you take this job?

What do you mean?

Well, look at me.

I'm hardly the kind of girlfriend

who's likely to do a black politician any good.

That's ridiculous. That shouldn't matter.

It shouldn't, but it will.

Well, I won't let it...


Last week you told me I wasn't being realistic

about Howard Grady.

Now who's being unrealistic?

Hey, Zoe...

what would you say if I told you

that I want to take this job?

I'd say I want you to do what makes you happy.

I mean that.

I know you do.

[siren blares]

Sheriff's department, hold it right there.

Don't move!

-Hold it, Lowery!

Hands in the air!

Turn around.

Diaz and Robo, check out his car.

Jackson, let's see what Mr. Lowery's been digging for.

Come to see whose body you buried?

It was you and Price, wasn't it, Gary?

From the start.

What about the video?

An actress.

You had to wonder who or what was in the trunk

Price gave you to bury.

Is this your wife's necklace?

Gary, if you'll testify against Price,

we can make it easier on you.

I want to talk to my lawyer.

Read him his rights.

You have the right to remain silent.

If you give up the right to remain silent,

anything you say can and will be used against you.

So he paid your fee in rubber?

What's the difference between a tire and condoms?

I give up.

One is a Goodyear, and the other is a great year.


I think we should try one of these.

Might be fun.

Honey, technically, that stuff is still contraband.

That makes it even more thrilling.

No, no, no, no.

I've never been one to wrap myself in the flag.


Oh, look at this!

Oh my God.


I have a strong desire to salute it.

Well, I have a stronger desire

to give you my unbending allegiance.



[clears throat]


-Good news.
-Come on in.

Gary Lowery plead out, he's going to testify against price.

You turned him around already!

I told him if he didn't talk we'd go for the death penalty.

That can work.

You know, I almost felt sorry for him.

Donna's cheating drove him nuts.

He said that's how Price sucked him in.

They'd both been rejected by her.

They both wanted revenge.

And he didn't mind the money, either.


Well, you know, I was only second chair.

Not after this.


What's in the bag?


I... I thought you might want to help me celebrate.

Unless you're too busy.

No, um...

I just thought you might be sick of my face by now.

So did I.

But I decided it's not such a bad face.

You sure know how to charm a guy.

So should we go somewhere?

I mean, you don't want to sit around my motel room

drinking beer, do you?

I don't know.

Sounds like it could have possibilities.

[phone rings]


GWEN: Frank?


I hope I'm not calling too late.



What are you doing up so late?

I'm just trying to study.

Frank, um...

I want to apologize... for yesterday.

You were right.

There are dozens of ways they could have found out about that letter.

I went off half

Seemed fully
-cocked to me, I still have the powder burns.

I also wanted to...

tell you that you were right about something else.

It's been a long time since I've let myself...

get close to anyone.

And I have to work on that, I know.

But in the meantime, I am sor... sorry.

Hey, never happened.


I'll see you tomorrow?

Of course.

Go get some sleep.



Who was that?

Just a friend.

♪♪ [theme]